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Ong, Maxine Allain Z.


1. Explain Operational Planning in your own words.

- Operational plan’s purpose is to provide a picture of tasks and responsibilities that are
aligned within the company’s goals and objectives which can also implement the strategies
contained within the strategic plan. It is also a detail-oriented plan which can reach
company goals and can contribute a plan for running a business and departments. It might
outline a strategy for the products it operates and the process of cutting expenditures. They
link its strategic plan within the activities of the organization to develop strategic goals and
objectives which would require them to deliver its success.

2. What are the benefits of having a SWOT Analysis for an organization?

- SWOT Analysis can help an organization discover its weaknesses and strengths which can
help discover internal and external opportunities and threats to avoid. It can understand
your business better and can also take advantage of your strengths to develop a business
goal and strategies. On the other hand, it can be limited due to the problems that does not
provide any solutions or can generate too many ideas that will not help you choose the best
one. A poor SWOT would be a failure because it can’t identify the company’s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats that would have a negative impact on the company’s

3. State a similarity between PERT/CPM and JIT

- Program Evaluation and Review Technique examines the tasks in a schedule to determine
the Critical Path Method and analyzes the time that is required to complete each task which
can determine the minimum time to complete a project. It can identify different tasks
needed to complete a project and to make sure that these are in the right order that would
indicate the complete task to represent the activities. While JIT in manufacturing supports
a workflow methodology which can reduce the flow times and costs within the production
systems. JIT’s prime goal is to have zero inventories across the organization which could
improve the supply chain.

4. What is the importance of Total Quality Management in Operational Planning?

- It can help employees focus on the quality management and continues improvements
within the companies which can establish and hold cultural values to create a long-term
success within the customers and the organizations itself. It is focused on the long-term
success through customer satisfaction which can participate in improving the processes,
products, and the culture in which they work. It ensures that the high-quality products and
services would eliminate the defects in incorporating changes and improvements in the
system and can lead to loyal and satisfied customers that can bring ten new customers

5. How does Waste Management contribute to an organization's Operational Planning?

- It involves a regular collection of proper disposal and recycling which can monitor different
type of waste materials and can also save your business a considerable amount of money
that can also prevent the environment from being harmed. It can handle pollution and
encourage other people to protect the environment and the health of the population. It is
important to create an important waste management plan which can help the company run
more efficiently which can remain ethical and can also get your team working together for
a common goal.

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