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Kick-off Meeting Agenda (sample)

12:00 - 12:15
Check-in (15 min)
● Introduction
● Goals
● Agenda

12:15 - 13:00
Product x Business (45 min)
● SMART Outcomes (20 min)
○ What do we want to achieve with this project?
● Fears & Obstacles (10 min)
○ What fears do we have about this project? How can the project fail?
● Brand persona (15 min)
○ What would your product be like if they were a person?

13:00 - 14:00
Product x Users (60 min)
● Assumptions (25 min)
○ What are our beliefs about the project / users / product? How important they
● Features (20 min)
○ What features do we have now and how important they are?
● Competitors (15 min)
○ What are we good at? What do we want to be better at?

14:00 - 14:10
Break (10 min)

14:10 - 16:30
Users (140 min)
● Ideal user journey for customers
● Quick Break (5min)
● Job stories
16:30 - 16:50
Admin (20 min)
● Processes & collaboration
● Roles in the project + weekly meeting
● Tools
● Technical details
● Developers collaboration
● Deliverables

16:50 - 17:00
Check-out (10 min)
● Workshop summary
● Next steps

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