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SUBJECT- ACCOUNTS General Instructions: © Do the work neatly in your own writing... * Do the QI on loose sheets (if using printed one than it should be sober one) to be converted into a file later on after doing the remaining work. '* Do the Q2 in a note book as per the availabil Do the Q3 in a note book only.. oF you can make a word file also for this. QI. PROJECT WORK: Imagine yourself to be a sole proprietor and you have to start a fast food restaurant in a metro city. You have Rs. crore out of your earlier savings to be invested into the business. You are supposed to frame imaginary situation for starting (ie. bringing assets into the business) and consequently you need to invest and incur different expenses (for get Space on rent, licenses, permissions, web based gadgets, raw material supplier, human resource and their salaries, furniture, advertisement etc.), learners need to add more to this according their imagination so as to maximize the number of basic accounting terms. If available cash resources are not sufficient than can raise loans ( short term and long term) from various sources. Now once business is established while running the unit you will enter into plethora of business transactions and can introduce more accounting terminology( for e.g. What if the owner's son took some food packets for his party thrown for friends...?2, Its drawings. Likewise, ‘What if you did catering for someone but that person {debtor} refuses to pay?? Its bad debts etc...) In this manner students will form a variety of transactions at their own, they will do lot of brainstorming and research to complete the given scenario. ‘Students can involve their parents also to generate new ideas for them and can even take support of their teachers. The information and clues given are just to help but learners are free to imagine any other business unit and can proceed accordingly as idea is to involve the learners into innovative food of thought so that they understand the accounting terms clearly and simultaneously can realize the real life application of the subject. Lastly this project will be continued further to prepare the comprehensive project of accounts once other topics of syllabus are covered. Q2. ACTIVITY: a. Watch the business NEWS or read the column of business page from a newspaper daily. Make a daily record of the SENSEX & NIFTY rates, Gold rates. Note down the main headlines point wise and also make a dictionary of words related to commerce, business from these headlines, try to find out their meanings. Will discuss them after vacations. b. As you have read in your books about the terms DEBIT & CREDIT so now you need to understand these terms from Banking point of view. Ask your parents to show you a specimen of bank's Pass book either in a hard copy form or it might be in soft copy. Firstly just go through it and observe the items shown their, after that you need to understand the debit and credit made in the pass book at your own and than you can ask your parents to explain it for more clarity. €. See a specimen copy of Cheque Book that your parents must be having, just see the information given in it, ask your parents to tell you how to write a cheque. Also ask them about significance of crossing a cheque so as to make out the difference between a cross and the bearer cheque. Q3. PRACTICE WORK: a) Mr. Gopal started business for buying and selling of readymade garments with & 8,00,000 as an initial investment. Out of this he paid % 4,00,000 for the purchase of garments and 2 50,000 for furniture and & 50,000 for computers and the remaining amount was deposited into the bank. He sold some of the ladies and kids garments for ® 3,00,000 for cash and some garments for & 1,50,000 on credit to Mr. Rajesh. Subsequently, he bought men’s garments of & 2,00,000 from Mr. Satish. In the first week of the next month, a fire broke out in his office and stock of garments worth & 1,00,000 was destroyed. Later on, some garments which cost & 1,20,000 were sold for & 1,30,000. Expenses paid during the same period were & 15,000. Mr. Gopal withdrew % 20,000 from business for his domestic use. From the above, answer the following: (i) What is the amount of capital with which Mr. Gopal started the business? (ii) What fixed assets did he buy? (iii) What is the value of the goods purchased? (iv) Who is the creditor and state the amount payable to him? (¥) Who is the debtor and what is the amount receivable from him? (vi) What is the total amount of expenses? (vii) What is the amount of drawings of Mr. Gopal? b.) On the Next Page: Class 11 (Accountancy) Worksheet —Theory base of Accounting Fil in the correct word: 2. Recognition of expenses in the same period as associated revenues is cailec roncept. 2. The accounting concept that refers to the tendency of accountants to resolve uncertainty and doubt in favour of understating assets and revenues and overstating Fabilities anc expenses is known 23 3. Revenue is generally recognized at the point of sale denotes the concept of . 4 The concapt requires that the same sccounting method should be used from one ‘accounting period to the next 5. The, concept requires that accounting transaction shouid be free from the bias of accountants anc others 6. fa firm believes that some of its dedtors may ‘default’, it should act on this by making sure that all possible losses are recorcied in the books. This is an example of the concept. 7. The fact that a business is separate anc distinguishabie from as owner is best exemplified by the concert. 8. Everything a firm owns, it also owns out to somebody. This co~incidence is explained by the concept. 9. The concept states that if straight line method of depreci should also be usee in the next year. 10. & firm may hold stock which is heavily in demand. Consequently, the market value of this stock may be increased. Normal secounting procedure is to ignore this because cf the 11. ta firm receives an order for goods, it would not be inciuded in the sales figure owing to the jon is used in one year, then it 12. The management of # firm is remarcabiy incompetent, but the firms accountants cannot take this into account while preoaring Book of accounts because of concept. 13. Stock in trace is to be recorded at cost or market price whichever is \ess is basec on Principle. 14, The assets are recorded in books of accounts in tha cost of acquisition is based en concept. 15. Transactions betwean owner and business are recorded seperately dus to assumption. 16. Business concern must prepare financial statements at least once in a year is based on assumation. 37. Principle requires that the same accounting methods should be followed from one accounting period to the next. ‘Choose the Correct Answer 1. During the life-time of an entity accounting procuce financial statements in accordance with which basic accounting concept (s Conservation (b)Matching (chAccourting period (d)None of the above: ‘2. Cost incurred should be matched with tha revenues of the particular period is basac on a) matching concept b) historica! cost concept ¢) full disclosure concept 3. @ concept that a business enterprise will net be sold of liquidated in the near future ig known as : (a}Going concern (bjEconomic entity (cltonetary unit (¢)None of the above AS per the business 1 ¢} government 5. Going concern a . e Millennium ‘School SUBJECT. BUSINESS STUDIES General Instructions: Do the work neatly and on your own. Q-Prepare a PPT or the project. Students are required to make a report on the topic which must include the highlighted bullet points. Do the Q2 in a note book. Do the Q3 in a note book only but if not possible to arrange than loose sheets can be used, put them in folder. QI. PROJECT WORK: Environment Pollution is cost of economic Growth via increased Industrialisation, mechanisation, use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and mismanagement to dump human waste, especially in developing countries, where environment laws usually are relatively less strict. So you are required to suggest some ways through which sustainable development can be achieved by controlling environment pollution in different forms of private sector enterprises. Also quote some examples of Business Organisations which are actively participating for achieving sustainable development Topic of Project: Environmental Pollution and Sustainable Development in different forms of Private Sector Enterprises Q2. ACTIVITIES: ‘A) Discuss the impact of COVID 19 on different types of industries ic. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary industry. Classify this pandemic under the appropriate cause of risk as you learned in Chapter-1. B) Collect the names of major agencies, organizations which regulate, control and provides guidelines to the business units in INDIA, can also mention their year of origin, head office location and major functions. Q3. PRACTICE WORK: Revise all the chapters done so far. Try to make Mind Maps of these chapters in a creative manner. Subject-Economics Q1. PROJECT WORK: General Instructions: Students should prepare individual projects of about 40-50 pages for CBSE assessment. IT will be an independent, self-directed piece of study. The project should include the following sections: 1. Cover page- Displaying the topic. 2. Acknowledgement — Thanking the people or institution that has helped you in completion of your project. 3. Certifieate- Mentioning your name and the name of teacher under whose supervision you have completed your work. 4. Index- Giving the list of contents with page numbers. 5. Introduction- Giving the purpose and importance of a study. 6. Chapters- Give a title to each chapter along with details and pictures. 7. Conclusion- What do you learn from your study? 8. Bibliography- Showing the sources from where you have gathered information. Present the following in your project report: Data/Statistical Analysis/Diagrams and graphs Analysis/Explanation and interpretation © Bibliography Students can use primary as well as secondary sources for the research work. Choose any one of the following topics: © Effect on PPC due to various government policies © Opportunity cost as an Economic Tool (taking real life situations) ‘Effect on equilibrium prices in local market (taking real life situations or recent news) ‘* Solar energy, a cost effective comparison with convectional energy sources ‘* Effect of price change on a substitute good. (taking prices from real life visiting local market) * Bumper production-Boon or Bane for the farmer. * Any other topic of your syllabus.(with prior information of your teacher) Students have to be prepared to give viva on the project in the class. Expected checklist:- © Introduction of Topic/title Identifying the causes, consequences and /or remedies Various stakeholders and effect on each of them Advantages and disadvantages of situations or related issues Short term and long term implications of economic strategies suggested in the course of research. eee © Viability, reliability, appropriateness and relevance of data used for research work and for presentation in the project file. Q2. ACTIVITY: Seeking the present scenario of lockdown in view, how do you think it has left an impact on the economy worldwide. Go through the data from the leading newspapers and Magazines to find out the impact and make a comparative study of three months. What are the future perspective of this and what do you think the steps should be taken by the government of different countries to cope up the gap of production and consumption. Q3. ACTIVITY: The Corona virus outbreak is squeezing economies around the globe to the point where world oil demand is forecast to shrink in 2020 for the first time since 2009. Keeping in view the oil price war, explain what it could mean over the longer term in the industry? Revise syllabus done in class. SUBJECT : ENGLISH « Do the work in the fair notebook only. © Also paste the printouts in fair notebook vertically straight. . SECTION: A (READING) Q: 1 Read the passage given below & answer the questions: Adapted from The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (1908) 1. The Mole had been working very hard all morning, spring cleaning his little home. First with brooms, then with dusters, then on ladders and steps and chairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash, ‘till he had dust in his throat and eyes, and splashes of whitewash all over his black fur, and an aching back and weary arms. Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below and around him, penetrating even his dark and lowly little house with its spirit of divine discontent and longing. It was a small wonder, then, that he suddenly flung down his brush on the floor, said "Bother!" and "O blow!" and also "Hang spring cleaning!” and bolted out of the house without even waiting to put on his coat. Something up above was calling him imperiously, and he made for the steep little tunnel which answered in his case to the graveled carriage-drive ‘owned by animals whose residences are nearer to the sun and air. So he scraped and scratched and scrabbled and scrooged and then he scrooged again and scrabbled and scratched and scraped, working busily with his little paws and muttering to himself, "Up we go! Up we go!" ‘till at last, pop! His snout came out into the sunlight, and he found himself rolling in the warm grass of a great meadow. 2. "This is fine!" he said to himself. "This is better than whitewashing!" The sunshine struck hot on his fur, soft breezes caressed his heated brow, and after the seclusion of the cellarage he had lived in so long, the carol of happy birds fell on his dulled hearing almost like a shout. Jumping off all his four legs at once, in the joy of living and the delight of spring without its cleaning, he pursued his way across the meadow tll he reached the hedge on the further side. 3. "Hold up! said an elderly rabbit at the gap. "Sixpence for the privilege of passing by the private road!" He was bowled over in an instant by the impatient and contemptuous Mole, who trotted along the side of the hedge chaffing the other rabbits as they peeped hurriedly from their holes to see what the row was about. "Onion-sauce! Onion-sauce!" he remarked jeeringly, and was gone before they could think of a thoroughly satisfactory reply. Then they all started grumbling at each other. "How STUPID you are! Why didn't you tell him—" "Well, why YOU. didn’t say—" "You might have reminded him—" and so on, in the usual way; but, of course, it was then much too late, as is always the case. ‘Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option: 1. What had the Mole been doing all morning? a. Sleeping in his burrow ». Waiting for Spring ¢. Dusting, cleaning & white-washing 4. All of the above 2.Incontext, the word "contemptuous" most nearly means (para 3) a. Scornful ». Patient cc. Admiring 4. Confused 3. Why did the Mole throw the brush on the floor? a. He was tired b.His back was aching ¢. His fur was smeared in paint 4. Irresistible Spring was calling him 4. "This is better than whitewashing!" What is better than whitewashing for the Mole? a. The happy bird songs that fell on his ears ». The sunshine that warmed his fur ¢. The soft breeze that caressed his brow 4. All of the above 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to ‘imperiously’? (para | ) a. Modestly . Quietly ¢. Timidly 4. Arrogantly 6. Which of the following sentences uses the word ‘row’ exactly as it has been used in the passage? (para 3) a. She is sitting in the front row >. There is a row of earthen lamps on his doorstep ¢. There is a row in the parliament about the new farm laws 4. They row their boats very cautiously 7. Why did the elderly rabbit stop the Mole? a. The Mole was jumping on the grass & trampling it ». The Mole was passing by a private road ¢. The Mole was disturbing the rabbits 4. The Mole was roaming around instead of working. 8. It was then much too late, as is always the case. What were the rabbits late for? a. Grumbling at one another b. Arguing with one another ¢. Giving a firm reply to the Mole 4. Cheering the Mole 9. Which of the following traits can be associated with the Mole on the basis of the extract? (i Lively (ii) Impatient ii) Witty (iv) Hard working (v) Vivacious (vi) Nature loving (vii) Arrogant 2. All except ‘witty * b. All except * hard working’ ¢. All except * vivacious’ 4. Allexcept * arrogant” 10. What made the Mole jump on four legs? a. Joy of living b. Joy of spring c. Joy of not cleaning d. All of the above Q: 2 Read the passage given below: 1. Bitcoin is a digital currency created in January 2009 following the housing market crash. It follows the ideas set out in a whitepaper by the mysterious and pseudonymous Satoshi ‘Nakamoto. The identity of the person or persons who created the technology is still a mystery. Bitcoin offers the promise of lower transaction fees than traditional online payment mechanisms and is operated by a decentralized authority, unlike government-issued currencies. 2. There are no physical bitcoins, only balances kept on a public ledger that everyone has transparent access to, that — along with all Bitcoin transactions — is verified by a massive amount of computing power. Bitcoins are not issued or backed by any banks or governments, nor are individual bitcoins valuable as a commodity. Despite it not being legal tender, Bitcoin charts high on popularity, and has triggered the launch of hundreds of other virtual currencies collectively referred to as Altcoins. 3. Bitcoin is a collection of computers, or nodes, that all run Bitcoin's code and store its block chain. A block chain can be thought of as a collection of blocks. In each block is a collection of transactions. Because all these computers running the block chain have the same list of blocks and transactions and can transparently see these new blocks being filled with new Bitcoin transactions, no one can cheat the system. Anyone, whether they run a Bitcoin "node" or not, ccan see these transactions occurring live. In order to achieve a nefarious act, a bad actor would need to operate 51% of the computing power that makes up Bitcoin. Bitcoin has around 47,000 nodes as of May 2020 and this number is growing, making such an attack quite unlikely. ‘A. Make notes on the above passage in points only using an appropriate format, indentation & minimum four abbreviations wherever necessary. Also supply a suitable heading. B, Summarize the passage in about 50 words. @ Answer the following by choosing the most appropriate option. Fill up the gaps: ‘young Indian side battled it out with the mighty Aussies on their own . did Australia know that their Gabba fortress (c) . bunch of gritty youngsters. Even the experts, before the series, (d) 3 They had predicted a 4-0 rout. Such brilliance by (e) .........Asian side (forget an Indian side) was unprecedented. a.(i) an (ia (iii) X (iv) the b.(iA little (ii) Little The little (iv) Few c. (i) would be breached (ii) would breach (iii) breached (iv) will be breached . (i) had written (ii) wrote ( iii) has written (iv) written ¢. (i) some (ii) any (iii) each (iv) every Q.4.Talk to your parents or grandparents about their grandparents and their lifestyles. Ask how they coped with difficult situations in the family and make a video of about one minute talking about it. Conclude with what lesson it taught you. ( For ASL- Speaking) Q.5.The poem “A Photograph’ is placed after “The Portrait of a Lady * because of the thematic relation between the two. Describe in your own words the importance of relations in life in about 150 words. Q. 6."The Laburnum Top’ is based on the laburnum tree and a goldfinch . It highlights the connection between birds and trees. Think of a local bird and design a poster indicating its significance in the ecosystem. Q7. Creative Economy has emerged as a new concept with lockdowns and subsequent unemployment . How artists, creators, academia and civil society can build a network to promote development. Write an article for a magazine in around 200 words .Give a suitable title to your article. NOTE: Revise the covered syllabus for UT-I to be held in July. aes Subject- PAINTING Make a poster on current situation. Poster should be on the basis of following guidelines:- Half imperial sheet / sketch book should be used Important information should be readable Title should be short and draws interest Text should be clear and to the point Clean layout Effective use of colours and font Motivational slogan on half imperial sheet or in sketch book. City scape/land scape with any colour medium Folk painting of india with any colour medium

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