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Quiz for Tense Review - Beginner

Name: Maria Melayanti Dewi

A. Complete the Sentences with Simple Present or Present Continuous form of the
Verbs in the List. Each Verb is Used only Once.

belong need see take

bite play shine understand

drive prefer sing watch

look rain snow write

Look outside! It is snowing. Everything is beautiful and all white.

1. My father takes the 8:15 train into the city every weekday morning.
2. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I walk to work for the exercise. Every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, I drive my car to work.
3. A: Charlie, can’t you hear the telephone? Answer it!
B: You get it! I am watching my favorite TV show. I don’t want to miss anything.
4. A: What kind of tea do you like?
B: Well, I’m drinking black tea, but I prefer green tea.
5. I’m gaining weight around my waist. These pants are too tight. I need a larger pair of pants.
6. A: Dinner’s ready. Please call the children.
B: Where are they?
A: They are playing a game outside in the street at the moment.
7. It’s night. There’s no moon. Emily is outside. She looks at the sky. She see more stars than she
can count.
8. Michael has a good voice. Sometimes he sings in a musical group in town. It’s a good way to earn a
little extra money
9. A: Ouch!
B: What’s the matter?
A: Every time I eat too fast, I am biting my tongue.
10. Nadia always writes in her diary before bed.
11. Thank you for your help in algebra. Now I am understanding that lesson.
12. This magazine is not mine. It belongs to Colette.
13. I can see a rainbow because the sun is shining and it is raining at the same time.
B. Complete the Sentences with the Correct form of the Verbs in Parentheses
using Simple Past.
Last Friday was a holiday. It (be) was Independence Day, so I didn’t have to go to classes. I (sleep)
slept a little later than usual. Around ten, my friend Larry (come) 14. came over to my apartment. We
(pack) 15. packed a picnic basket and then (take) 16. took the bus to Forest Park. We (spend) 17. spent most
of the day there.

After we (eat) 18. ate our lunch, I (take) 19. took a short nap under a tree. When I (sleep) 20. slept, a
mosquito (bite) 21. bit my arm. When I (wake) 22. woke up, my arm itched, so I scratched it. Suddenly I
(hear) 23. heard a noise in the tree above me. I (look) 24. looked up and (see) 25. saw an orange and gray
bird. After a few moments, it (fly) 26. flew away.

In the evening we (join) 27. joined a huge crowd to watch the fireworks display. The fireworks (be) 28.
was beautiful. Some of the explosions (be) 29. were very loud, however. They (hurt) 30. hurt my ears. When
the display (be) 31. was over, we (leave) 32. left. All in all, it (be) 33. was a very enjoyable day.

C. Translate these sentences into English

1. Susi main badminton setiap hari  Susi plays badminton every day.
2. Budi pergi ke mall minggu lalu  Budi went to mall last week.
3. Filmnya membuat kami sedih  The movie makes us sad.
4.Teman-teman saya pintar  My friends are smart.
5. Ayah dan ibu saya akan bekerja di rumah minggu depan  My father and my mother will work at home
next week.
6. Sepatu ini tidak mahal  This shoes is not expensive.
7. Videonya viral  The video is viral.
8. Corona virus membunuh banyak orang  Corona virus kills many people.
9. Anak anak sedang bermain bola di taman  Children are playing ball in the garden.
10. Doni sedang menonton tv ketika saya menelponnya tadi malam  Doni was watched television when
I was called him last night.

D. Answer these questions with real answers

1. What do you usually do on Sunday morning? I usually go to Church on Sunday morning.
2. Where did you go last weekend? I went to Mall last weekend.
3. What did you do last night? I slept early last night.
4. What will you do after you graduate? I will work at hospital after I graduate.
5. What is your mother doing right now? My mother is cooking a chicken soup for lunch right now.
6. What were you doing at 10 pm last night? I sleep at 10 pm last night.
7. Where do you usually shop for clothes? I usually shop clothes at Mall.
8. What is your plan tonight? My plan is meeting zoom tonight.
9. What are you doing right now? I do my English quiz right now.
10. What was your father doing when you woke up yesterday? My father worked when me woke up

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