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English Assignment 2

1.Title: Human Brain: A Real Enigma

a) Notes
1) Biggest wonder: Human Brain
i)all advts of humanity manifest its potential
ii) humanity prpld by power of human brain
iii) origin of tech
2) Description of the brain
i) Central ‘control unit’ of human bodies
ii) Repository of cognitive activities
iii) Master organ with limitless power
iv) myriad complexities and countless capabilities
3) The common perception
i)only ten per cent of brain capacity is used
ii) origin of this prcptn is unclear
iii) very motivating idea
iv) unlock of amazing abilities if rest is used
4) Matter of fascination for scientists
i)brains of great people changed world through discoveries and
ii) Albert Einstein’s brain had greater ‘mtblc need’
iii) potential of human brain much unexplored, a real enigma

Key to Abbreviations
Abbreviations Words
advts Advancements
prpld Propelled
tech Technology
prcptn Perception
mtblc Metabolic

b) Summary
Human brain is indeed the biggest wonder of the world. All
advancements of humanity including technology itself are
manifestations of the potential of human brain. The central ‘control unit’
of human bodies, brain is the master organ with limitless power and
repository of cognitive activities. Humans typically use only about ten
per cent of their brain capacity which seems a very motivating idea as
‘hack into’ the other ninety per cent might enable us to unlock amazing
abilities. Scientists are fascinated by brains of great personalities who
changed the world. Albert Einstein’s brain state which differed from
normal men’s brains in that its neurons had greater metabolic needs.
Thus, the potential of human brain is much unexplored and a real
English Assignment 2
2. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities,
was one of the members of the team of researchers who scanned King Tut’s
mummy for an accurate forensic reconstruction. He was worried because the
damage that had been caused to the mummy of Tutankhamun by Howard
Carter and his team was catastrophic. He was extremely focused and
committed towards his work and he could not sleep even for a second the night
before Tut’s body was taken for scanning. To him, the work of extraction and
reconstruction was a serious task and he could relax only when the task was
accomplished and everything was in proper place.
Yes, reconstructing history has relevance in the present times. History gives us
the opportunity to learn from others past mistakes. It helps us understand the
many reasons why people may behave the way they do. As a result, it helps
us become more impartial as decision-makers. Scientific intervention is
necessary to unearth buried mysteries as it provides data for forensic
In real life, we see that due to past pandemics which had spread in a mass manner
and had killed millions, we are more aware on the need to maintain social
distancing and other precautions during covid pandemic. As a result, not many
deaths were due to recklessness and uncertainty regarding how these disease

3. In the story ‘The Address’, the narrator had gone to the Dorlings to claim her
mother’s belongings. However, she felt repelled by her mother’s precious
possessions after she visits it. All those objects like the cups, the teapot, the
table cloth, the pewter plates, the spoons and so on belonged to her mother and
were very well linked in her memory with the familiar life of former times.
However, they instantly lost their value when, severed from it, they were seen by
the narrator again in a strange manner, tastelessly arranged and used in the
Dorlings household which shocked her.
English Assignment 2
According to me, it was a rather practical decision on her part not to have
reclaimed her mother’s possessions. She wanted to get rid of all the sad memories
of the war and thus to forget this address to get mental peace. Material
possessions are generally futile to hold and they are unnecessary in her current
life. Besides, she presently lived in a small rented room and her present life had no
use of these furnitures.

4. Nani Palkivala thinks that our previous view of the Earth was neither holistic nor
ecological but was a mechanical and selfish towards visualizing the planet. Earth
and all its natural resources were perceived as unlimited donours for our various
needs and we used them indiscriminately, overburdening these. However, now the
mother Earth is visualized as an ailing planet with vital signs that seek for our
assistance in preserving it. We have begun to realise that our ethical obligatons
are good stewards of the planet and that we are responsible trustees of the legacy
to the future generations.

Syamantak Guha

Class XI A (Mor)
ID no.: 09-1692

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