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Celebrating My Family’s Love Languages

Grace to beg for: My Lord Jesus, I beg for the grace to see and appreciate as I
recall the day to day experiences with my family so that I can celebrate and
embrace the kind of love that my family has.

Learning our family’s love language can really enrich and strengthen the relationships we
have from each other. It really helps us to understand how we give and receive love.
However, most of the times, we could hardly recognize their different expressions of
loving because we might be expecting a different way of loving us. The following are
the 5 Basic Love Languages according to Dr. Gary Chapman that will help us recognize
in our respective families:
Spend some few moments of silence and try to recall and re-live your day-to-day
experiences in the family and reflect upon them.

 Words of affirmation - The love language of words of affirmation include spoken

words of love, praise, positive affirmations, and appreciation. Then I shall write in a sentence
and or phrase my Family’s WORDS of Affirmation.

 Acts of service - Acts of service includes doing simple tasks that take things off their to-
do list or positively accepting when they complete a task for you. Then I shall write in a
sentence and or phrase my Family’s ACTS of Service.

 Receiving gifts - The love language of receiving gifts includes gifts or trinkets that
you give with love and thoughts about how the other person will feel great about getting it.
Then I shall write in a sentence and or phrase my Family’s WAY of RECEIVING Gifts.

 Quality time - The love language of quality time includes being together, fully
present and engaged in the activity at hand, no matter how trivial. Then I shall write in a
sentence and or phrase my Family’s best QUALITY time.

 Receiving touch - The love language of physical touch includes being close to
someone through touch – whether a tactile display or just by being physically close to
someone. Then I shall write in a sentence and or phrase my Family’s WAY of EXPERIENCING
Receiving Touch.

Review of Prayer: I shall ponder the questions below and journal important discoveries about
my Family’s LOVE languages.

1. Among the five Love Languages, which one is the most manifested by your Father?
Mother? Siblings?
2. Which love language do you speak at home?
3. How do you feel after recognizing those love languages?
4. What is God telling you now as you have identified the manifestations of love in your
Xavier-Ateneo Campus Ministries

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