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Herlina Daddi, Muhammad Zia ul Haq


This research aimed to reveal (1) what strategies were applied by lecturers in English

speaking class, (2) how those strategies were applied and (3) to know the students’

perceptions toward the use of those strategies. This research employed qualitative

grounded theory design. The subjects of the research were two non-native English

lecturers who taught at the same private university in Makassar. The instruments of

research were; observation, interview and documents examination. Technique of data

analysis adopted three series of codification of grounded theory approach; open coding, axial

coding, and selective coding. The result of this research revealed five categories of strategies

that applied by the two subjects. They were; (1) strategy of checking attendance,

(2) strategy of seating arrangement, (3) strategy of teaching-learning activity, (4)

strategy of correction and (5) strategy of assessment. Strategy of checking attendance,

they were: numbering and one-off calling name; strategyof seating arrangement,

they were: one-big circle, two circle, U-model, and island model; strategy of teaching-

learning activity, they were: audio-based presentation, topic-based presentation, peer

share idea, role play, discussion, and simulation; strategy of correction, they

were: teacher correction and peer correction; and strategy of assessment, that was:

performance-based assessment. In accordance to those strategies, the students raised

perception thatthose strategies encouraged them to be good at speaking in terms of

improving their confidence to share idea, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan (1) strategi apa yang diterapkan oleh dosen di
kelas berbahasa Inggris, (2) bagaimana strategi tersebut diterapkan dan (3) untuk mengetahui
persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penggunaan strategi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan
desain teori dasar kualitatif. Mata pelajaran penelitian tersebut adalah dua dosen non-asli
Inggris yang mengajar di universitas swasta yang sama di Makassar. Instrumen penelitian
adalah; observasi, wawancara dan pemeriksaan dokumen. Teknik analisis data mengadopsi
tiga rangkaian kodifikasi pendekatan teori grounded; pengkodean terbuka, pengkodean
gandar, dan pengkodean selektif. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan lima kategori strategi
yang diterapkan oleh dua mata pelajaran tersebut. (Mereka itulah) yakni yang menjadi (1)
strategi check attendance, (2) strategi pengaturan tempat duduk, (3) strategi kegiatan belajar
mengajar, (4) strategi koreksi dan (5) strategi penilaian. Strategi memeriksa kehadiran,
mereka adalah: penomor nomor dan nama panggilan satu kali; strategi pengaturan tempat
duduk, mereka adalah: lingkaran satu besar, dua lingkaran, U-model, dan model pulau;
strategi kegiatan belajar mengajar, mereka adalah: presentasi berbasis audio, presentasi
berbasis topik, ide berbagi teman sebaya, bermain peran, diskusi, dan simulasi; strategi
koreksi, mereka adalah: koreksi guru dan koreksi sejawat; dan strategi penilaian, yaitu:
penilaian berbasis kinerja. Sesuai dengan strategi tersebut, para siswa mengangkat persepsi
bahwa strategi yang mendorong mereka untuk pandai berbicara dalam hal meningkatkan
kepercayaan diri mereka untuk berbagi ide, kosakata, pengucapan dan tata bahasa.

Herlina Daddi, Muhammad Zia ul Haq

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