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• Surface dressing is a simple, highly
effective and inexpensive road surface
treatment if adequate care is taken in the
planning and execution of the work.
• The process is used throughout the world
for surfacing both medium and lightly
trafficked roads, and also as a
maintenance treatment for roads of all
Introduction Cont…
• Surface dressing comprises a thin film of
binder, generally bitumen or tar, which is
sprayed onto the road surface and then
covered with a layer of stone chippings.
• The thin film of binder acts as a
waterproofing seal preventing the entry of
surface water into the road structure.
• The stone chippings protect this film of binder
from damage by vehicle tyres, and form a
durable, skid-resistant and dust-free wearing
Introduction Cont…
• In some circumstances the process may
be repeated to provide double or triple
layers of chippings.
Double Surface Dressing
Double surface dressings are robust and should be
used when:
• ƒA new road base is surface dressed. ƒ
• Extra 'cover' is required on an existing
bituminous road surface because of its condition
(e.g. when the surface is slightly cracked or
patched). ƒ
• There is a requirement to maximise durability
and minimise the frequency of maintenance and
resealing operations.
Double Surface Dressing Cont…
• The quality of a double surface dressing will
be greatly enhanced if traffic is allowed to run
on the first dressing for a minimum period of
2-3 weeks (and preferably longer) before the
second dressing is applied.
• This allows the chippings of the first dressing
to adopt a stable interlocking mosaic (mixture)
which provides a firm foundation for the
second dressing.
Double Surface Dressing Cont…
Prime Coat
• Where a surface dressing is to be applied
to a previously untreated road surface it
is essential that the surface should be
dry, clean and as dust-free as possible.
• On granular, cement or lime-stabilised
surfaces a prime coat of bitumen ensures
that these conditions are met.
Prime Coat Cont…..
The functions of a prime coat can be
summarised as follows. ƒ
• It assists in promoting and maintaining
adhesion between the roadbase and a surface
dressing by pre-coating the roadbase and
penetrating surface voids. ƒ
• It helps to seal the surface pores in the
roadbase thus reducing the absorption of the
first spray of binder of the surface dressing. ƒ
against rainfall and light traffic until the
surfacing can be laid.
Prime Coat Cont…
• It helps to strengthen the roadbase near its
surface by binding the finer particles of
aggregate together. ƒ
• If the application of the surface dressing is
delayed for some reason it provides the
roadbase with a temporary protection
Application Rates
• Application rates of chipping and binder
for surface dressing shall be determined
based on information about site
conditions and aggregate properties.
• The material consumption given in the
table can be assumed for planning
purpose until the project details are
Surface dressing – Application rates for planning purposes
Aggregate Requirements
• The aggregate for surface dressing shall be
durable and free from organic matter or any
other contamination.
• Aggregates tests should be performed as per
Aggregate Requirements for Surface Dressing
Type of Binder
• Penetration grade bitumen of types
80/100 or 150/200 shall be used for
surface dressing unless specific site
conditions require use of other grades of
• Bitumen types that contain solvents,
such as MC3000 cut-back bitumen, are
only required for surface dressing laid
under cold conditions at temperature
below 15°C.
Correction of spray rates for the type of binder

• Bitumen spray rates shall be increased by

10% in the applications where MC 3000
cutback bitumen is used in surface
• The 10% increase of spray rates when
using MC 3000 is made to compensate for
loss of solvents in cutback bitumen
Construction and spray rate measurements

• The spraying temperature of 80/100 penetration grade

bitumen shall be 170°C to 185°C.

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