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Results and Discussion

This chapter presents the results and discussion of the data gathered for the study. It contains the
account of respondents and reflections from the narrative of the respondents and the themes created
from the reflections of the researchers.

Account of Respondents
Participant 1

We started collecting data on February, 2020 by interviewing the students of DCLC and the
Engineer and Architect from Suntrust-Shanata. First, before we started our interview, we asked
permission to the student if he could answer our questions about Incineration process and if it can be
implemented in the Philippines. He agreed to let us interview him. The student asked us what's the
purpose of the interview and we answered that it is for our research. The student gave us the
opportunity to interview him. According to the student who was chosen and agreed to disclose his
name. We asked him if he has a prior or background knowledge regarding our research's topic which is
the Incineration process or the process of burning of wastes while turning it into electricity and he said,
he doesn't so, we discussed our research briefly to him and then the interviewing starts.

We realized on the first participant's action and cooperation that the initiative and proper
managing of a process or work can give a huge impact on the process to proceed and move.

We started collecting data on February 20, 2020 by interviewing the students of Dr. Carlos S.
Lanting. We asked permission to the student if he can answer our questions and he asked us what's the
purpose of the interview which is for this study. So, the student gave us the opportunity to interview
him. We discussed our study to him so he can have some idea that will help him answer the questions.
After that, he responds initiatively and was able to answer all the questions. the first participant's action
and cooperation made us realize that the initiative and proper managing of a process or work can give a
huge impact on the process to proceed and move.

Participant 2

We conducted an interview on February 20, 2020 at main building, sixth floor where we
approach a random STEM student to participate for answering a questions regarding on waste
incineration process, he answer it slowly but has a good ideas and thoughts and also his understanding
base on our interpretations of process of waste incineration give him more detailed opinion and ideas
about the possible good and bad side of the waste incineration process.

While the participant answers our questions regarding on waste incineration process, We
understand that the sincerity, even though we do not know or see better reason to relate his
experiences on our research questions gives a good answer and ideas to a mind of a person as We think
that if you're willing to help to a problem, you will eventually manage to find a solutions based on
related situations happen to a person to the current situation happen to him now like answering our
questions with sincerity and cooperation.
We conducted an interview on the 20th of February, 2020 at Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College’s Main
building, sixth floor, where we approach a random STEM student and asked permission if he can answer
our questions regarding on our research. He answered initiatively and has a good ideas and thoughts.
His gestures and positions give us the idea that his answer comes from his experience and thoughts.
Sincerity gives a good answer and ideas to a mind of a person and if you're willing to help to a problem,
you will eventually manage to find a solution like how he finds his by answering our questions with
sincerity and cooperation.

Participant 3

We conducted the interview on February 20, 2020 at Main building, Fifth floor at ABM C room
where we approach one of my close friend to answer a questions and because he is shy to answer for a
reason that we think he's not prepared to answer a question so he pointed another students which is
also one of my close friend to answer a question and this time, he decided to answer those questions
where he answer it clearly and confidently and a bit casual way as I think he know what he can do or
contribute for the process of Incineration.

On the participant's actions and answer, we realized that even though they not confidently
know the goodness and process when it is implemented, they can answer it based on their experience
and ability to connect their faced issues regarding on waste management.

We conducted an interview on the 20th of February, 2020 at Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College’s Main
building, Fifth floor at ABM C's room. Since the first one is not prepared to answer a question, he
pointed other students to answer our questions instead and he gave us the opportunity to interview him
and he answer it clearly and confidently. The place where we conducted our interview is a bit dimmed.
The participant's actions and answer made us realize that even though he doesn't know the process
when it is implemented, He still answer it based on their experience and connect their faced issues
regarding on waste management.

Respondent 4

We started collecting data using interview on February 21, 2020 at Suntrust-Shanata. First, we give
letter for permission and assurance before the interview. We ask if we can record and they agreed. He
discussed his knowledge and we introduce our research to him. The interview was conducted in their
conference room beside their office and the interview started and give us their perception about our

A person that have so many thoughts defines a person that have so many experience and knowledge
about that topic. Like the fourth participant. Where he gave a concrete answer and explain the process
based on how he interprets the answer. We also realized that you can do better if you, first know the
details of that topic and also rely to someone better to a particular topic because it gives you better
recommendations that will help to lessen your problem to a particular topic as how the fourth
participant gives us another ideas to identify the good and bad reasons from the process of waste
Incineration process.

We conducted an interview on our 5th participant on 20th of February 2020 at Suntrust-Shanata which
is currently a construction site. As we approached him, he welcomed us with hospitality. When the
interviewing started, she answered our questions with facts and she also gave us recommendations for
our research. She clarified what are the possible good and bad effect of implementing incineration

Respondent 5

We interviewed our fifth participant on February 20, 2020 at Suntrust-Shanata construction site. Where
we approach her as we know that she can give a good and concrete ideas, answers and
recommendations to the process of incinerating a waste for the reason that she is an engineer and
when she started to answer the questions, she answer it happily and has a good ideas on her answer
and also her prior knowledge about the process and possible managing of the process, She give a
meaningful reasons to what the recommendations she stated.

As how she answer with clarity to our questions, We realized that a better experience to a topic, gives a
better answer to questions related to it and also her position to what she answer gives us better
understanding that a contributions of a well knowledge person helps us to know the good and bad
effects of the implementation of the waste incineration process as how she gives her recommendations
to us.

We conducted an interview to the participants on 21st of February 2020 at Suntrust-Shanata. First thing
that the participant did is he told us his profession and prior knowledge and after that we discussed our
topic. When all the participants who are professional are inside the conference room where the
interviewing happened. All the participants answered in a low voice with professionalism which is

Respondent 6

Our sixth participant answered our interview on February 2020 at Suntrust-Shanata construction site,
We approach him to answer a questions about the process of waste incineration and implementation of
it in the Metro Manila, He answer it with low voice but has a good thoughts and ideas included in his
answer and also his professions of being an architect gives a reason for that he know the possible
recommendations for the good flow of the process and also opinion about the good and bad reason for
implementing it at Metro Manila.

Even though he calmly answered our questions, We realized that first thought does not give a bigger
picture of what a person's capability to do contributions like answering an interview because the
capability of a person will know if you identify his experience and his reason for his ideas and also, if you
take time to identify if his experience or knowledge was given for his corrections to answer the

We conducted an interview by using interviewing technique at February 2020. The interviewing of 6th
participant also held at their conference room due to some reason that were in construction site and its
safe for us to stay there for a while. The participant is architect. He answered our questions with a low
voice but all of his answers are indeed meaningful and his recommendations are applicable for the
better outcome of our proposal.
Clustered Themes

"If there is a proper equipment yung filter, yung proper chemicals na gagamitin para magsunog ng
basura, siguro it will be less hazardous."

"Safe naman sya dahil nga sa yung incinerator plant may filter."

"Kung nafifilter siya and filtered gas na yung lumalabas I dont think there will be any damage or harm."

"Sigurado ako, may risk eh."

"Alam niyong may health risk yan so what more pa yung mga ganon na talaga."

"Hindi delikado yung usok na lumalabas sa kanya kahit malanghap ito ng mga tao."

"Siguro unang una health issue."


Proper equipment 2

Health-related 3

Risks and Harm 2




Based on the safeness of the incinerator plant,some of the participants said that there will be some
health risk, but some said if there's really a filter and there'll be no damage or harm.


"Dapat yung gobyerno, maglaan sila ng sapat na pera para sa pagpapatayo ng incinerator plant."

"Syempre kailangan ng malaking capital dyan kung mapapatupad 'yon sa Metro Manila or sa Philippines.

"It would take a lot of capital to spent, a lot of money to spent."


Allocate enough funds 1

Need a huge amount of capital 2



The students, architects and engineer's perspective when it comes to the funds and capitals, we need
enough and big capitals and funds if this will be implemented in the philippines.


"So kailangan talaga isolated."

"Somewhere remote from malalaking areas."

"Definitely, malayo dapat sa residential area."

"Talagang malayo sa residential parang exclusive talaga siya."

"Dapat itayo ito sa mga rural areas o sa mga probinsya."

"Siguro sa mga provincial areas na merong malalaking fields."


Isolated area 2

Away from residential area 2

Rural areas/Provincial Areas 2



The construction of the plant, the participants said it should be constructed in a provincial areas
and far away from the residential areas with bigger fields.


"Ahm, masosolve nito 'yung ano, 'yung problema natin sa baha dahil nga mababawasan 'yung mga

"siguro 'yung mga basura, 'yung smokey mountains na tinatawag natin do'n sa Payatas, which is a
mountain of garbage, siguro mas magiging maayos 'yung lugar."

"'yung mabawasan yung basura natin sa, na pakalat-kalat diyan sa daan"

"mababawasan talaga 'yung basura natin sa Metro Manila or kung everyday magsusunog don or
everyweek, pwede mawalan ng kalat talaga sa paligid natin."

"Trash, kasi sa diyan sa novaliches yung garbage collection every Saturday lang so nag tatambak tambak

Problems in floods 1

Trash and garbages will be lessen 3



The community problems that this process can solve based on the participant's response are the
problem and floods and this process can lessen the production of the trash and garbage.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation.

This chapters presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.


Incineration process is a process of burning of waste to produce energy, this will help lessen the waste
produced every day. This study was conducted for the purpose of how will the incinerator plant reduce
the waste while turning it into useful energy, to know the possible problems that this process can solve
and to know if the emitted gas is harmful or not for the citizens and environment. The researchers
purposively chose the participants for this study. The researchers interviewed 6 participants to answer
the questions. The researchers created accounts for the participant with the use of Triangular Method:
Interview, Picture Analysis and Reflection. Also, the researchers constructed 3 clustered themes and its
subthemes, which the researchers constructed the insight for the themes.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, some recommendations are need to be
considered. The government should prepare a bigger amount of funds for the implementation. And
have a systematic plan for implementing the incineration plant. The government should have a law
regarding to the implementation of incineration process. The government should prioritize the health of
the citizen and environment. The government and the citizen should promote and practice the proper
segregation of waste and to handle this kind of implementation. The plant should be constructed into a
big wide place where nothing will be affected and the smoke from the incineration plant should be

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