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"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi+st

day open to the public"



• To enable participants appreciate the importance of Time


• To indicate effective ways of dealing with time wasters

• To highlight practical methods for better Time Management


• Significance of Time Management

• Importance Vs Urgency
• Analyzing Time Habits
• Work Prioritization

• Major Time Wasters

• Controlling use of one's time

• Time Saving Techniques


Lectures, Case Studies, Films, Exercises and Group Discussions

Duration One day

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi:r;:st
day open to the public"


Session 1

I •
Introduction: Work Smart, Not Hard
• Sharing of Expectations
• "Managing Time" (l\~cti~ity)-
• Time - 1L~ Important Resource
• Being Active Vs Being Busy
• Importance Vs Urgency

Session 2


Session 3

Time Was ters .Z '

• My favorite ~ime Wasters (A Self-evaluation)
• "Ram the Fire Fighter" (Case Study)

Session 4

Time Saving'Techniques,

• Managing Time-in Organizations - Practical Suggestions

• Meetings .• "

• Comm~ting Time,:Wai~ing Time

• Time Saving Tecnniques
Conciusions ~d'Action'Plans

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"

DAY l'
Session 1

Introduction: Work Smart, NO.t Hard: The need to have clear long-term
goals in life~ The necessity to plan ahead'and to be organized.
Sharing of Expectations: Expectations of the participants from the
"Managing Time" (Activity): The meaning is to achieve one's realistic
goals in life. ,
Time - An Important Resource: Time is to be utilized wisely. This means
allocating' approp~iate time for various activities and getting optimum
Being Active Vs Being Busy: Most tend to be, _-'busy' = unproductively
active. We all need to be 'acti ve' = productively busy. We need to
identify the reasons behind being busy and work on eliminating the
contributing fac~ors.

Session 2

.~ ¥' '\0 e,

"How,Wisely: ~o ·!o~ .M~age Time?": (Self -evaluation'): To determine how

productively one spends ,ones time.
• • I

Importance "\TS' .p'rgency: Dr., Covey's Time 'Management matrix. The four
quadrants., ,Focus on the important and not urgent.
Work Prioriti,zr-ation, i First things first: \\The main thing is ,to Keep the
main thing the mai,n thing'." Focus on priorities yields the "beat, results.
One is to ,apply the 80:20 rule.
"The Time of, Your Life": (Film Discussion): The film provides six basic
prescriptions ,for eff~ctive Time Management

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first "-

day open to th6 public"


Session 3

Time Wasters
My favorite Time Wasters (A--$elf-evaluation): A questionnaire to probe
into one 1 s favorite -time wasters. -.
, - ':- "'. . ., -
"Ram the Fire Fighter" I (Case Study): t1al1agement"by crisis.
Chaos to Control: Leading an organized .• life. ."

Session 4
Time Saving Techniques: Managing Time;;"in .> Organizations Practica·l
and Peers: -Effecti :rely interacting with them is

make the best

ita useful tool.

Concluding Session ~~ -: -
• • ~ ,of ~" "".. • ,

Conclusions and Act\ion-~'Plans:' ~~

Fram~ng:of . detailed action plans for
implementation r " •

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-braaking to fir~t
day open to the public"

Time Management Problems

As managers and supervisors we need to be able to manage our time

effectively if we are to be successful. Time management is
important because it gives us more control over the working day,
which enables us to directly influence our goals and those of the
people we supervise.

Most of us sometimes feel that we are unable to control our time

and it may be that some occupations make effective management of
time difficult.

Time Management affects the way we work and our efficiency as

managers and supervisors. Some of the more common time
management problems are:

• Having unclear objectives

• Changing priorities at work
• Interruptions
• Other people
• Too much work
• Not enough work
• The design of the office/shop floor
• Members of the work team
• Paperwork
• Meetings
• Short term crisis (fire fighting)
• Difficulty in planning

The first stage in understanding our time management problems is

to produce and complete a time log of activity over, say, a five
day period; it should show:

what happened
how long it took
.(precise time)
• who else was involved
• where it took place

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi~st
day open to the public"

Session 1 Work Smart Not·Hara.


Activity 5 minutes

Meanings are in people, not in words. We give meanings to words

and terms from our own perceptions based on our experience. For
some, the phrase "Managing Time" may mean becoming a 'Time Nut'
or always looking at the watch, or becoming over-organised. For
some others, it may mean making effective use of time.

What do YOU understand by the phrase "Managing Time"? In the

space below, write down what YOU understand by that term


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"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fir!lt
day open to the public"


The one important characteristic, which distinguishes

successful people from unsuccessful is their
attitude to Time. Successful people consider
Time as an important resource, which should not
be wasted but effectively "invested".

This attitude, which is ingrained in them,

makes them realise the value of their Time.

They do what is required of them to do.

They are not activity oriented; but
result oriented. They do not mistake being
'active' as being 'busy'.

They distinguish between "Important" and "Urgent". They are

clear about their Life Time Goals. Whatever they do in their
everyday life is towards accomplishing those goals. They have
Time for everything. They are relaxed and never tense. They
spend every minute of their Time pleasantly, fully enjoying it.
They are well 'organized'!

Questions I

- Is there a difference between 'being active' and 'being busy'?

- How do Y0U distinguish between 'urgent' and 'important'?

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"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public" <,

Do Not Work Hard

But work 'Smart'. Working 'Smart' means organizing yourself, so

that you invest your time on value-added activities. Spoken
words, sped arrow and time spent do not come back.

There are three types of demands on your time.


t t

PLANNING is organizing.
DOING is carrying out the plan as decided.
INTERACTING is working with other people.


PLUS = You are strong

MINUS = You need improvement


Plus Plus V Pluy V

Minus V Minus V Minus

(Tick your style)

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi:;
day open to the public"

You are a plus time manager

If you had two or more pluses


+ + + You are a balanced

-, person

+ + You do your own

things well

+ + You do other's
priorities well

+ + You have good

intentions but no
work done

:1:. 'You.are a minus time·manager

two'" or more minuses


+ Unrealistic dreamer

+ You are on a

+ Delightful person.
But incompetent

- . Neither delightful
nor competent

a) Are you a plus or a minus manager?

b) Does it tally with what others think of you?

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"


(Activi ties)


P I. Activities II. Activities
R Prevention
Crisis Development Activities
Pressing Problems Relationship Building
Dead line driven projects Recognizing new opportunities
T Planning" Recreation I
1-- --.J 3 S;t, II

N III. Activities

o IV. Activities
T Short term focus
Total irresponsibility
Interruptions, some calls
I Some mail, some reports Trivia -
M Some meetings Some mail
P Some phone calls
Proximate, pressing matters
o Time wasters
Popular activities
R Pleasant activities

.-fz-lzc Aa~ CliL-lv"5c
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"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fir,~t
day open to the public"




M I. Results II. Results
o Stress Vision, Perspective
R Burn out Balance
T Crisis Management Discipline
A Always putting out fires Control, Few crisis

N Results
III. Short term focus Results
o IV. Total irresponsibility
Crisis Management
Fired from jobs
I Reputation - chameleon
Dependent on others or
M character
institutions for basics
P See goals and plans as
o worthless
R Feel victimized, out of control

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public" <,

Sessien 2: Analyzing Time Habits


Consider the following symptoms of poor Time Management and check

whether any of them apply to you. Rank them in the order of
seriousness to you.

Sr. Symptom Yes No Rank

1. Not able to complete work on Time v

2. Frequent late hours in office.

3. Frequently taking papers home. v

4. Attending to' .'urgent' work rather than

impertant ..

5. Accumulating stacks of papers to be

attended to. v

6. Always doing the work ef ethers. v

7. Not taking enough holidays, feeling
indispensable. v
8. Attending toe many meetings.
No Time for 'personal time' with family,
friends, etc.

10. Unable to' say 'No'. ~

11. Always at the beck-and-call of others ~

12. A-lways
f Qr
t ame . "!
and·hard pressed
13. Not able to prioritize. v

>7 '\IWlj',0:>i7 'j;'eR) ~

r'tYJ''' - ~

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first

day open to the public"

Time Management Questionnaire

Please tick the appropriate column for each question

Sr Item Strongly Agree

, Disagree Strongly
No Agree Disagree
1. Other people always
come to me for advice
2. My work te~ds to p{~e
up _
3. I never have time for
4. I spend too much time
in meeti~gs
5. I aiways seem to be
trying to do too many
things at the same time
.•••• :wi" ""1'1I' .• ~.~ --

6. I tend to put~off
unpleasant jobs .:':"~""
7. I tend to lose or
mislay papers, memos
O( .~ •••• A'.'~.; "!"I

8. I never naven'time to
9. The telephone never
seems to stop ringing
10. I am always w~~ting
...., ".".. .
letters, "memos arid,
11. I spend too much time
travelling from place
to place. '
12. I have to start and
stop jobs fr'equently "'~'.~~'"]

13. I find it difficult to

say "no" to people's
14. I have too much paper
work to deal,with . ./:

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"

Sr Item Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

No Agree Disagree
15. I find it hard to
prioritise work
16. If I want a job to be
done well I have to do
it myself.
17. I don't spend enoug~
time talking to the
people I manage .
18 Work tends to get in
the way of my social
19 I constantly get
interrupted at work
20 There just aren't
enough hours in the

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"

Session 3 Time Wasters.

The Case of The Office Mismanager

Sunil Sharma shuffled through the papers piled high on his desk.
"This office looks like a rummage sale he sighed, briefly
surveying the files, books, letters' and unfinished contracts
littering the floor and covering every available surface. "Ah,
here it is now, where's my pen." He sat down to write a
reply, but was interrupted by Hohan Nat.h for ten minutes about
some minor matter over the Nigerian contract.

His secretary then brought in a pile of unopened mail far him to

sort through, but the telephone began to ring and Sunil answered
all nine calls himself One wrong number, two wrong departments
and another minor query from Mohan, who still hadn't got his act
together on the Nigerian order. Then it was coffee time, which
took up another thirty or forty minutes, not least because Poonam
his secretary wanted to tell him all about what the vet had said
about her pet dog.
There was just time before lunch to deal with five telephone
calls and to carry out another search among his papers for a
missing telephone number. The afternoon was worse, with people
dropping in without appointments or telephoning at will for a
chat. By 5.30 p.m.
Sunil had just about completed a short memo on stockpiling raw
materials which had been due to be sent last week. Just bef0.~ehe
left for home he found five of the morning's letters, still
unopened. One of them turned out to be a cancellation of the
Nigerian project that everyone had assumed was going to happen -
and Mohan wasted an hour of his time about. Apparently the
Nigerians had found a West German firm that could promise to
deliver the equipment on schedule. They were weary of the delays
they had experienced with Wilson's firm. "The trouble is,
Poonam," said Sunil Sharma as he stuffed the letters into his
briefcase, "there aren't enough hours in a day. God gave me only
twenty-four hours a da~ -everyone else seems to have more.
Questions for Discussion:

Analyses Mr Sharma's style of functioning?

What were the main reasons for his ineffectiveness in managing
•.... What advice would you give him to getting better organized?

"Disneyland was built in 366 days; from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"


Time Well Spent Makeover ( Below is an example

of how you can go from chaos to control)

07:00 A.M Alarm goes off, hits snooze button

07: 15 A.M Wearily gets out of bed

07: 20 A.M Showers and gets ready

07: 45 A.M Dresses in an outfit that doesn't fit quite.

Hunts for shoes
07: 55 A.M Grabs a quick breakfast and skims the paper

08:05 A. M Looks for key's ( again

08 : 10 A.M Starts to commute to work in his old car

08 :15 A.M Stops for petrol,

08 : 40 A.M Arrives at work ( late again

01: 00 P.M \Too busy to stop for lunch

04 00 P.M Just finished with urgent tasks

06 00 P.M Still at work finishing projects due last week

09 30 P.M Stops at some old fast food , takes packed food.

10 15 P.M Watches TV and eats dinner

11 30 P.M He is exhausted, so he goes to bed

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from grou-'"lcl-breaking
to first <,

day open to the public"


Time Well Spent Makeover ( Below is an example

of how you can go from chaos to control) contd ....

06:00 A.M Alarm goes off, he gets up

06: 05 A.M Watches the sunrise as he goes for a brisk walk

06: 35 A.M Showers and gets ready

07: 00 A.M Puts on a new outfit that makes him feel great

07: 15 A.M Grabs his keys

07: 20 A. M Gets in his car with full tank of petrol

07 30 A.M Beats rush hour traffic with early start

07 45 A.M Stops at a restaurant for breakfast and reads

08 30 A·M Gets an early start at work

12 30 P.M Has lunc~,with a colleague

03 00 P.M Closes door, puts the phone on answering

machine, and finishes project
06 15 P.M Leaves work in time

06 45 P.M Stops at market

08 00 P.M 'Prepares a meal

08 30 P.M Takes a relaxing bath, has dinner

09 30 P.M Meets a friend in the neighborhood

10 00 P.M Reflects
. on the day and prepares for tomorrow

10 30 P.M Turns in with a good book, relaxed and refreshed

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from grcu.nd.;.breaking to.~first
day open to the public"

Crisis Management

Activity Duration: 5 Minutes

Ram the Fire Fighter

Ram is not working for a Fire Service Dr anything like it.

He is working in a company making auto components. In view of his

long service and experience, Management always calls him whenever
there is a crisis or a problem in the Production Line.

Ram often says: "I do not have even half - a - minute for
myself, from eight in the morning to five in the evening. In
this company everything is required to he completed by yesterday.
'Ram you do this' and 'Ram you do that. 'Ram this is crisis'
and 'that is crisis'. We need three hundred components by
tomorrow night. It is urgent and top priority. I tell you,
everything in this place is very urgent."

This type of situation of rushing from one crisis to another

crisis, dealing with whatever problem is on hand, is called
Crisis Management or Fire Fighting.


Think for a few moments about the likELy effects of this life
style upon Ram. Write down a few words OJ ideas below :

- ~ Wl'U ~ s:-~ ~"'1 \~~ 1 ... ~ d-u...;

<r vv }
~ ~ tJl.Lt be..- 6ylS/S ~ J....cL WlW ~-t ro~ \~~~.
- }!..e.. ~ ~ i~~ t»: ~
- tle- d! ~J--~ (P54-T~,

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first

day open to the public"

Time Wasters

Activity: Consider •....

he following Time Wasters and check
whether any of them apply to you?

Self -Discipline Yes No

1 Not making daily "to-do" lists?
2 Never set goals/deadlines?
3 Not able to prioritize the goals.
4 Set goals/de~dlines but do not stick to them.
5 Move around, socializing too much
6 Low level of conqentration, get easily distracted
7 Try to do more than one thing at a time
8 Get involved in everything
9 Make too many personal phone calls regularly
10 Attending to 'urgent' work rather than 'important'
11 Mostly do not do the most important work during
peak energy hours.
12 Very' indecisive postponing decisions
13 Procrastination in doing what needs to be done,
the things committed

Can't say ~o Yes No

14 Like to help others
15 Like to feel important
16 Fear of hurting people
17 Accept unrealistic deadlines
18 Cannot get rid of callers or visitors quickly
19 Drop what I'm doing to deal with inconsequential
matters/ qu~ries

Bogged Down Yes No

20 Can' t delegate.
21 Unclear Job definition
22 Others. cannot man~ge my work if I am absent.
23 Frequent late hours in the office
24 Accumulate. too much paper to be attended to
25 Handle the same paper again and again
26 Forget things
27 Badly organized
28 Doing just routine work

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"

29 No system for reading

30 Messy environment, uncl-ean desk
31 Slow at writing letters and reports
32 Lengthy unstructured telephone calls
33 No system for controlling telephone conversations
34 I am a perfectionist

Poorly'managed meetings Yes No

35 Meetings out-side/inside office, including one-to-
one, badly done
36 No agenda or time frame.
37 Not punctual for the meetings
38 No clear objectives agreed at the start
39 Wrong people
40 Stray off the subject,
41 Failure to listen
42 Can't get your point of view across
43 People don't listen
44 No conclusions or actions
45 Badly chaired
46 Poor attitudes

Systems and Procedures Yes No

47 Untidy work
48 Forget things
49 Message not passed on/received
50 Don't file regularly
51 Don't know your manager's daily/weekly priorities
52 Don't know who does what in other departments
53 Always looking for things
54 Don't know whose work to do first
55 Always feeling tense and hard-pressed for time
56 People do not know the best time to approach you
57 Do not have the required authority

Poor communication Yes No

58 You only think about it after the event
59 Not aware of other's needs for information'
60 Other departments don't show interest in your
61 Never get an answer
62 Conflicting prioriti,es among various sections
63 No time to communicate with others

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-bre.aking to first
day open to the public"

64 Assume that people understand your motives

Session 4 : Time Saving Techniques

Management Of Meetings

Meetings Improper Purposes

• To avoid Responsibility
• To display Power
• To avoid Work
• To avoid Formal Writing
• To Rubber Stamp Decisions out of sheer habit

Witty Sayings

"A committee is a collection of the unfit appointed by the

unwilling to perform the unnecessary"

"A camel is a horse designed by a committee"

"The best committee is a five person committee with four members


"In committee, minutes are taken but hours are wasted".

Meetings Legitimate Purposes

• To bring people together

• To aid communication
• To inspire
• To energize
• To pool resources
• To provide emotional outlets
• To increase personal visibility
• To foster fellowship
• To evaluate, to review
• To negotiate

\\Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi~t
day cpen to the public"

Positive Sayings

"Two heads are better than one U

"Many hands make work light U

"Meetings are natural"

How To Be An Effective Participant

• Come with a good objective

• Come with an open mind
• Come prepared
• Speak clearly & to the point
• Be a good listener
• Be tactful & polite
• Be patient
• Believe in team work
• Be bold & assertive
• Be supportive to the chair
• Do not misuse the meeting.
• Have a positive mind
• Have faith in the power of meetings

How to be an Effective Meeting Leader

• Present yourself confidently

• Be assertively in control
• Be visible & emphatic
• Be alert & observant
• Be a good listener
• Be humble
• Encourage fair nlay
• Be an advocate of good causes
• Be yourself
• Be tactful & flexible
• Be well-informed & knowledgeable
• Enjoy your work as a leader

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to fi~st
day open to the public"

H0W To Use Commuting Time?

How do you commute to office and back?

How long does it take to reach your office?

In the space provided below, write down the various activities

you could do making use of the commuting time, taking into
account the various constraints depending upon the mode of



Suppose you went in to work the other day with a list of 10

things to do. Another matter cropped up, at the end of the day,
there are still 6 things on your list which you have not done.
You feel frustrated by this.

What should you do ?

Write down 2 suggestions in the space provided below

"Disneyland was built in 366 dayn , from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"


You have planned to spend 3 hours of today to write down your

staff appraisal which falls due in 1 month's time. Your boss asks
you to take on another job, which according to you is less

List three alternatives you could do:




"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-bre-aking to first

day open to the public"

How To Use Waiting Time ?

Given below are some situations where you are made to wait for
somebody, some meeting or otherwise.

In the space provided against each, write down a few activities

which you do making use of the waiting time:

1. You are _called for -~--meeting at 10

a.m. You are on time. The meeting •
does not start,_at' lOa.m. and is
expected to be delayed •

2. You are called by your boss to his
room for a discussion. You are in •
the room, but he is on the phone

3. You are to leave for a tour by •
catching the 6 PM .flight~_and you
arrive-at .the airP,<;,rt
-at; 5 :PM as per

the schedule. Aft-er-arri~ing, you •
are informed t.hat; -the flight is •
delayed for over lhour •
4. You are in a meeting which is in •
progress. At one- point of time in
the meeting a subject is being

discussed where your input is not •
required. You can not go out either •

5. You are on,the road and the vehicle
in which you are traveling is held •
up due to.'a traffic jam. You can •
not get out of the vehicle

6. You have an appointment with your •
doctor at 4PM. • You are on time. •
The doctor still has not arrived.

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, from ground-breaking to first
day open to the public"

Management of Time: Major Prescription

Time Management Means Effective Utilization Of Time.


Ask yourself:
Ii ~vhat are my long- term goals?
• vlhat are my goals for the next six months?


Ask yourself:
• What are the tasks I am to carry out today?
• What results should I achieve by the end of the day?

PRESCRIPTION III: - Start with A's, not with C's

Ask yourself:
• What priorities do I have for the day?
• Have any new i~portant assignments come up?


Ask yourself:
• What is the best use of my time now?
• What will happen if I do not do it?


Ask yourself:
• Have I sorted my papers into three categories A, Band C?
m Do I dispose of a paper once I have picked it up and worked
on it?


Ask yourself:
• Do I tend to postponed assignments which should be and can
be done immediately?
!!! Am I aware of the current days concern wi th speed of

"Disneyland was built in 366 days, froln ground-breaking to fi!:"st<,

day open to the public"

__ Time Management Guidelines __

l! On Mondays, plan a whole week's work. ]

2 Write daily "To - Do" list - including yom_~~op pr~orities. __
3 Delegate routine chores to subordinates. ~
I_~_ Set de~d~ines, for subordinates when you dele~~te t~sks tO~hem_~ __~
5 Use wa1twg t1me to plan work for the rest of your day. ~
6 I When you procrastinate, ask yourself what you are avoiding. -----
~ Break unpleasant tasks into small, non-threatening jobs. I
. I
8 Cut off non-productive activities such as ra~~ling conversations.
9 Put up reminder signs to keep yourself on task. Example: Are you
daydreaming? Keep phone calls brief!
Handle every plece of paper only once. Please throwaway what you
~lO don't need.
11 Answer mail by writing comments on each letter. Have your
If--- subordinates complete the correspondence.
12 Keep your desk cleared and ready for action. Items waiting for
attention should be in the middle of the desk.
13 Have a place for everything you need, so you know immediately
where to find it.
14 Schedule meetings only when they inform, solve a problem or sell
an idea. Replace other meetings with memos.
15 When you read, look for important words, headlines.
i 16 Listen carefully. Ask direct questions to obtain needed

L 17
information quickly.
Learn to say 'no' to colleagues if they ask for help on projects I
and you are already involved in too many things.
18 Do your thinking on paper. It helps you organize and motivates
you to continue because you can see progress.
19 Set aside your most productive time period each day for creative'
20 Ask help from specialists (engineers, accountants, marketing
executives etc.) When working on a special problem.
21 Write letters to people who regularly talk too long on the phone.
22 Make it clear that unannounced "drop-ins" aren't welcome.
23 Try to arrive at your office a half hour ~arly each day to take
advantage of the quiet time before other employees arrive.


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