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District 3, San Manuel, Isabela

Basic Education Department

School Year 2020-2021
First Quarter Period

Module 2

Prepared by:


Management Teacher
(+63) 915-9466-331


OLPC-SM Philosophy, Vision, Mission and Core Values

Pillarican Philosophy of Education

Pillarican Education is a life-long journey towards total human transformation through evangelization so that
everyone will become a pillar of peace, justice love of humanity with preferential option for the poor and deep
concern for the environment

OLPC-C, a Catholic College, as an evangelizing arm of the Local Church, envisions a totally transform
Christian Community.

Thus, OLPCC as sharer in the life and mission of the local church commits to:
a. Provide equal opportunity and access to quality education integrating Gospel and Filipino cultural
values, responsive and relevant to the needs of times.
b. Create in the school community an atmosphere and opportunities for individual transformation that
lead to Christian Community living.
c. Reach out to people enriching their faith life experience needed in building just and humane society.

Core Values:
People oriented with preferential option for the poor
Insistent passion for excellence
Loyal to the school and teamwork-oriented
Life-long learners
Accountable and Christ-oriented and
Responsible Filipino culture, social and environmental consciousness

Teacher’s Note:
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. The Learning Module is designed such that it encourages you to do independent and self-regulated learning
and develops their 21st century skills. The part or stages of this module include Explore, Firm Up, Deepen and
2. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every part of the module. Read everything carefully
and thoroughly until you understand the point. Always follow the instructions.
3. Study how you can manage to do the activities of this subject in consideration of your other modules from
other subjects. Be very conscious with the study schedule.
4. Before you start doing your tasks, read and understand the assessment tools provided. Do not settle with the
low standards, target the highest standard in doing your tasks. Use a dictionary to look up the meaning of
unfamiliar words. I know you can
5. You are free to browse and read different materials even prior to doing the tasks in each unit of the module.
However, you need to ensure that you will not miss any part of the module and every activity in every unit. For
essay questions, do not plagiarize and do not patch write. Patch writing is still a form of plagiarizing. Write neatly
and legibly. Take down notes in your computer or in a notebook. Process questions will always be asked to
checked your understanding.
6. Use the Rubrics to guide you in the preparation and evaluation of outputs.
7. Finish each activity and submit worksheets before proceeding to the next. Follow strictly the given time of the
activities. Always remind yourself of the deadlines. Read in advance. Try to anticipate possible conflicts between
your personal schedule and our schedule.
8. Summative assessments like unit tests, quizzes will be conducted in Google Form. This will be scheduled one
week before so you can have time to review.
9. Any queries and feedbacks about our subject will be entertained during consultation hour (if you need to
clarify or verify something about an activity) via google meet or zoom, Monday and Thursday, 1:30-2:30 PM. For

urgent concerns, you may message me through my phone number provided at the cover page. Consult your

10. Lastly, you are the learner; hence, you do the module on your own. Your family members and friends at home
will support you but the activities must be done by you. As Pillarican, we always need to demonstrate our core
values of Insistent passion for excellence, lifelong learners and Accountable and Christ- oriented.
11. And of course, find time to relax and take a break. Have fun learning.


Managing in Various Milieus

A Manager in an organization contributes to economic performance and wealth in society by engaging

in business. When one engaged in business, one is involved in the supply of goods and/or service. A business,
depending on its type of ownership and primary activities, can take on various forms.

Regardless of form of organization or business, a manager, with the skillful discharge of his functions and
roles, leads the transformation of the organization’s inputs such as raw materials, capital, monetary and human
resources in order to provide goods/services to consumer. these goods and/or services are the outputs of the
In the process of transforming inputs to outputs, interaction of the manager with the environment is
necessary. He takes inputs from it and likewise distributes outputs back to the environment.
This unit is anchored on the essential interaction between the manager and the firm. It delves into the
different elements of the firm’s environment and how they shape a manager’s actions. It includes with a
discussion on the role of the business in the environment, or broadly speaking, to the economy and society

You will be guided with this essential questions:

What are the forms business organizations? How we operate in business environment? What are the factors that
affects business environment? What are the best possible ways to scan business environment?

Unit Standard:
The learners will become skillful in analyzing management problems with regards to the various factors that
affects it and these will guide them in decision making in the future.

Content Standard:
The learners have an understanding the role of business in the environment, and how the environment affects
the firm

Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able analyze the various environmental forces affecting the firm and summarize these using
Political Economic Social and Technological Analysis PEST) and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
(SWOT) Analysis frameworks

Most Essential Learning Competencies:

 Analyze the forms and economic roles of business organizations
 Analyze various forces/elements influencing local and international business environment using PEST and
SWOT strategies
 Differentiate the phases of economic development and its impact to business environment

Time Frame: 2 weeks

Forms of Business


Business General




Ways to scan SWOT and PEST

environment Analyses

PRE-ASSESSMENT: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Encircle the letter that you think best answers the
questions. Please answer all items. Take note of the items that you were not able to correctly answer and look for
the right answer as you go through this module.

1. Below are the qualities of sole proprietorship EXCEPT

a. easy to form
b. tax exempted
c. limited liability
d. artificial person

2. The operating environment has four elements to consider because of its direct and immediate impact
in the organization. Which of the following elements does not belong to the group?
a. vendor
b. employee
c. customer
d. competitor

3. Nike, IBM, and Google are examples of

a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
d. Franchise

4. Which of the following BEST describe/describes service?

a. Intangible in nature
b. An exchange for a fee
c. Banking institution
d. All of the above

5. Convenience store like sari-sari store is an example of
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
d. Cooperative

6. Funeral parlor is attributed to

a. Manufacturing
b. Merchandizing
c. Trading
d. Service

7. Direct competition means to have similar products and services. Which of the following is NOT an
example of direct competitor?
a. Jollibee vs McDonalds
b. Walmart vs Target
c. Shoemart vs Robinsons Place
d. Mang Inasal vs Kuya J

8. Below are the possible factors of STRENGTHS of an organization EXCEPT

a. Big demand of products and services
b. Availability of funds
c. Management expertise
d. Ease of production

9. All of the following activities are best to conclude a service EXCEPT:

a. Exchange for fee
b. Intangible
c. Simultaneously produce and consume
d. All of the above

10. This is a special tool to determine the impact of environment condition of long term performances and
a. PEST Analysis
b. SWOT Analysis
c. Fishbone
d. Quality Circle

11. Below are the qualities of partnership EXCEPT

a. easy to dissolve
b. tax exempted
c. right of succession
d. lesser government supervision

12. Floral Shops, Bookstores, Farms are examples of what type business?
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Franchise
c. Multinational corporation
d. Corporation

13. What type of business consists of two or more people?
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
d. Cooperative

14. What type of business structure is owned by many people?

a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
d. Cooperative

15. Who plays an important role in all three business organizations?

a. Presidents
b. Governors
c. Entrepreneurs
d. Magistrates


The Philippines, is a developing country with a low per capita incomes relative to the developed countries
in Asia such as Singapore, Taiwan and Korea. It is a capitalistic and service0driven economy. Its political structure
and traditions are democratic. It has a young population who are predominantly Catholic.

In what ways do economic, political and social forces affect the actions of business managers in the
In this unit, you will understand the milieus or environments that a business operates and how a manager
interacts with them.

Let’s begin this module by gathering your ideas about business organizations


After finishing a course in Hotel and Restaurant Management at St, Paul’s College, Ms. Eli Ramos immediately
went to assist her mother operating “Ristorante Ilocano, a big restaurant in Echague, Isabela. The firm has a total
personnel complement of 30 of which include her mother as proprietor and manager, waiters, cooks, a cashier,
a security guard, utility boy, technician and a supervisor. A five-piece band plays middle-of-the-road music every
evening. By all indications, the business appears to be succeeding!

As a consequence, favorable results, Eli was requested by her mother to prepare a plan for expanding the
business. The first move will be open to branch within Echague. The ten-year target will be o establish branches
in Cagayan, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizacaya, and Quirino.

Eli has a sister who is an accountant, another is an industrial engineer, a brother is a chemist and another is the
training director of a company. All of them, except Eli, are employed outside of the family business, with an
average job experience of five years, If given the opportunity, all of them indicated that they prefer working with
their mother,

all the parts of the expansion plan appear to be manageable tasks for Eli, except that part which identifies the
source of funding for the expansion, even if the restaurant is owned by the family, their mother does nit want to
rely on the bank loan as source of capital.

Eli knows that the family assets are not sufficient to finance even a branch, However, her mother was insistent on
opening new branches within two years, “Timing”, according to her mother, “is very importance in business, the
Next two years is very crucial to our continued success.” To finance the proposed expansion, Eli is considering a
change in ownership form as an option. She must think hard, however, on the type of ownership form that will suit
their family business.


1. What type of ownership is best suited for the expansion of Ristorante Ilocano?

2. How may the family maintain control even if there is a change in the ownership form?

Various Forms of Doing Business

 According to Nature of Ownership

1. Sole/single proprietorship is owned by one person only. It is the easiest form of business to start,
set-up and dissolve. Only few requirements involved. The owner is taxed, not the business.

However, as a sole owner, he has limited resources. He is liable to pay all business debts. He
bears all the losses and his business only exist during his lifetime.

2. Partnership is owned by two or more persons. These personas agree to contribute resources such
as money, property and skill needed to operate the business. A partnership is also easy to form,
but has more resources than a single proprietorship. It is subject to lesser government supervision
and can enjoy certain tax exemptions.

However, under this form, a partner may be held liable for the action of the one partner. the
partnership can also be dissolved by a change of partner due to disagreement among partners
and insanity or a death of a partner.

3. Corporation is owned by stockholders who forms this business as an artificial person under the
operation of the law, specifically, by its Articles of Incorporation and Corporate By-Laws,
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Under this form, shareholders are not liable for unpaid debts of the corporation. it can continue
to exist even if shareholders change, withdraw or die. However, it is very costly and difficult to
organize. it is subject to or more stringent government supervision and is taxed at a flat rate.

 According to Primary Activities

1. Service is the services it renders to its clients in exchange for a fee.

2. Merchandising business is engaged in the purchase and sale of goods and earns profit by adding a
mark up to the cost of goods it is selling.

3. Manufacturing business, raw materials are transformed to finished goods that are sold at a price.

Activity No. 2

Discussion Question:

What could have been considered by Mary as single proprietorship when she organized her business? (refer to
Module 1 case study)

You just tried finding out the forms of business organizations.

Let us now find out what the answers are by doing the next part. What
End of EXPLORE: you will learn in the next sections will also enable you to do the final
project, which involves other topics of relating to business operation
environment and ways to scan environment.

We will start by doing the next activity.

To be able you to differentiate the various forms of organization, you are to complete a comparison diagram of
the various forms of business organizations according to ownership.
Using the following comparison diagram, indicate the characteristics pertinent to specific dimension of each
form of business organization.

Business Organization Comparison Diagram

Dimension Single Proprietorship Partnership Corporation


Ease of





Your goal in this section is to learn and understand the key concepts about form of business organization. The
competencies that you should be able to accomplish are listed below. Monitor your progress in this module
using this checklist of competencies.

Competencies Crystal Clear Somewhat Not fully
clear understood
1. Analyze the forms and economic roles
of business organizations
2. Analyze various forces/elements
influencing local and international
business environment using PEST and
SWOT strategies
3. Differentiate the phases of economic
development and its impact to business


Continuing Case on Mary’s Kitchen

Expanding a Business: Environmental Considerations

Mary’s Kitchen went beyond the expectation of the owner. Lassy, one of Mary’s friends, was instrumental to the
firm’s strong performance. She advertised Mary’s services through her Internet blog site. Mothers residing as far
as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore were requesting that Mary’s recipes for their family and friends.

With her plans for the second year underway and the prospects of an increasing local and foreign customer
base, Mary is really excited to continue her business. She is planning to invest kitchen equipment and utensils
simultaneously. This could translate to an increase in the company’s revenues.

Discussion Questions:

1. What factors favor the expansion of Mary’s business?

2. What factors could negatively impact Mary’s business?


Let’s check knowledge of management topics. Take the 10-items exercise below. Write True if the statement is
correct. Write False if you think the statement is incorrect and try to correct it by modifying the underlined word.


________________ 1. Corporation is the easiest business organization to organize.

________________ 2. An example of service is crematorium
________________ 3. The transformation of raw materials into finished goods is called Merchandising
________________ 4. Article of Corporation is one of the requirements in establishing a corporation.
________________ 5. Wholesaling and retailing are forms of merchandising.
________________ 6. SEC stand for Securities and Enhance Commission.
________________ 7. Sole and single proprietorship are synonymous in nature.
________________ 8. Our Lady of the Pillar College is an example of one of the primary activities which is service
________________ 9. Right of succession is present in partnership
________________ 10. Corporation has an unlimited life compared to partnership

Check and review your answers. How well did you do in the exercise?

In this section, the discussion on the forms of business

organizations has been discussed that includes sole
End of Firm-Up proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Have you
find it easy to establish those forms? What business
organizations and primary activities would you opt to
choose? What are the new learning goal should you
now try to achieve?

Moreover, go back to your checklisr of competencies and see how much you’ ve accomplished.

Competencies Crystal Clear Somewhat Not fully
clear understood
1. Analyze the forms and economic roles
of business organizations
2. Analyze various forces/elements
influencing local and international
business environment using PEST and
SWOT strategies
3. Differentiate the phases of economic
development and its impact to business

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by moving on to the next section.

Business Operations and the Environment
Three levels:

Social Element Economic Element


Special Suppliers
Interest Internal
Groups Environment

Customers Competitors

Political -Legal Technological

Element Element

The General Environment

It is the organization’s external environment that may affect the organization, usually in the long-run.
 Political/legal element is related to government affairs and laws or regulations
 Economic element is related to the use and allocation of scarce resources in the economy to create
and distribute wealth.
 Social is related to societal characteristics.
 Technological element is related to new tools, ideas and approaches used to produce goods and

The Operating Environment

The Operating environment indicates the elements of the external environment that has a direct and
immediate impact on the organization.
 Customer element is related to individuals and entities who buy goods and services produced by the
 Supplier element is related to individuals and entities that provide goods and services needed by the
organization in the production of its outputs.
 Competitor element is related to those whom the organization monitors and responds to in the battle
for resources and markets
 Pressure groups element is related to special-interest groups which persist in influencing the actions of
organizations through their campaigns and programs.

The Internal Environment

The internal environment is the level of the environment that is within of the organization. It includes
organization structure, culture and resources. Resources include production technology and physical facilities.

Other Milieus: Local versus International Environment

Economic Legal-Political
 Economic dev’t  Political risk
 Infrastructure  Taxation
 Resource and  Laws &
product markets Regulations
 Per capita income
 Exchange rates Organization
 Economic

 Social values
 Religion (objects,
taboos, holidays)
 Education

Managers operate business locally and in some cases, internationally, that is, even across national borders. This
is done for reasons of profits and better access to customers, suppliers, capital and labor.

Your goal in this section is to take a close look at some aspects of the topic.


To enable you to build personal meanings of the elements of the firm’s environment, you are to make a
definition map of any of the following words:

a. technology c. supplier
b. customer d. competitor

A Typical Word Map



Example Definition


Your Task

Using the given perspective chart, provide specific examples of elements that comprise the respective
environments of Mary’s Kitchen

General Operating Internal

Environment Environment Environment

The Role of Business in Relation to the Economy and Society

Business creates wealth for the economy and society by generating income through its activities. These
relationships are imbued with ethics and corporate social responsibility.

Ethics deals with the morality of one’s actions. It refers to what a manager holds as good and bad, and how
the applies these beliefs to the decisions and actions he makes.

Corporate social responsibility, on the other hand, is the obligation of a manager to operate the business in
many ways that are both beneficial to the company and the society

Ways to SCAN the Business environment: PEST and SWOT Analysis

Political stability and government intervention
Economic policies and factors that affec
in economy that affes businesses and their
businesses and their expansion



social factors that affect purchasing behavior of the level of innovation, research and
consumer markets development and other related factors


SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. When this tool is uses to analyze
environmental factors or conditions external to the firm, they can be perceived as an opportunity or a threat by
the manager. It is an opportunity if it is a development that is favorable to the operation of the company and
will most likely improve its performance and prospects. It is a threat if is a unfavorable developments in any
element in the general environment which can slow down the performance of the company.

Strength is any kind of resource or capability which gives the organization an advantage over other
organizations in offering their service or goods. Weakness is a lack of resource or capability which makes the
organization vulnerable to competition.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
List your List your List the List the
advantages in disadvantages favorbale external
terms of in terms of developments development
resources resources that provide that can cause
chances to trouble to the
improve business

The outcome of these analyses is a long term perspective for the manager that can serve as useful context for

Let us relax a bit for now, answer the following case study for further understanding on the topics
In what ways is a manager’s job and company performance affected by internationalization? Discuss the
relevant factors in international environment that will affect Mary’s job and company performance based
on the following data:

Through the vlog of her friend, Lassy Filipino families residing in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and
Singapore are requesting Mary to expand the business. Mary’s determination to continue her business was
boosted by this influx of foreign customer, alongside her local customers. Through this added international
involvement though Lassy’s vlog, a diverse base of customers can be built whose demand can translate
to more revenues.

In this section, the discussion was about various ways

to examine business environment. We also examined
the role of business to society and economy.
What realizations do you have about the topic?
What new connections have you for yourself? What
helped you make connections? Now that you have a
deeper understanding of the topics, you are ready to
do the task in the next section.

Your goal in this section is to apply learning to real life situation. You will be given a practical task
which will demonstrate your understanding.

In response to this, you are to create a helpful tool that will enhance understanding of senior high students taking
organization and management subject. You’re now ready to make the project for this module. You are given
one task to make.

Your product will be evaluated with the following rubric.

 correct topic
 article information (title, author, date, and source of article)
 summary of factor (students shows knowledge of what, who, where, when, why of article)
 personal reaction (opinion and/or reflection)


You have already learned how the environment affects the manager and the business he operates.

Look for a newspaper article on a local company that talk about its major undertaking. Relate this major
undertaking with developments in the business environment of the company.


a. Cut the chosen article, paste and place your written analysis on the blank sheet provided.


CRITERIA Incomplete Poor Fair Good Excellent

0 pts 2 pts 6 pts 8 pts 10 pts
Correct Topic
Did not attempt Article chosen is Article chosen is Article chosen is Article chosen is
the assignment. related to current a current event a current event a current event
events but is not and related to and government and government
related to government, but related, but only related and
government. very brief and minimally. provides clear,
not in depth. in-depth
information and
the reporter's
analysis of the

Information No article 3 or more items 2 items missing 1 item missing All items present
information missing
(Title, Author, provided.
Date, & Source
of article)
Summary of
Facts No summary of Solid Excellent
facts Very basic Moderate summarization of summarization of
(Student shows OR Plagiarism. summary(no more summarization of facts (1 facts without
knowledge of Copied than 1-2 facts but paragraph) personal bias.
who, what, sentences) includes
verbatim from without personal
when, where,
the article personal bias. bias.
why of article)
without MOSTLY verbatim
reference. from article.

Reaction No personal Lack of persuasive Moderately Persuasive Persuasive
reaction to the argument of your persuasive argument of argument of
(Opinion and/or subject matter opinion. Reaction argument of opinion and opinion
reflection) given. is very shallow. your opinion. reflection is in expressed with
Reaction is not depth with some support based
very deep, no explanations on facts in
clear link to facts and linkage to article.
in article to facts in article.

In this section, your task to develop an article analysis. How did you find the
performance task? How did the task help you see the real world use of the
End of Transfer topic?

You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the following post-assessment.

It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Encircle the letter that you think best answers the questions. If you do
well, you may move on to the next module. if your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and
take the module again.

1. Birth rate in the country affects __________ environment

a. Political
b. Technical
c. Social
d. Economic

2. Inflation is the increase of price of commodities which influences __________ environment

a. Political
b. Social
c. Economic
d. Technological

3. Manufacturing is a process of ____________ goods that are sold at a price.

a. production
b. transformation
c. creation
d. all of the above

4. Which of the following BEST describe/s BUSINESS ETHICS?

a. Protection of interest
b. Promotion of common good
c. Preservation of human society
d. All of the above

5. Right of succession is an advantage of

a. Sole proprietorship
b. Partnership
c. Corporation
d. Cooperative

6. The presence of rotovator and reaper in the community affects the lives of small farmers. This is an effect of
___________ environment.
a. Political
b. Social
c. Economic
d. Technological

7. hat is the name of the company that produce Dove deodorant intended for men and women?
a. Unilever
b. Procter and Gamble
c. Colgate-Palmolive
d. Splash

8. This relates to government affairs, rules and regulations.
a. Political
b. Social
c. Technological
d. Economic

9. The best definition of a sole trader form of business organization is

a. The business only employs one person
b. The business is owned by one person
c. The firm has a single customer
d. There is a single firm in the industry.

10. One of the advantages of a partnership form of business organization is that:

a. All partners always have limited liability
b. Shares can be sold on the Stock Exchange
c. The business survives the death of the partners
d. The business has access to more capital than a sole trader

11. A person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profit -
a. entrepreneur
b. baliff
c. magistrate
d. profiteer

12. What kind of business is BEST described by these statements? I am the only owner of my business.
I take all the risks of doing business. I keep all the profits.
a. proprietorship
b. corporation
c. partnership
d. cooperative

13. In a corporation, owners share profit, but liability is limited to –

a. distribution
b. investment
c. theft
d. production

14. What is the advantage of corporations?

a. has limited liability
b. has short life span
c. has one owner
d. minimal government regulation

15. In which type of organization does one person take all the risks?
a. proprietorship
b. corporation
c. partnership
d. cooperative


Analysis- is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts in order to gain a
better understanding of it

Business Environment- means all of the internal and external factors that affect how the company
functions including employees, customers, management, supply and demand and business regulations

Corporation- A form of business operation that declares the business as a separate, legal entity guided
by a group of officers known as the board of directors

Entrepreneur- One who starts or assumes control of a business or other independent enterprise, often
employing innovation and more than an ordinary degree of risk.

Liability- Anything for which a company is legally bound or obligated, as to make good any loss or
damage that occurs in a transaction

Partnership- legal form of business operation between two or more individuals who share management
and profits.

Proprietorship- A business that legally has no separate existence from its owner.


 Benowitz, Ellen A., Principles of Management, 1 st Edition, Cliff Notes, 2001

 Dubrin, Andrew J., Essentials of Management., 7 th Edition, South-Western College

Publications, 2005
 Fajardo, F.R., Management, Manila; Rex Bookstore, 1997

 Medina, Roberto G., Business Organization and Management, Manila; Rex Bookstore, 2006

 Payos, Ranulfo P., et. al., Organization and Management, Manila; Rex Bookstore, 2016

 Santos, Emmanuel T. Ph. D., Practices, concepts and Principles of Management, Makati city,
Library of Congress in Publication Data, 2005






Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________


Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________



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