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I believe Stephen  King advices serious writers to do both reading and writing because it gives you more
ideas and creates skills when you write. I believe Stephen King is right.
   I agree with his response because the more you read the more lessons you would learn of what not to
do. Like he explained repeating the same word over and over again. This is a technique that would make
your audience bored. My mother; who has helped me Edit my essays for school,has explained to me the
exact same thing. Serious writers find synonyms and other words to make the work more interesting.    
I also agree with the idea that the more you read the more writing style and creativity you’ll come up
with.  For the last five years I have been reading a book series called Lunar Chronicles and because the
writer is really complex. Her name is Marissa Meyer. She uses fairy-tale stories and retells them in
anyway that’s her own. She has taught me how to use stories and remix them. In order to make them full
of twist and turns. I have seen approval in myself on how to have one scene with love and romance. Then
in the next war and blood scattered all over the place. I’ve also learned how to put active and
descriptional words in my text to make the audience more in depth with the story. Marissa Meyer, at
times- because she has good writing has made the book a movie; because of the drama, action, romance,
science-fiction and scene description. Me as a writer I to use these skills and want the audience to feel
like my stories are a movie.
Me personally, I read as much as I write. As of right now, I’m reading the last book from Marissa Meyer
called Winter. I am writing my own story called Empathy and I am developing short story ideas in the
Creative Writing Program. Then every now and again I type out philosophy qoutes and poems in my
phone. I do this because I am a constant thinker and I highly believe that reading develops better writing.
I have created my own ideas for writing by what other writers have done and accomplished.
Since I have started writing, which was when I was in the 5th grade. Overtime I’ve developed this idea
that writing is a skill. When Stephen King said; “ If you don’t have time to read; you don’t have time or
the tools to write.” I don’t agree because writing is an art not meant for  everybody; because it stresses
patience and self-reflection on what you know to do and who you are. For example, reading is a patience
thing for me because it takes a long time for me to read. People who often don’t like to read; don’t like to
read because it takes to long. When you write it’s all about self-reflection. On how you feel? What you
imagine? How you put everything that you see in your head on the paper? Then how to make it make
sense? In order to that you have to keep rewriting, rewriting, and rewriting. Then  your hand is crapping.
Then you have to start all over. So for people to not like reading and writing are people who don’t have
mental patience. But that’s okay, because the process frustrating.  Not that you don’t like writing or you
can’t write or you don't have the time to write. It’s just the individual needs to develop and get into the
habit of reading and writing at a pace. They need to understand that the skill is a process
The again when you develop a voice as a writer, you understand the writer that you are, and the books
you are most attracted to reading. Me personally I got this idea that the world you live in. Plus our own
thinking; reflects the way we write. The way we write is the key to how we think and how we see the
world. This is called perspective. Not to mention experiences. Writing is the key to the mind and the
heart. Rather it’s fiction or nonfiction you wouldn’t write something if you don’t care about what’s on
your mind and your heart. The one thing that I’ve noticed is that many people can write about the same
story or topic and still have a different opinion or taste to what their writing. For example, if someone
were to write about their experience in the Holocaust and witnessing the Holocaust. Every author would
have a different take on it or style in which they want the audience to receive the message. Due to the
knowledge of how it impacted them as an individual or what they know about the event that affected the
way they feel. This idea of perspective and society and when you understand the Author’s story and
experiences you as the audience would understand why they gravitate toward fiction or nonfiction, Poetry
or Memoir. Me as an audience and a writer. I’ve witnessed these changes and patterns and the more I read
the more I understand how vulnerable someone is, when they put their thoughts, feelings, and imagery
onto a page; and to be very frank it’s pretty amazing witnessing it happen.

Many people think that reading more can help them to think and develop before writing something.
Others might think that they don’t need to read and or write that it can really help them to
brainstorm things a lot quicker and to develop their own ideas immediately (right away). The
author’s purpose of Stephen King’s essay, Reading to Write, is to understand the concepts,
strategies and understandings of how to always read first and then start something. The importance
of this essay is to understand and comprehend our reading and writing skills by brainstorming our
ideas and thoughts a lot quicker. In other words, we must always try to read first before we can
brainstorm some ideas and to think before we write something. There are many reasons why I
chose Stephen King’s essay, Reading to Write, by many ways that reading can help you to
comprehend, writing, can help you to evaluate and summarize things after reading a passage, if
you read, it can help you to write things better and as you read, it can help you to think and
evaluate of what to write about.…show more content…
Comprehend is basically means “to understand something.” This is because in order for you to
write something, you must understand what the passage is about and then start brainstorming some
ideas of what to write about. In Stephen King’s essay, Reading to Write, King wrote, “If you want
to be a writer, you must do two things above all others. Read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way
around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.” (King 221). This proves that, reading can
help you to comprehend of what you’re going to write about. However, if you don’t read, you are
more than likely to have a problem of what the passage is about and to be able to understand of
what the main idea of the passage

King utilizes humor to develop his argument that eliminating TV-watching habits is a crucial
step to reading more and thus becoming a better writer. To keep his tone fun and conversational,
King maintains his direct way of getting his points across and makes light-hearted metaphors
throughout the paragraph. He compares the TV to a “glass teat” to highlight how addictive and
immature it is, as well as to an “endlessly quacking box” to elucidate how frivolous and noisy it
is. These humorous metaphors function not only as a way to lighten up the paragraphs, but also
creates a vivid image in the readers’ minds that make King’s message more memorable.
Additionally, King sprinkles references throughout this section, bringing up popular TV shows
and channels to raise examples of these on-screen obstacles. He writes, “How many Frasier and
ER reruns does it take to make one American life complete? How many Richard Simmons
infomercials?” This strategy of making direct references endears King to the audience, as he now
seems more relatable, and prevents King’s voice from taking on a condescending tone. King’s
use of humor functions in many ways: to maintain an informal tone, to create mental pictures,
and to put him on the same level on his audience.
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