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Module OL Introduction to Ethical Hacking This page is intentionally left blank. a degen Concormass Ineadcen te an +i sie tiny “si eri ea odule TSetRMRYS nti Module Objectives ‘Attackers break into systems for various reasons and purposes. Therefore, iti important to understand how malicious hackers attack and exploit systems, and the probable reasons behind those attacks. As Sun Tzu states in the Art of Wer, “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for ‘every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat." Its the duty of system administrators and security professionals to guard their infrastructure against exploits by knowing the enemy—the ‘malicious hacker(s)—who seeks to use the same infrastructure for illegal activities. This module starts with an overview of the current security scenario and emerging threat vectors, It provides an insight into the different elements of information security. Later the ‘module discusses hacking and ethical hacking concepts and ends with a brief discussion on information security controls, penetration testing process, and information security laws and acts. ‘Atthe end of this module, you willbe able to: ‘+ Understand the current security trends ‘Describe the elements of information security ‘+ Explain information security threats and attack vectors ‘+ Describe the hacking concepts, types, and phases ‘+ Explain the ethical hacking concepts and scope ‘+ Understand the information security controls (Information security management,

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