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Keynote Pre-Intermediate – Teacher’s Book

Transcript T.1 Page 158

Chia: What are the people doing in that photo?

Brendan: They’re taking a selfie with a quokka in Australia.

Chia: With a what?

Brendan: A quokka. Quokkas are small mammals that mainly live on Rottnest Island in
Australia and they’re really cute.

Chia: That’s true. That smile on the quokka – it’s practically human!

Brendan: I know. They’re not afraid of humans, so they hop over to see what they’re doing.

Chia: That’s marvellous. My cousin went to Australia last year, but she didn’t go to that
island. She saw a lot of kangaroos though.

Brendan: Quokkas are similar to kangaroos, I think. They’re the same type of mammal and
they can both jump. Quokkas can be dangerous though; their claws are quite sharp and they
could really hurt you with them.

Chia: Yeah, I can imagine. What do they eat?

Brendan: They’re plant-eaters, but nowadays the tourists give them all kinds of things to eat:
bread, French fries – you name it.

Chia: Oh, that can’t be very good for them.

Brendan: No, it isn’t. It can really harm them.

Chia: That’s a shame.

Brendan: I know, but they still look happy, so I suppose it’s not too bad.

Chia: I’m going to travel to Australia one day. It’d be great to go next summer when I finish
my course.

Brendan: Yeah. Just remember though that when it’s summer here, it’s winter there.

Chia: Oh, yes. I forgot about that.

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