Anti-Theft Applic Cation For Android Ba Ased Devices

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Anti-Theft Appliccation for Android Baased Devices

Azeem Ush Shan Khaan, Mohammad Naved Qureshi, Mohammed Abddul Qadeer
Department of Computer Engineering,
Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology,
Aligaarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India
{azeemm5257, navedmohd786, maqadeer}

Abstract— This paper presents a techniqu ue to improve anti- Because of its small-size, it caan be stolen very easily and the
theft for android based mobile phones by usin ng different services confidential-information of any a organization or personal
like MMS instead of SMS. As the use of sm martphones, tablets, details stored in the phone memmory can be easily exposed.
phablets based on android operating system is i increasing, many
scenarios related with anti-theft have already been proposed and This paper puts forward a technique through which the
many software based on anti-theft have also beenb developed, but thief, who steals any androidd based mobile phone installed
most of these software are not freely available and it’s difficult to with this application, gets capptured and the user can make
identify the thief by using these software’s e.g. GPS Tracking. We him/her stop misusing any confidential information. This
put forward a new scheme, which enhances th he present scenario, application includes the laatest technology like MMS
based on new technologies like Multimedia Messages. The
scenario proposed in this work is totally dependent on the
(multimedia messaging servicce) where you can send video
hardware of your smartphone like camera (ffront & back) and clips and photos to any other mobile
m phone, unlike SMS which
support for multimedia messages. Once this sooftware is installed, includes only text. It gives thee information about the thief by
it will work in the background, stores the curreent SIM number in sending the snapshots and a sm mall video clip of the thief to an
a variable and keeps checking continuouslyy for SIM change, alternate mobile number, whichh helps us to recognize the thief.
whenever SIM gets changed from mobile, it will w take snapshots
and record a video in the background i.e., without
permission and then it will send an MMS, an nd number of snap In this section we providee some information about how
shots, to an alternate mobile number and an email
e id, which was kernel of an android operatinng system controls the mobile
provided during installation. The enviable advantage of this hardware like camera and afterr this section it contains how the
software is that it is very easy to configure annd it keeps running
activities are created & destrooyed in the virtual machine and
in the background without interrupting the usser. To some extent
it helps the owner to identify the thief.
how services runs in backgrround without user interaction
which is used throughout the reest of this paper.
Keywords— Android, MMS, Multimedia Messages,
M Snapshots, Android is a set of programms that work together to produce
Email. a result e.g. an Operating Systtem & its applications. Android
I. INTRODUCTION devices use the Linux kernel with
w some architectural changes
made by Google. They need to develop hardware drivers to
The latest mobile phones such as andrroid based mobile control the hardware for the keernel, that’s why OEM (Original
phones, called smartphones, are changing thhe way we live our Equipment Manufacturer) hass a contribution in developing
lives and has become a very important part of our life. drivers [1]. The main functioon of kernel is to control the
Smartphones change the ways of communiccation unlike fixed hardware. It will act as an interrmediary between hardware and
line phones, it provides an advantage of com mmunicating with software.
anyone virtually through video-conferencingg, email, etc., and
it also provides a facility to store contact numbers,
n email, in
phone memory which reduces the concept of File-System to
store personal contacts.
Now a days, smartphones are acting like a computer, it can
be used to store information, documents etc., and can be
shared with anyone through internet. These latest
l smartphones
are very helpful for doing business. Company C related
information and documents can be viewed anywhere
a and can
be shared with anyone. These days androoid based mobiles
phones/ devices are very popular because it i provides a large
number of utilities for hand-held devices through which it acts
as a computer in a pocket. Because of its open-source nature a
large number of utilities has been develooped and android
Fig. 1: Android Kernel
K Architecture
operating system is getting used in manyy mobile phones.

978-1-4799-2572-8/14/$31.00 2014
c IEEE 365
We can imagine the kernel as a monarcch which manages Depending on the availabilityy of the front camera, if front
files, carries out data transfer between file system and the camera is not present then onnly rear camera is going to be
hardware. The good thing is that you don’t need
n to know how used.
exactly the kernel is working, Android has provided Android Before declaring thee use of hardware in <use-
System API’s to provide communication between
b hardware feature> you have to request foor appropriate permission. When
and kernel. Android SDK (Software Development
D Kit) the permission is granted thhen your application accesses
provides tools and a long list of API’s to develop an appropriate hardware with propper compatibility.
application on android platform using JAV VA. The Android
SDK includes a virtual mobile device emuulator, which acts <uses-permission
like a real mobile device running on your y computer. It android:name="" />
provides you all the hardware features that any
a mobile device <uses-permission
have including a display screen. The Androoid SDK Manager android:name="android.permiission.telephony" />
contains the code of Android kernel, native libraries
l written in
C/C++ and other packages to communicatte with hardware, The permissions are granteed by the users during the
refer [2] for all the package description. installation of the application. These are the security features
built into the android operatiing system which reduces the
The android emulator mimics many haardware including difficult decision about securityy taken by user at run time.
camera, using your computer webcam, whiich we will use in
our application, for more about android arcchitecture for real- III. ACTIVITIES AND
time embedded system, see [3]. In this application we usse activities to draw the user
interface, which collects all thhe user related information like
mobile number, email id, passw word, etc., which will be used to
send videos or pictures to. Services is used to run the
application in the backgroundd i.e., without user interaction,
once a user submits all the reelated information, services get
started in the background and keep
k checking for SIM change. It
is also used to record a video and
a taking pictures without user
interaction and also sending of an MMS or text message, for
more about activities and servicces [4].
A. Activity
An ‘Activity’ is a compoonent of an application which
provides an interface to the user to communicate with the
application like taking pictuures, selecting songs to play.
Android gives a screen to each activity to draw the UI.
An application can have maany activities, as like in Java has
many classes but there is a main m class, and a main activity
which will run when an appliccation gets executed for the first
Fig 2: Packages included in Android SDK to conntrol hardware.
time and then there will be a transaction between different
A. Package to use Mobile Hardware activities i.e., one activity cann start another activity. Android
uses stack to manage the activiities, when an activity is created
Android.hardware: package gives us suppport for hardware
it is placed on the top of the stack
s and the previous activities
feature like Camera & Sensors by prroviding different
remains below it. An object deerived from view class provides
interfaces like Camera.PictureCallBack annd its subsequent
the user interface for the activity like ‘widgets’ views that
classes to control hardware. The hardwarre which you are
gives you text-box, text-field, combo-box, etc. There is an
going to use in your application shouldd be declared in
XML layout file in an applicattion which is commonly used to
<manifest> xml file using <uses-feature> element, for more
set the layout which has a uniqque resource Id which is used to
about manifest [4].
set the layout of an activityy by calling setContentView()
<manifest…> method from an activity.
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardw" />
To create an activity you have
h to create a subclass of an
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.telephony"
Activity class where you have to
t implement a callback method
e.g., onCreate (), this is a method
m where you have to call
setContentView(), this methood is called by system when
transition occurs. We have to declare
d an activity in a manifest
Android name specifies the hardware you are
a going to use in file as we have already shown above.
your application. In this paper we will usse three hardware
which is front camera, rear camera and telephony
t service.

366 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)

<manifest ... > For every services class you have to declare it in your
<application ... > manifest file.
<activity android: name=".ExampleActivity" /> <manifest ... >
</application ... > <application ... >
</manifest > <service android:name=".ExampleService" />
To start an activity from another activity you need to call </application>
startActivity() method by passing an object of an intent that </manifest>
describes the activity you want to start. A service is started by calling startService () method
through another component, resulting in the call a method
Intent intent = new Intent(this, ExampleActivity.class); onStartCommand (). An activity in an application can start a
startActivity(intent); service by calling startService () method and passing an intent
that specifies a service class. e.g.,
An application can have many activities and services that Intent i= new Intent (context, MyService.class);
have an entry in a manifest file [5]. An activity has many i.putExtra ("Some Data", "Data to be passed to service");
states which is defined through activity methods which is context.startService (i);
implemented in an activity, defines the lifecycle of it. You
must implement onCreate () method to take the initial setup
for an activity. These are the methods: A service should stop itself by calling stopSelf () or it can be
stopped through another component by calling stopService ()
protected void onStart ();
protected void onRestart(); IV. DESCRIPTION
protected void onResume(); The latest smartphones provide lots of capabilities like
protected void onPause(); personal computers and in addition it provides different kinds
protected void onStop(); of application which are used to store lots of information in an
protected void onDestroy(); organized form. Because smart phones are getting smaller in
size day-to-day, there is a lot of chance to drop it somewhere
and also anyone can steal it without your knowledge. It
B. Services contains lots of confidential documents, data and personal
A services is a component of an application which performs information which will be in danger. So it is important to find
an operation in the background without user interaction, it does the thief, all the existing applications could not be able to
not have any user interaction so it is not included in Activity identify the thief, it is only capable of locating the device.
life cycle. A service can be started by any other component of
an application by creating intent or it can be started by its own. In this application we introduce a new scenario of anti-theft
Once a service is started, user can switch to another by developing an application which is able to identify the thief.
application, it will remain running continuously even that Suppose that someone has taken your phone, maybe a thief,
component which started service gets destroyed. now this application works as follows:

A service can destroy itself when its operation gets • Once this application gets installed in your android mobile
completed by calling stopSelf() method or it can be terminated device, it will store your email id, alternate mobile
by android system when there are no available resources and it number, and SIM unique identity number in the phone
will get started automatically when sufficient system resources memory and keep running in the background by using
are available again. Services are used for running long services.
operations like internet downloading, playing music and in our • Then it will keep checking for SIM number, once a
case it is used to click snapshots and making video clips user/thief changes the SIM, it will detect that SIM is
without user interaction and perform transaction. changed by comparing new SIM unique number with
To create a service you have to create a subclass of an stored one and send the signal to start services.
Activity class where you have to implement some callback • Now as soon as signal is received, services gets started in
methods e.g., onStartCommand (), for more example, see [5]. the background which will start making video recording
public class MyService extends Service from front camera if present otherwise from back camera
{ (atleast one camera is necessary) and also take 2-3
@Override snapshots, which are stored in the SD card.
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int • Now once these services get finished it will send signal to
startId) another service, where a service will send an MMS and an
{ email with attached snaps or video clips to an alternate
return Service.START_NOT_STICKY; mobile number and to an email address respectively, once
} it receives proper setting for multimedia messages and
} internet connectivity.

2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC) 367

Through this you will get a small clip annd some snaps of a
thief, who has stolen your handled devicce, at your email <uses-permission
address and to your alternate mobile number, n which is mission.CAMERA" />
sufficient to identify the thief and also help the
t user to find the
location of the handled device. First of all, we should chheck for camera whether it is
In the next section we will explain howw this application available or not, and also numbber of cameras’ available (front
works and how it capture snaps and make viideo clips and also and rear). This can be done by calling this method
how it sends an MMS and email.
PackageManager.hasSystemFeeature() and
Camera.getNumberOfCamerass() respectively.
The main advantage of this application iss anyone can use it
without having much knowledge about the device d and without The android framework proovides Camera API and Camera
doing lots of settings, the user just needs to install
i the software Intent to capturing images andd videos. Camera intent is used
by providing some information like email-id, login directly i.e. without creating caamera object. Camera intent is a
information etc., then it will work autoomatically in the fast way to use camera application, it provides an intent action
background. type to request a picture and a video
v clip from a camera

A. Howto Install the Application MediaStore.Action_Video_captture
As we can see in this image, the useer has to run the
program Application.apk and have to fill the t information in After it finishes taking a picture or video it call
the textboxes. Once it will be submitted, it sttarts running in the onActivityMethod () where the data gets stored in the SD card.
background. This makes our application veery easy for users The media files should be savved in external storage to save
who do not have much technical knowledge. internal memory, to get the location of shared directory,


This method is used where meddia files should be stored.

Fig 4: Preview of picture or

o video from rear camera, this activity
works in thee background.

Fig 3: Form to fill the informationn of user.

C. How to Send an MMS & Em mail
B. Howto Activate the Camera As we had mentioned, to use SIM services in an
In this section, we discuss how to conttrol the camera in application one has to takee permission by declaring in
android without showing the preview of picture and click manifest file. MMS is an http-ppost request, we have to request
automatically. some extra network feature to t send an MMS. MMS uses
private API’s which is not avaiilable in android SDK. One way
To do this android SDK provides a fram mework API which to send an MMS is to use u Android GIT repositories
gives an in built application of camera wherre you can request [6][7][8][10][11] which gives internal
i packages to send MMS
a picture or video from an already existing caamera application. with any image or any audio orr video files.
To use camera device, as we mentioned abbove, you have to
declare camera permission in manifest file.

368 2014 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)

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