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Physics 213 Formula Sheet

First law: 𝒅𝑼 = 𝒅𝑸 + 𝒅𝑾𝒐𝒏 Thermodynamic Processes:

Second law: 𝒅𝑺 ≥ 𝟎 Thermodynamic potentials:
• F ≡ U − TS • Isothermal: T = const.
Entropy: • G ≡ U − TS + pV • Isobaric: p = const.
• S ≡ k ln Ω • Isochoric: V = const.
• Stotal = S1 + S2 • Adiabatic: Q = 0
Temperature, pressure, and dWon = −dWby = −pdV Boltzmann Factor:
chemical potential: Ei
−1 −kB T
First Law: • P(Ei ) = Z e ,
• T −1 ≡ (dU) −E /k T
V,N dU = dQ − pdV • Z = ∑i e i B
• p ≡ T (dV)
Equipartition: Thermal Radiation
• −μ ≡ T (dN) 1 • J = σB T 4
U,V U = (2) kB T per quadratic degree
= −( ) of freedom Counting particles
dN T,V
• Distinguishable: Ω = M N
Heat Capacity: MN
Fundamental relation: dQ • Indistinguishable: Ω =
1 p μ • C ≡ dT N!
dS = dU + dV − dN dU
• q quanta in N oscillators:
T T T • Constant volume: CV = 𝑁−1+𝑞 (𝑁 − 1 + 𝑞)!
( )=
• Constant pressure: 𝑞 𝑞! (𝑁 − 1)!
Ideal Gas Law: dU dV
pV = NkT Cp = +p
dT dT
Constants, Data, Definitions
• Temperature: 0 K = −273.15°C = −459.67°F
• Avogadro’s number: NA = 6.022 × 1023 / mole particle g/mol
• Boltzmann constant:
J eV
k = 1.38 × 10−23 K = 8.617 × 10−5 K [note: also written as kB] N2 28
J l∙atm O2 32
• Universal gas constant: R = k NA = 8.314 mol∙K = 8.206 × 10−2 mol∙K (Universal gas const.) He 4
• Planck’s constant: h = 6.626 × 10−34 J ∙ s = 4.136 × 10−15 eV ∙ s, ℏ = 2π = 1.055 × 10−34 J ∙ s , Ar 40
J J CO2 44
• Magnetic moments: electron: μe = 9.2848 × 10−24 T , proton: μp = 1.4106 × 10−26 T H2 2
• Mass: electron: me = 9.109 × 10−31 kg , proton: mp = 1836 me = 1.673 × 10−27kg Si 28
• STP: T = 0°C , p = 100 kPa Ge 73
10−8 W Cu 64
• Stefan-Boltzmann constant: σB = 5.670 × m 2 K4 Al 27
m m
• c = 2.998 × 108 , 1 eV = 1.602 × 10 −19
J , g = 9.8 ,1 atm = 1.013 × 105 Pa , 1 liter = 10−3 m3
s s2

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