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Process Description &

Control Philosophy

Project No: 12408

Client Project No: Q04270


Client: IH-KBR IV

Client Address: Level 3, 441St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004

Document No. : AT-,. 2408-EM-600

Revision: A


Prepared by: R. Mongubot Process Eng, neer

Authorized by: Quol, tv Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F ,42
;^^'Cl anTeQ
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

Do ument History and Status

Date Prepared Reviewed Approved
Revision Revision Type B
Date Approved
Issued By By
Issued for Client Review 16-Aug.
A AA MH GF See IA stamp
(Preliminary Design) 17


Prepared by: R Morigubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quol, tv Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Nu, riber: F 242
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

Table of Contents

I I ntroduction ............................................................................... ........ I

1.1 Purpose .............---.....""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
1.2 Abbreviotions ond Definitions ................................................................................,............... I
2 General Arrangement. ................................................................ ........

3 Process Description .................................................................... ........

3.1 Gen erol ....................................................................,.................

3.2 Hozordous Areo ...........................................................,.............
3.3 Description of the focility's operotion. .......................................
3.3. I Od o u r Co Ilectio n .....................................-----------------....""""
3.3.2 Air Treatment Facility. .......................................--------------.....
3.33 A i r E xi re ct i o n D u ct ............................................................................................................ 5
33.3. ,. BTF Inlet, BTF Outlet and ATF Outlet H2S Transmitters. .. .........

33.4 Single Pass OdourTeQ' BTF ................................................. ......... Nutrient Spray System ..................................................... Packed Bed Differential Pressure. .................................... Single Pass BTF Sump Level. ............................................. Single Pass BTF pH and EC ...............................................
3,345 Temporary Recirculation System ...,.................................
3.35 OdourTeQ' BTF Packing. .........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
3.36 D e in i ste r ...............................................................................
3.37 H e a te r. ..................................................................................
33.8 CleanCarb' Activated Carbon Filter. ..................................--
338.1 Differential Pressure Transmitter ....................................
338.2 Temperature Sensor ........................................................
33.9 E xt re cti o n Fa n s .................................-------------------....."""""" Ve n t St a ck ........................................................................
331.1 ra I n S ........................................................,......................

Aror, Rim

Prepared by: R Mongubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quohty Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Date: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 242
^~^ leanTeO
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

I Introduction
1.1 Purpose

This document describes the processes involved and functionality of the ATF at Hoppers Crossing ATF. The

narratives/sections below will discuss and follow P&10s: 1740/185/001 to 005.

1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions

Term Definition

AC Activated Carbon

ACFs Activated Carbon Filters

ATF Air Treatment Facility

BTFs BioTrickling Filters

CH4 Methane

DMS Dimethyl Sulphide

EC Electrical Conductivity

FOGS Fat, Oil and Grease

HMl Human Machine Interface

HzS Hydrogen Sulphide

KOH Potassium Hydroxide

LCP Local Control Panel

MAP Monoammonium Phosphate

MH Manhole

Pa Pascal

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

ppm Parts per million


Prepored by: R Morigubot, Process Eng, neer

Authorized by: Ouo!, tv Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
I of 8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

Term Definition

PUF Polyurethane Foam

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

TBA To be advised

VOC Volatile Organic Compound


Prepared by: R Morigubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quality Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F ,42
2 of8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

IIOPper'> Cn, ^.^,. h:,
Figure I below depictsthe general arrangement of the rinstrong Cre ATF.

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Figure I. Hoppers Crossing ATF


Prepored by: R Mongubot. Process Eng, neer

Authorized by: Quailty Monoge,
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
3 of8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

3.1. General

The ATF is comprised of several process treatment units in series (Single Pass OdourTeQ" BTFs, Demisters,
Heater, and CleanCarb'" ACF) whose combined operation is to reduce hydrogen sulphide and other odorous
compounds associated with sewage collection and transfer.

The specified design parameters for Hoppers Crossing ATF are the following:

Parameter Value Units

Air flow rate design capacity 100,000 in'1h

Average inlet HzS concentration 30 ppm

Peak inlet H2S concentration 45 ppm

Odour concentration 150,000 OU

TotalVOC 078

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Average inlet methyl mercaptan concentration 0.3 ppm


3.2 HazardousArea

The ATF at Hoppers Crossing is not subject to a Hazardous area rating.

3.3 Description of the facility's operation

3.3. I OdourCollection

The ATF collects airfrom the upstream Western Trunk Sewer and North West Sewer from manhole NWSOOlto

3.3.2 AirTreatmentFacility

The air collected is drawn through the ATF by duty/stand extractions fans. The fans are located downstream
of the single pass BTFs and the existing ACF. The treated air is discharged into the atmosphere via a vent stack.


Prepared by: R Morigubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quality Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/22
Form Number: F Z42
^-, leanTeQ
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

3.3.3 Air Extraction Duct

The air extraction duct is a series of duct work that facilitates transfer of odorous air from the new concrete
inlet chamber to the ATF. The main header duct is sized at 2000mm internal diameter with inlet and outlet
branches to and from the BTFs sized at 1000mm internal diameter.

There is a bypass duct for the BTF's sized at 2000mm which can be isolated using an ACMA rated sealing

There is also a bypass duct for the ACF sized t 1600 in which can be isolated using an ACMA rated sealing
damper. BTF Inlet, BTF Outlet and ATF Outlet HzS Transmitters

The hydrogen sulphide transmitters will be located at the BTF inlet, BTF outlet and ATF outlet. These
instruments indicate the hydrogen sulphide concentration at the inlet of the single pass BTF's, after the Single
Pass BTF's and before treated air exits the vent stack.

3.3.4 Single Pass OdourTeQ' BTF

<. Hd. ,\~-I +. I sta^:IF. ..,
The first stage of biological treatment is the five (5) single pass OdourTeQ' BTF's. Each single pass BTF is
capable of treating 2 0 in'/h offoulair.

The principle operation of the Single Pass OdourTeQ' BTF is based on the absorption and oxidation of the
soluble and polar odorous compounds in an active biological layer. Two types of biological layers are grown on
the inorganic support media, a pH neutral layer on or near the top of the packed bed and an acidic pH layer at
or near the bottom of the packed bed. Both packed bed layers are kept moist by a once-through spraying
system with a nutrient such solution sprayed overthe packed bed intermittently. Nutrient Spray System

The intermittent nutrient/irrigation water spray system wets the inorganic media in the Single Pass BTF to
promote biological activity. Two nutrient dosing pumps are used to dose a nutrient solution to the potable
water or service water delivery pipework that feeds the Single Pass BTF spray systems.

S re Nozzles

The Single Pass OdourTeQ'" BTF spray system uses nori-clogging sprays to ensure complete coverage of the
inorganic packing. The spray systems are specifically designed to allow access without entry to each of the two
(2) Single Pass BTFs.

Irri ation Water Solenoid Valve

Flow through to the spray system from the potable water or service water pipework is controlled by an
irrigation water solenoid valve. The solenoid is energised/open intermittently to ensure the biological layer
growing on the Single Pass BTF packing is kept moist and has a sufficient supply of nutrient.

Prepared by: A Morigubot. Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quo!It11 Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 242

5 of8
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

Flow Meter
A flow meter in the potable & service water feed pipework monitors the average flow rate of the nutrient
water mixture. The flow meter is an essential element in the delivery of nutrient water as it used as basis to
manually set the nutrient solution to potable water to the required ratio

Variable area flow meters are also used to setthe flow rate to each OdourTeQ'" BTF spray header.

Nutrient Tank

The nutrient tank has been designed to hold approximately 2 - 3 months' supply of nutrient. When the tank is
only 20% full, a low level alarm is raised for the operators to add more nutrient to the tank and order more
nutrient if required. The nutrient will be powder based and will be available in 25kg bags. The nutrient is
inserted into the tank via a top hatch access and the service water is then used to fill the tank to the required
level. The nutrient powder is mixed sufficiently into the water due to the filling process that no tank stirrers
are required. Packed Bed Differential Pressure

A differential pressure transmitter is provided to indicate the pressure drop across the Single Pass OdourTeQ'"
BTFs. The pressure differential across the Single Pass BTF increases over the period of acclimatisation , and will
rise further as fouling of the inorganic packed bed increases. Single Pass BTF Sump Level

A leveltransmitter is provided to indicate the sump level on each of the Single Pass OdourTeQ'
BTFs. During normal operation the sump levelis expected to be zero. Single Pass BTF pH and EC

A pH transmitter is provided on the exit of the drain of each of the Single Pass OdourTeQT" BTFs. This
will monitor the level of acidity in the drain water and indicate the performance of each of the Single Pass
OdourTeQ'" BTFs.

An EC transmitter is also provided on the combined drain exit of the Single Pass OdourTeQ'" BTFs. This will also
provide feedback to indicate the overall conductivity of the Single Pass OdourTeQ'" BTFs.


Prepared by: R Morigubot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quohty Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17 Temporary Recirculation System

During commissioning,

. A temporary recirculation system is required to recirculate bacteria and nutrient through the system to
promote a sudden increase in biological activity. The system involves connecting a recirculation pump to
the temporary recirc pipework isolation valves and recirculating the BTF liquor back through the system.
The nutrient water mixture is intermittently sprayed into the Single Pass BTF.
The pressure drop of the BioTrickling filter must be monitored using installed DP transmitters to monitor
formation of nori-biomass solids that may befoulthe packed bed

3.3.5 OdourTeQ' BTF Packing

The Single Pass OdourTeQ' BTFs use a proprietary media, CleanPaQ'. The media is constructed from PUF, is
cubic in shape and has a specific surface area of over 600 in'/in'.

3.3.6 Demister

Treated air from the Single Pass OdourTeQ'" BTF packing enters a demister located at the top of each Single
Pass OdourTeQ'" BTF. Each demister filter is capable of treating 20,000 in Ih. The demister filters are used as
a moisture trap device to protect and extend the life of the CleanCarb'" ACF downstream. The filter works by
physically removing water from the air stream.

3.3.7 Heater

Treated air from the Single Pass OdourTeQ'" BTFs enters a heater located next to the CleanCarb'" ACF. The
function of the heater is to reduce the relative humidity to prevent condensation forming in the ACF by
creas'n the incomin air
the incoming airtem eratureb
temperature by a rox. 4'C.
approx. 4 C.

Two (2) temperature transmitters are installed either side of the heater to measure the temperature
differential across the heater. If excessive temperature occurs, a high alarm is triggered and shuts the heater

3.3.8 CleanCarb'Activated CarbonFilter

Treated air from the heater enters the CleanCarb' ACF. The ACF is capable of treating 100,000 in'/h of air.
The carbon filter is designed such that there is a contact time of greater than or equal to 4 seconds between
the air and activated carbon and absorb greater than 2 years of air without breakthrough.

The air enters the ACF, passes up the AC bed and comes into contact with a combination of Klimpregnated
carbon and virgin GAC. The air first passes through Kl carbon, which is installed to address the HzS and other


Prepared by: A Morigubot. Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quol, tj, Monoger
Issue Numbe, ': 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/12
Form Number: F 142
7 of8
:^;^, CleanTeO
Hoppers Crossing ATF Control Philosophy

Responsible Person Alex A1cock Date: 16-August-17

VsCs in the air stream through chemisorption. The air then comes into contact with Virgin GAC before it exits
the ACF. The Virgin AC addresses the slightly soluble VOCs in the air stream via physical adsorption. Pressure Transmitter

A differential pressure transmitter is provided to indicate the pressure loss across each of the ACF. An increase
in differential pressure is an indication that the activated carbon may need replacing. Sensor

A temperature sensor is provided to indicate the temperature of the AC bed. An AC temperature above 55'C
could mean that there is an issue that requires operator attention.

3.3.9 Extraction Fans

Duty/standby fans draw air from the new concrete chamber. The fans are sized with sufficient differential
pressure to overcome the losses in the ATF.

The duty/standby fans include downstream nori-return valves. The main purpose of the nori-return valves is to
prevent recirculation of treated air back through the fan on standby.

The duty/standby fans are controlled externalIy by the VsD to maintain 100,000m3/hr of flow throughout the

The fan speed will be controlled by T-mass flow transmitter installed downstream of the extraction fans.

3.3.10 Ventstack

After treatment at the ATF the treated air is discharged to atmosphere via an existing vent stack.

3.3.11 Drains

The following items have a drain connection for free draining:

. 5Single PassOdourTeQT" BTFs

o Duty/standbyextractionfans
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Each drain is fitted with a water seal to prevent air from being drawn into, or being blown out of the system.
The water seals (condensate traps) will be monitored regularly to minimise impact of evaporation.


Prepared by: R Mangobot, Process Engineer

Authorized by: Quo!It!, Monoger
Issue Number: 2
Issue Dote: 22/11/22
Form Number: F 242
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