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A. Greeting
Greeting means welcoming someone with particular words or a particular
action.There are many ways in greeting people, we can use both formal and informal ways.
As the speaker’s task is to choose the appropriate one
for the suitable situation.
However, you need to be careful about using
informal expressions to the peoplewho you do not
know well or whose rank or status is higher than
The following is presented greeting expressions
both formal situation and informalsituation.

Table 1.1

Greeting (formal) Responding

Hello Hello...
Good morning/afternoon/night Good morning/afternoon/night
How do you do* How do you do?
How are you? I am fine thanks, and you?
How are you doing? Very well, thank you
Greeting (informal)
Hi... Hi...
What’s up? Not too bad, thanks.
Good to see you. Fine.
How are things (with you)? Great, thanks.
How’s it going? Pretty well. What about you?
How’s life?

In addition, when we meet a person has not seen for a long time, commonly we can say:

Table 1.2

Formal Informal
It has been a long time. How come I never see you?
It’s always a pleasure to see you. Long time no see.
I’m so happy to see you again. Where have you been hiding?
It’s been ages since we last met.
Dialogue 1
Read carefully!
Mr. Budi = Hello... Miss Wati, I am happy to see you again.
Miss Wati = HelloMr. Budi. How are you?
Mr Budi = I am fine thank you, and you?
Miss Wati = I am very well thanks. How was your vacation, Sir?
Mr. Budi = It was great. I went to Bali with my family. What about you?
Miss Wati = Not too bad. I stayed at home.
Mr. Budi = I am sorry, I have to go now.
Miss. Wati = See you later.
Mr. Budi = See you.

B. Introducing

When introducing yourself you can say:

Can/ May I introduce myself? My name’s Richard.

Let me introduce myself. My name’s … .

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m … .

I don’t think we’ve met. I’m

Hello.../Hi... I am Richard

In addition when you introducing someone else you can say:

Can/ May I introduce a good friend of mine? This is … .

Have you met … ?

I’d like you to meet my friend. She is Linda

I’d like to introduce you to Linda

Dialogue 2

Read Carefully!

Renata= Good morning Amanda.

Amanda = Good Morning... Renata. How are you doing?
Renata = I am very well thanks, and you?
Amanda = I am fine, thanks. I’d like to introduce you to someone. This is Mr.Helmy, a
sales marketing in Toyota Kalla.
Mr.Helmy = Hi... I am Helmy.
Renata = I am Renata. How do you do?
Mr.Helmy = How do you do?
Amanda = Well, it’s time for us to leave. It is nice to meet you Renata.
Renata = Nice to meet you too.

C. Leave-takings

Table 1.3

Formal How to respond

Good bye Good bye…
I look forward to seeing you again soon. Good bye
See you soon See you
It is nice to meet you nice to meet you too
Pleased to meet you

Informal How to respond

Bye-bye Bye...
So long See you later
See you Take care
I’ll talk to you later Keep in touch

Dialogue 3
Miss Inar = Good bye, Mrs.Marwah.
MrsMarwah = Good bye, Miss Inar. It’s been nice talking to you.

Dialogue 4
Mr. Ronald = I have to go now. See you later.
Ms.Lia = Bye. See you.

Exercise 1

Complete the dialogue based on the situation!

1. Situation = You meet a friend of yours on the street.

You = Hi..., ..........................?
Andi = .........................,
You =’s your family?
Andi = ...................., thanks.
You = I am sorry, I really have to go now.
Andi = .......................
You = ......................

2. Situation = You see your lecturer with someone in a bookstore. It is 5 PM.

You = ........................................, Mr. Jack.
Mr. Jack = ........................., ...................................?
You = ..............................................
Mr. Jack = Are you going to buy some books?
You = ............................................ What about you, Sir?
Mr. Jack = .................................................. I’d like to introduce you to my wife, her name is
You = My name is ..............
Rose = ................. Rose. It is nice to meet you ....
You = .............................................

Exercise 2

Make a dialogue related to the situation below!

1. You meet your sales supervisor in a hotel. It is 7 Pm. (Greeting and leave taking).

2. You are introducing yourself to your new friend in the office.


What do you say?

1. Greet someone you've never met before.

2. Greet someone you often meet.

3. Greet someone you haven't met though you've had contact with them by phone or email.

4. Greet someone you've met before, some time ago.

5. Introduce yourself.

6. Introduce a colleague.

7. Ask someone what their name is.

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