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Page 73. Listening plus.

Listen to more of Danny's conversation put the offense in the correct

order. So what did you do Danny well first I went to the police in Acapulco and I filled out a form
about my bag and I said what about my passport and they said sorry go to Mexico City so I went to
Mexico City what happened there I went to the Canadian consulate they were really helpful I filled
out another form and I made a list of stuff in my bag my passport a book sunglasses sun cream
then something amazing happened what I got a text from the hotel in Acapulco and guess what
they found my passport under my bed so your passport wasn't in your back now excellent wait
there's more I got a call from the police in Acapulco they found my bad some but they were really
worried a nice lady said sorry Senor but there is no passport in the bag did you tell her of course I
said I'm sorry the passport was under the bed in my hotel room that's funny so what did you do I
flew back to a couple go got my passport from the hotel got my bag from the police and enjoyed
the rest of my vacation.

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