Yanky Rimawan - PB4A

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Name : Yanky Rimawan

NIM : 1903046005

Class : PBI-4A

1. Would you please discrabe jhow “cleole” occur in a certain society ?

Creole is a descendant of the pygdin language which became the mother tongue for a
group of people from different backgrounds. Most of these creole languages have their
roots in the Indo-European languages as their base language. Such as Arabic Creole (Arab
Juba), English Creole (tok pisin), Mexican Creole, French Creole (Haitian Creole), Malay
Creole (Ambonese Malay, Betawi Malay, Ternate Malay, Banda Malay, Manado Malay,
Kupang Malay, Larantuka Malay, Indonesian Indonesian Peranakan), Spanish Creole
(Palengquero), Portuguese Creole (Papiamento).

Creole is a pidgin that requires native speakers. Creole is learned by children as their
first language and is used in a wide range of ways to communicate. language creole arise
when pi dg -in into the mother tongue in a particular community. Wardhaugh argues that
creole is part of the pidgin language that has been used from time to time from one
generation to the next . Creole languages emerged when pidgins became the mother tongue
of a new generation of children.

For example, when a man and a woman who speak different languages get married,
both of them know the pidgin language used to communicate which combines the
languages between their partners. Pidgin then became the common language of the house
and became the mother tongue of their children , so if this is done from generation to
generation, it is possible that its use will expand and change its function to become a creole

Due to the impact of their status as a first language, there are some differences between
creole and pidgin languages that we can understand through their different functions of
language structure. According to Holmes , a creole is a pidgin that has been expanded in
structure and vocabulary to be able to express a range of meanings and provide a range of
functions required as a first language. Creoles have more speakers than pidgins. Because
creole develops through posterity, and pidgin is only the original language. When someone
calls a language a creole, it must first be historically proven about its origin. Because in
determining the creole or not, the history of a language has a very important role and has a
very close relationship. For example, we can understand the change from pidgin to creole
from the Tok Pisin language. Tok Pisin (which is used to illustrate some features of pidgin) is
a clear example of a pidgin that has evolved into a creole language. This means that Tok
Pisan, the official language of Papua New Guinea, is a creole language which was originally
only used to understand the communication of immigrants or traders from other countries,
developing from a pidgin language to a creole language because it is learned as a first
language by most speakers there. , and have evolved according to their language needs.

2. Would you please describe how “pidgin” occur in society !

Pidgin is a simple language. Pidgin languages thrive in situations where the speaker is
not a native speaker. Pidgin is also a language that emerged as a result of the interaction
between two groups who speak different languages and do not understand what is being
said to each other, so they use what is called this pidgin to communicate. In other situations,
there are people with different linguistic backgrounds who have to communicate with each
other but with one language being the most dominant. This is also explained by Holmes who
defines pidgin as a language that is not native to native speakers. Pidgins develop the
meaning of a communication between people who are not native speakers. Pidgin is also a
language that emerged as a result of the interaction between two groups who speak
different languages and do not understand what is being said to each other, so they use
what is called this pidgin to communicate or in other words pidgin is a language produced by
a group of people who do not share a common language, then develop as a means of
communication for commerce, but this language has no native speakers. According to
Brown and Attardo, pidginis a language that emerged as a result of interaction between two
groups who speak different languages and do not understand what is being said with each
other, so they use what is called this pidgin to communicate. Brown and Attardo explain that
pidgins are used in certain situations. If the pidgin is no longer useful, then it will disappear.
On the other hand, if a pidgin is useful, it will become a lingua franca and in the process will
become a native language and eventually become a creole (mother tongue). With regard to
creole material , there are several terms that Bickerton conveys. Bickerton (1975) through
Wardhaugh mentions a number of terms used to refer to different parts of the creole
continuum that exist in Guiana's English. For example, when a man and woman get married
and they have different languages. Then came the pidgin language which became the
common home language and became the mother tongue of their children. According to the
KBBI (4:2008 edition), pidgin (pijin) is the use of two or more languages which is facilitated
as a means of social communication in short contact between people of different languages
and is not the mother tongue of the users. Pidgin is a mixed language of two (or more)
languages that arise naturally because each of the speakers of the original language does
not understand each other. Of course, pidgins were created so that each party can
communicate with each other. Usually, the pidgin language occurs from the native language
mixed with the language of the immigrants. Usually, the contribution from the native
language is more than the contribution from the language of the immigrants, but this is not
absolute. The most important thing is that pidgin languages are simpler than each of the
contributing languages. In other words, what is easier for both parties to
accept/understand, the part that goes into the pidgin. Pidgins are formed when speakers
have trade relations or interactions with speakers of other languages, spoken as a colonial
language such as Portuguese, Spanish or English, Indian, Chinese, African or American
Indian. In fact, there are many suggested meanings in the word pidgin which means
communication between traders. While in some cases pidgin is used also in a children's
community and it is becoming more elaborated with an organized structure and acquired
list so it can be used in all social contexts. Those who use pidgin also have other languages
as well, but pidgin is used as an additional language used for certain purposes such as in
commerce or administration. Additionally pidgin is not used as a group identification tool or
to express social distancing. In this case, the main function of the pidgin language is to
enable workers to communicate with each other, because plantation workers come from
different areas and are used by foremen to direct manual laborers. a language produced by
a group of people who do not have a common language, later developed as a means of
communication for commerce, but this language has no native speakers. From the opinions

For example: Bislama is a variation of the pidgin Malay language spoken by almost
everyone in Vanuatu, as an archipelago of about 80 islands with a population of 200,000 in
the north-south Pacific. Like the pidgin of the Caribbean, it started out of necessity as a
lingua franca among plantation workers. But in Melanesian who became workers or slaves
in the nineteenth century on sugar cane plantations in Queensland (Australia). They are
mandatory or contract workers. Pidgin then spread because it is very useful for sandalwood
and sea slug traders. As a useful lingua franca in Vanuatu, a country with more than 100
different regional languages to guarantee to live there. Now Bislama is fully functional
Creole which has been adopted from Vanuatu's national language.

Geographical distribution of this pidgin language is not distributed exclusively at the

equator, usually distributed in an area that is easy and close to sea access. Pidgins do not
only appear in trading areas and coastal areas, but pidgins can also occur in former colonies
and in areas with heterogeneous communities. Pidgins can be formed from different
vocabularies and structures and also take another language as the basis for improving their
vocabulary, for example Market Malay. This Malay language occurred as a result of the
spread of inter-ethnic trade. Pasar Malay is a pidgin language influenced by contacts
between Malay and Chinese traders.

Example : My house became I have a home

I hit him so I hit him

Megat was hit by Robert to Megat was hit by Robert's deck

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