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1. It is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and delegating
responsibility and authority, establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people work effectively.
a. Enforcement
b. Organization
c. Objectives
d. Administration

2. Referred to as the purpose by which the organization was created.

a. Police Organization
b. Enforcement
c. Objectives
d. Administration

3. A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the achievement of
goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property,
enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
a. Enforcement
b. Police Organization
c. Organization
d. Administration

4. An organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal
operating efficiency.
a. Administration
b. Law Enforcement
c. Organization
d. Police

5. Pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws.

a. Enforcement
b. Objectives
c. Law Enforcement Agency
d. Administration

6. Represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization. It
serves also as the framework for the flow of authority downwards, and obedience upward through the
a. Authority
b. Management
c. Supervision
d. Hierarchy

7. The right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions within an organizational
a. Hierarchy
b. Rank
c. Management
d. Authority

8. The process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in formal groups in order to
achieve a certain goal or objective.
a. Hierarchy
b. Management
c. Authority
d. Supervision

9. Means the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the organization to ensure that
desired results are achieved.
a. Supervision
b. Management
c. Authority
d. Subordinates

10. The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations based on the
highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.
a. Staffing
b. Directing
c. Reporting
d. Budgeting

11. The making of detailed account of activities, work progress, investigations and unusual in order to keep
everyone informed or what is going on.
a. Staffing
b. Directing
c. Budgeting
d. Reporting

12. The task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the right job. It
involves good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.
a. Staffing
b. Directing
c. Controlling
d. Budgeting

13. Involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and comparing it with
planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary corrective actions so that work is
accomplished as planned.
a. Staffing
b. Controlling
c. Reporting
d. Directing
14. Involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various activities in an
organization to achieve through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or objectives of the
organization. It is also called leading, the process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other
people to help them accomplish important task.
a. Budgeting
b. Staffing
c. Controlling
d. Directing

15. It involves the determination and allocation of the men and women as well as the resource of an
organization to achieve pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization. The process of dividing the
work to be done and coordinating results to achieve a desired purpose.
a. Directing
b. Organizing
c. Staffing
d. Reporting

16. The determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained. It is also the
process of setting performance objectives and identifying the actions needed to accomplish them.
a. Organizing
b. Staffing
c. Controlling
d. Planning

17. It is necessary for an organization to function effectively, however, the state of the disciplinary process
depends upon the quality of its leaders.
a. Discipline
b. Unity
c. Scalar Chain
d. Unity of Command

18. It is the largest organic functional unit within a large department which also comprises of several
a. Section
b. Bureau
c. Unit
d. Division

19. A primary subdivision of a bureau.

a. Section
b. Division
c. Unit
d. Bureau

20. Functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.

a. Section
b. Unit
c. Division
d. Bureau

21. Functional group within a section or the smallest functional group within an organization.
a. Unit
b. Division
c. Bureau
d. Section

22. A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated districts.
a. Area
b. Post
c. Route
d. District

23. A geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
a. Sector
b. District
c. Route
d. Post

24. The systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions, departments and functions
of work of the organization. It is comprised of functions, relationships, responsibilities and authorities of
individuals within the organization.
a. Line Staffing
b. Organizational Structure
c. Delegation
d. Authority

25. It combines the flow of information from the line structure with the staff departments that serves,
advice and support them.
a. Line and Staff
b. Organizational Framework
c. Functional
d. Line

26. The supreme source of government for any organization. Has the right to exercise, to decide and to
command by virtue of rank and position.
a. Delegation
b. Doctrine
c. Discipline
d. Authority

27. Greek word which means “Government of the City”

a. Polis
b. Politia
c. Politeia
d. Politika
28. It is the theory that states that policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who rely for the
efficiency of their functions upon the express needs of people. Policemen are civil servants whose key duty
is the preservation of public peace and security.
a. Continental Theory
b. Modern Theory
c. Classical Theory
d. Home Rule Theory

29. Roman word which means “Condition of the state or government”.

a. Polis
b. Politea
c. Politeaia
d. Politia

30. This philosophy advocates that the measurement of police competencies is the increasing number of
arrests, throwing the offenders in the detention facilities rather than trying to prevent them from
committing crimes.
a. Modern Concept
b. Old Concept
c. Classical Concept
d. Policing Concept

31. This was the body or rural police organized in each town to established by the Royal Decree of 18
January 1836; This Decree provided that 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be
enlisted in this police organization for three years.
a. Guardia Civil
b. Guardrilleros
c. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
d. Guardia Publica

32. Otherwise known as “Department of Interior and Local Government Act of 1990” which was enacted on
December 13, 1990.
a. RA 8551
b. RA 6979
c. RA 8515
d. RA 6975

33. The Act which created the “Manila Police Department” which was enacted on July 31, 1901.
a. Act Number 183
b. Act Number 607
c. Act Number 175
d. Act Number 1012
34. Which law amends the provisions of Republic Act 6975 and Republic Act 8551 on the minimum
educational qualification for the appointment to the Philippine National Police and adjusting the promotion
system and has been approved on August 12, 2009?
a. Republic Act 183
b. Republic Act 9708
c. Act Number 255
d. Republic Act 4864

35. The first chief of police of the Manila Police Department after the Philippine Independence from the
United States of America in 1946.
a. Brig. Gen Rafael Crame
b. Col Antonio Torres
c. Col Lamberto Javalera
d. P/Dir Gen Cesar Nazareno

36. The separation of police personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of retirement
provided by law, or upon completion of certain number of years in active service.
a. Attrition
b. Retirement
c. Promotion
d. Recruitment

37. The downsizing of personnel in the PNP service on the basis provided by law.
a. Attrition
b. Retirement
c. Demotion
d. Recruitment

38. Pertains to the complaint initiated by a private citizen or his duly authorized representative on account
of injury, damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular or illegal act committed by a member of the
a. Administrative Machinery
b. People’s Arrest
c. Citizen’s Arrest
d. Citizen’s Complaint

39. The People’s Law Enforcement Board shall compose of how many members?
a. 9
b. 3
c. 5
d. 6

40. Shall have the power to impose the disciplinary punishment of dismissal from the service; suspension or
forfeiture of salary; demotion; or any combination of the foregoing for a period not exceeding one hundred
eighty days (180).
a. Regional Director
b. Provincial Director
c. Chief of Police
d. PNP Chief

41. Shall be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires on buildings, houses, and
other structures, forests, land transportation vehicles, ships or vessel docked at piers or wharves or
anchored in major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes or other similar tasks.
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Army
d. Bureau of Fire Protection

42. Shall exercise supervision and control over all city and municipal jails; however, the provincial jails shall
be supervised and controlled by the provincial governor with his jurisdiction.
a. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Army
d. Bureau of Fire Protection

43. Shall be the premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and
continuing education of all personnel of the PNP, BJMP ang BFP.
a. Philippine College of Criminology
b. Public Safety College Inc.
c. Philippine National Police Academy
d. Philippine Public Safety College

44. It was created pursuant to Section 13 of Presidential Decree Number 1184 and has been the premier
educational institution for future officers of the PNP, BFP and BJMP.
a. Philippine National Police University
b. Philippine Public Safety College
c. Philippine College of Criminology
d. Philippine National Police Academy

45. The determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained; involves the
determination of course of action to take in performing a particular activity.
a. Staffing
b. Plan
c. Planning
d. Police Planning

46. An attempt by police administrators in trying to allocate anticipated resources to meet anticipated
service demands.
c. Strategy
d.Police Planning

47. A broad design or method or a plan to attain a stated goal or objectives.

a. Strategy
b. Tactics
c. Procedure
d. Policy

48. A course of action which could be program of actions adopted by an individual, group, organization or
government or the set of principles on which they are based.
c. Strategy

49. Procedures intended for specific operations to ensure uniformity of action.

a.Field Procedure
b.Headquarter Procedure
c. Standard Operating Procedure

50. An Agency attached to the department of Interior and Local Government for police coordination and
shall exercise administrative control and operational supervisor of the Philippine National Police.
a.National Police Commission
b.Philippine Constabulary
c. Court of Appeals
d.Philippine National Police Academy

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