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The Effects of Technology in the

Modern-day Classroom
In our constantly developing world, the rise of technology in our daily lives has become more

and more apparent. People use technology to monitor their health, as a form of entertainment, and to

help facilitate telecommunication as it has increasingly become the norm. In the modern day it is

common to see numerous people out and about with their cellphones. Even in schools and colleges,

people are talking on the phone, texting people, or posting on social media. At a doctor’s office you

will likely see the various instruments that doctors and nurses use to diagnose patients, and medical

machines that may be vital in keeping people alive. Technology has been heavily integrated into our

daily lives, where access to the world wide web is readily available at our fingertips. Today’s

generation of students have grown in correlation with the ever-increasing integration of technology

both inside and outside of the classroom. We have become an evolving technological society and in

turn have become dependent on its use. Thus, the use of technology and teaching effective ways on

how to use it has skyrocketed to become a priority in many schools.

During the information age, teachers and schools can motivate students with more engaging,

real world experiences and create a more robust educational system, with the implementation of

technology into the classroom. Implementation of instructional technology into classroom can be used

to increase student engagement and academic achievements, as technology can do a very good job

engaging students in the material and promotes excitement to participate in activities. However for this

use to maintain a positive effect on students, the instructors must also undergo professional

development in the combination of technological tools with beneficial teaching strategies. Both
ENG 1A NAME: Jorge Castillo

learning and teaching require a human element, although a computer can provide instant feedback this

type of response is limited to simple answers, whereas when used as an aide it can be key in productive

learning. When instructors add technological tools into tested teaching strategies in their curriculum it

can lead to an increase in student attitudes, which in turn associates a positive outlook with the use of

these new tools. In addition, technology can be tailored to every student’s specific needs regardless of

their technical skill, such as digital tools can help to encourage student’s participation, including shy

students who normally avoid engagement. By accustoming students to using these tools they can help

them develop sufficient technology skills, as students will spend their adulthood in a multi-tasking,

technology-driven world and they must be readily equipped to do so.

Engagement as well as motivation are the positive effects from using technology to support

students in learning. Commonly students are seen as being even more engaged in analyzing classroom

material despite it being as drab as viewing a wall of text. Why can this be so engaging for them? As

stated prior technology surrounds us in our daily lives, thus using these as tools in the classroom can

directly relate to students’ lives. In certain cases students with learning disabilities can quickly lose

interest if their environment doesn’t connect with their lives, and it doesn't engage them with topics that

have meaning for them. Obtaining information from real world sources about particular niches, such as

songs from the hit charts or the latest news from movie stars are just some examples that instructors can

use to individually connect with their students, and by exposing them to these various forms of writing

styles can help build literacy by allowing them to experiment without the fear of embarrassment.

Furthermore with technology focused classes it would lower truancy rates, an indication that these

classes do provide a higher case of motivation for students. Since computers and Internet access are

becoming more and more a part of student’s lives using such technology no longer becomes
ENG 1A NAME: Jorge Castillo

motivational itself, computers are to be used in collaboration with ever developing strategies so that

teachers can improve curriculum and enhance the learning process for their students.

Technology is a dominating force in work, education, business, and will continue to do so as it

improves. More and more people will take advantage of the services that technology offers over the

more archaic options that they have, such as writing emails over sending physical mail through a postal

carrier. A decade ago access to technology was limited, and thus investments in acquiring emerging

technology was not a priority for most. This “digital illiteracy”, the lack of skills to successfully

navigate digital environments, can hinder a person's ability to gain a deeper understanding on how to

differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources. Nowadays many schools across the country use

technology to enhance student learning, such as computers and the use of applications such as

Microsoft Word. However, it should be noted that it is not the tools themselves that should be the main

focus, but rather they must be seen as just a tool that the instructor utilizes to broaden a student’s reach.

A computer can be used in a vast amount of subject areas, but it is the teachers that must consider all

the varying learning styles of their students so that they can be utilized effectively.

Technology surrounds us everywhere, and is integrated into our daily lives, giving a connection

to the Internet. Schools play a vital role in helping today's generation understand how existing culture

and values apply to the rapidly changing world. Applying technology into the classroom in the proper

manner can have the benefit of increasing the academic achievement from not only the students but

from the instructors on all levels. Technological tools can lead to motivation and encouragement, offer

avenues for expansive learning, enable communication and collaboration in different environment, and

become key in supporting academic outcomes. Incorporation of technology alongside ethical policies

into the modern-day curriculum, schools can ensure the decision makers of tomorrow will be better

equipped face the difficult ethical dilemmas they will undoubtedly face.

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