Intro To Business Administration

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In the literal meaning, Business refers to an organized approach to providing
customers with the goods and services they want. Business Administration has over the years
taken the form of a formal field of knowledge, besides engineering medical and even closely-
related Economics. In the 20th century, with the development and growth of business schools in
America and Europe, the dynamics of business administration changed. With more research
conducted in a professional way, Business Administration has also given birth to its branches.

Marketing covers many areas of business which to a great extent deal with the
customers. These can range from pricing the product to conducting research about consumer
needs. While some of aspects of Marketing may be common in International Business, there are
areas like Marketing Research which differs greatly for International Business. In International
Business since the business is conducted from different lands, so the seller may not be very
well acquainted with the customer. Instead, his focus is different, as he is more inclined towards
pushing his product to the seller and not much concerned about branding activities etc. still this
is a very generic statement and may not apply for every case.


A. Concept of Administration

Administration provides the foundation for management in many different industries.

A business manager may have a wide variety of responsibilities depending on the
organization they are employed with.

Universal functions include:

• Planning
• Organizing
• Staffing
• Directing,
• Controlling
• Budgeting
B. Role of Business Administration Resources in Business

Roles and Responsibilities of Manager

In business administration, a manager is responsible for giving directions to activities

that help organizations to achieve their individual goals. Measuring the efficiency and
effectiveness of a manager is determined by the degree to which appropriate objectives and
scope. Managers act by relationships are two-way roads; the party is subject to the other.

The Role of the Business Administrator

In business administration, administrator profession is very varied depending on the

level where the administrator is situated, must live the planning, organizing, even the decision-
making process. The more the administrator worries to know or learn how tasks are executed
but will be prepared to act at the operational level of the company. An administrator must know
as a spending budget or forecast sales as an organization is built or flow program, as a balance
is interpreted as planning and production control is made, etc. as these skills are valuable for
Management, however the most important and fundamental is knowing how to use them and in
what circumstances to apply properly.

C. Importance of Business Management

In business administration, Management is a social organ specifically charged with

making resources are productive, reflects the important spirit of the modern time, it is essential,
and this explains that once created grew with a great pace. The business administration seeks
to achieve objectives through people, by using techniques within a company. It is the main
subsystem within an organizational system. It includes any organization and life force that
connects all other subsystems.

D. Finance in Business Administration

Finance in Business Administration is primarily focused on gaining profits. It may be of

decision-making nature that which areas of business are more profitable and which is not. Then
the finance to a greater extent is focused on the day-to-day activities of keeping cash accounts


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