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recover Facebook Ad Accounts,

BM's and profiles

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

Here's what worked for me to get the BM / Ad Accounts / Profiles back from Facebook.

First, make sure to do everything not to lose it in the first place.


For this please refer to my Facebook Ad Account Safety Cheatsheet on the link below

If this still happened to you there could be 3 layers of losing with Facebook:

1. Losing Ad Account. Non pleasant.

2. Losing Business Manager (BM). Even more non pleasant.

3. Losing the ability to advertise on your Personal Profile. Hurts.
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

We’ll cover each of these in more details but general guidelines are:

1. If Facebook bans/disables any of your Ad Accounts / BM, etc..., you have to be nice and
admit you were wrong. If you were right and FB has banned you by mistake, doesn’t matter.
Politely explain your point and ask to get your Account / BM / Profile back.

2. Even if Facebook responded to you and the case is closed and you see:



As you can see the case is closed, BUT you can still appeal and leave your message here
(Your response field):

So basically determination and politeness and things that will get you sorted.
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

1. Ad Account recovery
So how to get your ad account back from FB? Here’s what you would see if your account got
shut down:

FB will give you the button to appeal under this notification.

Here’s what you need to write them:

Dear Facebook Review Team,

Thank you for this notification but I believe my Business Account has been disabled by mistake as none of
my ads violate Facebook policy.

The products I am advertising are “XXX products” and in any way my ads contain images or videos that
promote adult content, shocking images or claims. Also, my ads do not focus on a person weight loss issues
and do not contain copyright material.

It’s for the reasons mentioned above that I am kindly requesting my business account to be reviewed and
that you allow me the privilege to continue advertising in your extraordinary platform.

Thank you so much for your attention,

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

OR another template (can also be used to follow up with Facebook on your case)

Hello, dear Facebook team. Kindly provide an update on this case.

We have edited our ads to comply with Facebook policy and commissioned the extensive audit and re-learn-
ing of Facebook policies for our team.

Our goal is to deliver a great user experience and be compliant with Facebook policies.

Please reactivate our business manager so we can continue advertising on this great platform. We have a
budget of $1,000,000 for Q4 this year that we want to reinvest into Facebook advertising.

Kind regards


AND one more template

Hi Facebook Team,

I understand that my ad account has been deactivated for Policy Violations, and I want to apologize for any
lack of misunderstanding on my part as it is my #1 Goal to be 100% compliant with Facebook's advertising

I want to make sure my customers and Facebook users get a positive experience at all times.

My intention is not to mislead or misdirect anyone and I would love help in making sure that doesn’t happen
with my ads.

That being said, I would like to have a full review of my account in hopes that it can be reactivated.

I understand that Facebook is well within its rights to deactivate any account for policy violation, and I would
appreciate it very much if you could explain to me which policies I have violated so that I can correct them.

I've taken a look at my ads over and over again, but I can't see which of my ads are in violation. I believe they
are compliant with Facebook's standards.

For example:

I have a working landing page and my ads do not show any broken functionality.

I have no before and after pictures that might project a negative self-image.
I'm not promoting illegal products or prohibited goods. I'm not making assertions about personal attributes.

I'm not promoting MLM, counterfeit documents, or spyware.

I'm not making misleading claims, referencing controversial content, or using profanity.

I'm not using automatic animation or using techniques to hide the content of my destination pages.

I understand that you cherish your users and want to give them the best user experience, and I do not want
to negatively affect their view of your company.

Please review my account and let me know what I need to do fix it to be 100% compliant so that I can avoid
any future policy violations.

Thank You
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

AND if it worked out, Facebook will respond

Now you good to go, continue to advertise!
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

2. Business Manager recovery

Business manager deactivation is more tricky. All of the accounts in your BM, pixels etc are

Facebook will give you the option to appeal.

You can use the same templates, these are exactly the ones that worked for me.
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

So as you can see I appealed, BUT Facebook didn’t get back to me in 4 days so I followed up
once again. With another message.

Again these are the 2 templates, you will need to customize them for your case:

Q2. Please provide more information to help us review your request.

Dear Facebook Review Team,

Thank you for this notification but I believe my Business Account has been disabled by mistake as none of
my ads violate Facebook policy.

The products I am advertising are “XXX ” and in any way my ads contain images or videos that promote adult
content or shocking images. Also, my ads do not focus on a person personal attributes and do not contain
copyright material.

It’s for the reasons mentioned above that I am kindly requesting my business account to be reviewed and
that you allow me the privilege to continue advertising in your extraordinary platform.

Thank you so much for your attention,

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

OR can be used this template

Hello, Facebook team.

I've noticed our advertising access was disabled for our Business Manager XXX. It was a mistake from my
media buyer. He submitted the ad that wasn't compliant with Facebook policies. It was done without my

I have reviewed the situation with him and made sure he is familiar with Facebook policies to ensure all of
our ads are compliant with Facebook policies and deliver the amazing user experience.

We also conducted the full training for all our media buyers to ensure we deliver great user experience and
comply with all Facebook policies.

We have been an agency with Facebook and spending millions of dollars for our clients every year for few
years now and I would like to ask to reinstate our advertising ability so we can continue to spend on
Facebook and generate amazing results for our business and our clients.

Our budgets for advertising the next quarter are $3-5 million and we are looking forward to spending it
while delivering great user experience and being fully compliant with Facebook policies.

We have also verified our business manager to ensure full transparency and a win-win business environ-

I'm kindly asking to re-enable our advertising access to business manager AF MEDIA so we can continue to
advertise on your amazing platform.

Kind regards

Your reply

Hello, dear Facebook team. Kindly provide an update on this case.

We have edited our ads to comply with Facebook policy and commissioned the extensive audit and re-learn-
ing of Facebook policies for our team.

Our goal is to deliver a great user experience and be compliant with Facebook policies.

Please reactivate our business manager so we can continue advertising on this great platform. We have a
budget of $1,000,000 fro Q4 this year that we want to reinvest into Facebook advertising.

Kind regards

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

 I demonstrated I know FB policies
 I did it in polite and nice way
 I asked nicely for my BM back
 I showed the intent to spend $$$
 I showed that we are tweaking our internal company’s training to make sure it doesn’t
happen again and we are fully compliant with policies.

And I got my BM back in 5 days.

One more thing I’ve done and you can do while waiting was:


Help for your business on Facebook.


Facebook Ads Help Center: Help, Support and Troubleshooting

So you are hitting Facebook from multiple angles to get attention for your specific case.
There are millions of ad accounts disabled so you need to get attention first.
Most likely your Accounts/ BM / profiles got banned by bot / automation so getting human’s
attention on it is the first priority.

One of our students Noor has gotten his BM back from Facebook.
He's what he did to get it back:

I have used the template you provided in a way that I was guilty by association with accounts that
I didn’t create. In another case I said I had hired an agency that I thought had put Facebook's
policy at their top priority and fired them after my account got disabled.

Noor, eCommerce Scaling Secrets Student
recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

3. Personal Profile recovery

This one is the worst.

Basically FB disables your ability to advertise on their platform overall. You can’t manage
other ad accounts of other people, you can’t manage any of your own ads etc.

In this case you can apply the same templates and show to Facebook you are a capable
advertiser and want to follow Facebook policies, be compliant with policies and show that
you recognize you’ve done something wrong.

FB will review your case and you are likely to get your profile back.

This is top of the appeal ladder.

Basically, if you are 100% sure you have been mistreated by Facebook, you've sold compliant
products and GOT YOUR AD ACCOUNT / BM / PROFILE shut down and CAN’T get it back you
will need to reach out to Sheryl Sandberg, COO at Facebook.

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles

Template (please customize for your needs).

This template saved us several BM's and dozens of accounts. BUT ONLY REACH OUT IF YOU
ARE 100% CONFIDENT you haven't broken policies OR have been mistreated by Facebook. I
can't guarantee it will work, but work multiple times for us and we got a better response /
treatment / solutions.

Hi Sheryl,

Sorry to trouble you. I was given your email from a contact of mine. He mentioned that you might be able to
assist us.

We are XXX and have spent over XXX yearly on FB and manage some of the XXX (stores etc).

We are battling with getting proper support from Facebook to support our business operations.

Over the last couple of months, we have been having on-going issues with XX our pages XXX. One of our
clients on the list X recently got his account XXX and he's XXX.

Due to my limited media access and proper support, I literally had to call every contact I knew to help
recover it.

Fortunately, we were able to recover the page but the damage was already done. We can't afford any of XXX
to go through the same experience as in XXX which can be easily avoidable.

My Facebook profile:

Our ad accounts are:

Ad account 1 ID:

Ad account 2 ID:

Business manager:
Some pages we manage




We are also going to be managing some XXXX as well in a couple weeks and are just sorting out some
contracts in place.

We desperately need help with getting XXX can we cannot support our current XXX. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,

recover Facebook Ad Accounts, BM's and profiles


Then you need to start from scratch:

1. New domain

2. New Facebook page

3. New pixel
4. New Facebook personal account (created from another laptop, you need to have another ID
to confirm the identity). Alternatively you can use the accounts of your family/ friends and
their BM’s.
5. New payment method (can be the same bank account, just another card for it, just order
another card for your account).


So create a new personal profile and either have a team member invite your new profile to your BM, or if you
don't have another profile with access to it, you'll have to create a new BM and all new assets, with your new


I highly recommend setting up multiple contingencies for Facebook advertising i.e. make sure you set up a 2nd
Business Manager Account and then set up as many ad accounts as you can within each Business Manager


Also, it's wise to add a second person on as an admin in the event you get blocked personally and then can't
access your own accounts.

Template that got back the profile:

I said that I used a VPN for other service . And maybe it’s the problem because I forgot to disconnect when
using Facebook. That way IP on facebook is changed.

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