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Meet COVID 19, the latest brand from Emperors’ Garments, Inc.

Ivan Daraktchiev

Well, it is at least as invisible as the original! And it is a sort of clothing, metaphorically speaking, that most top
Nomenklaturchiks wrapped themselves into, just as the safety envelop they badly needed prior to its appearance:
the virus came down from the sky - or from the drawing board of the Gateses, the Rockefellers and the Soroses of
this world - exactly as the manna appeared after the urgent appeal by Moses to his God.

In a truly grotesque way, these days the Corona Virus Saga entered a new phase... But first, let’s take a look at the
numbers: Plotted below are the accumulated fatalities per million inhabitants for the 192 countries as a function
of their population density, for the dates of April 10th, 20th, and May 1st, respectively (see also /1,2/1). Placed on the
abscissa is the ratio of inhabitants per surface area of each country, starting with the most and ending with the least
dense ones; the entire list is tabulated in /2/. As explained earlier the values are not scaled but just positioned next
to each other: they naturally form a quasi logarithmic scale permitting to visualize the situation in just a glance.

What transpires from this graph is that the death rate presumably due entirely to this virus advances very slow, on
par with the death rates of other causes - e.g. from road accidents and similar.2 The accumulated rate per million
inhabitants has reached a new maximum of 1200 ppm3 (0.12% of the total population) for San Marino, which is
about 5% increase on its previous record of about 1000 ppm (0.1%) - and that increase took 21 days to materialize!
Belgium is the second with 664 ppm (translating into fatalities of below 0.07% from the total population), and as
such it ranks amongst the countries with largest increase, as compared to the starting point three weeks ago. The
other countries also have seen increase of 20-50%, and for them notable is that three, Italy, Andorra and Spain
have reached the range 450-550 ppm which means that the rate of fatalities is around 0.05% of the total population.
In the US where at some places - and certainly in the media - the excitement reached hysteria, the fatalities rate
increased to just under 200 ppm, which is 0.02% (2 people in 10 000) and nobody would guarantee that these are
strictly victims of COVID 19. In fact, reports keep popping up from which it transpires what some - physicians and
1 For the identification of each country on the abscissa please consult the Table in /2/.
2 In Bulgaria, for the first trimester the number of the deceased in car accidents has dropped dramatically, fully offsetting the fatalities
due to the virus (50 in about 50 days).
3 ppm = parts per million; here = fatalities per million inhabitants
others - have suggested earlier: counted as deceased from the virus are as well people who carried the virus in their
body but it was not the cause of their death. The most damning was a report by two physicians from California
who have been conferring with their colleagues elsewhere, all of whom have confirmed having been explicitly told
by their superiors to “add the virus into the death certificate, regardless...” /3/.

The data per 01.05.2020 confirmed the earlier observations of remarkably different patterns per countries, nations
and regions - see Table I. This has not been paid serious attention to, given the desire by WHO and its masters to
portray this “pandemic” as something totally different from the other flu pandemics that the world suffers from
each cool season. The “pandemic” czars have been pushing - and the servile media which is owned by WHO’s
masters as well happily amplified their songs to a crescendo - the numbers for “infected” even though most of us,
the independent observers plus (more importantly) the cool handed specialists of whom we reported the opinion
of at least 15, in the first papers, have from the very beginning explained that such information is not just irrelevant
but moreover misleading and counterproductive as it serves only to create panic. On the contrary, using just the
number of fatalities per million inhabitants (ppm), helps even in the short term to discern distinct patterns - and
dispel earlier theoretical models which chose to rely on “infected” as the key parameter. We have already from
the very crude preliminary estimate /1/ declared that “millions will die” is not justified by the earliest sets of data
(10.04.2020), and postulated that at most 777 700 will be the cumulative maximum of fatalities worldwide, even
with the knowledge that the reported numbers were inflated by reporting all deceased as victims of COVIG 19.
Today, even though in some continents the pandemic might be on the rising curve, I would restate that estimate to
500 000 max: on May 3th WHO reports about 250 000 fatalities due to the virus; the last two days fatalities increase
by about 5 000 daily. Knowing what we know today - and barring huge surprise out of Africa or Latin America - it
will take at least three months, with or without the useless and senseless outside the medical institutions quaran-
tine, to that number to double. And today more and more people see through Emperor’s gown!
Table I: Fatalities per million inhabitants for major regions
Country ppm Country ppm Country ppm Country ppm
San Marino 1208 Slovenia 44 Maldives 1.85 Philippines 5.28
Belgium 665 Macedonia 39 Pakistan 1.84 South Korea 4.84
Andorra 543 Estonia 39 Afghanistan 1.75 New Zealand 3.94
Spain 531 Romania 38 Bangladesh 1.03 Australia 3.65
Italy 463 "DDR" 34 India 0.84 Japan 3.40
UK 394 Hungary 33 Sri Lanka 0.33 China 3.22
France 373 Moldova 30 Nepal 0.00 Malaysia 3.18
Netherlands 286 Czech Republic 22 Bhutan 0.00 Indonesia 2.92
Sweden 263 Serbia 21 Singapore 2.73
Isle of Man 259 Bosnia-Herzegovina
21 Brunei 2.29
Ireland 250 Croatia 18 Thailand 0.77
Channel Islands 236 Poland 17 Hong Kong 0.53
Switzerland 202 Lithuania 17 Taiwan 0.25
USA 194 Albania 11 Myanmar 0.11
Montenegro 11 Laos 0.00
Germany 78 Belarus 10 East Timor 0.00
Bulgaria 10 Israel = 25.76 Cambodia 0.00
Latvia 9 Vietnam 0.00
Canada 85 Russia 8 Cuba = 5.39
Mexico 14 Slovakia 4
Western Eu & USA Ex - Soviet - Block India and surroundings SouthEast Asia & AustraNezia
We will discuss shortly the importance of different factors on immunity, such as genetic predisposition, general
health of the population per nation due to dietary/customary traditions, internal use of chemical substances (phar-
maceutical and other drugs) as opposed to natural healing methods and natural curing substances, prior vaccina-
tions, degree of air/water/soil poisoning (as a function of extensive use of chemicals) of the national environment,
etc. For the moment we will just observe the most distinct regional performances. In Europe, where the virus took
the heaviest toll to date, several countries (Sweden, Iceland, Belarus, etc.) neglected the call for quarantine, and,
most importantly, the would-be-Emperors’ dearest “social distancing” modus. Thus far Sweden’s fatalities numbers
are visibly larger than those of fellow Scandinavians4 yet still more than twice smaller than the Western European
champions’ ones5. Hence, thank God, Sweden’s economy won’t suffer as badly as the others shall.

There have been publications pointing to spikes in the overall death rate in the major European countries for the
first months of the year compared to previous years, which seemed to counter the data from medical professionals
that we referred to in /1,2/, in which patterns for previous flu epidemics match, or even overwhelm, the current
one, in terms of numbers. I would only remark here that e.g. on the material by FT /4/ (i) the data for only 5 of the
12 countries selected qualify for real spikes reliably attributable to the virus, and (ii) Germany is missing altogether
from the batch pretending to represent Europe...

When looking at the set of data for Germany, the upward shift that has occurred demonstrates, again, the prior
homogeneous dispersion of the virus throughout the country. After close examination of the data, it was decided
to plot them separately for the two regions: the former West Germany (the graph above), and the former DDR (see
graph on the next page). Therein trends in terms of population density dependency are confirmed in both, and the
4 The ratio varies between 3x and 6x.
5 The current value of about 250 ppm for Sweden corresponds to about 0.025%, i.e. 5 fatalities per each 20 000 inhabitants.
average values for either category differ remarkably. It is seen that the lines characterizing the “infected” (the
lower lines on each graph) are slightly sloped upwards as area density increases. However, the average value for
the former DDR is about 10 per 10 000, while for the former West German territory it is about 20 per 10 000!
For the values of fatalities6 the lines - while exhibiting again the tendency to be averaged on a line with upward
slope - exhibit quite some scatter within a range of 40 ppm for the ex-DDR, and over 100 ppm for the former West
Germany. Correspondingly, the average value for ex-DDR is 34 ppm, and for the former West Germany is 80 ppm.
The overall average for the country is 78 ppm7: this is 78 deceased per 1 000 000 inhabitants. This observation is
extraordinary, and could provide some clues to those willing to comprehend what are we dealing with, when the
complex set of factors affecting immunity is researched. We believe that the most important prerequisite here is to
Province Population
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 69
Brandenburg 85
Sachsen-Anhalt 109
Thüringen 132
Sachsen 221
Berlin 4230
Niedersachsen 167
Schlezwig-Holstein 183
Bayern 185
Rheinland-Pfalz 204
Bremen 206
Hessen 296
Baden-Würtemberg 308
Saarland 387
Nordrhein-Westfalen 526
Hamburg 2413

6 the upper lines on both graphs

7 the weight factor in terms of population is about 4:1 in favor of the former West Germany
forgo prejudice...

As seen from Table I we have listed clusters of countries from various regions demonstrating their typical values.
As already mentioned, we have abandoned the original idea to show representatives of all regions: the Maghreb,
Arabian Peninsula, SubSaharan Africa, Latin America etc., assuming them to have experienced belated entry by
the virus. If FP would keep providing this information8, the next update with comments will be made about May
10th. Shown are four well distinguished groups about which - perhaps with a bit of hesitation about the “Indian”
members - we believe to have been hit by the virus at about the same time. Under above assumption it is truly
remarkable to see the distinct and coherent “regional” response by these populations - and the stark contrast with
both the Western Europeans and the North Americans. It is astonishing to see consistently at least one order of
magnitude lower fatalities rates within the populations of Eastern European countries as compared to those from
the West, and then yet another one to one and a half orders of magnitude between the numbers for the former
Soviet Block countries and the Asian ones. Serious research should be able to find out which ones amongst all the
possible parameters that influence immunity9 are at play, in each respective group.

While briefly discussing these results with an MD (a researcher with PhD) /5/ he has suggested that some of the
observed large fatalities variations between the groups of countries may be due to actually different mutants having
hit the various regions. In the case of the former Eastern Block countries, however, his opinion was that it should
be due to the old-time vaccination with BCG which had been distinctly dissimilar to the corresponding “Western”
vaccine. Indeed, the evidence about “DDR” can not be overemphasized. Hence upon advice by Dr. Prodanov I
have crammed the data about Cuba and Israel to the already busy table, as they are added evidence pointing into
the same direction: the former because its national health system has been exactly the same as in the European so-
cialist countries, and the latter due to the fact that a huge proportion of its citizens and their predecessors has been
living in those countries till not so long ago. As seen, the results are conformal to those of the group in question.

Tobacco smoking prevents smokers from being infected!

In /6/ I have shared the story wherein by the first scary news about the mysterious, deadly, newly crowned virus
I have asked a bunch of experienced physicians if they can find out from colleagues conducting the testing how
many of the infected by the virus were smokers. A few weeks later French doctors have checked the issue up, and
have published the results: only about 5% of all infected were smokers /7/. Which is what I have expected since in
2005 I’ve published a book /8/ wherein my (empirical) finding was shared: smoking tobacco in small quantities
can be good for your health since it will systematically disinfect your upper respiratory tract. And you do not have
to inhale: a pipe or a cigar would have the same sterilizing effect against bacteria or viruses which enter into our
air ducts as aerosols.

A few days later I have received several references to papers from other teams reporting similar findings /9-16/, in-
cluding studies by Chinese researchers. All was fine except that the leading (French) team continued onto a wrong
path: reportedly nicotine mitigates the cytokine response thereby helping our body in its dealing with the corona
virus. Hence the next tests of theirs will focus on whether or not the commercially available nicotine plasters can
be used as a prevention means. That is a disappointment since in my view precious time will be waisted while the
other two possible mechanisms - more probable than the one above, according to our original concept - will not
be investigated, at least not for a while.

In my view there are two prevailing mechanisms through which smokers don’t get the flu /8/, and in this pandemic
do not get infected by the corona virus:

8 Today, May 3rd, the table is no longer there; just a statement about the overall infected and overall fatalities: see in /17/. It appears
as though they have received orders not to display information that contradicts the narrative of dangerous virus that mandates emergency
rule, lockdown, quarantine, “social distancing,” “millions will die,” etc. - pushing the public to accept “We must vaccinate you!”
9 We have listed quite a few in /2/.
1) When meeting an aerosol of corona virus, nicotine as an aerosol itself will immediately destroy its lipid “skin” -
the highly reactive cyclic amine will burn its protective thin film and the virus is finished.
2) Research has shown that nicotine “blocks” the Ace-2 receptors, the tiny “hairs” protruding out of the surface tis-
sue of our respiratory organs, starting with our throat, which are the only interface with the “corona” type viruses.
Obviously, if the Ace-2 receptors are blocked, this type of virus can not penetrate our body.10

I was not aware of this third proposed mechanism11 until the French report, and I do believe there is merit to it, as
a medication against severe inflammation caused by this virus. However, just a common sense logic dictates that
those who tested positive were typically non-smokers, the smokers did not get the virus and did not test positive.
What would the nicotine in their body affect, then? I have no clue what exactly they are testing, and how, but
for the moment I am skeptical as to this mechanism being the explanation about smoking preventing the virus
from entering the human body thus protecting us from COVID-19. I intend to restore smoking the pipe, which I
dropped some 30 years back, and in the interim (self-quarantine) I am smoking a couple of cigarettes every day...

Further to this topic, in the search for an explanation as to why some nations display orders of magnitude lower
fatalities compared to the “leading civilizers” (see Table 1), one of the top five factors my guess will consist of, is:
* “The Easterners feature more individual tobacco smokers, and the degree of secondary inhalation is much
higher than the regulation in the Western countries permits.” The other four would be:
* “The Westerners’ bodies are poisoned by (i) hormones, antibiotics and similar taken in with their meat; (ii)
prefabricated food full of preservatives, additives, colorants, etc.; (iii) drinks that are full of “the right chemicals”
as opposed to the “wrong ones”; (iv) all kinds of “supplements” which the gullible take in because they are being
sold to them as miracles, and because they do not know that there is no synthetic chemical that can be even equal
to, let alone better than, a naturally produced one; (v) overuse of medicinal drugs and vaccines most of which are
compromised due to the driving force of the capitalist economies; (vi) polluted water sources; (vii) polluted air;
(viii) polluted by pesticides and mineral fertilizers agricultural products, etc.”, and
* “The Westerners’ psyche is heavily damaged due to the constant and ever growing stress, exacerbated by the
overuse of pills, opiates and other chemical substances (vaping comes to mind here), and EMR emitted by various
sources, and
* “The Easterners’ indigenous culture includes national cuisine that contains local foods for boosting their im-
munity and national traditional practices that help that, too”; and
* “The Easterners live much closer to Mother Nature, therefore their adaptive instincts are better preserved than
those in the ‘developed world,’ which is in fact the decaying part of human civilization.”

Enter the would-be Emperors

From the very title one would probably question the attitude here, asking “Given so many people suffered, is it
justified to be sarcastic?” “It is - and in fact it is a must, in the hope to alert the gullible, the brainwashed and the
hitherto uninterested in the games they are being inadvertently used into, as the average voiceless dummies!” - is
the irrevocable answer of mine here. And at nearly 72 I can not be blamed of displaying self-serving interest nor
of ignoring the plight of so many: I am just using my right to speak out, in the hope to reach out to the blinded,
numbed and deafened by Big Money.

So, what we do have at hand is, in brief, the following:

A new virus has spread around, with its important characteristics making it unstoppable to go everywhere12. As
many experienced virologists explained, the virus is not dissimilar to its predecessors: its key features are being
“stealthy” because of its long latent period - and its more painful complications while otherwise lower death rate.
10 Reported is also that nicotine is damaging these receptors so badly (burns them as well?) that in response our body tends to regrow
excess receptors: such evidence is present in the heavy smokers’ bodies.
11 i.e. the cytokine response being held in check by nicotine
12 Once airborne, a mild wind of 20 mph will carry this almost weightless particle about 1500 miles, within its lifetime of about 3 days.
Accordingly, given the respective national health systems are geared up, this seasonal wave must be faced to sweep
the respective country, and die out quickly while the population at large builds up the herd immunity, and the
ever stronger, longer lasting UV accelerates the virus’ extinction. Because in several major European countries the
health systems turned out unprepared, the panic mode hit (first them, and then everybody else) hard.

The top Nomenklatura in Europe, which from the first day when the panic stroke disappeared as cockroaches on
the floor of a dark room when you switch on the light, started to pull out of their hiding holes, having seen the
opportunity for themselves: Prior to the pandemic they have been agonizing on how to avoid announcing the
de facto bankruptcy of the defunct union with an € 75 B hole in the budget left after UK leaving it for good, and
the Germans unwilling to pick up the bill this time. Now, all of a sudden they have - almost as if per a cute Act of
God - the chance to blame a third party (not likely to appear in court, if it comes to that) for their inability and

Irresponsible people with limited capabilities thrive in a socio-political system without accountability - and Repre-
sentative Democracy is exactly that13. Hence the Brussels Nomenklatura found a solution to the economic disaster
caused by their “state of emergency” policy in conjunction with the virus, which came on top of the disaster caused
by BREXIT: they will get us loans! How nice, ain’t it? And then next day they announced even bigger news: they
have received “from benefactors” money to start working on... a vaccine, yea! The EC chairperson had a beautiful
smile on her face - just as a cheerful 10 years old...

So there we are again: it all came down as planned by the malicious minded misanthropists - universally labeled
“philanthropists” by all MSM, which they own as well - that are some of the most active tentacles of Deep state.
The plans and the scenarios have been devised and worked on starting many years back, the “vaccine” keyword
has been trumpeted by the WHO officials, then US’ health authorities (Dr Fauci), and now the big shots managed
to push it through the throats of their European lackeys. The circle is completed!

In other words, whether the virus escape was a lab accident or natural incident, the plan14 has worked, and we are
now geared to face the dress rehearsal: for while the mass vaccination will still be associated with pandemics, the
exercise is meant to prep us all for the next stage - “chipping” us up, which is the real purpose of the candidates to
electronically control everybody individually. Culling comes after that...

It remains to be seen whether those who oppose Deep state and its plans - and that goes to all its projects such as
Global-Warming-turned-Climate-Change, “renewable energy”-”green planet”, “Carbon Footprint,” etc. - will give
up fight and surrender to forced vaccination, and what comes after that. Aside from the passive resistance by the
alternative media, which keeps exposing the crimes of Deep state’s agents, President Trump will have to be looking
into this as well (after the elections, because the malicious gang does possess the purchasing power to unseat him,
if they want, and each side knows that15), especially after seeing the Rockefeller Foundation proceedings. For the
time being he is busy exchanging accusation with the Chinese lab, but he must have already been briefed that the
virologists from Wuhan have actually continued experiments started jointly a decade ago with their colleagues in
US and Canadian labs; that USA operates a dozen or so secret epidemiological labs in just about every country
surrounding Russia (Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan16); that NIH has been funding research in Wuhan
lab along with Bill Gates... /21/

A few days back the US President announced that - to his dismay - last year alone NIH has been dispensing funds
13 Because these are the prime characteristics of the Nomenklatura (the politicians’ cast), we have labeled the later, degenerated phase
of Representative Democracy “Nomenklaturocracy,” see e.g. in /18/.
14 The so called “Goose step” scenario: see e.g. in /19, 20/.
15 Luckily for him, by this time every sensible manager knows that Donald Trump is the only person around who can save, or at least
postpone for a long while, the dollar bubble from bursting - hence they would not mind if he stays, if preferably a bit more controllable.
16 The number of labs per country is a measure of the servility - and greed - of the respective US lackey who is running the new vassals:
Ukraine has 4 or 5!
to the tune of US$ 32 B. Which tells me, he must have seen the Emperor. Which gives me some hope: without their
leader the brave Americans can not efficiently confront the beast.

5. Dimiter Prodanov, private communication
8. Ivan D., My Diet, ISBN 954-91584-1-1, 2005

Burgas, 05.05.2020

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