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Outline Template - Essay 2 (Definition)
1. Hook: Lead into the essay.
2. Brief introduction of your topic or context. What’s the word being discussed and the
issue with it?
3. Thesis: What is the word you are defining? Detail what about that word you will discuss
and/or how you will define it. What is the reasoning behind this definition (why is a new
idea necessary or why does this new definition work well)?
Body Paragraph 1 (Summary):
1. Topic: What is the word you are choosing to redefine OR what idea or action needs its
own new definition?
2. Details: What is a current or usually accepted definition of the word? If you are creating
your own term, discuss how this new idea is not known and why that is a problem.
3. Details: What is problematic or missing with this definition OR why is a new definition
Body Paragraph 2 (Definition/Discussion):
1. Topic: What is one part or way to redefine or define your word?
2. Details/Define: How can you define, discuss, or rethink your word? Bring in one of the
modes of definition discussed in the book/class. Give information, details, or explain this
new idea.
3. Why is this new view or change in definition an improvement or why is it needed over
another view?
Body Paragraph 3 (Definition/Discussion):
1. Topic: What is one part or way to redefine or define your word?
2. Details/Define: How can you define, discuss, or rethink your word? Bring in one of the
modes of definition discussed in the book/class. Give information, details, or explain this
new idea.
3. Why is this new view or change in definition an improvement or why is it needed over
another view?

OPTIONAL: Body Paragraphs 4+:(Repeat the above outline if you need more paragraphs)
1. Topic: What is one part or way to redefine or define your word?
2. Details/Define: How can you define, discuss, or rethink your word? Bring in one of the
modes of definition discussed in the book/class. Give information, details, or explain this
new idea.
3. Why is this new view or change in definition an improvement or why is it needed over
another view?
1. Wrap up the essay. You can summarize the main idea, or bring in the discussion at hand.
2. What can a reader take from this or perform? How can they see this word or what can
they take from your meaning?

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