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Poetry Meeting-6: Advice to My Son

Join the Discussion Forum on Thursday, 2 April 2020.

The deadline is on Friday, 3 April 2020 at 23.00.

Read the poem below:

Advice to My Son by Peter Meinke

—for Tim
The trick is, to live your days
as if each one may be your last
(for they go fast, and young men lose their lives
in strange and unimaginable ways)
but at the same time, plan long range 5
(for they go slow; if you survive
the shattered windshield and the bursting shell
you will arrive
at our approximation here below
of heaven or hell). 10

To be specific, between the peony and the rose

plant squash and spinach, turnips and tomatoes;
beauty is nectar
and nectar, in a desert, saves—
but the stomach craves stronger sustenance 15
than the honied vine.
Therefore, marry a pretty girl
after seeing her mother;
Show your soul to one man,
work with another; 20
and always serve bread with your wine.

But son,
always serve wine.
Answer the questions below:

1. Who is the speaker?

2. Whom does the speaker talk to?
3. What are the advices given?
4. What do lines 11-16 mean?

Dear students,
It’s been a tough situation for all of us. However, we have to make the best of the worst situation. I
appreciate it if you try your best to meet the deadline. I give you two days to post your answers
because I also need the time to comment on your answers, to check your participation and to score
your assignment. On the third day, it will be my time to post the supposedly “good answers” so you
can learn and prepare such answers for the next discussion forum, hopefully you can make even
better answers than the examples given. I try to accommodate the deadline by giving you the
questions even before the due date of the e-learning. Please, don’t excuse yourself. You are asked to
participate actively by posting your answers and revising them. You can also comment on your
friends’ answers or ask questions. The IT Support Team has done a very good effort to make the
web is more accessible than before so, you must be as active as possible. I regard you all as adults
so, please act like one. This online learning must be done seriously, but if you have any problems to
do so I’m all ears. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live
forever” (Mahatma Gandhi).

Kindest regards
Christy Tisnawijaya

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