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Republic of the Philippines Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 13 (Caraga) - ADVISORY TIME: _ FOR: ALL CITY AND PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS yy. _ DILG Caraga SUBJECT: CONDUCT OF FY 2021 BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS (BDCs) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT DATE: JULY 5, 2021 Attached is the copy DILG advisory dated June 30, 2021 on the same subject aforementioned above. Please take note of the following details: Period Covered FY 2019 only Link for the reference materials _| http://bit y/BDCAuditMaterials [Scope of Audit _ [At least 90% of the barangays ‘Assessment Period July 2021- November 30, 202% ‘Schedule of Audit © August 13, 2021- Submission of results from LGUs to POs/ RO |* August 20, 2021- Encoding of results by | POMRO to shared Google Drive [+ September 3, 2021- Submission of Regional Assessment results to DILG CO [Link for the encoding of results | To follow (once shared byNBOO) Herewith also are the copy of the presentation materials which may be used to re-orient the City/ Municipal Assessment Team (C/MAT) for this particular audit. For strict compliance, Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan”” 18 Bry. Doonan, sun iy Sal ats: finn ...2b Tok os 089) 342135, 2101975, 3422085, __ abate: um corsa ta Local Government Capability and Development Division (LGCDD) Document Control Number. L6cD BILS — REGION: NT OF y, 4 get OF ry RE cEIvES \ Sorricar’s, pare 4 2021. g RELEASED % Gav Oy REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Sour 8 ; ePARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 7 sg DILG-NAPOL.COM C Telep cr, EDSA comer Quevon Avene, West Tangle, Quezon Cit econo secrong fumibers (02)925.1137 / (02)925 03.28 (teleferx) % - 09 yoo" ADVISORY TO : DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, BARMM MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS, CITY DIRECTORS, CITY/MUNICIPAL, LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : CONDUCT OF FY 2021 BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS (BDCs) FUNCTIONALITY AUDIT DATE = JUN 30 2021 As the country now shifts to more relaxed quarantine protocols, the resumption of systems interrupted by the COVID-19 crisis is allowed to operate under the new normal, provided that minimum health protocols are strictly observed. Further to the July 31, 2020 Advisory from the undersigned on the “Deferment of the Conduct of Functionality Audit of Barangay-Based Institutions (BBIs)”, the functionality assessment shall resume this CY 2021. In this regard, the assessment of the functionality of BDCs hereby resumes, in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in DILG Memorandum Circulars No. 2019-69 and 2019-112, dated May 15, 2019 and July 17, 2019. In addition to the above-mentioned guidelines and issuances, the following shall also be observed: A. PERIOD COVERED For FY 2021 BDC Functionality Audit, the barangay development council shall be assessed for its performance in FY 2019. Reference materials for the audit can be accessed in this link: \ B. SCOPE OF AUDIT * All Regions shall assess at least 90% of the barangays within their areas of jurisdiction e All barangays under modified and/or enhanced community quarantine (MECQ/ECQ) as declared by IATF and the local government units, during the assessment period shall be exempted from conducting the BDC Functionality Audit. Provided, that the number of exempted barangays will be reflected in the Regional Summary to be submitted to Central Office. . SCHEDULE OF AUDIT The BDC Functionality Audit shall commence in July 2021. In consideration of the current situation, the submission of audit results is extended until November 30, 2021. The DILG Regional Offices shall set the schedules of submission of provincial, city or municipal audit results, provided that the duly signed Regional Summary will be submitted within the deadline prescribed herein. D. GOOGLE MONITORING SHEET * Results shall be encoded only in the official monitoring sheet to be shared by the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO). * Encoded results in the Google Drive shall match the Consolidated Regional Results duly signed by the Regional Director and submitted to the Central Office e Sharing of Google Drive link to DILG Provincial and City/Municipal Field Offices shall be done at the regional level. E. SAFETY PROTOCOLS Minimum health protocols and other measures prescribed by the IATE shall be strictly observed in the conduct of the BDC Functionality Audit. Social distancing, wearing of face masks and face shields shall be mandatory during assessment meetings to minimize the risk of catching and spreading the virus. ¢ All are encouraged to use different technology platforms in the submission of reports, including the self-assessment forms and means of verifications to be accomplished by the barangays. * In addition, assessment meetings with City/Municipal Assessment Teams (C/MAT) are encouraged to be conducted via online platforms. F, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. National Barangay Operations Office a. Create the monitoring system for the BDC Functionality Audit, and disseminate the same to DILG Regional Offices. b. Provide technical assistance to the Regional Offices in the conduct of the BDC Functionality Audit; and c. Prepare a national report and submit the same to the Office of the Secretary on or before December 31, 2021. 2. DILG Regional Offices a. Formulate regional operational guidelines for the conduct of the BDC Functionality Audit, to include the timelines for city, municipal and provincial consolidated reports; b. Disseminate the monitoring system shared by NBOO to field offices within your area of jurisdiction; c. Ensure the establishment of safety measures in the conduct of the BDC Functionality Audit based on the local situation; d. For DILG Regional BDC Focal Person, accomplish the directory found on this link: hito://bit. ly/BDCREP. e. Provide technical and administrative assistance to the field offices; f. Ensure completeness and accuracy of the assessment results; and 9g. Conduct validation activities, whenever necessary. 3. DILG Field Offices a Together with the City/Municipal Assessment Team, assess the functionality of BDCs based on the submitted barangay self- assessment forms; Ensure strict observance of minimum health protocols and other measures in the conduct of the audit. Ensure completeness and accuracy of the assessment results; Conduct validation activities, whenever necessary; and Submit consolidated monitoring report and assessment results to the DILG Provincial Office or DILG Regional Office, in the case of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) or Independent Component Cities (ICCs) within the timelines prescribed by the DILG Regional Offices. For your guidance and compliance ED! Sécretary fy

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