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Generic Name: Furosemide

Brand Name: Lasix

Classification: Loop Diuretics

Dosage, route and frequency: 40 mg, IV route,

Mechanism of action: It inhibits electrolyte reabsorption from the kidneys

of the patient and it enhances the excretion of
water from its body. It also inhibits reabsorption
from the ascending loop of Henle in the renal

Desired effect: Reduce extra fluid in the body and increase urinary

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Observe the 10 rights in
To ensure right patient and prevent error in
administering medication.
administration of the drug.
2. Administer intravenous diuretics
To prevent severe changes in fluid and
3. Monitor patient response to drugs
through vital signs, weight, serum
To evaluate effectiveness of drug therapy.
electrolytes and hydration.

4. Assess skin condition. To determine presence of fluid volume

deficit or retention.
5. Provide comfort measures (e.g. skin
care, nutrition referral, etc.) To help patient tolerate drug effects.

6. Provide safety measures (e.g.

adequate lighting, raised side rails,
To prevent the patient from injury.

7. Educate client on drug therapy. To promote patient’s compliance to the


Generic Name: Digoxin

Brand Name: Lanoxin

Classification: Digitalis Glycosides

Dosage, route and frequency: 0.25 mg, IV route, once a day

Mechanism of action: It increases force of myocardial contraction to the

patient. It also controls the rate and rhythm of the
heartbeat leading to better blood circulation and
reduces swelling of the hands and ankles.

Desired effect: Increase cardiac output (positive inotropic effect)

and slows of the heart rate (negative chronotropic

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Check drug dose and preparation
To avoid medication errors because drug
has narrow safety margin.
2. Do not administer drug with food
and antacids. To prevent decreased in drug absorption.

3. Weigh the patient daily to monitor

for fluid retention and HF. Assess
dependent areas for presence of To assess severity of fluid retention.
edema and note its degree of pitting.

4. Monitor serum digoxin level as

To evaluate therapeutic dosing and
ordered (normal: 0.5-2 ng/mL).
development of adverse effects.
5. Provide comfort measures.
To help patient tolerate drug effects.
6. Promote rest periods
and relaxation techniques. To balance supply and demand of oxygen.

7. Ensure maintenance of emergency

To promote prompt treatment in cases of
drugs and equipment at bedside.
severe toxicity.
8. Educate patient on drug therapy
To enhance patient understanding on drug
including drug name, its indication,
therapy and thereby promote adherence to
and adverse effects to watch out for 
drug regimen.

Generic Name: Spironolactone

Brand Name: Aldactone

Classification: Potassium-sparing Diuretics

Dosage, route and frequency: 25 mg, oral route, twice a day

Mechanism of action: It acts as a competitive binding agent at the

aldosterone receptor site in the distal convoluted
renal tubules, preventing the formation of a protein
important in the sodium-potassium exchange in
the kidneys. This action causes increased
amounts of water and sodium to be excreted while
potassium is conserved.

Desired effect: It will eliminate unneeded water and sodium from

the body into the urine but reduces the loss of
potassium from the body.

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Observe the 10 rights in
To ensure right patient and prevent error
administering medication.
in administration of the drug.
2. Assess for the mentioned cautions
and contraindications. To prevent any untoward complications.

3. Perform a thorough physical To determine effectiveness of therapy

assessment to establish baseline
and to evaluate for occurrence of any
data before drug therapy begins.
adverse effects associated with drug
4. Monitor input and output and To evaluate fluid balance and renal
voiding patterns. function.

5. Weigh patient under standard Weight is a useful index of need for

conditions before therapy begins dosage adjustment.
and daily throughout therapy.

6. Inform the patient about the side To become aware with the side effects
effect of the drug (increased and know what to expect while taking the
volume, urinary frequency, drug.
dizziness, confusion, etc.)

7. Inspect skin (note presence of To determine hydration status and have

edema and status of skin turgor) a baseline data for effectiveness of drug

Generic Name: Aspirin

Brand Name: Zorprin

Classification: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)

Dosage, route and frequency: 150 mg, oral route, once a day

Mechanism of action: It inhibits platelet function through irreversible

inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) activity.

Desired effect: It will limit the risk of a first-time or

repeat heart attack and prevent blood clots from

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Check drug dose and preparation

To avoid medication errors because drug
has narrow safety margin.
2. Assess for contraindications or To avoid adverse effects.

3. Advise to drink adequate fluid while This helps medicine pass from your mouth
taking aspirin. to your stomach and small intestine and to
be absorbed to give the desired action.
4. Establish baseline physical To monitor for any potential adverse
assessment. effects.

5. Assess for presence of skin lesions. To monitor for dermatological effects.

6. Monitor the patient’s temperature To evaluate drug’s effectiveness in

regularly. lowering temperature.

7. Monitor pulse, blood pressure, and To assess the bleeding effects of the drug.

8. Evaluate respirations and To detect hypersensitivity reactions.

adventitious sounds.

Generic Name: Simvastatin

Brand Name: Zocor

Classification: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins)

Dosage, route and frequency: 40 mg, oral route, once a day

Mechanism of action: It works by slowing the production of cholesterol in

the body to decrease the amount of cholesterol
that may build up on the walls of the arteries and
block blood flow to the heart, brain, and other parts
of the body.

Desired effect: It will lower bad cholesterol hence it will increase

good cholesterol and it will also slow the
development of heart disease and reduce the risk
of stroke.

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Check drug dose and preparation
To avoid medication errors because drug
has narrow safety margin.
2. Assess for the mentioned
contraindications to this drug. To prevent potential adverse effects.

3. Conduct thorough physical

To establish baseline status, determine
assessment before beginning drug
effectiveness of therapy, and evaluate
potential adverse effects.
4. Obtain baseline status for
weight while noting recent
manifestations that increases or To determine the fluid status.

5. Assess closely patient’s heart rate

To identify cardiovascular changes that
and blood pressure.
may warrant change in drug dose.
To determine possibility of developing
6. Assess bowel patterns.
constipation and resultant fecal
7. Instruct the client about the side
effects of the drug. To be aware and to know what to exoe

Generic Name: Rampiril

Brand Name: Altace

Classification: ACE inhibitors

Dosage, route and frequency: 2.5 mg, oral route, once a day

Mechanism of action: It dilates blood vessel to improve the blood flow of

the patient. This helps decrease the amount of
work the heart has to do. It also help block a
substance in the blood called angiotensin that is
made as a result of heart failure.

Desired effect: Treats heart failure and prevents occurrence of

future strokes and heart attack.

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

1. Observe the 10 rights in
To ensure right patient and prevent error
administering medication.
in administration of the drug.

2. Monitor for profound hypotension. Because ACE inhibitors can cause first-
dose phenomenon with initial doses.
3. Monitor renal and hepatic function To alert doctor for possible development
tests. of renal and/or hepatic failure as well as
to signal need for reduced drug dose.
4. Monitor for presence of
manifestations that signal
To prevent exacerbation of hypotensive
decreased in fluid volume  (e.g.
effect of drug.
diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration) 

5. Educate patient and family

members about drug’s effect to
To enhance patient knowledge on drug
the body and manifestations that
therapy and promote adherence.
would need reporting.

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