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DOC. NO. : D-2-03-20-02-01




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1 7SA513 02
2 7SA522 24
3 7SJ62 32
4 7UT613 37
5 9505 V3 (BPL-PLCC) 44
6 D-60 59
7 DAD-N 71
9 EPAC 90
10 ETL-41 95
11 MICOM-WIN 113
12 MICOM-DOS 119
13 MICOM P663/632 124
14 MICOM P141 131
15 MICOM P441 137
16 NSD-61 142
17 OHMEGA 155
18 OPTIMHO 163
19 PXLN 177
20 RAZOA 187
21 REB-103 196
22 REB 500 205
24 REL-100 223
25 REL-511 246
26 REL-521 249
27 REL-531 264
28 REL-670 284
29 RET-670 293
30 REZ 304
31 SEL-321 313
32 SEL-421 322
33 T-60 332
34 ZTCM 340
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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Testing Procedure for 7SA522

7SA522 is a complete solution to Protection of a Transmission Line. Generally we are using
following features: -
1. Distance Protection comprising Five Independent Zones.

2. Over Voltage Stage I & II.

3. Power Swing Detection, Blocking / Tripping.

4. Switch On to Fault (SOTF).

5. Stub Protection (Applicable in 4 CT schemes).

6. Directional Earth Fault (DEF).

7. Fuse Failure.

8. Fault Locator.

Also this relay is having in-built Disturbance Recorder having capacity to store 8 Recordings.

Detail of Relay under Test:

1. DC Input Voltage – 220V

2. CT Terminals - Terminals of Test Handle as per Scheme.

3. CVT Terminals - Terminals of Test Handle as per Scheme.

Testing Instruments Required:

1. RELAY TEST KIT make Automatic Relay Test Kit with Laptop.

2. Testing Leads

3. Digital Multi meter

4. Screw driver Set

5. Test Handle as per the Relay Panel Scheme

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Test Connections:
1. Insert RTXP18 Test Handle in the Relay Test Block.

2. Connect Current Output of the Test Kit to the Test Handle at Terminals as per scheme in
sequence of R, Y, B and N respectively.

3. Connect Voltage Output of the Test Kit to the Test Handle at Terminals as per scheme in
sequence of R, Y, B and N respectively.

4. Connect General Trip Output of the Relay as feedback to the Test Kit in Logic Input (generally
Input 1) of the Relay Test Kit.

5. Connect Laptop of the Testing kit with Relay Test Kit through the suitable communication cable
to the suitable port.

6. Connect 15A Single Phase AC Supply cable to the suitable 15A Power Socket.

7. Note: Before connecting supply Cable, check the grounding of the Power Socket.

Preparing the Relay Characteristic and Importing it in the Software:

1. Export “.rio” file from Digsi 4.82 Software and import it in the Test Software.

2. Add a new Location by Right Clicking and select append then name it as Line Name.

3. Open the Location and add the relay by appending and give Relay Name as Main I / Main II,
Serial No. as per actual, Manufacturer Siemens and Model as 7SA522.

4. Open the Relay, Click on Relay parameters Tab and import the “.rio”. Then Click on Test Plan
tab and add the required Test by appending e.g. Reach Test.

5. Open the Test and append it as suitable Test name and give Test Type as required.

6. Now the Relay Testing Software is ready for Relay Testing.

7. If due to any reason “.rio” file is not available then the testing has to be performed in manual
shot mode.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Testing Procedure for Reach Test:

1. Open the Software and go into the Test.

2. Then in Test Elements, Select Function Name as the imported “.rio”.

3. Select Zones for Ph-N and Ph-Ph Fault Loops.

4. Go in Test Configuration, Select Test Method as Constant Current, fix Desired Test Current as
1A and Max acceptable Voltage as 90% of the rating, CT direction as Towards Line (the voltage
& current values are decided from Zone reaches and maximum ratings of relays). The Test
Method can also be selected as Constant Source Impedance if applicable, then Put Source
Impedance as 20Ohms and Line Angle as 85 Deg, CT direction as Towards Line.

5. Go in Test Timing and Trigger Selection, Set Pre fault as 1000ms, Max Fault should be kept
more than Zone 3 Timing and Time between Shots as 200ms.

6. Also Select Trigger as Input 1 for all type fault loops.

7. Select Source Configuration as Three Voltages and Three Currents.

8. Go in Test Points, Add Test Points by Double Clicking on the Boundary of each Zone to be
tested for Ph-N and Ph-Ph fault Types.

9. Go in Test, select Multi Point Shots and fault Type whichever to be tested. Then Click on Play

10. Now the Software will perform the Reach Test of the Relay as per Points added.

11. After Completion of the test, Click on save Button for saving the Test Results.

12. Go in Reports Tab, Click on Preview Button and Export it in the suitable format and save it.

13. If doing manual testing in shot mode, then determine the zone reaches by applying faults near
zone boundaries and then observing the relay performance (operating time etc.) through its
contact used for feedback to the kit. This has to be done for all fault loops (RN, YN, BN,RY,
YB, BR) and all zones (Z1,Z2,Z3 & Rev.Z4/5).

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Testing of Carrier Send Feature: -

1. Connect Multi meter across Carrier Send Contacts of the Relay as per Relay Scheme in DC
Mode. 220V will appear on Multi meter.

2. Give Zone I Fault through Test Kit.

3. See the Voltage in the Multi meter, it will show Zero Voltage at the time fault momentarily.

4. Also see the Disturbance Recorded in the DR for the Carrier Send Event. Similarly, the counter
increment in PLCC panel can also be observed. Further, if the PLCC panel can be put in loop
back mode (through Dummy Load), then after applying Zone I Fault through Test Kit, pickup
of carrier receive Relay/ ‘Opto’ can also be observed.

Testing of Carrier Added Trip Feature: -

1. Short the Carrier Receive Terminals on the relay as per Relay Scheme and give Zone-IB fault.

2. In this case Relay should give tripping in slightly more than Zone-I timing (actual time is of
the order of 50-60ms), but it should be much less than Zone-2 time.

3. Also see the Disturbance Recorded in the DR for the Carrier Aided Tripping. Similarly, the
counter increment in PLCC panel can also be observed.

Testing of Fault Locator Feature:

1. Give the Ph-N and Ph-Ph fault at approximately at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of Line Length.

2. Check for the Fault Location in the Local HMI of the Relay.

3. This Distance should match with the Theoretical Value.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Testing of External A/R feature in connection with 7SA522: -

1. Close Main and Tie Circuit Breakers and ensure that there is no blocking present for Auto
Reclose Operation.

2. Give Ph-Earth Fault in Zone-I and observe the following in Yard and through DR:

i. Tripping of the particular CB Pole in which the fault has been given.

ii. Reclosing of the particular pole of Main Circuit Breaker after completion of Dead Time.

iii. Reclosing of the particular pole of Tie Circuit Breaker after successful reclosing of Main
Circuit Breaker.

iv. Give another Ph-Earth fault in Zone-I within Reclaim Time (generally kept as 25 Sec), now
Auto Reclose Relay will give Three Phase Tripping to Both Main and Tie Circuit Breakers.

3 Give Ph-Ph Fault, in this case 7SA522 will give Blocking Command to A/R Relay and A/R Relay
will give Three Phase Tripping. The same has to be confirmed from Yard and Disturbance
Recorder also.

Testing of Fuse Failure Feature:

1. See the setting for voltage & current setting for fuse fail. Let us take both setting of 3Uo &
3Io of set value.
2. Open the Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software. Set R &Y voltage as 63.5 V and B as
0.0V. Set all the three phase current as 0.2 A.
3. Apply value to the relay. The relay should sense it as: Fuse fail” This can be confirmed from

a. Testing can also be performed automatically in State Sequencer mode. The steps of state
sequencer are
i. Step 1-Healthy system 1

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ii. Step 2-Fuse fail condition, whereas one voltage is stepped to zero volt for long enough
time for fuse fail function of relay to pick up.
iii. Step 3- Simulate an earth fault on same phase to verify that fuse fail function BLOCK the
trip signal.
iv. Step 4- Healthy system 2 that is exactly the same as step 1, use to reset fuse fail state.
v. Step 5- Simulate an earth fault condition same as step 3 on same phase. This time relay
should trip as no fuse fail condition exist.

Testing of Over Voltage Stage I and Stage II Feature:

Generally over Voltage setting in any Relay is kept as 110% of the base value for Stage I with
time delay of 5 Sec and 150% of the Base Value with no delay for Stage II.
1. Open Test Software and add a Ramp Function, make all the three phase voltage as 63.5V and
increase voltage in any of the phase in the step of 0.5V and wait for more than 5 sec and see
at what point relay is giving the tripping. It should give tripping after the voltage crosses the
mark of 69.5V for Stage I of the Over Voltage. Afterwards, for determining actual pickup,
fine increments (0.1 V) can be applied, starting from say 69 Volts.
2. Confirm for the same through the DR option in Local HMI of the relay.

3. Same process has to be repeated for all the three phases.

4. The reset ratio (drop off/ pick up value) is also to be checked for Over Voltage stage-1, by
recording of drop off value. It should be of the order of 0.99.

5. Now to test Over Voltage Stage II, the steps will remain same as above, only applied Voltage
will be 150 % of the Base Value i.e. 95.25 and the tripping should be instantaneous.

Testing of Stub Feature (Applicable for 4CT scheme): -

This feature gets activated only when Line Isolator Status is coming as open to the Relay. In
order to test this feature following has to be done:-

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

Open Test Software, add a ramp function in the relay, make all the three voltages as Zero and select
Ramp Type as Current and set IA, IB and IC as action and Voltage as Zero.
1. Make Offset Current as 0.5A and Delta Current as 0.05A and Current limit as 1.1A
(considering 1 A setting, i.e. max. limit of ramp is 110% of pick up value)..

2. Click the Play button and see the Actual Current at which Relay is giving tripping.

3. This also has to be confirmed by the DR in Local HMI of the Relay.

Testing of Switch on to Fault (SOTF) Feature: -

1. Open Test Software, add a ramp function in the relay, make Va as 0 and increase the value
Ia up to 2.5A.

2. Make Offset Current as 2.0A and Delta Current as 0.05A and Current limit as 2.6A.

3. Click the Play button and see the Actual Current at which Relay is giving tripping.

4. This also has to be confirmed by the DR in Local HMI of the Relay.

5. Alternately, make pre-fault time as zero & then apply one zone-2 fault and relay should
operate instantaneously in SOTF. For this Fuse Failure feature is not required to be kept as

Testing of Directional Earth Fault (DEF) Feature: -

1. Open Control Panel; make any R, Y Voltage as Base Voltage and B as 40% of Base Voltage
and Current in R, Y phase as 0.5A and B phase current as >=20% of Base Value.

2. Now set Phase Angle between Vb and Ib as +20 Deg to -150Deg (this has to be calculated on
the basis of RCA here taken as 65 Deg).

3. Now click on play button and calculate the trip time with the help of timer.

4. Now repeat the procedure increasing value of current.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID 7SA522

5. Repeat the above steps 1 to 4 for other two phases.

6. The results thus obtained should follow Normal Inverse Curve.

Testing of Power Swing Block (PSB) Feature: -

1. Open Test Software, add a State Simulation Characteristic in the Relay. Open Relay ramp
function in the relay, Set all the three phase voltages as Action V and set all the three
currents as 1 amp. Select ramp as two step. Set initial value of voltage such as (V/I) value
should start from greater value than Z-3 settings. For 7SA522 relay decrement of voltage
to be set as 0.025V and delta time to be set as 2ms( the impedance locus should move from
load area to relay characteristic very slowly). The minimum value of voltage in step 1
should be such that it should not enter to Zone 1 impedance setting. In the step 2 increment
of voltage to be set as 0.025V and time as 2ms up to the set value as per step one.

2. Now, run the test and verify with the DR and LED indication of the relay.

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Prepared by WRTS-I, POWERGRID 7SJ62



1. Testing instruments required

(i) Automatic Relay Test Kit with Laptop
(ii) Serial cable for communication of Laptop with relay
(iii)Testing Leads- 09 nos
(iv) Test Plugs-
(v) CT Shorting Leads 2 sets(For shorting of incoming CT cores )
(vi) Digital multi meter
(vii) Screw driver
(viii) Power supply point
2. Preliminary Checks
(i) All the connecting leads used for CT shorting are to be tested for continuity before using.

3. Taking Relay out of service and Isolation of CT & CVT inputs

(i) Connect the Laptop with relay and make the relay online. Switch Off the function
directional phase and directional earth fault over current in relay by switching OFF the
function in address 1501 and 1601 respectively.
(ii) Remove the cover of Test Block
(iii)Short the terminals 1,3,5,7 for CT in MPB Test Plug and insert the test plug. The shorting
terminals in MPB Test Plug must be ensured from the schematic drawing before inserting
the plug.
(iv) After inserting MPB plug in the block ,confirm no current present in relay
(v) Confirm no CVT voltage at relay terminals

CT and CVT terminals are isolated and all tripping outputs are blocked through MPB test plug.

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Prepared by WRTS-I, POWERGRID 7SJ62

4. Preparation for Secondary injection test

(i) Connect Relay Test kit with Laptop
(ii) Connect phase wise the current leads to 20, 18, 16 and 14 terminals in MPB test plug and
other end of leads to current source. Terminals of the test plug to be ensured from the
schematic drawing.
(iii)Connect phase wise the voltage leads to 17, 15, 13, and 12 terminals in MPB test plugs and
other end of leads to voltage source. Terminals of the test plug to be ensured from the
schematic drawing.
(iv) Connect 01 spare output contact of relay (assigned for general trip in relay )to logic input
of Relay Test kit with a separate lead.

Now the relay is ready for secondary injection.

5. Procedure
(i) Open control panel in laptop for secondary injection to relay.
(ii) By default 3 voltages and 3 current sources are selected in control panel.
a. For timing of relay operation click the logic & timer settings button in control panel window
b. Select input 1 contact (potential free) button , then the status of contact automatically will be
in Open to Close condition .
c. Select the phase (Ia or Ib or Ic) to be tested in logic & timer setting button.
d. Select Off to On for start condition of timer.
e. Select Set , then click OK.
f. Now the logic for timing measurement is set.
g. When fault is fed in a particular phase the relay output contact will trip the kit through logic
input1 and time is displayed in window.
(iii)Apply single phase voltages independently and measure the same in relay to ensure the
proper connection of voltage source leads in relay.
(iv) Feed single phase current independently and measure the same in relay to ensure the
proper connection of current source leads in relay.
(v) Apply 3 ph voltage and 3 ph current and measure the values in the relay.

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Prepared by WRTS-I, POWERGRID 7SJ62

6. Testing of DMT Directional Over current Feature

(i) As the laptop is online with relay, make directional over current function ON by putting
ON in the address 1501 and the setting of address 1601 should be OFF.
(ii) Put maximum value for IDMT pickup in address 1507 i.e 4. to avoid the operation of
IDMT during the testing of DMT feature.
(iii)There are 02 settings for current pickup in DMT in address 1502 I>>and 1504 I>.
(iv) While testing I> 1504 pick up, make I>> 1502 pickup infinity (put small letter O two times
for infinity).
(v) Open annunciation window in relay. Inject the current in relay through relay test kit with
start current at 70% of I setting( in address 1504 )and gradually increase the current
through kit till the relay picks up for directional over current fault .Relay pick up can be
seen in spontaneous annunciation of relay. Note the pickup value.
(vi) Inject 120% of I setting (address 1504) and note the timing of tripping recorded in Relay
Test kit.
(vii) Continue step (v) and step (vi) for other phases.
(viii) The directionality of relay operation can be checked by shifting the angle of faulty
phase by 180 degree and feeding the current greater than set value in relay. Then the
relay should not operate for the current in reverse direction.

7. Testing of IDMT Directional Over Current Feature

(i) Put the value infinity to address 1504 so that DMT will not operate while testing IDMT.
(ii) Put the set value to address 1507 for IDMT pick up.
(iii)Start feeding current in R-ph with 70% of set value .
(iv) Gradually increase the value of current till IDMT pick up is observed in spontaneous
annunciation in relay. Note the pickup value.
(v) Inject 2 times the set value of current and note the timing from kit. Check the timing with
calculated value.
(vi) Inject 5 times the set value of current and note the timing from kit. Check the timing with
calculated value.
(vii) Inject 10 times the set value of current and note the timing from kit. Check the timing
with calculated value.

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(viii) Continue step (iii) to step (vii) for other phases. Then apply 3 phase current slightly
higher than set value and note the timing for 3 phase fault.
(ix) The directionality of relay operation can be checked by shifting the angle of faulty phase
by 180 degree and feeding the current in relay. The relay should not operate for the current
in reverse direction.

8. Testing of Directional Earth fault Over current for DMT

(i) As the laptop is online with relay, make the directional earth fault over current function
enable by putting ON in the address 1601 and switch OFF the Directional phase time over
current in address 1501.
(ii) Put maximum value for IDMT pickup in address 1607 i.e 4 to avoid IDMT operation
during testing DMT feature .
(iii)There are 02 settings for current pickup in DMT in address 1602 I>>and 1604 I>.
(iv) While testing I> 1604 pick up make I>> 1602 pickup infinity (put small letter O, two times
to address 1602).
(v) Open annunciation window in relay. Inject the current in R-ph in relay through Relay Test
kit with start current at 70% of I setting ( address 1604) and with R-phase voltage much
less than nominal value whereas keep other two phase voltages at nominal values.
Gradually increase the current through kit till the relay picks up . Note the pickup value.
(vi) Inject 120% of I setting in address 1604 and note the timing of tripping recorded in Relay
Test kit.
(vii) Continue step (v) and step (vi) for other phases.
(viii) The directionality of relay operation can be checked by shifting the angle of faulty phase
by 180 degree and feeding the current greater than set value in relay. The relay should not
operate for the current in reverse direction.

9. Testing of IDMT Directional Earth fault Over Current Feature

(i) Put the value infinity to address 1604 so that DMT will not operate while testing IDMT.
(ii) Put the set value to address 1607 for IDMT pick up.

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(iii)Keep the voltage of R-ph much less than nominal value and other two phase voltages at
nominal values. Start feeding current in R-ph with 70% of set value to address 1607.
(iv) Gradually increase the value of current till IDMT pick up is observed in spontaneous
annunciation in relay. Note the pickup value.
(v) Inject 2 times the set value of current and the timing from kit. Check the timing with
calculated value.
(vi) Inject 5 times the set value of current and the timing from kit. Check the timing with
calculated value.
(vii) Inject 10 times the set value of current and the timing from kit. Check the timing with
calculated value.
(viii) Continue the step (iii) to step (vii) for other phases and note the timings.
(ix) The directionality of relay operation can be checked by shifting the angle of faulty phase
by 180 degree and feeding the current in relay greater than set value. The relay should not
operate for the current in reverse direction.

10. Completion of testing

(i) After completion of testing put the actual setting values in relay.
(ii) Switch OFF the Relay Test kit and its supply. Remove the output contact from relay used
for testing.
(iii)Remove the test leads from MPB test plug connected with Relay Test kit.
(iv) Remove the MPB test plug without disturbing the CT shorting in MPB test plugs.
(v) Check the current and voltages in relay.
(vi) Switch ON the functions (address 1501, 1601) which were switched OFF while testing.

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Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID 7UT613



I. Testing of Measuring Elements

A). Inject nominal secondary current to the relay at given measurement location (M1, M2,
M3 etc., and X1,X2) for all the assigned locations.

S.No. Measurement Phase Injected Theoretical Actual

location secondary Current at Current at
current (A) Display (A) Display (A)
01 R
02 M Y
03 B
1 1
2 2

B). Inject nominal secondary voltage :

Voltage Primary Voltage read on relay display Remarks

Phase applied OK/ NOT
applied (Volts) OK
Va Vb Vc Va-b Vb-c Vc-a
Vn (kV)
(kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV)
L1-E 63.5
L2-E 63.5

L3-E 63.5
L1-L2-L3 110

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2. Pick up Test (for Differential)

1) Measurement Location can be M1/M2/M3/M4/M5. When current is given in Ir, The other
phases and other locations is given 0 A.

pick up value (A)
Phase Theoretical Actual
While doing single phase injection, the theoretical current to be reduced by a factor of 1.5.

Pick up test (for Differential High set)

pick up value (A)
Phase Theoretical Actual

While doing single phase injection, the theoretical current to be reduced by a factor of 1.5 &
make differential current set is higher than differenetial High Set setting.

1) Check the functioning of differential protection on both sides of the bias line.
2) The tripping characteristics is plotted in the character definition
Parameters --- > Test objects - - > Character definition.
For values refer Appendix.
3) In Parameters --- > Test objects - - > Protection Objects , The Tapping settings set as K1*1.5 for
secondary tap settings and K2 *1.5 for primary tap settings

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4) Check the functioning of 5 points, just above and below the line, nearer to the line. And confirm the
tripping or blocking as per the position of the points.

Differential Protection for M1 and M3 : OK/ Not OK

Differential Protection for M2 and M3 : OK/ Not OK

Over-Excitation Protection:
The Voltage and Frequency are varied to achieve perunit values U/F in Software

Over Excitation
U/f Theoretical Actual



Definite Mean Time Protection :

(i) Disable differential protection while testing DMT.

(ii) Apply one phase at a time the setting given with other phases zero current

(iii)Repeat the procedure for all the Measurement Locations to the side to which DMT is

pick up value (A) Operating Time (secs)
Phase Theoretical Actual Theoretical Actual

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Typical calculations are being shown as below.

Side 1 – M1 (Main bay) + M2 (Tie Bay)

Side- 2 - M3
Differential Protection
Thermal Overload Protection
Over Excitation Protection

I. Differential Protection

Side 1 400KV
Side 2 230 KV
Power 315 MVA

Side 1 – M1 (Main bay) + M2 (Tie Bay)

Side- 2 - M3
Side 1 CT Ratio 1000/1 A
Side 2 CT Ratio 800/1 A

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Bias Graph on Relay Test Kit Software.

Typical settings:
1221 0.30 I/InO A
1241A 0.25A
1242A 0.00 I/InO A
1243A 0.60A
1244A 2.50 I/InO A

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Line 1 Eqn:
Y= 0.3 (address 1221)
Line 2 Eqn
Y= 0.25 X (address 1241A)
Solving 1 and 2 ; X= 0.3/0.25 =1.2
Line 3 Eqn base point (2.5,0) by 1244A
(Y-0)/(X-2.5) = 0.60 (address 1243A)
Expanding y= 0.6 X -1.5
Solving 2 and 3 Lines
0.25X =0.6X-1.5
Y=0.6(4.2857)-1.5 =1.0714
Taking arbitrarily X=10, the Line 3 is constructed
Y= 0.6 (10) -1.5

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Now Line 1 is (0,0.3) to ( 1.2,0.3)

Line 2 is (1.2,0.3) to (4.28,1.07)
Line 3 is (4.28,1.07) to (10,4.5)
Definite Mean Time Overcurrent Protection
The setting is 1.3.
If side selected is primary side, the full load current being 454 A, the secondary current is 0.454
and the Setting is 1.3 *0.454 A ie., Relay should operate at 0.59A at set timing.

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60


D - 60

1. Testing Instruments required

(i) Relay Test Kit Test Kit with Laptop or PC.

(ii) Testing Leads - 01 Set.
(iii)Test Plugs - 02 Nos.
(iv) C.T. Shorting Leads - 02 Sets

2. Preliminary Checks.

(i) All the connecting leads used for C.T. shorting are to be tested for continuity before using.
(ii) Ensure the presence of all the instruments, test leads & Relay Test Kit Kit with PC/Laptop
(with CMC Software).

3. Taking the relay out of Service & Isolation of CT & CVT inputs

(i) Keep carrier switch out of service.

(ii) Remove cover of test block A & B.
(iii)Shorting is to be made in MPG test plug (typically at 5,6,7,1 on bottom side) and then
insert Block A . Confirm no current is present in relay.
(iv) Insert Block B & confirm PT voltage is zero at relay terminals.

By above procedure CT and CVT input will be isolated and the entire trip out puts will

be blocked. However, procedure may vary as per the scheme of particular Sub-station.

4. Secondary Injection Test

Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60


(i) Connect test kit RELAY TEST KIT with Laptop / PC.
(ii) Connect the voltage and current leads of’ Relay Test Kit kit to MPG test plugs at proper
(iii)Connect current test lead in MPG Block A Top side (typically at 5,6,7,1).
(iv) Connect voltage test lead in MPG Block B on top side (typically at 8,9,10,1).
(v) For time measurement connect spare output signal relay contact (assigned with Gen trip
device), and connect it to Binary input 1 of Relay Test Kit kit.

Typically spare contact “H1 or Event Logger contact” may be used for this purpose and lead
may be connected to terminal.

Testing Procedure

(i) Switch on PC and open software.

(ii) Select ‘Distance relay’ und ‘testing’
(iii)Name of line & type of relay will appear in ‘selection’ menu. Select ‘GE Make D-60
Relay’ of required feeder for which relay being tested. In case characteristics of D-60 relay
were not available in library same can be down loaded from RELAY TEST KIT website
www.Relay Test .
(iv) Check the settings of above selected relay in menu “param” (stands for parameters).
(v) Correct the settings of Vnom, Vmax, Inom, Imax etc. as below, if required.
(vi) Vnom = 63.5 (L-N) Inom = 1A fnom = 50 Hz
(vii) Vmax = 110V(L-N) Imax=5A
(viii) Select ‘assign (BinInp)’ for assignment of Binary input. At position 1 of Binary input
assign ‘trip.’ Return to selection menu.
(ix) Select ‘manual’ mode. Now the kit is ready for testing.

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

1. Testing of Zone 1 reach:

(i) Select ‘times’ for Zone-1 as below.

a. Prefault time - 1.0 Second

b. Max fault time - 0.1 Second
c. Delay - 0.1 Second
d. Reclaim - 0.1 Second
e. CB close — 0.1 second

(ii) Select ‘impedance plane’. Set the required reach by entering the appropriate value of
Resistance & Reactance at R and X menu.

(iii)Set “type of fault” as AN fault (for R phase).

(iv) Operate the kit by entering the ‘shot’ menu. Relay will operate for above fault.

(v) Test for all faults by selecting type of faults i.e. RN, YN, BN, RI’, YB, BR, RYB.

(vi) Record value of reach, relay indications and operating time.

(vii) Operating tune will display at actual —t column.

(viii) Compare above value and indications with calculated / set values and theoretical
impedance graph.

2. Testing of Zoue-2 reach

(i) Change maximum fault time to 0.5 sec.

(ii) Repeat the procedure from (ii) to (vii) as above.

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

3. Testing of Zone-3 reach

(i) Change maximum fault time to 1.5 sec.
(ii) Repeat the procedure from (ii) to (vii) as above.

4. Testing of Carrier Acceleration

(i) Change maximum fault time to 0.5 sec. and extend “Carrier Receive” to relay.
(ii) Repeat the procedure from (ii) to (.viii) as above.

5. Testing of Reverse Reach

(i) Change maximum fault time to 1.5 sec.
(ii) Repeat the procedure from (ii) to (vii) as above.

For fault detection forward Zone, relay will not trip and there will be only
indication of fault detection. However, there will be tripping for impedance zone
(reverse) for the set value.

6. Testing of Power Swing Blocking

(i) The power swing blocking feature is checked by bringing the impedance within the
zone reaches (Z1) of the relay for a period of set time and the operation of the relay
is checked.
(ii) For testing Power swing blocking (PSB) feature using Relay Test Kit, the blocking
time for Power swing is set to maximum temporarily.
(iii) The impedance can be carried either by keeping Voltage constant and varying the
current or keeping current constant and varying the Voltage.
Here in this case let’s keep the voltage constant at 10.0V and vary the current so as to
get the impedances of PSB Zone.

For setting Impedance Zone 1 (Z1)= say L Ω, Current (1) should be

V/Z1=10/L=say I1 A

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

Similarly for Zone 2 impedance Z2 = say M Ω, Current (1) should be

V/Z2=10/M=say I2 A
Zone 3 impedance Z3 = say N Ω, Current (1) should be V/Z3=10/N=say I3 A

PSB feature of the relay can be checked by RELAY TEST KIT kit through its pre
loaded power swing test file, First go to selection menu- select ‘Transient’ , select ‘Load
RELAY TEST KIT’ - open powerswg.ttf file. press ‘start’, : . . Power swing indication
will appear on relay.

Alternate Procedure:
Power swing is detected when the impedance travels from outer boundary of
power swing impedance (Z-out) value to inner boundary of power swing impedance (Z-in) value at
a slower rate.
1. Unblock the PSB feature in test mode that was blocked during reach testing.
2. Open Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software.
3. Keep voltage of any two phase say R & Y to 10.0 V and third phase say B-Phase to 63.0V.
4. Set current in all the three phases as 0.2 A. Please note that initial impedance should be
slightly above the outer boundary of PSB setting. For example :- If the outer boundary
impedance for PSD settings is 30 ohms, Taking voltage as 10 V, current comes out to be 0.3
Amp. So we will take initial value of current as 0.2 Amps.
5. Keeping the voltage as constant, gradually vary the current in two phases (R & Y) till PSB
start signal value becomes high in the relay. Also in the disturbance report PSB-Start signal
will be indicated if programmed.
6. Testing of Switch On to Fault (SOTF) Feature:
The SOTF feature is checked by setting the pre-fault time in software to ‘O’ i.e.
before feeding the fault to the relay no healthy voltages is sensed by the relay.
a. In ‘Distance’ submenu select ‘Manual’ and press ‘Enter’
b. In ‘Manual’ submenu select ‘settings’ press ‘Enter.
c. In ‘settings’ submenu select ‘Times’ and set the ‘Pre-fault’ time to 0.0
sec. and max. fault’ time as 1.0 sec.

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

d. Pressing ‘Esc’ come back to ‘Manual’ submenu.

e. In ‘Manual’ submenu select ‘Impedance’ press ‘Enter’.
f. On the characteristics graph displayed on the screen, set the cursor point
outside the zone-1 reach (inside Zone2 characteristics) using mouse.
g. Select ‘Shot’ in ‘Impedance’ sub menu and press ‘Enter’. The relay
should operate on SOTF, this can be confirmed from the display of the
relay and its operating time should be instantaneous (i.e.15 – 25ms)
instead of zone-2 time.

Testing of Fuse Fail Feature:

1.See the setting for voltage & current setting for fuse fail. Let us take both setting of 3Uo & 3Io
of set value.

2. Open the Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software. Set R &Y voltage as 63.5 V and B as
0.0V. Set all the three phase current as 0.2 A.

3.Apply value to the relay. The relay should sense it as: Fuse fail” This can be confirmed from

Testing can also be performed automatically in State Sequencer mode. The steps of state
sequencer are :

(i) Step 1-Healthy system 1

(ii) Step 2-Fuse fail condition, whereas one voltage is stepped to zero volt for long
enough time for fuse fail function of relay to pick up.
(iii)Step 3- Simulate an earth fault on same phase to verify that fuse fail function
BLOCK the trip signal.
(iv) Step 4- Healthy system 2 that is exactly the same as step 1, use to reset fuse fail
(v) Step 5- Simulate an earth fault condition same as step 3 on same phase. This time
relay should trip as no fuse fail condition exist.

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

1. Testing of Fault Locator Function:

(i) Set the kit for testing as done for zone-I reach.
(ii) Set Calculated values of reactance for 25%, 5O% and 75% as calculated from total line
(iii)Set the calculated reach of 25% by entering the value of Resistance (R=O) & required
value of Reactance at R and X menu.
(iv) Set type of fault to AN fault (for R phase)
(v) Operate the kit by entering the ‘shot’ menu.
(vi) Record the value of fault locator displayed at LCD display panel of the relay.
(vii) Test for all type of faults i..e. AN, BN, CN, AB, BC, CA, ABC.
(viii) Repeat the procedure for 50%, 75% and 100% calculated value of reactance.

Note : The ‘max fault time’ setting for 100% should be 500 msec at the ‘times” menu.
Procedure for Restoration

(i) Switch off RELAY TEST KIT test kit.

(ii) After testing, remove current and voltage test leads from MPG Plugs. Also remove time
measurement test lead
(iii)Confirm CVT voltages are available at 8,9,10, 1 on bottom side of MPG plug.
(iv) Confirm DC +ve or -ve is not available on top side of MPG Plugs A & B.
(v) Remove MPG Plug B and confirm voltage is available at relay terminals.
(vi) Remove MPG plug A. measure current in the CT circuit.
(vii) Insert cover of MPG Block-A & B.

Test Report for Distance relay type D-60

Date of Testing :
Relay Panel :
Name of feeder :
Name of Protection : Distance Protection relay (Main-I)
Relay Details :
Make : GE

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

Sr.No. :
Aux. Voltage : 220 – 250V DC
Nom. Current : 1 Amp
Nom. Voltage : 110 Volts
Test Results
(a) Reach and Timing tests

Type of Fault type Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Trip time

Zone reach in Ω reach in Ω reach in Ω reach in Ω in m sec.
90° (R=0) 90° (R=0) 0° (X=0) 0° (X=0)
Zone-1 RY
Zone-1B RY
Zone-2 RY

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

Type of Fault type Calculated Measured Calculated Measured Trip time

Zone reach in Ω reach in reach in Ω reach in in m sec.
90° (R=0) 90° (R=0) 0° (X=0) 0° (X=0)
Zone-3 RY
Imped.Zone- RY
Forward YB
Impedance RY
Zone- YB
Reverse BR

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

Supplementary Function Checks :

1. Over Voltage Protection (if used):

Description Settings Pick up in Volts Drop off in Tripping time

Volts in Sec.
Stage-I Y
Stage - 2 Y

2. Back up Over current (STUB) Protection:

Ph O/C Char I>/ In (Def time) Trip time in Sec.

Measured Values

3. Fault Locator :

Calculated values (at R=0) 25% : X= 50% : X=

75% : X= 100% : X=

Type of fault 25% 50% 75% 100%


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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

4. Switch on to fault :

Description Pick up current in Amp Trip time in m Sec

with VR, VY, VB = 0
Calculated Values
Actual values

5. Following checks to be carried out (During shut down)

(i) The associated binary inputs, signal relays and tripping relay logic tested and result
(ii) LED indication checked & found……………………………………….
(iii)Proper tripping of breaker checked & found ………………………
(iv) Triggering of DR checked & found ……………………………..
(v) Triggering of EL checked & found…………………………………………
(vi) PLCC carrier send for Zone-I checked & found………………………………
(vii) Carrier accelerated tripping for Zone-2 fault checked & found …………

Description of connections disturbed & restored:

i. CT circuit
ii. CVT circuit
iii. PLCC carrier signal
iv. Block to auto reclosure
v. Dr triggering
vi. EL triggering
vii. Timing

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Prepared by SRTS-I, POWERGRID D-60

6. Testing Instruments used:-

Sl.No. Description Make &Sl.No.

1 Testing kit Relay Test Kit
2 Multimeter

7. Remarks

Test conducted by Test reviewed by Test approved by





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Station: Type of Check: Annual/Breakdown

Circuit: Bus Bar Protection Relay: Bus Bar Differential
Zone: Date of Test - Last:

1. Reference Document: Operating and Commissioning Instruction for high

Impedence Differential Relay.
(i) Read the precaution to be taken listed in sheet 3 of this report carefully.
(ii) When in doubt, refer to commissioning instruction of high impedence differential
(iii)Do not tamper with the relay if you are not confident of the tests.

2.Details of the relay under test:

Type :
Model No. :
Sl. No. :
Aux. Volts :

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3. Terminal Details:
DC+ve : PSU-13
DC-ve : PSU-14

Phase Unit Start Finish

R AN1C1 17 18
Y AN1C2 21 22
B AN1C3 25 26

4. Details of Instruments Required:

(ii) Differential relay test kit.
(iii)Digital multimeter

5. Procedure For Testing The Relay:

(i) When testing the relay the Differential Currents can be displayed on the LCD by changing to
INSTRUMENTS mode and scrolling down to [Diff1 Currents].
(ii) Check that the setting resistor is the correct ohmic value, also that the correct
differential settings are selected.
(iii)Connect a single phase current source to Phase R.
(iv) Upload the adopted settings in the relay.
(v) Record the results in Test Results and verify the accuracy complies with performance stated
in the Performance Specification.
(vi) Verify the correct operation of all the selected output relays and the LED indication for
corresponding protection function.
(vii) Repeat Tests for connections to Phase Y and B.
6. Precautions to taken while testing the relay:

(i) Isolate the auxiliary D.C. supplies for alarm and tripping from the relay and remove the trip
and intertrip links.
(ii) All precautions must be taken for not opening the CT circuits.
(iii)Ensure that the multimeter is in desired voltage range before checking the voltages at
the relay terminals.

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(iv) Ensure that the actual auxilliary supply is same as the relay rating and is of correct
(v) Restore the trip ckt after the measurements.
7. Test Results:
A.) Secondary Injection Tests
A1) Checking of Meter Measurement:
Serial No. Phase Secondary Injected Meter Current
Current Reading
1. R
2. Y
3. B
A2) Checking of Differential Element:

Setting Setting Value Pick Up Drop Out Operating Time

Description Amperes Amperes
87/50 Setting 0.05
87/50 Setting 0.10
87/50 Setting 0.50
87/50 Setting 0.90
87/50 Setting Adopted Setting

*For individual phases R, Y and B

A3) CT Supervision

Setting Setting Value Pick Up Drop Out Operating

Description Amperes Amperes Time
CT50 Setting Adopted Setting

*For individual phases R, Y and B

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(i) Re-connect the auxiliary D.C. supplies for trip and alarm operations and insert the Trip and
InterTrip links.
(ii) Simulate the operation of each external contact that initiates a status input and in each case
check that appropriate LED illuminates and that the correct tripping, intertripping and alarm
initiation occurs.
(iii)Disconnect the D.C. power supply to the relay and check for correct PROTECTION
(iv) Operate all protection and alarm elements in turn by secondary injection and check that the
correct tripping and indication occurs.

C.) Putting into Service:

The following points need to be ensured before putting the relay the relay into service:
(i) The trip supply is connected.
(ii) All the RED LEDs are off.
(iii)The Green LED is ON steady.
(iv) Operate the TEST/RESET button and check that all the LEDs are illuminated while
the push is depressed.
(v) All Earth Links, Trip Links and inter-trip links are in their normal operational
(vi) Operate the Cancel PUSH BUTTON.
(vii) Check that the LCD displays the screen below, or the relay identifier set in the


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D.) In Service Check:

D1) Spill Current Measurement

Serial no. Terminal No. Phase Spill Current

1. 17&18 R
2. 21&22 Y
3. 25&26 B

*stated tolerance (±5%)

D2) Voltage Measurement
Serial no. Terminal No. Phase Voltage Measured
1. 17&18 R
2. 21&22 Y
3. 25&26 B

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TYPE: DUOBIAS MAKE : Easun Reyrolle

Description: DUOBIAS is a numerical differential relay having fast operating time less than one
cycle. Relay consist of in built Disturbance Recorder and other transformer protections viz. Earth
Fault, REF, Thermal overload etc which can be configured as per site requirement. Relay has biased
differential characteristics.
Before the start of relay testing following must be ensure to available with testing Engineer :
(i) Relay testing kit with laptop
(ii) Testing leads/ leads
(iii)Clamp meter/Multi meter
(iv) Screwdriver set
(v) Single phase supply
(vi) Test handle – as per requirement
(vii) Relay manual
(viii) As built drawing of relay panel
(ix) Scientific calculator


(i) DC input voltage: 220 V

(ii) CT terminals: As per drawings.
(iii)If relay is not equipped with ABB RTXH18 test switch, tripping should be isolated before
shorting CTs. Because shorting CTs on one side will cause operation of differential
function. After isolating tripping, short the CT terminals on HV and LV side on Terminal
blocks by using 4mm banana leads. Ensure that no current is flowing through relay (either
through HMI or through clamp-on-meter).
(iv) In case of ABB test switch, insert test handle in to relay test plug, this will first isolate
tripping and then short circuit CTs automatically.

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(v) For differential function we will use 6 current outputs (only for CMC256 and above)
configure Relay test kit to use 6 current outputs.
(vi) Connect one trip output contact of relay to Binary input-1 of OMICRON. OMICRON
support both potential free & with potential contact for feedback contact therefore any
suitable contact can be taken with proper setting in kit hardware configuration.
(vii) Connect laptop to Omicron kit & extend single phase supply to the set up.

PRECUATION: During connection of Current and voltage input ensure proper isolation form switch
yard (CT & CVT supply) along with other necessary precaution if relay to be tested on line. Further
tripping isolation to be doubly ensured before the start of test.


(i) This is the most important step in the relay testing procedure. DUOBIAS uses a two slope
biased differential characteristics. In this procedure relay setting for 400/220/33kV
315MVA transformer (Vector group Yna0d11) has been used, for which settings were as
following (No CT used at 33kV side) :

W1 Input 1A (1A secondary currents used)

W1 CT ratio 500 (Hv side CT ratio =500/1)
W2 Input 1A (1A secondary currents used)
W2 CT ratio 1000 (IV side CT ration =1000/1)
W1 Interposing Ct multiplier 1.09 (W1 Ct ratio / HV side Full load current)
W1 Interposing CT connection Yd1 (For Zero sequence current filtering)
W2 Interposing Ct multiplier 1.20 (W2 CT ratio / HV side Full load current)
W2 Interposing CT connection Yd1 (For Zero sequence current filtering)
87 Inrush Setting 0.2xId (2nd Harmonics restraint)
87 Initial Setting 0.2xIn (Minimum Differential current for operation)
87 Bias Slope 0.2x (Bias slope upto Bias slope limit)
87 Bias Slope limit 4xIn (Parabolic slope starts at Ibias>4xIn)
87HS Differential High Set 8xIn (Parabolic slope ends at Idiff >8xIn)

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The characteristic can been drawn using XRIO feature automatically or manually.

Preparation of characteristics with the help of “XRIO” file:- The term XRIO stands for
extended Relay Interface by OMICRON . The main advantage of XRIO is that user has to feed
basic relay setting parameters in XRIO for development of relay characteristics. This way, an
XRIO converter significantly simplifies the setup of a test object. The XRIO converter for all
relays is available in OMICRON test library or can be downloaded from omicron web site. The
procedure of preparation of relay characteristics as follows:-

(i) Open Test universe –Omicron software. Select Differential module.

(ii) Open the “Test Object” in “Parameter menu”.
(iii)Now go to File and then Import.
(iv) Select the XRIO file of DUOBIAS relay from Omicron test library >test object_XRIO
(v) Feed the necessary information related relay setting. The menus are same as relay setting.
(vi) Click OK, Relay characteristics is now generated and ready for testing.
(vii) Before the start of testing configure the hardware (Analog output, Binary input, Binary
output etc) in “Parameter->Hardware configuration” menu

Presently the XRIO converter for DUOBIAS relay has settings for only one biased slope which
is straight portion of characteristics, so it would not give correct results in the region “Bias
slope limit” to “High set”. It should work for most the points which are not too close the
operating line in that region. If accurate testing is to be done then preparing characteristic
manually is recommended.

Preparation of characteristics manually :

For preparing characteristic manually we need to know co-ordinates of points through which
the line should pass.

Initial setting is 0.2 in our case, relay will operate for |I1+I2| > Is, i.e.

Point-1 (0,0.2)

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Slope is 0.2 so for Idiff = 0.2, Ibias should be 1A. relay will operate for |I1+I2| > bias slope x

Point-2 (1,0.2)

Bias slope limit is 4 in our case, for which Idiff should be 0.8 I.e.

Point-3 (4,0.8)

For bias current between bias slope limit and high set, relay will operate if
|I1+I2| >√ (X2 -K2 )/2 (for X > B)
where X= (|I1| +|I2|)/2
K2 = B2 - 2M2 B2
B=Bias slope limit
M=bias slope
As curves can not plotted directly in differential module, we will calculate points for different
Ibias values in steps on 1xIn. From above formulas taking value of M=0.2, B=4
Point-4 (5,2.3)
Point-5 (6,3.3)
Point-6 (7,4.1)
Point-7 (8,5.0)
Point-8 (9,5.8)
Point-9 (10,6.5)
Point-10 (11,7.3)
Point-11 (12, 8.0)

Now 8.0 is our High set so Characteristic will go straight horizontal line after that, we will give
some point with higher value of Ibias for last point

Point-12 (20,8.0)

Now we have 12 points to plot our characteristics. Open Advance Differential >>Diff
configuration module open Parameters>> test object>> differential>> edit

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In Protection object tab select 2 winding transformer and set values as follows:

winding Primary Secondary

voltage 400kV 220kV

power 315MVA 315MVA

vector group Y Y0

Star point grounding Yes Yes

In CT tab:

Primary current 500 1000

Secondary current 1 1

In Protection device enter the values

Select (|Ip|+|Is|)/K1 and Factor K1 =2

Test Max : 1.500S

Delay time: 0.250S

Idiff > 0.20In

Idiff >> 8.00In

Zero sequence elimination : YD interposing transformer

Keep all other values unchanged.

In characteristics definition Enter the value of Point-1 in “start point” and Point-2 in “End
point” field, click on update.

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Now Enter the value of Point-2 in “start point” and Point-3 in “End point” field, click on Add.
Repeat the procedure for all 12 Points calculated earlier. Click on Ok to complete the characteristic.

In Harmonic tab check that 2nd Harmonics are set as 20% and 5th Harmonics are set as 45% click OK
to complete the Test object file.

After Test object file is complete export it to XRIO/RIO file so that it can be used in all modules of
omicron. For that Go to Parameter >> Test object >> File >> Export in XRIO or RIO format.

Check Parameters >> Hardware configuration >> Test set details. Ensure that 6 current channels are
used and voltage channels are not used.

Operating characteristics for Single phase to ground fault and three phase faults for the relay is given
below. Please not that Characteristic for 2 Phase faults would be slightly different.

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The DUOBIAS relay has integrated software interposing CTs which are connected in Yd1
configuration. The current seen by the relay elements are not same as the current relay input
terminals. The relation between Current feed to relay and current seen by relay’s measuring
element is as follows:
ICT output a = ICT multiplier x (A-C) /√3
ICT output b = ICT multiplier x (B-A) /√3
ICT output c = ICT multiplier x (C-B) /√3

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(a,b,c are interposing CT outputs and A,B,C are input to relay i.e. secondary currents)
So we will see that for fault in A phase both a and b phase elements will trip, as both have
component of A phase.
Following tests are to be performed for testing of the relay:

(i) Initial Start Setting

(ii) Differential slope test
(iii)Testing high set feature
(iv) Stability in case of through fault
(v) Testing 2nd Harmonics restraint
(vi) Testing 5th Harmonics restraint

Automatic testing using Advanced Differential module

All these tests can be done by Advanced Differential module easily.

First Module in Advance differential is Diff Configuration. The Diff Configuration module tests
wiring and configuration of the test object by simulating faults that are located outside the protected
zone. Import the already created XRIO/RIO file. In “Test Data” >> “Itest” field enter 1.00In and click
on Add. Let us give another fault for 4.00In and click add. Now click on Fault type L1-E and start the
test. Similarly check for other fault loops viz L2-E, L3-E, L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1, L1-L2-L3. Relay
should not operate and test should pass. It indicates wiring connections is OK, and relay is stable for
through faults. .

Second Module in Advance differential is Diff Operating characteristics. In this module the operating
characteristic is tested by simulating faults inside and outside of the protected zone. Import the already
created XRIO/RIO file. Add some points above operating line and some points below operating line in
different slopes of operating characteristics for all fault loops viz L1-E, L2-E, L3-E, L1-L2, L2-L3,
L3-L1, L1-L2-L3. The first portion which is horizontal line is for Initial start settings. Second inclined
portion is for differential slope. Third parabolic portion is for Higher differential slope for CT
saturation at Higher currents. Fourth portion which is horizontal line is for High set.

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Third Module in Advance differential is Diff Trip time characteristics. The trip time characteristic test
involves simulating faults inside and outside the protected zone. Import the already created XRIO/RIO
file. Add some points at different Diff currents and start the test for actual operating times.

Fourth Module in Advance differential is Diff Harmonic restraint characteristics. The Diff Harmonic
Restraint test module is used for checking the correct relay behavior of the harmonic restraint of the
differential protection. Import the already created XRIO/RIO file. Select test phase L1-L2-L3 and
Harmonics 2nd. Add some points above operating line and some points below operating line in
different portions of operating characteristics. Similarly add some points for 5th Harmonics. Run the

Manual testing using Quick CMC module :

First step is to configure omicron hardware to use six output channels, three from group A and Three
from Group -B. Use one binary input terminal for relay operation.
(i) Warning : When the current feeded to relay is higher than 1A, to avoid damage to relay due to
continuous higher currents we should use auto step feature of QuickCMC. The trip contact should
be used to stop the injection of currents. Keep the step size higher say 500mA and time to 100mS.
It is to ensure that current is not fed to relay more than 2-3 Sec.

(ii) Initial Start test: Feed balanced three phase current only from one side of relay starting with zero
amplitude (either HV or LV side). Increase value of all three phase current in small steps say
10mA until relay operates. Note down the value of current. It should be as per Initial setting as per
relay setting, in this case the set value is 0.2. Repeat the above test with frequency of currents set
to 100Hz in all three phases. As the relay is not going to operate, current feeded will go upto 8A so
follow the warning at step-1. The relay should not operate until the differential current reaches
High Set value. After which it will operate with HS indication

(iii)Differential slope test: Feed balanced three phase current from one side of relay starting with
amplitude higher than Initial setting say 0.22A (on HV side) and corresponding current from LV
side say 0.40A. Both the currents should be opposite in phase and balanced. Increase value of all
three phase current on LV side in steps of 10mA until relay operates.

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Repeat this process at different HV side currents like at 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A...etc (at higher
currents follow the warning at step-1) note down the value of LV currents at which relay
operates. The Idiff and Ibias can be read from HMI on relay front panel or through relay
software on PC. Compare the results with value of Idiff and Ibias or with calculated values as
per formula given in Para “Preparation of characteristics manually”. Repeat the above test with
frequency of currents set to 100Hz in all three phases. As the relay is not going to operate, to
avoid damage to relay follow the warning in step-1. The relay should not operate until the
differential current reaches High Set value. After which it will operate with HS indication.

(iv) Testing high set feature: It has been already been checked in above two steps. However for
checking accurate value of High set, feed balanced three phase current only from one side of
relay starting with amplitude slightly lower than High set value say 7A (Normally it is kept
8A). Increase value of all three phase current steps of 100mA / 100mS until relay operates.
After which it will operate with HS indication. Follow the warning in step-1 while injecting
higher currents.

(v) Stability in case of through fault: Feed balanced three phase currents from both side of relay
starting with currents calculated according to transformation ratio. For 400/220kV ICT we can
feed 0.40A from 220kV side and 0.22A from 400kV side. Both the currents should be opposite
in phase and balanced. Now increase the current of any one phase on both sides by same ratio.
Say R phase on 400kV side 2.2A and on 220kV side 4A. Relay should not operate in this
condition. Follow the warning in step-1 while injecting higher currents.

a. In actual practice for the same fault current as described in above para, due to presence of
Zero sequence currents, the primary and secondary currents will not match. For L1-E fault
on 220kV side values may be as follows:
b. Primary IL1=2.93A @ 0deg Secondary IL1=4A @ 180deg
c. Primary IL2=1.47A @ 180deg Secondary IL2=0A @ 0deg
d. Primary IL3=1.47A @ 180deg Secondary IL3=0A @ 0deg

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(vi) So on feeding above values, relay should not operate. Same condition can be applied for all
phases for single phase to ground fault. The calculation for this condition is as below:

Primary side:
ICT output a = ICT multiplier x (A-C) /√3 =1.09x(2.93+1.47)/1.732 = 2.77@0deg
ICT output b = ICT multiplier x (B-A) /√3 =1.09x(-1.47-2.93)/1.732 = 2.77@180deg
ICT output c = ICT multiplier x (C-B) /√3 =1.09x(-1.47+1.47)/1.732 = 0.00@0deg
Secondary side:
ICT output a = ICT multiplier x (A-C) /√3 =1.20x(-4.00-0.00)/1.732 = 2.77@180deg
ICT output b = ICT multiplier x (B-A) /√3 =1.20x(0.00+4.00)/1.732 = 2.77@0deg
ICT output c = ICT multiplier x (C-B) /√3 =1.20x(0.00-0.00)/1.732 = 0.00@0deg
Relay operates when |I1+I2| > bias slope x (|I1|+|I2|)/2
LHS = |I1+I2| = 2.77@0deg + 2.77@180deg =0
RHS = bias slope x (|I1|+|I2|)/2 =0.2x(2.77+2.77)/2 = 0.554
LHS = |I1+I2| = 2.77@0deg - 2.77@180deg =0
RHS = bias slope x (|I1|+|I2|)/2 =0.2x(2.77+2.77)/2 = 0.554
LHS = |I1+I2| = 0@0deg + 0@180deg =0
RHS = bias slope x (|I1|+|I2|)/2 =0.2x(0+0)/2 = 0.0 (in this case |I1+I2| > Is condition will apply,
i.e. relay would operate when |I1+I2| > 0.2)
Now it can been seen that in all phases relay will not operate, so relay should not operate.

(i) Testing 2nd Harmonics restraint: We will use Harmonics module of Omicron for testing
this feature. Check hardware configuration, disable voltage outputs. Now keep all three
phase currents higher than initial setting, say 0.5A all phases same with balanced angles.
Keep presignal time = 0.0S, Signal =1.0Sec, Post Signal=0.0S. Now select 2nd order
harmonics and set percentage to 15% and phase to 120deg in all three phases.(which is
lower than set value) start the test, relay should operate now. Increase the harmonics
component in steps of 1% relay should not operate harmonics higher than 20% (as per
relay settings).

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(ii) Testing 5th Harmonics restraint: Set value of 5th harmonics is not available in relay
settings. However as per relay manual protection against wrong operation in case of 5th
harmonics has been provided. Normally the setting of 5th harmonics is 45%. We will check
the effect of 5th harmonics on relay performance. We will use Harmonics module of
Omicron for testing this feature. Check hardware configuration, disable voltage outputs.
Now keep all three phase currents higher than initial setting, say 0.5A all phases same with
balanced angles. Keep presignal time = 0.0S, Signal =1.0Sec, Post Signal=0.0S. Now
select 5th order harmonics and set percentage to 15% and phase to 120deg in all three
phases.(which is lower than set value) start the test, relay should operate now. Increase the
harmonics component in steps of 5%. Check the blocking of relay.

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Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

Testing Procedure For Transformer differential relay MICOM

1. Connection Details

S.No Relay Terminal No Usage Remarks

1 X20-25 220V DC Positive Wire this through 4 amps DC Fuses
X20-26 220V DC Negative
X20-27 Ground
2 X03-1 &2 R Phase Current 1 Amp (HV)
X03-3 &4 Y Phase Current 1 Amp (HV)
X03-5 &6 B Phase Current 1 Amp (HV)
X03-7 &8 Neutral current (HV)
X05-1 &2 R Phase Current 1 Amp (IV)
X05-3 &4 Y Phase Current 1 Amp (IV)
X05-5 &6 B Phase Current 1 Amp (IV)
X05-7 &8 Neutral current (IV)
X07-1 &2 R Phase Current 1 Amp (LV)
X07-3 &4 Y Phase Current 1 Amp (LV)
X07-5 &6 B Phase Current 1 Amp (LV)
X07-7 &8 Neutral current (LV)

X03-13 &16 Open Delta Voltage

Precaution: During Connection of Current and Voltage Input, Ensure proper isolation from switch yard (CT&PT
Supply) along with their necessary precautions, if the relay testing is to be done on line, ensure further isolation of

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Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

2. DC Power Up:

Apply 220V DC to the relay and observe the following

1) All LEDs will Flash

2) Display sequence of arrows on LCD display >>>>>>, after approximately 15 sec.
3) Display shows MICOM P633.
4) Ensure that Healthy LED is illuminated.

On power up the green LED should have illuminated and stayed on indicating that the relay is HEALTHY.
(The Out of Service LED will also be lit if no settings have yet been applied to the relay). Check the watch dog
contact of the relay as per the relay configuration.

3. Testing of OPTO Inputs:

The opto-isolated inputs should be energized one at a time, as per the external wiring
diagram. Ensure correct polarity, with the positive battery voltage applied to the lowest
numbered terminal, and negative to the highest number for the input concerned (e.g. Opto input
U2001 for the ring terminal relay should be energized at terminals X2018 (+ve) and
X2019 (-ve)).

The status of each opto-isolated input can be viewed in the menu operation/cyclic
measurements/physical state signals/INP

S.No Opto terminal No Extend

OPTO Negative Positive 220V DC to Status
No OPTO (Low/High)
1 U2001 X20-19 X20-18
2 U2002 X20-21 X20-20
3 U2003 X20-24 X20-22
4 U2004 X20-24 X20-23
5 U1001 X10-19 X10-18
6 U1002 X10-21 X10-20
7 U1003 X10-24 X10-22
8 U1004 X10-24 X10-23
9 U1005 X10-27 X10-25
10 U1006 X10-27 X10-26
11 U1601 X16-19 X16-18
12 U1602 X16-21 X16-20
13 U1603 X16-24 X16-22
14 U1604 X16-24 X16-23
15 U1605 X16-27 X16-25
16 U1606 X16-27 X16-26

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Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

1. Testing of OUTPUT Contacts:

This test is to be carried out to check the functionality of the output contacts. This test preferably shall not be
carried out during the online testing of the protection system; this may lead to tripping the element.
Contacts of the relay can be forced by following method
1. Operation/ control and testing/OUTP
2. On the active value of relay assign f. test select contact to be tested
3. On the active value of relay test select execute and click OK, then corresponding relay will be closed for the
predefined time given in hold time for test. This can be checked by connecting multi meter across the
4. After testing change the setting of relay test to be changed to don’t execute
5. Repeat the above procedure from S.No: 1 to 4 for all the contacts.
NOTE: It should be ensured that thermal ratings of anything connected to the output relays during the contact test
procedure is not exceeded by the associated output relay being operated for too long. It is therefore advised that
the time between application and removal of contact test is kept to the minimum.

Contact Terminal No Connect

S.No Contact No Remarks
N/C N/O and check
1 K1001 X10: 1-2
2 K1001 X10: 3-4
3 K1002 X10: 6-5 X10: 6-7
4 K1003 X10: 8-9
5 K1004 X10: 10-11
6 K1005 X10: 10-12
7 K1006 X10: 10-13
8 K1007 X10: 10-14
9 K1008 X16: 16-15 X16: 16-17
10 K1601 X16: 1-2
11 K1601 X16: 3-4
12 K1602 X16: 6-5 X16: 6-7
13 K1603 X16: 8-9
14 K1604 X16: 10-11
15 K1605 X16: 10-12
16 K1606 X16: 10-13
17 K1607 X16: 10-14
18 K1608 X20: 16-15 X20: 16-17
19 K2001 X20: 1-2
20 K2001 X20: 3-4
21 K2002 X20: 6-5 X20: 6-7
22 K2003 X20: 8-9
23 K2004 X20: 10-11
24 K2005 X20: 10-12
25 K2006 X20: 10-13
26 K2007 X20: 10-14

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27 K2008 X20: 16-15 X20: 16-17

Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

5. Testing of Differential protection:

MICOM P 633/632 is having dual slope differential characteristics.

Model Characteristics of MICOM P632/633 relay

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Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632
Pick up test (Differential)

Inject current using Any test (Tesient)/Quick CMC (Omicron) on individual phases and record the pick
up current of the differential elements.

pick up value (A)

Phase Theoretical Actual

Pickup test (Differential high set):

Inject current with harmonics of magnitude higher than set value.

pick up value (A)

Phase Theoretical Actual

Characteristic check (Tesient test kit)

1. Select relay equation Ir=(I1+I2)/2, Id= I1-I2 in

Transformer test --- > Ir/Id differential --- > Equation --- >select equation
2. Enter the system data and balance coefficients based on system parameters in
Transformer test --- > Ir/Id differential --- > parameters
3. Enter the data in
test mode --- > search define segment --- > Auto
based on the approved settings and parameters derived from the relay
Characteristic equation
4. Connect the 1st current channel of the test kit to R ph HV of the relay and 2 of the
test kit to R Ph IV of the test kit.
5. Save picture and start testing by pressing F11.
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6. After completion of test, create report from report menu.

Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

7. The same can be repeated for other phases.
For calculating balance coefficients use following formulas
Kma = Inom,a /Iref,a
Kmb= Inom,b /Iref,b

Harmonic restraint test (Tesient test kit).

1. Enter harmonic order, set value and test points and current magnitude in
Transformer test --- > Harmonic restraint (transformer)

2. Repeat for other phases and different harmonics (say 2nd and 5th harmonic) as per
the relay settings.

Characteristic check (Omicron test kit)

1. Check the functioning of differential protection on both sides of the bias line.
2. The tripping characteristics is plotted in the character definition using relay characteristic
equation and settings
3. Parameters --- > Test objects - - > Character definition.
4. In Parameters --- > Test objects - - > Protection Objects , for Tapping settings Use
following formulas
Tap setting for primary : 1/kma
Tap setting for Secconday : 1/kmb
Kma = Inom,a /Iref,a
Kmb= Inom,b /Iref,b

Harmonic restraint test (Omicron test kit)

1. Check the functioning of differential protection on both sides of the

bias line.
2. The tripping characteristics with harmonics is plotted in the Harmonics

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Tab, Parameters --- > Test object --- > Harmonic

Prepared by SRTS-II, POWERGRID MICOM P633/632

6. 2nd Harmonic restraint checking (Alternate method)

This feature can be checked either by using harmonic testing of differential module or any test
(Tesient) /Quick CMC (Omicron).
Inject R phase fundamental current to relay R ph analog channel from one current channel of
the test kit and R ph 2nd harmonic (100Hz) current from other current channel of the test kit.
Ensure that differential current shall be granter than min differential current, relay is operating
if the harmonic current is less than the set value and blocking, if the harmonic current is more
than set value.

7. 5th Harmonic restraint checking (Alternate method)

This feature can be checked either harmonic testing of differential module or from any test
(Tesient) /Quick CMC (Omicron).
Inject R phase fundamental current to relay R ph analog channel from one current channel of
the test kit and R ph 5th harmonic (250Hz) current from other current channel of the test kit.
Ensure that for differential current granter than min differential current, relay is operating if
the harmonic current is less than the set restrain value and blocking, if the harmonic current is
more than set restrain value.
Same can be repeated for other phases.

8. Checking of cross blocking

Inject harmonic current in one phase and operating fundamental current of magnitude greater
than Idmin in other phase and ensure relay is blocking for the harmonic current greater than set
value and operating for harmonic current less than set value.

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Sl.No Relay Terminal Usage Remarks

1 F2 220V DC Positive Supply to be
F1 220V DC Negative provided
through 4A
2 C1 R Phase Current 5A
C2 R Phase Common IRC3
C3 R Phase Current 1A
3 C4 Y Phase Current 5A IYC3
C5 Y Phase Common
C6 Y Phase Current 1A
4 C7 B Phase Current 5A IBC3
C8 B Phase Common
C9 B Phase Current 1A
5 C10 N Neutral Current 5A Loop
C11 N Neutral Common C2,C5,C8,C12
C12 N Neutral Current 1A INC12
6 C13 N Sensitive Neutral Current 5A Unused
C14 N Sensitive Neutral Common
C15 N Sensitive Neutral Current 1A
7 C19 R Phase Voltage 110 V VRC19
C20 Y Phase Voltage 110 V VYC20
C21 B Phase Voltage 110 V VBC21
C22 N Phase Voltage 110 V VNC22

Precaution: In Case Relay is tested online ensure CT, CVT are Isolated from the relay input and check
the metering in the relay for zero values. Further the Trip contacts are also to be Isolated from Relay.


a) Check Watch Dog Contact: F11-F12 Normally Close

F13-F14 Normally Open

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b) Apply 220 V DC and observe the following:

i) All LEDs Flashing
ii) On LCD See message 'SRAM OK'
iii) Now Check Watch Dog Contact:
F11-F12  Open
F13-F14 Close

iv) Check Field voltage(48V) with multimeter:

3. OPTO Check
For checking the healthiness of the 08 Nos optos it is required to extend the 48 Volts to the terminals
of each opto.
Go to "COMMISSIONING TEST" menu in the relay, and in this menu go to "OPTO I/P
Status". When applying 48 Volts to the OPTO BI, the corresponding binary digit switches from "0"

OPTO Extend 48 Volt

OPTO Status
Terminal DC to OPTO Remarks
No Terminal
D1 D1
D2 D2
D3 D3
D4 D4
D5 D5
D6 D6
D7 D7
D8 D8
D9 D9
D10 F7D10
D11 F9D11
D12 F7D12
D13 F9D13
D14 F7D14
D15 F9D15
D16 F7D16

REMARKS: While applying the field voltage to the OPTO Inputs ensure that it is isolated from 220V
DC source.

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WARNING: During this test the contact is forced to make without operating any protection function.

For checking the healthiness of the 07 No contacts, it is required to go to the

"COMMISSIONING TEST" MENU of the relay and select SUBMENU "CONTACT TEST" and force
the contacts to operate.

Connect Multimeter
and check the
Contact No Contact Terminal No Remarks
(NO / NC)
RL1 E2

RL2 E4
(Any Trip)


1. Ensure Proper Earthing of OMICRON TEST KIT.

2. Connect PC COM Port to MiCOM P442 Relay Front Port using MiCOM Front Port Relay
communication cable.
3. Make all the necessary connections as BI , Feedback from the relay & Stable Power supply to
the Omicron Test kit .


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Inject rated Secondary Current and Voltage using OMICRON Kit and check for the rated
Primary Current and Voltage from the relay metering for all phases.
Relay Metered
Parameter Injected Value Remarks


1) Open OMICRON Test Universe Software, Click on Quick CMC Menu,

then OMICRON Quick CMC [Test View :Quick CMC 1] window will pop up

2) Select Analog Outputs for Set Mode currents IL1 , IL2, IL3 as 2 times the set current
i.e of I >1 setting values and Set Mode Voltages VL1E , VL2E, VL3E as Zero.

3) In Step/Ramp Window select IL1 , IL2, IL3 in Output , Magnitude in Quantity

4) Inject the current by Test run icon F5.

Record the Operated Time for the given injected current in the tabular format.
Repeat the Test for 5 Times and 10 Times of the Set current in the similar manner.

I >1 setting : _____ A

TMS : _____ [SI curve]

Operated Time in
Phase X Times set Current Injected Current(A) Remarks
R 2
R 5
R 10

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1) Select Analog Outputs for Set Mode currents IL1 , IL2, IL3 as the set current
i.e of I >2 setting values and Set Mode Voltages VL1E , VL2E, VL3E as Zero.

2) In Step/Ramp Window select IL1 , IL2, IL3 in Output , Magnitude in Quantity ,

Size 0.01 A and Time 1.000 S

4) Check in [ √ ] Auto and Increment (Upward Arrow).

3) Inject the current by Test run icon F5.

Record the Pickup Current and Operated Time [ Time Delay ms ] for the given injected current in the tabular
format .
Pick up Operated I >2 setting : _____ A
Phase Remarks
Current(A) Delay in ms Time Delay : 0 Sec [Instantaneous]


1) Open OMICRON Test Universe Software, Click on Quick CMC Menu,

then OMICRON Quick CMC [Test View :Quick CMC 1] window will pop up

2) Select Analog Outputs for Set Mode currents IL1 , IL2, IL3 (imbalance currents)so that 2 times the
set current flows through Neutral
i.e of IN >1 setting values and Set Mode Voltages VL1E , VL2E, VL3E as Zero.

3) In Step/Ramp Window select IL1 , IL2, IL3 in Output , Magnitude in Quantity

4) Inject the current by Test run icon F5.

Record the Operated Time for the given injected current

Repeat the Test for 5 Times and 10 Times of the Set current in the similar manner.

IN >1 setting : _____ A

TMS : _____ [SI curve]

Page 135 of 344 DOC NO.- D-2-03-20-02-01


Phase Operated Time in

X Times set Current Injected Current(A) Remarks
E/F 2


1) Select Analog Outputs for Set Mode currents IL1 , IL2, IL3 (imbalance currents) so that the set current
flows through Neutral
i.e of IN >3 setting values and Set Mode Voltages VL1E , VL2E, VL3E as Zero.

2) In Step/Ramp Window select IL1 , IL2, IL3 in Output , Magnitude in Quantity ,

Size 0.01 A and Time 1.000 S

4) Check in [ √ ] Auto and Increment (Upward Arrow).

3) Inject the current by Test run icon F5.

Record the Operated Time [ Time Delay ms ] for the given injected current .

IN >1 setting : _____ A

Time Delay : 0 Sec [Instantaneous]

Phase Pick up Current(A) Operated Delay in ms Remarks


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Testing Procedure For Reactor Back Up Impedance Relay Micom P441

With Omicron Relay Test Kit

1.Connection Details

S.No Relay Usage Remarks

Terminal No
1 F2 220V DC Positive Wire this through 4 amps
F1 220V DC Negative DC Fuses
2 C1 R Phase Current 5 Amp Loop C2,C5,C8 &
C2 R Phase Common Connect this to Current
C3 R Phase Current 1 Amp Out put Terminal to In
C3- IR
C4 Y Phase Current 5 Amp C6-IY
C5 Y Phase Common C9-IB
C6 Y Phase Current 1 Amp
C7 B Phase Current 5 Amp
C8 B Phase Common
C9 B Phase Current 1 Amp
C19 R Phase Voltage C19-VR
C20 Y Phase Voltage C20-VY
C21 B Phase Voltage C21-VB
C22 Neutral Voltage C22-VN

Precaution: During Connection of Current and Voltage Input, Ensure proper isolation from switch
yard (CT&PT Supply) along with their necessary precautions, if the relay testing is to be done on
line, ensure further tripping isolation.

1. DC Power Check Up:

a) Check watch dog Contact : F11- F12 - Close

F13-F14 - Open

b) Apply 220V DC to the relay and observe the following

1. All LEDs with Flash

c) Check Watch Dog Contact F11- F12 - Open

F13-F14 - Close

d) Check Field Voltage 48V F7-F9 – 48 Volts

F8-F10 – 48 Volts

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2. OPTO Check: For Checking the healthiness of the 8 Nos OPTO I/Ps, it is required to extend 220V DC
Volts to the terminals of each OPTO.

Go to “System Data” Chapter on relay LCD, and in this chapter go to “OPTO I/P Status”, When 220V
DC is applied to the OPTO L1 “0” will change to “1”, observe the change on relay LCD.

OPTO I/P Status


OPTO No Opto Extend 220V DC to OPTO Status

terminal No terminal
-ve +ve
1 D1 D2
2 D3 D4
3 D5 D6
4 D7 D8
5 D9 D10
6 D11 D12
7 D13 D14
8 D15 D16

3. Testing the O/P Contacts:

This test checks that all the output relays are functioning correctly. The P441 relays have 14 output

1. Ensure that the relay is in test mode by viewing the chapter COMMISSIONING TESTS,Test
2. To operate the output relay Go to COMMISSIONING TESTS, change the Contact Test to
‘Apply Test’.
3. Operation will be confirmed by the continuity tester, operating for a normally open contact and
ceasing to operate for a normally closed contact.
4. After Completion of test, Reset the output relay by setting cell Contact Test to ‘Remove Test’ in
Commissioning tests chapter

NOTE: It should be ensured that thermal ratings of anything connected to the output relays during the
contact test procedure is not exceeded by the associated output relay being operated for too long. It is
therefore advised that the time between application and removal of contact test is kept to the minimum.

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Contact Contact Terminal No Connect Multimeter and check

No status
RL1 E1-E2
RL2 E3-E4
RL3 E5-E6
RL4 E7-E9 E8-E9
RL5 E10- E11-E12
RL6 E13- E14-E15
RL7 E16- E17-E18
RL8 B1-B2
RL9 B3-B4
RL10 B5-B6
RL11 B7-B9 B8-B9
RL12 B10- B11-B12
RL13 B13- B14-B15
RL14 B16- B17-B18

4. Reach Test:

1. Load ALSTOM Micom-Z Graph Software in PC

2. Connect PC COM Port to Micom P441 relay Front Port using Micom Front Port communication
3. Open Connection and extract relay settings
4. Save this file as *.RIO file in PC
5. Open OMICRON Software and open Advance Distance application
6. GO to Parameter – Test object- Import the RIO file saved in PC for P441
7. Now the relay characteristics will be plotted as per the settings given in the relay.
8. Connect the Voltage & Current Inputs from Omicron test kit to relay as per drawing
9. Go to Parameters- hard wire Configuration- In “Details” select three phase voltages & three
phase currents and return back to hardware configuration.
10. Select Binary/Analog Inputs. Select one No binary input at test module input signal and enter the
display name as “Trip” and click OK.
11. Select the device settings and confirm with actual settings.
12. GO to Parameter – Test object- Default test settings-select test model as a “Constant Test
current”, I Test at 2A and check the “Allow reduction of I Test”

Testing the Reach of the relay

1. Open the Test view

2. Select Shot
3. Select a point in Zone characteristics
4. Add to all the fault loops (L1-E, L2-E, L3-E, L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1, L1-L2-L3)
5. Similarly select different points one by one and add to all the loops.
6. Go to test and Press Start/Continue

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7. Compare the relay operation timings& reach values with set values
8. Check the correct LED and Contact Operation as per relay PSL.
9. After Completion of the test save the report.



Zone Characteristics








-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60


VT Fuse Fail testing:

In this test, the points to be checked are:

1. Whether VT fuse fail function is operating as per given settings or not?
2. Whether the relay tripping operation is blocked under the fuse fail condition or not?

This test can be conducted using State Sequencer Module in Omicron test kit
Three different states are to be defined.

1. Define a state with Balanced nominal voltages at 63.51V with balanced angles. Balanced load
current at 0.1A. This is a healthy system. The max time for O/P of this state is to kept at 5 sec
2. Define another state with VA-N reduced value as per fuse fail setting and remaining all having
the same values. This is Fuse fail state. The max time for O/P of this state is to kept at 15 sec

3. Define Third state with VA-N=0 and IA=2A, remaining all the values are same as previous state.
This is a trip state. The max time for O/P of this state is to kept at 1 sec

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Click on the Start/Continue Test icon or select "Test | Start".

Then as per given timing, VT Fuse fail Alarm should come on the front LEDs (if configured) and trip
should be blocked. It indicates VT fuse fail function blocks the Trip Signal properly.


1. To Check the SOTF feature of the relay, first Confirm, whether SOTF feature is enabled.
2. Go to Distance protection module which is used for reach testing, Go to Parameters and select
Test object.
3. In the Test object, select Default settings
4. In the Default settings, make prefault time as zero and Max time as 1.0 sec
5. Open the test view.
6. Apply a single shot in the operating zone of the B/U impedance protection L-L or L-E fault loop.
7. Then Relay should give a trip command on SOTF which can be confirmed from front LED.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500


The Numerical Bus bar Protection system REB 500 belong to the generation of fully numerical
protection device. It is the modified and much upgraded version of first generation numerical Bus Bar
protection system REB-103. The operation time of the relay is between 20 msec to 28msec.
REB500 is a standard application for bus bar protection. However provision for integrating the optional
protection functions and REB500sys (line protection or transformer protection) are also available. The
following protection features are activated in REB 500 at POWERGRID.
1. Bus Bar Protection (BBP)-Activated
2. Breaker Failure Protection (BFP)- Activated
3. End Fault Protection (EFP)- Deactivated

Bay Unit (500 BU03): Bay unit performs the function of measuring of the concerned bay current,
receiving the input signals which includes position of CB & Isolator, blocking signal, starting signal,
external resetting signal etc. through binary input & tripping of the concerned bay through binary
output contact .

It contains 20 binary Input & 16 Binary out put.

It has following three Front LEDs
(i) Green: Glowing when relay is Ready

(ii) Yellow : Will glow in case of Alarm

(iii)Red: Will glow in case of Trip

Central Unit (500CU03): The central unit collects all the data from all bay units, process & execute
the protection algorithms and distributes the tripping signal via the output contacts of the bay units in
the event of an internal fault. Both Bay units & central unit communicated with each other via optical
fiber communication.
Tripping Logic : Three criteria need to be fulfilled for the system operation:
(i) Minimum Threshold (IKMin) – This is the first condition where differential current should
be greater than the Minimum threshold value set i.e. Idiff> IKMin.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

(ii) Amplitude Comparison – This is the second condition where the differential current /
Restraining current should be greater than the stability factor (k) set in the relay.
(iii) Phase Comparison – This is the third condition where the resultant phase angle of the
currents should be less than the phase angle(ø) set in the relay.


1. List of Equipment required for Test :
(i) Test Leads for connection between test Kit & CT Terminal blocks
(ii) Numeric Relay test Kit.

2. Precaution to be Taken before testing of Bus Bar Protection :

(i) Isolate the Bus to be tested by opening of all the Bus Isolators
(ii) Short the CTs of the concerned bay where testing to be carried out with the help of CT
shorting facility provided in the TB
(iii)Close the CB of the Bay related to testing as the bay is assigned to the bus bar only when the
circuit breaker is closed.
(iv) Disable the Breaker Failure Protection of the Bay Unit as the Operation of the Bus Bar
protection will initiate the Breaker Failure Protection .


(i) Connect the 1-Phase Ac supply to relay test Kit
(ii) Connect the Testing lead in the Current terminal of the Testing Kit & Connect the earthing
of kit.

4. Checking of Differential Current Alarm :

Differential alarm arises due to open / short CT conditions. The setting for differential current alarm
is set in the menu of Bus bar protection setting and is a factor of IKMin. Depending on the load
conditions of the station differential current alarm is set to ensure that CT open / short circuit
conditions are detected in bay with low load. This feature is used to Block the Operation of the Bus
Bar Protection & the tripping.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

Differential alarm may also arise due to following condition

a. Wrong CT ratio
b. Incorrect wired CT (wrong direction and therefore phases)
c. Wrong isolator & CB return confirmation signals.

Operational Criteria: If the Differential Current exceeds the adopted setting for a set period of time
then the differential alarm appears
The system comes back to normal operation once the differential alarm condition disappears.
Note: The operating value of the differential alarm must be set lower than the lowest possible load

For Example: If the Line CT Ratio is 1000/1 A

CTR for Bus Bar will be 2000/1 A
As per norms max operating differential current for Bus Bar Protection should be 110% of max line
current i.e 1100A
Hence the Min Diff. current required for Bus Bar Operation: 1100/2000= 550 mA
As per norms Min operating diff current required for generating alarm should be 5% of max line
current required for Bus Bar operation: 5% of 1100= 55 A
Hence Min secondary Current for the operation of Differential Alarm: 55/2000= 27.5 mA
Time delay for generating the alarm: 5 sec

5. Differential Alarm Check Procedure:

(i) Initially set the delay time as Zero for checking the pick of the alarm
(ii) Connect the testing lead from testing kit for checking the R phase of the relay.
(iii)Select any test feature of the relay test kit software and select following setting;-
 Test mode =Manual
 Manual setting = Related
 Related to= I1
 Step setting= 0.01
 Select I1=50 mA
 I2= 0 A
 I3= 0 A

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

(iv) Start the test and check the current on the Relay screen through HMI display in measurement. It
will be as same as displayed on the relay test Kit.
(v) Increase the current step by step
(vi) Note down the reading of the current at which Alarm LED Glow and “Differential Current
Alarm “ generate
(vii) Now decrease the current and note down the reading at which the alarm LED became off and
the alarm disappear from screen.


(i) Now set the delay as 5.0 Sec and connect the relay alarm contact at the binary input of the
relay test kit to stop it automatically.
(ii) Adopt the following setting in the Any test as described on
 Test mode =Auto
 Select variable= Amplitude
 Select= I1
 Step In Parameter
 Start End Value= Little More than the vale at which alarm appear
 Step= 0.01 A
 Step time= More than set value i. e 5.0 Sec

(iii)Start the Current, Relay test kit will appear the current with a delay of the set time and if the
block is generated at a delay of 5.0 sec, the binary output contact assign for the alarm will
make and stop the kit.
(iv) Note down the time displayed in Test result.
(v) Repeat the same procedure by inserting the CT input for “ Y” phase and for ‘B’ phase

Differential Element Trip Check Procedure :

(i) Connect the testing lead from testing kit for checking the R phase of the relay.
(ii) Select any test feature of the M2win relay test kit software and select following setting;-
 Test mode =Manual
 Manual setting = Related
 Related to= I1

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 Step setting= 0.01

 Select I1=540 mA
 I2= 0 A
 I3= 0 A

(iii)Start the test and check the current on the Relay screen through HMI display in
measurement. It will be as same as displayed on the relay test Kit.
(iv) Increase the current step by step
(v) Note down the reading of the current at which Trip LED Glow and “Bus Bar Protection Trip
“ displayed on screen
(vi) Now decrease the current and note down the reading at which the Relay resets and Trip LED
turns off.


(i) Connect the relay trip contact at the binary input of the relay test kit to stop it automatically.
(ii) Adopt the following setting in the any test as described on
 Test mode =Auto
 Select variable= Amplitude
 Select= I1
 Step In Parameter
 Start End Value= Little More than the vale at which Trip appear
 Step= 0.01 A
 Step time= More than operating time of relay.

(iii)Start the Current in the Relay test kit. Trip is generated and the binary output contact
assigned for trip will make and will stop the kit.
(iv) Note down the time displayed in Test result.
(v) Repeat the same procedure by inserting the CT input for “ Y” phase and for ‘B’ phase

Note: Carefully assign the output binary contact of the relay in case of operation of Bus Bar
Protection as per logic and wiring done on the output contacts in order to avoid the wrong
operation. Check for binary output configuration is mandatory before testing.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500


INTRODUCTION : The Breaker Failure Protection will come in operation in case of non
responding of the breaker with in a predetermined time interval in case of a trip command issued to
it from any protection.

Starting Signal for Breaker Failure Protection:-

Starting signal for Breaker Failure Protection will be from all trip relays in the particular bay (via
binary input) and within the bus bar protection.

Operating Criteria:- If the fault current is flowing through the relay above a specified value along
with the initiation input for a specified time, it is presumed by the relay that the Circuit breaker has
not responded to the command issue on operation of the above protection. The relay will take the
necessary action as per the below.
There are two timer in Breaker Failure Protection, function of each is listed below:-

Timer (T1): After expiry of this timer if the fault current is persisting more than the set value along
with the initiation then relay will issue trip command to it’s own Breaker as a secondary tripping.

Timer (T2):on expiry of this timer ,If the fault current is still persisting more than the set value then
the relay will trip the following:-

 Tripping the adjacent Circuit Breakers connected to the same bus.

 Tripping remote end through sending direct trip via PLCC (also configurable for t1 timer)

Note: The timing of both T1 & T2 may be kept from 0 to 5000 msec but can not be disable any
of T1 or T2 in relay.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500


List of Equipment required for Test:

(i)Test Leads for connection between test Kit &CT terminal block
(ii) Numeric Relay test Kit


(i) Connect the 1-Phase Ac supply to relay test Kit
(ii) Connect the Testing lead in the Current terminal of the Testing Kit & Connect the earthing
of kit.

Checking of Pick up of Relay -

(i) Firstly set the time of T1 & T2 as Zero in relay for BFP Protection
(ii) Disable the Bus Bar Protection of the relay to prevent the initiation from the BFP protection.
(iii)Give external initiation to respective bay unit to be tested by giving continuous positive DC
input .
(iv) Connect the output from testing kit or Variac for checking the operation of R/ Y /B phase
of the relay.
(v) Select the any test feature of the relay test kit software and select following setting;-
 Test mode =Manual
 Manual setting = Related
 Related to= I1
 Step setting= 0.01
 Select I1=190 mA
 I2= 0 A
 I3= 0 A

(vi) Start the test and check the current on the Relay screen through HMI display in
measurement. It will be as same as displayed on the relay test Kit
(vii) Increase the current step by step

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

(viii) Note down the reading of the current at which RED Trip LED Glow and “BFP TRIP T1
& BFP TRIP T2“ displayed.
(ix) Now decrease the current and note down the reading at which the relay reset.


(i) Now set the delay T1 as 100 msec and T2 as 0 msec .

(ii) Adopt the following setting in the Any test as described on
 Test mode =Auto
 Select variable= Amplitude
 Select= I1
 End Value in Parameter: More than the actual value at which the relay pick in at S.N 10.5.
 Step= 0.01 A
 Step time= More than set value of T1.
 Give the output contact of relay to be operated after T1 time in binary input of kit to stop it

(iii) Set the fault current in I1 and start the test.

(iv) The Kit will create the fault and “BFP trip T1” will appear on relay screen and kit will stop
on operation . at the same time “BFP trip T2” will also appear as the time delay of T2 is set
to be zero after operation of T1.
(v) Note down the time displayed in Test result.
(vi) Confirm the operation of the relays from the event list.
(vii) Repeat the same procedure for the Y& B phase after changing the CT input
(viii) Now Set T1=0 and T2=100 msec and repeat the same procedure for all the R,Y & B phase
of relay.
Note: Carefully assign the binary out put contact of relay for the relay operation after Time T1
& T2 in the relay configuration as per the actual wiring done on the binary output . Mismatch of
configuration and wiring may lead the wrong operation.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500


(i) Switch off the Test Kit & remove the all testing leads
(ii) Remove the external initiation to relay
(iii)Make through the CT inputs.
(iv) Observe the relay for no operation.
(v) Observe all the Trip & Alarm LED are reset.
(vi) Check for differential current in the central unit. Ensure differential current is ~0 A
(vii) Activate the BBP protection of relay
(viii) Set the Timer T1 & T2 as per actual setting.


Type of Check: Pre-commissioning /Annual/Breakdown


Date & Time of Test:


Name of Sub station:

Bus Detail:
Bay No :-
Name of Relay:
Make of Relay:
Type of Relay:
Relay Sr. No:
Relay Model No:
CT Ratio:
Rated Current:

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

Testing Kit Detail :

(i) Test Kit Type:

(ii) Test Kit Sr. No:-
(iii)Model No:-
(iv) Make:-

Setting for Differential Alarm Check of Bus Bar Protection :

Differential Current Alarm: 10% of IKMin
Alarm Time Delay :

Format for Diff. Alarm Check :

Phase Bay unit Test Handle Alarm Result LED

No Terminal Set Set Operated Operated Indication
No Value Time Value Time

Setting for Differential Trip Check for Bus Bar Protection :

Differential Trip : 100% of IKMin
Alarm Time Delay : Instantaneous

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID REB500

Format for Differential Trip Check:

Phase Bay unit Test Handle Result LED Indication

No Terminal No Set Value Operated Value

Setting for Breaker Failure Protection :

Current Setting: 10% if CTR is 2000/1 A
: 20% if CTR is 1000/1 A
Alarm Time Delay T1 : 100 msec
T2 : 100 msec

Format for Reach Check :

Phase Bay unit Test Handle Result LED Indication

No Terminal No Set Value Operated Value

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Format for Timer Check:

Phase Bay Test Handle Result LED Indication

unit No Terminal Set Operated Set Operated
No Value Value Value value T2
T1 T1 T2

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General Check:-
(i) 220 V DC supply Input:-
(ii) (Measure across terminal 1 & 18 of test Handle)
(iii)Annunciation Check:-
(iv) Event Check:-
(v) Trip Logic Check as per Drawing:-
(vi) DR check:-

Signature of Testing Engineer Signature of S/s In charge

Emp No-

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Prepared by NRTS-II, POWERGRID REL 531



Description: REL 531 is a numerical distance relay having fast operating time less than one
cycle. Relay consists of five independent zones, in built DR & fault locator, which can be
configured as per site requirement. Relay has four different setting groups. Relay can be
configured for different protection scheme as per requirement such as over voltage, directional
earth fault, over current, VT fuse fail, Breaker failure, Auto reclose, Synchro check etc.


Before the start of relay testing following must be ensure to available with testing Engineer
1. Relay testing kit with laptop
2. Testing leads/ leads
3. Clamp meter/Multi meter
4. Screwdriver set
5. Single phase supply
6. RTXH-18 test handle ( Used in ABB make relays)
7. Relay manual
8. As built drawing of relay panel
9. Scientific calculator


1. DC input voltage: 220 V

2. CT terminals: 3,4,5,6 terminal of RTXH 18 test handle
3. CVT terminals: 7,8,9,10 terminal of RTXH test handle.

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4. Insert RTXH 18 test handle in to relay test plug. When test handle inserted in to the test switch,
preparation of testing are automatically carried out in proper sequence i.e blocking the tripping
circuit, shot circuiting CTs, opening voltage circuit & making relay terminals available for
secondary injection.
5. Connect current output leads of testing kit to the terminals in proper sequence R,Y,B,N to the
relay at 3,4,5,6 respectively.
6. Connect voltage output leads of testing kit to the terminals in proper sequence R,Y,B,N to the
relay at 7,8,9,10 respectively.
7. Connect one binary contact of relay to testing kit BINARY INPUT point. RELAY TEST KIT
support both potential free & with potential contact for feedback contact therefore any suitable
contact can be taken with proper setting in kit hardware configuration.
8. Connect laptop to Relay Test kit & extend single phase supply to the set up.

PRECUATION: During connection of Current and voltage input ensure proper isolation
form switch yard (CT & CVT supply) along with other necessary precaution if relay to be
tested on line. Further tripping isolation to be doubly ensured before the start of test.


This is the most important and delicate step in the relay testing procedure. REL 531 uses a
complex quadrilateral characteristic for all fault loops. It is recommended that relay
characteristics should be prepared well in advance so that unnecessary wastage of time can be
avoided during the testing of relay.

The relay characteristics can be prepared by following three methods:

1. Preparation of characteristics with the help of “ RIO” file.
2. Preparation of characteristics with the help of “ XRIO” file.
3. Manually preparation of relay characteristics with the help of RELAY TEST KIT
test software.

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1. Preparation of characteristics with the help of “ RIO” file:- The term RIO stands for Relay
Interface by RELAY TEST KIT, a technology that helps testing engineer to draw relay
characteristics with the help of already prepared templates. The main problem with this method
is that user has to calculate various setting as per relay algorithm. We cannot work directly with
relay specific parameters. Relay parameters must be transformed in to RIO format, which can
be done with the help of “EXCEL TO RIO converter”. The RIO converter for all relays is
available in RELAY TEST KIT library or can be downloaded from Relay Test Kit web site.
The procedure of preparation of relay characteristics as follows:-

(i) Open the “EXCEL TO RIO converter” file. Enable the micros if software asks for that.
(ii) A window will appear. Fill all the required information such as Substation name, CT ratio, PT
ratio, relay sr no , & zone parameters.
(iii) Click on Save RIO file and save the newly generated RIO file at appropriate location.
(iv) Open Test universe –Relay Test Kit software. Select Software or distance.
(v) Open the “Test Object” in “Parameter menu”

a. Now go to File and then Import.

b. Select the RIO file already available or recently generated by RIO converter.
c. Feed the necessary information related to Name plate, Location, Nominal value in device
d. Click OK , Relay characteristics is now generated and ready for testing.

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e. Before the start of testing configure the hardware (Analog output, Binary input, Binary
output etc) in “Parameter->Hardware configuration” menu.

2. Preparation of characteristics with the help of “XRIO” file:- The term XRIO stands for
eXtended Relay Interface by RELAY TEST KIT . The main advantage of XRIO is that user
has to feed basic relay setting parameters in XRIO for development of relay characteristics.
This way, an XRIO converter significantly simplifies the setup of a test object. The XRIO
converter for all relays is available in RELAY TEST KIT test library or can be downloaded
from Relay Test Kit web site. The procedure of preparation of relay characteristics as follows:-

(i) Open Test universe –Relay Test Kit software. Select Software or distance
(ii) Open the “Test Object” in “Parameter menu”.
(iii) Now go to File and then Import.
(iv) Select the XRIO file of REL 531 relay <REL5** converter. xrio> from
Relay Test Kit test library >test object_XRIO folder.
(v) Feed the necessary information related relay setting. The menus are same
as relay setting.
(vi) Click OK, Relay characteristics is now generated and ready for testing.
(vii) Before the start of testing configure the hardware (Analog output,
Binary input, Binary output etc) in “Parameter->Hardware configuration”

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3. Manually preparation of relay characteristics with the help of RELAY TEST KIT Test
universe software:-

REL 531 characteristics can be prepared manually with the help of RELAY
TEST KIT Test universe software. Following steps should be followed for
preparing relay characteristics manually.
(i) Open Relay Test Kit software and select Distance Protection from the
(ii) Select PARAMETERS >hardware configuration and feed all required
information related to testing kit configuration, Analog output, Binary
input, Binary output etc
(iii) Again select PARAMETERS > Test object.
(iv) Select Device and feed all Device setting, Nominal value etc as per
(v) Before preparing L-L & L-E characteristics following calculation has
to be done

Phase to Phase fault:- For L-L fault characteristics following setting are necessary :
- X1PP, R1PP,RFPP & tPP.
Line angle must be calculated individually for each zone of protection
(i) Line angle for Phase faults= Tan -1(X1PP/R1PP)
(ii) Resistive reach R= RFPP/2 (RFPP-loop impedance)
(iii) Reactive reach X= X1PP
(iv) The directional lines of the relay are ArgDir =15 ˚ (Default value)
(v) ArgNegRes = 115 ˚ (Default value)

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For example following settings are given for Phase to Phase faults
Setting Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4 Unit
Operation Forward Forward Reverse Forward
X1PP 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 Ohm/Phase
R1PP 1.00 2.000 1.00 1.000 Ohm/Phase
RFPP 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 Ohm/loop
tPP 0.00 0.400 1.00 1.000 Second

(i) Line angle for Phase faults= Tan -1(X1PP/R1PP) = 78.69
(ii) Resistive reach R= RFPP/2 (RFPP-loop impedance)=2.5 Ohm/loop Reactive
reach X= X1PP =5.0 ohm /phase
(iii) The directional lines of the relay are ArgDir =15 ˚ (Default value)
(iv) ArgNegRes = 115 ˚ (Default value)

The Z-1 calculated value can now enter in to “Characteristics Editor (L-L)”
(i) Line-1: R= 0 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=-15
(ii) Line-2: R=2.5 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=78.69
(iii) Line-3: R= 0 ohm; X=5 ohm; Angle=0
(iv) Line-4: R= -2.5 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=78.69
(v) Line-5: R=0 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=115

Phase to earth fault:- For L-E fault characteristics following setting are necessary :
- X1PE, R1PE, X0PE, R0PE, RFPP & tPE.
Line angle must be calculated individually for each zone of protection
(i) Line angle for Earth faults = Tan -
(ii) Resistive reach R= RFPE
(iii) Reactive reach X= 2/3*X1PE + 1/3*X0PE
(iv) Earth fault compensation Z0/Z1= 1 ; angle-0.00 ˚ ( default value)
(v) The directional lines of the relay are ArgDir =15 ˚ (Default value)

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(vi) ArgNegRes = 115 ˚ (Default value)

For example following settings are given for Phase to Earth faults
Setting Zone-1 Zone-2 Zone-3 Zone-4 Unit
Operation Forward Forward Reverse Forward
X1PE 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 Ohm/Phase
R1PE 1.00 2.000 1.00 3.000 Ohm/Phase
X0PE 15.0 30.00 15.0 45.00 Ohm/Phase
R0PE 3.00 6.000 3.00 9.000 Ohm/Phase
RFPE 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 Ohm/loop
tPE 0.00 0.400 1.00 1.00 Second

(i) Line angle for Phase faults= Tan -1(2*X1PE+X0PE)/2*R1PE+R0PE)= 78.69
(ii) Resistive reach R= RFPE=5.0 Ohm/Loop
(iii) Reactive reach X= 2/3*X1PE + 1/3*X0PE = 8.33 ohm /phase
(iv) The directional lines of the relay are ArgDir =15 ˚ (Default value)
(v) ArgNegRes = 115 ˚ (Default value)

The Z-1 calculated value can now enter in to “Characteristics Editor (L-E)”
(i) Line-1: R= 0 ohm; X=0 ohm; Angle=-15
(ii) Line-2: R=5.0 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=78.69
(iii) Line-3: R= 0 ohm; X=8.33ohm; Angle=0
(iv) Line-4: R= -5.0 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle=78.69
(v) Line-5: R= 0.0 ohm; X= 0 ohm; Angle= 115

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Other zone will be calculated same as Z-1 calculation.

(i) Select System setting by going through Parameters>Test object>Distance
and feed the necessary information in system parameters, tolerances.
Select Z0/Z1 equal to 1 & angle 0 ˚ degree
(ii) “Separate Arc Resistance” algorithm should be selected disable.
(iii) Select Zone setting by going through Parameters>Test object>Distance.
Select New Z1 will appear in menu. Select Label -Z1 All; Type- tripping;
Fault loop-L-N and Active. Feed all values of trip time & tolerances in
Zone detail Z1 L-E.
(iv) Select Edit; Characteristics Editor will appear. Select Quadrilateral in
Predefined Shapes.
(v) Select Line Cartesian & feed value of R, X, Angle as per calculation
performed above. Select Add in Element List to add line 5 if not appear.
Select OK after feeding all values.
(vi) Repeat steps h to J for different Zones & faults (L-E & L-L) faults. Select
OK after the completion of all zone & fault.
(vii) RELAY TEST KIT Distance [Test view: xxx] will appear with


(i) In RELAY TEST KIT Distance [Test view : xxx] go to Setting and select
Test model> Constant current mode; Allow reduction of I test; Fault
inception> random; Prefault, max fault , Post fault timing. Select Time
reference Fault inception.
(ii) Go to Trigger and select Trigger logic OR and select Trip>1 & other as per
requirement. Binary contacts of relay (potential free/with potential)
should be connected at Binary input as per selection made .
(iii) Go to Shot Test and select a point at line angle just inside the zone-1. Click
at Add To and select R-N,Y-N,B-N and click OK. The point is added to all
three phases (L-E). Similarly select points just inside &

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outside the all zones & one point outside the reach of relay using Add To
(iv) Follow the same procedure for all zone & phases for Phase-to-Phase & 3
phase faults.
(v) Click at Start/Continues test. The relay should operate as per zone timing
in setting. The operating time is displayed on the screen. Please ensure that
the tripping contact of relay should be extended to binary input of test kit
as per selection at trigger menu.
(vi) Operation of relay can also be confirmed at local HMI.


(i) To check SOTF feature in relay the pre fault time should be kept 0 second
in setting menu.
(ii) Give the shot in Zone -1. Relay should operate on SOTF. Give fault in
Zone 2 relay should operate instantaneously with SOTF indication in relay
(iii) Repeat this process for L-E & L-L faults.
(iv) Please go through the drawing & SOTF logic in setting (DLD logic:- no
external input required, SOTF- BC external input required) In SOTF –BC
logic +ve from CB remote switch at control panel also required for SOTF.
In that case extend the +ve to relay during testing SOTF feature.
(v) The above testing can also be performed automatically in State
Sequencer mode. The steps of state sequencer are

a. Step 1-Fault in Zone -1 with normal pre fault value

b. Step-2-Fault in Zone- 1 with pre fault zero.
c. Step-3-Fault in Zone-2 with pre fault zero.

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(i) Feed the fault in Zone-1. Carrier send auxiliary relay should operate.
Otherwise connect multi meter at Carrier send contact of relay. During the
fault contact should make & extend the DC, this is confirmed with
momentarily display of DC in multimeter. Now feed the fault in Z-2, there
should not be any carrier send command initiated by relay. This can be
confirmed with the help of multimeter or operation of CR auxiliary relay.
(ii) Repeat the above procedure for phase-to-phase fault also.
(iii) Carrier send logic depends upon the scheme which is adopted in relay (
PUR/POR etc). Check the operation of carrier sends as per adopted


(i) Identify the carrier receive terminal as per relay scheme drawing.
(ii) Operate the relay in Phase to Phase & Phase to earth fault in zone -1, relay
will trip instantaneously.
(iii)Operate the relay in Phase to Phase & Phase to earth fault in zone -2, relay
will trip zone 2 time.
(iv) Operate relay at same zone 2 fault point and simultaneously short the CR
receive point momentarily. Relay should operate in carrier acceleration
timing say 50 to 80 ms, slightly higher than Zone -1 tripping time.
(v) Operation can be confirmed at local HMI by “carrier Aided trip”
(vi) The above testing can also be performed automatically in State Sequencer
mode. The steps of state sequencer are:

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a. Step 1-Healthy system.

b.Step 2-Fault in Zone -1
c. Step 3-Fault in Zone-2
d.Step 4-Fault in Zone -2 with Binary output of kit as Carrier
received input to relay.


1. Logic used for Stub protection in relay is as below :

Line Isolator Open

I fault> I set Trip Out
Trip Out


(i) Checking of logic

a. Simulate LINE ISOLATOR OPEN condition
 Open Software & Inject I fault < Iset , Relay should not give
trip out
 Open Software & Inject I fault > Iset , Relay should give trip

(ii) Simulate LINE ISOLATOR CLOSE condition

a. Open Software & Inject I fault > Iset , Relay should not give trip out

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Broken conductor feature is generally checked by simulating in unbalanced condition

1. Check the broken conductor setting and confirm the feature is kept on. Also check
the setting for unbalance ( I-Diff of I-Max & I min) of the current between phase. Lets
take it as 80%
2. In Software sub menu, set phase voltages for all three phases as 63.5 V. Set any all
phase current as 0.8A and reduce only one phase current till 20% of 0.8 A ( = 0.16
A) . Wait for 5 sec
3. The Relay should sense it as broken conductor indicated as “BRC”
4. Confirm it should be used for alarm purpose only.


1. For testing this feature makes sure that If should be higher than 30 % of Ir.
2. Calculate the Zone -1 reach in Km/Miles from relay setting.
3. Operate the relay for phase to phase & Phase to earth fault in the various points
subject to 100 % line length.
4. At local HMI in disturbance report menu see the distance of fault locator sub menu.
5. The distance should match with theoretical value.


Power swing is detected when impedance travels from outer boundary of power swing
impedance (Z out) value to inner boundary of power swing impedance (Z In) value at a
slower rate.
1. Open the Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software.
2. Keep voltage of all the phase to 63.5 Volt and current 1 Amps.
3. Calculate the Z in & Z out value from setting. Please note that initial impedance
should be slightly above the outer boundary of PSB setting. For example if outer
boundary impedance of PSD setting is 30 Ohm we can start test from voltage as 40
V, & current 1 A.

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4. Keep the current as constant; gradually vary the voltage in all phases till PSB start
indication signal value become high (1). Path for PSB signal in HMI: Service report>
Function>Impedance>Power swing detection>Functional output> PSB Start (0)
Normal value.
5. The above testing can also be performed automatically in Ramping feature of Relay
Test Kit software. The steps of PSB check by ramping are:

(i) Step 1- Select Ramping in Ramping menu

(ii) Step 2-Select set mode –Z-I Constant; fault – R-Y-B: Signal 1- Z 1
Fault; Function –Magnitude
(iii) Step 3- Select Trigger- None in Detail view trigger menu. In test
view mode feed signal -1 From to Impedance value as per Z out &
Z in. Set Delta such that estimate test time comes more than 200 ms.
(iv) Step 4- Execute the simulation by clicking Start/continuous

In REL 531 PSD detection can be configured by two modes i.e “ one of three phase
operation” & ”Two out of three phase operation”. Testing can also be done by simply
varying one phase voltage in 1 of 3 mode & two-phase voltage in 2 of 3 modes.


1. See the setting for voltage & current setting for fuse fail. Let us take both setting of 3Uo
& 3Io of set value.
2. Open the Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software. Set R &Y voltage as 63.5 V and
B as 0.0V. Set all the three phase current as 0.2 A.
3. Apply value to the relay. The relay should sense it as: Fuse fail” This can be confirmed
from HMI.

(i) Testing can also be performed automatically in State Sequencer mode. The steps of
state sequencer are

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a. Step 1-Healthy system 1
b. Step 2-Fuse fail condition, whereas one voltage is stepped to zero volt for
long enough time for fuse fail function of relay to pick up.
c. Step 3- Simulate an earth fault on same phase to verify that fuse fail
function BLOCK the trip signal.
d. Step 4- Healthy system 2 that is exactly the same as step 1, use to reset
fuse fail state.
e. Step 5- Simulate an earth fault condition same as step 3 on same phase.
This time relay should trip as no fuse fail condition exist.


To take care of high resistive faults generally DEF feature of relay is used in REL 531.
Directional element of REL 531 relay works on residual voltage (3V0) polarized method.
Suppose MTA (minimum torque angle) of relay is set to 145 ˚ this mean MTA leads 3V0 by
145 ˚.Following steps should be follow in testing directional element of DEF/ TEF feature of
REL 531.

(i) Disable distance & OC feature of relay from HMI to avoid tripping at distance/OC
(ii) Connect any trip contact of relay to RELAY TEST KIT binary input 1 (TRIP) & start
contact of relay (START) to binary input 2.
(iii) The test will be performed by using Ramping module of RELAY TEST KIT test
universe. For Pick up /drop out test of directional function, four consecutive ramp
states have to be defined.
(iv) The four states of Ramping are as follows:-

a. Ramping state 1: Inject three phase balance voltage and no current for at least
1 second. This will provide the relay with enough sample/memory for correct
directional operation. For configure this go to Ramping> Parameters >test
object>device; feed all the necessary information Such as f nom, V nom, V
primary, etc. Configure the hardware in

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Parameter>Hardware configuration as per requirement. In Test view: Ramping

go to Ramping states; select Signal 1 as IA, Function as Phase; Signal 2 None.
For Ramp State 1 Phase of I A should be ramped from 0 ˚ to 360 ˚ with step
time - dt 1 sec.

b. Ramp state 2: Decrease Va enough so that 3 V0 > setting 3V0 .Set current to
2 * current setting (IN Dir). Step the phase angle of IA from 75 ˚ to 55 ˚ for
testing pick up. In Ramp State 2 select Phase of I A ramped from 60 ˚ to 30 ˚
with delta 1.0 ˚ , step time- dt at least 200 ms ( must be greater than possible
starting time of relay)
c. Ramping State 3 : Same as ramp state -1
d. Ramping state 4 : Set the same Voltage & current condition as in state 2 . Step
the angle of IA from 235˚ to 255 ˚. This determines the pick up 2 of relay’s
directional area at 245 ˚. In State 4, select Phase of I A ramped from 235 ˚ to
255 ˚ with delta 1.0 ˚ , step time- dt at least 200 ms .

(v) All output values that do not change i.e not ramped during test is defined on
“Analog Output” tab in Detail view. For state 1 & 3 set voltage nominal i.e.
63.5 V & I at three phases zero. Ramping sate 2 & 4 are set as per relay setting
i.e 3 V0 & IA to 2 * PS (IN dir).
(vi) To configure binary contact select Trigger tab in detail view; select stop condition
for ramp state 1 & 3 to “None”. Select Stop condition for ramp state 2 & 4 to
“Binary trigger” than Binary trigger condition to OR & Start at1.
(vii) Define pick up and drop out values to be measured in Measure View i.e state 2
& 4 angle etc.
(viii) Run the test by selecting “ Test/Start”
(ix) The IDMT characteristics ( directional & non directional as settled in relay)can
be checked in over current menu of Relay Test Kit software. The selected
characteristics can be prepared with the help of XRIO /RIO converter as explained

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above or manually. During trip timing test Trigger should be selected with Trip
contact by selecting Trip-1 & start –X in “General” tab.


REL 531 relay can be configured for auto reclose scheme. Presently we are using external
auto reclose relay. Following procedure is to be adopted for simulating fault conditions
for auto-reclose relay testing.

1) Check the auto-reclose relay for proper settings i.e dead time, reclaim time and proper
programme like single phase single shot etc. as per the auto reclose relay used.
2) Close the line breaker for simulation of the auto-reclose scheme. Ensure there is no
blocking command to the auto-reclose relay like air pressure , spring charge statue etc
as per the schematics drawings.


3) In distance protection option of Relay Test Kit , operate the relay for R-phase to earth
fault in zone-I as per the procedure mentioned in checking reach of the relay by
giving binary input to the test kit.
4) The R-phase breaker should trip and reclose. It may be confirmed from the control
panel indication of breaker or by physically checking for the pole in the switchyard.
Also download the disturbance recorder for analysing the correct operation of the
5) Again operate the relay for R-Y phase fault. The relay will give blocking command to
the auto-reclose relay and three phase trip will occur (As we have selected the single
phase single shot option in the A/R relay). The same can be confirmed from the
disturbance recorder.

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6) Repeat the step 3, by giving R-phase fault in zone-2 with carrier received condition.
This can be done with manually simulating carrier receive condition
7) or by using binary output of the test kit for the carrier receive and fed it to the relay. In
this case also the auto-reclosure should take place successfully.


8) Auto-reclosure relay is to be tested for evolving fault also. For checking this feature
state sequencer can be used in the Relay Test Kit test kit. First we shall check for the
fault in the dead time of the relay:-
a) In state sequencer 3 states shall be generated.
Name Healthy State Zone-1 fault-1 Dead Time Fault
VL1-E 63.5 V 0o 50 0V 0o 50 0V 0o 50 Hz
Hz Hz
VL2-E 63.5 V -120 o 50 63.5 -120 o 50 63.5 -120 o 50 Hz
Hz V Hz V
VL2-E 63.5 V 120 o 50 63.5 120 o 50 63.5 120 o 50 Hz
Hz V Hz V
1L1 500 -10 o 50 2.0 -85 o 50 2.0 -85 o 50 Hz
Ma Hz A Hz A
1L2 500 -130 o 50 500 -130 o 50 500 -130 o 50 Hz
mA Hz mA Hz mA
1L3 500 110 o 50 500 110 o 50 500 110 o 50 Hz
mA Hz mA Hz mA
CMC Rel 0 Output active 0 Output active 0 Output active
Trigger/ Time Out No / 5.0 Sec Yes / 1.0 Sec Yes / 1.0 Sec

Delay after trigger 0 500 mSecs 0

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b) In state-1, give healthy values of voltage and current are given. Take time out as
5.0 Secs, no trigger option and no delay after trigger.
c) In state-2, give fault values for R-phase. Take time out as 1.0 Secs, enable trigger
option and give 500 mSecs delay after trigger.
d) In state-3, again give fault in zone-1, in any phase say R-phase. Take time out as
1.0 Secs, enable trigger option and no delay after trigger
e) During state-2, R-phase breaker pole will open and auto reclose will be initiated &
dead time (1.0 Secs) of relay will start. As we have taken 500 mSecs delay after
trigger in state-2, the state -3 will be played during dead time and the breaker
shall go for 3 phase tripping.


9) For checking operation of the relay with fault in reclaim time, following states in state
sequencer may be followed:-
a) In state sequencer 3 states shall be generated.
Name Healthy State Zone-1 fault-1 Reclaim Time
o o
VL1-E 63.5 0 50 Hz 0.0 V 0 50 Hz 0V 0o 50
V Hz
VL2-E 63.5 -120 o 50 Hz 63.5 V -120 o 50 Hz 63.5 V -120 o 50
V Hz
o o o
VL2-E 63.5 120 50 Hz 63.5 V 120 50 Hz 63.5 V 120 50
V Hz
o o o
1L1 500 -10 50 Hz 2.0 A -85 50 Hz 2.0 A -85 50
mA Hz
o o o
1L2 500 -130 50 Hz 500 mA -130 50 Hz 500 -130 50
mA mA Hz
o o o
1L3 500 110 50 Hz 500 mA 110 50 Hz 500 110 50
mA mA Hz
CMC Rel 0 Output active 0 Output active 0 Output active
Trigger/ Time Out No / 5.0 Sec Yes / 1.0 Sec Yes / 1.0 Sec
Delay after trigger 0 15 Secs 0

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b) In state-1, give healthy values of voltage and current are given. Take time out as
5.0 Secs, no trigger option and no delay after trigger.
c) In state-2, give fault values for R-phase. Take time out as 1.0 Secs, enable
trigger option and give 15 Secs delay after trigger.
d) In state-3, again give fault in zone-1, in any phase say R-phase. Take time out as
1.0 Secs, enable trigger option and no delay after trigger
e) During state-2, R-phase breaker pole will open and auto reclose will be initiated &
dead time (1.0 Secs) of relay will start. After dead time closing command shall be
given to the breaker and breaker will close and reclaim time (25 Secs generally) of
the breaker will start. As we have taken 15 Secs delay after trigger in state-2, the
state -3 will be played during reclaim time and the breaker shall go for 3 phase

1. For testing disturbance recorder, Close the breaker of the feeder under test.
2. Give any fault in Zone-1, and the breaker trip the breaker.
3. Download the DR from either front port communication or through
centralized DR in control room.
4. Compare the downloaded DR with the graphical waveform generated fault
values in the Relay Test Kit test report.
5. There is option for the manual triggering also in the relay.
6. Give healthy voltages and current to the relay through Software.
7. Follow the path:- Main Menu – Disturbance report – Manual Trig – Yes / No
8. Press ENTER. DR will be triggered and can be downloaded for analysing the
analog values.


1) Follow the path :- Main Menu – Service report – Time

2) Date & time shall be displayed on the HMI.
3) Check whether ppm pulse or pps pulse is being given to the relay for time

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4) In case of ppm pulse. Set the time in the relay within the difference of 1 minute with
the GPS clock. i.e if the time in the GPS is 11:21:50, keep the time in the relay as
11:21:10. As soon as the time in the GPS clock reaches 11:22:00, ppm pulse will
synchronise the time in the relay to the GPS clock.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID REL 670

Testing Procedure for REL670

REL670 is a complete solution to Protection of a Transmission Line. Generally we are

using following features: -
1. Distance Protection comprising Five Independent Zones.

2. Over Voltage Stage I & II

3. Power Swing Detection, Blocking / Tripping.

4. Switch On to Fault (SOTF).

5. Stub Protection (Applicable in 4 CT schemes).

6. Directional Earth Fault (DEF).

7. Fuse Failure.

8. Fault Locator.

Also this relay is having in-built Disturbance Recorder having capacity to store 99

Detail of Relay under Test:

1. DC Input Voltage – 220V

2. CT Terminals - 3,4,5,6 Terminals of Test Handle.

3. CVT Terminals – 7, 8,9,10 Terminals of Test Handle.

Testing Instruments Required:

1. RELAY TEST KIT with Laptop.

2. Testing Leads

3. Digital Multi meter

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4. Screw driver Set

5. Test Handle as per the Relay Panel Scheme

Test Connections: -

1. Insert RTXP18 Test Handle in the Relay Test Block.

2. Connect Current Output of the Test Kit to the Test Handle at Terminals 3,4,5,6 in
sequence of R, Y, B and N respectively.

3. Connect Voltage Output of the Test Kit to the Test Handle at Terminals 7,8,9,10
in sequence of R, Y, B and N respectively.

4. Connect General Trip Output of the Relay as feedback to the Test Kit in Logic
Input (generally Input 1) of the Relay Test Kit.

5. Connect Laptop of the Testing kit with Relay Test Kit through the suitable
communication cable to the suitable port.

6. Connect 15A Single Phase AC Supply cable to the suitable 15A Power Socket.

Note: Before connecting supply Cable, check the grounding of the Power Socket.

Preparing the Relay Characteristic and Importing it in the Software:

1. Feed the Zone Settings in the Rio file maker provided with the Relay Test Kit
Relay Test Kit Software.

2. Click on Make Rio.

3. Then the “.rio” file will get generated save it at appropriate location.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID REL 670

4. Add a new Location by Right Clicking and select append then name it as Line

5. Open the Location and add the relay by appending and give Relay Name as Main
I / Main II, Serial No. as per actual, Manufacturer ABB and Model as REL670.

6. Open the Relay, Click on Relay parameters Tab and import the “.rio”. Then Click
on Test Plan tab and add the required Test by appending e.g. Reach Test.

7. Open the Test and append it as suitable Test name and give Test Type as required.

8. Now the Relay Testing Software is ready for Relay Testing.

Testing Procedure for Reach Test: -

1. Open the Software and go into the Test.

2. Then in Test Elements, Select Function Name as the imported “.rio”.

3. Select Zones for Ph-N and Ph-Ph Fault Loops.

4. Go in Test Configuration, Select Test Method as Constant Current, fix Desired

Test Current as 1A and Max acceptable Voltage as 90% of the rating, CT
direction as Towards Line (the voltage & current values are decided from Zone
reaches and maximum ratings of relays).

5. Go in Test Timing and Trigger Selection, Set Pre fault as 1000ms, Max Fault
should be kept more than Zone 3 Timing and Time between Shots as 200ms.

6. Also Select Trigger as Input 1 ( if first logic input of kit is used) for all type fault

7. Select Source Configuration as Three Voltages and Three Currents.

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8. Go in Test Points, Add Test Points by Double Clicking on the Boundary of each
Zone to be tested for Ph-N and Ph-Ph fault Types.

9. Go in Test, select Multi Point Shots and fault Type whichever to be tested. Then
Click on Play Button.

10. Now the Software will perform the Reach Test of the Relay as per Points added.

11. After Completion of the Click on save Button for saving the Test Results.

12. Go in Reports Tab, Click on Preview Button and Export it in the suitable format
and save it.

13. If doing manual testing in shot mode, then determine the zone reaches by applying
faults near zone boundaries and then observing the relay performance (operating
time etc.) through its contact used for feedback to the kit. This has to be done for
all fault loops (RN, YN, BN,RY, YB, BR) and all zones (Z1,Z2,Z3 & Rev.Z4/5).

Testing of Carrier Send Feature:

1. Connect Multi meter across Carrier Send Contacts of the Relay as per Relay
Scheme in DC Mode. 220V will appear on Multi meter.

2. Give Zone I Fault through Test Kit.

3. See the Voltage in the Multi meter, it will show Zero Voltage at the time fault

4. Also see the Disturbance Recorded in the DR for the Carrier Send Event.
Similarly, the counter increment in PLCC panel can also be observed. Further, if
the PLCC panel can be put in loop back mode (through Dummy Load), then after
applying Zone I Fault through Test Kit, pickup of carrier receive Relay/ ‘Opto’
can also be observed.

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Testing of Carrier Added Trip Feature: -

1. Short the Carrier Receive Terminals on the relay as per Relay Scheme and give
Zone-II fault.

2. In this case Relay should give tripping in slightly more than Zone-I timing (actual
time is of the order of 50-60ms), but it should be much less than Zone-2 time.

3. Also see the Disturbance Recorded in the DR for the Carrier Aided Tripping.
Similarly, the counter increment in PLCC panel can also be observed.

Testing of Fault Locator Feature:

1. Give the Ph-N and Ph-Ph fault at approximately at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
of Line Length.

2. Check for the Fault Location in the Local HMI of the Relay.

3. This Distance should match with the Theoretical Value.

Testing of External A/R feature in connection with REL 670: -

1. Close Main and Tie Circuit Breakers and ensure that there is no blocking
present for Auto Reclose Operation.

2. Give Ph-Earth Fault in Zone-I and observe the following in Yard and through

a) Tripping of the particular CB Pole in which the fault has been given.

b) Reclosing of the particular pole of Main Circuit Breaker after completion

of Dead Time.

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c) Reclosing of the particular pole of Tie Circuit Breaker after successful re-
closing of Main Circuit Breaker.

d) Give another Ph-Earth fault in Zone-I within Reclaim Time (generally kept
as 25 Sec), now Auto Reclose Relay will give Three Phase Tripping to
Both Main and Tie Circuit Breakers.

3. Give Ph-Ph Fault, in this case REL670 will give Blocking Command to A/R
Relay and A/R Relay will give Three Phase Tripping. The same has to be
confirmed from Yard and Disturbance Recorder also.

Testing of Fuse Failure Feature:

4. See the setting for voltage & current setting for fuse fail. Let us take both
setting of 3Uo & 3Io of set value.
5. Open the Software test tool in Relay Test Kit software. Set R &Y voltage
as 63.5 V and B as 0.0V. Set all the three phase current as 0.2 A.
6. Apply value to the relay. The relay should sense it as: Fuse fail” This can be
confirmed from HMI.

Testing can also be performed automatically in State Sequencer mode. The steps of
state sequencer are

i. Step 1-Healthy system 1

ii. Step 2-Fuse fail condition, whereas one voltage is stepped to zero volt
for long enough time for fuse fail function of relay to pick up.
iii. Step 3- Simulate an earth fault on same phase to verify that fuse fail
function BLOCK the trip signal.
iv. Step 4- Healthy system 2 that is exactly the same as step 1, use to reset
fuse fail state.
v. Step 5- Simulate an earth fault condition same as step 3 on same phase.
This time relay should trip as no fuse fail condition exist.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID REL 670

Testing of Over Voltage Stage I and Stage II Feature:

Generally over Voltage setting in any Relay is kept as 110% of the base value for
Stage I with time delay of 5 Sec and 150% of the Base Value with no delay for Stage
1. Open Test Software and add a Ramp Function, make all the three phase voltage as
63.5V and increase voltage in any of the phase in the step of 0.5V and wait for more
than 5 sec and see at what point relay is giving the tripping. It should give tripping
after the voltage crosses the mark of 69.5V for Stage I of the Over Voltage.
Afterwards, for determining actual pickup, fine increments (0.1 V) can be applied,
starting from say 69 Volts.

2. Confirm for the same through the DR option in Local HMI of the relay.

3. Same process has to be repeated for all the three phases.

4. The reset ratio (drop off/ pick up value) is also to be checked for Over Voltage stage-
1, by recording of drop off value. It should be of the order of 0.99.

5. Now to test Over Voltage Stage II, the steps will remain same as above, only applied
Voltage will be 150 % of the Base Value i.e. 95.25 and the tripping should be

Testing of Stub Feature (Applicable for 4CT scheme): -

a) Logic used for Stub protection in relay is as below

Line Isolator Open

I fault> I set
Trip Out


b) Checking of logic
(ii) Simulate LINE ISOLATOR OPEN condition
a) Open Software & Inject I fault < Iset , Relay should not give trip out
b) Open Software & Inject I fault > Iset , Relay should give trip out

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(iii) Simulate LINE ISOLATOR CLOSE condition

a) Open Software & Inject I fault > Iset , Relay should not give trip out

Testing of Switch on to Fault (SOTF) Feature:

1. Open Test Software, add a ramp function in the relay, make Va<20% of Base Value and
increase the value Ia such that it falls under the Zone II impedance value.

Note: Fuse Failure should be kept as OFF otherwise it will block the start of Zone function.
2. Make Offset Current as 0.1A and Delta Current as 0.05A and Current limit as 0.5A.

3. Click the Play button and see the Actual Current at which Relay is giving tripping.

4. This also has to be confirmed by the DR in Local HMI of the Relay.

5. Alternately, make pre-fault time as zero & then apply one zone-2 fault and relay should
operate instantaneously in SOTF. For this Fuse Failure feature is not required to be kept
as OFF.

Testing of Directional Earth Fault (DEF) Feature:

1. Make any R, Y Voltage as Base Voltage and B as 40% of Base Voltage and Current

2. in R, Y phase as 0.3A and B phase current as >=20% of Base Value.

3. Now set Phase Angle between Vb and Ib such that it varies between +/- 90 Deg with
respect to RCA.

4. Now click on play button and calculate the trip time with the help of timer.

5. Now repeat the procedure increasing value of current.

6. Repeat the above steps 1 to 4 for other two phases.

7. The results thus obtained should follow Normal Inverse Curve.

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Testing of Power Swing Block (PSB) Feature: -

2. Open Test Software, add a State Simulation Characteristic in the Relay. Open Relay ramp function in
the relay, Set all the three phase voltages as Action V and set all the three currents as 1 Amp. Select
ramp as two step. Set initial value of voltage such as (V/I) value should start from greater value than Z-3
settings. For REL 670 decrement of voltage to be set as 1V and delta time to be set as 100ms. The
minimum value of voltage in step 1 should be such that it should not enter to Zone 1 impedance setting.
In the step 2 increment of voltage to be set as 1V and time as 100ms up to the set value as per step one.

3. Now, run the test and verify with the DR and LED indication of the relay.

4. The same test may also be carried out manually with control panel.

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Prepared by NRTS-I, POWERGRID RET670


RET 670

A very fast differential protection function, with automatic CT ratio matching and vector group
compensation, makes this IED the ideal solution even for the most demanding applications. It is
suitable for differential applications with multi-breaker arrangements with up to six restraint CT
inputs. The differential protection function is provided with 2nd harmonic and wave-block restraint
features to avoid tripping for magnetizing inrush, and5th harmonic restraint to avoid tripping for over
The following protection features of RET 670 are mainly used at POWERGRID S/s.

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1. Differential Protection.

2. Restricted Earth Fault (REF) Protection .

It has following Front LEDs

(i) Green: Glowing when relay is Ready

(ii) Yellow : Will glow in case of Alarm

(iii) Red:- Will glow in case of Trip

1. List of Equipment required for Test :

(i) Test Plug handle -01 No

(ii) Test Leads for connection between test Kit & Test Plug Handle

(iii) Relay Test Kit.


(i) Connect the 1-Phase Ac supply to relay test Kit

(ii) Connect the Testing lead in the Current terminal of the Testing Kit & Connect the
earthing of kit.

(iii) Insert the Test handle in the test switch

(iv) Short the CT at field Side on Terminal Block and open the link

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(i) Connect the voltage out put of the Relay test Kit or Single Phase Variac in Test terminal No- 3 & 6 of test
handle after the stabilizing resistor.
(ii) Connect the Voltmeter in parallel of the input to measure the test voltage.
(iii) Set the alarm timer as Zero (0 ) initially for checking the alarm operating voltage.
(iv) Set the Voltage in the kit lower than the set value in relay.
(v) Slowly increase the voltage.
(vi) Note down the voltage at which alarm appear & Yellow LED glow on relay.
(vii) Slow down the voltage and note down at which the alarm reset.
(viii) Repeat the same procedure for Y&B phase after changing the input on test handle to 4 &
6 and 5 & 6 respectively.


(i) Now set the alarm time as per setting.

(ii) Connect the timer with the potential free alarm contact of relay to measure the time of operation of relay.

(iii) Set the operating voltage in test kit at which alarm appear.

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(iv) Start the test

(v) Relay will pick up and will trip after the set delay.
(vi) Note down the time of operation.
(vii) Repeat the same procedure for Y&B phase after changing the all input on test handle to 4 & 6 and
5&6 respectively.


(i) Connect the voltage out put of the Relay test Kit or Single Phase Variac in Test terminal
No- 3 & 6 of test handle after the stabilizing resistor.
(ii) Connect the Voltmeter in parallel of the input to measure the test voltage.
(iii)Set the Voltage in the kit lower than the set value in relay.
(iv) Slowly increase the voltage.
(v) Note down the voltage at which Trip appear & Yellow LED glow on relay
(vi) Reduce the voltage and note down at which the Trip reset.
(vii) Repeat the same procedure for Y&B phase after changing the input on test handle to 4 & 6
and 5&6 respectively.


(i) Connect the timer with the potential free Trip contact of relay to measure the time of operation of relay.
(ii) Set the operating voltage in test kit at which trip appear.

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(iii)Start the test

(iv) Relay will pick up and will trip after a delay

(v) Note down the time of operation.

(vi) Repeat the same procedure for Y&B phase after changing the input on test handle
to 4 & 6 and 5&6 respectively.

Note: Carefully assign the output binary contact of the relay in case of operation of
Differential Trip as per logic and wiring done on the output contacts in order to avoid the
wrong operation.
• Check for binary output configuration is mandatory before testing.

Restricted Earth Fault (REF) :

(i) Connect the voltage out put of the Relay test Kit or Single Phase Variac in Test terminal No- 3 & 4 of test
handle after the stabilizing resistor.
(ii) Connect the Voltmeter in parallel of the input to measure the test voltage.
(iii)Set the alarm timer as Zero (0 ) initially for checking the alarm operating voltage.
(iv) Set the Voltage in the kit lower than the set value in relay.
(v) Slowly increase the voltage.
(vi) Note down the voltage at which alarm appear & Yellow LED glow on relay
(vii) Reduce the voltage and note down at which the alarm reset.

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(i) Now set the alarm time as per setting.

(ii) Connect the timer with the potential free alarm contact of relay to measure the time of operation of relay.
(iii)Set the operating voltage in test kit at which alarm appear.
(iv) Start the test.
(v) Relay will pick up and will initiate alarm after the set delay.
(vi) Note down the time of operation.

(i) Connect the voltage out put of the Relay test Kit or Single Phase Variac in Test terminal No- 3 & 4 of test
handle after the stabilizing resistor.

(ii) Connect the Voltmeter in parallel of the input to measure the test voltage.
(iii) Set the Voltage in the kit lower than the set value in relay.
(iv) Slowly increase the voltage.
(v) Note down the voltage at which Trip appear & Red LED glow on relay.
(vi) Reduce the voltage and note down at which the Trip reset.

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(i) Connect the timer with the potential free Trip contact of relay to measure the time of operation of relay.

(ii) Set the operating voltage in test kit at which trip appear.

(iii)Start the test

(iv) Relay will pick up and will trip after a delay

(v) Note down the time of operation.

Note: Carefully assign the output binary contact of the relay in case of operation of REF Trip
as per logic and wiring done on the output contacts in order to avoid the wrong operation.
• Check for binary output configuration is mandatory before testing.

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(i) Switch off the Test Kit & remove the all testing leads
(ii) Make through the CT inputs.
(iii)Observe the relay for no operation.
(iv) Observe all the Trip & Alarm LED are reset.

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Type of Check: Pre-commissioning /Annual/Breakdown

Date & Time of Test:


Name of Sub station:

Bay No :-
Name of Relay:
Make of Relay:
Type of Relay:
Relay Sr. No:
Relay Model No:
CT Ratio:
Rated Current:


Test Kit Type:

Test Kit Sr. No:-
Model No:-
Voltmeter Sr .No:-
Timer Sr. No:-

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Activated Group : Group1

Operation : ON
: Setting for the Alarm to be generated in volts.
Normally kept 10% of U > Trip
T Alarm : Time Delay for Alarm
U> Trip : Setting of Trip in Volts
Series Resistor : Value of the Stabilizing series resistor


Phase Test Handle Alarm Result Value of LED

Terminal Set Value Set Time Operated Operated Stabilizing Indication
No (V) Value Time (msec) Resistor
R 3-6
Y 4-6
B 5-6


Trip Time : Instantaneous

Phase Test Handle Alarm Result Value of LED
Terminal Set Value Operated Operated Time (msec) Stabilizing Indication
No (V) Value (V) Resistor
R 3-6
Y 4-6
B 5-6

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S.N Test Handle Alarm Result Value of LED

Terminal Set Value Set Time Operated Operated Stabilizing Indication
No (V) Value (V) Time Resistor
1 4-6

17. Format for REF Trip Check :

Trip Time : Instantaneous
Phase Test Handle Alarm Result Value of LED
Terminal Set Value Operated Operated Time Stabilizing Indication
No (V) Value (V) (msec) Resistor
1 4-6

18. General Check :

a. 220 V DC supply Input:-
(Measure across terminal 1 & 18 of test Handle)
b. Annunciation Check:-
c. Event Check:-
d. Trip Logic Check as per Drawing:-
e. DR check:-

Signature of Testing Engineer Signature of S/s In charge

Emp No-

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60


Test to be done on T60 Relay:

(i) Pickup test for Winding1

(ii) Pickup test for winding2
(iii)Slope Characteristic test
(iv) 2nd Harmonic & 5th Harmonic restraint tests

Required Items for testing

(i) Automatic Relay test kit
(ii) Test Handles
(iii)CT & PT leads
(iv) Laptop
(v) Screw driver set

Preparation Before Testing :

Refer the Protection Scheme & as per the scheme test handle has to be inserted in the desired test
block. In Areva test handle, CT has to be shorted externally through shorting links provided with the
handle, before inserting the test handle in the test plug.
The shorting links to be inserted in BLK A of T60 Relay at S3,S4,S5,S6 for HV side CTs & in BLK
B of T60 relay S3,S4,S5,S6 for MV side CTs. Insert BLK–C for isolation of the tripping through
differential relay ,connect link between S2 R2 of BLK-A & S2 R2 of BLK-B for extending DC
supply to the relay . For the feed back connect one lead at R1 of Test block A and U2C terminal of
relay which is spare & has been assigned, signal “Transformer Protection ON” .
For voltage connection to the relay connect voltage lead of the relay test kit at R9 ,R8 of test BLK- A

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60

Individual Pickup Test

This test can be performed by the Ramp module of control Panel by ramping each current.
To test the Individual Pickup using Ramp module following steps are required .
1. Open test .
2. Open data base file .
3. Right click on Date base & click Append.
4. Rename location.
5. Open location & then create Relay & rename it.
6. Fill serial no . , manufacturer - GE & model - T60.
7. Click on Relay go to test plan & connection & signals.
8. Select 6 currents (Right Bank) & then save .
9. Append test plan & then append test, name it as individual pick up .
10. Select test type as Ramp & then go to Ramp module.
11. Select Ramp type as Current ,amplitude , step no of Ramps 1.
12. Select source configuration as 6 currents (Right Bank) &Trigger input 1
13. In sources fill action in IA ,IB,IC under amplitude, phase angle 0 , 240 ,120 & frequency 50
Hz .
14. Enter action details –offset current 0.1 Amp, Offset current duration 30 cycle ,Delta current
0.01 amp , delta time 10 cycles & current limit 0.25 Amp.
15. In Measurements fill Test objective HV side, Expected -I = 0.18 Amp (near pick up value).
16. After each tripping generated by the relay push reset button in relay given in the front of
relay, otherwise there will be a sense check error message in the kit due to permanent
closure of Binary output.
17. Run the Test & record Actual Current .
18. Repeat the test for MV side .

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Slope Test :
The typical setting for the differential function is as under
Min pick up - 0.2 P.U.
Slope-1 - 25%
Slope -2 - 80%

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Break 1 - 2.00 P.U.

Break2 - 8.00 P.U.

1 .To check the slope by injecting the Wdg1 & wdg2 currents and calculating slope by
taking ratio of Idiff & Ires .
(i) Open control panel.
(ii) Select source configuration as 6 currents.
(iii)Enter the following set of currents in IA,IB,IC & Ia,Ib,Ic respectively.
A 1Amp, 0deg 1.135Amp, 180deg 0 1.136
BALANCED Relay will not
B 1Amp,-120deg 1.135Amp, 60deg
C 1Amp,120 deg 1.135Amp,300deg
A 0, 0 deg 0, 0 deg Id/Ir = 43
0.43A 1A Relay will
0.5, 0 deg 1, -180deg Operate
C 0.5, -180deg 1, 0 deg
A 0, 0 deg 0, 0 deg Id/Ir = 20
0.20A 1A Relay will Not
0.7, 0 deg 1, -180deg Operate
C 0.7, -180deg 1, 0 deg
A 0, 0 deg 0, 0 deg Id/Ir = 24.8
0.247A 1A Relay will
0.65, 0 deg 1, -180deg Operate
C 0.65, -180deg 1, 0 deg
A 0.65, 0 deg 0, 180 deg Id/Ir = 26
0.262A 1A Relay will
0.65, -120 deg 1, 60deg Operate
C 0.65, 120deg 1, 300 deg
A 1.587, 0 deg 9, 180 deg Id/Ir = 80
1.587, -120 7.19A 8.99A Relay will Not
deg 9, 60deg Operate
C 1.587, 120deg 9, 300 deg

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60

Ratio of Idiff/Ires ensures the Slope of the characteristics.

2. To test the Slope through Relay Test Kit test Kit the characteristics has to be drawn in the Test kit
software, The characteristics is cubic spline and can be drawn in the kit by taking points on I bias & I
diff coordinates .These points will be available in Enervista UR setup under setting of T60 relay
under setting ,Group1 ,Transformer percentage differential ,click on view graph and note different
points on the graph & follow the steps given below :
(i) Open test .
(ii) Add new relay name it as T60 ,enter serial no of relay Model T60, manufacturer
(iii)In relay parameters add differential function .
(iv) Open the differential function and go to compensation setting.
(v) In compensation setting select Relay type as three phase & no of relay windings
(vi) Enter Nominal current 1 Amp for Winding 1 & 2
(vii) Enter ratio compensation 2.205 for Wdg1 & 1.193 for Wdg2. For 315
MVA 400/220KV ICT ( considering HV CT as 1000/1 and MV CT 1600/1)
(viii) Enter vector comp Ydyo in both Wdg1 & Wdg2 & select relay internal
(ix) GO to differential function & click on Id> & then Modify
(x) Enter pickup value of 0.2 (typical Setting).
(xi) Select characteristics General I bias Vs I Diff
(xii) In characteristic line segment enter points for characteristics as noted
from enervista URPC setup
(xiii) In differential function select I bias calculation as Max Ip .Is

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60

(xiv) Close it and then go to test plan & in test select test type as Diff char.
(xv) Select test time & trigger selection and trigger as input1 for A ,B ,C elements.

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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60

(xvi) Select test element and enter ,Primary ,secondary winding & relay element

(xvii) Select test points and double click at different points of graph for selecting points :

(xviii) Select test & then select elements A,B & C & then Run .


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Prepared by WRTS-II, POWERGRID T60

Second harmonic restraint test :

This test can be performed using relay test kit software; follow the steps as under:
(i) Open respective software of relay test kit .
(ii) Select stage 1 and enter the current values 1 amps ,phase angle & nominal Frequency of 50 Hz .
(iii)Enter time 0.6 seconds & click on Harmonics, a pop up window will open.
(iv) Click on second harmonic & enter percentage as 16%
(v) Now run the test.

Over excitation function check :

This test can be performed using the control panel
Typical Setting of the relay.
Pickup stage 1 = 1.1
Pick up stage 2= 1.14

(i) Open control panel

(ii) Inject voltage 70.5 volts at 50 Hz - stage 1 of relay should pickup & operate
(iii)Now inject 72.5 volts at 50 Hz – Stage 2 of the relay should pickup & operate.


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