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(By: Jojo C. Pinca)

I must begin in this document by stating that I love the Philippines because this is my
country; I love it despite of its imperfections, weaknesses and sad history. My allegiance
to this nation (composed of more than seven thousand and one hundred islands) is
unquestionable. In this group of islands geographically situated at the South East of
Asia is where I was born, grew up and this is where I shall die. My commitment,
dedication and loyalty belong to the Philippines. I am aware of the fact that many
Filipinos hated this country because it’s weak, poor and the politicians are corrupt and
criminalities are rampant. It is sad to say this, but I can’t blame them for hating this
country; in fact, I agree with their observations. This nation is indeed rotten and it needs
to be re-structured.

The Philippines is not a poor country; in fact, we are rich in natural resources and our
people are industrious and the majorities of them are educated. The problem with the
Filipino people in general is that they’re gullible and they can easily be fooled by the
politicians, religious leaders, mainstream media, and by the oligarchs. On top of that,
many of the Filipino people in our generations are ardent admirers of the Western
culture (European and American). The ostensible colonial mentality of the Filipino
people is still in their so called “system of thinking”. This is one of the many reasons why
many Filipino people prefer to work and to stay in abroad. Hence, they would rather
endure the cruelty, the racial hatred, and the violence that’s being perpetrated against
them by the ‘native people’ in their preferred country than to stay here in the Philippines.

The history of the Filipino people is sad because we were colonized and raped by
foreign powers repeatedly. The Spaniards, the British, the Japanese all of them, they
have enslaved us. At present, as you can see the economy of our country was hijacked
by the Chinese oligarchs. The owners of big lands and big businesses in this country
predominantly are Chinese; on the contrary, it’s the Filipino people who are now living in
the squatter’s area and working as laborers for their Chinese masters. The Spaniards
was defeated in the revolution but they won the peace and they were able to maintain
the hordes of profits that they have stolen from the Filipino people. The same thing was
done to us by the Americans; they raped our country for more than a hundred years.

The type of politicians that we have in today’s generation is a bunch of useless people.
They either fall into one of these categories: cowards, thieves and idiots. Coward
politicians, are subservient to foreign power (example: the United States of America),
they have no intention to defend this country and the interest thereof because their
primary objective is to serve their foreign masters. The Philippine government is also
filled with thieves and robbers. The main target of this group of people is no other than
to make their belly full. Their masters are the oligarchs in this country. They’re serving
the interest of the capitalist pigs in this nation. The idiot politicians on the other hand are
also dangerous because their stupidity often than not is lethal and inimical to the

There’s no democracy in this country. The so-called democracy in the Philippines is
nothing but a figment of imagination. What we have here in this godforsaken country is
plutocracy (system of government being operated secretly by the oligarchs and their
lackeys). The rich people are controlling this wretched country. The rich people are the
boss of the politicians and so-called civil servants. This is the reality of our every day’s
life. Abraham Lincoln one of the few greatest presidents that the United States of
America had ever had defined the essence of democracy in his Gettysburg Address,
when he succinctly stated that “the government of the people, by the people and for the
people shall not perish from the earth”. This is supposed to be the fundamental nature
of democracy. On the contrary the kind of government that we have is actually
composed of the rich people, it is made by the rich people and it is being maintained for
the benefit of the few rich people.

The communist people under the leadership of “comrade” Crisanto Evangelista the
great labor leader and the “Father of Philippine Communism” fought the bourgeoisie
and he defended the working class in his time, unfortunately he failed. The Socialists
Party under Pedro Abad Santos and Luis Taruc likewise failed to defend the peasants.
The leadership of the Lava Brothers (who replaced Evangelista) also failed because of
their weaknesses. Then Jose Maria Sison came, he introduced the Maoist version of
communism. But where is Sison now and what happened to his revolution? Joma Sison
will die an old and frustrated man in Europe as an exile. His vision of winning the armed
revolution through protracted war will not happen.

Aside from the oligarchs and the politicians the third problem of this country is religion.
Religion actually, is not a business organization yet it is the most lucrative money-
making scheme in the Philippines. Religion is neither a government nor a part of it (it
was supposed to be separated from the government according to the constitution).
However, religion is always operating at the back of the politicians; in effect they are
influencing and controlling the system of governance in the Philippines. Therefore, it’s a
money-making organization and powerful at the same time. In fact, religion was the
prime weapon used against us by the Spaniards – this is the main reason why they
were successful in colonizing this island. Religion is also one of the reasons why many
Filipinos are superstitious, why many are acting in a stupid way despite of their social
status and education, and religion is the reason why many people in this country are
counterproductive (instead of working, they prefer praying). Religious leaders are
morally corrupt and bankrupt. The sad thing is that their members keep on following

Like the communists rebels I also believe that we need a revolution to change the awful
and stinking political and economic system in the Philippines. However, my concept of
launching the revolution is different from the type of revolution that the communists are
advocating. Once in my life I’ve became a fan and sympathizer of the communist’s
revolution (since I am always on the radical side of history). Nevertheless, as times
goes by and as I study more about history and ideologies, I realized that there is a much
better alternative aside from communism. This is the reason why I labored so much in
the writing of this document because I want to discuss that alternative (which is not
actually new to the Filipino people) and I want to share it to others for the benefit of the
people in general. Thanks, that there is an internet now.

With the advent of the internet power in this country, the ordinary yet opinionated people
from the grass-root level have found a fastest way to share their respective points of
view about politics. I am one of those ordinary people from the grass-root level who
wants to share my political point of view with the hope that somehow, I can be of help to
my beloved country. I am not a crusader or a revolutionary leader; I am just an ordinary
observer and student of history. I’m neither a political scientist nor a philosopher. My
words and sentences that I’ve used in this document are very ordinary. Nevertheless,
as a Filipino I believe that I have the right to express my humble opinion about this
country and to share my idea how to change the structure of our existing political
system. Some of my points of view may not be acceptable to the readers yet these are
my personal opinions and I believe that I am entitled to my own perspectives.

I wrote this document because I want to “pave” the way for the upcoming radical change
that I am envisioning for this country. I arrived at the opinion that I will not live that long
to witness the realization of this prophetic changes since the achievement of any
genuine change takes time (100 years or more). I’m not a monster or a devil however I
am not also a meek lamb. I wrote this document because I need to write it and there’s
no other way for me to write it better; I have to be harsh in order to make my point. In
my opinion, the problem with many Filipino readers is that the greater part of them is
composed of emotional people. They will crucify you once you wrote down your idea.
This is how cruel my compatriots are. Actually, you don’t need to agree with me but we
don’t need to fight either; there’s no need for you to insult me. I believe that we are all
supporters of our respective ideologies. Please read this document with open eyes and
with an open heart. The philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said “if we’re related, we
shall meet”.



“Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power,

forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy,
which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe”. - Wikipedia

We don’t need democracy in the Philippines; we were convinced by the politicians that
we are living in a democratic form of government but were not. What we have here in
the Philippines is plutocracy or the government of the rich. Almost all the politicians are
rich people and the not so rich of these politicians are subservient to the behest of the
oligarchs. And what the rich people do to this country? They’re exploiting this nation and
they’re hiding behind the skirt they call democracy. The communists tried to fight the
rich people however they failed and they will never be successful; later on, I will tell you
why. Even the electoral system in this country was designed for the rich people only; if
you have no “sufficient” amount of money for your campaign you will not be allowed to
run into the public office. Now, if you dare to pursue your plan, the Commission on
Election (COMELEC) will declare you as a nuisance candidate.

The Filipino people, they don’t deserve this “animal” called democracy because they
don’t know how to use it and they don’t know how to take care of it. Truth be told, the
Filipino people in general are gullible, easily fooled and stupid people. This is
manifested in the manner they choose their politicians. They prefer the good-looking

face of an actor or an actress without even evaluating the political capability of that actor
or actress who is seeking the public office. The Filipino voters are addict when it comes
to popularity; this is how dumb and stupid the Filipino voters are. Aside from that, it’s an
open secret that until today, many of the masses are still selling their votes to the
highest bidding candidate. This is common in the provincial areas. Another form of
stupidity that is common among the Filipino voters is called “religious bloc voting”.
Under this insane system the voter is not allowed to choose his candidate because he is
obliged to vote for the candidate that was already favored by his religious organization.
This is how unintelligent and dim-witted the Filipino voters are. Who benefits from this
utter stupidity of the masses? The asshole politicians of course, who else? For this
reason, the essence of democracy sad to say is being bastardized and prostituted not
only by the politicians but by the masses too. Hence, I say we don’t need democracy in
this country; we’re not fit for this system. I believe that the kind of political system that
we need in this country is no other than Fascism.

We need to have a benevolent dictatorial government the kind of government with

fangs. We need a government who can control the oligarchs; the type of government
who will ruthlessly crush the communist rebels, Muslim terrorists and all kinds of
insurgents; the government who will have no qualms in killing criminals. We need to
have a government who will be ready to suppress the opposition; and a type of
government who can implement strong regimentation of the society and the economy.
The governments of the so-called democratic presidents (here in the Philippines) were
all pussy, why? Because, their leaders are either effeminate or had “no balls” at all. We
don’t need them. We need strong leaders; we need fascist leaders. We need fascist
leaders who will not bow to the Americans, Europeans or to the Chinese. We need a
fascist leader whom we can call a “benevolent dictator” just like Lee Kuan Yew of

We need a strong leader who isn’t afraid to fight for the Philippines; a leader who will
not kowtow to foreign powers. We need a man not a woman leader. In the Philippines
the reputation of a woman leader is not good. Killing the enemy would be an inevitable
part of the leader’s duty. Yes, if necessary, the strong leader shouldn’t hesitate to kill
anybody who will oppose him. The life of a scumbag should be treated like a worthless
mad dog. Apparently, in this country the women have no stomach for killing. They are
still clinging to the Maria Clara image that was invented for them by Jose Rizal.

I have no problem with the real democracy, as a political ideology democracy is good.
However, the Filipino people are not ready to enjoy this kind of political system. What
the Filipino people really need is a system of strict discipline accompanied by brutal
force. This is the sad reality.


Indeed, Fascism failed in history not only in abroad but also here in the Philippines.
Let’s take a look why this happened. First of all, they failed because they launched the
Second World War that killed millions of people all over the world. The second reason
for their failure is because Adolf Hitler advocated the policy of ‘hating the Jews’ to the
maximum level and at the same time he systematically planned and tried to annihilate
these people. If he had been contented in deporting the Jews out of Germany (this is
the original plan of the Nazi), Hitler for sure will not go down. Benito Mussolini also
acted like a mad dog by supporting the genocidal policy of his best friend Adolf Hitler as
manifested in their so-called “Pact of Steel” also known as the Berlin-Rome Axis. The
Japanese on the other hand, under the leadership Emperor Hirohito pushed his
expansionist policy that he dubbed as “Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”. Going back
to Hitler, I didn’t say that Hitler was wrong in targeting the Jews. Hitler has all the rights
to be against the Jews because these people were then sucking the economy of
Germany. This is also the reason why many countries in Europe hated the Jews; they
ought to be hated because they’re suckers. I am not an anti-Semite and I am not
accusing these people I am merely stating a fact. Look what they’re doing right now at
Palestine. They occupied the land of the Palestinian people by force and they’re now
killing the Palestinian children. However, Adolf Hitler made a serious miscalculation
when he implemented the “Final Solution”.

Here in the Philippines, we had Benigno Ramos the founder of the GANAP political
party. The main strategic line of this political party was purely anti-American and anti-
Imperialist. They were also attacking the pro-American Filipino politicians like Manuel
Quezon. The GANAP party gained thousands of adherents and won many seats in the
government. When the Second World War came to the Philippines, Benigno Ramos
sided with the Japanese (his fellow Fascists) and he created the KALIBAPI or
Laurel and other politicians joined in this new political party that was actually sponsored
by the Japanese invading forces. Because the axis-power was defeated in the war
Benigno Ramos was labeled as a traitor. Aside from the GANAP and the KALIBAPI
parties we also had in 1936 the “PHILIPPINE FALANGE” also known as “JUNTAS
NACIONALES ESPAÑOLA” headed by the Spanish businessman Don Andres Soriano.
However, due to internal struggle among its members the PHILIPPINE FALANGE was
dissolved. The group was essentially created and was patterned in the FALANGE
SINDICALISTA (Traditionalists Spanish Phalanx of the Councils of the National
Syndicalist Offensive) headed by General Francisco Franco of Spain. In fact, it was
being supported monetarily by the Spanish government of Generalissimo Franco.

In a nutshell, Fascism failed in history mainly because the abovementioned leaders

were either megalomaniacal, racists or expansionist conquerors. They were not
contented in improving the lives of their own people they go beyond that boundary.
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler acted not as “normal” fascists leaders instead they
acted like mad dogs. Emperor Hirohito failed because he wanted to dominate the other
countries in South East Asia region. On the local scene Benigno Ramos started his
political party with the aim of freeing his beloved Philippines from the manacle of
American imperialism; he wanted to overthrow the Americans and their lackeys from
this country because Ramos knew that these Americans were the one who were
exploiting the Philippines. Sad to say, he made a tactical error when he supported the
Japanese invaders. There’s no amount of justification that will vindicate Benigno
Ramos. They say that history is written by the victors. History has already judged
Benigno Ramos, he was found guilty for committing the crime of treason against the
Republic of the Philippines. In the case of Don Andres Soriano his PHILIPPINE
FALANGE went nowhere because obviously Mr. Soriano was not a politician by heart
but rather a businessman. When the “power struggle” occurs inside his organization
Don Andres did nothing to resolve the issue, probably because he was not really
interested in resolving the issue. The foregoing, are the reasons why Fascism failed in
history. The good thing is that it is now being revived in many countries and here in the


We had Ferdinand Edralin Marcos in the past and we have now Rodrigo Roa Duterte;
we can do it again. Whether they will accept it or not, they, Marcos and Duterte belongs
to the so-called ultra-nationalists’ politicians or what we commonly called fascists
leaders. The voters of Duterte and Marcos of course didn’t use the term fascists when
they choose and voted for their candidates; plainly because after the Second World War
the word “fascist” was given a pejorative definition. Instead, when people are asked as
to what is the main reason why they like Marcos and Duterte, their ready answer would
always be in this manner: because they’re strong men. This is the reality in the
Philippines, lots of Filipino electorates who are sick and tired about the so-called system
of democracy, they don’t probably realize it but majority of them are actually turning to
fascism and we can’t blame them. They can see the comparison, now they knew that
Marcos and Duterte were the only two politicians in this country with “balls”. Marcos and
Duterte were not perfect leaders yet I prefer their leadership compared to the leadership
of other past presidents. The strong characters of these two leaders are very admirable.
As I said, we’ve done it twice, we can do it again. We can still elect in the future strong
leaders that are similar to Marcos and Duterte. Though for the record I must state that I
am not happy in the way Duterte is playing his game with China. Nevertheless, his
strong character is more impressive compared to his ostensible shortcomings.


As defined by Wikipedia a “Benevolent Dictatorship” is “a government which an

authoritarian leader exercises absolute political power over the state but is perceived to
do so with regard for the benefit of the population as a whole, standing in contrast to the
decidedly malevolent stereotype of a dictator who focuses on their supporters and self-
interests”. A good example of this is the late authoritarian leader of Singapore Mr. Lee
Kuan Yew. The following are the traits of a benevolent dictator, to wit:

He is like a good rancher – the benevolent dictator that we need in the Philippines
should act like a good rancher. The good rancher knew how to feed his cattle and he
knew very well how to defend his cattle when the wolves or the lions attack them.

Is not afraid to confront foreign power – the ideal benevolent dictator shouldn’t be afraid
to confront foreign power diplomatically and militarily speaking. When foreign powers
are offending the Filipino people, the benevolent dictator knew how to defend his
people. He is not like the former president Noy-Noy Aquino who did nothing while the
Malaysian army was slaughtering the Tausug people (under the leadership of
Rajamuda Kiram) who went to Sabah to re-assert their claim of ownership over the
island. While the Malaysian air force was then launching successive airstrikes and their
ground troops were advancing to the stronghold of the Tausug people, the then
“fearless” leader of the Filipino people, Noy-Noy Aquino was smiling like a sissy girl on
the television. As I was writing this document it was reported that Noy-Noy Aquino died
last June 24, 2021 and apparently the cause of death is Lung Cancer. Well, I did not
respect him in his lifetime, why should I respect him now that he’s dead? This is my
message for you P-NOY: rot in hell you bastard.
He is a secular leader – the benevolent dictator is not a slave of religion; he knew that
religion has no rights to interfere with politics. That’s why the good dictator is not afraid
to attack religion if necessary. The good dictator knew that religious leaders and their
preachers are like low life sucking maggots.

A unifying symbol – the benevolent dictator is a unifying factor; he knew how to unite
the people from all levels and walks of life. He knew how to join together all these
diversities under one banner.

Knows how to wield absolute power for the benefit of the people – the benevolent
dictator is powerful yet he is not abusing that power; instead, he’s using it to serve the
people. Like Lee Kuan Yew the benevolent dictator is using his absolute power to
enhance the life of his people.

Proponent of modernization – the benevolent dictator is an advocate of modernization

because he knew that in order to be competitive the Philippines must embark in
modernization particularly in the following fields: education, business, economics,
agrarian, military, science and technology, internet and computer etcetera and etcetera.

He knew how to silence the media – the benevolent dictator is aware of the fact that the
mainstream media is like a snake pit. That the mouth of the news casters, anchor
persons, television and radio commentators and the writings of the columnists are full of
venom. The benevolent dictator knew that the people in the mainstream media are
nothing but tools of the oligarchs; they are not really serving the interest of the people
rather they’re serving the interests of their masters: the oligarchs. The benevolent
dictator knew very well that the mainstream media people are good in compromising
their principles for personal gain and experts in bastardizing the “Holy Grail” called
“Freedom of Expression” in order to malign other people. Therefore, the benevolent
dictator knows how to handle and silenced these bastards.

Good commander in-chief – the benevolent dictator knew that in order to protect the
nation and his people he must have a substantial number of police and military. Without
these forces the leadership of the dictator will always be in danger.

Knew how to destroy the opposition – the opposition is a menace to the benevolent
dictator; no matter what he does the opposition will always find a way to destroy the
good leader. Therefore, for his own peace of mind and in order not to hamper the
progress of the nation the good dictator knew that the opposition must be destroyed.

He can be ruthless whenever it is necessary – the good dictator knew that being
ruthless is sometimes necessary in order to do justice. Therefore, it is indispensable for
the benevolent leader to impose death sentence in order to make a point. A good
example of this was the execution (by means of firing squad) of Lim Sing the Chinese
drug-lord during the time of then president Ferdinand E. Marcos.


From the inception of this idea to the creation of a legitimate fascist political party in the
Philippines; with the indoctrination of the masses; to include the massive recruitment of
the members; the selection of candidates for the local and national level; and until we
finally have a fascist president who will seat in the Malacañang Palace – all these
processes will take at least Fifteen (15) to Twenty (20) years to make this project
possible; this is a realistic view. This is just my humble estimation; of course, this
timeline can be adjusted anytime. The election of Ferdinand Edralin Marcos and
Rodrigo Roa Duterte were made under the banner of liberal democracy. What I am
suggesting in this re-structuring project is that I want a real fascist party to emerge and
to win the political power. Marcos and Duterte were ultra-nationalists (there’s no doubt
about it) however they were deeply implanted in a political system and party that was
branded as “democratic”. Hence, they cannot fully exercise their true fascist ideology;
one way or another they have no choice but to be subtle in order to get along with the
others. Vis-à-vis, I am envisioning the emergence of a true fascist political party with
genuine fascist members and leader to march proudly into the road of power. Just like
what happened in Italy with Benito Mussolini, in Germany with Adolf Hitler and in Britain
with Oswald Mosley.


The main agenda of the fascist political party in the Philippines is to improve the lives of
the Filipino people and to make this country strong economically and militarily speaking.
This is the patriotic duty of every fascist Filipino: nationalism above anything else,
defend the Filipino people and defend the Philippines. The fascist agenda can be
summarized as follows:

Better homeland security. After the shameful EDSA 1 “People Power” revolt the number
of the armed forces and the police was significantly reduced by the government of
Corazon Aquino. As a result, the security and defense of the Philippines was weakened.
Aquino made these changes because she hated the military and the police; she blamed
these institutions for incarcerating his husband the late Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino
who was an ardent supporter of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed
wing the New People’s Army. In the fascist agenda, we shall prioritize the re-
strengthening of the military and the police force. Economic progress is impossible to
achieve without security in the homeland. Business investors will not waste their money
if they know that their investment is not safe in this country. Communist rebels collecting
“revolutionary tax” and Muslim bandits abducting foreign investors are definitely not
good for the economy. Hence, the revitalization of the armed forces and the police is
necessary in order to crushed down these rebels and criminal organizations. Let’s
improve the security first then economic progress will follow.

Promoting nationalism and patriotism is the second agenda of the fascist party.
Obviously, the Filipino people of this generation are worshipping anything that belongs
to foreign countries (song, dance, movies, food, books, hair style, language, lifestyle
etcetera and etcetera). The fascist party in the Philippines will advocate the love of
Filipino culture. People shall be taught how to appreciate the philosophy of the Filipino
civilization. The teachers, historians, movie makers, composers and writers shall be
persuaded or forced by the fascist government once it is in power to undertake the
inculcation and the promotion of this kind of nationalism and patriotism to the people.
Banning “nonsense” and “foreign junks” shall also be an integral part of this project to
promote nationalism and patriotism. The proliferation of the Korean television drama
here in the Philippines is truly nauseating and this must be stopped. In the same
manner that Chinese restaurants must be likewise curtailed from flourishing.
Improving the welfare of the people is the third in the agenda of the fascist party. The
welfare of the Filipino people is extremely important. For this reason, the fascist
government shall deliver the needs of the people such as: hospitals, schools, food
program and similar welfare projects. The fascist party must have a complete detailed
program how to carry this welfare project. A team of economic managers must be
designated to handle this delicate and important aspect. To ensure that all these
programs will be achieved by the fascist government; it will ensure that there will be no
“graft and corruption”.

Ensuring that there will be social and economic equality is the fourth agenda of the
fascist party. The distribution of wealth and allocation of enough jobs for the jobless
shall be undertaken by the fascist party once it is in power. Again, the assistance of
economic managers imbibed with fascist philosophy is necessary in accomplishing this
task. The fascist government shall ensure that the capitalist pigs will not exploit the poor
people and that the greedy landlords will not oppress the peasants. In this country, the
peasants and the workers are the favorite target of the greediness of the oligarchs and
the feudal lords. For this reason, the poor peasants and workers who could no longer
bear the oppression had no choice but to join the communist rebels in waging relentless
armed struggle. In the fascist agenda we shall not allow this to happen. We will not
allow the greedy rich people to suck the blood of the poor people.

Less crime by lessening the criminals is the fifth in the agenda of the fascist party. Like
Rodrigo Roa Duterte the fascist party must not be ashamed to announce that once it is
in power it will systematically eliminate the criminals in the society. Therefore, the re-
imposition of the death penalty shall be one of the priorities of the fascist party once it is
in power. Killing the criminals (especially those who are guilty of heinous crimes) is not
bad; in fact, it is very good. Killing criminals will not eradicate crime but it will minimize
the number of criminals and it will send a strong message. Eradicating criminality is an
impossible task because crime is a mind operation transmuted into action. Therefore,
any person with the capability to think in a “normal” way is capable of committing a
crime. We will not eradicate crime we will just eliminate the criminals and this is realistic.

An uncomplicated decision-making process is sixth in the agenda of the fascist party.

The so-called democratic process is very circuitous and it is very slow like a snail or a
turtle. The fascist party must assure the Filipino people that once fascism is elevated
into power the process of decision making especially with regards to important matters
shall be swift. The fascist president and his council will directly make the necessary
decision. One week is too long. The people especially the poor needs immediate
attention and that shall be given to them. The oligarchs and the rich pigs can wait but
not the poor; this should be the official stand of the fascist party.


Way back in the 60’s Jose Maria Sison (a.k.a. Amado Guerrero) and Bernabe Buscayno
(a.k.a. Kumander Dante) launched their Maoist revolution with the aim of toppling the
government of Ferdinand E. Marcos yet they failed. They were eventually caught by the
government troops, tortured and imprisoned for more than ten years. Then, they were
replaced by Rodolfo Salas and Romulo Kintanar; during their tenure the CPP/NPA
increased in number, they reached their peak in the 80’s. When Sison and Buscayno
were freed by Cory Aquino they re-asserted their authority and a power struggle ensued
within the CPP/NPA. As a result of this squabble Salas and Kintanar resigned from their
respective position. The party was divided between the so-called REAFFIRMIST (pro-
Sison faction) versus the REJECTIONIST (anti-Sison faction). Joma Sison went to the
Netherland and sought political asylum together with his wife Julie and Jose Jalandoni.
Dante Buscayno retired so as Rodolfo Salas, while Kintanar was assassinated. The
“Peoples War” envisioned by Joma Sison went to nothing. Many of the disillusioned
members have applied for government amnesty. Others joined in the Revolutionary
Proletariat Army (RPA) – Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB) then headed by Arturo Tabara,
Felimon Lagman and Nilo Dela Cruz. Now, the CPP/NPA is no longer a major threat to
the country. However, they are still causing lots of annoyance to the people especially in
the countryside since the CPP-NPA degenerated into banditry. They are now living like
a parasite. What happened to the protracted people’s war strategy? What happened to
their plan to surround the city from the countryside?

I believe that the biggest problem of the CPP-NPA lies on their strategy; the principle of
protracted struggle is too boring for the people. The Filipino people don’t buy it because
it’s too tiresome, wearying and tedious. In short it is very unrealistic. In the first twenty
years since the inception of the Maoist ideology many of the “patriotic” Filipinos
embraced the idea and supported the campaign of Sison. However, the members finally
saw the futility of their struggle; many came to the conclusion that they will never win the
war. Hence, disillusioned and discontented many of the NPA members went down and
applied for government’s amnesty. In his old age, Jose Maria Sison is still dreaming that
he will win his armed revolution yet the truth is that he will not. The armed revolution
that was started by Sison in the 60’s is now crumbling down to pieces. Eventually, the
name of CPP-NPA will go down to oblivion and Sison will drop to the ground like a
worthless statue. Sison’s interpretation of the theory of protracted struggle propounded
by Mao Zedong was wrong. Joma Sison who is well-known for his arrogance, big ego,
pomposity and who wanted to portray himself as a consummate revolutionary leader in
the tradition of Lenin, Mao and Ho Chi Minh is now fading in the pages of history
because of his failure to unite the Filipino people under the banner of Maoism.

The second problem of the CPP-NPA is their murderous policy. The people of the
Philippines cannot accept the idea that a non-government group is on the rampage of
killing soldiers, policemen and civilians. It’s true that the people want change yet they
wanted it in an orderly way. Some people particularly those in the barrios may sanction
the barbarity of the NPA yet the majority doesn’t want to accept this vigilante justice that
the NPA is propagating. In the eyes of the majority of the people the NPA has no moral
ascendancy and legitimacy to make all the killings that they’re perpetrating. The coup
d’état launched by the Reform the Armed Forces Movement or RAM and the
MAGDALO was in fact more acceptable in the eyes of the people since they’re genuine
soldiers of the people; they’re more legitimate compared to the NPA. Therefore, the
conclusion based on the foregoing analysis on the tragic history of the CPP-NPA is that
armed revolution is not an option to achieve power.


After the failure attempt of the Nazi party to grab political power by force known in
history as the “Beer Hall Putsch”, Adolf Hitler learned an important lesson in politics.
That is, it’s necessary to achieve power in the legitimate way. Hence, after he was
released from prison Adolf Hitler concentrated in re-structuring the Nazi party; at the
same time, he polished his speeches and he acted meekly and he joined in the
mainstream politics. In short, he became legitimate and by doing so, Adolf Hitler was
able to hide his true intention and his true color. One of the few good qualities of Hitler is
that he knew how to wait; he was a very patient man. Because of these tactical
maneuvers of the Nazi party, they won the majority of seats in the parliament and later
on Hitler got the Chancellorship and the rest were history.

The fascist party in the Philippines that I am envisioning must win the election; it must
swim with the tide just like what Hitler did. The fascist party should operate within the
parameter of legality and within the bound of political decency. We must have
candidates both in the local as well as in the national levels. The fascist party must
dominate the congress and the senate in the same manner that we must have on our
side the majority of the mayors and governors. The position of the vice-president and
president can wait; the important thing is to fill up all the positions in the congress and in
the senate – this is an important tactical move. Because once we have the congress
and the senate, we can easily impeach the sitting president. Likewise, once we had the
local and national seats it is not hard to propel the ascension to power of our candidate
for the presidency. We shall join in the electoral process of the democratic system
despite of the fact that we believe that this system is corrupt and polluted because this
is the safest and “legitimate” way to achieve power. After we achieved political power,
we shall dissolve this process.


The fascist political party in the Philippines shall be composed of the following:

Party Leader – the party leader shall be the head of state once the fascist party is in
power. He is the main representative of the party; he shall be in control when it comes
to policies and strategies. The party leader shall be the guiding light of the party. The
fascist leader shouldn’t be an idiot; he must be remarkably intelligent and well-versed in
the art and science of politics. And he must be brown complexion, not a half-breed type.

Party Executives – shall handle administrative functions (example: Party Secretary)

inside the party. One of these party executives shall be the next in line to the party
leader (in case the party leader dies or in the event that he is incapacitated due to
illness). Other members shall likewise be in the list of succession.

Party Members – any Filipino who loves his country and is willing to embrace the
doctrine of fascism as indicated in this document and who is willing to take his oath of
allegiance to the fascist party shall be accepted wholeheartedly as a member of this
radical political party in the Philippines.


The ideal member of the fascist political party is the Filipino who is willing to do the
following for the party, to wit:

a) Attend meeting when it is called by the party leadership.

b) Eager to join the party in launching mass protest in the street.

c) Active in recruiting new members and active in promoting the ideology of the
party to other people.

d) Willing to donate certain amount of money for the party.

e) Willing to gather intelligence information for the party.

f) Very much willing to vote the candidate of the party (local and national level).

g) Enthusiastic to help the party in spreading propaganda and information.

h) Willing to share his skill and talent (example: writing, driving, painting and
etcetera) for the party.

i) He is prepared to sabotage the enemy in order to protect the fascist party.

j) Willing to fight against the enemy of the party in whatever manner including
physical confrontation (head-to-head battle with the enemy in the street).


The ideal leader for the fascist party should be intelligent and well educated; we don’t
need an idiot leader inside the fascist movement. This is one of the weaknesses of the
democratic system; it allows the ignoramus and the idiots to run for public office as long
as the dumb-witted candidate is popular to the people. We don’t need an actor as a
leader, to hell with politicians like Bong Revilla, Lito Lapid, Richard Gomez, Tito Sotto
and their likes. So, if he has no masters or doctorate degree the would-be leader of the
fascist party should be at least a college graduate and a proven voracious reader of
history. Why history? Because that is the pinnacle and the college of statesmanship,
good leaders should be well-versed in history. We need someone who will guide us and
provides the party with strategic direction and it goes without saying that the idiot cannot
do this. The party leader must be a fan of militarism and law enforcement, knows how to
deal shrewdly with the foreigners, he must have the stomach to implement brutal
measures if it is needed, and finally his heart is for the Filipino people and he is willing
to die for the cause of the fascist party. These are the qualities that the ideal fascist
leader must possess. Without these the party will not go anywhere.


The party leader and the party executives must be good in public speaking; they must
have a strong charisma and oratorical genius. The fascist party of the Philippines must
have leaders like Oswald Mosley and Adolf Hitler – fiery speakers who can create great
impact to the audience. The enchanting effect of the written words is only good for the
intellectuals but it will not work for the masses. The masses are always captivated and
mobilized by the spoken words; the power of the written word does not appeal to them.


“The most polished literary speaker in the Commons”, this is how Sir Oswald Mosley of
Great Britain was described by the Westminster Gazette. The leader of the British
fascist movement was both incredibly charismatic and incredibly manipulative. Oswald
Mosley was the Donald Trump of Great Britain in those days. In 1936 the so-called
“Battle of Cable Street” transpired. In this incident the Jews, Atheists and Irish Catholics
stood side-by-side to prevent the fascists from marching into Cable Street. Riot
occurred and many from both sides were injured. The anti-fascists blamed Oswald
Mosley and they even called him monster. Oswald Mosley was probably a monster yet
we cannot deny the fact that Oswald Mosley was a charming monster. People followed
him because they believe in his message. The fascist movement in the Philippines
needs leaders like Sir Oswald Mosley. We need intelligent, charismatic and
manipulative leaders who can persuade the people to support the fascist party in this


At this juncture, it is assumed that the party was already established; that we have now
the leadership and the membership all complete; and that we have finalized the
documentation of our political platform (agenda), the by-laws and the constitution of the
party. Hence, it is now time to spread the political doctrine of the fascist party in order to
recruit more adherents. The best way to do that is to utilize the power of media as the
most efficient vehicle. However, as I’ve said in the previous chapters of this document
the mainstream media in the Philippines that we have today is already polluted,
discredited and it has no credibility at all. It is good that we have an alternative – The
social media. The best way to accomplish our information dissemination campaign is by
means of the social media (YouTube, Face Book, Email, Website, Twitter and other
platforms). The fascist revolution in the Philippines must be launched from these sites.
The BLOGGERS and the VLOGGERS are the modern harbingers of truth.


The fascist party will assign an army of writers (BLOGGERS) and video loggers
(VLOGGERS) to carry out the spreading of our fascist ideology; this shall be done
seven (7) days a week and twenty-four (24) hours a day. We shall use the internet and
its social media as our platform for information dissemination and indoctrination. We are
very lucky that we have the internet on our side. We shall definitely not rely on the
mainstream media because the people in that institution are vipers. Using this platform,
we shall not only spread our political ideology but at the same time we shall use the
internet to defend ourselves and we shall use it at the same time in launching counter-
attacks to our enemies. We shall use this mighty platform to destroy our enemies; we
shall sabotage and discredit them. Therefore, it is imperative for us to create our
website or websites.


Aside from the social media the fascist party shall likewise embark on a massive
indoctrination by going personally to the grass-root level where the masses are
concentrated. The fascist party shall conduct meetings, symposiums, conference and
consultation in order to hear the public and to impart to them the party’s doctrine. In
these gathering the party will lay down the agenda of the fascist movements such as:
political agenda, economic plan, military aim and others. They must learn from us
nevertheless we should also learn from them. Remember that we can always use this
collective information that we will gather from the masses as basis for our strategic
political moves.


At this point, it is expected and projected that the combined use of the social media and
actual holding of meetings will invite more interested people who will join the party; that,
many will be converted to fascism. For this reason, it’s time that we show to the public
the force of the fascist party. How are we going to do this? By staging big rallies and
mass action, it’s time for the public to see the strength of the fascist party. Whenever
there are big issues in the country the fascists must go to the street in order to
denounce the government and the evil system. The communist will certainly challenge
us but we will fight them and we will show no mercy to them.


The traditional enemy of the fascists in the street is no other than the communists. In
the old days in Berlin as well as in London the communists had always tried to disrupt
the rallies of the fascists. However, these challenges that the communists posed were
more often than not accepted and dealt by the fascists with brutal force. The same must
be done to the communists here in the Philippines. Once they disrupt or challenge our
fascist group the latter must react and respond accordingly. We must return the favor,
pound for pound and force by force. During the so-called EDSA 2 Revolt that ousted
Joseph E. Estrada from the Philippine presidency the communists had attacked,
mauled, roughly-handled and abused the Estrada supporters who were then gathering
at Mendiola Street. In our case, we will not allow these communists to harass us. We
shall fight them from start to finish and we’ll make it brutal and ferocious if warranted.
We’ll show them no mercy.


The original “Black Shirts” that was created by Benito Mussolini was armed with guns
and other deadly weapons and the majority of them were discontented members of the
Italian army. Their primary function was to attack the enemy of the fascist group. They
were destroying the political and economic organization of the socialists; then later on
they started attacking the communists and other progressive groups who are opposing
fascism. The Italian Black Shirts was actually instrumental in the so-called “March on
Rome” that catapulted Mussolini into power.

In the Philippine setting I also suggest that our fascist group should also emulate this
tactic; the Filipino fascists must have their own version of Black Shirts. However, unlike
in Italy in the days of Mussolini the Filipino Black Shirt members will not engage in
terrorizing the enemy overtly, instead it will work covertly. Intelligence gathering shall be
the primary duty of the Filipino Black Shirt members. They shall spy against the enemy
and their particular target would be the communists. Why the communists? Because
they’re the most vicious among the enemies; they’re few yet they are expert in trouble
making. The so-called democratic parties shall be also targeted aside from that the
following are likewise included in the target list: church, media and the business sector.
The second duty of the Black Shirt group is to protect the party leaders from getting
harm; in short, they shall act as body guards. They must be ready at all times to
confront the enemy at all fronts. They will not start the violence but they will react to the
violence if inevitable. Most of the time they shall focus on the intelligence gathering
activity; this is the primary important. All the information that shall be gathered by the
Black Shirts shall be utilized to expose and to sabotage the enemy.


The best way to destroy an enemy is to expose his anomalies and irregularities to the
public or to the higher office (government or private). Humiliation is deadly. This is what
we are going to do with our enemies we shall annihilate them by exposing them. We
shall expose their corruption, illicit affair (with matching sex video), stinking habit, and
every evil about them. The Nazi were so good in using this tactic and we must follow
their example. We must use the social media in launching this kind of attack.


Once we learned that the enemy is sabotaging our fascist party we shall retaliate and
we shall return the favor – sabotage for sabotage and a lie for a lie. The writers and
video loggers of the fascist party shall be utilized to fabricate stories that will destroy the
enemy and we’re going to do this really good. Remember what the Nazi Propaganda
Minister Mr. Paul Joseph Goebbels said “a lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a
thousand times becomes the truth”. Most likely the target of our sabotage operation will
focus on the communists because these people are very ruthless when it comes to the
spreading of black-propaganda. The fascist party must always be ready to deal with and
to ward off all kinds of disinformation and propaganda warfare.


We need the money of the rich people hence we must form a temporary alliance with
them. We need their money in order to fund the candidacy of our candidates in the
election. The alliance with the rich is just temporary because once we’re in power we
shall break their neck. We shall only use them and their money and influence and we
will lure them to believe that we are willing to be use as their tools but once we’re in
power we shall show them who really, we are.


The more intellectual members we have in the party the better. Hence, all intellectuals
who want to join in the fascist party are welcome. However, these intellectuals should
be willing to embrace the ideology of fascism that we are carrying. This is important
because if they have another purpose, we should not accept them because in the end
and for sure we will have a problem with them. The concept of oneness is important in
the fascist party.


Aside from the civilians we should also recruit and encourage active police and military
officers and even rank and files to join into the party. Fascism glorifies military and
police virtues and for this reason I’m sure that many of them will join us. Every military

and police want a strong-armed forces and police force; since this is an important part
of our agenda and for this reason, I am optimistic that they will join us.


After laying down our agenda to the people through the social media and public
meetings; after showing our force and after crushing our enemies; and after we’ve
recruited millions of supporters; after convincing the Filipino people that fascism is the
solution to the problems of our country it is time to win the seats in the local and national
level. We must win the mayoral seats, the gubernatorial seats, the congressional seats,
the senate seats within Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao (VIZMIN). Once, we achieved
this victory the presidential seat is just one step away. And finally, as soon as we have
the presidency that is the time for us to start the radical restructuring of the political
system in the Philippines.



Upon assuming his position in Malacañang the president of the Philippines and fascist
leader must consolidate his control and authority. He must ensure that everything is in
perfect alignment. This is the first important move towards the re-structuring program
that he’s going to undertake. This is because he cannot undertake the re-structuring
project unless his power is consolidated first. Therefore, he must make sure that the
majority of the politicians both in local as well as in the national level are on his side;
that all his appointees are fascist’s members; that he has the backing of the military and
the police force. The other branches of the society can be dealt on later.


The second important thing that the fascist leader must do once he assumed at
Malacañang Palace is to ensure that every Filipino family will have sufficient food on
their table; that they have the adequate if not the best health care system that will take
care of them once they got sick; that they have secured jobs; and housing. The
achievement of all these basic concerns should be the primary concern of the
benevolent fascist leader in his first two to three years in office. The fascist economic
managers shall help the benevolent fascist leader in achieving all these projects for the
benefit of the people.


Taking care of the needs of the people should be the primary goal of the benevolent
fascist dictator because this is the heart of the fascist movement objective. One of the
reasons why some “strong leaders” were later on hated by their own people is because
once they’ve reached power, they forgot to take care of the welfare of their people. The
welfare of the people is the highest form of achievement.


The workers and the peasants are the two most exploited classes in the Philippine
society. They are the subject of almost all kinds of abuses since Spanish time up to
now. In the fascist regime it’s time that this new form of government defends the rights
of these poor people. Unlike communism fascism is not planning to nationalize the
business industry. However, if necessary, the fascist government has the power to
confiscate the private companies and the lands of the rich in order to support the needs
of the masses. The benevolent fascist leader can order anytime the military to occupy
by force any private company who are abusing its laborers.


The Philippine fascist government shall have total control on food production and it will
promote programs that will increase the production of food in the country. In connection,
we can emulate the philosophy behind the “MASAGANA 99” program of the late
president Ferdinand E. Marcos in the years 1973 to 1978. This agricultural program
increased substantially the rice production in the country. One way to increase food
production is to support the farmers and the owners of live stocks.


The problem with the health care system in the Philippines is the high price charges of
the hospital to its patient. Many patients died because of the inadequate medical service
they receive from the hospital system because of their lack of money. The price of
medicine is so high and the treatment of the patient (in private hospitals) is likewise very
high. The fascist government shall intervene to resolve this issue. The private hospital
owners who are thriving from the misery of the sick people will have their day once the
fascist government is in power.


A special health care system for the people with disability (PWD) shall likewise be given
priority by the fascist government. Unlike the fascist Germans who practice eugenic the
Philippine fascist government shall not neutralize in whatever manner the mentally and
physically impaired individual. Rather it will take care of these people.


Quality education is important in every society. A society filled with ignoramus people
will surely go nowhere. Evil leaders wanted their people to remain ignorant because
only in their ignorance that he can control them. The Philippines fascist leader on the
contrary will ascertain that the Filipino youth will have the quality type of education that
they need.


Decent housing for the people especially for the “true” squatter’s people. The fascist
leader must give dignity to the Filipino people, Hence, aside from quality education, food
and health care he must also ensure that the Filipino will have a decent house of their
own. Vis-à-vis, the GRUPONG KADAMAY a communist front organization has occupied
illegally and by force a subdivision intended for the government employees; because
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was still hoping at that time to tame the communist
animals, he let that incident to passed. But the new fascist government must not let this
happened again. If necessary, the communist usurpers must be killed.


One of the good accomplishments of Adolf Hitler when he assumed power is that he
created more jobs that eradicated the problem of unemployment in Germany. Public
works (creating more infrastructure projects) and public service (employing more
soldiers and policemen and other government workers) are the two common sources of
works for the unemployed Filipino people. The private sector can also be forced to hire
more workers. On top of that the economy of the country must be strengthened to
permanently solve the problem of unemployment here in the Philippines.


The farmers are the food makers of this country; therefore, it is necessary to help them
solve their problems. The common problems of the Filipino farmers are the following:
“high cost of inputs, low price of rice seed, lack of capital, labor problem, lack of
postharvest facilities, pest and diseases and irrigation system”. The fascist government
of the Philippines shall help the Filipino farmers to solve all these problems.


The so-called senior citizens of the Filipino society are complaining that their monthly
pension is not enough for their needs to include food and medicine. For this reason,
these old people are force to depend on their children. It is sad to know this thing
because these people have served their country by working when they were still young
and as active members of the work force. The fascist government will make a way so
that these old people will have a fat pension.


The favorite “science” of the politicians of the democratic system is called Political
Science. That is their preferred but they’re neglecting to support “science and
technology”. These damned democratic politicians did not probably know that Science
and Technology is important in the progress of a nation. The fascist regime shall
support science and technology: it shall recognize the talents and contributions of our
Filipino scientists and inventors. It shall encourage research and development. Nazi
Germany became powerful because it supported its great scientists.


And when the fascist benevolent dictator and leader have finally resolved the problems
of the common people, it’s now time to change the political system of the country. This
is now the proper time to do away with democracy (multi-party system). It’s time to
remove the fake democracy in this country and to introduce the “one-party-system”.

Why? Because as I’ve said the so-called democracy that we are always bragging about
is actually not fit for this country; we don’t need it and it’s useless.


Only the fascist party must exist, other political parties must be exterminated. This is to
ensure that the progress and development shall not be hampered and that we as a
nation will only walk into one single path. The power of the fascist leader must be
decisive once he implements this policy because for sure many will react negatively.


Old scores must likewise be settled while the democratic system is being dismantled.
Old enemies must be dealt with by the fascist regime. Unfriendly forces in the
government and in the private sectors shall be “handled” roughly by the regime. The
imprisonment of the enemies is the first logical step to do this.


Unfriendly politicians (not fascists) shall be removed from the legislature; the legislating
body must be 100% fascists; this is the ultimate objective. Non fascist politicians must
be stripped of their political power and shall be treated as an enemy.


The judiciary system must likewise be overhauled. The justices and judges who are
unfriendly to the fascist regime must also be removed from their post. It is understood
that at this juncture the executive body is more powerful compared to the judiciary and
to the legislature. The so-called “check and balance” of power is no longer existing.


In order to accomplish all these changes Martial Law must first be declared. This will
legally kill the democratic system and it will invalidate all the institutions that it
represents. Just like in the Martial Law that was declared by President Marcos all the
political power shall be rested on the shoulder of the head of state. The enemies of the
state shall be arrested and those who will resist shall be exterminated. The government
shall be in control over the media, the business sector and all aspects of the Filipino life.
The military and police force once again shall regain their proper place in the history of
the Philippines.


The Philippine Constitution must be re-written again, this time it must be aligned with
the fascist government’s philosophy, that’s now reigning in the Philippines. Every
chapter and article in that newly re-written Philippine Constitution must be in conformity
with the political line and platform of the fascist political party.


The restoration of the death penalty is vital in the declaration of Martial Law. This is an
inseparable component. The so-called pro-life politicians and like-minded groups must
be silenced either by incarceration or extermination. Because of their collective stupidity
the criminality in this land had flourished. The death penalty will not eradicate criminality
(this is not the goal of death penalty) but it will exterminate the criminal, this is the main
objective of death-penalty: punishment. Criminals must not be rehabilitated; they must
be killed.


The fascist leader and benevolent dictator shall use his iron fist to rule the Philippines.
He shall follow all the advices of the Italian political theoretician Nicolo Machiavelli in his
book called “The Prince”. The benevolent dictator shall be magnanimous but he must
be cruel at the same time; compassionate but he will likewise be firm; in short, he shall
be a combination of light and shade. Yet, most of the time it would be much better if the
fascist leader will remain hard and ruthless.


The benevolent fascist leader and dictator shall re-kindle the lost glory of the military
and the police forces. The military and the police force were weakened when President
Ferdinand E. Marcos was toppled from his post. Now, it shall have its old glory back.
Under the dispensation of the benevolent dictator and fascist leader the military and
police force shall be strengthened and they must as well increase in their number.


The print and mass media must be controlled; allowing the mass media to operate
without restraint in the name of “freedom of the press” is like allowing a pack of jackals
to roam around in the city. They should be restraint in the same manner that they were
restraint during the time of President Ferdinand E. Marcos. The print and mass media
should be attacked similarly in the way President Rodrigo R. Duterte is attacking them.


The fascist government and the benevolent dictator shall be in overseeing the control of
the business and economy of the country. The private companies shall not be
nationalized yet the fascist government will control the progress and development
thereof. It will ensure that the business sector will serve the interest of the masses; that
the profit will not only goes to the pocket of the business owners but at the same time to
the masses too.


The successful governance of Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore was based on his
philosophy that a nation needs “more discipline and less democracy”. Singapore was a
prosperous nation not because of democracy but because their people are disciplined.

Lee Kuan Yew used his iron fist to mold Singapore. This is what we need to emulate;
less democracy and more discipline.


Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the only president who rebuked ferociously the Lopez (owner of
ABS-CBN) and the Rufino-Prieto (former owner of Inquirer) families. He is the only
president who had the guts to condemn Zobel de Ayala (concessionaire of Manila
Water) and Manny Pangilinan (owner of ABC 5). Duterte is the only president of the
Philippines who was not afraid to attack and to insult the oligarchs. The oligarchs in this
country are parasites; they must be controlled by an iron fist otherwise they will devour
the whole nation. They are sucking the life and blood of this nation. The fascist leader
must emulate the example made by Rodrigo Roa Duterte; he must break the necks of
these oligarchs.


The landlords in the provinces must likewise be controlled with an iron hand. The fascist
leader must do this in order to protect the peasants (the farmer who has no land of his
own, instead he is working for the landlord) from the abuses and harassments that they
frequently experienced from the landlords. The cruelty, abuses and all the evils of
feudalism is the main reason why many farmers were persuaded by the communists to
join them.


I must clarify that I don’t hate the Chinese people for what they are; I am neither a bigot
nor a racist. Aside from that my great-grandfather from the paternal side is a pure
Chinese. He was from Amoy in China then he migrated here in the Philippines it was
during the time of the American occupation. In the province of Samar, he and his fellow
Chinese landed and there he meets my great-grandmother; they fell in love with each
other and they had a daughter; my grandmother the mother of my father. I shall repeat
that I had nothing against the Chinese people just because they’re Chinese because
there’s a part of me that belongs to this race.

However, I believe that the Filipino people should control the Chinese people and the
influx of other immigrants who are coming to this country. Even the so-called Filipino-
Chinese people must be suspected. The Chinese is already controlling the economy of
this country; we’re now their slaves. The Chinese people in the Philippines are like the
Jews in Germany during Hitler’s time. We shall not confiscate their businesses and
properties yet we shall place them under close watch and we ought to control them if
necessary. We must not hesitate to act against these people once they do something
that is opposed to the Filipino people. If necessary, we must use brutal force to restraint
these “foreigners” from hurting us. Aside from the Chinese we should also control the
increasing number of the Koreans who are pouring to the Philippines.


The enemies from within must be attacked and destroyed. While in the process of re-
structuring the whole government’s system there are enemies from within who will try to
sabotage the progress of the fascist regime. The benevolent fascist dictator must not
hesitate to crush down these rebels. He must show them no mercy and no compassion.
He should put them behind bars and if it is unavoidable, he should kill them.


The long rebellion of the communists (CPP-NPA) must be ended and it should be done
in a bloody way. All-out war should be the policy of the fascist leader against the
communists. It’s time to end their long campaign of terror and banditry. Arresting these
bastards is not enough; they must be exterminated to ensure that they will not retaliate.
They should be wiped out from top to bottom. Their members in the parliament and in
the legal struggle should also be wiped out.


The real problem with the Muslims in Mindanao is not about class struggle the issue of
poverty is actually secondary; their problem is rooted in the idea of secessionism. Many
of these radical Muslims are still entertaining the idea that they will separate the island
of Mindanao or a certain part of it and that they will create their own Muslim nation
(BANGSAMORO). The benevolent dictator must put a stop on this. He must crush with
ferocity the rebellion of all the Muslim radical groups in Mindanao. Joseph “Erap”
Estrada was not a fascist neither a good president but I admired on what he did against
the MILF rebels because he literally destroyed them.


All extremists’ groups (Muslims or Christians or even secular) in the Philippines must
likewise be destroyed because they are plagues to this country. Political extremism in
whatever form is lunacy, delusional and it must be stopped at all costs otherwise it will
destroy the nation as a whole. And because they’re lunatics these people should be
destroyed ruthlessly by the fascist government. There is no other alternative, they must
be destroyed.


The warlords in the provinces should also be eliminated. Because of their money they
have the capability to maintain their private armies and they are terrorizing the people.
Most of these warlords are local politicians and clan leaders. Look at what the
Ampatuan warlord clan did in Maguindanao? The Ampatuan is an example of a local
warlord who acted like a god in his time. He and his team of thugs have killed almost
fifty people to prevent their opponent from filing his candidacy. These warlords should
be stripped of their weapons and private armies.


Criminal organizations are thriving because they knew how to toy with the law,
especially the so-called “human rights”. The criminals are using this human rights
concept against the law enforcers. The lawyers of these criminals are twisting the
democratic law in order to defend their clients. The criminal organizations have gone too
far. It is good that Rodrigo Roa Duterte launched a bloody campaign against these
criminals particularly the drug-pushers. The fascist government must follow the example
made by Rodrigo Roa Duterte in dealing with the criminals. Criminal organizations
involved in human trafficking, drug-pushing, car theft, gun-running, assassination job,
kidnapping, white-slavery, armed robbery, swindling and the likes must be destroyed as
well as their members; the same thing must be done to their protectors in the PNP and


The primacy of matter over the “spirit world” must be supported by the fascist
government; down with spiritualism and superstition. The philosophy that the material
thing, its movement and modification is the most important in life should be inculcated in
the head of the Filipino people. Look at the prosperous countries in the world most of
them are advocates of the doctrine of materialism. This task is difficult since we know
that the Philippines, predominately is a religious country. Therefore, in order to push this
doctrine, we must first destroy and control religion.


We have no plan to eradicate religion in the Philippines yet fascism must control the
religious sector in this country. They must be required to pay their tax and to declare
their assets to the government. This is the ideal way to control these monsters.


The progress of fascism and the re-structured nation will be based solely on the strong
leadership of the fascist leader. It will take years to achieve the goal but if the fascist
leader is strong, he will make it. Like the great Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, the fascist
leader of the Philippines shall transform this backward and weak country into a strong
nation with the use of an iron fist.


Re-educating the people is a key in the re-structuring of a nation. We need to

indoctrinate the people unceasingly about the need to undertake the re-structuring
program; the inculcation of the fascist philosophy accompanied by the implementation
of discipline shall likewise be administered with the help of the military and the police.


Pain is part of any transition; in fact, there is no transition without pain. There will always
be people who will react negatively against this painful process of transition. They will
attempt to topple the fascist government and to hurt the benevolent dictator. If this
happened, we have no option but to use brutal force against these people. The
weakness of Ferdinand E. Marcos and Joseph E. Estrada is one and the same – they
hesitate to use violence when violence is needed and vicious force is the only option
left. If Ferdinand Marcos had agreed to the suggestion of General Fabian Ver to
disperse the crowd at EDSA by using force he would not be toppled from power. Using
brutal force is not an ideal solution yet sometimes it is necessary and inevitable.


In applying brutal force in order to suppress the enemies there are two things that the
fascist government must do and he must do it decisively and fast. The first thing is that
he must arrest the enemy and make sure that he will languish in jail. Just like what
happened when Martial Law under Presidential Decree 1081 was declared by
Ferdinand E. Marcos there should be massive of arrests to be done. For those who will
retreat to the jungle in order to launch guerilla warfare the second option must be done
against them – they must be neutralized.


We must hunt down the enemy and we must kill the enemy; this should be the official
policy of the fascist party in dealing with the enemies who were evading arrests. “Shoot
to Kill” order should be issued against these fleeing enemies. If they go to the hills to
hide the military must be used to track and to kill them.


Singapore was described by one reporter as a “garrison state” because there were
police and soldiers everywhere. So, what is wrong with that? People who are not
comfortable with the presence of the police and the military are either rebels or
criminals. Those who are against militarism argue that the military and the police have
the tendency to abuse their power and to abuse the rights of the people. This is
probably true and for that reason it is the obligation of the fascist government to ensure
that rotten members of the police and military shall be punished accordingly. The
creation of a garrison state is necessary in a totalitarian regime and increasing the
number of the police and the military is a must. The fascist regime shall deal with the
scalawag members of the police and military nevertheless it shall pursue its plan to
create a garrison state. This is the only way to protect the fascist government and the



So finally, we the fascists in the Philippines with the guidance of our benevolent dictator
have finally re-structured the political system in this country according to our plan. The
Philippines now is under a totalitarian regime using iron fist to control the situation and
to subdue cruelly its enemies. What shall we expect now? Expect the worse – because
there will be liquidators and revisionists who will surface. These saboteurs will come
from different groups yet their political objective is one and the same: to destroy the re-
structured society. They will try to seduce the people that democracy is much better
compared to fascism and that we must go back to it. We, the fascists must not let this
happened; we must destroy these liquidators and revisionists.


Count Gian Galeazzo Ciano was the son in-law of Duce Benito Mussolini of Italy; at the
same time, he was the third powerful man in the fascist apparatus. Ciano was
instrumental in turning Italy into a fascist state; he was in fact very supportive to Benito
Mussolini. But along the way something went wrong, he turned against Mussolini. Ciano
collaborated with the British and helped the enemies of his father in-law; hence
Mussolini was ousted from his post. Ciano provided the enemies of his father in-law with
all the “help” they needed to destroy Mussolini. Count Ciano worked underground like a
viper and Mussolini was hurt by Ciano’s venom. In the Philippine setting for sure there
will be people like Ciano who will come forth to destroy the fascist state. They must be


Operation Valkyrie was the assassination plot designed to kill Adolf Hitler; the main
operative in this mission was the German military officer Colonel Claus Von
Stauffenberg. Other Nazis and soldiers likewise participated in this operation. Yet, woe
on to the plotters since their plan was fizzled out but Hitler was badly hurt when the
bomb exploded; as a result of this failed assassination attempt, Stauffenberg and his
cahoots were arrested and executed. This is another example of a liquidator and
revisionist mentality against fascism. We shall attack the liquidators and the revisionists
with equal ferocity in case they will try to launch their own version of “Operation
Valkyrie” against the Philippines fascist regime. We must not allow this syndrome to
infect us.


As stated in the Re-structuring Chapter, one of our objectives during this stage is to
annihilate the communists for good; they must be eliminated. However, communists are
like worms even if you cut them, they can still move. Hence, we must anticipate that
there will be remnants of them after the purge and these remnants will try; they will
always try to attack us. So, we have to anticipate and prepared for these worms. We
shall not allow them to stage street rallies, we shall ban all their papers and propaganda
and we shall arrest and liquidate them if they resist us.


The oligarchs, the religious organization especially the Catholic Church and the
mainstream media for certain will also try to attack the newly re-structured government
under fascism. These stupid bastards will try to re-create their favorite style of revolt –
the EDSA People Power. They will attempt to lure and mobilize the people to go to the
street (at EDSA) to stage people power revolt. Unlike Estrada and Marcos, we the
fascists will not allow this to happen again. We shall disperse these stupid and gullible
people and hurt them if necessary. The communists, the liberals, the media and
religious group were lucky because Marcos and Estrada had soft hearts.


Don’t abuse the people since this is the root cause of all revolts. You take care of the
people and the people in return will take care of you and they will love you very much.
Look at Singapore the people there did not revolt against their benevolent dictator Lee
Kuan Yew. Why would they rise against their leader? They have no reason to be

discontented and angry. Their country became prosperous, famous to the world and
well disciplined; there’s no reason for them to revolt.


Always take care of the army and the police; this is the best way to prevent the army
and the police from getting disgruntled. These people are protecting the lives of the
people hence they deserve better treatment from the fascist government. However, it
doesn’t mean that we shall allow the scalawags to wallow in the mud; far from that.
Rotten soldiers and policemen, officers and rank and file alike must be brought to justice
and must be punished.


The use of brutal force has its own logic: it will send a strong message to the enemy
that the fascist government means business. And when this happened it will instill fear
and fear breeds discipline and discipline breeds order and order is the key to prosperity
and peace.


As a young revolutionary then exiled to Siberia, Leon Trotsky learned an important

lesson from his jailer; that was “fear is the foundation of order”. He used this philosophy
in managing the Russian Red Army and it proves very useful. The fascist government in
the Philippines shouldn’t hesitate to instill fear against its enemies because the absence
of fear will result to disorder and disorder will ultimately result to chaos and chaos will
result to the downfall of the government.


If the fascist party wants to remain in power here in the Philippines it must live with this
dictum given by Lew Kuan Yew. This is the key to prosperity and peace – more
discipline and less democracy. As I’ve said this country is not fit for democracy, the
Filipino people are not suitable for this kind of government. What we need in this
country is a government with an iron fist and a benevolent dictatorship. We need more
discipline and no democracy.


After re-structuring the Philippine society and after defending our fascist government
from the liquidators and the revisionists it is certain that we shall have prosperity and
peace for the Filipino people. China has prospered after Mao Zedong re-structured the
Chinese society and after he won in the “Cultural Revolution”. The same thing will
happen to the Philippines after the re-structuring program is accomplish and after we
eliminate all the counterrevolutionaries we shall prosper and peace will reign. After
making the Philippines a strong and productive country by way of thoroughly “cleansing
it”, it is now high time that we confront our external enemies. The issues of the West
Philippine Sea and Sabah must be tackled once more and this time we shall do it the
aggressive way but cunningly. Internal prosperity and peace are not enough; we the
Filipinos must also recover the territories that were taken from us and we must redeem
ourselves from the ignominious treatment that we have experienced from the hands of
the foreigners. In the next chapter I shall laid down my plans how we shall recover the
island of Sabah and our territories at the West Philippine Sea.



The Spratly Island located at what we call now the West Philippine Sea (WPS) is
originally not part of the territory of the Philippines as specified in the Treaty of Paris.
Even the late strong leader Ferdinand E. Marcos acknowledged this fact when he
issued the Presidential Decree (PD) stating and declaring our claim on this island. The
concept of Exclusive Economic Zone (EEC) then has not yet been formulated by the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS). However, in the year
1982 UNCLOS finalized the policy that a sovereign state is entitled to a 200 nautical
miles EEC from the baseline; that the said state can explore and use the marine
resources in that EEC. For this reason, our claim for WPS was legitimized because
WPS is located within the 200 nautical miles EEC. Therefore, by virtue of the UNCLOS
policy the West Philippine Sea technically speaking belongs to the Philippine
government despite of the fact that it is not part of the territories that was originally
defined in the Treaty of Paris.


The island of Sabah was given to the Sultanate of Sulu by Brunei then it was rented by
a British trading company. When the British gave Malaysia their independence the
island of Sabah was likewise given by the British to Malaysia. That was dumb and
stupid but it happened. Diplomatic means were utilized and exhausted by the Philippine
government during the Macapagal administration but to no avail. At the time of the late
strong leader Ferdinand E. Marcos a secret military plan code-named “Operation
Merdeka” was prepared by the government, its mission: to recover the island of Sabah
from Malaysia by means of military force. However, along the way something went
wrong; the group of Tausug trainees (code-named Jabidah) were massacred by their
abusive and corrupt trainers. To top it all, Ninoy Aquino blew up the secret plan through
his privilege of speech in the senate. Malaysia retaliated by supporting the Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) of Nur Misuari in Mindanao. The fire of secessionism
in the hearts of the Muslim radicals in Mindanao was fueled by Malaysia. Fast forward,
during the time of Noy-Noy Aquino (son of Ninoy) the Kiram Sultanate tried to re-assert
their claim on Sabah and they invaded it; the result was a disaster for Kiram and his


Before he became a monster, Adolf Hitler was meek as a lamb. While he was secretly
embarking in the re-armament program to strengthened Germany Hitler was very
conciliatory in his remarks and speeches. He wasn’t antagonizing the Allied Powers.
While Britain and France were busy in their own affairs, Hitler was likewise busy. He
was busy in stockpiling the raw materials of war and secretly overseeing the
manufacturing of thousands of weapons. His military was actively engaged in
conducting military exercises and perfecting their maneuvers. Finally, when Germany
was ready to go to war, they “tested the water” so to speak by annexing Austria and the
Sudetenland. This tactic must be used by the fascist government of the Philippines. We
must be conciliatory too with the Chinese and the Malaysians; provoking them is not a
good option at this early stage. Demonizing China will only lead to premature war and
we’re not ready for that yet. Hence, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was walking on the
right path; he doesn’t want the Chinese to be upset since it would be suicidal to confront
them because we’re still weak. We will confront Malaysia and China once we are
strong; for the meantime we must apply the Adolf Hitler style of diplomacy.


For the meantime we will stick to the only available weapon that we have against
Malaysia and China: diplomacy. We must exhaust all diplomatic strategies before we go
to war.


The focus of our diplomatic strategies should concern with the protection and securing
of our boarders (territorial as well as the exclusive economic zone). This is going to be a
battle of nerve hence we need cunning, bold and intelligent diplomat just like Joachim
Von Ribbentrop of Nazi Germany. We need the kind of diplomat who can stand in the
United Nations (UN) General Assembly who is capable of asserting our rights, who is
intelligent enough to defend our position and equipped with the charisma to convince
the community of nations to cast their votes in favor of the Philippines.


With the arrogance of China and Malaysia the fascist government of the Philippines
must expect that these two nations shall not give up what they have taken from us even
after we’ve exhausted all diplomatic means. Therefore, it is very vital that while the
fascist government of the Philippines is exhausting all diplomatic strategies that it is also
secretly preparing for war. Let’s face it sometimes war is inevitable.


The preparation for war must be aimed against China and Malaysia. The focus of the
said preparation shall be as follows: the augmentation of the military force (air force,
navy and army), the purchase of armaments, the establishing of military alliance with
friendly forces, conducting maneuvers and military exercises and the possible re-
activation of “Operation Merdeka”.


We have to augment the number of the military force with two-fold purpose: to be used
in waging war against Malaysia and China and for the security and protection of our
homeland. Ideally, we need three million and five hundred thousand soldiers. Two
million shall be used for the plan war against Malaysia and China and one million and
five hundred thousand to protect the island of the Philippines. Of course, these soldiers
shall be equipped with weapons.


The number of weapons or armaments that we need to purchase for our military force
must be doubled compared to the actual number of the armed forces. We need to
purchase more high-powered firearms (long and short), ammunitions, artilleries,
bazookas, more tanks, anti-aircraft missiles, rocket propel grenade (RPG), jet fighter
planes, helicopters, battle ships and other weapons.


The conduct of military exercises and maneuvers must be done regularly. Mock battles
should focus in simulating invasion or a beach head assault. The nature of the military
exercise that we shall be doing should be aggressive and not defensive.


The fascist government of the Philippines must establish a secret military pact with a
“friendly” country. Just like the “Pact of Steel” between Berlin and Rome we need a
partner who is willing to go to war with us against China and Malaysia. A country that is
willing to give their army and resources to help us fight China and Malaysia. We need
the help of other countries who also hates Malaysia and China in the same manner that
we hate these two countries.


Operation Merdeka must be re-activated with modification. This time we must use the
Royal Force of Sulu under the leadership of the Kiram’s dynasty. They would definitely
help the fascist government of the Philippines because of the debacle that happened in
Lahad-Datu. We shall help the Kiram family to have their vengeance against the
Malaysian government. We shall utilize them to gather intelligence information and in
the actual attack at Sabah.


Assuming that at this stage we had finally augmented the number of the military force to
three million and five hundred thousand; that we have purchased the list of armaments
that we need; that we have finally established military alliance with a friendly country
and we have at last accomplished all the military exercises in order to prepare our
armed forces. Now, it is time to test the water so to speak. How are we going to do this?
We must invade and occupy the island of Sabah and we have to accomplish this with
lightning speed (Blitzkrieg). We shall launch the invasion similar to what the Argentine
did in the Falklands War. The fascist benevolent leader and dictator of the Philippines
must have the heart of a lion like General Leopoldo Galtiere the leader of the Argentine
junta. As soon as we overpowered the Malaysian troops, we shall declare that Sabah is
officially part of the Philippine government. We shall launch the attack by air, land and
sea. If the United Nation will broker a cease-fire, we shall avail it but during negotiation
we shall insist that Sabah historically and legally speaking belongs to the Philippines.
With regards to the situation of China we have to use a different approach – the Gaddafi
style of warfare.


Libya then under the leadership of Muammar Gadaffi was not a super power country;
but Libya was very active at that time in waging covert war with the super power
countries in the West particularly the United States of America (USA). The Libyan
leader was active in supporting the enemies of America and the West. Gadaffi was then
supporting the Irish Republican Army (IRA) to undermine Great Britain; he is supporting
the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLO) to hurt the state of Israel and he supported many
“terrorist” organizations. We shall emulate this tactic; we shall attack China covertly by
supporting the enemy of China.


Idi Amin was demonized by the Western media; he was branded as barbaric and
monster. But why is that the white men hated Idi Amin so much? They hated this
Ugandan fascist leader because Idi Amin was the only African leader who whipped the
white men. He wasn’t afraid to insult and to kick the ass of the white people. Like
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, Idi Amin was not a push-over. He chased the Israelis
out of Uganda because the Israelis are exploiting the people of that country; he kicked
out the Asians who were controlling the economy of Uganda. The benevolent dictator
and fascist leader of the Philippines must have the courage and the audacity of Idi
Amin. One way to pressure China is to close down their embassy in the Philippines and
to kick out all the Chinese nationals in this country. In case China declares war against
the Philippines we have no choice but to accept the challenge. Upon the declaration of
hostilities, the Philippine military must immediately invade and occupy the areas of
Scarborough Shoal, Mischief Reef and other territories in the Spratly Island. The
support of the friendly country to which we have a military pact must be utilized and
activated at once. Or we can easily attack the weaker parts of China; we can attack the
Port of Macao and the island of Hong Kong. The latter is much difficult because there is
a probability that the British will enter into the scene; I think it is much better if we will
direct our attack on the Port of Macao. Confronting China is riskier however we have to
gamble if we want to regain our territory.


The United States of America is not part of the equation because USA is not our friend.
America has never been our friend. America never treated the Philippines as its friend.
America is just using the Philippines whenever he needs the service of this poor nation.
America is treating us (the Filipinos) like a whore. In short, America is bullshit. The
problem with the democratic politicians is that they’re very subservient and slavish to
the Americans; they believe that America will go to war to help us. That’s bullshit.


Reclaiming the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and the Island of Sabah is the patriotic duty
of every Filipino. We have to fight for these territories and we have to redeem ourselves.
The fascist government of the Philippines must prepare the Filipino people for this
patriotic duty.


Only the lunatics enjoy war; normal people want peace. However, sometimes war is
inevitable if we want to correct the record of history. Even normal people occasionally
go to war to right what is wrong. Fascists realizes this hard fact hence they know how to
handle this situation when it comes. The fascists believe in the power of diplomacy,
nevertheless, they also knew that when diplomacy fails, they have no choice but to go
to war.



Under fascism the Philippines will thrive as a nation. It will thrive economically, militarily
and in the other aspects as well.


Discipline and order will finally be established; this is the key to prosperity and good life.
I repeat we need more discipline and we don’t need democracy.


The Filipino people will no longer be a push-over in the world. The community of nations
will respect us because of our progress and because we’re strong enough to stand at
our own feet.


As the fascist government in the Philippines continue its growth it shall become strong
economically once we reached this stage, we will no longer have to send our people to
work abroad.


In case we won the wars against China and Malaysia that means we will regain our
territories that were taken from us. If we lose in the war, at least we have shown to our
enemies and to the world that the Philippines and its people are not weak.


The ultimate goal of fascism in the Philippines is to make this country a superpower in
South East Asia. It will take many years to accomplish but we shall arrive.


Based on the foregoing you may say that I am dreaming, perhaps you are correct.
However, there’s no harm in doing so. Why don’t we all dream together to make this
nation great? As I said in my introduction, I am not a monster I am just an ordinary

citizen who is sharing his points-of-view on we ought to re-structure our society,
philosophy and political system.


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