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1. Users create a computerized database, adding, modifying, deleting, sorting, and retrieving data
in the database, and creating forms from the data in the database. (Database software/Database
management system (DBMS)
2. A combination of one or more related characters or bytes and is the smallest unit of data a user
access. (Field)
3. The process of comparing data with a set of rules or values to find out if the data is correct.
4. A consistency check verifies that a required field contains data. (False)
5. Organized information is arranged to suit the needs and requirements of the decision maker.
6. AutoNumber is a unique number automatically assigned by the DBMS to each added record.
7. The database approach is worse than the file processing systems. (False)

8-10. Give at least three strengths of the database approach. (Reduced data redundancy, Improved
data integrity, Shared data, Easier access, Reduced development time)

11. A smaller version of a data warehouse is the ________ (Data Mart)

12. No standard query language exists for _________ (multidimensional databases)
13. ______________ is a software that allows you to create, access, and manage a database.
(Database Management Systems)
14. ______________ is an ongoing task that organizations measure constantly against their overall
goals. (Maintenance of a database)
15. The ______ requires a more technical inside view of the data. (Database administrator)
16. One of the database design guidelines is designing the tables or graphs. (False)
17. A Web database usually resides on a database severe. (False)
18. Multidimensional Databases stores data in dimensions and does not consolidate the data. (False)
19. A query language used to manipulate and retrieve data. (True)
20. Query data has a graphical user interface to assist users with retrieving data. (False)
21. He invented the relational database. (Edgar Frank Codd)
22. He developed Oracle for the Central Intelligence Agency. (Larry Ellison)
23. First to develop a client/server relational database with the Human Genome Project as one of the
first to use the product. (Sybase)
24. Founders of Sybase. (Bob Epstein, Mark Hoffman)
25. A standard method of retrieving and storing computer data is relational database. (True)
26. In 1977, Edgar Frank Codd invested $2,000 to form his company, Software Development
Laboratories, and renamed the company Oracle two years later. (False)
27. – 30. Four examples of popular databases as of 2020. (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server,
MongoDB, Oracle, SQLite, Redis, Firebase, DB2)

Prepared by:
Allen Cervantes
Maxine Ong
Anne Festin

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