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1. Task question
You are the Director of the Student’s Sport Club of Radstock College and this is
part of a letter that you received from a donator, Ms.Ford:
“Dear Mr. Diggby,
I have received your email and attached documents in which you have
presented an impressive project to raise fund for the intramural baseball
matches of the Radstock College. As a former student of the college, I am
eager to donate $5000 for your fund. Enclosed in this letter is a $5000
cheque. I hope that it will be wisely used to make great contribution to our
Student Sport Club.”
Write an email responding to Ms. Ford.

2. Task response
Dear Ms. Ford,
I am writing to thank you for your kind donation to Radstock Student Sport Club. I
was very excited to learn of your donation and would like to express my gratitude.
I am the Director of the Sport Club and spearheaded our most current fundraising
drive, with the goal of raising $50,000. Our current project is to raise fund for the
intramural baseball game in this July. I was delighted to received your
Your donation will make a crucial difference in students’ life when they have the
opportunities to enjoy the best facilities and training conditions as well as to
attend a fantastic game. Once again, I could not be more grateful for your
Yours sincerely,
3. Letter structure
1. Opening: Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs.
2. Reason for writing:
i. I am writing to thank you for your kind…
ii. I am writing to express my deep appreciation for your…
3. Briefly describing what the person have done:
Ex: I raise fund for the baseball game -> you donated -> I am grateful
4. Says how the person’s help affect others or you/Recommend what
you could do for the person:
i. Your… is of great importance to…/ will brings opportunities
for…/ can bring positive change to…
=> reaffirm your gratitude:
ii. - Once again, I could not be more grateful for….
iii. - Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for your….
5. Sign off: Sincerely,

4. Other useful expressions:

 I so greatly appreciate...
 I'm honoured...
 I am very thankful...
 I'm delighted...
 We were touched...
 I truly enjoyed...
 We are truly grateful…
 Words are powerless to express my gratitude
 Thank you from the bottom of my heart
5. Practice
You are the a student in class SNHU20.D4 who is attending the VSTEP TRAINING
PROGRAM. You have requested Ms. Trang, the manager of the program, to send
you the extra material for the VTSEP TEST preparation. Ms. Trang wrote you a
letter as follows:
“Dear class,
I have received your email in which you requested the extra material for
writing and speaking. I have had the documents printed and send to you.
The two documents include writing and speaking tasks questions from real
VSTEP test with model answers. I do not charge the class with this material
and I hope that this book will help you in your preparation.”
Write an email responding to Ms. Trang.

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