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Revised Oracle playtest

by Samurai version 1.1

The following is my proposal for a Pathfinder 2e version of the Oracle playtest version for the APG

Key Ability: Wisdom
Hit Points: 8 + Constitution modifier
Perception: Trained
Saving Throws: Trained in Reflex and Fort, Expert in Will
Skills: Trained in Religion +2 skills from Mystery. Trained in an additional 2+ Int modifier skills
Attacks: Trained in Simple Weapons and Unarmed attacks.
Defenses: Untrained in all armor but Trained in Unarmored defense
Spells: Trained in Divine Spell attacks and Spell DCs

Oracle Spellcasting: Oracles are spontaneous spellcasters. They have a Spell Repertoire identical to a
Bard or Sorcerer. At first level, your begin with 4 cantrips and 3 level 1 spells. You also receive
another cantrip with your Mystery.

Revelation Spells: They are a type of Focus Spell. Like normal Focus Spells, they typically costs 1
Focus point to cast, but Oracles are also able to cast them (even when they have run out of Focus
points) by advancing their Oracle’s Curse. Oracles always suffer from the Minor Curse effects, but
when you cast a Revelation Spell, you can choose to advance your curse instead of spending a Focus
point. This may be because you wish to gain the beneficial effects of the Curse, or it may be because
you are out of Focus points. If you have any other focus spells, perhaps because of multi-classing,
those may only be cast with Focus points.

Refocus: You may spend 10 minutes to refocus to either reduce your curse by 1 step if it vis at the
Moderate or Major level, or to regain 1 focus point.

Mystery: At first level, choose the mystery that empowers your magic. Your mystery adds one
additional cantrip to your repertoire, and gives you two trained skills. It also provides you with an
additional benefit. But power is not without a cost, you also gain an Oracle’s Curse.

Mystery of Battle
Mystery Benefit: You are trained in light, medium, and heavy armor. At 13th level, when you gain the
defensive robes class feature, you also gain expert proficiency in these armors.
Choose one weapon group that embodies your mystery. You are trained in all martial weapons of that
group. At 11th level, when you gain the weapon expertise class feature, you also gain expert
proficiency for martial weapons in your chosen group.
Trained Skills: Athletics, Intimidation
Granted Cantrip: Divine Lance
Related Domains: Might, Zeal
Revelation Spells: initial: call to arms; advanced: battlefield persistence; greater: Heroic feat
Oracle’s Curse: Curse of the Hero’s Burden:
Minor Curse: You are always considered Encumbered (Clumsy 1 and -10 foot speed). However, the
armor and belongings you are carrying can weigh up to 10+ Str. Bonus without any further penalties.
Moderate Curse: You become Slowed 1. However, you also gain Fast Healing equal to half your
level while in non-trivial combat.
Major Curse: You continue to suffer the effects of the Moderate Curse, and you are also Stupefied 1.
However, your Fast Healing increases to your full level and you gain a +4 damage bonus on melee

Mystery of Flames
Mystery Benefit: You have expert proficiency in Reflex saves. At 13th level, when you gain the
lightning reflexes class feature, your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to master. In addition,
you have fire resistance equal to your Oracle level and you treat all environmental heat effects as 2
steps less extreme. (You are not damaged in everything up to Extreme heat, and Incredible heat is only
Severe heat for you)
Trained Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidation
Granted Cantrip: Produce Flame
Related Domains: Fire, Sun
Revelation Spells: initial: incendiary aura; advanced: whirling flames; greater: flaming fusillade
Oracle’s Curse: Curse of the Engulfing Flames
Minor Curse: Your vision is always filled with clouds of smoke. You can only see within 30 feet,
everything past that is concealed from you. However, within those 30’, you gain Greater Darkvision.
Moderate Curse: You are now actually surrounded by a smoky haze. You gain the effects of the Blur
spell, but anyone you try to target also gains the Blur‘s effects against the Oracle unless he is attacking
with magical fire.
Major Curse: As the Moderate Curse, plus any melee weapon wielded by the Oracle becomes a
Flaming weapon. However, each time you hit with a melee attack, both the Oracle and the target suffer
the effects of the Flaming Rune, and it is not reduced by the Oracle’s fire resistance.

Mystery of Life
Mystery Benefit: At each level, you gain Hit Points equal to 10 plus your Constitution modifier,
instead of 8 plus your Constitution modifier. In addition, your heals can both heal the living AND
damage undead at the same time. You gain the Healing Hands feat for free (Your healing dice are
d10’s rather than d8’s)
Trained Skills: Medicine, Diplomacy
Granted Cantrip: Stabilize
Related Domains: Death, Healing
Revelation Spells: initial: Delay Affliction; advanced: life link; greater: healing form
Oracle’s Curse: Curse of the Empath
Minor Curse: You feel the emotions and pains of others. When you get a Critical Hit with a melee
attack, you cause double damage to your target as normal, but you also suffer the regular damage you
inflicted as mental damage. This may not be reduced or negated. This empathy can work both ways
though. When you suffer a Critical Hit from a melee weapon, you project the regular damage back at
your attacker as mental damage.
Moderate Curse: The emotions of nearby living creatures begins to overwhelm you. You gain the
Flat-Footed condition, unless you are in a remote or secluded place and remain at least 100 feet from
the nearest sentient living creature. When you cast Heals, your healing dice become d12’s instead of
Major Curse: The effects of the Moderate Curse continues, and the Oracle also becomes Stupefied 1,
unless you are in a remote or secluded place and remain at least 100 feet from the nearest sentient
living creature. You can now add your Wisdom Modifier to all spells with the Healing trait, even

One of the benefits of keeping Focus points and just allowing Advancing the Curse as an option when
out of or just instead of using focus is that it allows for the creation of these feats:

Suspend the Curse (Focus 1) (1 action)

You may spend a Focus point and concentrate to reconcile the conflicting sources of your spell casting.
For 1 minute, you retain the benefits of your curse but do not suffer from the drawbacks. If your curse
is currently higher than the Minor level, it is reduced by 1 step.
Heightened (5th level): You reduce the curse by up to 2 steps for 1 minute
Heightened (8th level): You reduce the curse by up to 3 levels for 1 minute

Spread the Curse (Focus 4) (1 action)

With a touch, you can spend a Focus point to inflict your curse on the target. They receive all the
effects of your Minor Curse, both benefits and drawbacks.. If the target is unwilling they can attempt a
Will save. Success means they are unaffected and can’t be affected for 24 hours. Failure means they
are affected for 1 minute per level of the spell. Critical Failure means they are affected for 10 minutes
per level of the spell

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