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w © & ®@eeo @2x CSO dE Heel PE pieve ral \o Said « Slate late Khys Hag Books & Kittel = Aacrookt & Mornin = Pu & Babhor * ~ Wahab Mother 2 These we Y atatos of mablon, i) Sabid iy Liquid ii) qos w PLowma We paad +o Atudy the footing ap Salidy Vlochical poohortwsir To clifhewnbote “hw tnyulodor Concluckos & Remicorichiue, Magnabic propantin y Nagra ane farramaprahe materials To know about para, dip, foro we nod Th ppp Thaxmall poepordi - To know which salid iy Fhomal Angulater er Formal conductor. Mechanical pospoatt IW To know vahtick Sabid mrackoni- Atoory ; Optical /opboellactani pooporhes » which rmakeniab J aeauint to make solar call Bb docided by optical prep. , . A Doo. Cepilline on Coyne ants) single Pal _ ( Paste 1 ovr) (Quosire,, Dienand ) CGufef) : CoystaDties glia que chasadedred by repos oF hos alt assongment af otoms of xen OY tt porreoedic: € River, Aobid mada ct Of atoms or vnalecules, é € Mem ot qapoating Pomgelires after | € acartain ditan& a ; : € ¢ i \ | ' Non big ably cn chooriddaed by random corany =mont op aterm ar rnoliqules « >, frvengnmants of tems iD -chacicle thain poookedics . Ls Pong is Non- cayshabors « 4 | \< > Cuppa Th crystalline - i > Dimond & Cupp beth ane caystalling faut aimenol a Corr ingle snp Ante , x 7 We 2 samo type a hon ihe coyptal’ wil) ba Aingla Cayrtel phe ef Oarangms Pal stalling ing i Faby ling Js the arrangrnant—op aggrighie of eosge no of 2myle coped Te small Ang apres ann Knosn a Geain & beuehiw pefeuasing Shur On: Greain Bouncbouy- @PICGSILEOVHBCSCSOveSFESTDVYUEBOVYHSESHREYWYSOSLE i | - JF we Comsidan geaphite K quarts Fran thon popaies 2 difeont bcoz Hein profidtier debanols upon thin banaling dn roduar., Mask of the _rabicls are In dhe i salidy booze coystallling Aabicl LY more alabh “ax compare J ong tin, saliolt a exidiyy relaared ipiing thi foomortlen maferidl, is wore than Amousbheus rolid 2s Mead enoyy ead In dhe formation of a | caystel wil) x moze stable , wane eg. Helium nuclows is foomed by R duderium nucle’ # ony 4 £2H 3 "Me + 5 Mey peleared.-1 SMW. To been He into. |H* 4 H® we nee o- smev G+ amv Stal Study dhe Coystall Structure Lotte '- Lathe iy pewadic asmal a poiny in de 3baca. Mprmant , dmagincony- Thés is a ponsodic arsoaungrmact Ae of oder, This a Mattumaticad a cand pt : J This Lathe wil ee a Bravos hattice ov Spa Onthice Jp each Doth point hos udontic.) rumpundings. eg. Lattice point O04 9! has dame aucrrounding Buh - Basis an abo oF qapup of atau. By dittaching dy bas do each Sotho oolat , we'll get Copal Shovehun Lodtie + Bashy = Caystag Ser bao cate) Motif Basis of 1 cdem 4s called Monoacomic Cryst » » mee than 4 atom a called falyatonie L capstel, + We aw adlachiny aterny en each 8 i 8 ¢ ‘e As. Dottica poids ot piredic do al : + aterm, ul) toe pywodk do this ‘ ewrangriont uk bocwme Caprlalling Sale : ; ‘ : Unit Celld:- daoal crystal Js infinite in dimense é +, real cystah can. noe bs infineks . t Not can ‘be ddaal fo it-munt howe finite dimonmon, § Uyak call, a the emabosk unit op the cmp ov Lait which § an cavdifous repletion can gerdnacte whebs Gatfier. § Thay a the depoerenctodire of Lottie sx cape sha { Bf we want do const He c 7 Ty ( Mouctuae Then weave: do avrangk dhe * cr i unit calles idle by Sida . = { > (pain can covtein Donge no: af unit i j Unit Cols ane af 2 dn 4 ee a set { wed ane i> Paiative ae sao Sa \pbarhieae Nor of Dalia ports ant ynore Shon ort. Lattin Psint ov this Will locomy af phipsicad iy Non. primitive. ° ‘ Primicbiase Lotta: poids cv adlonging only to the comon, oy iter Wt cols - ~ : Rk - ejpeckiue no: op Dodie poindd fer unit col iv one . ‘Non paint = Lotticn pode ane lalonging to the Comers ay welll a do tho ao position of the ujut coll. i t atom bars » tach Latha point will contain { ater Qo os ” " a Quis IO im QRWAMm AA Dw ww AAR ARAM @ AARARARH AAR EA a A. primitive call can have Figre than 1 Ae et 2) Latom but prove only 1 { fata point ee by 4 wit colly arene af unit cx -» ‘Dadtté Capxont ac Lattin paramater) @ 4 fos prot mitive cdl . 5 $ bx so | oy Fox Non positive + Pgs /2g0" : yf } + CeO COS COB IVLEHOAIVY FEDS $ i (2 | ohh 8 | aes | t. ark os =| ae | CFinaeo fat | 078 TE 2 Restle dl. atb, V9 | 3. :Ractang : | cow TY | \ : \ 4 Hox L eh. ve Joo! | ratte a=b, Ye 120 5. Obie al Ota va yen] ° \ : wo! | go dn adim, thow ae 5 Sgt dae EO) & : “ ype a copstal admit, Puan squw , rasdanple & Hanayonall ons thy spacial cases af ObLigue. Yo.2€ €O > Honte; $y 3-Die, We Doses. : | (Simple rreans poimitive ) po 4 Teaystat Steuctwie | Laiticg + * i t | Cubic simple : ee a. Foca Contests 7 (ee) da Terrragenal 4. Simple Ooyece » |g & body cartyed &=B=V=9o 5 ! (bet) : 3. | Oxdhevohombic |i” 6 Simple” ‘ap bye een k= Poe bface 4 | § | Baer | 4 * ingle) (bey) F ; Geet) I 4 Fryenad 1 to Simypbe O=b= Co B= 13 56 i |s. | Hoxagonal Pn Stn a=bPC, d= P= 90° I Y= 20° 16. inte Sh : - watts | THEE eae g .fE Trickinic N. Simple aghec, dé P2Y, hove + crystal Aiuehrr 4 14 rpoacy ROR ARMAA ij ADAAAABA AG BOOS ARAMA oO a & & & ry e a a Boe EO FILES IL EOD LDS LEO HAYS DAdW® sloth ao oO [eee ye primitive Compe) I —> bely cothesl j FH fae C= tid Anderplanare Spacing’ + | ' ' | as denoted 3 dase 5 AKL => Millen Shain ; ane Apasing bys awo Ayceanive ‘ee “ooh 0 | ve 5 PE Plane. : ae. aha jeratin of ant ince at 4 will be aifrent for diff CRUE ERS. a ( hkl tpt a Breese Tair Foorutla Bb valig ony or Cab oe tor " * fie Cubic cays og = i! Sea a : [Mer dncliee = To find athe oderdattion nf Hone ih ? the cxystal ,-rnilber tmcicat ured: Thay co waite os i(hkL) . |e jm vmabl baakel wslthowk comas. (100) pnidller Indices 5 Sue L1,0,0) —* Position coordinale Pilon Indic wy He_ddents planes. : 4 fth kal > Leyrerere | SP ReetOT DIOL oy pbtall beacket without coma. a ee ee OB & OC shoul! + dnpicike maang oe porralllad to that axis,” oA->a& — Ss (010), hao kel, Qeo oA , oB7a , oC >* (0°l), heo,k=0, 2=] : OR 8 : OB OCA Suppose Lue havea Cubic! soystal kL) > risQare drobien [hk 2] —, disaction dndtteas ERK LG —> fartily of plone AKL? > farnily op cliseatiry tedisey _ Show do Sah the 7 » b,c hoki £2 Gy top foe a Doticn poramater allomg i chin? , b—- a 4 y Ys a a ae re o8— ” ob OC-+ +. +, ¢ + hek D> Millen, tnabieas $f ipa wart to, Aketeh (1,0 0) plane hal; kK=o ,L=0 ai) ha! k=l 2=] ofa ,OBAA , OC SPI COPVLSOHOYULEOVYESHOVHYHBVVSHISYIUBBES TOES STS ATI IIT 1 (209) - iJ ha2,K=0, 250 MN ‘ OA raf , OB ,OC7™ t oaroBzoc = 2: BAS ty ' a fF OAL eB ;De= & Yes * (alo) her k=l , =O A ee gasoB soc = LIE 4 © Nolo: Parade Qdetet hawt tome priller - dnclins planed Negative Skotel i- ho) than dtu repay 7 hee eae (Foo) (Tee) hat, k=6,Q=0 ona o be intercolah en -ve axis. Te, aay rig. sapt the origin dpe wel? be darn fer (joo) + (Too) plans. 4 een : - Al. -. a were © (aoe AR ER Mm HR EM BR OR AR IR AR A AR AR EN EH AD A MR HD GN EM MH EH ER HD A HT Hr M YEBRILES IVIL OC BdvES Farid of plome »- {loo} rans family of khan (100) (Too) : CN (oT o) Cool) (ooTy mane family of ) oa] [7.00] ‘ [ole] . foto] [oo 1} [ooT] Quart Find the Millon enchicer ofa plane stay foe dnbreb on &,b 4S axiy.equal do 34 4A Josh 2 . Gy oe} we Actragonal crystal with Sars, o @A;—B; OC = BAL YA; 34 - | Beis 6 fer sebragonal , a=b FC 6 n bSO, CHNSA - (kids Poo ce PRL = So OR oe ° = & ; &, 7 iO ; ° — aR YA BA Md = 4 sié a : j : Gk = CBO] ve . . fe Fok OF Das Rekomanw PTs of dhe felons shah makes rrderunpl ¥ og 2h, 3A 4A on the co-ardinate axis of Brthogehmbic. , exgstal with Aibro = 44342, , fr orthowhmbi | AEBES @> 3 opiopioe = 25314 (A) ei g = Bey bie hikil = of | OB 6 = fo 3 2 a 3° - Bilih = yr2zsy CE) Qa 4 plone, makes ‘nisl of 142A om TAB axis B:2:1- OA} OBIOC= 1A; 2A i ae = oem cl bikig= Se: Bg See ie Th | ap! wf ° th kQ) = iy Shue Relation batuuan Jattio forum, & Man donsiy of a "ile ay pan the unital \ Tree wa- valid only far Cube catuted. . na V3, GET] hon hs NOt atoms pur unit col My» atemie Mass /atontic, weight Na Avogadevs Ne, : : Pn —>' Mass canoity: / afecitc goewily /Rulativedirvily. | C9 Latha’ panpunater of a cublecysel , oespeclively lout forall sto T? axts. find MT ab atbie = 4 i RN RR RD CODLCSMPILEHODRICGDIL ECS Iw Le GOIWS SII RIT TT I et BD IC AOS 26 i . z 1 -§F My Ue given in amu. (ep clo 35am) Ao ao change ie 1 dn Gm kepan, wawltibty by Rg dhlegactio no Unit > Ke fm - - afom? \ | Avogedan no wred \ Go23Ki6 N=6:093 Ko," 2 at gare im ony . “a nAMe ae WET) : a oy . E > No: of aomts | wid valumt , _ = Nat >| eas Ths aa called a Mi fe LeH3> ty “abicd only "No: dansity / Adee clans Ste epi = Mass dovoity [Railve clon / ofa gravity dx © UnitDoss Fn > Mast dansily of jaertioular Jybeof caystad unr” to Wwodtr. . ’ 3 : eq CL 816 hon $16 ten = 8:96 (writ iow) a J} Crystal Strichwus er. Gy Simpl, Cubie((primitive Cubi)'- Thana Jy 1 atom ip, jaaced + ee Doct. plot boned Frau nuylbaiin dirtane fed St (daterrudaose ators) dn Sits, adh the ators ane af ane Typ ato radia 19 dune a nooud bo *Neonut Néghhous cislaneg TH) il Ae=a cE (9) Tind or naxt roeanert Neighbauw Usang => ra [one Gh Tind poaust Paiyhbaun = 12 (ey i diprad 6 } A TM Lz bien hosing tad gS g cet a) : ‘ fey dy MZ yg y iL , Yo ey toy | ‘ Bp yy Veluon of unit cob = Qe x é b—_ 7 8) ¥ ” [omitive ca au =a b> 4 Covsoclinadion no <12 or AINE: 3 Doorely packed capital. they Ge 2) Calullahion of APP: - App. = , Volume op the ators jn nik ‘coll * Vallee op thy Unik cad APP» show Asud rivah foaclonap unit all ui filled with adtny APE = ix$mv. : 3 (azar) ul = BPE 2B S05 = say — past of copa a sccntd by ators 4 987, poset Jy ee . Body Conbeesd “Gyee) = so ee adem of bey conked © poirtion N mason Taito ~ 8 Cathy © ar yefrrente)? it oo a Ment N oun | istane => b pe fe are Sea AD Fer cardee cto juagguse ee 7 Cee Bo OR CN ly BARRA ARAA REAR RAR AAD AA MRA MA ADA A A HDA AM ® Lope98 ang 90q sob Ye eaiyeapveovor > ‘ay ug aser say’ by ry ay oy! ns “SPD (syry fm ed ‘puoi ep'ue bu [Od myby MO]. FPN] ammneyey aypturoxa.” gO : : Zt us Iu, 30 the € agp ve % he | ME oe the Sipe tie) rep haw a sce fonedran srmary Gi aa0y |. ey. feared e992 | rvooy | peared WKEOy Furie. sive) CD) oe we 2b | the |. Enppey_ereeey 2g 22 | hh cle ee |dtpaomn/wapede on) Cx _ We | 2pm: | yo | © [Fein onragecl. Qo Fon Cin) 0 se 20 ed eo | ID Tom fe rua Ga) _ ‘I ie y > TN POM PE ONG - mr a 2 ~ 0 ef lompybren prcam Pan (0) % TUS ETP = h 7 . z UR | eeqybron omen a BAR| eR 7 . uafoupen-sn )-ner og bh al ul 8 98 | yb tenes to oN 8 3 h Zo 4 exe | i= axe [Tm ymr/aiage fo on C4 prsmeetd- we Perouse Yon Lorgmnad-uon] “PERN | angnaud | yh fn fo wR ve fe | Pee cl Rey @nreoreerr74@07 Con a07 €@ed°7e @O93* €@ Conkee ctor 6 ix crouching 6 atoms. df we fale ball on Sayer ie Shen it will ateyon voiols. . Jt 1 not paysdhle do fuk atom ®n each vaid » ) fo ws haus 20 fad ckem on A abteunsde void . we get Laytr B ee ‘will be ot dhe comb Of atom | | a Loy A i Bo Hexagonal close shuckuie LU pang. dye . i Jn filane , each ctomrtiuat howe 6 atom Auscrocreling i: Batems of B Doyen touches the canbe atom af Myr A. i : {fee FCC LABS ABC ABC ~~~ dybe af stmchus } | J For Hexogenel » a=b 4c a= B=G° Y= Py eat wip ot at has bad he _9 Now primifive ‘eg No pr unih putot 3 ee Beat a ‘ cgrvscloms in rob aha bp. ste alérinalove = La -gatoms of Loy B vill contibute fall = 3x ys 3! i |, Ao [Faklatmgnit ald = 6 | | vy . Lt at By wor + re olor hail “a be yl conde ak thy canhe of thy | a a eae a a ae a a SLL SH Gv ES HY LOOVYESHSYHOOVE o 8 [ gcoetnatn No. — x conbre atom Ja referees atom then 6 hd =12 e[ © |) Nesnet Newhbeun aiken Qn=4 pt ade 8 { as Dotter pancmetty 7 +) Und root neighbouy dslane = C (iy of crt ells) 6) No of TE rearcut neiphbaurs 9 4) Vabume of writ call = (fren of Last pant) x haighh . The bose plane 4a _ Imad up at § epuilaterad triangle. Thnt ae 6 thw tho Area Pe dyadatont a = = Suge = 33 ak panne wit off = aGahxe = 38a¢ 8) valume sf sank alt 250 De he i oe ats dom no- mo em ana. prinitive \ | fo Hons oe 2 atom bars ; [to a ore fut 20 = “ir (EG yey i riifiee. yeh KG = | >| Net, ;- Mo of reaxert norighbouy can rover bg peas Jreater than (Bi I. > a Beare =~ 3p 2 Bare * 12) Type of paicking- oe By Py, Z0 A ate. extol motels have” Fee of hep atmekune . Dore = exgmm (ex Fa) | Bua ee = befae oye TS 3 os pw? GE Be Dimond Cubic ec) - ya not a bravias Latha , ; i masks. by, 4.96 Yosr poanias Josticss . imma: Cubic can bo connidnred as Intenporatretion of doo fee Qattias — 1 da af dhy position (0,0,0) 4 athy : tion (baby “yy ot te postion (qo hoy) Dimond has. olimond curbie rtordire . dimond df made Up ky. afer Casdhon “flac 3 402 a atom nt f00,0) ARMA AM RDA B ee ee a mH 1 } \ } { \ { i \ | \ i FR ESTES SVU SOVLSOSOUYEBLTHHISHGOODOSG 7 1) Type of pocking > Lense U7” Non proimitiiae "2 Nor of atom fenit al = ErBTEXG HY = X.condinatim no: Y ach C-atom wy coontinales dy ae 4 c-adoms- ON _dsen dhe coordinahhy no. pbuh Lill b0. hoaraby back 4) Neasat norphbary distene = (Fs 39. gy S Bs fea Q) Ind ” 4 7 4 Tages 4S UG oe / any x 6) Bed No: ef Ina NN. =, la (a0 i def eto hen aids Ne torn il be cy Pach canbe ob % vobaj anit Ol =a? ; 8) Valp.og primibve wit af = Bh. dimond crete Ju fee with, Radom basis.” Now of atoms in permis nip ald of de = 2 YD No ap aforns J unit val SS a (Batons. In a8 valurs, }e) Atgmnic Roality ap = Ho ss (KP) te C) 5 Yo. a Oe Dimond ib Frsuohor—> Zach ¢ aterm. co-arclinabed ky oy rth Caton Ao dt J make 4 covalent bends, Bacatixe No pe e- pm Cratom u pee, [eranter Ahad RY Om) gy Gk a nylld Buk cb dt Elochrially Arvdator beer 4 oo TE Shon good haad condaiskdr. Stnshat of Se & ArBlator 4 som €x- Si, Fie, dimmd , Sn - ep oriky sty}: tn land. Jap + i’ < band gap Gang Wo | APP 034 4 Jar es of 34 7, os oe DRDO OR pe 8 MST axy ny? a3 sey a BRE xT xX AB vs ~ BK OK Bey = mi Qadtien) howe ot ‘ - os itintt 2002 Lu made from Zn atom Aon Tr nthcal iy made toon, sulphide atoms. § mH -oocupis tu. Fee basition then. . S a ” Tetahohal ” 0% VI VEDA. ZnS dt nat a atone, Abucms - Sb ds) a maleculan 23% gn ahiiy case viooust ntighbaus Abifene = e+. dn avunit call > 4 Zn atom + 4 Ssastom APE = sage + a ms) i es (Up tere? (14 Zea. A+ Zn) 7 ze 7B caleulde APE, we Shas knows He aaher “4 0. APE’ of Zns # By 7 erattsly eX — Gos , CdS, Endb ‘ete. Pel O RV EODYLOOVLOODUVGOOVYOHOVH OEE FIO ne * Godinuns chlovile C Natl) /Reck Saft : ha 4 radw up by 2 fee a1 rypiels as Natt con ba convidered as 4wo tabanehadng fee's . Ong Lothes 4 tho Na ae coupling Pha Checom puch dhat ip one hag the engin at (0,0,0) than atin ho one at (4 0,0 Jo (e $19) o# (, °8) 0 @ Baris (oop 419), 0,2,5), df nha atoms occupy she sclahucaal jotttion, cdl coups the fee position, } yy Non- poimitive P 3) Now wp odes funit coll ar ° \ (63 Tata} contaibubivn of GU > &* dea =4 7 : y Neo ene 1H 3taY : oe ee : aide contre HOE YNQ This os. madacullan crystal 2 my 3) Co-arctinahon 70° Cnnsst aves Necrert neipibars of No => Ch sy. ~en_oecdlinahen noc = 6 4) Nessust vadghboun Listen te Tat Tog = £ §) Ind sonnet meighbaur : 2 for cantre atom , all black atom! axe Lan, fe Nom Dw N ee ee teal Bo TL reorit jnighbous = |p @) L a 4 dbbeune = x : H Volume af unit aff = a3 2 "gy Vedume ap peimitive unit call =a 9) Mo: op atoms in primitive unit all - wot 1 Botton, Stns 2 4 Na A £tel atom placed, Nac Gy fie with Datem basis , 1 dy Na. atom + La fo), Maloculas: dansity: = 4 TO ~~ 12) Typle of pecking = 6 hoot (ect) 3) afk Poy can't bn caleudoted exaly « Sx RGD, KBE, AgBo ck ' “Ab da allkabi: haba & pibver helisy have Natl Ve nact) kel, NeSw, KBv, Nez, KE) Apudwre - : ' Cassivm Chlbrside (CsCl ye Lian, Roe, cal caystalints in CsI adnahine, Csth can be.conBbrred 3 2 indenpenubracticg incl Tabs Sates Se hoy De adows of Cs ote has thy cctony gp CL. The ovigin of ont Battie 4 oct (0,0,0) & ot hes omyinet (4,5). | lO Pa IN ee q a MOO ED RNR MARR PD IC SODRLHGOOYL OOVULSEHOVEHDSOHYHHOHVHAOOOSG LOO TIT ITI OI IETF pe 1) Non- paimihye 2) No ¢ aterny unit col” Cs exe =! cd | “he |@+t)0Q2 = 1Csth : malocude 3) Po-crctindion. nov “or naquust nriphboui = 8 ytNecsust Neighbaun clistante= a)B Newt Netghboun clirfance = Feet Bas GS 6) 1 wasnerd naiphbown = 6 a st ee 7) Volume of unit cold = a3 Sb Uy Aigjuest > B) Val: af Jorimitive usiheetl= a* S Based 2 atom basu-> $C a rch 2) modocudan clenyity = 1 a a) 1) PD ') forking — Noose BUS ND &x~ Coch, REEL» Cs Br, Lely a 2) APE > cannot find untill *%/7y veto Bret Geaphite uch masks Up of grafehene Dower}. Grraphone hod Hondy comb rhustuas, Coschan atony vw, aeranyed in Hur hi comb vinuehivas . : o ta AD - Ora Coatom shaved by 3 roorky atoms: Thiys “the Gnaphicte ashmstarr tn 2-dien fn 3-D-~ One c-otom UL shoud by 6 raorckyy C-atomy, SE comeckng BS rowsy aiemy for bravely Dathee, 4 Graphite Afauetuat dy Loyrred Atnictie but graphene yo Aye Doyen Atak Cringle Layer of conten atom) ‘ Grrafphike Js Conductor > pm c-atem , Leds free. | 4 conmiclin | Dottig poirt en eath atom position Hun Se wll not fom a hari, beoz smurroundinys of ALB | ane tippeant, . Only Prhaterns or B-B atoms can fem basis ag | Moy have xame Abuyproun ching « do Gittn connect: nawrrhy AA adorns, of, B-8 atom, Tha hexagon (2d) sb Hy unit eal of goaphint { 1) Thi unit col da hon -primitize | 2) No: of atoms) unit wl? : come ajems - 3x6 = inwidr y my = Teck) 0° of wtoms/unit call = 6 ot Side of unit QQ): —» Lotta paromatr | Doshia vat) ALD Bre ides wil) be Korte, @ 4 Gattics poe mihin-—7- 0. PD Dt CSVLE SHG KOU SOHSsYSSSYSOHOSYYAOSUVEs p 4 é ; J=|B)@ Y= pe! r > Nearest Heifer cLsteney ? _ rs b XE HQ F ¢ ? 4) No of nacncat ndighbawen t =3 { An aD, ahore will bo Lose pasbig 5 Ay Novag wen ant 6 but hire 3 Ae fackeiy will be fossa, D8) Ind nama N: clittente ie P g)Norof and Ni Ne = 6 od. “F) Pacn ap & A= EY BIe gn 2-Diny Agen Of 2 A = a 8) Agen ctf primi unit al) = “kno ap ec th = (Be a = Sor 2 3 ‘ent, 1) No ~ af chem J primidive uni al = aan eee ; ao g atoms of graphite insiclacte pimilive cal. p Ao Logo basis. (her at one Lottie poh, Ore’ aston} gin dyke Looe op Biya) ? { tn Conventional usted cell + arin con't beiepty ob) Nov af ttem Junit aren = 305 ¢ { 4 J» Bxa OY BuBa> qr i) Atermic. Raclivs oe : 5 ag : 1) yey petleing —> Lore. 3) Ex Cnafhant oA i) APE = arta of Ha ator iy ital ana of init coll ae Gk lita fepesin ators i dise ~ 380 as ao wun = 7 BE ftanl Guaphite Triangle ¢ [9 lich plane nC. uy chpdecl paek plane A a OD * puis Pind Lasgest Plomar danrty ail be cLexed pak. § Te having : 3 a) whieh clbaelon os Casext park in S.C? ia fo 4 dim > akem compicened as co Dens - ' Qaim n . y wv Ase, j ain ao . 2 aphns, Idix? Poane having Dorgest Dine dant wild be cllorest puk, a [le oJ ae] cid Civ oJ : batt veo? Yaa? ei 1 Clee) is dhe closet peek, dinr. 1 (trading a thew wu bate (£4) = 1) ee Nw dusly=L ) a BCc : 4. "Nor ap ator = J | : (No Uw afer on fas) i Aeo= @ f Plonerdamaity = L I ae i i “ | ee eee . g aoe. ROR DR ARAM RD AR RD Bd! BCODCESCHOGLOOVUEOHFVYODHSYHSHHOSYVASHus Fbennen dowaity = jae fs Me }i Quer No: of adony = ntred atom wil) nok contsbule do (il) (body Wea ae no} d plone) Pllonnn dorily = 4, dine dowity = 2 & foe BCC -COesedt-pack plane o-{11 1. 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Syren, Condition Siza ap the apartut &s aize af the obstacke : Ahold be ‘comporatalle Jo dhe Wil op wart for | chireston to OCH oy ea 4p. di)jaaatton grating we wen Alas : ; geating an ured poo optical isnt (‘Tove A~ Fo08 A) | he- (of um —o- 742m), dy. voy smal: & ruth a fire grading ean ret be owed ke difjeanted Prov. ademnic planes, oe by ae storie eanay) Carn ES 2 ia ia | Ao db dijned X-ray went Jo? — (o5 olana, Ay He Longitednad A rangvery waver f Sound wowy, ote B, One bana, |oW* — Jo th part 4 Kova sy difpoaated, i | + Gpecting Can net dilfrert ye sayy beoe wil’ of #284” a a £ gh we Ineldank stone X-r0x on Coystal ahen Gite! |

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