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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 9 – Emerald
March 11, 2019

Learning Competencies
H2IS-IVa-12 - discusses one’s right and responsibilities for safety

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should able to:
a. Discuss injury and intentional injuries
b. Demonstrate the different types and characteristics of intentional injuries
c. Value the importance of prevention and control intentional injuries in daily
life situation
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Injury (intentional Injuries)
Reference: physical Education & Health learner’s material page 368 – 386
III. Procedure
a. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Attendance
4. Motivation ( 10mins ) Earthquake drill
Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed in our activity?
2. What will occur during earthquake?
3. Based on our activity, what do you think is our lesson for

Present the Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should able to:
a. Discuss injury and intentional injuries
b. Demonstrate the different types and characteristics of intentional injuries
c. Value the importance of prevention and control intentional injuries in daily
life situation
b. Lesson Proper
A. Activity 1: Picture Analysis (Group 1-3)
B. Activity 2: Hurados Time (Group 4-7)

c. Application (10mins)
Presentation of group activity.

d. Generalization (oral recitation) 3mins (go back to the objectives)

1. What have you learned from our discussion today?
2. Why it is important to prevent and control the injuries in your
daily life situation?
IV. Evaluation
Based on the group activity. Please see attached rubrics

In a ½ sheet of paper, research other examples of intentional injuries.

Prepared by:


MAPEH Teacher
Checked by:

Master Teacher I

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