Quality and Durability of Stone For Construction Lan Sims

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Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 24, 67-73. 0481-2085/91 $03.50 © 1991 The Geological Society

Quality and durability of stone for construction

lan Sims
Messrs Sandberg, 40 Grosvenor Gardens, London SWlW 0LB, UK

Abstract A suitable laboratory testing programme must then be

devised for an adequate number of representative
The use of natural stone materials in construction is now stone samples making due allowances for the aniso-
experiencing a marked revival particularly for external clad- tropy of stone and the intended type of finish and
dings. In contrast with most other construction materials, including the building and testing of full-scale mock-
there are few British Standard tests for natural stone or up panels for high-rise buildings and new or unusual
Standard specifications defining the minimum quality cladding fixing systems. It is essential that stone panels
requirements for various purposes. The Code of Practice for are also inspected after installation and it may also be
cladding is inadequate in these respects.
The range of test methods provided by ASTM and the advisable to test in situ.
complementary series of Standard specifications covering the
major stone families are summarized but none of these
directly address durability. Selected quality assessment pro- British Standards for stone
cedures from German, Italian and other European practices
and a number of different approaches to the evaluation of
durability of stone are critically reviewed. The crucial import-
Codes of Practice
ance of representative samples in such evaluations is recog-
nized but the aspects of source selection and sampling are not A number of British Standard Codes of Practice in-
discussed in detail. clude some coverage of the uses of natural stone (see
Table 1), although these contain little guidance of any
value in respect of the quality or properties of the
stone materials themselves. Only BS 8298:1989 for
Introduction cladding (superseding CP 298:1972) will be further
considered in this paper.
There has been a major revival in the use of many BS 8298:1989 includes recommendations for the
types of natural stone materials from a diversity of design, installation and maintenance of mechanically
sources around the world, particularly as external clad- fixed stone cladding. The Code of Practice is unable to
dings to steel or concrete framed structures. In Lon- make reference to other British Standards for tests or
don, for example, stone is the main cladding material quality specifications (see later) and does not itself
being used for the large and prestigious developments include any test methods. In these circumstances the
at Broadgate in the City of London and for Canary following generalized recommendations in respect of
Wharf in the Docklands. stone quality are unhelpful and could lead to conflict-
The modern use of stone, however, frequently ing interpretations:
utilizes cladding sheets larger and thinner than ever
before, sometimes with special types of finish, such as 'The stone to be used should not normally be affec-
the flame-texturing of granite. Also, in contrast to the ted by frost. Alternatively suitable measures should
traditional stone supply industry, a great range of be taken to provide reasonable protection. With cer-
'exotic' rock types is now available for use from tain stones, including the softer limestones, the use
sources worldwide for many of which there are no of thin open joint construction is not recommended.
records of performance in U K environmental con- With these stones, the use of lead flashings on
ditions. These new circumstances impose new require- cornice, string or other projecting courses is recom-
ments upon the stone supplier and stone user to assure mended in order to avoid saturation on horizonal
the quality and durability of the materials. Some re- surfaces and subsequent frost damage. It is essential
cent examples, both in Europe and in North America that the stone selected is sound, durable and of pro-
have highlighted the difficulties which can occur when ven suitability for relatively thin cladding on exter-
the properties of the stone cladding materials have not nal faces. Care should be taken to ensure as far as
been adequately assessed in advance. possible freedom from vents, cracks, large fissures,
Whenever practicable the quarry sources should be sand and clay holes and other defects likely to affect
investigated as an initial part of any stone assessment. durability.'
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68 I. SIMS

TABLE 1. British Standards f o r stone Other British Standards

BS 435:1975 Specification for dressed natu- In contrast to m o s t other m a j o r construction materials
ral stone kerbs, channels, such as concrete, steel or asphalt, there are few British
quadrants and setts.
S t a n d a r d tests for natural stone n o r S t a n d a r d specifi-
BS 680 : Part 2 : 1971 Specification for roofing slates.
* BS 743 : 1970 Specification for materials for cations defining the m i n i m u m quality requirements for
damp-proof courses. various purposes (see Table 1). Those which do exist
BS 5390:1976 (1984) Code of Practice for stone are concerned with the m o r e traditional uses of stone,
masonry. such as for kerbs and setts (BS 435), slate roofing (BS
* BS 5534:Part 1 : 1978 680) or sills and copings (BS 5642), rather than with
cladding, although t o d a y this is the p r e d o m i n a n t appli-
BS 5534 : Part 2 : 1986 Slating and tiling
BS 5628 : Part 1 : 1978 Code of Practice for cation for natural stone.
BS 5628 : Part 2 : 1985 use of masonry A s u m m a r y of the testable properties specified or
BS 5642 : Part 1 : 1978 (Specifications for) sills and r e c o m m e n d e d for stone in British Standards is given in
BS 5642 : Part 2 : 1983 copings. Table 2. A useful glossary o f terms for stone is given
BS 6100 : Section 5.2 : 1984 Glossary of building and civil in BS 6100:1984, Section 5.2.
engineering terms: stone.
* BS 8000:Part 6 Workmanship on building
(in preparation) sites, Code of Practice for
roof, slate, tile covering and
* BS 8000 : Section I 1.2 Workmanship on building Other authoritative guidance and standards
(in preparation) sites, Code of Practice for wall
and floor tiling, natural stone.
* BS 8298" 1989 Design and installation of UK Buildings Research Establishment
natural stone cladding and
lining. In the U K , the B R E has long been a source o f expert
guidance on the use and properties o f stone; the excel-
* Includes stone amongst other materials. lent report by Schaffer (1932, reprinted 1985) remains

TABLE 2. B S stone specifications - quality and test requirements

BS Specification General Reference to stone properties

for stone materials quality (Test method given only where shown in bold print)

BS 435
Dressed natural stone
kerbs, channels,
quadrants and setts
BS 680 Water absorption
Roofing slates Wetting and drying
Sulphuric acid immersion
BS 743t Wetting and drying test for slate Refers for methods
Materials for Sulphuric acid immersion test for slate, to BS now superseded
damp-proof courses by BS 5642

BS 5390 Crushing strength; wet and dry density; freeze-thaw; crystallization; porosity;
CP for stone masonry saturation coefficient; microporosity (occasionally, petrography and chemical
analysis of water extracts for 'harmful impurities').
BS 5534 As for BS 680. Also refers for methods to BS 680.
Slating and tiling
BS 56425' Wetting and drying for slate.
Sills and copings Suiphuric acid immersion for slate.
BS 8298
Design and installation
of natural stone
cladding and lining

* Indicates a content of general quality requirements.

t Includes stone amongst other materials.
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TABLE 3. Summary of tests needed for different building stones (from Ross & Butlin 1989)

Type of Crystallization Saturation Acid Wet/ Water

stone End use test coefficient immersion Porosity dry absorption
Limestone General 5" * -- * --
Sandstone General * * * * --
Sandstone Severe exposure ~- -- t -- -- v

Slate Roofing -- -- * -- t t
Slate Copings -- -- t -- t
Slate Damp course -- -- t -- t

t These tests should always be carried out for the stone in question.
* These tests may be required for certain applications of the stone.
Note. The test conditions may vary for different stones (see Ross & Butlin 1989).

unsurpassed as a study of stone weathering. More Gere (1988) considers that water absorption (ASTM
recently the BRE Digest 269 (1983) on stone selection C97) and modulus of rupture (ASTM C99) are the
and the Report by Ross & Butlin (1989) on durability two most important physical properties to be estab-
tests have helped to overcome the paucity of British lished in a stone testing programme. In all types of
Standards for stone materials. flexure testing the anistropy of stone and the orien-
Ross & Butlin describe a number of test methods tation of 'rift' are important factors. In addition the
for stone and recommend the tests which are appropri- type of finish can alter the inherent stone properties;
ate for three types: limestone, sandstone and slate (see for example, flame texturing of granite can reduce the
Table 3). In some cases the tests are only considered flexural strength by up to 35% (Gere 1988) as well as
necessary for certain applications. These limited recom- reducing the weathering durability of the exposed
mendations provide a useful preliminary guide but stone surface. McCabe (1987) considers that the
do not help with the evaluation of the many granite, modulus of rupture (ASTM C99) and flexural strength
marble or other varieties of stone which are increas- (ASTM C880) tests are performed on specimens which
ingly being used. are too small and use loading conditions which are
The BRE has also published comprehensive reviews inconsistent with actual wind loading: he recommends
of the limestone, magnesian limestone and sandstone the larger-scale testing of whole panels.
building stones from existing (and some defunct) U K
sources (Leary 1983, 1986; Hart 1988) as well as a
review of the building limestones of France (Honey- European Standards
borne 1982). These books illustrate the application of
the assessment techniques later recommended by Ross The German national standards for stone are given
& Butlin (1989) and are an invaluable source of refer- in D I N 52 and include a procedure for freeze-thaw
ence data. testing. The Italian marble producers (Marmi Italiani)
have also published some brief details of test methods,
American Standards mainly based on research carried out over many years
at the University of Pisa. There are some tests for
In the USA, national standards are published by the stone in Belgian and French national standards. The
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). A practices for appraising limestone for building in
range of test methods for stone is provided by ASTM France have been reviewed by Mamillan (1982) and
together with a complementary series of Standard spe- are summarized in Table 5.
cifications covering the major building stone 'families'
(slate, marble, limestone, granite and sandstone).
These standards are used extensively on an inter- Some evaluation procedures for stone
national basis. The tests include index properties, such durability
as bulk specific gravity and water absorption, but
others, such as flexural strength or abrasion resistance Petrographical examination
might be useful in design. The ASTM stone test series
does not include any procedures to assist in the direct Macroscopical inspection of stone has long been a
assessment of durability, apart from those given for principal means of assessing the 'quality' of stone mat-
roofing slates and the aspect of abrasive wear. The erials and of individual stone units during machining.
testable properties required by each of the ASTM The basic quality requirements described in Code of
stone specifications are shown in Table 4. Practice BS 8298 as 'freedom from vents, cracks, large
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70 I. S I M S

TABLE 4. A S T M stone specifications and test requirements

ASTM test methods

ASTM C120 C121 C217
specification C97 C99 Flexure Water C 170 Weather C241 C880
for Absorption & Modulus of testing absorption Compressive resistance Abrasion Flexural
building stone specificgravity rupture of slate of slate strength of slate resistance strength

Roofing slate
C503 *
Marble (exterior)
C568 *
C615 *
C616 *

TABLE 5. French approach to testing limestones for various building locations (after Mamillan 1982)

Type of test
Frost Frost
resistance resistance
Type of Coefficient of (freeze-thaw (coeff. of Wear
location Porosity capillarity cycles) absorption) resistance

a. Elevation
b. Projection
String course
c. Footing
d. Flagstones
d. Flagstones

fissures, sand and clay holes and other defects likely The examination of microtextures can enable poten-
to affect durability' could be substantially assessed tially frost susceptible stones to be identified, such as
macroscopically. oolitic limestones with micritic rather than sparry rock
The preparation and examination of thin sections cements (Sedman & Barlow 1989) or volcanic rocks
under a petrological microscope is an additional and which have been microbrecciated. Microstructural fea-
extremely valuable technique for evaluating stone qual- tures can by examined in thin sections, perhaps to
ity and potential durability. The mineralogical compo- locate planes of weakness such as weak mineralized
sition of stone can be established in this way, including seams or lineations, or features which will facilitate the
any possibly unstable constituents such as clay-like migration of moisture and destructive salts through the
minerals caused by secondary alteration and/or weath- stone panel. The microscopic damage induced by
ering, or iron constituents which could oxidize to machining, fixing or face finishes can also be assessed
cause discoloration and surficial disruption. by petrographical examination.
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Saturation coefficient additional class 'F' for samples which shatter, ambi-
guously, 'early in the test'. These durability classes can
The vulnerability of porous building stones, such as then be related to the various basic zones of a building
many limestones and some sandstones, is more depen- which will be exposed to conditions of differing
dent upon pore size and distribution than upon the severity (see Table 6). At present there is no similar
absolute pore volume. The BRE (Ross & Butlin 1989) classification for building sandstones.
has therefore devised the concept of a 'saturation
coefficient', which is the ratio of water absorption to
total pore volume. In general stones with a saturation Acid dissolution
coefficient greater than 0.8 (1.0 is the maximum poss-
ible) are more susceptible to frost damage if the stone The industrial pollution of local atmospheres can lead
concerned is conspicuously porous. As the critical level to the precipitation of slightly acidic water and this is
of porosity is not defined, the saturation coefficient can a major cause of damage to stone on buildings. All
only be used as a comparative guide value. According limestone materials are particularly vulnerable to such
to Ross & Butlin, saturation coefficient is only of very damage, leading to the erosion of surfaces and profiles
limited usefulness for sandstone materials. and sometimes delamination due to the surficial
accumulation of sulphate crystals. Some sandstones are
wholly or partially cemented by calcite and are there-
Salt crystallization fore also vulnerable to acid dissolution and potentially
substantial decay and loss of strength. The BRE Acid
The cyclic crystallization of salts within a porous Dissolution Test for Sandstones (Ross & Butlin 1989)
building material has often been used to assess the can be carried out using alternative acid strengths,
susceptibility to frost action, although some workers depending upon the durability period required.
question this analogous relationship. The BRE Salt Although a version of this test was specified for sand-
Crystallization Test (Ross & Butlin 1989) is mainly stone sills and copings in BS 3798 this has now been
intended for use with limestones and sandstones, superseded by BS 5642 which does not include the test.
although the method has sometimes been applied to
other types of stone. In this test, small cubes of stone
are repetitively soaked in sodium sulphate solution and Winkler Durability Index
then oven dried for a total of 15 cycles; durability is
assessed from the magnitude of weight loss which It is known that many stones are markedly weaker
occurs. The use of control stones for comparative and less resistant in the saturated state than in the dry
purposes is necessitated by the poor reproducibility of condition, either because of a reduction in the integrity
the method, but Ross & Butlin have provided a classi- of the rock matrix or because of the susceptibility to
fication of durability for limestones from 'A' (weight wetting of clay-like secondary alteration minerals
loss of < 1%) to 'E' (weight loss >35%), with an within the stone. Several rock durability tests are

TABLE 6. Durability classes for limestones, based on weight loss in the crystallization test, and the suitability of the
stones for use in particular exposure zones of a building under different environmental conditions (from Ross &
Butlin 1989)
Inland Exposed coastal
Low pollution High pollution Low pollution High pollution
Limestone No Frost Frost No Frost Frost No Frost Frost No Frost Frost
durability Crystallization
class loss (%) Zonest Zones Zones Zones Zones Zones Zones Zones
A <1 1--4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4
B 1 to 5 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2*-4 2*-4
C >5 to 15 2-4 2-4 3-4 3-4 3*-4 4 --
D > 15 to 35 3-4 4 3-4 4 -- -- --
E > 35 4 4 4* . . . .
F Shatters early
in test 4 4 . . . . .

t The exposure zones are illustrated in Fig. 1 of Ross & Butlin (1989).
* Probably limited to 50 years' life.
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72 I. SIMS

based upon a comparison of properties determined for cal strain, it is acknowledged that minimizing panel
both wet and dry specimens. Winkler (1986) has thickness for marble is an effective preventative
demonstrated such a relationship using the ASTM measure (see Fig. 2).
modulus of rupture test (ASTM C99) (see Fig. 1).
This approach is potentially very useful, although it
is quite likely that the relationship exemplified by Fig.
1 would vary, possibly quite substantially, for different o.
types of stone or even for different sources of one type
of stone. Winkler concedes that in some cases the
positive pore pressure caused by saturation might over-
ride the softening effect and so produce a misleadingly
optimistic evaluation if this method of assessment
was used in isolation. u.
,~ 6 / , 1 oo

/,~ .,./80 / 5 10
15 20

=o so FIG. 2. Approximate relationship between bowing of marble

panels and the panel thickness (after Erlin 1989).

)-2 .9oO~ ~ 3 0 Selection and sampling

As with any other material, the testing and evaluation
of stone is only as reliable as the samples are represen-
tative. In the particular case of building stone it is
MODULUS OF RUPTURE,(R) always important to establish that the samples derive
from the same part of and level within the quarry
FIG. |. Approximate evaluation of stone durability as a func- from which the contract supply will be produced. It is
tion of the dry-to-wet strength ratio (from Winkler 1986). preferable for the laboratory test programme to be
conducted using quarry face samples obtained during a
preliminary quarry inspection rather than commercial
Thermal cycling 'samples' provided by the supplier, possibly from a
long-term stock produced from material long since
Although ASTM does not provide a test method quarried out. The factors of safety to be taken into
specifically for freeze-thaw resistance of stone, it is account in the structural design will be based largely
quite common in the USA for stone materials to be upon the scatter of test results and it is thus important
subjected to the ASTM C666 freeze-thaw test which is to ensure that added variability caused by undue
primarily intended for concrete samples. Some US sampling error is avoided, or at least minimized.
specifications call for stone samples to be exposed to
'ageing' by freeze-thaw cycling prior to the execution
of a range of conventional strength tests.
Some thin stone cladding panels can be distorted by
heating and cooling cycles. Erlin (1989) has ascribed
bowing (or 'dishing') of some thin Carrara marble There are few British Standards to assist in the assess-
panels to a process of 'thermal hysteresis' whereby the ment of building stone for quality and durability. At
thermal expansion of calcite crystals causes irreversible present the limited BRE advice is the most useful UK
deformation. He devised a laboratory test involving a guidance available in respect of limestones and sand-
temperature range of 20 to 60°C. Although some stones from UK sources. A variety of pertinent labora-
workers consider that the cause of such bowing or tory tests and specifications is provided by ASTM,
dishing is related to the heat release of built-in geologi- although supplementary large-scale and/or durability
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testing ,s probably also advisable. Several durability HONEYBORNE,O. B. :1982. The Building Limestones of France.
tests for stone have been described, some of which are Building Research Establishment Report, HMSO, Lon-
relatively specific to particular stone types and others don.
LEARY, E. 1983. The Building Limestones of the British lsles.
merely adaptations from tests for other building
Building Research Establishment Report, HMSO,
materials. Whichever test procedures are chosen for a London.
particular stone material, the important aspect of -- 1986. The Building Sandstones of the British Isles. Build-
sample representativeness must not be overlooked. ing Research Establishment Report, HMSO, London.
MAMILLAN, M. 1982. Recent Knowledge of lthe Physical
Properties of Building Stones. CEBTP, Paris, France,
June, 297-299.
McCABE, J. T. 1987. The role of engineers in designing and
specifying natural stone. Dimensional Stone, Jan/Feb,
References 55-57.
Ross, K. D. & BUa'LIN, R. N. 1989. Durability Tests for
Building Stone. BRE Report BR 141, London.
BUILDING RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. 1983. The Selection of SCHAFFER, R. J. 1932. The Weathering of Natural Building
Natural Building Stone. BRE Digest 269, HMSO, Stones. Reprinted facsimile 1985, BRE Special Report
London. BR6, London.
ERLIN, B. 1989. When is a bow not a bow? Stone World, SEOMAN, J. H. F. & BARLOW, S. L. 1989. The durability of
February, 86-90. the Bath building stone. In: GASKARTH,J. W. & LUMS-
GERE, A. S. 1988. Design considerations for using stone DEN, A. C. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th Extractive Indus-
veneer on high-rise buildings. ASTM STP 996, In: try Geology Conference, University of Birmingham, 16-
DONALDSON,B. (ed.) New Stone Technology, Design, and 19 April 1989. Institution of Geologists, London, 82-
Construction for Exterior Wall Systems 32-46. 91.
HART, D. 1988. The Building Magnesian Limestones of the WINKLER, E. M. 1986. A durability index for stone. Bulletin
British Isles. Building Research Establishment Report, of the Association of Engineering Geologists, 23, 3, 344--
HMSO, London. 347.

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