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PART 8: Liver and Pancreas Transplantation


Orthotopic liver transplantation
Kendra D. Conzen, M.B. Majella Doyle, and William C. Chapman

OVERVIEW to an expansion in the indications for transplantation and a con-

comitant increase in the number of patients referred to trans-
Since the initial descriptions of orthotopic liver transplantation plant centers (see Chapter 97A). The downside to this success
(OLT) in the 1960s, both the number of patients receiving is the persistent disparity between the number of recipients
transplants and the indications for the procedure have increased vying for a transplant and the number of donor organs available,
significantly. OLT represents the only treatment modality for a relatively constant supply (Fig. 98A.1).
many patients with a diverse spectrum of disease, with the pre- The number of patients listed for OLT has increased sixfold
dominant common factor being end-stage liver failure. It also since 1993, whereas the number of transplantations performed
has become an excellent option as curative therapy for early increased by only 45% during the same time. In 2008 in the
stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Advances in periopera- United States, 15,807 patients were on the waiting list for a liver
tive care of both donor and recipient, organ preservation transplant, a decline from a peak of nearly 17,000 in 2002
methods, and surgical techniques have resulted in a 1-year (Wolfe et al, 2010); however, only 5817 of the patients on the
overall survival of 88% for all recipients (Wolfe et al, 2010). waiting list received a liver allograft, and 90% of these recipients
Although gains over the last 40 years in the field of hepatic had a Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score above
transplantation are notable, many limitations remain, not the 15 at transplantation (U.S. Scientific Registry of Transplant
least of which is the relatively fixed pool of cadaveric organ Recipients [USRTR], 2008).
donors. Techniques such as living donor liver transplantation Historically, the donor-to-recipient disparity leads to longer
(LDLT), use of non–heart-beating donors, and splitting cadav- waiting times and worsening medical status with a peak waiting-
eric grafts may extend the benefit of OLT to more patients list attrition rate of 187 per 1000 patient-years at risk in 1999.
awaiting transplantation. This rate declined by 15% and has remained steady over the
This chapter presents a broad overview of liver transplan- last few years at 160 per 1000 patient-years at risk (Thuluvath
tation, including common criteria for recipient and donor et al, 2010). Because of the limited supply of donor organs,
selection (see Chapter 97A), standard operative approaches for appropriate recipient and donor selection is paramount to
donors and recipients (see Chapter 99), common postsurgical improve resource use and long-term outcome.
complications (see Chapter 100), and outcomes related to the
underlying etiology of end-stage liver disease (ESLD). Special-
ized transplant techniques, such as split-liver and living-related Recipient Selection
donor liver transplantation, are described in Chapters 98B Common indications for OLT (see Chapter 97A) include portal
and 98C. hypertension as manifested by variceal bleeding, ascites,
encephalopathy, hyperbilirubinemia, hepatic synthetic dysfunc-
PATIENT SELECTION tion, and lifestyle limitations. More than 70% of liver transplan-
tations are for noncholestatic liver disease, of which the most
OLT represents the only curative treatment option for most common etiologies are viral hepatitis (30%) and alcoholic
patients with irreversible acute and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (16%) (USRTR, 2008). Biliary atresia is the most
cirrhosis, regardless of cause. Over the past 4 decades, 5-year common indication for liver transplantation in patients younger
patient survival after liver transplantation has increased from than 18 years of age (Busuttil et al, 2005; Goss et al, 1998).
less than 50% to greater than 70% or more (Busuttil et al, 2005; Nonalcholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is becoming an increas-
Jain et al, 2000). The improvement in patient outcome has led ingly common cause of liver cirrhosis, as the prevalence of
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1723

15,000 Increasingly, advances in surgical technique and medical

supportive care are overcoming obstacles and comorbid condi-
tions formerly considered absolute contraindications to trans-
10,000 plantation, including portal vein thrombosis (PVT), human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, and advanced age.
Patients who receive liver transplants now have higher rates of
5,000 diabetes mellitus (DM), renal insufficiency, and morbid obesity
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). Although pretransplantation insulin-
dependent DM is not a contraindication to transplantation, evi-
dence suggests that better risk stratification of these patients is
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
warranted (Thuluvath, 2005). Likewise, patients with extreme
body mass indexes (<18.5 or >40) might be at higher risk for
posttransplantation complications (Dick et al, 2009). Morbid
Deceased donor Tx
obesity is also associated with an increased risk of infectious
Living donor Tx
complications and posttransplantation malignancy.
Liver waiting list
Although HIV infection has historically been considered a
contraindication to OLT, the advent of highly active antiretrovi-
FIGURE 98A.1. Data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant
Recipients (SRTR), 2009 OPTN/SRTR Annual Report, demonstrates the ral therapy (HAART) has turned HIV into a chronic condition,
persistent disparity between patients on the waiting list and recipients and patients are now living long enough to suffer the morbidity
of deceased-donor and living-donor allografts. The number of patients and mortality of other diseases, including ESLD. Therefore
awaiting a liver transplant at year’s end decreased after the introduc- some patients with HIV may be considered for liver transplan-
tion of the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) and the pediat- tation, if their CD4 T-cell count is greater than 200 and their
ric MELD allocation system. Tx, treatment. HIV RNA viral load is less than 50 copies/μL within 12 months
prior to transplantation (Di Benedetto et al, 2008). It should be
noted that hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection with HIV pre-
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) increases; NAFLD dicts worse outcomes after OLT, with faster and higher rates of
now affects an estimated 10% of children (Schwimmer HCV recurrence (Di Benedetto et al, 2008).
et al, 2006). The etiology of liver failure may be predictive of outcome
Few true, absolute contraindications to OLT exist that uni- after OLT, although the correlation between preoperative risk
formly portend a poor patient outcome (Box 98A.1). Advanced and graft survival sometimes varies. Jain and colleagues (2000)
cardiopulmonary disease, known extrahepatic malignancy, examined outcomes after OLT in 4000 consecutive patients
uncontrolled systemic sepsis from a source originating outside treated at the University of Pittsburgh. Patients with metabolic
the liver, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and or autoimmune liver disease experienced 10-year survival rates
ongoing or recent substance abuse are absolute contraindica- greater than 60%, whereas the survival rates for viral hepatitis
tions. Many of the relative contraindications are conditions that or alcohol-induced cirrhosis were 40% to 50%, and patients
are expected to improve after successful OLT. Examples include transplanted for advanced hepatic malignancy had only a 22%
severe hemodynamic instability (e.g., shock) requiring multiple survival at 10 years. Results for all patients were better in the
pharmacologic agents to maintain perfusion and severe hypoxia most recent era. Earlier contradictory reports notwithstanding,
uncorrected by conventional intensive care measures in the recipient age probably does not influence transplantation results
context of hepatopulmonary syndrome. Other relative contrain- significantly (Gayowski et al, 1998; Ploeg et al, 1993; Totsuka
dications to OLT are extensive mesenteric venous thrombosis, et al, 2004). Thorough screening for medical comorbidities
morbid obesity, psychiatric disorders uncontrolled by conven- commonly found in older populations—such as lifestyle-
tional means, absence of a suitable social support network, and limiting cardiopulmonary disease, systemic vascular disease,
extremes of age (Jain et al, 2000; Loinaz et al, 2002; Rustgi and chronic renal insufficiency—is crucial to successful OLT in
et al, 2004). patients older than 60 years.
The recipient selection process has undergone extensive
revisions to ensure equitable allocation of a scarce resource
(cadaveric donor livers) while attempting to avoid futile trans-
Box 98A.1 plantation. Before February 2002, recipients awaiting OLT
Contraindications to Orthotopic Liver Transplantation were prioritized based on the Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP)
scoring system (Table 98A.1), time on the waiting list, and
patient location (e.g., intensive care unit). Waiting lists grew
Advanced cardiopulmonary disease
under this system, and it became increasingly clear that these
Extrahepatic malignancy
Uncontrolled sepsis parameters were not good measures of disease severity.
Active substance abuse In 2000, the Department of Health and Human Services
ABO incompatibility issued a guideline stating that the allocation of livers for trans-
Relative plantation should be based primarily on medical urgency
Hemodynamic instability (Freeman et al, 2002). The United Network of Organ Sharing
Severe hypoxia (except with hepatopulmonary syndrome) (UNOS), which administers the Organ Procurement and
Human immunodeficiency virus infection Transplantation Network, commissioned several subcommit-
Refractory psychiatric disorders tees to examine new methods for allocation. The result was the
Absence of adequate social support
universal adoption of the MELD criteria (Table 98A.2) as a

Table 98A.1 PELD: SPLIT patients

MELD: national waitlist
Child-Turcotte-Pugh Classification
1 2 3 80%

Percent survival
Encephalopathy None 1 or 2 3 or 4 60%
Ascites Absent Slight Moderate 50%
Bilirubin (mg/dL) 1 to 2 2 to 3 >3 40%
Albumin >3.5 2.8 to 3.5 <2.8 30%
Prothrombin time 1 to 4 4 to 6 >6 10%
(seconds prolonged)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Severity score
measure of the potential recipient’s necessity for OLT. Concur-
FIGURE 98A.2. Correlation between Model for End-Stage Liver
rent revision of the pediatric liver allocation process produced
Disease (MELD) and the pediatric MELD (PELD) score and patient
the Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD) model, which is mortality. SPLIT, Studies of Pediatric Liver Transplantation. (Adapted
discussed further in Chapter 98C. Per a policy change in 2005, from Freeman RB Jr, et al, 2002: The new liver allocation system: moving toward
PELD is applied to potential transplant recipients younger than evidence-based transplantation policy. Liver Transpl 8:851-858.)
12 years. Adolescents aged 12 to 17 years are stratified using the
MELD system.
In contrast to its predecessor, the CTP score, MELD has
been validated extensively as a predictor for 3-month mortality Special considerations for certain subsets of patients with
from chronic liver disease (Malinchoc et al, 2000; Wiesner et al, liver disease are ongoing. Early in the initial evaluation of the
2003a). It incorporates serum creatinine, bilirubin, and interna- MELD criteria, it was recognized that patients with HCC and
tional normalized ratio (INR) as markers for risk of death; early cirrhosis should be prioritized lower on the waiting list,
relies on objective and readily available blood tests; and practi- when they could potentially benefit most from transplantation
cally eliminates time on the waiting list from consideration. (e.g., HCC at an early tumor stage; see Chapter 97D). Conceiv-
Using MELD criteria, rates of death while awaiting OLT and ably, patients with HCC but low MELD scores could develop
removal from the waiting list for being too sick have decreased progressive disease, which would eliminate OLT as a treatment
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). Median time to transplant in 2007 option. Since the most recent revisions to MELD, patients with
was 361 days. stage II HCC currently are allocated 22 MELD priority points.
As shown in Figure 98A.2, the use of MELD criteria for Criteria for selecting HCC patients for transplantation are
predicting mortality from ESLD results in an appropriate discussed further in this chapter, including those with more
correlation between severity score and actuarial survival at 3 advanced stage disease. Guidelines also exist for awarding
months. Survival benefit analysis of liver transplant recipients priority points for other conditions, such as hepatopulmonary
stratified by MELD score demonstrates that the risks involved syndrome, portopulmonary hypertension, hepatic artery throm-
in transplantation are equivalent or less than the risks associated bosis after liver transplant, pediatric hepatoblastoma, inborn
with remaining a transplant candidate on the waiting list with a errors of metabolism, familial amyloidosis, and primary
MELD score over 15 (Merion et al, 2005). The MELD-based oxaluria; however, the process is highly variable by region
allocation process is dynamic and amenable to subtle changes (USRTR, 2008).
to reflect an evolving understanding of the diverse pathology Since 2002, the number of patients on the waiting list with
and physiology seen in patients treated with OLT. exception points for any condition has more than doubled, with
close to 900 on the list in 2008 (Thuluvath et al, 2010). Increas-
ingly, stage I and II hilar cholangiocarcinoma is becoming an
Table 98A.2
acceptable indication for OLT, and uniform criteria for obtain-
Predicted Mortality According to the Model for End-Stage ing MELD exception points have been proposed (Gores et al,
Liver Disease Score* 2006; see Chapter 97E). Eligible patients must be treated
according to a specific protocol that requires neoadjuvant
No. Mortality Death or Removal from
Score Patients Rate (%) List Because of Illness (%) chemoradiation, followed by a staging laparotomy to confirm
absence of N1 disease (Rea et al, 2005).
<9 124 1.9 2.9
10-19 1800 6 7,7
20-29 1098 19.6 23.5 Donor Selection
30-39 295 52.6 60.2 Increased demand for donor organs, as depicted in Figure
≥40 120 71.3 79.3 98A.1, has resulted in the concomitant increase in the use of
*R = (0.957 × Loge [creatinine {mg/dL}] + 0.378 × Loge[total bilirubin mg/dL] + 1.120
less than ideal donors. The theoretic ideal donor is an otherwise
× Loge[INR] + 0.643) × 10 healthy, hemodynamically stable young person who suffers an
D, donor status; R, recipient status; INR, international normalized ratio irreversible cerebral insult that results in brain death; this situa-
Modified from Wiesner R, et al, 2003: Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) tion is rarely realized. Although marginal donors are being used
and allocation of donor livers. Gastroenterology 124:91-96. more frequently, absolute contraindications remain, including
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1725

known extracranial malignancy (except for basal or squamous strictures (ischemic cholangiopathy) and posttransplantation
cell cancer of the skin), overwhelming sepsis, hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic artery stenosis (Chan et al, 2008; Pine et al, 2009).
hepatic macrosteatosis greater than 60%, and HIV infection. Given the risks inherent in DCD allografts, they should be used
Generally, hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen and core cautiously in select groups of recipients.
antibody positivity in the donor also constitute absolute contra-
indications (Wachs et al, 1995), although many centers con- OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES
sider transplantation of core antibody-positive livers for
HBV-positive recipients, if the graft seems otherwise suitable, The first published description of human liver transplantation
and even into non-HBV recipients in selected circumstances. was by Starzl and colleagues in 1963 at the University of Colo-
Advanced donor age may adversely affect graft survival, and in rado. In this seminal paper, the dismal outcomes of three OLT
practice, donors older than 80 years usually are excluded from recipients were described, including one intraoperative death
consideration. from uncorrectable coagulopathy and two survivors of 7 and
Data that demonstrate differential effects on specific recipi- 22 days. In addition to the pioneering conceptual framework
ent groups, such as HCV-positive recipients, remain inconclu- and implementation of liver transplantation, several advanced
sive (Doyle et al, 2008; Lake et al, 2005; Russo et al, 2004). techniques are presented in this reference, including the use of
Although liver allografts with 30% to 60% steatosis are utilized grafts from non–heart-beating donors, venovenous bypass in the
in select groups of recipients, it should be recognized that recipients, choledochocholedochostomy, and coagulation moni-
greater than 60% steatosis significantly increases the risk of toring using thromboelastography (TEG). Many of these con-
primary nonfunction (Urena et al, 1999). A donor risk index cepts remain or have reentered the realm of liver transplantation
(DRI) has been developed to help quantify and stratify allografts more than 40 years after their initial description. Based largely
by predicted failure risk (Feng et al, 2006). on the initial body of work by Starzl and colleagues, this section
As a result of the shortage of cadaveric donors, the use of describes the surgical procedures commonly used at Washing-
living donors has increased in the United States, from 1996 ton University in St. Louis during OLT (see Chapter 99).
with a peak in 2001; it has since declined steadily, and LDLTs
now represent only 4% of liver transplantations performed (see
Chapter 98B). A shift in demographics has also been seen in Donor Hepatectomy
recipients of LDLT: patients age 50 to 64 years represent the Management of a cadaveric organ donor begins preoperatively,
largest group (USRTR, 2008). LDLT is appealing, because it immediately after identification of a candidate and after evalua-
allows elective transplantation after optimizing the health of the tion by trained transplant coordinators. After brain death, severe
recipient, reduces cold ischemic times, and potentially shortens physiologic derangements can occur, and physiologic instability
waiting times. The disadvantages include morbidity and rare increases in proportion to the length of time between declara-
mortality in the donor population (Brown et al, 2003). The tion of death and organ procurement (Nygaard et al, 1990).
most common practice in adults is transplantation of the right The progression from brain death to somatic death results in
hepatic lobe. Despite initial data indicating worse outcomes in the loss of 10% to 20% of potential donors (Wood et al, 2004).
LDLT, a trend has been seen toward improved graft survival Complications that commonly occur in a brain-dead donor
and overall survival in the United States in the last 10 years include hypotension, the requirement for multiple transfusions,
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). Although LDLT from an adult to a disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), diabetes insipi-
child has become well accepted and standardized, adult-adult dus (DI), pulmonary edema and hypoxia, acidosis, and arrhyth-
LDLT continues to evolve, and the place of this approach as mias and cardiac arrest. Intravascular volume repletion to
part of the overall picture of liver transplant options is not fully normovolemia is the cornerstone of management; however,
defined. vasopressors or inotropic agents often are necessary to achieve
Early reports regarding the successful use of kidneys from an adequate perfusion pressure. The use of low-dose arginine
non–heart-beating donors and donation-after-cardiac-death vasopressin allows a reduction in the dosing of α-adrenergic
(DCD) donors encouraged a similar practice in OLT. Most agents, which may impair end-organ perfusion (Pennefather
commonly, DCD donors are patients with severe neurologic et al, 1995). Directed therapy using a pulmonary artery cathe-
injury, such as anoxia and intracranial hemorrhage, and no ter can improve outcome in patients with brain death–induced
chance for meaningful recovery, yet they do not meet brain- or traumatic cardiac dysfunction (Wheeldon et al, 1995). A
death criteria; family members and treating physicians must thorough review of the medical management of potential organ
elect to withdraw support. Donor criteria are similar to cadav- donors can be found elsewhere (Wood et al, 2004).
eric (brain dead) donors. Surgical techniques for procuring abdominal organs from
DCD livers are increasingly being used and now represent brain-dead, heart-beating donors have been described previ-
5% of all liver-only transplants (USRTR, 2008). Compared ously (Farmer et al, 2000; Merkel et al, 1972; Starzl et al, 1984,
with historic results with brain-dead donors, outcomes using 1987). A midline incision from the suprasternal notch to the
DCD allografts are less optimal, with 1- and 3-year graft surviv- pubis is performed, followed by sternotomy and entry into
als of 70% and 60%, 10-year graft survival of 44% for all the peritoneum. The abdomen is inspected for any evidence of
patients, and a primary nonfunction rate of almost 12% (Abt malignancy or gross gastrointestinal ischemia, which would pre-
et al, 2004; Bernat et al, 2006; D’Alessandro et al, 2000; de clude transplantation. Procurement proceeds in several phases:
Vera et al, 2009; Mateo et al, 2006; Thuluvath et al, 2010). The warm dissection and cannulation, exsanguination with cold
graft survival rate improves when donor warm ischemia time is perfusion and organ removal, and back-table dissection and
less than 30 minutes and cold ischemia time is less than 10 organ preparation.
hours (Mateo et al, 2006); however, DCD grafts are associated In the warm dissection phase, the liver is mobilized by divid-
with an increased risk of nonanastomotic intrahepatic biliary ing the umbilical, falciform, and left triangular ligaments.

Hepatic arterial anatomy is delineated by inspection of the gas- the diaphragm and preparation of the suprahepatic IVC. The
trohepatic ligament and porta hepatis to identify aberrant arte- adrenal gland is removed, the adrenal vein is ligated, and the
rial anatomy. A right medial visceral rotation, or Cattel-Brasch infrarenal IVC is prepared. The portal vein is dissected free
maneuver, is performed, by which the right colon and mesen- from surrounding tissue up to the bifurcation and is cannulated
tery of the small intestine are mobilized and reflected toward for purposes of flushing preservation solution just prior to graft
the donor left upper quadrant. The infrarenal aorta is exposed reperfusion. The celiac trunk is dissected up to the GDA with
at the bifurcation, and proximal and distal control is obtained. all unnecessary branches ligated. During this phase, arterial
The inferior mesenteric vein is identified, controlled, and can- reconstruction—that is, donor accessory right hepatic artery to
nulated for subsequent portal perfusion. donor GDA—or conduit creation is performed as indicated. At
Next, the intestinal contents are returned to the lower this point, the graft is ready for recipient implantation.
abdomen with attention turned again to the porta hepatis. The Procurement in a DCD donor requires a slight modification
distal common bile duct is circumferentially dissected, distally (Bernat et al, 2006; D’Alessandro et al, 2000). In the controlled
ligated, and transected. The gallbladder is flushed out through a setting, the donor is brought to the operating room, and support
choledochotomy to clear bile from the gallbladder and biliary is withdrawn. Heparin is administered to reduce risk of throm-
tree to potentially limit injury to the bile duct epithelium. The bus formation in the graft (Bernat et al, 2006). Apnea and ces-
common hepatic artery is identified, and the gastroduodenal sation of circulation ensue after a variable amount of time, at
artery (GDA) is encircled. After reflection of the left lobe of the which point of death is declared. It is important to note that
liver medially, control of the supraceliac aorta is obtained, facili- 10% of potential donors do not die within 2 hours of with-
tated by dividing the diaphragmatic crura. drawal of support; these patients are not candidates for subse-
The entire warm dissection phase usually takes 30 minutes quent organ donation and are transferred back to the intensive
or less. At this stage, the donor is ready for heparinization care unit (ICU) and are allowed to die (Cooper et al, 2004).
(400 U/kg IV) and for cannulation of the distal aorta, which Circulation is unlikely to resume after 2 minutes of complete
occurs in coordination with the other procurement teams. cessation; a minimum waiting period of 2 minutes is required,
When the thoracic and abdominal teams are ready, the donor is and a 5-minute interval between asystole; pronunciation of
exsanguinated via the suprahepatic vena cava. Suction catheters death prior to further intervention is strongly encouraged
are placed in the chest to remove warm blood, the aorta is cross- (Bernat et al, 2006).
clamped in the supraceliac location, and the arterial and portal The goal now becomes rapid reperfusion of the organs for
circulations are flushed—usually with University of Wisconsin procurement with cold preservation solution; this usually is
(UW) solution or histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate—via the accomplished via a quick midline laparotomy and cannulation
previously placed cannulae. Infusion continues until the caval of the aorta. Alternatively, some centers use cannulae placed
drainage is clear, which typically requires 4 to 5 L via the aorta before death in the femoral artery and vein. Less than 30
and another 1 to 2 L via the portal vein. The donor abdomen is minutes of donor warm ischemia time is generally considered
packed with ice slush for topical cooling during the flushing acceptable (Bernat et al, 2006). Hepatectomy is performed as
phase. in a standard brain-dead donor, commonly followed by a
After satisfactory cooling and flushing with preservation back-table flush. Cadaveric split-liver and living-related liver
solution, the portal dissection is initiated. The general goals of transplantation techniques are addressed in Chapters 98B
this dissection are to delineate the arterial anatomy and dissect and 98C.
the arterial inflow back to the aorta. This is accomplished by
dividing the GDA, dissecting the common hepatic artery down
to the celiac trunk, dividing the splenic and left gastric arteries, Recipient Hepatectomy
and dissecting the celiac trunk down to the aorta. This tech- Removal of the diseased liver from the recipient can be a chal-
nique is modified in the presence of a replaced or accessory left lenging technical aspect of liver transplantation. Hepatectomy
hepatic artery, in which case preservation of the left gastric often is complicated by marked portal hypertension, coagulopa-
artery is mandatory. A search for a replaced or accessory right thy, extensive collateralization of venous drainage, a friable liver
hepatic artery also is undertaken through identification of the that is prone to hemorrhage, portal venous thrombosis, and
superior mesenteric artery and its proximal branches. Preserva- possible prior abdominal surgical interventions that may have
tion of this artery, if present, is essential. included portal venous shunting or biliary tract surgery. Preop-
Next, the portal vein is dissected and divided near the pan- erative preparation of the recipient includes establishment of
creas, although a modification is necessary if pancreas procure- central venous monitoring and intravascular access, ensuring
ment is being performed simultaneously. Excision of the celiac availability of at least 10 U crossmatched blood, and timely
trunk with a Carrel patch of aorta is performed; this common administration of a second-generation cephalosporin.
patch, including the superior mesenteric artery origin, is used if Optimal recipient operative exposure is accomplished using
an accessory or replaced right hepatic artery is present. Atten- a bilateral subcostal incision with an upper midline extension.
tion is then turned to the infrahepatic inferior vena cava (IVC), The umbilical, falciform, and left triangular ligaments are
which is divided above the level of the renal veins. As a final taken down for maximum exposure. The left and right hepatic
step, the diaphragm is dissected around the suprahepatic IVC. arteries are ligated in the hilum as the first step in the portal
The diaphragm and all tissues between the right kidney and dissection. The cystic duct is divided, if needed for exposure,
liver are divided, and the hepatic graft is removed from the and circumferential dissection of the common hepatic duct
donor and packed in ice. is performed, which is divided in the mid-extrahepatic
The final preparation of the donor graft usually occurs at the portion. Sufficient distal bile duct length in the recipient is
recipient hospital and is a cold, back-table preparation of the preserved for the implantation phase, which usually includes
arterial and venous cuffs. This work consists of removal of choledochocholedochostomy.
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1727

Next, the portal vein is skeletonized proximally to just above 2000). When the liver is fully reperfused, reconstruction of the
the confluence of the splenic and superior mesenteric vein. At biliary tract begins.
this point, further dissection is influenced by the use of tempo- Adequate cuffs of suprahepatic and infrahepatic IVC are
rary portocaval shunting or venovenous bypass; both techniques essential for reconstruction (Starzl et al, 1979). Anastomoses of
allow decompression of the splanchnic circulation, which these cuffs require reconstruction of the posterior walls from
reduces bowel edema during the anhepatic phase. When veno- within the lumen using a running 3-0 polypropylene suture.
venous bypass is used, the portal vein is cannulated, and bypass The anterior layer is sutured externally using either an inter-
is instituted as previously described (Shaw et al, 1984). A rupted or a continuous technique. Another advantage of the
potential disadvantage of venovenous bypass is the added com- piggyback technique is the use of a side-biting vascular clamp
plexity and potential complications associated with the bypass on the IVC at the level of ostia of the hepatic veins. Although
process (e.g., thrombosis of the bypass circuit). We prefer por- this clamp may impair venous return to the heart to some
tocaval shunting with an end-to-side anastomosis between the degree during a clamp time of 15 to 30 minutes, it generally
divided portal vein and infrahepatic IVC. The shunt is kept in produces greater hemodynamic stability during the anhepatic
place until the suprahepatic caval anastomosis is completed. phase than does complete caval occlusion, which requires a
Temporary portocaval shunting in conjunction with the pig- bicaval procedure (Moreno-Gonzalez et al, 2003). After the
gyback technique may improve intraoperative hemodynamic hepatic donor vena cava has been anastomosed to the recipient
stability and renal function and may reduce the transfusion IVC, the side-biting clamp can be moved to the graft side of the
requirement (Arzu et al, 2008; Davila et al, 2008; Figueras et al, anastomosis, restoring complete venous return, while the
2001). If neither venovenous bypass nor temporary portocaval remaining vascular connections are performed.
shunting is used, the portal vein simply can be clamped proxi- After restoration of caval flow, the portal anastomosis is
mally, ligated in the hilum, and divided; however, this method undertaken. If venovenous bypass is used, interruption of the
may be associated with a severe reduction in venous return, up portal circuit is followed by removal of the portal cannula. In
to a 50% decrease in arterial blood pressure, mesenteric venous this manner, the donor and recipient main portal veins are
hypertension and associated organ failure, and potential exposed for an end-to-end anastomosis using an everting-cuff
increased hemodynamic instability resulting in intraoperative technique. The use of a fine monofilament suture (6-0 or 7-0) is
mortality (Hoffmann et al, 2009). mandatory. We typically tie this suture with an “air knot” or
With the portal vein bypassed or clamped, exposure for the “growth factor” of approximately half the diameter of the portal
infrahepatic dissection and vascular control of the IVC is easily vein to reduce the likelihood of portal stricture.
obtained. The piggyback technique leaves the recipient retro- The final vascular anastomosis is arterial. The key principle
hepatic IVC intact and requires ligation and division of all retro- of hepatic arterialization is to ensure pulsatile inflow through a
hepatic caval branches (Tzakis et al, 1989). The advantage of large caliber vessel over a short length (Farmer et al, 2000). The
this approach is that native caval flow is maintained, and veno- technique involves the use of a fine (7-0) monofilament suture
venous bypass is not required; the disadvantage is that division in a running or interrupted fashion. The vessel ends are fre-
of retrohepatic caval branches can be tedious and time consum- quently spatulated and are sewn from the outside and rotated
ing. The donor suprahepatic IVC is anastomosed to the conflu- to achieve the most precise anastomosis. The presence of aber-
ence of the right, middle, and left hepatic veins, which are joined rant hepatic arterial anatomy is encountered in 10% to 30% of
in a common cuff. Vascular control is achieved by clamping the grafts, and preservation of these vessels is essential for suc-
hepatic veins at their point of entry into the vena cava. cessful engraftment. Reconstruction of the aberrant vessels to
Alternatively, if a bicaval technique is used, the recipient’s obtain a single inflow vessel is imperative and takes place during
native retrohepatic IVC is removed with the native liver. The the back table preparation of the graft as described earlier.
retrohepatic IVC is mobilized out of the retroperitoneum from Recipient inflow is obtained from a branch off the celiac
the left side. The right triangular ligament is taken down, and trunk, usually the proper or common hepatic artery. When
the retrohepatic IVC is dissected from the right side. The adequate arterial inflow cannot be obtained by this artery,
adrenal vein is ligated in the traditional bicaval approach; the use of an arterial conduit is recommended. Inflow origi-
this dissection frees up the retrohepatic IVC above the hepatic nating from the infrarenal and supraceliac aorta has been
veins to allow application of infrahepatic and suprahepatic IVC described; both methods provide excellent inflow, and the
clamps. The recipient liver is sharply excised with care taken to choice is based on technical considerations and surgeon pref-
leave cuffs of IVC above and below the liver. This technique erence. The best choice of conduit is usually the donor iliac
allows for true orthotopic placement of the donor graft. Retro- vessels. When donor vessels are unavailable or inadequate,
spective analysis of the bicaval and piggyback techniques prosthetic conduits can be used, typically polytetrafluoroethy-
suggest that safety and outcomes are comparable (Nishida lene (PTFE). In the perioperative period, aortic conduits are
et al, 2006). associated with increased operating time, greater transfusion
requirements, and respiratory and renal failure (Nikitin et al,
2008). In addition, several cases of internal hernias with small
Recipient Implantation bowel volvulus around the intraperitoneal conduit have been
OLT requires three or four vascular anastomoses in the follow- reported (Nishida et al, 2002).
ing order: 1) suprahepatic IVC; 2) infrahepatic IVC, if a bicaval Completion of the vascular anastomoses is followed by
technique is used; 3) portal vein; and 4) hepatic artery. Alterna- establishment of biliary continuity. The most common methods
tively, the use of the piggyback technique allows just a single used are the choledochocholedochostomy or choledochojeju-
caval (end-to-side) anastomosis, with simple ligation of the nostomy. The technical goals in biliary reconstruction are to
donor infrahepatic IVC; this results in a reduction in the achieve a tension-free anastomosis between viable ducts or
duration of the anhepatic phase (Hosein Shokouh-Amiri et al, intestine. The method used depends on many factors, including

the size match of the donor and recipient common bile duct and The etiology of primary nonfunction is unclear but is likely
the presence of preexisting biliary pathology. Choledochocho- multifactorial. Factors commonly reported to be associated
ledochostomy is preferable, because after OLT, access to the with nonfunction include prolonged cold and warm ischemic
biliary tree is easier and safer with ERCP than with percutane- times, donation after cardiac death, intraoperative systemic
ous transhepatic cholangiography. Choledochojejunostomy is hypotension (mean arterial pressure <40 mm Hg), severity of
used when the above-mentioned technical goals cannot be real- donor steatosis, advanced donor age, and recipient factors such
ized. Most pediatric recipients require choledochojejunostomy as portal vein thrombosis (PVT), renal failure, dependence on
because of small duct size and a history of biliary atresia. life support, and status 1 listing (de Vera et al, 2009; Fernandez-
Prior to anastomosis, both the donor and recipient bile ducts Merino et al, 2003; Johnson et al, 2007; Marsman et al, 1996;
should be trimmed sharply to remove devitalized tissues, and Nair et al, 2002; Ploeg et al, 1993; Reich et al, 2003; Sharma
brisk bleeding should be evident from the cut ends. The recipi- et al, 2010; Strasberg et al, 1994). Although it has been proven
ent bile duct should be cleared of sludge and stones. Accom- that severe macrosteatosis (>60%) increases risk of graft failure,
modation for size mismatch with ductoplasty of the larger duct the influence of moderate steatosis (30% to 60%) remains
or spatulation of both ducts has been described (Buczkowski unclear (Yoo et al, 2003a), and such allografts can be used with
et al, 2007; Nissen & Klein, 2009). The choledochocholedo- careful selection (Doyle et al, 2010).
chostomy and choledochojejunostomy anastomoses are accom- Donor liver biopsy to quantify graft steatosis should be per-
plished with the use of fine absorbable monofilament suture in formed before implantation of any graft that appears marginal
a single-layer closure. (D’Alessandro et al, 1991). As would be expected, the likeli-
Whether to stent the biliary anastomosis during OLT is hood of primary nonfunction is increased in the presence of
subject to debate (Barkun et al, 2003; Bawa et al, 1998; Johnson multiple risk factors (e.g., steatotic graft with extended total
et al, 2000). Proponents believe that decompression of the ischemic time) and in allografts with several marginal donor
biliary tree reduces the rate of clinically significant leaks, criteria (Pokorny et al, 2005; Salizzoni et al, 2003).
whereas others point to data that suggest a higher rate of biliary
stricture from internal stents. At our institution, biliary stenting
is performed selectively based on individual case circumstances Hepatic Artery Thrombosis
and surgeon preferences. Hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) can be broadly divided into
early (acute) and late (delayed) clinical presentation, with differ-
COMPLICATIONS ent etiologies, patient manifestations, and treatments. Although
there is no formal consensus, early HAT is typically defined as
Complications resulting from OLT can be divided broadly into occurring within the first 1 to 2 months after OLT and has a
technical complications, those arising as a consequence of mean incidence of 2.9% in adult OLT patients, with a signifi-
immunosuppressive medications, and recurrence or recrudes- cantly higher incidence of 8% to 10% in the pediatric popula-
cence of the patient’s original disease. The risk of surgeon- tion (Bekker et al, 2009; Farmer et al, 2007). Early HAT carries
dependent technical complications increases when more a high risk of graft loss and death—53% and 33%, respectively
complex surgical techniques, such as split-liver donation, are (Bekker et al, 2009).
used. Examples of factors generally attributed to technical error Technical, donor, and recipient factors contribute to an
include early thrombosis of the hepatic artery or portal vein, increased risk of HAT (Bekker et al, 2009; Del Gaudio et al,
biliary complications such as leak or stricture, and, to a lesser 2005; Duffy et al, 2009; Jurim et al, 1995; Soin et al, 1996;
extent, primary graft nonfunction. Invasive infection and certain Vivarelli et al, 2004). Donor factors may include small-caliber
metabolic complications are side effects of the immunosuppres- vessels, aberrant anatomy that requires complex arterial recon-
sive regimens currently in use. Finally, subacute and chronic struction, use of aortic conduits, or cytomegalovirus (CMV)
graft rejection and recurrence of certain causes of initial liver seropositivity donor-recipient mismatch. Variable recipient
failure eventually result in graft loss. Each of these complica- anatomy (e.g., replaced hepatic artery from superior mesenteric
tions is discussed. artery [SMA]) also influences risk of HAT.
Although early HAT may be asymptomatic, it frequently
results in massive hepatocellular injury evidenced by increased
Primary Nonfunction transaminase levels and impaired hepatic synthetic function.
Primary nonfunction is defined as early graft failure after OLT in The hepatic artery is the sole blood supply to the donor bile
the absence of identified technical complications. Clinical pre- duct; therefore early HAT often presents with bile leak, cholan-
sentation varies, but patients typically are seen with alterations gitis, or sepsis. Duplex ultrasound (US) is diagnostic in virtually
in mental status, diminished bile production, coagulopathy, all cases of HAT in adults, although visceral angiography
markedly elevated transaminases, and metabolic acidosis. Mul- remains the gold standard. If diagnosis is prompt, emergency
tiorgan failure ensues, with oliguria and hypoxia occurring fre- exploration with attempted thrombectomy and revasculariza-
quently. The reported rate of primary nonfunction varies tion may salvage the graft, although this is usually not possible.
between 1% to 7% of all OLTs (Jain et al, 2000; Johnson et al, Some reports suggest that endovascular procedures—
2007; Kamath et al, 1991; Kemmer et al, 2007; Taner et al, intraarterial thrombolysis, percutaneous transluminal angio-
2008; Totsuka et al, 2004). Retransplantation is the treatment plasty, and endoluminal stenting—can be successful in hepatic
of choice and typically is required within 72 hours. Some arterial revascularization (Singhal et al, 2010); however, a
authors also report the distinctly separate category of initial majority of patients eventually require retransplantation (Bekker
poor function, in which allografts might have a chance for func- et al, 2009; Duffy et al, 2009). Because of the severity of this
tional recovery; however, no consensus for a clear definition complication, some authors advocate the routine use of post-
exists. operative duplex US.
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1729

Late HAT is typically more indolent, frequently because a et al, 2001). Systemic anticoagulation may be sufficient in
previously undiagnosed stricture allows collateral circulation to patients with preserved graft function (Duffy et al, 2009).
develop. Clinical presentation may include fever secondary to Symptoms of portal hypertension but preserved graft function
perihepatic abscess or biliary leak, biliary strictures, or cholan- often can be managed medically with standard therapies for
gitis, although in some cases patients may be asymptomatic ascites in combination with variceal banding or sclerotherapy;
with no clinical consequences (Gunsar et al, 2003). Contribut- however, the graft salvage rate with these alternative strategies is
ing factors are active tobacco abuse; coagulation abnormalities, typically much less than 50% (Duffy et al, 2009).
such as factor V Leiden; cerebrovascular accident as donor
cause of death; donor death at an age greater than 50 years;
recipient CMV positivity; and use of donor iliac interposition Portal Vein Stenosis
graft (Del Gaudio et al, 2005; Gunsar et al, 2003; Pascual et al, Portal vein stenosis, in contrast to PVT, is frequently diagnosed
1997; Pungpapong et al, 2002; Stewart et al, 2009; Vivarelli on routine screening US in asymptomatic patients. The most
et al, 2004). common area of stenosis is the extrahepatic portal venous anas-
Treatment may be attempted with endoscopic or percutane- tomotic site. Narrowing of the main portal vein diameter by
ous biliary decompression, stenting, or even systemic anticoag- more than 50%, presence of a poststenotic jet, or lack of visual-
ulation. Retransplantation is required less for late HAT than for ized flow on Doppler imaging are diagnostic. Many stenoses
early HAT. Because postoperative antiplatelet therapy may can now be managed with percutaneous transhepatic balloon
reduce the rate of late HAT in high-risk patients (Vivarelli et al, angioplasty and stenting (Woo et al, 2007).
2007), it is our practice to prescribe daily aspirin (81 mg) for all
Biliary Complications
Biliary complications are the most common type of posttrans-
Hepatic Artery Stenosis plantation complication, and they arise in 7% to 29% of liver
Hepatic artery stenosis (HAS) without thrombosis is also a rec- recipients. Patients with HAT, living-donor allografts, and DCD
ognized complication of liver transplantation, with an incidence livers are at higher risk for biliary complications (Maluf et al,
of 4% to 11% (da Silva et al, 2008). DCD allografts have been 2005; Pine et al, 2009; Zajko et al, 1988). Historically, Roux-
implicated as a risk factor (Pine et al, 2009). Initial presentation en-Y choledochojejunostomy was associated with higher com-
typically includes a mild increase in aminotransferase levels plication rates than choledochocholedochostomy (O’Connor
with or without associated graft dysfunction or biliary compli- et al, 1995); however, this remains a controversial topic in trans-
cations. Doppler US demonstrates increased resistance in plantation techniques. All patients found to have a biliary com-
hepatic arterial flow and is often diagnostic, but confirmation plication should undergo US to evaluate HAT as a contributing
by arteriography is the gold standard. Therapeutic options factor.
include angioplasty with or without stenting. Restenosis can Biliary strictures occur twice as frequently as anastomotic
occur in up to one third of patients within 1 year after stenting biliary leaks and can be classified as anastomotic or nonanasto-
(Ueno et al, 2006). motic (ischemic cholangiopathy) (Balsells et al, 1995; Qian et al,
2004). Most anastomotic strictures are managed endoscopi-
cally with balloon dilation and stenting. Ischemic cholangiopa-
Portal Vein Thrombosis thy more commonly results from bile duct ischemia or an
PVT occurs less frequently than HAT after OLT, with an inci- immune response, appears later and affects multiple sites, tends
dence less than 2% in adult recipients and 10% in pediatric to be more difficult to manage, and is rarely amenable to endo-
recipients (Duffy et al, 2009; Lerut et al, 1987; Millis et al, scopic treatment. Nonanastomotic strictures are associated
1996), although PVT adversely affects overall survival after with a higher rate of graft failure requiring retransplantation
OLT (Duffy et al, 2009). Low portal flow, small-diameter veins (Chan et al, 2008; de Vera et al, 2009; Pine et al, 2009). A mul-
(<5 mm), preexisting PVT in the recipient, donor-recipient tidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management of biliary
vessel size mismatch, and the use of vascular grafts for recon- complications is necessary and can result in higher patient and
struction are known risk factors for developing PVT (Cheng graft survival rates (Verran et al, 1997).
et al, 2004). In an asymptomatic patient with stable liver function, biliary
PVT is typically symptomatic, and patients can present with complications can often be managed nonoperatively. Bile col-
acute hepatic failure, as with HAT, or with the sequelae of lections should be drained percutaneously under US or CT
portal hypertension, such as increasing ascites, splenomegaly, guidance, and most leaks are controlled with endoscopic stent
and variceal hemorrhage (Duffy et al, 2009). Diagnosis is made placement across the anastomosis (Shah et al, 2004). Major
using duplex US or contrast-enhanced CT portal venography. leaks or total disruption usually requires operative conversion to
Depending on the timeliness of diagnosis and the acuity of a choledochojejunostomy or hepaticojejunostomy, an option
the patient, several treatment options exist. In patients with ful- that can result in long-term biliary patency (Langer et al, 2009).
minant hepatic failure from PVT, reexploration and attempted Numerous studies have evaluated the use of T-tubes and
portal revascularization are performed. These patients some- internal stents for prophylactic biliary decompression. Several
times require retransplantation, particularly in the rare setting have identified T-tube use as an independent risk factor for
of combined PVT and HAT (total absence of hepatic inflow). increased postoperative biliary complications (e.g., biliary-
The use of a portocaval shunt to augment flow through the cutaneous fistulae and cholangitis), and their use has not been
reconstructed portal vein has been described (Bakthavatsalam shown to reduce the need for posttransplantation interventional
et al, 2001), as has the use of transjugular intrahepatic portoca- procedures (Qian et al, 2004; Scatton et al, 2001; Sotiropoulos
val shunt (TIPS) in conjunction with thrombolytics (Ciccarelli et al, 2009). Consequently, T-tubes are much less commonly

used in standard adult OLT in the United States; however, a Bacterial pathogens are the most common infectious agent
recent prospective European trial did not find evidence of in the early postoperative period, and the proportion of post-
increased biliary complications with T-tubes (Weiss et al, 2009). transplantation infection as a result of bacteremia has increased
The effectiveness of internal stenting in reducing biliary com- significantly (Singh et al, 2004). DM and serum albumin less
plications also remains inconclusive (Welling et al, 2008). than 3 mg/dL are independent risk factors for bacteremia.
Although gram-negative bacilli remain frequent causes of
postoperative infection after OLT, gram-positive cocci, such
Infection as methicillin-resistant Staphylcoccus aureus (MRSA) and
Infection is the most common cause of death after OLT at all vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), have become increas-
time points (Jain et al, 2000), directly causing 28% of all deaths ingly prevalent at many transplant centers (Papanicolaou et al,
in liver transplant patients. An autopsy series of OLT patients 1996; Reid et al, 2009; Singh et al, 2004). Colonization with
showed an even higher infection-related mortality rate of 64% MRSA and VRE before transplantation increases the risk of
(Torbenson et al, 1998). Two thirds of OLT recipients experi- developing infection after OLT with the same organism and, in
ence at least one serious infectious episode (Winston et al, the case of VRE colonization, is associated with an increased
1995), despite ever-improving prophylactic regimens. Intraab- mortality risk (Russell et al, 2008).
dominal infections occur in 40% of recipients with a higher Typically presenting in the first 2 to 3 weeks after transplan-
incidence in patients with other noninfectious surgical compli- tation, 25% of OLT patients are reported to develop MRSA
cations (Reid et al, 2009). bacteremia, with colonization of indwelling vascular catheters
Liver transplant patients are immunocompromised as a accounting for about half of the cases (Singh et al, 2000a). Vas-
result of antirejection medications, they are also malnourished, cular catheters account for one quarter of bacteremia for all
chronically ill, have received multiple blood-product transfu- pathogens combined. Other sources of post-OLT bacteremia
sions, and have undergone lengthy and complex surgical include—in decreasing order of frequency—pneumonia, biliary
procedures—all of which are risk factors for infectious compli- infections, abdominal sources, and surgical wound infections
cations. Additionally, the risk of posttransplantation infection is (Singh et al, 2000b, 2004). The emergence of drug-resistant
further increased by the prevalence of morbid obesity in the organisms resulting from overuse of common antibiotics has
recipient population (Dick et al, 2009). made the treatment of infected liver transplant recipients
Diagnosis of infection can be complicated by a relative increasingly difficult.
absence of symptoms, as infection frequently manifests only as CMV is the most common viral pathogen encountered by
a leukocytosis (Reid et al, 2009). As part of the pretransplanta- OLT recipients, although incidence of CMV infection has
tion evaluation, recipients should undergo an infectious disease declined as a result of improved prophylaxis (Singh et al, 2004).
workup and should receive appropriate vaccines. Appropriate Intraoperative hypothermia is a known risk factor for develop-
antimicrobial prophylaxis can reduce the postoperative infec- ing CMV infection regardless of prophylaxis (Paterson et al,
tion rate by more than half, depending on the pathogen. The 1999). Without appropriate prophylaxis, the overall incidence
current prophylactic regimen used at Washington University in in this population is commonly 50% to 60%, with clinically
St. Louis is shown in Box 98A.2. apparent infections usually occurring 3 to 12 weeks after trans-
plant (Farmer et al, 2000).
The routine use of ganciclovir (Cytovene) has been shown
to dramatically reduce CMV infection after OLT in several
randomized, controlled trials (Gane et al, 1997; Winston, 1995;
Box 98A.2 Winston & Busuttil, 2003, 2004). The standard regimen
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis for Liver Transplantation includes an induction with intravenous ganciclovir followed by
Patients at Washington University in St. Louis prophylaxis with oral ganciclovir for 3 to 6 months. Some
studies suggest that valganciclovir, which can be administered
with once-daily dosing because of improved bioavailability,
Routine use of broad-spectrum antibiotics on-call to operating room,
might be as efficacious and safe as ganciclovir in the prevention
continued for 24 h postoperatively
of CMV infection in low-risk, but not high-risk, liver recipients
Fungal (Jain et al, 2005; Park et al, 2006; Shiley et al, 2009); pro-
Fluconazole (Diflucan, once weekly) for 3 mo postoperatively in high-risk longed treatment (≥100 days) can be costly and might be
patients unnecessary in low-risk patients (e.g., seronegative donor and
Pneumocystis Carinii recipient). Ganciclovir-resistant CMV has been observed in
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole (Bactrim/Septra SS) for 1 yr 20% of solid-organ transplant recipients treated with ganciclo-
postoperatively vir, with presentation typically observed late in the first year
Pentamidine (Pentam) or dapsone for patients with sulfa sensitivity (Limaye et al, 2000). Our current strategy is to reserve pro-
Viral longed treatment with ganciclovir for seronegative patients
High Risk receiving a seropositive graft or in patients with evidence of
Donor CMV+/recipient CMV−: valganciclovir 900 mg daily for 3 mo, then active CMV infection.
450 mg daily for 9 mo Invasive fungal infections usually are caused by Candida or
Aspergillus species, Cryptococcus, and non-Aspergillus mycelial
Intermediate Risk
fungi, with an incidence of 5% to 9% in OLT patients (Pappas
(D+/R+ or D−/R+): Valganciclovir 450 mg daily for 6 mo
et al, 2010; Singh, 2000). Invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis
Low risk (D−/R−): acyclovir 200 mg bid for 3 mo
tend to occur relatively early in the postoperative period,
CMV, cytomegalovirus
whereas Cryptococcus infection becomes apparent several
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1731

months to years after OLT (Pappas et al, 2010). Traditionally, Although acute liver rejection usually occurs within the first
Candida albicans has been the most common fungal pathogen. 4 weeks after transplantation, it can occur later. Patients with
Risk factors for developing fungemia include use of broad- acute liver rejection are seen with signs of fever, malaise, right
spectrum antibiotics or immunosuppressant medications, upper quadrant abdominal pain, and elevated liver transami-
retransplantation or other reoperative intervention, CMV infec- nases. Elevation in liver enzymes is often detected before physi-
tion, renal failure, and overall severity of medical illness cal symptoms or signs occur. Percutaneous liver biopsy reveals
(Cruciani et al, 2006). Routine prophylaxis with antifungal portal inflammation with predominantly mononuclear cells,
agents—such as fluconazole, itraconazole, and amphotericin bile duct inflammation and injury, centrilobular necrosis, and
B—significantly reduces fungal infection and infection-related lobular inflammation. Differentiation from other pathologic
mortality after liver transplantation; however, it does not processes can be difficult. In contrast to other solid-organ trans-
improve overall mortality (Cruciani et al, 2006). Historically, plants, such as kidney and heart, the occurrence of an acute
fluconazole was almost universally included in antimicrobial rejection episode does not seem to reduce the overall graft sur-
prophylaxis, but this subsequently led to an increase in reported vival, if treatment is initiated promptly (Wiesner et al, 1998).
Aspergillus infections, because Aspergillus is not susceptible to The treatment for acute rejection is usually bolus corticoste-
fluconazole. roids: 1000 mg methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol), followed by
Currently, a majority of transplant centers provide anti- a 5-day taper. Patients who do not respond to bolus steroids
fungal prophylaxis only to high-risk patients, including those may require additional strategies, including the use of mono-
requiring retransplantation or reexploration, dialysis, mechani- clonal anti–T-cell antibody therapy (e.g., OKT3); however, this
cal ventilation, or a prolonged ICU stay and those subject to is rarely needed in the current era because fewer than 5% of
and graft failure or colonization with Candida (Singh et al, patients experience rejection. When patients fail to respond to
2008). Although prophylaxis against Aspergillus is not supported bolus steroid therapy, it is important to be certain of the diagno-
by the literature (Braun et al, 1998; Singh 2000), voriconazole, sis and to consider other potential causes of abnormal liver
amphotericin B, and caspofungin may be used alone or in com- tests, including biliary or vascular causes. Repeat biopsies can
bination for treatment of invasive aspergillosis (Singh et al, be helpful to confirm the diagnosis and assess the response to
2008), which is associated with a 40% 1 year mortality rate after therapy.
infection (Pappas et al, 2010). Today, only about 2% of patients experience chronic rejec-
Infection with the protozoan Pneumocystis carinii occurs in tion after liver transplantation, although the incidence is higher
3% to 11% of liver transplant patients in the absence of prophy- in patients with autoimmune disease (Wiesner et al, 2003). The
laxis (Singh, 2000). Because T-cell immunity is the primary etiology of chronic rejection is multifactorial, characterized by
defense against this organism, prolonged use of corticosteroids progressive loss of bile ducts, obliteration of medium-sized and
or muromonab-CD3 monoclonal antibodies and active CMV large hepatic arterioles, and cellular portal infiltration (Farmer
infection increase the risk of infection. Trimethoprim- et al, 2000). Standardized histopathologic evaluation of acute
sulfamethoxazole (single strength, once daily) offers highly and chronic rejection using the Banff schema (Tables 98A.3
effective prophylaxis at a low cost and with minimal side effects. and 98A.4) allows objective decision making and facilitates
Because the risk of P. carinii infection is eightfold higher in the comparisons of natural histories among patients (Banff Con-
first year after OLT than in subsequent years, prophylaxis gen- sensus, 1997; Demetris et al, 2000; Racusen et al, 2003).
erally is continued only during these initial 12 months (Gordon
et al, 1999).
Metabolic and Systemic Complications
With the increase in overall survival after OLT, a growing recog-
Rejection nition has emerged of associated long-term medical sequelae
Rejection can sometimes be a major hurdle to long-term sur- and their impact on patient health. Prolonged use of corticoste-
vival after OLT. Previously reported to occur in 40% to 70% roids can produce hyperlipidemia, obesity, DM, arterial hyper-
of OLT patients (Klintmalm, 1991), the development of novel tension, and mineral-deficient bone disease; commonly used
immunosuppressive regimens has reduced the lifetime rejection antirejection drugs induce similar derangements. Cardiovascu-
rate to less than 20% (McAlister et al, 2001). It is becoming lar disease then becomes a leading cause of death in patients
increasingly clear that certain subpopulations of patients receiv- who survive more than 3 years after liver transplantation,
ing OLT can be weaned completely from all immunosuppres- accounting for more than half of the reported mortality in some
sive agents without experiencing rejection (Devlin et al, 1998; series (Asfar et al, 1996; Pruthi et al, 2001). Predictors of peri-
Mazariegos et al, 1997). The University of Pittsburgh experi- operative cardiac events include pre-OLT history of stroke,
ence shows that immunosuppression can be withdrawn success- and perioperative mortality was increased with a history of
fully in almost one third of patients, although it is unknown coronary artery disease (CAD) and postoperative sepsis (Safadi
exactly what traits allow such weaning. et al, 2009).
Hyperacute rejection is rarely seen today. It typically occurs
in the setting of ABO incompatibility, with a reported graft
failure rate of 46% observed in 51 patients transplanted across Renal Dysfunction
ABO type (Demetris et al, 1988). Hyperacute rejection is medi- Liver transplant recipients have a high risk of developing post-
ated by preformed antibodies in the recipient and is directed transplant chronic renal failure, with an incidence of 18% at 5
against the graft endothelium. These antibodies produce activa- years (Ojo et al, 2003). The average functional decline in renal
tion of the innate immune system via the complement cascade, function is a 38% decrease in glomerular filtration rate, and it
ultimately leading to rapid graft destruction. Retransplantation is correlated with time elapsed since transplantation (decline
is the only treatment option. by 36 mL/min/1.73m2) (Bucuvalas et al, 2006; Karie-Guigues

Table 98A.3
Rejection Activity Index from the Banff Schema for Acute Hepatic Rejection
Category Criteria Score
Portal inflammation Mostly lymphatic inflammation involving a minority of the triads 1
Expansion of most triads by a mixed infiltrate containing lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils 2
Marked expansion of most or all triads by a mixed infiltrate containing numerous blasts, with spillover into 3
periportal parenchyma
Bile duct damage Minority of ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells, with only mild reactive changes in epithelial cells 1
Most or all ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells, with occasional degenerative duct changes, such as nuclear 2
pleomorphism, disorder polarity, and vacuolization
As above, with most or all ducts showing degenerative changes 3
Venous endothelial Subendothelial lymphocytic infiltration of some portal or hepatic venules 1
inflammation Subendothelial infiltration involving most or all portal or hepatic venules 2
As above, with perivenular inflammation extending into surrounding parenchyma and associated hepatocyte necrosis 3
This index has a range from 0 to 9, classified as follows: 0 to 3, minimal acute rejection; 4 to 6, mild acute rejection; 7 to 9, moderate to severe acute rejection.
Modified from the Banff Consensus, 1997: schema for grading liver allograft rejection: an international consensus document. Hepatology 25:658-663.

et al, 2009). The use of calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) is associ- 2009). Posttransplantation obesity develops in 60% of patients,
ated with increased risk of renal failure in patients after OLT, with most excess weight gain occurring in the first year (Muñoz
although this decline may be partially attenuated with concomi- et al, 1991). The cause of weight gain is multifactorial: cortico-
tant administration of mycophenolate mofetil and calcineurin steroids and cyclosporine, and to a lesser extent tacrolimus, are
dose reduction (Karie-Guigues et al, 2009). Other risk factors known to correlate significantly with the incidence of obesity
for the onset of post-OLT renal dysfunction include age and (Canzanello et al, 1997). Development of PTMS does not seem
gender of the recipient, history of HCV infection, DM, and pre- to be influenced by the etiology of the recipient’s ESLD (Bianchi
transplantation renal insufficiency, CAD, and primary nonfunc- et al, 2008); however, liver transplant recipients who develop
tion (Ojo et al, 2003; Pawarode et al, 2003). Mortality following PTMS appear to be at higher risk for vascular events (Laryea
OLT is four times greater in recipients who develop posttrans- et al, 2007) and are at higher risk for development of allograft
plantation renal failure (Ojo et al, 2003). steatosis (Dumortier et al, 2010).

Posttransplantation Metabolic Syndrome Diabetes Mellitus

Posttransplantation metabolic syndrome (PTMS) is becoming De novo DM occurs in up to one third of previously nondia-
recognized as an important entity in liver transplant recipients. betic liver transplant recipients (Navasa et al, 1996; Sheiner
Prevalence in the post-OLT population is twice that of the esti- et al, 2000). Corticosteroids are known to induce insulin resis-
mated 24% prevalence in the general population (Bianchi et al, tance, and the occurrence of graft rejection necessitating
2008; Hanouneh et al, 2008; Laryea et al, 2007; Pagadala et al, increased steroid dosing is a risk factor for developing diabetes.

Table 98A.4
Banff Schema for Chronic Hepatic Rejection
Structure Early Chronic Rejection Late Chronic Rejection
Small bile ducts (<60 μm) Degenerative changes involving most ducts: increased Degenerative changes in remaining bile ducts
nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia,
uneven nuclear spacing, ducts partially lined with epithelium
Bile duct loss in <50% of portal tracts Bile duct loss in >50% of portal tracts
Terminal hepatic venules Intimal/luminal inflammation Focal obliteration
Lytic zone 3 necrosis and inflammation Variable inflammation
Mild perivenular fibrosis Severe (bridging) fibrosis
Portal tract hepatic arterioles Occasional loss involving <25% of portal tracts Loss involving >25% of portal tracts
Large perihilar hepatic artery Intimal inflammation, focal foam-cell deposition Luminal narrowing by subintimal foam cells and
branches fibrointimal proliferation
Large perihilar bile ducts Inflammation damage, focal foam-cell deposition Mural fibrosis
Other “Transition” hepatitis with spotty necrosis of hepatocytes Sinusoidal foam cell accumulation, marked cholestasis
Modified from Demetris A, et al, 2000: Update of the International Banff Schema for Liver Allograft Rejection: working recommendations for the histopathologic staging and
reporting of chronic rejection: an international panel. Hepatology 31:792-799.
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1733

Tacrolimus and other immunosuppressants also increase insulin OUTCOMES

resistance. Diabetes in most patients is transient and generally
resolves within the first year, as immunosuppressive medica- Survival after OLT has improved markedly as a result of con-
tions are tapered. tinuing refinements in organ procurement and preservation,
Infection with HCV is another known risk factor for the recipient selection, surgical and anesthetic techniques, periop-
development of posttransplantation diabetes, and this risk is erative care, and long-term immunosuppression. Overall patient
correlated with increased HCV viral load (Delgado-Borrego survival at 10 years is 60% in the United States, with an unad-
et al, 2008). Although the mechanisms underlying the relation- justed 10-year graft survival of 54% (Thuluvath et al, 2010).
ship between HCV and diabetes are not fully understood, In select patient populations, some institutions have achieved
altered insulin sensitivity is likely to play a role. Pretransplanta- near zero short-term mortality (Broering et al, 2004; Sugawara
tion glucose intolerance, as determined by formal glucose chal- et al, 2002).
lenge testing, is present in 53% of candidates awaiting liver Recipient factors associated with reduced survival include
transplantation (Blanco et al, 2001). Although some degree of recipient age over 65 years, preexisting CAD, insulin-dependent
glucose intolerance may improve with OLT, insulin-dependent DM, renal insufficiency, and extreme body mass index (BMI)
diabetes almost never resolves after transplantation (Shields (Busuttil et al, 2005; Dick et al, 2009; Nair et al, 2002; Thulu-
et al, 1999; Stegall et al, 1995). Additionally, insulin-dependent vath et al, 2010; Yoo & Thuluvath, 2002). Other factors that
DM is a known risk factor for lower survival following trans- adversely affect survival include conditions that require urgent
plantation, and CAD is an independent predictor of worse out- transplantation, such as hepatic malignancy as the indication
comes (Yoo & Thuluvath, 2002). for transplantation, donor hospitalization longer than 6 days,
cerebrovascular accident as donor cause of death, prolonged
warm (>45 minutes) and cold (>10 hours) ischemic time, and
Neurologic Complications retransplantation (Busuttil et al, 2005).
Neurologic complications occur with greater frequency in Deceased-donor split allografts have not been shown to
recipients of liver allografts than in other solid-organ recipients adversely affect outcomes in large series (Busuttil et al, 2005),
(Senzolo et al, 2009). The aggregate prevalence of neurologic and LDLT over the last decade has had better long-term out-
sequelae is 25%, although such have occurred in more than comes than deceased-donor transplantation (Thuluvath et al,
60% of patients in some series (Amodio et al, 2007; Bronster 2010). The overall rate of retransplantation for recipients of
et al, 2000; Emiroglu et al, 2006; Ghaus et al, 2001; Lewis & DDLT was 7.8% in 2007, representing the lowest level in the
Howdle, 2003; Saner et al, 2006). last decade (USRTR, 2008). Outcomes after liver transplanta-
Posttransplantation encephalopathy is the most common tion for certain disease processes are discussed below.
neurologic complication, followed by seizures (Bronster et al,
2000; Lewis & Howdle, 2003; Saner et al, 2006; Senzolo et al,
2009). Encephalopathy can be caused by anoxia, sepsis, medi- Biliary Atresia
cations (especially CNIs), primary graft nonfunction, renal The long-term primary hepatic salvage rate after portoen-
failure, rejection, and central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) (Erol terostomy in infants with biliary atresia ranges from 20% to
et al, 2007). Infection, stroke, and CPM are also common 45% (Davenport et al, 2004; Otte et al, 1994; Schreiber et al,
causes of seizures (Senzolo et al, 2009). Other neurologic com- 2007; see Chapter 40). The remaining infants develop progres-
plications include posterior leukoencephalopathy, cerebellar sive biliary cirrhosis and ultimately require liver transplanta-
syndrome, focal deficits, headache, tremor, sleep disorders, and tion. Biliary atresia is the most common indication for OLT
peripheral neuropathy. Risk factors for neurologic complica- in children younger than 18 years, and the best results are
tions include an operative time longer than 10 hours, high CTP obtained in patients referred for transplantation early, after
score, and a history of hepatic encephalopathy (Dhar et al, only a single attempted portoenterostomy. Approximately 80%
2008). Older age and higher MELD scores pretransplantation of children transplanted for biliary atresia have had a prior
are associated with increased risk of tacrolimus-related neuro- biliary drainage procedure (Utterson et al, 2005; Visser et al,
toxicity (DiMartini et al, 2008). In cases of CNI-related neuro- 2004). Despite this high rate of transplantation, portoenteros-
toxicity, patients can frequently be switched to a different drug tomy remains a viable bridge to definitive therapy, allowing
within the same class with successful resolution of symptoms infants to grow.
(Emiroglu et al, 2006; Erol et al, 2007). Most central nervous Transplantation is a durable solution for biliary atresia, and
system (CNS) complications (80%) occur within 1 month after this recipient population obtains the best survival rates, with
OLT but may be seen up to several years after transplantation 10-year patient survival greater than 80% and graft survival
(Bronster et al, 2000). The incidence of neurologic complica- greater than 67% (Barshes et al, 2005; D’Alessandro et al,
tions in LDLT recipients (17%) approximates that of cadaveric 2007; Diem et al, 2003; Farmer et al, 2007; Schreiber et al,
allograft recipients, and outcomes from these complications 2007; Visser et al, 2004). The use of split-liver cadaveric grafts
appear to be similar (Saner et al, 2010). and living related transplantation has expanded the potential
donor pool, extending OLT to an increased number of children
with biliary atresia, without a significant increase in post-
Immunosuppressant Toxicity OLT mortality (Barshes et al, 2005; Chen et al, 2006; Yersiz
CNIs can cause significant renal and neurotoxicity. Use of siro- et al, 2003).
limus as an alternative immunosuppressant in patients with Additionally, use of living-donor liver allografts significantly
these adverse effects may allow patients to recover from CNI shortens time on the waiting list (Visser et al, 2004); however,
toxicity without significant risk of rejection (Di Benedetto et al, technical variant grafts may increase the risk of graft failure
2008; Morard et al, 2007). (Utterson et al, 2005). Graft failure and vascular complications

account for the majority of early post-OLT deaths, whereas who have undergone OLT showed that abstinence for 6 months
rejection remains the leading cause of late death in these patients or more before OLT is the strongest predictor for nonrelapse
(Barshes et al, 2005). after transplantation (Miguet et al, 2004).

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Hepatitis B Virus

and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Since the standardization of HBV treatment with hepatitis B
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic immunoglobulin (HBIG) and antiviral agents, the rate of recur-
liver disease of unknown origin that is frequently associated rent HBV infection in liver transplant recipients has declined
(70% to 80%) with inflammatory bowel disease, usually ulcer- from 80% in untreated patients to less than 10% of treated
ative colitis (UC; see Chapter 41). Patients with PSC also are patients at 2 years (Roche & Samuel, 2004; Saab et al, 2009;
at risk for the development of cholangiocarcinoma. Although Todo et al, 1991; see Chapter 64). Current treatment strategies
medical palliation exists, the only cure for PSC is liver trans- include reducing or eliminating active viral replication before
plantation. Outcomes after OLT for PSC are excellent, with transplantation through the administration of lamivudine or
5-year patient survival rates ranging from 80% to 85% (Goss adefovir, in combination with other agents, then combining one
et al, 1997; Ricci et al, 1997; Solano et al, 2003) and 10-year of these with HBIG after OLT indefinitely. This approach has
survival at 70% (Busuttil et al, 2005). Whether the incidental resulted in similar outcomes for patients without recurrence
discovery of cholangiocarcinoma in the explanted liver affects compared with patients undergoing OLT for other reasons
patient survival is controversial (Goss et al, 1997; Solano et al, (Kim et al, 2004; Roche et al, 2003; Steinmuller et al, 2002);
2003). Approximately 9% to 11% of patients develop recurrent however, HBIG administration can be costly and cumbersome,
PSC after transplantation. and resistance to lamivudine is reported in 20% of patients after
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease treatment for 1 year.
typically characterized by the development of circulating anti- Although combination prophylaxis with lamivudine and
mitochondrial antibodies (AMAs). Patients with PBC generally HBIG is highly effective, other methods to combat HBV recur-
have better long-term survival (>7 years) than patients trans- rence are being investigated. Alternative regimens include com-
planted for PSC (Maheshwari et al, 2004). They are more bination antiviral agents (e.g., lamivudine and adefovir) without
prone to chronic rejection, however, and are less likely to be routine use of HBIG (Nath et al, 2006). HBV recurrence por-
weaned from immunosuppression (MacQuillan et al, 2003). tends a poor outcome, with a 5-year survival rate of 47% (Saab
PBC likely recurs in a few patients after OLT, although long- et al, 2009). For patients with HCC at transplantation, recur-
term follow-up data are lacking, and this rate appears to be rent HBV infection is also significantly associated with a recur-
much less common than for PSC recurrence. Posttransplantation rence of HCC after transplantation (Saab et al, 2009).
AMA titers are not predictive of disease recurrence; a liver
biopsy specimen showing granulomatous destructive cholangi-
tis remains the gold standard (Faust, 2001). Hepatitis C Virus
Since its definitive identification in 1989, HCV has been deter-
mined to be a major cause of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis,
Alcoholic Cirrhosis accounting for 37% to 41% of OLT performed in the United
Although often producing ESLD in conjunction with viral hep- States (Thuluvath et al, 2010). Approximately 2% of the general
atitis, alcoholic cirrhosis is one of the leading indications for population carries the virus, and 50% to 60% of these indi-
OLT in the United States (Amersi et al, 1998; Thuluvath et al, viduals develop chronic liver disease (Farmer et al, 2000; see
2010). Early reports showing equivalent outcomes in patients Chapter 64).
with alcoholic cirrhosis compared with patients with nonalco- Short-term and intermediate-term patient survival after
holic cirrhosis resulted in widespread application of OLT for OLT for HCV is not significantly different from HCV-negative
this indication (Bird et al, 1990; Starzl et al, 1988). Medical patients who receive transplants for other nonmalignant
outcomes in this group continue to be good (Busuttil et al, reasons, although graft survival is significantly reduced com-
2005; DiMartini et al, 1998; Lim & Keeffe, 2004). pared with allografts for alcoholic liver disease (Biselli et al,
Recidivism occurs in roughly 20% to 30% of patients trans- 2010; Boker et al, 1997; Ghobrial et al, 2001). Unadjusted
planted for alcoholic cirrhosis (Biselli et al, 2010; Pageaux et al, 10-year survival rates are lower for HCV-positive recipients in
2003; Rowley et al, 2010). Although there is little convincing the United States (Thuluvath et al, 2010). Recurrent infection
evidence that resumption of drinking adversely affects graft or is nearly universal, and chronic hepatitis develops in most
patient survival after OLT, there are ethical concerns over pos- patients after OLT (Gordon et al, 2009). The clinical course is
sibly misallocating donor organs to active substance abusers similar to nontransplanted HCV-positive patients, with only
(Lim & Keeffe, 2004). Relapse might also serve as a proxy 13% developing hepatic fibrosis (Saab et al, 2009). In these
marker for patients who are likely to have poor nutrition and patients with recurrent hepatitis C cirrhosis, 5-year survival
overall health as well as poor compliance with their immuno- decreases to 30% (Saab et al, 2005). Recipients coinfected with
suppressive regimen and, therefore, increased risk of rejection HIV tend to experience faster and more aggressive recurrence
(Pageaux et al, 2003). Most transplant centers require potential of HCV (Di Benedetto et al, 2008).
transplant candidates to participate in a support program, In contrast to HBV, no approved therapies are currently
undergo psychologic evaluation, and remain abstinent from available for prevention of recurrent HCV infection after liver
substance abuse, with documented random drug and alcohol transplantation. Outcomes for transplantation of HCV recipi-
testing for at least 6 months before placement on the waiting ents with extended-criteria livers are significantly worse, and
list. Multivariate analysis of alcoholic patients with cirrhosis donor age has been reported to affect graft survival adversely
SECTION III TECHNIQUES Chapter 98A Orthotopic Liver Transplantation 1735

(Lake et al, 2005; Machicao et al, 2004; Russo et al, 2004; of observation without evidence of extrahepatic tumor on
Thuluvath et al, 2010); however, older donors can be safely restaging. Our results using this strategy in highly selected
used, with similar results in HCV-positive recipients with short patients are equivalent to patients initially meeting Milan crite-
cold and warm ischemia times and careful donor selection ria without the need for downstaging (Chapman et al, 2008).
(Doyle et al, 2008). Currently, 58% of patients receiving MELD exception points
for HCC have undergone TACE or radiofrequency ablation
while on the waiting list, with the majority receiving TACE
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). Although no prospective trials demon-
(See Chapters 80 and 97D) strate a long-term oncologic benefit to pretransplantation
HCC was one of the first documented indications for OLT TACE, retrospective data strongly suggest that this may be ben-
(Starzl et al, 1968). The decision to utilize transplantation for eficial, and we consider this a routine practice in our HCC
this disease is based on the oncologic premise of performing transplant candidates (Bharat et al, 2006).
a complete resection (total hepatectomy) with wide surgical
margins to effect a cure and to remove potential future sites
of tumor formation in the diseased remnant liver. Improved
selection of appropriate candidates with HCC for OLT has (See Chapters 50C and 97E)
led to improved outcomes and consequently has more than No effective medical treatment has been found for cholangio-
doubled the number of patients with HCC on the waiting list carcinoma. Surgical extirpation is feasible in less than 30% of
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). all patients and produces 5-year survival rates less than 30%,
Liver transplantation in the setting of extrahepatic malig- even with complete resection (Jarnagin et al, 2001; Rea et al,
nancy is contraindicated. Conversely, the finding of incidental 2004). Additionally, patients with PSC, a known risk factor for
HCC in the explanted specimen after transplantation for a non- cholangiocarcinoma, are often poor candidates for resection
malignant indication does not alter patient or graft outcome because of concurrent cirrhosis. Historically, the use of OLT
significantly (Cillo et al, 2004). The difficulty has been the for treatment of cholangiocarcinoma has been associated with
selection of patients for OLT with malignant disease confined 5-year survival rates of 30% and even lower rates in patients
to the liver but at an advanced stage. with incidentally discovered cholangiocarcinoma at trans-
In their series examining liver transplantation for HCC, plantation (Becker et al, 2008). Surgeons at the Mayo Clinic
Mazzaferro and colleagues (1996) obtained a 75% 4-year actu- reported successful results using strict treatment protocols
arial survival using specific guidelines in highly selected patients. for performing OLT in patients with localized, node-negative
Subsequently termed the Milan criteria for OLT, patients under hilar cholangiocarcinoma, which included the use of neoadju-
this protocol were offered transplantation if they had a solitary vant chemoradiation, staging laparotomy, resection to negative
tumor less than 5 cm in diameter or no more than three nodules, margins, and OLT (see Chapter 97E). Using these or similar
each less than 3 cm in diameter (stage II). Largely as a result of protocols, 5-year survival rates of 72% have been achieved in a
this report, UNOS adopted these criteria for placing potential highly selected group of patients, many of whom had PSC
recipients on the waiting list, limiting transplantation to patients (Heimbach et al, 2004; Rea et al, 2009; Sudan et al, 2002). Ret-
with stage I (single tumor up to 2 cm in diameter) or stage II rospective analysis revealed improved outcomes for patients
disease. enrolled in the Mayo protocol compared with those of patients
Currently, MELD exception points (22 points) are awarded undergoing major hepatic resection (Rea et al, 2005); however,
only on a routine basis to patients with stage II HCC, who these outcomes have been difficult to achieve at other institu-
account for 8% to 9% of all deceased-donor liver recipients tions, and neoadjuvant therapy is associated with higher rates of
today (USRTR, 2008). Patients with more advanced HCC can arterial and venous complications after transplantation (Mantel
only receive additional MELD priority points through special et al, 2007).
appeal to regional review boards of transplant surgeons and
physicians. Although not equaling the excellent results of
Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Mazzaferro and colleagues (1996), reported 5-year survival
after OLT for HCC generally ranges from 60% to 75% in (See Chapters 72 and 97C)
several large, more recent series (Goodman et al, 2005; Yao The cohort that undergoes OLT for fulminant hepatic failure
et al, 2001; Yoo et al, 2003). comprises a diverse group of patients and disease etiologies. By
Several centers have attempted to expand liver transplanta- definition, these patients have no previous demonstrable liver
tion to patients with tumors exceeding the Milan criteria and disease, yet they present acutely with encephalopathy; synthetic
have met with varying degrees of success. The University of dysfunction, such as coagulopathy; and jaundice. Most com-
California–San Francisco (UCSF) criteria permit transplanta- monly, the etiology is never determined, but fulminant hepatic
tion for patients with solitary tumors smaller than 6.5 cm diam- failure (FHF) can be caused by drugs, viruses, toxins, or other
eter, fewer than three tumors, and a maximum diameter less liver injuries (Hoofnagle et al, 1995). Although artificial liver
than 4.5 cm or total cumulative diameter less than 8 cm (Yao support systems are under development, the only widely avail-
et al, 2001). able cure for acute liver failure is OLT. Limited donor organ
Prospective trials currently are examining multimodal treat- availability leads to the relatively high waiting-list mortality
ment for HCC, whereby patients undergo chemoembolization rate of 377 deaths per 1000 patient-years at risk. MELD scores
or other ablative techniques to downstage the tumor clinically, tend not to predict outcome accurately in patients with FHF
followed by transplantation. We require patients with stage III (Kremers et al, 2004); in this setting, outcome after OLT is
or IV HCC to undergo tumor downstaging, usually with TACE, below average, with approximately 67% of patients surviving to
to meet Milan criteria and with a minimum period of 3 months 5 years (Farmer et al, 2003).

this indication; however, a recent multicenter analysis demon-

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (See Chapter 65) strated similar 3-year survival rates in a highly select group
Cirrhosis secondary to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is of patients with recurrent HCV compared with non-HCV
a rapidly increasing indication for liver transplantation, account- retransplant recipients (McCashland et al, 2007). Factors por-
ing for approximately 5% of transplantations performed in tending a poor prognosis include preoperative mechanical ven-
2007 (USRTR, 2008). NASH, a stepwise progression in the tilation, HCV infection, elevated creatinine and bilirubin, and
natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is prolonged donor cold ischemia (Markmann et al, 1999; Yoo
associated with obesity. Data gathered to study the effects of et al, 2003).
BMI on outcomes of OLT are inconclusive. Although it has
been shown that morbidly obese recipients are at higher risk for
PTMS and infectious complications, it has not been definitively CONCLUSION
shown to affect long-term outcomes (Leonard et al, 2008;
Malik et al, 2009). Independent risk factors for development of Results after OLT have improved over the past 3 decades,
graft steatosis after OTL include pretransplantation graft ste- although outcomes may be expected to plateau as further
atosis, post-OLT obesity, hypertension, DM, hyperlipidemia, improvements add only a marginal survival benefit to an already
use of tacrolimus, and alcoholic cirrhosis as the primary indica- refined surgical procedure. The reasons for the successful devel-
tion for liver transplantation (Dumortier et al, 2010). opment of hepatic transplantation are as follows:

RETRANSPLANTATION 1. Organized regional and national networks designed for the

early identification of potential organ donors and rapid pro-
The rate of retransplantation has been gradually declining, curement in select candidates
reaching a low of 7.8% in 2007 (USRTR, 2008). In particular, 2. Improved surgical and anesthetic techniques, allowing previ-
the rate of retransplantation for HCV dropped to 5% in 2008 ous obstacles to OLT to be overcome (e.g., PVT, severe
(Thuluvath et al, 2010). The most common indications for coagulopathy)
retransplantation include primary nonfunction (46% of retrans- 3. Novel antirejection and antimicrobial agents, with increasing
plants), HAT (29%), acute and chronic rejection (7%), and emphasis on achieving minimal immunosuppression in the
recurrent disease (Busuttil et al, 2005; Jain et al, 2000; Lang shortest time possible
et al, 2008; Marti et al, 2008; Thuluvath et al, 2010). Use of 4. Increased vigilance for the occurrence of acute complica-
DCD allografts is associated with a 13% retransplantation rate, tions after OLT, with the development of rapid screening
which has remained stable over the last decade (Thuluvath tests for HAT, PVT, and primary nonfunction
et al, 2010).
Outcome after retransplantation is generally worse than As the only treatment option for thousands of patients, and
after initial OLT but is slowly improving, with a 10-year graft with the added benefit of being curative for most candidate
survival up to 69% in some centers (Marti et al, 2008); recipients, OLT will continue to be offered for the foreseeable
however, this varies significantly by primary indication (Adam future. Methods for expanding the donor pool and the more
& Hoti, 2009; Thuluvath et al, 2010). Patients requiring recent revisions to the allocation process may help to ease the
retransplantation are at increased risk for infection, HAT, and shortage of suitable hepatic grafts. Newer immunosuppressive
acute renal failure (Uemura et al, 2007). Retransplantation for agents and further understanding of the role, or even the neces-
primary nonfunction yields 54% to 60% patient survival at sity, of immunosuppression in some patients may decrease the
5 years (Kemmer et al, 2007; Uemura et al, 2007). Recurrent morbidity for patients after OLT.
HCV is associated with worse outcomes following retransplan-
tation overall, and most centers avoid retransplantation for References are available at

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