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INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions

1. Which one of the following is NOT a cropping system? (1 mark)

a) Intercropping
b) Crop rotation
c) Weed control
d) Continuous cropping
2. Three of the following are sub branches of horticulture, which one is NOT? (1 mark)
a) Pomology
b) Entomology
c) Olericulture
d) Ornamentals
3. Which one of the following is a definition of plant disease? (1 mark)
a) Insects that feed on plant leaves, fruits, flowers and stems
b) Weeds that habour pathogens and insects that affect crops
c) Deviation from a plant’s normal development, appearance, or function
d) Planting of two or more crops in the same piece of land at the same time
4. Three of the following are types of intercropping, which one is NOT? (1 mark)
a) Mixed cropping
b) Relay cropping
c) Row cropping
d) Rotation cropping
5. Which of the following defines intercropping? (1 mark)
a) Alternative practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the
same field
b) Growing different kinds of crops, one at a time, in a definite sequence on the
same piece of land
c) Growing of crops in the same piece of land year after year
d) Growing of crops from one land then moving to another land

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6. Which of the following is NOT an importance of Agriculture in Somaliland? (1 mark)
a) Employment of the population either directly or indirectly
b) Source of revenue to the country through taxation levies
c) Source of population growth to the country
d) Promotes economic growth through development of infrastructure
7. Differentiate between abiotic and biotic factors (1 mark)
8. Draw the disease triangle as used in crop production (1 mark)

9. State two (2) losses caused by diseases in crop production (1 mark)

10. State two (2) principles of weed control (1 mark)

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11. State two (2) losses caused by weeds in crop production (1 mark)
12. State two (2) advantages of crop rotation (1 mark)
13. State two (2) advantages of intercropping (1 mark)
14. List two examples of plant disease pathogen (1 mark)
15. List two methods of controlling plant diseases (1 mark)

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