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(Essay on “Eco Bricks”)

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr. Girish Lakhera Saloni Garg
( faculty) ( MBA 3rd )

What is Eco Bricks?

 Ecobricks are single-use plastic bottles that have been cleaned out and packed tightly with
other bits of single-use plastic to be reused as building blocks. Bricks that have been made
out of recycled plastic help to extend the life of single-use plastic. Instead of ending its life
immediately after one use, ecobricks avoid sending single-use plastic straight to landfill.

Uses of Ecobrick:
Ecobricks can be used to build almost anything, from furniture to buildings – they’ve even
been used to build schools! Building with ecobricks is a great way to reduce the plastic waste
sent to landfill, extend the lifetime of plastics manufactured for single use and build more
affordable infrastructure from pre-existing materials.

To ensure they’re a sturdy, reliable replacement for regular building materials, the weight and
density of ecobricks is essential. Made of non-biodegradable plastics, ecobricks will never
break down, making them suitable for permanent structures.


Ecobricks are a great way to recycle plastic that doesn’t break down and would most likely
end up in landfill, or worse, the ocean. But there are lots of other great things about
 Plastic is actually a very useful material – we’re just producing too much of it and
disposing of it in an unsustainable way. The characteristics that make plastic so
difficult to dispose of – its durability, longevity and water resistance – also make it a
brilliant building material.
 They encourage you to reduce your plastic waste. As you see how much rubbish you
put in an ecobrick, you’ll see how much you’re throwing away. This can help you cut
down on what you’re buying and ultimately produce less waste.
 As well as preventing plastics from ending up in the ocean, ecobricks also save plastic
from being incinerated. When plastic is burned, it releases CO2, generating carbon
emissions and contributing to global warming.
 The biggest advantage of ecobricks is that they take something that would otherwise
have a negative impact on the environment, and turn it into something that benefits
local communities.

 Despite their apparent advantages, some fear that making structures out of plastic
might not be good for the earth in the long run.
 These non-recyclable plastics are manufactured from inorganic chemicals and, as the
eco-bricks are exposed to the sunlight, they can leech into the natural environment.
 This could cause immediate damage to the soil and ultimately hit the water table,
where aquatic plants and animal life will get adversely affected.
 Photo-degradation also makes the plastic fragile and vulnerable to breakage, releasing
micro-plastics into the area, is known to be harmful to animal and human health.
 There is criticism that eco-bricks are not a permanent solution to the plastic crisis and
that they simply postpone the issues for a few more years.

Eco Brick Prevent Environmental pollution:

 Eco-bricks Protect the Environment from Plastic Waste:
Eco-Bricks seal the plastic away, preventing the accumulation of poisonous gases such as
methane from being released during its deterioration due to exposure to sunlight.Since they
have amazing longevity and can shield their contents from UV rays, PET bottles are great for
sealing plastic away.

 Eco-bricking Raises Ecological Awareness:

Making eco-bricks is time-consuming and requires a lot of time and effort, thus the process
enables us to tackle our short-sightedness and raises our concerns about the uses of plastic.

 Eco-bricks are Low-energy Alternatives to Plastic:

Recycling is not inherently the best option as it needs technologies and funds, apart from
human resources.It also requires big transportation otherwise the waste will fly around and
end up in a saturated recycling plant, before reaching its destination.


Eco-bricks are a sustainable way of reusing non-biodegradable plastic waste since it is

considered to be a long-lasting and robust material. It keeps plastic out of the environment
and avoids pollution. The basic premise of an eco-brick is very simple: collect all the items
that you can’t recycle at home or locally and pack them in a plastic bottle as tightly as you
can. This tight plastic tube becomes a building block that can then be used for many
purposes, from sculptures to building projects.

Eco-bricking is a powerful way of taking personal responsibility for reducing the plastic
menace. Best of all, we can reconnect to the million-year tradition of bringing compacted
carbon into ecological use.

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