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Quotation No : 60012132515

Bajaj Allianz Life Flexi Income Goal

A Non-Linked, Participating, Guaranteed Income Life Insurance Plan

Name of the Prospect/ Policyholder BALAJI P Name of the Product: Bajaj Allianz Life Flexi Income Goal
Age (in years): 26 Tag Line: A Non-Linked, Participating, Guaranteed Income Life Insurance Plan
Gender: M Unique Identification Number: 116N162V01
Name of the Life Assured BALAJI P GST Rate(First Year): 4.50%
Age (in years): 26 GST Rate(2nd Year onwards): 2.25%
Gender: M
Single/Joint Life: Single
Name of the Joint Life: NA
Age of Joint LIfe (in years): NA
Gender of Joint Life: NA
Sum Assured Of Joint Life: NA
Policy Term (in Years) 17
Premium Paying Term (in Years) 5
Amount of Installment Premium (in Rs.) 43,598
Mode of Payment of Premium Annual
Variant Income Benefit
Guaranteed Monthly Income 1,100
Receive GMI NA
Receive Cash Bonus NA

How to read and understand this benefit illustration?

This benefit illustration is intented to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy, at two assumed rates of interest i.e., 8% p.a. and 4% p.a.
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of your insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then these will be clearly marked "guaranteed" in the illustration
table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future investment returns, of 8% p.a. and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower
limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment performance.

Policy Details
Sum Assured Rs. 1,58,400
Bonus Type: Cash Bonus Sum Assured on Death (at inception of Policy) Rs. 4,17,210

Options Exercised

Accumulate Begin(Year) End(Year) Withdraw From Begin(Year) End(Year) Withdrawal

Cash Bonus 1 17
Guaranteed Monthly Income 6 17
Guaranteed Lump-Sum N.A N.A

Premium Summary

Quotation No : 60012132515

Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Installment Premium without GST (after Channel Discount, if any) 41,721 0 41,721
Applicable Channel Discount 0 0 0
Installment Premium with First Year GST 43,598 0 43,598
Installment Premium with GST 2nd year Onwards 42,660 0 42,660

(Amount in Rupees)
Total Benefits including Guarantee and Non-Guaranteed Benefits

Guaranteed Benefits Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 4% p.a. Non Guaranteed Benefit @ 8% p.a. Surrender Benefit Total Survival Benefit Total Maturity Total Death Benefit
Receivable Receivable Benefit

Maturity Total Total Total Total

Survival Maturity
Accrued Guaranteed Special Benefit Accrued Guaranteed Special Benefit Surrender Surrender Total Total Maturity Maturity Death Death
Annualized Benefit Death Death Surrender Under Benefit Benefit Benefit Benefit
Policy Life Premium (Guaranteed Benefit Benefit Maturity Compound Cash Accumulation Withdrawals Surrender Value Compound Cash Accumulation Surrender Surrender Under Value Value Survival Survival incl incl incl incl
Assured's Benefit Rev. Bonus of "Cash Value (GSV) Paid-Up Rev. Bonus of "Cash Withdrawals Value Value
Year (Excl of Monthly ^! of the (SSV) # Paid-Up Receivable## Receivable## Benefit Benefit
Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal
Age GST) Income- EOY@ spouse EOY@ Bonus Payable Bonus & GMI" EOY EOY Policy Bonus Payable Bonus & GMI" (GSV) (SSV) # Receivable Receivable Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if Bonus, if
EOY EOT EOY EOY EOY Policy EOY@ 4% EOY@ 8% @4% @8%
GMI) EOT any any any any
@4% @8% @4% @8%

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 26 41,721 0 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,188 0 0 0 0 0 3,960 3,960 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,188 3,960 0 0 4,18,457 4,21,368
2 27 41,721 0 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 2,412 0 25,068 40,408 34,092 0 3,960 8,197 0 25,310 46,194 39,877 40,408 46,194 1,188 3,960 0 0 4,19,742 4,25,817
3 28 41,721 0 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 3,672 0 43,915 76,158 51,192 0 3,960 12,731 0 44,658 85,217 60,251 76,158 85,217 1,188 3,960 0 0 4,21,066 4,30,578
4 29 41,721 0 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 4,970 0 83,660 1,29,862 68,330 0 3,960 17,582 0 85,184 1,42,474 80,942 1,29,862 1,42,474 1,188 3,960 0 0 4,22,429 4,35,671
5 30 41,721 0 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 6,307 0 1,04,670 1,86,041 85,507 0 3,960 22,773 0 1,07,275 2,02,507 1,01,973 1,86,041 2,02,507 1,188 3,960 0 0 4,23,833 4,41,122
6 31 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 20,884 0 1,04,859 1,95,299 1,00,084 0 3,960 41,527 0 1,08,870 2,30,197 1,20,727 1,95,299 2,30,197 14,388 17,160 0 0 4,39,139 4,60,813
7 32 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 35,899 0 1,05,486 2,04,542 1,15,099 0 3,960 61,594 0 1,11,776 2,46,869 1,40,794 2,04,542 2,46,869 14,388 17,160 0 0 4,54,904 4,81,884
8 33 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 51,364 0 1,14,907 2,13,750 1,30,564 0 3,960 83,065 0 1,24,432 2,64,460 1,62,265 2,13,750 2,64,460 14,388 17,160 0 0 4,71,142 5,04,429
9 34 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 67,293 0 1,24,792 2,22,899 1,46,493 0 3,960 1,06,040 0 1,38,591 2,83,030 1,85,240 2,22,899 2,83,030 14,388 17,160 0 0 4,87,868 5,28,552
10 35 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 83,700 0 1,37,241 2,31,962 1,62,900 0 3,960 1,30,623 0 1,56,444 3,02,645 2,33,583 2,31,962 3,02,645 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,05,095 5,78,124
11 36 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,00,599 0 1,48,096 2,40,907 1,79,799 0 3,960 1,56,926 0 1,73,932 3,23,370 2,62,262 2,40,907 3,23,370 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,22,839 6,08,119
12 37 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,18,005 0 1,61,544 2,49,700 1,97,205 0 3,960 1,85,071 0 1,95,347 3,45,279 2,92,783 2,49,700 3,45,279 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,41,115 6,40,047
13 38 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,35,933 0 1,73,429 2,58,306 2,15,133 0 3,960 2,15,186 0 2,16,646 3,68,447 3,25,274 2,58,306 3,68,447 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,59,939 6,74,044
14 39 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,54,399 0 1,87,937 2,66,683 2,33,599 0 3,960 2,47,409 0 2,47,409 3,92,957 3,59,873 2,66,683 3,92,957 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,79,329 7,10,254
15 40 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,73,419 0 2,00,913 2,74,789 2,52,619 0 3,960 2,81,888 0 2,81,888 4,18,899 3,96,728 2,74,789 4,18,899 14,388 17,160 0 0 5,99,300 7,48,832
16 41 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 0 0 1,188 1,93,009 0 2,16,546 2,82,581 2,72,209 0 3,960 3,18,780 0 3,18,780 4,46,368 4,35,996 2,82,581 4,46,368 14,388 17,160 0 0 6,19,870 7,89,945
17 42 0 13,200 4,17,210 0 79,200 0 1,188 2,13,188 0 0 0 2,92,388 0 3,960 3,58,255 0 0 0 4,77,847 0 0 14,388 17,160 2,92,388 4,77,847 6,41,057 8,33,770

Notes: Annualized premium excludes underwri ng extra premium, the premiums paid towards the riders, if any and Goods and Service Tax. Refer Sales literature for explana on of terms used in this illustra on. The Annualised Premium, will be w.r.t. the life assured or
primary life assured (in a joint life policy).
'@ EOY: End Of Policy Year @ EOT: End Of Policy Term
^! In case of Death Benefit, the corresponding number in the 'Policy Year' column should be read as the Year in which Death happens at Year-End.
# In case of 'Paid-Up' Benefits, the corresponding number in the 'Policy Year' column should be read as the Number of Completed Years' Premiums Paid.
## In case of 'Surrender' Benefits, the corresponding number in the 'Policy Year' column should be read as the Year in which the Policy is Surrendered at Year-End.

Quotation No : 60012132515

I, ___________________________ (name), have explained the premiums and benefits under the policy fully to the prospect / I , __________________ (name) , having received the informa on with respect to the above, have understood the above statement
policyholder. before entering into the contract.

Date: Date:
Signature of Agent/ Intermediary/ Official Signature of Prospect / Policyholder

Notes & Disclaimers:

1. The above information must be read in conjunction with Sales Literature.
2. This premium quotation is applicable only for a Standard Life (from medical, lifestyle and occupational point of view).
3. Further clarification can be sought by contacting company's sales representative or by sending an e-mail to
4. The company may declare a rate of Compound Reversionary Bonus in a year applicable for that year. This rate will be expressed as a percentage of the Sum Assured. This percentage will be applied on the Sum Assured plus reversionary bonuses already a ached to the policy to determine the amount of
reversionary bonus to be added to the policy at that year end. Furthermore, for a policy that has completed ten (10) years and where all due premiums have been paid, the company may declare a Terminal Bonus. The Compound Reversionary Bonus and Terminal Bonus may vary with the policy term
chosen by the policyholder.
5. This product has two variants:
a. Income Benefit, where, one Sum Assured amount will be paid-out as survival benefits in GMIs, and the remaining 50% of Sum Assured amount will be paid as part of the maturity benefit. This variant provides Cash Bonus declared, if any.
b. Enhanced Benefit, where one Sum Assured amount will be paid-out as survival benefits in GMIs, one Sum Assured amount will be paid as part of the maturity benefit and 50% of the Sum Assured amount is payable at the end of premium payment term. This variant provides Compound Reversionary
Bonus declared, if any.
6. The plan can be taken as a single life cover or a joint-life cover along with the spouse.
7. Death Benefit:
If all due premiums have been paid, then, on death of the Life Assured, Death Benefit shall be equal to:
Income Benefit Enhanced Benefit
1. Sum Assured on Death* , plus
1. Sum Assured on Death*, plus 2. Attached compound Reversionary Bonus, plus
2. Terminal bonus, if any, plus 3. Terminal bonus, if any, plus
3. Accumulated Cash Bonus (ACB), if any, plus 4. Accumulated Guaranteed Monthly Income (AGMI), if any, plus
4. Accumulated Guaranteed Monthly Income (AGMI), if any, plus 5. Accumulated Guaranteed Lump-Sum at the end of PPT (AGLS –I), if
5. If there is any ACB and/or AGMI in the policy, then, an additional 5% of the any, plus
ACB and/or 5% of the AGMI (respectively) will be paid. 6. If there is any AGMI and/or AGLS-I, in the policy, then, an additional
5% of the AGMI and/or 5% of the AGLS -I (respectively) will be paid.
The Sum Assured on Death or sum assured (in the case of death of the
spouse) will be paid out, by default, in equal monthly instalments over a The death benefit by default will be paid-out as a lump-sum.
period equal to the Minimum of the Outstanding Policy Term or 12 years. However, the policyholder or nominee (as applicable) will have the
At the time of intimation of death, the policyholder or nominee (as option to take the death benefit in equal monthly instalments over a
applicable) will have the option to take the equal monthly instalments period of five (5) or ten (10) years (as per his/her choice) from the
w.r.t. the Sum Assured on Death or sum assured (in the case of death of date of intimation of death.
the spouse) in a lump-sum.

The benefit shown under “Death Benefit of the spouse” in above Benefit Illustration is the benefit payable to the spouse, if the spouse dies first in a Joint life policy. For further information on Spouse Death benefit, please refer to Sales literature.
*Sum assured on Death higher of the Sum Assured or 10 times of Annualised Premium.
8. Maturity Benefit:
If the policy is in-force at the maturity date and the Life Assured or Primary Life Assured (in a joint life policy) is alive, the maturity benefit shall be:
Income Benefit Enhanced Benefit
1. Sum Assured on Maturity of 50% of sum assured, plus 1. Sum Assured on Maturity of 100% of sum assured, plus
2. ACB, if any, plus 2. Attached compound Reversionary Bonus, if any, plus
3. AGMI, if any, plus 3. Terminal bonus, if any, plus
4. Terminal Bonus, if any 4. AGMI, if any
5. AGLS -I, if any
9. The policyholder will have an option to take the GMI in annual instalments. In this case, the Annual GMI payable will be 104% * Monthly GMI * 12
10. The policyholder will have an option to take the Cash Bonus in monthly instalments. In this case, the Monthly Cash Bonus payable will be [95% * Cash Bonus] / 12
11. Values under the head “Accumulation” under ‘Non-Guaranteed Benefit’ refers to the accumulated value of a) Cash Bonus, if retained b) GMI, if retained c) GLS-1, if retained (In Enhanced Benefit) before withdrawal.
12. The policyholder will have an option to take Maturity Benefit in instalments over a period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years. For further information, please read the sales literature.
13. The policy can be surrendered by the policyholder at any me, provided at least two (2) full years premiums have been paid. The Surrender Value receivable will be the higher of the Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) and the Special Surrender Value (SSV). The policy will terminate on the Date of

Quotation No : 60012132515

14. The displayed Special Surrender Values (SSV) are only indicative and not guaranteed and therefore subject to change in future.
15. Any rider can be excluded at any time before the Maturity Date. The Rider Life Assured is eligible for Surrender Value on exclusion of the rider, if the Rider Premium Paying Term is less than Rider Policy Term and two full year’s Rider Premiums have been paid.
The Surrender Value of the chosen rider will be:
70%*{(n-t)/n}^2*Total Premiums paid for that par cular rider cover where n is the rider policy term and t is the elapsed dura on in years and frac on thereof from the date of commencement of the rider cover. Base policy will con nue as per its own provisions even a er cancella on of one or more
16. The illustrated figures of 'Surrender Value Receivable' include the respective 'Base Policy Surrender Value' and 'Rider Surrender Value', if any.
17. The investment returns illustrated above are only for the illustrative purpose as mandated by the IRDA and do not in any way indicate the upper and lower limits of investment return.
18. Goods & Service Tax and Cess, if any would be payable as per applicable tax laws.
19. Terminal Bonus, if any, shall become payable along with Maturity Benefit or Death Benefit.
20. Premiums payable and benefits receivable would be eligible for tax benefits, as per the then existing tax laws.

Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation.

This illustration should be read along with the product brochure for detailed terms and conditions.

Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Bajaj Allianz House, Airport Road, Yerawada, Pune - 411006. Reg No.: 116.
Tel: (020) 66026777; Fax: (020) 66026789

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