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Name / NIM : Yanky Rimawan / 1903046005

Education Unit : SD Negeri Alusi Bukjalim

Semester Class : 1 (one) / 2

Theme 5 : My Experience

Sub Theme 1 : Childhood experience

Learning :1

Learning Content : PPkn (3.1,4.1) B.Indo (3.8,4.8) SBDP (3.2,4.2)


 By listening to a fast brtempo song, students can identify the characteristics of a song that has a
fast beat with precise and confident.
 By listening to the stories told by the teacher, students can find the right expression of praise..
 By observing the image ,can explain the phrase of verbal praise with true.
 By observing the pictures students can write down the phrases of praise appropriately.
 By imitating the text of pancasila spoken by teachers, students know the formulation of pancasila
principles correctly.


Preliminary activities

 The class begins with greetings, asking for news and attendance
 The class continued with a prayer led by one of the students (religious)
 Singing a national song gives teachers a strengthening of the spirit of nationalism
 Habituation of reading / writing / listening / speaking for 15-20 minutes (literacy)

Core activities

 The teacher explains about the material to be explained

 Teachers divide students into groups
 Students observe learning media about the materials taught
 Teachers ask questions around the materials taught
 The teacher invites students to discuss the materials taught
 Students are given time to discuss with their fellow group members
 The teacher walks around looking and guiding about the material he discusses
 Each group presents the results of its group in front of the class
 Teachers give reinforcement about the answers of group representative students
 Together with the student teacher displays the results of the work on display

Activities with parents

 Understanding of the material relearned by students at home with parents

Closing activities

 Students are able to present learning outcomes today

 Teachers provide reinforcement and conclusion
 Sing one of the regional songs of nationalism
 Greetings and closing prayers led by one of the students

valuation :

Attitude assessment : observation during the activity

Knowledge assessment :

Skill assessment :

Principal of SD Negeri Alusi Bukjalim Homeroom teacher


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