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Fuels & Combustion

Que- What are the main Constituents of Fuels?
1 a) Carbon & Hydrogen b) Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulphur, Nitrogen, ash, oxygen
c) sulphur, nitrogen, hydrogen d) carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide
Que- Lewis Thomson calorimeter is used to measure the calorific value of
2 a) Gas Fuels b) solid fuels c) solid and liquid Fuels d) solid & Gas fuels
Que- What are the Natural Fuels?
3 a) Coke, Peat, Woods Charcoal, Bituminous coal, Producer gas
b) Peat, Anthracite coal, Bituminous coal, Crude oil
c) wood, peat lignite, coal gas, producer gas
d) wood, kerosene, peat, water gas, pulverized coal
Que- How much is the carbon percentage in anthracite coal?
4 a) 90-98% b) 85-88% c) 70-80% d) 85-88 %
Que- How coke is prepared?
5 a) It is prepared by the strong heating of wood in a limited supply of air, below 3073K temp.
b) It is prepared by molding the finely ground coal under pressure with or without addition of binding
c) It is prepared by powdering low grade coal with high ash content.
d) It is prepared by heating bituminous coal @ 5000-7000 'C continuously for 15-18 hours in a closed
chamber in the absence of air
Que- What is the Higher Calorific Value of town gas in kJ/m3?
6 a) 21000-25000 b) 26000-28000 c) 18000-20000 d) 16000-18000
Que- What is the specific gravity of petrol?
7 a) 0.78-0.85 b) 0.86-0.95 c) 0.70-0.78 d) 0.65-0.70
Que- To complete burn of 0.7 kg carbon and 0.2 kg of hydrogen, how much kg of oxygen required?
8 a) 3 b) 4 c) 4.5 d) 3.5
Que- Arrange the following liquid fuels in the ascending order based on density 1)Gasoline 2) Kerosine 3)
9 Heavy oil 4) Diesel
a) 1,2 ,3, 4 b) 1, 2, 4, 3 c) 2,1, 3, 4 d) 2, 4, 1, 3
Que- Which of the following is a common constituent between water gas and producer gas?
10 a) CO2 b) H2 c) N2 d) CO
Que- In a Lewis Thomson calorimeter, oxygen is supplied for combustion by
11 a) potassium chloride b) potassium nitrate c) both of them d) none of these
Que- The heat liberated by the fuel that excludes the latent heat of evaporation of water vapours is known as
12 a) Higher calorific value of fuel b) Lower calorific value of fuel c) specific heat capacity d) latent
heat of fuel
Que- The amount of oxygen required to complete combustion of 1 kg of carbon is
13 a) 1.33 kg b) 4/3 kg c) 6/3 kg d) 8/3 kg
Que- Find the Higher Calorific value of the fuel (in kJ/kg) whose composition by mass is as follows: C=91%,
14 H=3%, S=0.8% and the remainder being ash. ( Just type the value)
Que- The percentage composition of a fuel on mass basis is as follows: C=90%, H=3.5%, O=1%, S=0.5% and
15 ash=5%. The minimum air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of fuel is
a) 10.5 kg b) 11.63 kg c) 12.77 kg d) 9.88 kg
Que- The following is the percentage of a coal sample on mass basis: C=82%, H=6%, O=9% and ash=3%. The
16 minimum oxygen required for complete combustion of coal is
a) 11.203 kg b) 5.62 kg c) 2.58 kg d) 1.5 kg
Que- A coal has the following composition by mass C=90%, H2 = 3%, S= 1%, O2= 2%, N2=2% and remaining is
17 ash. Find 1) the HCV 2) LCV 3) Minimum Oxygen required to complete burn the fuel 4) Minimum air
required to complete the burn the fuel 5) Mass of oxygen required to burn the 0.9 Kg of carbon
Que- The following observations were made during the test for finding the 1)lower calorific value of a solid
18 fuel with the help of bomb calorimeter:
Mass of fuel in crucible=0.78 gram, Mass of fuse wire= 0.02 gram, C.V of fuse wire 6500 kJ/Kg. Mass of
water in the calorimeter = 1.88 Kg. Water equivalent of calorimeter = 0.37 Kg. Observed temperature
rise = 2.980C.
Que- What are the requirements of good fuel?
19 a)High calorific value and moderate ignition temperature
b) Low contents of non-combustible and undesirable matters.
c) Combustion should be controllable.
d)All of the above
Que- The fuels available in the crust of earth
20 a)Natural Fuels b)Artificial Fuels c)Primary Fuels d)Both a & c
Que- An Orsat apparatus is used to
21 (a) determine the smoke density
(b) analyse the wet products of combustion
(c) analyse the dry products of combustion
(d) determine the volume of excess air
Que- Orsat flue gas analysis gives
22 (a) percentage by mass of dry products of combustion
(b) percentage by volume of dry products of combustion
(c) percentage by mass of fuel composition
(d) percentage by volume of fuel composition
Que- In Orsat apparatus, pyrogallic acid is used to absorb
23 (a) CO2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d) CO
Que- In Orsat apparatus, KOH solution is used to absorb
24 (a) CO2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d) CO
Que- In Orsat apparatus, cuprous chloride solution is used to absorb
25 (a) CO2 (b) O2 (c) N2 (d) CO

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