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Computer Networking

L e c t u re r B y :
L a e Ya m i n H t u t
 (1) Role of Networks
 (2)System Types
 (3)Practical ( Workgroup Network ) Lab ( Sharing and Remote Service)
 (4)Network Topology
Chapte r -1
 (1) Roles of Networks
 Introduction to Computer Network
 Assessment Types
 The significance of networking in communication technologies

 (2) System Types

 Analyses system types looking at real world scenario and networking types
 Discuss and study different system types
 Study the system types of peer based, client-server, cloud, cluster, centralized, virtualized
 Practical ( Workgroup Network )
 (3) Practical workgroup network  (4) Network Topology
 Bus Topology
 Create Workgroup Network
 Ring Topology
 File and Folder Sharing
 Star Topology
 Using Remote Service
 Mesh Topology
Chapte r -1

(1) Roles of Networks

 Introduction to Computer Network

 Assessment Types
 The significance of networking in communication technologies
(1) Roles of Networks
 Introduction to Computer Network

 Types of Network
 Network Medium
 Network Elements
 Types of Network
 Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n N e t w o r k
 Electronic Network

 Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n N e t w o r k

PSTN Network ( Public Switch Telephone Network )

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)

 E l e c t r o n i c Network

Can communicate with network devices

Example of Network Devices are Computer, Wireless, Firewall, Router,

Network Switch, CCTV, etc..
 Types of Network

 Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n N e t w o r k

PSTN Network ( Public Switch Telephone Network )

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)

 Types of Network
 Electronic Network

Can communicate with network devices

Example of Network Devices are Computer, Wireless, Firewall, Router, Network Switch,
CCTV, etc..
 Network Medium

 Wired ( Using the Cable )

 Wireless ( Using the Radio Frequency)
Wired Network Connection

 A wired network uses cables to connect devices, such as laptop or

desktop computers, to the Internet or another network

 The most common wired networks use cables connected at one end

to an Ethernet port on the network router and at the other end to a

computer or other device

Wireless Network Connection

 A wireless network is a computer network that uses

wireless data connections between network nodes

 Wireless networking is a method by which homes,

telecommunications networks and business installations

 Network Elements

 PAN ( Personal Area Network )

 LAN ( Local Area Network )
 CAN ( Campus Area Network )
 MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network)
 WAN ( Wide Area Network )
 SAN ( Storage Area Network )
Network Elements

 PAN ( Personal Area Network)

 A personal area network is a computer network for

interconnecting electronic devices centered on an individual
person's workspace
 A PAN provides data transmission among devices such as
computers, smartphones, tablets and personal digital assistants
Network Elements

 LAN ( Local Area Network ) (Intranet)

 A local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a
relatively small area
 Most often, a LAN is confined to a single room, building or group
of buildings
 LAN is also known Intranet
Network Elements

 CAN ( Campus Area Network)

 A campus area network known as (CAN) is used to inter-connect

networks in limited geographical locality like university campus

 Example of CAN are Hospital, University, MICT Park

 Connect between Building to Building in the campus area

Network Elements
 MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network) ( Extranet)

 A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that

interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic
area or region
 larger than that covered by even a large local area network
 but smaller than the area covered by a wide area network
 MAN is also known as Extra Net
 MAN connect between city to ctiy
Network Elements

 WAN ( Wide Area Network ( WAN) ( Internet)

 A wide area network (WAN) is a telecommunications network that

extends over a large geographical area for the primary purpose of

computer networking

 WAN is also known as Internet

 WAN is connect between all over the world

Network Elements

 SAN ( Storage Area Network)

 storage area networks, are high-speed, dedicated networks that

connect data storage tools with larger networks

 A SAN typically uses Fiber Channel connectivity

 NAS typically ties into to the network through a standard Ethernet

(1) Roles of Networks
 Assessment Types

 What is Internet?
 Why we use computer networking?
 Benefic of Using Computer Networking
Assessment Types

 What is Internet?
 Internet is the largest computer network in the world

 Internet is the Wide Area Network (WAN)

 The Internet communicate all over the world

 Internet comes from ? ( explain detail ) HW

Assessment Types
 Why we use computer network?

 File Sharing and Printer Sharing

 User Communication
 Gaming
 Application Sharing
Assessment Types
 Benefits of using the computer networking

 File Sharing

 Application sharing

 Hardware sharing

 User Communication

 Network Gaming

 Voice over IP (VOIP)

 Time

 Distance

 Cost
(1) Roles of Networks

 The significance of networking in communication technologies

 About the Network Devices and their communication

 Working Practice in computer networking
The significance of networking in communication technologies

 About the Network Devices and their communication

 Computer
 Server
 Switch
 Router
 Wireless Device
 Firewall
 Cable
Different between Computer and Server

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data

It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data

Server is the high performance computer

System Unit
O f S e r ve r
Network Switch

 A network switch is networking hardware that connects

devices on a computer network by using packet
switching to receive and forward data to the destination
 A network switch is a multiport network bridge that
uses MAC addresses to forward data at the data link
layer of the OSI model. Manage ged
 Two types of switch ( 1. manage Switch and 2. Switch Switch
unmanaged switch )

 A router is a networking device that forwards data

packets between computer networks
 A router forward the packet by using the routing table SOHO
 Router is at the network layer of OSI 7 layer
 Router can connect different network

Wireless Device
 Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which
electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over
part or all of the communication path.
 Wireless work with RF ( Radio Frequency )

Wireless Wireless
Access Router USB
Point Wireless
Network Cable

 Types of network cables are UTP, STP and Fiber Optic Cable
 UTP cable and STP cables are connect with LAN Network
 Fiber Optic cable can connect all over the world and can Cable
connect WAN Network

The significance of networking in communication technologies

 Working Practice in computer networking

 Monitoring System ( Infra Monitoring )
 Cover Downtime Status using High Availability
 Keep your anti-virus software up to date
 Keep regular backups of all your important documents
 Using Storage Service ( eg. SAN or NAS )
 Do pay attention to security. You have a duty to others to keep
 Keep Your machine is always secure
 Keep your network and hackers will attack any vulnerable machine

Net Gain Infra Monitoring

Zabbix Infra Monitoring

High Availability

 High Availability (HA) describes systems that are

dependable enough to operate continuously without

Router HA

Server Antivirus Software
Top 13 Windows Server Antivirus Software (2008, 2012, 2016):

 AVG.
System Backup ( Data )

 Network backup is the process of copying and backing up all end devices
and network nodes in a computer network
 Network backup may also refer to the actual data or files that are backed up in a network
backup process
Network Security or Cyber Security

 Can use Firewall Device and Server

 Filter the network traffic
Chapte r -1
(2) System Types

 Study the system types of peer based, client-server, cloud, cluster, centralized,
 Sharing Service
 Remote Service
 Practical ( Workgroup Network )
(2) System Types
 Study the system types of peer based, client-server, cloud, cluster, centralized,

 Peer to Peer Network

 Server Base Network

 Cloud Computing

 Virtualization
Peer to Peer Network
Peer to Peer
 Peer-to-peer networks allow interconnected devices (for
example, PCs) to share their resources with one another.
Those resources could be, for example, files or printers.
Server Based Network
 With a server based network the files will not be stored on the hard Based
drive of each workstation.
 Instead they will be stored on a powerful computer which is known
as a server.
 Illustrates an example of a client-server network, where a dedicated
file server provides shared access to files, and a networked printer is
available as a resource to the network’s clients.
Cloud Computing

 Compute power - such as Linux servers or web

 Storage - such as files and databases.
 Networking - such as secure connections between the
cloud provider and your company.
 Analytics - such as visualizing telemetry and
Cloud providers include
performance data. Microsoft, Amazon, and
Public cloud

 Owned by cloud services or hosting


 Provides resources and services to

multiple organizations and users.

 Accessed via secure network

connection (typically over the

Private cloud

 Owned and operated by the organization that uses cloud


 Organizations create a cloud environment in their


 Self-service access to compute resources provided to

users within the organization.

 Organizations responsible for operating the services they

Hybrid cloud

 Combines Public and Private clouds to

allow applications to run in the most

appropriate location.

 In computing, virtualization refers to the act of creating a

virtual version of something, including virtual computer
hardware platforms, storage devices, and computer
network resources.
Most useful virtualization technologies are :

 Hyper-V virtualization technology software

 Virtual Box virtualization technology software
 VMware virtualization technology software
Sharing Service by using workgroup network

 A file-sharing service is a type of online service that

provides, mediates and monitors the transfer of
computer files
 File sharing is the practice of sharing or offering access to
digital information or resources
 File sharing including documents, multimedia
(audio/video), graphics, computer programs, images and
Remote Service by using workgroup network

 To Remote service software is used by equipment

 To remotely monitor, access and repair products in use at
customer sites
 To troubleshoot problems, perform proactive
maintenance, assist with user operations and monitor
(3) Practical workgroup network

 Configuration of file sharing Service

 Assign IP Address in the All

networks ( Client and Server )

 Implementation of File Sharing

Service Step by Step

 Configuration of Remote Service

 Implementation of Remote Service Step

by Step
Configuration of File Sharing Server Step by Step
 Step-1

 Create a local folder on

your server computer
 Right click the folder, and then
click Properties

 Step-2

 Click the Sharing tab, and then click Share


 Step-3
 Click the Advanced Sharing Button to share the data

 Step-4
 Click Share this folder permission , and
click permission button

 Step-5
 In the Permission level column, select Read/Write,
then click ok

 Step-6

 Click the Security tab

 Select the user account you want to use for the installation
 Click Edit Button and then

 Step-7

 Enter the name of everyone account, and then

 click check name to correct the name

 Step-8

 In the Permission level column,

 select Read/Write, then
 click ok

Configuration of Remote Server Step by Step

 Step-1

 Open the Run Box and

 Type sysdm.cpl command in the run box to go
into the system properties

 Step-2

 In the system properties, click remote tab and then

 Choose the allow option blow the picture
 Step-3 60

 To open the remote service need to go services

 Open the Run Box and type the following command in the run box and then
 Click Ok Button to continuous
 Step-4 61

 In the Services to change the startup type for Automatic

 Choose the Automatic and run the start
 Click Ok Button to exit
Test and Result

 Using File Sharing Service Step by Step

 Using Remote Service Step by Step

Using File Sharing Service 63

 Open the Go menu at the top of the screen and click "Connect to Server”
 Enter the IP address or hostname of the server to access in the pop-up window
 If the server is a Windows-based machine, begin the IP address or hostname with the
”UNC Path :\\" (Share Server IP ) and then
 Click on the ”OK" button to connect the share data and see the share data
Using the Remote Service 64

 To connect the remote server , firstly type the command ‘mstsc’ and then
 In the Computer Box type the Remote Server IP Address
 Click the Connect Button to remote server login
Using the Remote Service 65

 Type the User and Password to remote the server and then
 Click OK Button to connect the remote server desktop
Using the Remote Service

 See the Remote Server Desktop and Welcome page and then
 Next page is Remote Server Desktop Interface
(4) Network Topology

 A network topology is the physical layout of computers, cables, and other

components on a network.
 A logical topology have protocol, service and client
 There are a number of different network topologies, and a network may be built
using multiple topologies.
 The different types of network topologies are :
 Bus Topology
 Ring Topology
 Star Topology
 Mesh Topology
Bus Topology

 A bus topology consists of a main run of cable with a

terminator at each end. All nodes like workstations,
printers, laptops, servers etc., are connected to the linear
 Cable ( coaxial cable)
 Connector ( BNC T Connector )
 Distance ( 185 meters )
 Bandwidth ( 1 mbps )
Ring Topology
 In a ring topology, all computers are connected via a cable
that loops in a ring or circle.
 A ring topology is a circle that has no start and no end
and terminators are not necessary in a ring topology.
 Data travels around the network, in one direction.
 Sending and receiving of data takes place by the help of
 Cable ( STP cable)
 Connector ( IBM Data Connector )
 Distance ( 100 meters )
 Bandwidth ( 10mbps )
Star Topology
 A star topology is designed with each node (like
workstations, printers, laptops, servers etc.)
 connected directly to a central device called as a
network Switch. Most popular and widely used LAN
technology Ethernet currently operates in Star
 Cable ( UTP cable)
 Connector ( RJ-45 Connector )
 Distance ( 100 meters )
 Bandwidth ( 10,100,1000) mbps
Mesh Topology
 In a mesh network topology, each of the network node,
computer and other devices, are interconnected with one
 Mesh Topology is not commonly used these days.
 Cable ( Fiber Optic cable)
 Connector ( SC Connector )
 Distance ( Unlimited)
 Bandwidth ( Unlimited)

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