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Guide to this Adventure

Regular text can be read to the party at the DM’s Discretion if warranted

Bold text are items that can be looked up online or in the core books for further

***Encounter experience is to be added depending on party size and difficulty of the

Due to the nonlinear nature of the story and also varying levels of actual content
completion, the earnest is placed upon the dungeon master to provide a suitable challenge
and appropriate party experience***

Credits in this adventure: WoTC for making such a terrific system and game.

Art & Cover’s: DM’s Guild, Aaron Lee, Tan Ho Sim,

Editing, Proofing and Continuity Collaborators:

Abbreviations: PHB – Players Hand Book (5e). DMG – Dungeon Masters Guide (5e). MM –
Monster Manual (5e). SCAG – Swords Coast Adventurers Guide. VGtM – Volo’s Guide to

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
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Or on facebook: Exsisto Martignago

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards Notof the
forCoast, Forgotten
resale. Realms, the dragon
Permission grantedampersand, Player’s
to print Handbook, Monster
or photocopy thisManual,
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for Guide, use
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Adventurers League, all
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Guide to this Adventure .......................2
Campaign background history and
information: .............................................4
References, Inspiration and Ideas ........... 5
From WotC ....................................... 5
From the Internet:............................ 5
Regional Map ............................................6
Background ............................................... 7
The Road to Faebyth .............................. 10
Faebyth ....................................................11
The Inn.................................................11
The Mill ............................................... 12
The Suppliers ...................................... 12
The Lumber Mill ................................. 12
Groathwell Farm ................................ 12
Neverwinter Woods ............................... 13
March of the Thralls ........................... 13
The forest path ................................... 13
Tower Approach ................................. 14
The Tower of Blood ................................ 14
Ground Level ...................................... 14
1st Floor .............................................. 15
2nd Floor ............................................ 15
Basement Floor 1 ................................ 15
Basement Level 2................................ 16
Returning to Faebyth ............................. 17
Quest Conclusion .................................... 17
Character Study ...................................... 18
Frith Jug .............................................. 18
Luthar Starag...................................... 18
Encounter NPC’s..................................... 19

3 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only
fortune. Rogues and pickpockets have
Campaign background followed the masses to capitalise on the
history and information: business and the lack of suitable law
*This campaign relies heavily on lore and enforcement. Following the rogues and
facts established within the Sword Coast pickpockets, sell swords and guardsmen
Adventurers Guide and also player of many varieties have come along to
handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide and protect rich merchants or to sell their
various online supplements. Any work services to protect lots and claims. Clerics
used within this campaign is used in Priests and Acolytes have come bringing
good faith and any ideas used should the word of a multitude of various deities
have all credit delivered to their original and gods. Adventurers have descended
creators. Please see the appendices below upon the city in the hope of gleaning
for a complete list of referenced works. work from a variety of resources such as
mages, tradespeople or merchants.
As Neverwinter has steadily recovered
from the cataclysmic tear which ran When building a character for the follow
throughout the south eastern city adventure it is recommended to use the
districts, many factions and individuals resources from either the Players hand
have flocked to the city to try to establish book or/and the Sword Coast
a foothold in one of the most promising Adventurer’s Guide. The individual
regions in the known world. With members of the table will eventually find
surrounding lands rich in natural themselves through one way or another,
resources, the ideas of trading, crafting, hearing about work for a merchant who
protecting, thieving, exploiting, praising needs a party to travel to a nearby town,
and praying, have people travelling from which supplies both lumber and grain to
all over for a piece of the action. Now the city. This town has had a number of
with the giant chasm sealed and vacant its residents recently go missing and the
land up for grabs, many a merchant & merchant fears for his relative and his
individuals are marking plots of land to business which both of which reside
call their own. within the town. Motivations for taking
this work may include: A simple thirst
Work can be gained here as a labourer or for adventure or curiosity. The hope to
skilled craftsman. The inns are already create your own way of income from the
overflow and with new visitors arriving town via materials or contacts. The gold.
daily a food shortage is beginning to Or perhaps just a need to aid the people
develop. Rangers and farmers vie to of a small village from some possible
supply food stock for decent coin, as conspiracy.
brewers and abbeys rush to supplying
their own wines, ales and meads. Bards
have arrived to sing cheer for the taverns
at night, turning decent trade feeding
from the excitement and vigour of the
opportunistic folk hoping to create a

4 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
References, Inspiration From the Internet:
 The genius behind the “5x3
and Ideas Monster Card Template.ods”.
Firstly to anyone I have not mentioned  Andy Hand, Michael Johnson and
within this list, I apologise for forgetting Ben Baer – Limitless Encounters
you and your work. Ideas come to me as I Vol.
read web pages, books, magazines, watch  The people behind
TV, movies or youtube. Ideas sometimes
sink in subconsciously and reappear as if .Thanks for providing a simple
an original thought. If you believe I have and easy solution to item cards
plagiarised any information here please etc.
contact me to help me rectify this. 
for helping create balanced loot
Thank you also to Wizards of the Coast for encounters.
and the teams who create Dungeons and  The contributors on reddit /dnd. I
Dragons. I constantly try to source have never knowingly stolen work
information from any official source to from this board, however thanks
ensure GM’s and players are able to bring for providing great insight and
previous knowledge and information to tips on balance, inspiring new
aid in their experience in these modules. content and all the laughs.
Sources for my works include inspiration  A huge thanks to Len Pelletier for
ideas and reference to the following his website
ion/ .This website contains a
From WotC generator for weak magical items
Dungeons Masters Guide, Players which has seriously been a great
Handbook, Sword Coast Adventures source for inspiration. Although
Guide, The Monster Manual. Thank you none of his items appear within
all so much for the time an effort put into my modules, I strongly suggest
this game and the inspiration and joy it DM’s use this tool to add some
brings to millions every year. great little items for players as my
offerings are rather sparse.

5 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
Regional Map




6 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
also states that with the Neverwinter
Background guard so busy here with the influx of
The south west district of Neverwinter is peoples that he has no choice but to hire
a hive of activity, people from all creeds help for this task. He offers the
and creations bustle throughout the adventurers 30gp’s each upfront, he does
flooded markets and business operating however warn that he has some powerful
here. This area hosts a number of the contacts should his hired help decide to
inns and suppliers currently trying to slip away without pursuing his quest.
keep up with the demand of the city’s
new inhabitants. City guards stand As the meeting finishes up and the party
stationary on street corners, traders yell begins to exit the Inn, Frith bounces into
out to the folk in the streets. An Inn a well armoured captain of the city
named the Goaded Goblin sits nestled on watch.
the edge of one particularly busy square, “Apologies captain” blurts Frith. The
its shiny new façade beaming in the captain scowls at the merchant. The
morning sun. Within is rather quiet as captain is tall and broad wearing well-
the party finds themselves gathered polished steel with shield slung across his
waiting upon an unfashionably late back and a particularly painful looking
merchant promising work. club hanging from his waist. His scowl
Eventually a rotund man in bright clothes morphs into a surprised smile. “Frith you
like that of a jester almost bursts through old thief I bet your enjoying these times,
the door. He walks straight to the centre how much are you overcharging these
of the room and demands, “Patrons poor wretches?”
excuse this disturbance. Any folk who I Frith looks displeased at the comment
have discussed a job with or if anyone “they aren’t buying from me Luthar, I
else here is interested in some work have hired them for something you are
please follow me.” apparently too busy to attend to
Most don’t bother looking up from above yourself”.
their mugs, yet a few move toward a “Ah” replies Luthar somewhat
corner of the tavern where the colourful disheartened, “If only I had the men and
man introduces himself as Frith Jug and the time Frith, you know that” Luthar
orders a round of ale for all at the table. then turns and continues along the
Frith describes a small township around square disappearing into the crowd.
30 miles south east of Neverwinter which Frith turns to the party, “Luthar is the
has been struggling of late. The township most reliable and honest of the guard. If
has recently had a number of local’s go you do ever run into trouble, or require
missing without trace. Frith states that the assistance of the Neverwinter Guard,
his brother runs the mill there and is you would be wise to seek out Luthar.
worried about his brother’s safety. (An Good luck in Faebyth adventures I await
insight roll may discover he is more your return” With that Frith turns and
worried about a potential loss of income hurries across the square back to his
if his brother were to disappear). Frith

7 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
shop near the river running through the Party motivations for helping Frith can
centre of Neverwinter City. differ, some may be interested in helping
the merchant out for a reward. Some
As described in the Campaign
may be choosing to help out of a duty to
background and information section, all
help others. Some may be interested in
prices for goods and trade within
going for wanderlust. Whichever the
Neverwinter should be increased to suit
reason, the day long journey to the town
the market conditions. This is essentially
gives the party plenty of time to get to
to the discretion of the DM, however at
know each other (que player
least a 25%+ mark-up would seem
introductions and character
appropriate. Particularly persuasive party
members or perhaps characters with a
trader or artisan background may have
more luck getting prices back to a regular

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The Inn
The Mill

The Lumber

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• If incapacitated for 2 hours or
The Road to Faebyth knocked out, the man returns to his own
To access the village adventures must mind and is able to recount being placed
travel down the high road and turn east under a spell of some sort. He
after roughly 25 miles. Once off the High remembers that he was on his way to
road, the small winding path snakes find livestock of some variety and was to
towards the east, to large forested area of bring them north east, but he can’t
Neverwinter Woods. On approach to the remember specifically where.
village adventures find a strange man in
tattered clothing mumbling to himself • Detect magic or evil /Arcana (DC
and walking west along the road. The 15) can be used to find a spell controlling
man is impervious to any verbal requests the man.
or conversation. • The man can be taken with the
If the party chooses to follow him after 6 party to town, from which Shamish or
hours of following eventually he will lead Bilthur will recognise him as a farm hand
them back to a guard tower deep in the from a local farm.
forest north of Faebyth. Consult sections
Neverwinter Woods & Tower of Blood

The party can incapacitate or contain the

man if they so choose however he may
eventually become aggressive if goaded.

After a visual inspection the man in the

rags appears to be of a poor background
with rough clothes and the rough hands
of some sort of labourer. His skin is dark
from many years in the sun.

10 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
nothing is ever missing or broken
Faebyth when these disappearances occur.
Upon entering the village an air of
depression and isolation permeates  Shamish is annoyed that Bilthur
hangs heavy in the air. Directly in front asked for help so recently without
of the road the village centre is bordered giving the once proud village a
by a cosy if not dilapidated looking inn, chance to sort the issues out
smoke slowly rises from the chimney. themselves.
There isn’t any real movement outside of  He describes the suppliers as being
the buildings. The supplier is visible to run by a young man named
the north of the village centre and the Kilthad Latler and as having very
mill to the south. The sounds of a busy few items, mostly candles,
lumber mill can be heard a while off in bedding, baskets etc. nothing of
the distance to the east. A few small much use for adventuring or
houses dot the perimeter of the village fighting.
and a barn or two can be seen to the west
as you enter the village.  Shamish also states that the
lumber mill has slowed down in
recent years as the forest that is
The Inn: The inn is run by a grey being logged continues to scare
haired potbellied tavern keep by the workers with bad omens, freak
name of Shamish Filtrop, who leans lazily worker deaths as well as injuries
on the bar as the party enters. He and strange noises and howling’s
appears half drunk in his actions, you’d from the forests edge.
be safe to assume he drinks a pint for
 He suggests starting an
each he servers. Excited to see new faces
investigation at the Groathwell
and a potential sale, he happily greets his
farm to the north, as they had a
new guests. He is talkative and can
farmhand go missing yesterday
provide information on the towns other
whilst tethering up the cows for
points of interest.
the night.
 He describes Bilthur Jung as being
the mill master, a weak willed There are 2 rooms available to
man who scares easily. rent for 1sp each per night. He can
also offer a meal every night for
 He admits to 4 local village
6cp per person but it is of
members having gone missing
questionable quality. The inn
over the last month as well as 3
remains pretty quiet even
farm workers/travellers and
throughout the evening with a few
possibly a trading caravan which
regulars taking drinks. Not much
was due over a tenday ago. He
can be discerned from their
suspects that it may be bandit
murmured conversations.
activity however claims that

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The Mill: When entering the mill you The Suppliers: The door to the shop
find 2 young people working on the has been locked up. When peering
wheel, with 1 older male overseeing the through the window nothing much can
workers and managing the crushed be seen.
If inspected/investigated, at the back of
As you enter the facility the man comes the store tracks can be seen and what
over and introduces himself as Bilthur looks to be signs of a struggle leading
the mill master. Upon hearing you have away from the village to the north. No
come to aid the village he greets you one realises Kilthad is currently also
warmly. missing.

 Bilthur will explain that a total of

7 people have gone missing within A survival roll (DC 10) can be made to
the last few weeks. One of which is follow the tracks to the edge of the forest
his wife. at which they are lost.

 If he is asked about the The Lumber Mill: After talking to

disappearances he will declare some of the lumber jacks about recent
that they all happen during night happenings and their experiences, it
and that it’s as if the townsfolk appears the forest seems cursed and that
just get up and walk away. He numerous strange creatures have been
was bathing when his wife moving through the area towards the
disappeared. south. They have no real information
 He suggests starting an about the disappearances except that
investigation at the Groathwell none of the workers have gone missing.
farm to the north, as they had a
farm hand go missing last night
Groathwell Farm: As you approach
whilst tethering up the cows for the farm house a middle aged bald man
the night. stops and asks about your business. The
farmer introduces himself as Harid
 He desperately wants to see Groathwell.
everyone returned alive especially
his wife. He can be persuaded to allow you to
inspect the barn (persuasion 15). His
 He claims that if the root of this initial resistance to allowing you around
problem is found and eliminated related to his own desire to sort out the
he will offer up 2x potions of local issues personally (insight DC10).
If you question Harid about recent
 He states that the inn has rooms happenings he will inform you that a few
for boarding and can supply meals head of cattle and a number of goats have
at dinner. recently disappeared from his own farm
and others around the area (persuasion

12 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
intelligence/arcana or investigation
modifier may determine that the 2 thralls
The site has been trampled with many
are being used as a way for some magical
footprints, An investigation check (DC 15)
entity to see with their eyes. Eventually
will eventually find a single set of tracks
after around 15 minutes of watching the
leading from the forest and 2 sets of
swaying begins to fade and they begin to
footprints leading back into the forest.
turn and retreat along the say path they
The tracks lead to a small covered path
got there on. As they work their way
which is thick with brambles and should
along the path they stop near a hut that
be counted as difficult terrain. The forest
has a large milk cow tethered in the yard.
seems unnaturally still in this area and is
They move forwards slowly and
unnerving. If this is found on the first
stealthily. As they get to the tether, a
day of arriving at Faebyth the sun will be
voice is heard approaching, the thralls
soon setting.
scurry back into the bush and begin to
hurry back towards the direction they
Neverwinter Woods came. (use the following material for
If characters decide to continue to follow their paths if still following.
the path they will eventually hear noises
It will now be night, unless the
coming towards them along the path.
adventures have gone back to the Inn to
This encounter will include 2 human
rest for the night.
thralls. These enemies are clearly
villagers under some sort charm or The forest path
persuasion spell (insight DC5 – Detect
After following the path for another few
magic). They aren’t necessarily
miles it ends in a large clearing (a few
aggressive, they seem single-mindedly
hundred meters squared) within the
focused on some other task. If
forest. From the clearing a watch tower
interrupted they will attack.
can be seen to the north many miles in
March of the Thralls the distance. This seems to be the only
noticeable landmark that is visible from
Should the party choose to follow these
the clearing. Any tracks you may have
thralls, they continue to the edge of the
been following seem to have disappeared.
forest and begin to move along the edge
remaining just out of sight of the town An investigation/survival/nature check
and nearby houses. They continue like (DC10) can reveal a small path leading
this until they eventually reach the toward the tower from the north. It is
lumber mill and the clearing the normally covered by a suspicious looking
lumberjacks have cleared. They stop at bramble bush.
this point and gently begin to sway
Whist moving over the clearing a
slowly as if entering a deep trance. They
direwolf(s, Depending on party size
spend some time very still just looking
experience etc) spots and moves to attack
towards the cleared area, almost as if
you from the east. (Can be avoided by
assessing the work that has been
moving along the western edge of the
completed. Anyone with a higher

13 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
clearing or with a suitable stealth check If approaching the humanoids without
of the party). This wolf is lean and stealth, they will ignore you as with the
doesn’t look as if it has eaten for a while previous encounters. They will only
now and you realise it must be attacking attack if disturbed or goaded.
out of desperation. The wolf can be
• There is plenty of half cover
scared away with spells or effects that
around if using the animal corpses,
generate loud noises or bright light or if
behind the 2 humanoids, one male and
calmed, fed or scared, the beast will
one female (fitting the description of
eventually retreat into the woods.
Bilthurs Wife, magilda), you notice a
Continuing on to the edge of the clearing small single door leading into the tower.
you realise the forest is once again Also to the side of the tower in a slight
incredibly still and quiet. It appears to be depression you notice a poorly crafted
much older than the forest you just came pen with 3 cows and 2 goats standing in
through. The undergrowth is thick and there restlessly. These animals can be
full of a variety of bushes and vines all released, or led back to the village if the
sporting large thorns. If the path is party has access to rope.
found, you travel at a regular pace, if not
Scouting around the rest of the tower
you travel at half speed making
reveals little except for the bones of
considerable noise clearing a path
many common forest animals which
towards the tower.
seem to have been around for a number
Tower Approach of months.
After a few miles you begin to smell the
stench of decaying meat permeating from The Tower of Blood
ahead of you. A mile of pushing through
Ground Level
the stench leads you to begin to see the
Once the adventurers have pushed their
old guard tower through the trees. If it is
way in through the door they find
dark you see in one of the windows a
themselves in a small circular room that
flickering light, possibly candles or small
stinks of dank and mould. The room’s
camp fires.
diameter is around 24ft with ceilings
Upon coming closer to the tower you can stretching up around 12ft. A staircase
hear dull thudding and grunting. Roll for begins to your left leading up and
Perception (DC 10), when within 100 feet another to the right leading down.
of the tower you see a number of rotting Through the dim hazy light you can see a
carcasses of both cows and goats. There number of supply crates and barrels,
are 2 humanoid creatures towards the some are rotten and broken, others seem
mouth of the tower chopping up a newer.
carcass and tossing the chunks of meat
Upon investigating the crates and barrels
into a large bucket. On an investigation
you find nothing of value expect for a
check you are able to see that the female
small chest on the opposite wall. The
matches the description Bilthur gave of
chest is trapped (Slieght of Hand check
his wife (DC15).

14 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
DC 12 to disengage it), any character who labelled as “settled”. Other talk of a
tries to open it without disengaging the “Lord” or “Overseer” residing in
trap must role a DC 15 dexterity saving Neverwinter is pleased with the progress
throw. Failing the disengagement of the being made. Plans of a return from the
trap or the dexterity saving roll, the shadows are also mentioned in passing.
closest character will take a 1d6
As seen on the floor below stairs lead up
bludgeoning damage from a falling rock.
to the left however they have collapsed in
Within the chest a small amulet of the the centre.
DM’s choosing is found.
Characters can roll for Athletics or
Any noise of triggering the trap or loud Acrobatics to continue upwards (DC 10).
discussion from the party will alert On their return players must roll again to
enemies on the lower floor, this allows get down or if a rope is available they are
them to hide in the room for a sneak able to use it to scale down safely. Failed
attack. They will give up hiding after an rolls result in a fall of around 6-8 feet
hour if the party hasn’t come down yet. resulting in a 1d4 of bludgeoning
1st Floor
After heading up the stairs the 2nd Floor
adventurers find much of the same as Upon reaching the top of the stairs the
seen below. There appears to be nothing adventures realise that this is actually the
of interest here except an old desk to one roof of the tower. Not much exists up
side of the room. Within the desk, which here except for some broken crates and
seems to be used on a regular basis, are a tattered flags. The crests are
number of missives and paperwork. unrecognisable to the party members.
From this great height players can see far
An investigation check (DC10) reveals a
over the forest in all directions. A river
map of the known world with scratchings
appears further to the north and smoke
and marks scattered across a wide area
from the village of faebyth can be seen
extending from Neverwinter. The
over a ridge to the south.
scratchings make little sense expect for
the fact that they seem to be points of Basement Floor 1
interest. As the characters descend into the depths
The missives can be deciphered if a party of the tower the darkness grows, as does
member can read Elvish and a light the smell of mould and squalor.
source is present to read. Most missives A passive perception check (15) will
outline some form of expansion or reveal 2 (1/2 the number of adventures
migration from the city to expanding present rounding up) Lesser Vampires
country side. A few name towns such as hiding within the room. Paladins with
Thundertree and Conyberry are divine sense will just notice these undead
mentioned as being unsuitable. Other creatures as will any other detection
smaller seeming townships such as magic.
Lilorn, Haftree, and Ballaton have been

15 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
• 2 of the prisoners claim to be
from a merchant wagon which was
If undetected, the Lesser Vampires leap
intercepted on the way to Faebyth
out to attack characters at the bottom of
the stairs. If the party manages to sneak • The third prisoner is Kilthad
into the room undetected they will pick Latler the owner of the provisions store
up on dialogue between the two thralls. in the town of Faebyth.

• Whilst overhearing them mention • They all talk about another

orders from “The Hive” and the ease at vampire dwelling below, he is
which the sanguine order is starting to responsible for controlling all the other
decimate small townships. people and been building his strength by
feeding on the other people bought to the
• The thralls are discussing the
operation of trying to turn the entire
town to the will of their master in the Piled near the cell entrance are a number
hope of controlling the lumber of personal effects of the prisoners and
operations. other people who have been bought to
the tower, including: A bedroll, handaxe,
• The 2 also are revelling in their
2 daggers a belt pouch, a small amulet
new power and abilities after having
and a tinderbox.
recently been turned.
You can release the prisoners from the
• The largest of the pair suggests
cell with a key found on one of the
that it’s almost time to feed and that they
vampire thralls. Letting them go however
should bring another prisoner down to
could lead to them being eaten by
wildlife, or getting lost and dying of
Within the room you see 3 humans hunger before reaching the town. They
locked within holding cells built into the can be persuaded to wait for 3 hours in
wall. They look terrified and filthy the ground floor of the tower for the
wearing only rags. Once the vampires party to accompany them back.
have been killed you can communicate
with the prisoners. On the vampires you Basement Level 2
find a pouch containing 3gp and 120sp as Descending into the final level of the
well as fine clothes. tower it is clear that many occult
happenings have been taking place
• The Prisoners explain that they within these walls. A ritualistic shrine
think they have been held for a week. has been setup on the centre of the floor
With no natural light travelling in this far and the bodies of 5 humans have been
they are unaware of the exact time. They piled in the centre of the space. There is a
proclaim that three other humans have large coffin leaning upright against the
been taken down to the lower level opposing wall past the bodies. The bodies
recently. seem drained of blood and pale. They
have various bite marks all around their
necks and arms.

16 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
Moving towards the coffin will trigger it
to be blasted open revealing what
Returning to Faebyth
appears to be a Master vampire. A Upon returning individual villagers (in
dexterity saving throw must be made to the event some are killed), add the gold
avoid the coffin lid (DC15). If the throw is reward for each person:
failed the person it strikes takes 1d6 Kilthad 6gp
bludgeoning damage.
Bilthurs Wife (Magilda) 6gp
The Vampire roars at the party: “How
dare mortal men disturb my slumber. I Farmhands 5 gp
will destroy you foolish whelps and feast 2x caravaners 10gp or 4gp each
on your souls.” He bursts into a
tyrannical laughter. 3x villager’s 10gp total or 3gp each

Once the vampire reaches around 20%

HP he will turn into a bat and attempt to
Quest Conclusion
Experience Gained: 450xp per person.
flee the tower. If daylight outside, he will
be contained within the lowest 3 levels of Once finalised and the reward paid,
the tower. He can be killed with any Bilthur and Kilthad offer to provide any
ranged or spell attack but the attack must lodging costs or repairs that need to be
roll 15 or higher to land a hit on the small undertaken. If the players took the
mobile target. missives, they can be bought back to
Neverwinter in the hope of gleaning
If it is night time outside the bat has a
some more information from them by a
chance to escape the tower via the
competent scholar or mage. The map and
ground floor or via the roof if not killed.
town names in the missive may lead to
Either way once the Master Vampire has
more clues as to the identity of the
been killed or has escaped, the spells of
vampire you fought or perhaps other
possession fall from all the villagers and
vampires operating within the country
thralls you may or may not have
side. Finally the mention of a lord
vampire operating within Neverwinter
In basement level 2, 70gp can be found could spark a conspiracy about such a
along with Scale Mail and Light beast obviously operating under the
Crossbow. noses of the city officials. The decision is
now up to the party as to what action
they may take next.

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Character Study
Frith Jug – original quest giver – Luthar Starag – City Guard – Luthar
Merchant – Frith is an enterprising is a veteran fighter working for the
merchant who lives and works in Neverwinter city guard. He is
Neverwinter. He is crafty and can be dependable, resourceful and can be
slightly deceiving and above all craves trusted to act on behalf of the realm for
wealth. He has had a few run-ins with its best intentions over the personal gain
the guards over “dubious” goods and of any individual or operation. Luthar
products. Frith does care for the few can prove to be a very steadfast ally if the
important people in his life, however he player characters can prove themselves
cares for turning a profit a bit more. worthy. (Soldier Background PHB pg140)
(Guild Merchant Background PHB 132)
Personality Trait: 5 Ideal:1
Personality Trait: 7 Ideal:3 Bond: 2 Flaw: 5
Bond: 4 Flaw: 1

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Encounter NPC’s

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20 Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .

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