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Mining Equipment Management (MEM)

Performance Metrics

Caterpillar Inc.
Document: 06122019 - 04
Revision Date: June 12th, 2019

Disclaimer: This document is a combination of additions and updates from the 2007
Metrics (KPIs) to assess performance and the 2004 Performance Metrics for Mobile Mining

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1.3. MTTR PM 36

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6.2 MTTR (FIELD) 48

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The primary goal and responsibility of the maintenance department is to maintain
equipment in optimum condition via problem or failure avoidance. One of the key tools of
the maintenance department is performance measurement. In order to be effective,
performance measurements should serve (3) objectives:
• An accurate picture of performance relative to established targets and/or global
• A prediction or projection of future performance’s expectations.
• A picture of the overall effectiveness of the Maintenance and Repair Organization and

The most valuable performance measures assist us in identifying weak areas within the
organization, poor maintenance practices, and other improvement opportunities. Therefore,
we should look at performance critically via an honest assessment, enabling us to correct
small issues before they become major problems. The metrics included in this document
help us to identify and understand on-site performance related to product health, and
maintenance & repair processes performance in support of that product. Performance
Metrics enable insight into application severity, operating practices, contract guarantees &
commitments, and contract financial health.

“Performance Metric” is a term used to describe the outcome of any process used to collect,
analyze, interpret and present quantitative data. It is a measurement parameter that enables
performance against some pre-defined Target or Benchmark to be monitored … a
measurement used to gauge performance of a function, operation or business relative to past
results and projected future behavior.

“Benchmark” is another term frequently used to describe performance. Benchmark is

defined as a world-class performance standard relative to a specific performance metric. A
Benchmark represents and quantifies "world-class performance or best practice" of an
operation or of specific functions within that operation according to a specified performance
metric. A benchmark is determined by and represents actual, documented, sustainable
performance over time relative to some performance metric.

Caterpillar has invested significant time and resources to identify and develop performance
metrics that quantify and trend product and project health. The Global Mining team has
documented actual mining equipment performance in many areas and is confident
representing some results as Benchmarks.

Caterpillar has concentrated its effort on mining loading, hauling fleets, and most
benchmarks in this document pertain to them. Regarding other mining equipment, best
estimates for benchmarks are included where sufficient data was available.

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I. MEM Top Tier Metrics
The following measures are “Top Tier” performance metrics or Key Performance Indicators
(KPI’s) that enable management to quantify, assess, and monitor product health and site

To accurately calculate, understand, interpret, and take corrective action to improve top tier
metrics, it is imperative for each mine site to clearly define and document their “time usage
model”. It’s also imperative that all relevant parties agree to the defined time usage model.
The time usage model is used to define categories for available & non-available time,
stoppage codes, production & operational delay codes, and accurately define departmental
responsibility for each category (i.e. production department or maintenance department).
For additional information, please refer to Section IV titled “Time Usage Model”.

1. Physical Availability
The amount of time that an equipment is capable of being used by the production
department divided by the total time in the period, expressed as a percentage.
Calculation Methodology:
Total Hours − Downtime Hours
Physical Availability = (%)
Total Hours
*NOTE: “Total Hours” are typically based on either calendar or scheduled hours depending
upon the calculation methodology defined in the agreement or customer expectations.

The production department determines their target for production hours based on the
production plan and goals for the upcoming period (typically a year or month). This is then
converted from “hours” to “availability” that the operations department desires for their
production plan. This goal is then communicated to the maintenance department.

Physical Availability is the measure of time that a machine is “available” to be used by the
production department (i.e. not down for maintenance).

Data Sources:
Total calendar hours and machine downtime hours are obtained from machine workorder
history and/or the Fleet Management System (FMS) i.e. FMS MineStar Fleet system. FMS
information must be used to account for events that are not accompanied by a workorder.

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Benchmarks & Targets:
Physical Availability benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, size, age, design
“maturity”, and design complexity. Physical Availability for mechanical Large Mining Trucks
in the 785 – 797 size class is well documented.

Our best data indicates that normal benchmarks are in the 88-92% range.

Machine/Model Availability
LMT: from 785 to 797 88 – 92%
LWL: 992-993-994 88 – 92%
LTTT: D10-D11 88 – 92%
LMG: from 16 to 24 88 – 92%
Table 1: Physical Availability Benchmarks for Large Mining Machines.

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2. Mean Time Between Shutdowns (MTBS)
The average operating time between all machine stoppages (planned & unplanned). This is
the average frequency of equipment downtime events, expressed in hours.

Calculation Methodology:
Operating Hours
MTBS = (hours)
Total Shutdowns

MTBS is a measure combining the effects of inherent machine reliability and the
effectiveness of the maintenance management organization to influence results through
equipment stoppage avoidance.

Data Sources:
Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter unit (SMU) reading. Note that:
• Hours obtained from Fleet Management Systems (FMS) frequently do not directly
correlate with machine SMU hours due to coding of production delays and other
• Hours taken from machine SMU will be higher than those taken from dispatch,
oftentimes by as much as 10 percent.
• Production delay hours may not be tracked and accounted for separately and are
therefore included in the total operating hours. Sites that use FMS may track and code
production delay hours separate from operating hours hence they must be acquired
from FMS.

Stoppage event count could be obtained from machine workorder history and/or FMS.
FMS information must be used to account for stoppage events that are not accompanied by
a workorder.

Benchmarks & Targets:

MTBS benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, size, age, and design “maturity” and
design complexity. MTBS for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 797 size class is
very well documented. Depending on machine models, the benchmark for a new truck fleet
can be in the range of 60-90 hours while that of a “mature” fleet (one that has undergone its
first round of major component replacements and rebuild) should be close to “as new

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Since benchmarks represent documented, “best in-class” performance sustainable over time,
we are frequently asked to assess MTBS through a range of results. The following table
represents our best data in this area.

MTBS Machine Range

Assessments/Characteristics 785-789 793 797
Excellent; high % of scheduled
downtime; Maintenance Mgmt., > 65 hours > 60 hours > 55 hours
organization is highly proactive
Acceptable; majority of downtime is
scheduled; substantial emphasis on 55 - 65 hours 50 - 60 hours 45 - 55 hours
Equipment Mgmt.
Marginal; approx. half of all downtime
is scheduled; Maintenance Mgmt. 45 - 55 hours 40 - 50 hours 35 - 45 hours
discipline is not fully functional
Fair; < 40% downtime is scheduled; 35 - 45 hours 30 - 40 hours 25 - 35 hours
minimal effort on Equipment Mgmt.
Poor; only PM's are scheduled;
Equipment Mgmt. organization is < 35 hours < 30 hours < 25 hours
purely reactive
Table 2: MTBS Benchmarks for mechanical driven LMT.

Benchmarks for mechanical mining trucks in the 769-777 size class are less well-known,
although it is believed their MTBS will be 10-20% higher than trucks in the 785-793 size.
Benchmarks for electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796,798) have not yet been studied
thoroughly since they have a smaller global population and have yet to accumulate sufficient
field hours and data to document performance.
Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are difficult to assess, since their
performance is not typically well documented. However, indications are that once MTBS data
is collected, analyzed and validated, the results will fall into the following ranges:

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Machine / Model MTBS
LTTT: D10 / D11 55 to 75 hours
LWL: from 992 to 994 55 to 75 hours
LMG: 16 MG 95 to 105 hours
LMG: 24 MG 55 to 75 hours
HEX: 5000
55 to 75 hours
HMS: from 6015 to 6030
HMS: from 6040 to 6090 45 to 65 hours
Table 3: MTBS guidelines for Mining machines.

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3. Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
The average downtime for machine stoppages. This is the average duration of equipment
downtime events (planned + unplanned), expressed in hours.

Calculation Methodology:
Total Downtime Hours
MTTR = (hours)
Number of Shutdowns

Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) is a performance measure that quantifies repair turnaround
time, i.e. how quickly (or slowly) a machine is returned to service once a downtime incident
occurs. MTTR combines the effects of inherent machine maintainability/serviceability and
efficiency of the maintenance management organization to deliver rapid execution of

Data Sources:
Downtime hours are obtained from machine workorder history and Fleet Management
System. FMS information must be used to account for downtime that is not accompanied by
a workorder. Maintenance stoppages often have repair delays. Therefore:
• MTTR should include repair delay time in the downtime history calculation.
• If delay times are known, MTTR should be calculated both with and without delays.

Shutdown count could be obtained from machine workorder history and FMS. Once again,
FMS information must be used to account for shutdown events that are not accompanied by
a workorder.

Benchmarks & Targets:

MTTR benchmarks vary somewhat by machine model, size, and design complexity but to a
much lesser extent than MTBS. Machine age is the primary driver of MTTR. MTTR for
mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 797 size class is very well documented. The
following table represents our best data in this area.

Machine/Model MTTR
785-789-793 3-6 hours
797 4-7 hours
Table 4: MTTR Benchmarks for Mechanical LMT.

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MTTR for new trucks should be close to the low end of the range while that of a “mature”
fleet (one that has undergone its first round of major component rebuilds) should be closer
to the high end of the range. This is a result of the relative complexity of the repairs seen on
new versus “mature” machines.

Benchmarks for mechanical mining trucks in 769-777 size class are less well-known;
although it is believed that their MTTR will be 10-20% lower compared to trucks in 785-793
size class.

Benchmarks for electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796,798) have not yet been studied
thoroughly since they have a smaller global population and have yet to accumulate sufficient
field hours and data to document performance.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are difficult to assess, since their
performance is not typically well documented. However, indications are that once MTTR
data is collected, analyzed, and validated, the results will fall into much the same range as
large truck fleets.

Note: As a reminder, poor availability is primarily driven by two factors: repair frequency
(MTBS), and repair duration (MTTR). When mine sites suffer from poor availability, a
common mistake of maintenance departments is to target reducing MTTR (faster repair
times) and stoppage frequency (MTBS) is often overlooked. In general, the primary focus
area should be to concentrate on improving MTBS (improving machine reliability) striving
toward benchmark or target levels. Once MTBS performance is reasonable, additional
efforts can then focus on reducing MTTR. For additional information, please refer to Section
VI titled “Rainbow Graph”.

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4. Availability Index
The ratio of MTBS (average shutdown frequency) to the sum of MTBS and MTTR (average
shutdown duration), expressed as a percentage.

Availability Index is a variation of the physical availability equation and eliminates any
differences in utilization by using machine operating hours, downtime hours, and the
quantity of stoppages. For additional information, please refer to Section VI titled “Rainbow
Graph” and Section VIII titled “Impact of Utilization on Physical Availability”.

Calculation Methodology:
Availability Index = X 100 (%)

Availability is the result of the frequency and duration of downtime events (shutdowns).
Because of the mathematical relationship between MTBS, MTTR, and Availability Index, the
result shows which of the other two factors had the greatest influence upon that availability.
This allows management to react appropriately to changes in the Availability Index by
focusing efforts and resources on the frequency (MTBS) or duration (MTTR) of downtime

Data Sources:
Since Availability Index is derived from MTBS and MTTR, the data sources for those two
metrics are applicable here as well.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Availability Index benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, size, age, and design
“maturity” and complexity. Availability Index for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785
– 797 size class is very well documented. The following table represents our best data in this

Machine/ Model Availability Index

785 - 797 86 – 90%

Table 5: Availability Index Benchmarks for Mechanical LMT.

Benchmarks for trucks in the 769-777 size range are less well-known although the
Availability Index will be somewhat higher (possibly 2 to 3%).

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Benchmarks for electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796,798) have not yet been studied
thoroughly since they have a smaller global population and have yet to accumulate sufficient
field hours and data to document performance.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are not well documented. However,
indications are that once the data is collected, analyzed and validated, the results will fall into
much the same range as large trucks fleets. For larger machines, e.g. 24 MG and 5000 series
HEX, availability index is anticipated to be 3 to 4% lower while for smaller machines, e.g.
16H, availability index is likely to be 1 or 2% higher.

Note: Availability Index is a valuable metric to use to determine where the maintenance
team should focus improvement efforts. The generic process steps are:
• Calculate MTBS, MTTR, and Availability Index (for each machine model).
• Compare each metric against defined benchmarks / targets.
• Questions to ask:
o Is current performance near or at benchmarks / targets?
o Is there opportunity to improve?
o Is Availability Index meeting expectations or not?
o Are MTBS and MTTR meeting or near benchmarks / targets?
• Suggested actions if:
o Availability Index is within benchmark range and MTBS & MTTR are near
benchmark levels → No action needed.
o Availability Index is below expectations, what metric is driving poor
availability, MTBS or MTTR? Once defined, target corrective actions to
improve that metric.
o Availability Index is within benchmark range but either MTBS is below
benchmark levels or MTTR is above benchmark levels, define corrective
actions to improve that metric.
• Reminders:
o MTBS = average stoppage frequency.
o MTTR = average stoppage duration.
o If analysis shows that MTBS is below target and requires improvement, site
improvement plans should target the top issues by occurrence.
o If analysis shows that MTTR is above target and requires improvement, site
improvement plans should target the top issues by downtime.

For additional information, please refer to Section VI titled “Rainbow Graph”.

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5. Contractual Availability
The ratio of time that a machine is capable of functioning in the intended operation (available
hours) to total hours in the period, expressed as a percentage. The calculation of available
hours is not a pure calculation since the result is amended by downtime hours that are
specifically excluded or limited by the terms of the contract.

Calculation Methodology:
Total Hours ∗ − MARC Downtime Hours
Contractual Availability = X 100 (%)
Total Hours ∗
*NOTE: “Total Hours” are typically based on either calendar or scheduled hours depending
upon the calculation methodology defined in the agreement or customer expectations.

Contracts are written to ensure that production equipment is available for operation for a
sufficient number of hours for the mine’s production goals. They target reasonable,
predetermined operating costs. The specific provisions of a contractual availability
guarantee vary significantly from site to site. Some examples of contract differences include,
but are not limited to the following:
• Time the contractor will be given credit for (available hours);
• Time the contractor will be held accountable for (contractual downtime);
• Other specific exclusions such as tires, dump bodies, welding, GET, undercarriage,
accident damages, etc.

Contracts frequently specify exclusions on downtime that apply to areas outside of a

contractor’s span of control such as delays waiting on facilities, repair equipment and or
other support infrastructure that the contractor is not expected to provide and has little
control over. Because these exclusions vary so widely from one contract to the next, it is not
possible to link performance in this area to any kind of benchmark nor does it make any
sense to attempt to make comparisons from one site to the next. Target performance should
be to comply with the provisions defined within the contract.

Data Sources:
“Total hours” is the total time in the period to be analyzed, e.g. 8760 hours / year, 720 hours
/ 30-day month, 168 hours / week, etc.

If the available hours calculation involves the combination of operating hours, stand-by
hours, production delay hours and operational delay hours (as it does in many instances),

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that information can be obtained from the machine service meter reading and information
coded within the FMS.

MARC (Maintenance and Repair Contract) downtime hours are obtained from the machine
workorder history as well as the Fleet Management System. FMS information must be used
to account for downtime that is not accompanied by a workorder. It is essential that the
machine repair history contain detail sufficient to determine if individual downtime events
are excluded from the MARC downtime calculation.

Benchmarks & Targets:

There is no benchmark that is applicable to the Contractual Availability performance metric.
Target performance should be to comply with the provisions defined within the contract.

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6. Percentage Scheduled Downtime
The percentage of total “maintenance & repair” downtime hours performed in a given period
that have been planned and scheduled.

Calculation Methodology:
Scheduled Downtime Hours
% Scheduled Downtime = X 100 (%)
Total Downtime Hours

A high percentage of unscheduled downtime incidents results in very inefficient use of
resources and excessive costs. Personnel are frequently shuffled from one job to another
and facilities and manpower requirements need to be sufficiently large to accommodate
huge swings in the number of machines down for repairs.

Data collected from mine studies globally has shown that average downtime for unplanned
/ unscheduled work is up to eight times greater than the downtime for planned / scheduled

Data Sources:
Downtime hours are obtained from machine workorder history and Fleet Management
system. FMS information must be used to account for downtime that is not accompanied by
a workorder. It is essential to note that repair delay time should be included in the downtime
history calculation.

Individual workorders should be coded as “scheduled” or “unscheduled” to track the number

of downtime hours that are scheduled.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Scheduled Downtime Hours for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 797 size class
is very well documented. Scheduled Downtime Hours for electric drive trucks is expected to
fall within a similar performance range.

Mines with highly effective equipment management processes in place are consistently able
to execute 75% of its overall Maintenance and Repair downtime activity on a scheduled
basis. We believe that this criterion holds true for other mining equipment as well, however
requirements for less utilized, non-production equipment may be somewhat less.

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7. Percentage Scheduled Events
The percentage of total “maintenance & repair” shutdown events performed in a given
period that have been planned and scheduled.

Calculation Methodology:
Scheduled Shutdowns
% Scheduled Events = X 100 (%)
Total Shutdowns

A high percentage of unscheduled shutdowns results in very inefficient use of resources and
excessive costs as personnel are frequently shuffled from job to another. Facilities and
manpower requirements need to be sufficiently large to accommodate large swings in the
quantity of machines down for repairs.

Data Sources:
Downtime events should be obtained from machine workorder history and Fleet
Management System. FMS information must be used to account for events that are not
accompanied by a workorder.

Individual workorders should be coded as “scheduled” or “unscheduled to track the number

of shutdown events that are scheduled.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Scheduled Events for mechanical Large Mining Trucks is well documented. Although %
Scheduled Events for electric drive trucks and other mining machines (electric rope shovels,
hydraulic mining shovels, drills) is not well known, it is expected to fall within a similar
performance range.

Mines with highly effective equipment management processes in place are consistently able
to execute about 55% of their overall Maintenance & Repair stoppage events on a scheduled
basis. We believe that this criterion holds true for other mining equipment as well.

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8. Maintenance Ratio
Maintenance Ratio is a dimensionless ratio of maintenance and repair man-hours to machine
operating hours.

Calculation Methodology:
Maintenance & Repair ManHours
Maintenance RatioCharged =
Operating Hours

Maintenance Ratio is an indication of the amount of effort required to keep equipment in
service, labor efficiency, and the workforce effectiveness. Maintenance Ratio can be
calculated as either “charged” or “direct”. “Charged” or Direct” Maintenance Ratio considers
only work order manhours (direct labor). Examples of labor hours that are not included in
this calculation are repair shop, Component Rebuild Center, etc. “Overall” Maintenance Ratio
includes all the elements of “charged” Maintenance Ratio plus staff, supervision and idle

Data Sources:
Maintenance and repair man-hours are obtained from the work order history. The result
should include actual time spent working on all forms of maintenance, repairs, inspection
and diagnostic time. Labor inefficiencies such as delays or wait time for bay space, parts,
tooling, literature, repair support equipment, decision making, etc. should be included in this
calculation. Charged Maintenance Ratio would typically exclude time associated with lunch
breaks, meetings, smoke breaks, toilet breaks, etc. as they are not direct labor hours.

Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter reading and should include
production delay hours. Please note that hours obtained from FMS (Fleet Management
Systems) frequently do not agree with machine SMR (Service Meter Reading) due to coding
of production delays, etc.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Maintenance Ratio benchmarks vary significantly by machine model, machine relative size,
age and design “maturity” and complexity. Maintenance Ratio for large Off-Highway Trucks
in the 785 – 797 size class is very well documented.

For mechanical Large Mining Trucks (785-793), the benchmark for a fleet of new trucks is
0.20 man-hours/ operating hour; that of a “mature” fleet (one that has undergone its first
round of major component rebuilds) is 0.30 man- hours/ operating hour.

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Benchmarks represent documented, best-in-class performance sustainable over time.
Caterpillar is frequently asked to assess performance through a range of results. The
following (table 5) represents our best data in this area for mechanical Large Mining Trucks.

Maintenance Ratio Machine Range

Assessments/ Characteristics 785-793 797
Excellent; high % of scheduled downtime; Equipment
0.30-0.35 0.45-0.50
Mgmt., organization is highly proactive
Acceptable; majority of downtime is scheduled;
0.35-0.40 0.50-0.55
substantial emphasis on Equipment Mgmt.
Marginal; approx. half of all downtime is scheduled;
0.40-0.50 0.55-0.65
Equipment Mgmt. discipline is not fully functional
Fair; < 40% downtime is scheduled; minimal effort on
0.50-0.60 0.65-0.75
Equipment Mgmt.
Poor; only PM's are scheduled; Equipment Mgmt.
>0.60 >0.75
organization is purely reactive
Table 5: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for mechanical LMT.

Benchmarks for mechanical mining trucks in the 769-777 size range are less well-known
although it is believed their Maintenance Ratio will be slightly lower than that of the 785-
793 size class.

Benchmarks for electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796,798) have not yet been studied
thoroughly since they have a smaller global population and have yet to accumulate sufficient
field hours and data to document performance.

Similarly, benchmarks for other large mining equipment are very well-known and
documented. Refer to table 6 below for our best data in this area for Hydraulic Mining
Shovels in the 6030 to 6090 size range.

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Maintenance Ratio Machine Range
Assessments/ Characteristics 6030 - 6090
Excellent; high % of scheduled downtime; Equipment 0.32 to 0.48
Mgmt., organization is highly proactive
Acceptable; majority of downtime is scheduled; 0.48 to 0.54
substantial emphasis on Equipment Mgmt.
Marginal; approx. half of all downtime is scheduled; 0.54 to 0.59
Equipment Mgmt. discipline is not fully functional
Fair; < 40% downtime is scheduled; minimal effort 0.59 to 0.66
on Equipment Mgmt.
Poor; only PM's are scheduled; Equipment Mgmt. > 0.66
organization is purely reactive
Table 6: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for HMS.

The following (table 7) represents our best data in the benchmark area for the 7495 Electric
Rope Shovels.

Maintenance Ratio Machine Range

Assessments/ Characteristics 7495
Excellent; high % of scheduled downtime; Equipment
0.40 to 0.51
Mgmt., organization is highly proactive
Acceptable; majority of downtime is scheduled;
0.51 to 0.55
substantial emphasis on Equipment Mgmt.
Marginal; approx. half of all downtime is scheduled;
0.55 to 0.60
Equipment Mgmt. discipline is not fully functional
Fair; < 40% downtime is scheduled; minimal effort on
0.60 to 0.74
Equipment Mgmt.
Poor; only PM's are scheduled; Equipment Mgmt.
> 0.74
organization is purely reactive
Table 7: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for ERS.

The tables below are the results of a Labor Analysis using Caterpillar MARC Centerline
BUILDER files. The tables can be used to determine manpower needs to support the
Caterpillar fleet. A detailed review of the assumptions made in this analysis is required by
the CAT dealer and customer site maintenance department. The information below provides
benchmarks for onsite labor to compare existing fleet Maintenance Ratios with fleet

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Machine/ Model Maintenance Ratio
14 MG 0.15
16 MG 0.17
18 MG 0.18
24 MG 0.26
Table 8: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for Motor Graders.

Machine/ Model Maintenance Ratio

824 WD 0.14
834 WD 0.15
844 WD 0.16
854 WD 0.20
Table 9: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for Wheel Dozers.

Machine/ Model Maintenance Ratio

MD 6420 0.14

MD 6540 0.15

MD 6640 0.16
Table 10: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for Drills.

Machine/ Model Maintenance Ratio

D8 0.16
D9 0.17
D10 0.20
D 11 0.23
Table 11: Maintenance Ratio s for Track-Type Dozers.

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Machine/ Model Maintenance Ratio
988 0.26
990 0.28
991 0.30
992 0.31
993 0.47
994 0.49
Table 12: Maintenance Ratio Benchmarks for Wheel Loaders.

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9. Top Problems Summary
The distribution of problems affecting a fleet of equipment ranked by MTBS, MTTR, Impact
on Availability and costs.

Calculation Methodology:
For the purpose of the following calculations, Impact on Availability is synonymous with the
term “Unavailability”. ( Impact on Availability (System) = Unavailability (System) )

Operating Hours
MTBS (System) = (hours)
Number of Shutdowns (System)

Downtime Hours (System)

MTTR (System) = (hours)
Number of Shutdowns (System)

Downtime Hrs (System)

Unavailability (System) = (1 − Availability(Total) ) X (%)
Total Downtime Hrs (Machine)

DT Hrs (System)
Unavailability(System) = (%)
Total Calendar Hrs (Period)

Cost (System)
Cost per Hour(System) = (USD per Hour)
Operating Hours

All mining support operations have limited resources. The most successful operations
clearly understand their problems and therefore can establish priorities to focus their efforts
and allocate the appropriate resources on continuous improvement strategies.

Identifying and quantifying top problems by component, system, and/or process facilitates
the understanding of variables affecting the success of a mining operation. With this
information, the maintenance management organization should be able to recognize the key
issues on site and efficiently apply the necessary resources to improve.
• Components: Engine, transmission, final drives, differential, etc.
• Systems: Hydraulics, electrical, air conditioning, etc.
• Processes: Preventive Maintenance, Repair Management, Condition Monitoring, etc.
• Mining Success Factors: stoppage frequency (MTBS), shutdown duration (MTTR),
impact on Availability and Costs.

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Data Sources:
Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter unit reading. Please note that
hours obtained from FMS often do not directly correlate with machine SMU due to coding of
production delays, etc.

Shutdown count and downtime hours are obtained from machine workorder history and
Fleet Management System. FMS information must be used for shutdown events and
downtime hours that are not accounted for by a workorder. Shutdown count must be
determined for the entire machine and also for individual major component and machine
system. This information is needed to assess the contribution of each component/ system
and to calculate Availability Index.

Please note the following:

• Repair delay times should be included in the downtime history calculation. If delay
times are known, MTTR should be calculated both with and without delays.
• Downtime must be determined individually for each component, machine system and
entire machine to assess the contribution. In case there are two or more maintenance
activities performed at the same time (or with a significant overlap), the leading cause
for downtime should be flagged as the reason for stoppage.
• Maintenance management must know the total cost to support and maintain each of
the machine systems and components to manage contract profitability. At a
minimum, it is vital to know the breakdown for repairs and rebuilds costs of each
major machine component. Most recordkeeping systems do a poor job of
documenting costs.

Benchmarks & Targets:

There are no applicable benchmarks for this metric. However, Caterpillar has developed
generic reference guidelines for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class.
These can be used to evaluate MTBS, MTTR and impact on Availability. This reference defines
reasonable targets for frequency of downtime events (MTBS), duration of downtime events
(MTTR), and impact on Availability for each machine system and component.

The data represents a site achieving a 90% Availability Index. The actual results are site-
specific due to factors such as application severity, environmental conditions, maintenance
and repair processes, and machine product issues.

The “Generic Pareto Reference – Large Mining Trucks” included in Section IV can be used as
a baseline until maintenance management has sufficient site-specific experience and history
to generate their own reference tables.

Apart from equipment management, other factors such as labor rates, transportation costs,
import duties, taxes, etc. influence costs. As such, it is impossible to define benchmarks that
are universally applicable to any given machine model. Caterpillar recommends projecting
budgetary cost and component lives to define cost per hour, then comparing to actual cost.
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10. Asset Utilization
The proportion of time that a machine is operating (operating hours) divided by the total
calendar time in the period, expressed as a percentage.

Calculation Methodology:
Operating Hours
Asset Utilization = X 100 (%)
Total Calendar Hours

How effectively the Operations Department schedules equipment and efficiently utilizes it
has significant implications for Maintenance. If machines are scheduled for use 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, Maintenance should work with Operations to find windows of
opportunity to perform maintenance and repairs without increasing downtime. These
opportunities typically occur during scheduled shutdowns but may also come during
operational delays (shift change, lunch breaks, refueling) or production delays (blasting).

In all circumstances, Operations and Maintenance need to recognize that they are working
together toward common goals of high availability, good machine reliability and the lowest
possible cost per unit of production.

Data Sources:
Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter reading and from Fleet
Management System should include production delay hours. Note, hours obtained from FMS
do not directly correlate with machine SMU hours due to coding of production delays, etc.
Note that hours taken from machine SMU will be higher than those taken from FMS,
oftentimes by as much as 10 percent.

Total calendar hours is the total time in the period to be analyzed, e.g. 8760 hours / year, 720
hours / 30-day month, 168 hours / week, etc.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Asset Utilization for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class is well
documented. Ultra-class 797 trucks and electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796, 798)
would be expected to fall within similar performance range.

Mines with highly effective equipment management processes can achieve Asset Utilization
of 90% (over 6500 operating hours per year). We believe this Benchmark is valid for other
production mining equipment; however, the Benchmark for less utilized, non-production
equipment, although unknown, may be significantly less.

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11. Utilization of Availability
The proportion of time that a machine is operating (operating hours) divided by the available
time in the period, expressed as a percentage.

Calculation Methodology:
Operating Hours
Utilization of Availability = X 100 (%)
Available Hours

How effectively the Operations Department schedules equipment and efficiently utilizes it
has significant implications for Maintenance. If machines are scheduled for use 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, Maintenance should work with Operations to find windows of
opportunity to perform maintenance and repairs without increasing downtime. These
opportunities typically occur during scheduled shutdowns but may also come during
operational delays (shift change, lunch breaks, refueling) or production delays (blasting).

In all circumstances, Operations and Maintenance need to recognize that they are working
together toward common goals of high availability, good machine reliability and the lowest
possible cost per unit of production.

Data Sources:
Operating hours are obtained from machine service meter unit (SMU) reading and should
include production delay hours. Note that hours obtained from FMS frequently do not
directly correlate with machine SMU hours due to coding of production delays, etc. Note that
hours taken from machine SMU will be higher than those taken from FMS, oftentimes by as
much as 10 percent.

Available hours is the available time in the period to be analyzed (i.e. not down for
maintenance or maintenance delays). A simple equation for available hours is total calendar
hours minus downtime hours.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Utilization of Availability for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class is
well documented. Ultra-class 797 trucks and electric Large Mining Trucks (794,795,796,
798) would be expected to fall within similar performance range.

A reasonable Benchmark measure for Utilization of Availability is 90% (over 6500 operating
hours per year). We believe this Benchmark is valid for other production mining equipment,
however Benchmarks for less utilized, non-production equipment, although unknown, may
be significantly less.
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12. PIP/PSP Completion Rate
A tracking tool used to monitor the status of implementation of factory programs.

Calculation Methodology:
Factory program completion status is calculated as the ratio of programs completed on a
machine-by-machine basis relative to the number of programs that are active and applicable
at the time under consideration. This ratio should be expressed as a percentage.

Tracking service support programs is important because of machine failure risk. As

previously discussed, machine stoppages impact availability and maintenance organizations
struggle with efficiently using manpower and resources during unscheduled shutdowns.
Programs defined as "after failure only" should not be included in the calculation. The
support programs include:
• PI1xxxx: Safety
• PI3xxxx: Priority
• PS4xxxx: Before or After Failure.

Data Sources:
Factory programs should be received on site through the dealer Technical Communications
network and include all necessary information to determine applicability. The site and
dealer teams should monitor the completion status using program identification number,
machines affected, dates of issue and termination. Machine serial number and hour meter
information are obtained from the machine history at the site.

Benchmarks & Targets:

Key factors such as parts availability can impact management's ability to complete a
program. In some cases, program execution can be delayed to coincide with other related
work (which may be a valid decision on the part of management), therefore, there is no
applicable global Benchmark. However, compliance is critical to project success and
common-sense dictates that a higher completion percentage of outstanding programs is
desirable. Clearly, no program should be permitted to run beyond its termination date
without being addressed unless it is an after failure only program.

Guidelines for PIP support programs should fall within the targets for Caterpillar Service
Operations functions, namely:
• PI1xxxx: 90% completion within 90 days of issue
• PI3xxxx: 90% completion within 180 days of issue
• PS4xxxx: To be determined by site
• PS5xxxx: To be determined by site

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II. MEM Application / Operational Metrics
The application which mining equipment is used is somewhat fixed for a specific property
although mines do change over time, typically becoming more severe (deeper, steeper,
longer hauls, etc.). Environmental conditions such as altitude, ambient temperature, and
precipitation are relatively fixed and it’s up to the mine operation to decide how to manage
these conditions.

Mining operations have some control in machine selection and machine application, but
many challenges cannot be eliminated and have to be managed. Mining engineering and
Operations departments can establish criteria for haul road design and maintenance and
many factors can significantly influence equipment performance, depending on
design/planning, adherence, and management. Considerations for haul road management
• Mine planning (road layout, width, gradient, traffic patterns, haul distances)
• Mining operations (payload management, speed limits, operator behavior &

1. Fuel Consumption
The fuel consumption (average engine fuel burn rate) for a fleet of equipment expressed in
volume (gallons or liters) per hour.

Machine application has a direct impact on the overall performance of that equipment. Given
that applications change with respect to haul road grades (grades become steeper or
shallower), time spent on grade (increasing pit depth), haul distances (typically become
longer), etc., it would be expected to see variation in application severity over time. These
variations will be reflected in changes in fuel consumption, particularly for LMT.

Engine life is a function of the cumulative amount of fuel burned over its lifetime than simply
by operating hours. Therefore, the average fuel burn rate (or engine load factor) should be
considered as a key performance indicator to assess the impact in engine life due to changes
in application severity for the operation of a fleet of equipment.

Maintenance must recognize the impact of changing operating conditions and modify
maintenance practices and maintenance management strategy accordingly (e.g. component
replacement plans). If application severity increases, equipment will experience accelerated
wear resulting in shortened component lives (in operating hours) and increased costs.
Ongoing evaluation of mine operations via tracking, trending, and reporting fuel burn rate
should be a normal practice of any Maintenance Department.
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Calculation Methodology:
Total Fuel Consumed
Fuel Consumption =
Machine Service Meter Unit

Data Source(s):
Total fuel consumption during the period can be obtained from VIMS, the ECM or, on
machines not equipped with VIMS, from accurate/verified fuel addition records.

Benchmarks and Targets:

Since there is a correlation between fuel rate and application severity, there is no applicable
Benchmark. However, target fuel rate based on historical data and/or levels generated from
application modeling software should be known, understood, and the actual fuel rate relative
to that target monitored over time as an indication of changes in application severity.

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2. Payload Management
Payload management is an analysis of payload distribution for a fleet of Large Mining Trucks
expressed in terms of Caterpillar’s 10/10/20 truck overload policy.

Machine application conditions have a direct impact on equipment performance. Payload
management is the extent to which haul trucks are operated within safe working conditions
and design parameters and is important when assessing application conditions. Increasing
production demands have driven the mining industry to utilize haul trucks and loading tools
of larger size and capacity. Furthermore, production studies found that optimizing truck-
loader pass match, frequently to three to four pass loading, will yield production advantages,
by reducing the time that the haul truck sits under the loading tool.

Factors such as normal variations in material density, moisture content, material blast
fragmentation, bucket size, loader operator skill level, and material carry-back/debris add
to variability thus complicating the task of payload management. Payload management
should be considered a key performance indicator for assessing application conditions for
machine fleets. Equipment managers should be diligent in continuously evaluating a mine’s
payload management practices through regular documentation, tracking, and trending of
payload data.

Calculation Methodology:
Payload management can be quantified using one of the following methods:

• Actual count analysis: Data from the Truck Payload Management System (TPMS) or
VIMS-TPMS reports can be used to count the actual number of loads within each
range defined by the 10/10/20 policy and compared for compliance with the
specified guidelines.
• Statistical analysis: Data from TPMS or VIMS-TPMS reports can also be used to
perform a statistical analysis for loads within each range defined by the 10/10/20
policy to compare with specified guidelines. The analysis assumes that the data is
represented by a normal distribution (bell-shaped curve). Before beginning, users
should view a frequency distribution to verify the data being modeled is indeed
normally distributed. Normal variations and operating practices on a mine can cause
the data to follow a bi-modal, skewed or other distribution. If the data is not “normal”,
the model predicted by the statistical analysis will be invalid.
The cut-off limit is an important consideration when performing payload management
analysis using the statistical approach. Ignoring loads that are less than 50% of the target

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payload will reflect the actual shape of the distribution curve. Eliminating zero and very
small loads is valid since the main goal is to define the upper limits of the distribution curve.

Data Source(s):
The specifications for gross machine weights can be obtained from the Caterpillar
Performance Handbook, machine specification sheets, and information contained in the
factory documentation for the 10/10/20 overload policy.

Empty machine weights published by the factory represent values of machines as leaving the
factory, therefore actual operating empty machine weight is best obtained from scale data.
Factors such as body design, tires, optional equipment, and carry-back or other debris
accumulation can have a significant effect on the accuracy of published estimates.
Payload data is obtained from the Truck Payload Management System (TPMS) or VIMS-TPMS

There is no Benchmark that is applicable to the payload management metric. Target
performance should be to comply with the CAT 10/10/20 policy (Figure 1), or as per any
other documented/agreed payload policies.

Figure 1: Payload Distribution

The policy stipulates that:
• “No more than 10 percent of payloads may exceed 110% of the target payload”.
• “No single payload shall ever exceed the maximum allowable payload, typically 120%
of the target payload”.

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• “The mean of the payloads shall not exceed the target payload, hence no more than
50 percent of payloads may exceed the target payload.”
• “The rated capacity of the tires should always be considered in any evaluation”.

Additional comments include:

• Loads exceeding 110% of target payload will have an adverse effect on machine
• Payloads higher than 120% of target payload exceed the safe working design
parameters that the machine is certified [braking, steering, and rollover protection
system (ROPS)].

Although no benchmark applies to this metric, a different benchmark was found to apply to
the standard deviation of payloads in a given population. This level of variation among
payloads, combined with a reasonably well-matched bucket to body size capacity is most
likely to result in optimum payload management performance.

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3. Haul Cycle Detail
An analysis of the operations on a particular haul road layout for a fleet of Large Mining
Trucks that enables the Equipment Manager to isolate the most significant haul road
attributes and defects affecting overall fleet performance and costs.

Machine application conditions have a direct impact to its resulting equipment performance.
Tracking and reporting application severity parameters such as haul cycle details should be
a normal practice of the Maintenance Department, specifically the Planning area. Proactive
analysis and interpretation of the trended results should be the first indication to
management to initiate a more in-depth investigation, e.g. modification of operational
practices or of the maintenance strategy. The reactive alternative is to wait until the
equipment “tells” management that something in the application has changed through
premature component failures.

As is the case with payload management, factors in the haul cycle that tend to benefit
production frequently have detrimental effects on machine performance and operating
costs. Therefore, haul cycle definition should be considered a key performance indicator for
assessing application severity for a fleet of equipment and the equipment manager must be
diligent in the ongoing evaluation of operating practices through his regular documentation,
tracking, and trending of the haul cycle.

Calculation Methodology:

Haul cycle detail can be quantified using the following methods:

• Average haul cycle distance: Data from Truck Payload Management Systems (TPMS) or
VIMS-TPMS reports can be used to determine the average haul cycle distance. The
average haul cycle distance is the sum of the total empty and loaded travel distances
divided by the count of actual loads hauled during the period under consideration.
• Average haul cycle times: Average cycle times are calculated by dividing the total travel
times (empty + loaded) from TPMS or VIMS-TPMS reports and by the count of actual
loads hauled during the period considered. Average idle time is calculated by dividing
the sum of the total stop times (stopped empty + stopped loaded) and total load times by
the count of actual loads hauled.
• Average haul cycle speeds: Average speeds (empty + loaded) are calculated by dividing
the total travel distances (empty + loaded) by the total travel times (empty + loaded).

Data Source(s):
Haul cycle data is obtained from the Truck Payload Management System (TPMS) or VIMS-
TPMS reports.
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There are no applicable Benchmarks for haul cycle metrics. There are however practical
limits that apply to operational parameters such as speeds, grades and roads. The Equipment
Management team should use the assumptions made when the component life plan was
established as well as the output derived from FPC or other application modeling software
as the basis for defining operational targets for the purpose of future comparisons in the
event the application goes beyond those boundaries.

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III. MEM M&R Process Metrics
The main goal of the maintenance organization is to preserve the primary function of
equipment through the machine’s entire productive life. It must establish all needed
routines and processes to minimize equipment downtime and the resulting production
losses. Maintenance events must be efficiently and effectively managed and executed,
triggering all necessary processes used by the maintenance team to support the goal of
“repair before failure.” This will maximize equipment availability at the lowest cost.

Effective maintenance organizations understand the need of well-established processes,

supported by appropriate resources, and executed by skilled and well-trained personnel.
The study of and partnership with these organizations has built a solid understanding of the
processes and techniques that are effective, as well as those that must be identified in order
to correct or avoid them.

The following sections will describe the Maintenance & Repair process metrics that
Caterpillar recommends for each M&R discipline.

1. Preventive Maintenance
The following metrics are indicators of the performance and / or contributions of the
Preventive Maintenance process to the end results of the project, i.e. equipment reliability
and availability.


Total Operating Hours to First Stop
MTBSAfter PM = (Hours)
Number of PM Services

The average operating hours to the first stop after each PM service is a valid indication of PM
quality and effectiveness. The Benchmark (best in class) for Large Mining Trucks is 105
hours; a realistic target is 2 to 3 times the overall MTBS. Tracking and trending this metric
monthly offers a reasonable representation of PM quality and effectiveness. It is important
to compare MTBS after PM with PM duration. A clear positive correlation between the two
should be observed, such as the more PM duration, the longer resulting MTBS after PM.

1.2. Unavailability PM
PM Downtime Hours
UnavailabilitySystem = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime Hours

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Unavailability due to Preventive Maintenance quantifies the impact of PM on availability.
There is no Benchmark associated with this metric, but a reasonably valid target is in the
range of 2.75 to 3.25% for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class.

The result of this measure should be taken in context with MTBS after PM. If unavailability
due to PM is below the range and MTBS after PM is low, it is a safe assumption that
insufficient time and effort is being placed on PM. Conversely, if unavailability due to PM is
above the range and MTBS after PM is high, one can assume that the site is placing substantial
emphasis on the value of PM.

1.3. MTTR PM
Total PM Downtime Hours
MTTR PM = (Hours)
Number of PM Services

The average downtime hours dedicated to PM is an indication of PM efficiency. There is no

Benchmark associated with this measure, but a reasonable target is in the 7.75 to 8.5-hour
range for Large Mining Trucks on a 250-hour PM service interval. The target for an
equipment that is on a 500-hour PM service interval is higher, i.e. up to double that of the
250-hour interval. If the average PM downtime is within the range, and MTBS after PM is
low, it is safe to assume that insufficient time and effort is placed on PM.

Conversely, if average PM downtime is above the range and MTBS after PM is high, one can
assume that the site is placing substantial emphasis on the value of PM. Additionally, one
should consider the impact of efficiency factors such as facilities, tooling, training, planning
& scheduling, etc. when assessing MTTR PM.

1.4. Service Accuracy

A measurement of Preventive Maintenance execution timeliness based on a statistical
calculation that predicts the probability that the next PM service will occur within the
recommended range (+/- 25 hours of target interval). The calculation is based upon past
performance and assumes that PM intervals are normally distributed about the mean. The
Benchmark for Service Accuracy is 95% but an aggressive target that will yield excellent
results is 90%.

Notes / Comments:
• The Caterpillar equation of service accuracy is NOT the count of PM services within
range divided by the total quantity of PMs. Using this equation, there is no impact on
results if the PM was out-of-range by one hour or by 100 hours.
• The Caterpillar calculation uses mean and standard deviation. Therefore, if actual
PMs intervals have a lot of “scatter” in the data points, the Service Accuracy result will
be negatively impacted due to high standard deviation. Caterpillar’s method will yield
lower results if PM was out-of-range by 100 hours vs out-of-range by one hour.
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1.5. Backlogs Executed During PM
Backlogs executed during Preventive Maintenance is a good indication of how well the
organization is using the “window of opportunity” presented by PM to maintain the
equipment at a standard that will enhance product reliably. There is no Benchmark or target
for this measure.

1.6. Backlogs Generated During PM

The number of defects identified and entered into the Backlog Management system during
the execution of Preventive Maintenance. Since this measure is a direct function of the
number of machines being monitored as well as their condition, no Benchmarks or targets
are applicable. Backlogs generated during PM quantifies the use of the “window of
opportunity” presented during the PM shutdown for defect detection (an element of
Condition Monitoring).

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2. Condition Monitoring
The following metrics are indicators of the performance and / or contributions of the
Condition Monitoring process to the end results of the project.

2.1 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)

Operating Hours
MTBF = (Hours)
Number of Failures

The average operating time between equipment failures (unplanned stoppages); the inverse
of failure frequency, expressed in hours. Other expressions for failures are unscheduled
stoppages or breakdowns. Failures may be the result of technical product issues, i.e.
equipment unreliability, or due to maintenance & repair neglect, i.e. equipment management
ineffectiveness in the area of problem avoidance. We have not established a Benchmark for
MTBF and do not have sufficient confidence at this time to provide a reasonable target.
(Please see the Glossary for our definition of equipment Failure.)

2.2 Unavailability Unscheduled

Unscheduled Downtime
UnavailabilityU/S = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime
Unavailability due to unscheduled downtime quantifies the impact of unscheduled events on
availability. There is no Benchmark associated with this metric, but a reasonably valid target
is < 2% for mechanical Large Mining Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class. If unavailability due
to unscheduled downtime is significantly higher than 2%, it is reasonable to assume that
gaps exist in the detect-plan-execute cycle therefore improvements to the Condition
Monitoring, Planning & Scheduling and/or repair execution areas will be necessary.
Increasing unavailability due to unscheduled downtime is a valid predictor of pending
problems and may very well predict future shortages of manpower and facilities.

2.3 Failure Reduction

Unscheduled Hrs (6 months RA) − Unscheduled Hrs (last month)
FR = X 100 (%)
Unscheduled Hours (6 month rolling average)

Failure Reduction is a means of quantifying the impact of Condition Monitoring in its efforts
toward failure/problem avoidance. Since unscheduled events are inherently more difficult
and inefficient to deal with in terms of the time required to make unscheduled (unplanned)
repairs, Failure Reduction should be the primary focus of Condition Monitoring activities.
Because the opportunity to improve in this area is highly dependent upon the amount of
unscheduled downtime taking place at the site, there is no Benchmark or target for Failure

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Reduction. In any event, the result should be positive indicating a decline in the percentage
of unscheduled downtime.

2.4 Condition Monitoring Total Savings

CM Total Savings = CM Cost Savings − CM Program Cost (US $)
Condition Monitoring Total Savings defines the “Value Proposition” for Condition
Monitoring. In other words, the total savings generated by Condition Monitoring (cost of
after-failure repairs – cost of preventive, before-failure repairs) must be greater than the
cost of implementation and execution of the Condition Monitoring program. There is no
Benchmark for this metric, but the target should be a positive value (net savings as a result
of Condition Monitoring).

2.5 Total Backlogs Generated

Backlogs Generated Total = Total Backlogs Generated in the Period
The number of defects identified and entered into the Backlog Management system during a
specified period (typically one month). This metric assesses the Condition Monitoring effort
and the ability to successfully detect potential issues. Since this measure is a direct function
of the number of machines being monitored, there is no Benchmark or target.

2.6 Working On Target

Working on Target = % Backlogs on Problem List
The percentage of Backlogs generated which address issues that appear on the “Top 10”
historical problem list. The result yields the % of Condition Monitoring actions that are “On
Target” relative to the key issues affecting site performance. There is no Benchmark or target
for this metric however, if all issues on the problem list are not producing Backlogs, the
Condition Monitoring effort may be misdirected.

2.7 Backlogs Generated By Origin

Backlogs GeneratedBy Origin = Backlogs Generated in the Period by area of origin

Backlogs Generated by Origin identifies which areas that are or are not contributing to
efforts by Condition Monitoring in failure detection. There is no Benchmark for Backlogs
Generated by Origin, however, if the quantity of Backlogs generated by operators, inspectors,
the PM crew, the shop crew, etc. is low, additional emphasis should be placed on the
offending party(s) to encourage their participation in the defect detection process.
Conversely, if the percentage of “shop-found” defects is disproportionately high, the other
areas must be encouraged to increase their involvement since “shop found” defects are
typically far less efficiently executed due to the inability to plan the workload. There are no
Benchmarks or targets related to this metric.
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2.8 Detection Level
Recorded Backlogs
Potential Failure Detection (PFD) = X 100 (%)
Total Defects Pending

This metric is based on a comparison between the number of Backlogs recorded in the
system and the defects that can be detected in an inspection of a randomly selected sample
of machines (10% of total fleet at minimum). Although inspections are limited to visual
inspection, the Potential Failure Detection level can be used to assess the capability and
thoroughness of Condition Monitoring routines.

This metric is typically used:

• By highly trained technical personnel (CM Fleet Analysts, Inspections
Supervisors/Team Leaders, Maintenance managers, or other Mining Equipment
Management Subject Matter Experts).
• As an ongoing means of Condition Monitoring and process compliance. In most cases,
detection level would be measured when a machine is down for an extended period
of time i.e. PM, other major/minor repairs etc. Short stoppages such as refueling, fluid
level checks, shift changes, operator breaks, etc. are not conducive for this type of
• During Site Assessments or M&R Gap Analysis. During these evaluations, the
assessment teams would typically measure detection level to determine the
robustness of M&R Processes, specifically machine inspections.
• When sites are experiencing low availability and/or low reliability (MTBS and MTBF).
In these instances, sites are usually found to perform well-below expected detection

As a reminder, robust M&R processes and effective cost management are heavily reliant on
a repair-before-failure maintenance strategy. Therefore, low detection level (significantly
below 80%) impairs the maintenance organization from proactively ordering parts,
planning resources, scheduling and completing repairs.

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3. Backlog Management
The following metrics are used to evaluate the ability of the Backlog Management process to
prioritize, control and manage problems identified through Condition Monitoring such that
they do not result in unnecessary downtime.

3.1 Total Backlogs Pending

The total number of defects identified by Condition Monitoring and pending in the Backlog
Management process. An indication of the pending workload and risk for failure. Since this
number is dependent upon the size of the fleet being managed, there is no Benchmark or
target for this metric.

3.2 Backlogs Pending by Machine

The total number of defects per machine identified by Condition Monitoring and pending in
the Backlog Management process. There is no Benchmark for this metric, however a
reasonable target is that there should be no more than five pending Backlog repairs per

3.3 Total Backlogs Generated

Backlogs Generated Total = Total Backlogs Generated in the Period
The number of defects identified and entered into the Backlog Management system during a
specified period (typically one month). This metric assesses the Condition Monitoring effort
in and ability to successfully detect potential problems before failure. Since this measure is
a direct function of the number of machines being monitored, there is no Benchmark or
target. Backlog generation should be viewed in the context of % scheduled downtime and, if
the percentage of scheduled downtime is low, the total number of Backlogs generated should
be correspondingly high.

3.4 Total Backlogs Executed

Backlogs Executed Total = Total Backlogs Executed in the Period
The number of Backlog repairs performed during a specified period (typically one month).
This metric evaluates the ability of the maintenance organization to react appropriately to
correct defects identified through the Condition Monitoring process. Since this measure is
related to the number of Backlogs in the system, there is no Benchmark or target, however,
there should be a balance between the number of Backlogs generated and executed.

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3.5 Estimated Labor To Repair
The total estimated repair labor man-hours required to execute all pending Backlogs that
have been generated. This metric is an indication of severity of the Backlog workload and
the potential availability lost if manpower resources are insufficient to accomplish the task
at hand. There is no Benchmark for this metric, but a reasonable target is that the total
estimated repair labor man-hours required to clean up the Backlog list should be < 5% of
available man-hours labor for the month.

3.6 Backlog Status Summary

The Backlog Status Summary defines the number of pending Backlogs that are waiting for
planning (“Red phase”), waiting for parts / resources (“Blue phase”), and waiting to be
executed (“Green phase”). There is no Benchmark or target for the Backlog Status Summary
however this metric analyzed to identify any weak area(s) in the detect-plan -execute cycle
that may be delaying the Backlog repair execution process.

3.7 Backlogs > 30 Days Old

Measured from the date the Backlog was generated, this metric assesses the quality and
timeliness of the response of the Backlog Management system in its ability to respond
proactively to eliminate potential problems. It is important to note that Backlogs are
potential failures, thus Backlog age is an indication of the risk of failure that a site is under.
There is no Benchmark for this measure; however, an aggressive target is that no Backlogs
are greater than 30 days old.

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4. Planning & Scheduling
The following metrics are used to evaluate how well the Planning and Scheduling process is
organized and functioning to ensure that planned activities can be accomplished both
efficiently and effectively and that they do not result in unnecessary downtime.

4.1 Percentage Scheduled Downtime

Scheduled Downtime Hours
% Scheduled Downtime = X 100 (%)
Total Downtime Hours

A high percentage of unscheduled downtime incidents results in very inefficient use of

resources and excessive costs since personnel are frequently shuffled from job to job and
facilities and manpower requirements need to be sufficiently large to accommodate huge
swings in the number of machines down for repairs. Data collected from mine studies has
shown that the average downtime for unplanned / unscheduled work is up to eight times
greater than the downtime for planned / scheduled activity.

The Benchmark for percentage of scheduled downtime is 80% of maintenance and repair
downtime activity is executed on a scheduled basis. A reasonably aggressive target for most
sites is 60%.

4.2 Schedule Compliance By Hours

Scheduled PM & Repair Hours Executed
Schedule Compliance By Hours = X 100 (%)
PM & Repair Hours Scheduled

Schedule Compliance (by hours) is the ratio of scheduled Preventive Maintenance and Repair
downtime hours actually performed to the Preventive Maintenance and Repair downtime
hours scheduled. There is no Benchmark for this metric, but the target should be in the range
of 90 to 100%. If the result is consistently 100%, it may be an indication that the schedule is
too conservative (does not provide sufficient “stretch”. Conversely, if the result is
consistently low, it could mean that the schedule is too ambitious, the workforce is
inefficient, or that the amount of unscheduled downtime during the period was such that it
interfered with work that had been previously scheduled.

4.3 Schedule Compliance By Events

Scheduled PM & Repair Hours Executed
Schedule Compliance By Events = X 100 (%)
PM & Repair Events Scheduled

Schedule Compliance (by events) is the ratio of scheduled Preventive Maintenance and
Repair events actually performed to the Preventive Maintenance and Repair events
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scheduled. There is no Benchmark for this metric, but the target should be in the range of
90 to 100%. Just as was the case for Schedule Compliance by hours, if the result is
consistently 100%, it may be an indication that the schedule is too conservative
(does not provide sufficient “stretch”). Conversely, if the result is consistently low, it could
mean that the schedule is too ambitious, the workforce is inefficient, or that the amount of
unscheduled downtime during the period was such that it interfered with work that had
been previously scheduled.

4.4 Components Exchanged (Scheduled)

PCR′ s Scheduled & Executed
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 = X 100 (%)
PCR′ s Executed

Components Exchanged is the ratio of component replacements scheduled and actually

replaced to components replacements scheduled. There is no Benchmark for this metric, but
the target should be 100%.

4.5 Estimated Time To Repair Pending Backlogs

The total estimated repair downtime hours required to execute all of the pending Backlogs
that have been generated. At the time a repair request is entered (Backlog generated), the
Estimated Time to Repair (ETTR) must be identified to permit effective planning of required
corrective actions. This metric is an indication of extent of the Backlog workload and the
potential availability lost if resources are insufficient to accomplish the task at hand. There
is no Benchmark or target for this metric; it serves as a tool for the planning process to enable
if to “manage” availability by scheduling work in such a way that availability goal can be met.

4.6 Estimated Time To Replace Overdue Components

The total estimated repair downtime hours required to replace all overdue components.
Standard jobs for component replacement will forecast the estimated time to replace each
component. This metric is an indication of extent of the component replacement workload
and the potential availability lost if resources are insufficient to accomplish those tasks.

There is no Benchmark for this metric, but a reasonable target is that the downtime required
for component replacement should not result in more than 2% unavailability. It is important
to note here that since fleets tend to come due for component replacement in “batches”, thus
this metric is highly variable and must be looked at over the long-term … 12-24 months. Just
as with the ETTR for Backlogs, this measure serves as a tool for the Planning process to
enable it to “manage” availability by scheduling work in such a way that the availability goal
can be met.

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4.7 Estimated Time To Execute Factory Programs

The total estimated repair downtime hours required to perform all overdue factory
programs, i.e. PIP & PSP’s. The program will typically define the estimated time to execute
each program. This metric is an indication of extent of the program execution workload and
the potential availability lost if resources are insufficient to accomplish those tasks.

There is no Benchmark for this metric but, if one assumes that program execution is
relatively current, a reasonable target is that the downtime required for component
replacement should not result in more than 1% unavailability. It is important to note that
since programs are generated to cover fleets of equipment, those programs tend to come in
“batches”, thus this metric is highly variable and must be looked at over the long-term … 6-
12 months. Just as with the ETTR for Backlogs and component replacement, this measure
serves as a tool for the Planning process to enable it to “manage” availability by scheduling
work in such a way that the availability goal can be met.

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5. Parts Management
The following metrics are used to determine how well maintenance activities are supported
by the parts inventory and evaluate the relationship between the Parts, Planning &
Scheduling and Maintenance Departments in their efforts to avoid unnecessary parts-related

5.1 Warehouse Service Fill Level (instantaneous)

Parts Orders Closed at 1st Request

Service Fill Level (Instantaneous) = X 100 (%)
Total Parts Orders

Instantaneous Service Fill Level is a parts management efficiency indicator that quantifies
the percentage of individual parts requests entered against the on-site parts warehouse for
repairs (including Backlog parts requests) and filled / closed at the first call. A reflection of
the level of satisfaction of on-site parts warehouse performance. The Benchmark for
Instantaneous Service Fill Level is 95%. An aggressive target is > 90%.

5.2 Service Fill Level (24 hours)

Parts Orders Closed in 1st 24 Hours

Service Fill Level (After 24 Hours) = X 100 (%)
Total Parts Orders

Service Fill Level after 24 hours is a parts management efficiency indicator that quantifies
the percentage of individual parts requests entered against the on-site parts warehouse for
repairs (including Backlog parts requests) and filled/ closed in the first 24 hours after the
first call. A reflection of the level of satisfaction of on-site parts warehouse performance. We
do not have sufficient data to define a Benchmark, but an aggressive target is 100%.

5.3 Unavailability Parts

Parts Delay Downtime
UnavailabilityPD = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime

Unavailability due to parts delays quantifies the impact of parts delay events on availability.
There is no Benchmark associated with this metric, but a reasonable target is < .5%.
If unavailability (downtime) due to parts delays is significantly higher than .5%, it may
signify potential problems with inventory quality / quality and/or a higher than normal
percentage of unplanned downtime, i.e. the inability of the maintenance organization to
detect problems in advance of failure and plan & schedule the work and associated resources
If parts inventory quality / quality is found to be an issue, it may be due either to the fact that
the maintenance organization is not doing a good job of defining the parts inventory support
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requirements to the Parts Department or that the Parts Department is not delivering on its
obligation to support the site with the required parts.

5.4 Emergency Response Time

Emergency Response Time quantifies the average response time (in days) to satisfy parts
requests that cannot be filled instantaneously. This parameter works and should be analyzed
in conjunction with Instantaneous Service Fill Level. There is no Benchmark or target for this

5.5 Parts Inventory Rotation

Parts Inventory Rotation is defined as the annual turnover of parts held in the on-site parts
warehouse. No Benchmark is available for this parameter. Defining a realistic target for this
metric is highly dependent upon site logistics of the specific operation including
transportation, the capacity and design of the parts warehouse, the remoteness of the site,
costs associated with carrying the inventory and the specific requirements of the site in
terms of any availability guarantees that may be in place.

5.6 Emergency Orders

Emergency Orders quantifies the percentage of parts orders that are placed against the
system on an emergency basis, i.e. “panic mode”. The percentage of Emergency Orders is
another method of analyzing the extent to which the maintenance organization is behaving
pro-actively and control of the fleet. There is no Benchmark or target for this metric.

5.7 Inventory (Items)

This metric quantifies the number of individual line items maintained on- site in the parts
inventory. Because this is proportional to the size of the fleet being supported, there is no
Benchmark or target for this metric. Trending inventory levels over a 6 to 12-month period
and relating the trend to fleet performance results such as MTBS, MTTR and % of scheduled
work, is one way of determining the impact of parts support on the overall site performance.

5.8 Inventory (value)

This metric quantifies the number of individual line items maintained on- site in the parts
inventory. Because this is proportional to the size of the fleet being supported, there is no
Benchmark or target for this metric. Trending inventory levels over a 6 to 12-month period
and relating the trend to fleet performance results such as MTBS, MTTR and % of scheduled
work, is one way of determining the impact of parts support on the overall site performance.

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6. Repair Management
The following Repair Management metrics are indicators of the adequacy of the maintenance
personnel, facilities, tooling and support equipment and how well those resources are
organized and managed to perform efficient & effective repairs while contributing to
efficiency, cost and availability objectives.

6.1 MTTR (Shop Service)

Total Shop Repair Downtime
MTTR Shop = (Hours)
Number of Shop Repairs

The average downtime hours (including delays) required to execute shop repairs. There is
no Benchmark or target associated with this measure. Actual results will vary significantly
based upon the nature of the repair, whether it is scheduled or unscheduled and the extent
to which repairs are grouped for optimum efficiency.

6.2 MTTR (Field)

Total Field Repair Downtime
MTTR Field = (Hours)
Number of Field Repairs

The average downtime hours (including delays & response time) required to execute field
repairs. There is no Benchmark associated with this measure, but a reasonable target is <1
hour. It should be noted here that the field service crew is the “first line of defense” for the
maintenance organization and, as such, their attention should be focused on rapid remedial
actions and fast, decisive decision-making. Consequently, if the field service crew determines
that a repair can be better performed in the shop environment, they should release it to the
shop unless those resources are unavailable. Thus, the target for MTTRfield is relatively low,
<1 hour, and unless the machine is not mobile, higher quality and more efficient repairs can
be performed in the shop.

6.3 MTTR (Shop Service / Without Delays)

Total Shop Repair Downtime
MTTR Shop = (Hours)
Number of Shop Repairs

The average downtime hours (excluding delays) required to execute shop repairs. There is
no Benchmark or target associated with this measure. This measure enables site
management to assess the impact of delays on shop repair execution and, if delays are found
to be a problem, take corrective actions accordingly.

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6.4 MTTR (Field / Without Delays)
Total Field Repair Downtime
MTTR Field = (Hours)
Number of Field Repairs

The average downtime hours (excluding delays & response time) required to execute field
repairs. There is no Benchmark associated with this measure, but a reasonable target is <.5
hour. This measure enables site management to assess the impact of delays on field repair
execution and, if delays or response time are found to be problems, take the corresponding
corrective actions.

6.5 MTBS After Repairs

Total Operating Hours to First Stop
MTBS After Repairs = (Hours)
Number of Repairs

The average operating hours to the first stop after each repair is an indication of repair
quality and effectiveness. There is no Benchmark available for this metric. A realistic target
depends upon the level of current performance, i.e. if repair quality is an issue (technicians
are creating more problems than they are correcting), the target should be much higher than
if repair quality is relatively good.

6.6 Percentage Redo (% Redo)

∑ Repair Redo ManHours
Redo = (%)
∑ Repair ManHours

Percentage Redo is a measure of repair effectiveness. It is the proportion or percentage of

man-hours labor dedicated to redo (correcting repair errors) to the total number of man-
hours labor dedicated to all repairs.
There is no Benchmark for this metric, but a reasonable target is that redo should be < 2%
of total repair man-hours.

6.7 Unavailability Delays

Delay Downtime
UnavailabilityD = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime

Unavailability due to delay downtime quantifies the impact of delays associated with shop
and field repairs on availability. There is no Benchmark associated with this metric, but a
reasonable target is < 1%. If unavailability (downtime) due to delays is significantly higher
than 1%, it may be related to inadequate manpower, excessive field response times, poor

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communications to the field service crew, excessive workload, and/or a higher than normal
amount of unscheduled work.

6.8 Contamination Control (CC)

Contamination Control is a reliability and durability initiative aimed at providing superior

value to Caterpillar’s customers. This superior value can be realized through the avoidance
of component failures and consequent longer component and product lives, as well as
optimized productivity throughout the product’s life cycle.

The “Star” contamination control rating scheme is a valid indication of the organizations
ability to provide and maintain a working environment and work procedures that promote
and support high quality repair execution. The Benchmark is “5 Star”.

To aid compliance with Global CC Guidelines, Regions, Districts, Service Operations Teams,
and Dealers, there needs to be clear governance serving a number of purposes:
• A clear goal of dealers in owning, being accountable and self-responsible for their
Contamination Control culture and compliance performance.
• A Sustainable process for dealers and districts.
• A framework to follow CC guidelines and establish minimum requirements.

Applicable Facilities:
• All dealer branded fixed and mobile facilities are subject to CC requirements.
• Exceptions are to be agreed with the local Caterpillar District Office (District).

The following represent the required and minimum standards to comply to the Global
Contamination Control Guidelines and Governance:
• 3 Star or greater standard at all dealer facilities, with a recommendation that
Component Rebuild Centres (CRC) / Specialisation Areas be rated at 4 or 5 Star.
• Star Ratings for individual dealer facilities may be awarded by any Caterpillar
accreditedCC assessor (dealer or Caterpillar employed).
• All dealer facilities, and customer enrolled facilities, must have minimally an annual
CC audit result recorded in the Caterpillar CC Web Reporting System. The
recommendation isaudits are conducted at least monthly.
• Application of an initial 3, 4, or 5 Star rating to a customer facility should be attended
byan accredited Caterpillar employed assessor.
• Any additional requirements or exceptions are at the District’s discretion.

Below are the assessor requirements to be met to reach CC compliance standards:

• All dealers are to have a minimum of one Caterpillar accredited CC Assessor. More
accredited assessors may be required to maintain a reasonable workload (e.g. one
assessor per branch / store).

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• All Caterpillar DSD Product Support Operations Reps (PSORs) and Service Operations
Consultants are to obtain and maintain accredited CC assessor status.
• Accreditation/re-accreditation cycle as follows: Initial accreditation, re-accreditation
attwo years, then subsequent to that a three year re-accreditation cycle.
• Training and certification / recertification is facilitated by Global CC Subject Matter
Expert.(Note: for recertification a candidate may choose to only retake the final
certification test).
• In certain cases, at the District’s discretion, alternate certification processes may
o Certification: Comparison of candidate CC assessment against that of two
Caterpillar assessors
o Re-Certification:
• Comparison of candidate CC assessment against that of a single Caterpillar
assessor, or
• An Electronic test is given, and the candidate has two opportunities to pass.

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7. Component Management
Components are key cost drivers and success in managing them (achieving expected life
cycle and operational cost) is critical in meeting maintenance and production cost (cost/ton)
of the equipment. Although relatively small and frequent repairs primarily affect availability,
operational cost is directly affected by major repairs, normally components. Due to these
reasons, a separate process in the model is dedicated to Component Management.
The following metrics are used to evaluate how well the Component Management process is
organized and functioning.

7.1 Component Life Target Achieved

Components Exchanged ≥ Life Target
Component Life Target Achieved = X 100 (%)
Total Components Exchanged

The Component Life Target Achieved quantifies the percentage of components that are
reaching target life before component exchange. There is no Benchmark for this measure,
but a reasonable target is that 100% of components achieve target life to rebuild.

7.2 Components Scheduled

Scheduled Components Exchanges
Component Scheduled = X 100 (%)
Total Components Exchanged

The Components Scheduled metric quantifies the percentage of components that are
exchanged on a scheduled basis as a percentage of the total number of components
exchanged in the period. There is no Benchmark for this measure, but a reasonable target is
that 100% of components are exchanged on a scheduled basis.

7.3 Components Replacement Costs

Actual PCR Costs
Component Replacement Cost = X 100 (%)
Budgeted/ Target PCR Costs

The Component Replacement Cost metric quantifies the ratio of actual component
replacement costs to budgeted (target) costs. There is no Benchmark for this measure, but a
reasonable target is that actual component replacement costs should not exceed (< or =
100%) budget.

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7.4 Unavailability Component Replacement
Component Replacement Downtime
UnavailabilityCR = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime
Unavailability due to component replacement downtime quantifies the impact of component
replacement events on availability. There is no Benchmark associated with this metric, but a
reasonable target is < 2%. If unavailability (downtime) due to component replacement is
significantly higher than 2%, it may signify potential problems with component inventory
quality / quality, component rebuild (CRC) turnaround time, and/or a higher than normal
percentage of unscheduled component replacement events. If the component inventory
quality / quality is found to be an issue, it may be due either to the fact that the maintenance
organization is not doing a good job of communicating the component replacement plan the
Parts Department and/or CRC or that the Parts Department and/or CRC is not delivering on
its obligation to support the site with the components they require.

7.5 Availability Index After Component Exchange

The Availability Index during the first six months after major component exchange is a very
good indication of the quality of work being performed during component exchange. This
can be calculated by monitoring Availability Index for the individual machine for the period.
There is no Benchmark for this metric, but a valid target is that the Availability Index during
the first six months after major component exchange is > 88%.

7.6 PCR Compliance

PCR′ s Planned, Scheduled & Executed
PCR Compliance = X 100 (%)
Total PCR′ s Planned& Scheduled

PCR Compliance defines the number of components that are replaced on a planned and
scheduled basis as a percentage of the total number of components planned and scheduled.
There is no Benchmark for this measure, but a reasonable target is that 100% of components
that are planned and scheduled for replacement are indeed executed per the plan.

7.7 Backlogs Executed During Component Exchange

Backlogs Executed During Component Exchg
Backlogs Executed w/ PCR = X 100 (%)
Total Backlogs Pending

Backlogs executed during component exchange is a good indication of how well the
organization is using the “window of opportunity” presented by component exchange to
bring the equipment up to a standard that will permit it to perform reliably. There is no
Benchmark for this measure, but the target should be that 100% of items on the pending
Backlog list are executed during the component replacement activity.
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8. Human Resources
The scope of operation, mine production goals, and the maintenance strategy are the starting
points for defining the required on-site organization. The functions to be performed dictate
the quantity and characteristics of the personnel required. Defining the organization is the
first step. Ask this question: What is necessary, in terms of the number of people and skills
required, to perform jobs and meet expected goals?
The key to success is having the right people, in quantity and skill, organized effectively to
execute specific routines and functions, and who share a common goal.

8.1 Unavailability Personnel Delays

Personal Delay Downtime
UnavailabilityPD = (1 − Availability) X X 100 (%)
Total Downtime

Unavailability due to personnel delay downtime quantifies the impact of personnel delays
(waiting on manpower) on availability. There is no Benchmark associated with this metric,
but a reasonable target is < .5%.
If unavailability (downtime) due to personnel delays is significantly higher than .5%, it may
signify potential problems with manpower staffing levels, higher than normal workload (an
abundance of Backlogged repairs), workforce inefficiency, and/or a higher than normal
amount of unscheduled work, i.e. work that enjoys the benefits of planning & scheduling are
typically executed far more efficiently than work that is performed in an environment of
constantly changing priorities such as the one created when a high percentage of the
workload is unscheduled.

8.2 Effective Man-Hours

Effective ManHours = ∑ Labor Hours (Hands on)present in the month (Hours)

The number of hands-on labor hours available per month is a metric that helps understand
/ measure the manpower available on site. This metric is use as a reference for other metrics.

8.3 Personnel Hands-On To Machine Ratio

Total Hands On Technicians
Hands On Personnel/ Machine Ratio =
Number of Machines

This ratio gives us a quick relationship between the work force on-site and the number of
machines. This metric can be used as a quick reference and must be combined with other
metrics to better understand the personnel situation on-site.

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8.4 Direct Maintenance Personnel
Direct Maintenance Personnel = Quantity of Hands On Technicians
This metric documents the number of hands-on technicians. The total number of technicians
on-site can be easily compared with other metrics and other sites with similar operational

8.5 Personnel Total To Machine Ratio

Total Personnel
Total Personnel/ Machine Ratio =
Number of Machines

This metric establishes the relationship between the total personnel on-site and the number
of machines. Total personnel includes all people on site, technicians, planners, supervisors,
secretaries, administration personnel, etc.

8.6 Total Maintenance Personnel

Total Maintenance Personnel = Total Quantity of Maintenance Personnel
This metric asks for the total maintenance personnel on-site. How many people we have on-
site to support the fleet of equipment. This metric in conjunction with metrics in 2.8.3, 2.8.4
& 2.8.5 gives us a dimension of the maintenance crew on-site and can be compared with
other similar operations to support the understanding of personnel efficiency.
All the above metrics are very straightforward and can be easily obtained. The
documentation of these figures link with the characteristics of the fleet and the on-site
operation will give us a quick reference for future studies.

8.7 Overtime To Total Effective Hours Ratio

Overtime Hours in the Period
Overtime Ratio = X 100 (%)
Total Effective Hours in the Period

The overtime ratio measures the number of extra hours required to satisfy the maintenance
operation as a percentage of the total effective hours available in the period. Overtime may
be an indication of labor needs or extra maintenance demand in a particular period of time.
Constant overtime levels should be an indicator to consider reviewing and possibly to
improve the on-site organization structure.

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8.8 Labor Hours Covered By Workorders
Total Labor Hours in Work Orders
Labor Hours in Work Order = X 100 (%)
Total Effective Hours in the Period

The labor hours captured in the workorders are charged to specific machines whenever a
technician is assigned and working on that particular machine. This ratio is an indication of
technician idle time. Idle time includes breaks for lunch and shift changes. The ideal situation
would be to have a ratio very close to 100%, indicating a full usage of the labor available. Be
careful in those cases in which the on-site operation “justifies” technician labor hours by
charging 100% of their hours to the machines being serviced.

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9. Training
The scope of operation, mine production goals, and the maintenance strategy are the starting
points for defining the required on-site organization. The functions to be performed dictate
the quantity and characteristics of the personnel required. Defining the organization is the
first step. Ask this question: What is necessary, in terms of the number of people and skills
required, to perform jobs and meet expected goals?
The key to success is having the right people, in quantity and skill, organized effectively to
execute specific routines and functions, and who share a common goal. Every person in the
organization brings a set of values, personal goals, and ability developed from past
experience and education.

The first challenge is to determine the skills / competencies inventory. Assign the correct
person to the appropriate function or role in the organization. Start managing resources and
logistics to ensure this team can work to their maximum abilities.

9.1 Training Hours/ Labor Hours

Total Training Hours in the Period
Training Hours Ratio = X 100 (%)
Total Labor Hours Available in the Period

This metric, used by the International Labor Organization, gives us the relationship between
the hours invested in training and the total available labor hours in the period. This
organization considers that a minimum of 1% of every 100 labor man-hours be dedicated to
training to be acceptable. We don’t have results for our mining projects, but we believe that
if it were known it would be much higher than the OIT target.

9.2 Training Hours By System (vs. Problems)

Training Hours on "System A"
Training Hours By System = X 100 (%)
Total Training Hours in the Period

This metric gives us the opportunity to assess if the training efforts are addressing the actual
problems that the maintenance organization is facing. The relationship between the Ranking
of Problems (Top 5 or 10) obtained from the machine repair history and the hours trained
in that particular subject or machine area must be very strong. The training needs detection
(TND) process should consider this ranking of problems and schedule training activities to
support the organization to be better prepared to solve those problems.

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9.3 Training Program Compliance
Training Hours Completed
Training Program Compliance = X 100 (%)
Total Training Hours Scheduled

The training compliance metric gives us an indication of how well the onsite operation is
following the training activities scheduled. It is also an indication of the importance that is
given to the training activities. Are we complying with what we scheduled?

9.4 Competencies Required

Competencies Required = Competencies defined in each role & Responsibilities X
Number of People in the Corresponding Roles
To obtain this metric, total number of competencies required, the on-site organization must
have a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities for each of the positions in the
organization and the number of people assigned to each of those particular roles. This metric
gives us an indication as to how many competencies we need in order to do the job efficiency
and effectively.

9.5 Competencies Satisfied

Personnel Competencies Certified
% of Competencies Satisfied = X 100 (%)
Competencies Required
The percentage of Competencies satisfied will give us an understanding of how well the
organization is prepared to perform the maintenance tasks. This metric compares the
number of competencies that have been certified in a formal certification process against the
total competencies required.

9.6 Personnel Skills Inventory Completion

Skills / Competencies in Inventory
Personnel Skills Inventory = X 100 (%)
Total Personnel Skills

The Personnel Skills Inventory is probably the foundation for any training detection needs
or gap analysis study. The personnel skills must be surveyed and kept in an updated Data

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10. Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement (CI) is the logical final function in the Maintenance & Repair
process model. It represents any engagement (project) between Caterpillar, the dealer and
the customer that creates value for a customer mine site by improving and evolving their
business processes. After measuring and detecting areas of opportunity, the entire
organization must be involved in searching for solutions. A formal and organized approach
is needed to guide the organization and keep them on track and focused on the critical areas
of opportunities.

There are many Continuous Improvement methodologies or models available from which to
choose, adopt, and adapt to specific site and customer requirements. In recent years, the
Continuous Improvement Value Tracker (CIVT) has been introduced to identify, implement,
track, measure and replicate value-added activities undertaken by the customer, dealer and
Caterpillar. It is a systematic approach to find the root cause of problems and, identify and
execute the incremental improvements to the various mining equipment management

10.1 Top Problems With C.I. Projects

CI Working on Target (CIOT) = % of Continuous Improvement Projects

on Problems Rankings

Top 1 – 2 %

Top 3 – 5 %

Top 6 – 10 %

The Ranking of Problems is based on the Machine Repair History and represents those
problems or areas that most affect the final performance of the fleet. The % of CI projects
dedicated to solving those problems is an indication of effective communications and clear
management to direct the organization efforts where they are most needed.

10.2 Active C.I. Projects

Active CI Projects = Number of CI Projects in Process

This metric, the number of CI projects that are in process or active, gives us an understanding
of the magnitude of the CI effort and how active the organization is in the search for solutions
or optimizations.

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10.3 C.I. Projects Closed During Period

CI Projects Closed = Number of CI Projects Closed in the Period

This metric is an indication of the regularity of the CI process in place, that is how many CI
projects are we closing in a period of time, or how many solution proposals are we delivering
to the organization. We recommend measuring this result on a monthly basis.

10.4 Average C.I. Project Execution Time

CI Project Execution Time = Average Days to Complete CI projects

This metric in conjunction with 2.9.3 above gives us a measure of the CI process efficiency.
Average days to close the CI Projects coupled with the regularity of delivery measured by CI
Projects Closed in the period provides us a means of telling if the CI pipeline can deliver
results in a reasonably constant timeframe.

10.5 C.I. Projects Opened During Period

CI Projects Opened = Number of CI Projects Generated in the Period

The number of CI projects opened or generated in the period is an indication of maturity of

the CI process. This measures if the maintenance organization is continually looking for
solutions and better ways to do things. It is also is an indication of the effectiveness of the
Problem / Opportunity detection process and management.

10.6 C.I. Project Realized Value

CI Realized Value = Proven Benefits due to CI Solutions Implemented

This metric measures the effectiveness of the CI process in place through the proven value
delivered and realized by the customer to the operation. This value can be a recorded direct
savings, an increase in productivity, an improvement in availability translated into more
equipment hours to produce and / or maintenance labor reduction, etc. Accurate records are
a must in order to be able to calculate and validate the results of this metric.

10.7 C.I. Project Delivered Value by Category

CI Delivered Value = Proven Benefits due to a CI Solution implemented in a specific category

This metric provides a snapshot of the different focus areas related to Continuous
Improvement at a mine site. If the majority of projects delivered value focuses on site
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assessments, one could conclude that the CI program is still in its early stages, and/or the
mine operations team is still not fully aware of gaps and opportunities to improve their
performance and cost.

CI Categories are designated as follows:

- Maintenance & Repair
- Production & Application
- Mining Equipment Management Services
- HSEC (Health, Safety, Environment & Community)
- Technology

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IV. Time Usage Model
To successfully calculate the top tier and M&R process metrics, it is imperative that the mine
site departments (production operations and maintenance) have a common understanding
of the time usage model. Teams need to be aligned to ensure a common understanding of
categories, terms, and calculations.

1. Time Usage Model Table:

Caterpillar suggests the “time usage model” as shown in the table below. Customers may
have different definitions or variations of the time usage model and when Caterpillar and
dealers work with any site, it is advisable to ensure the time usage model and coding system
are clearly understood.

2. Systems, Coding and Process Integration:

Due to economic viability, it’s unlikely that a mine will discontinue their existing information
management systems and replace them with new state of the art systems. Therefore, it’s
likely the site would continue with their two systems (production control and work order
control) and the relationship must be clearly established. In most cases, the production
system should take priority to track delay codes relating to top-level machine utilization.
Code lists 1, 2, & 3 are suggested lists to be used by the production control system to monitor
machine status. These codes were rationalized from many code lists around the world.
Individual mine sites might decide to have more or fewer codes than the suggested list. It is
important to structure the lists to be simple, clear, and meaningful to day-to-day operations.
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Caterpillar experience has shown that too many codes leads to excessive data dilution and
deters operators from using the system.

Code List 1 Production Delays Code List 2 Operational Delays

1A Waiting For Equipment 2A Shift Change
1B GET Change Out 2B Change of Operator
2C Pre-Shift Inspection
1C Blasting
2D Meeting
1D Tramming Equipment
2E Refuel/ Lube Service
1E Equipment Diagnosis 2F Meal Break
1F Engineering Delays 2G Toilet Break
1G Weather (Temporary) 2H Prayers
1H Other 2I Other

Code List 3 Stand-By/ Idle Time Out of Plan

3A Not Required (Over Trucked) Holiday
3B No Operator Accident
Maintenance Complete (On Weather
Ready Line) Strike/ Industrial Dispute
3D Equipment Retired
Act of God
3E Other Other

A separate code structure is needed to monitor Maintenance & Repair delays within the work
order control system and Code List 4 provides a suggested list of codes. It is important to
define sufficient codes to clearly identify delay reasons, but excessive codes will lead to data
dilution and limited usefulness of the system.

Code List 4 Maintenance & Repair Delays

4A Tram to Shop/ Waiting for Lowboy
4B Waiting for Wash Bay
4C Waiting for Bay Space
4D Waiting for Mechanic/ Technician
4E Waiting for Parts
4F Waiting for Tooling/ Instrumentation
4G Waiting for Equipment (Crane, Tire Handler, etc.)
4H Meal Break
4I Prayers
4J Other

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Work order system delay codes should not be confused with machine component codes.
Component codes are used to identify machine systems or components where the M&R
teams are performing work. The work order system will use the component code structure
for Pareto Analysis on components & systems causing the most cost, downtime, repair
frequency, and delays. The Maintenance & Repair delay codes are intended to overlay the
component & system coding structure to facilitate understanding of the impact repair delays
have on repair efficiency.

3. Report Generation and Nesting of Information:

Daily reporting should identify to mine management all key performance indicators which
relate to machine availability and utilization. Elements within Code Lists 1, 2 & 3 should be
managed within the production control system. Alerts or other report flags should be built
into the production system reporting structure to raise management’s attention to “out of
norm” conditions. Delays need to be quantified, the source(s) defined and, if it is excessive,
a corrective action plan implemented to keep machines in service.

In general, the majority of M&R delays (Code List #4) imply unscheduled maintenance and
repair activities, but scheduled events should also be included. For well-performing sites,
scheduled events should not have many delays and not raise significant red flags to demand
action. However, unscheduled events should draw attention and focus to situations that
require management intervention.
A report should be developed to summarize and analyze delays recorded within the:
• Production system (Code Lists 1, 2 and 3)
• Work order system (Code list 4).
All delay time recorded in the production & work order control systems should be analyzed
to determine which areas have the greatest impact on machine downtime (or lost
production) and opportunities for improvement. If delay code information is used to drive
continuous improvement actions, there is significant value to mine site production and
maintenance departments.

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V. Glossary of terms:
Performance Metric: A term used to describe the outcome of any process used to collect,
analyze, interpret and present quantitative data. A measurement parameter that enables
performance against some predefined Target or Benchmark to be monitored. A
measurement used to gauge performance of a function, operation or business relative to past
results or others.

Key Performance Indicator: Also known as KPI; a top-level Performance Metric. The
collection of KPI's used to describe performance of a project may vary from site to site, by
product, application and even one's perspective, i.e. dealer & customer, Operations &
Maintenance Depts., Project & Contract Controls Dept. NOTE: All KPI's are Performance
Metrics but Performance Metrics are not always KPI's.

Target: A desired goal; a standard by which a Performance Metric can be measured or

judged. The Target for a Performance Metric can be somewhat arbitrary and will likely vary
by product, application or specific site. The Target is frequently determined by customer
needs, expectations and/or contractual commitments, and manufacturers’ specifications.

Benchmark (noun): A world-class performance standard relative to a specific Performance

Metric; represents and quantifies "best practice" of an operation or of specific functions
within that operation according to a specified Performance Metric. A Benchmark may vary
by product but is much less arbitrary than a Target. A Benchmark is determined by and
represents actual, documented, sustainable performance over time relative to some
Performance Metric.

Shutdown / Stoppage: An event that takes a machine out of service.

• Shutdowns may be scheduled or unscheduled and include all types of maintenance
and repair activities except daily lubes, refueling, and inspections executed during
lube or refueling activities.
• Operational stoppages e.g. shift changes, lunch breaks, etc., are not included as
• “Grouped” repairs count as a single shutdown.
• Shutdown count is independent of event duration or complexity, i.e. a five-minute
event counts the same as a 100-hour event and a headlight replacement counts the
same as a catastrophic major component failure.

Failure: The inability of a device or system to perform in its required function … the
cessation of proper functioning or performance, for example a power failure. Failures may
be the result of technical product issues (i.e. equipment unreliability), or due to Maintenance
& Repair neglect (i.e. equipment management ineffectiveness) in problem avoidance. Other
expressions for failures are unscheduled stoppages or breakdowns.

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Total Calendar Hours: Total time in the period to be analyzed, e.g. 8760 hours/ year, 720
hours / 30-day month, 168 hours / week, etc.

Scheduled Hours: Time that a machine is scheduled for operations, typically determined by
the mine Planning and Operations Departments in conjunction with their overall production

Unscheduled Hours: Hours outside the plan; lost time that result from accidents, strikes,
weather, acts of God, any holidays that are observed, etc. (typically defined by the customer
or contained in the Customer Support Agreement or MARC).

Available Hours: Time that a machine is capable of functioning in the intended operation.

Operating Hours: Time that a machine is actually operating in the intended function.

Stand-by Hours: Time that a machine is available for operation but is not being used, e.g.
no operator available, "over-trucked", etc. This is also known as "Ready line" hours.

Production Delay Hours: Time that a machine is operational but is waiting with the engine
running due to blasting, loader wait time, etc. Production delay hours are frequently not
accounted for separately and are included in the operating hours tabulation. Some dispatch
systems do track production delay hours in an effort to minimize and manage them. In either
case, lost hours that result from production delays should be reconciled and not counted
against machine availability.

Operational Delay Hours: Time that a machine is available for operation but is not being
used due to shift changes, lunch breaks, meetings, prayers, etc. Just as was the case for
production delay hours, lost hours that result from operational delays should be reconciled
and never counted against machine availability. On the other hand, policy at many mines
ignores operational delay hours altogether and therefore, does not credit operational delay
hours as either scheduled or available hours.

Downtime Hours: Time that a machine is not available for operation; out of service for all
forms of maintenance, repairs and modifications. Includes inspection and diagnostic time as
well as any delay or wait time for manpower, bay space, parts, tooling, literature, repair
support equipment, decision making, etc. May be scheduled or unscheduled.

Repair Delay Hours: Time that machine is waiting for repairs due to unavailability of labor,
parts, facilities, equipment or tooling. Typically, not well documented in most machine
downtime histories but is nonetheless included, yet unrecognized, as part of the machine
downtime record.

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VI. Rainbow Graph
The following “rainbow graph” illustration is intended to demonstrate the relationship
between Availability Index, MTBS, and MTTR.

As a reminder, availability is one of the primary metrics that production and maintenance
departments are interested in. Physical availability is a function of (3) factors, namely:
• Stoppage frequency (MTBS).
• Stoppage duration (MTTR).
• Machine utilization (Asset Utilization or Utilization of Availability).

Availability Index is shown in the equation shown below (Also refer to section I.4 Availability
Index). This graph was created by “fixing” MTTR (as an example MTTR=2), then calculating
availability index for multiple MTBS values and graphing them on the chart. The purple line
is created this way for MTTR=2 and Other “rainbow lines” are created in similar way for other
fixed MTTR values.

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Situation / Example:

Consider a hypothetical example (Cat 793D truck) where the following criteria exist:
• MTTR is low and is measured at 2 hours, represented by the purple curve.

Please note the following data values:

• MTBS=20 hours.
• MTBS=100 hours.


These comments help illustrate and interpret this situation.

• A “significant” event (such as a major component failure) occurs that causes the MTTR
to increase substantially (in this example, MTTR increases to 10 hours).
• When MTTR sharply increases, Availability Index is reduced accordingly (as defined
mathematically in the Availability Index equation).
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• If the mine site was operating at:
o MTBS = 100 Hours, increased MTTR causes Availability to decrease by a small
o MTBS = 20 Hours, increased MTTR causes Availability to decrease by a much
larger amount.
• Summary: As MTBS increases, Availability Index is “more stable” and less sensitive
to changes in MTTR. In this example:
o MTBS=20 → ~25% difference for MTTR=2 vs MTTR=10.
o MTBS=100 → ~8% difference for MTTR=2 vs MTTR=10.

Benchmarks or targets for MTBS and MTTR will be different depending on machine models,
however, the concept of the “rainbow graph” is applicable to all machines. The goal of the
maintenance department should be to increase MTBS (move further to the right on the
graph) to operate in a “stable” region on the graph. Caterpillar suggests that reasonable
targets for machine MTBS should be defined by the documented benchmarks for each
machine model (refer to the MTBS section of this metrics document).

In real-world situations similar to the example above for trucks (MTTR=10, MTBS=20),
maintenance departments often tend to focus on MTTR (striving to reduce MTTR to increase
availability). This is not good judgement because the site is still operating on “risky” and
“unstable” side of the “rainbow graph”. Instead, the site should concentrate on increasing

For well performing mine sites, MTBS should be significantly higher than MTTR. Due to the
mathematical relationship in the equation, when MTBS is higher, Availability Index is less
sensitive to changes in MTTR.

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VII. Measuring MTBS vs MTBF
Many customers consider MTBF to be a very important metric and suggest that MTBF is a
more important metric than MTBS. The illustration below is intended to demonstrate why
Caterpillar and mine site operations should be more focused on MTBS as a “top tier” metric,
rather than MTBF.

As a review of MTBS and MTBF:

• MTBS: The average operating time between machine stoppages (scheduled &
unscheduled). This is the average frequency of equipment downtime events,
expressed in hours.
• MTBF: The average operating time between machine stoppages (unscheduled
stoppages only). This is the average frequency of equipment downtime events,
expressed in hours.

As a reminder, availability is one of the primary metrics that production and maintenance
departments are interested in. Physical availability is a function of (3) primary factors,
• Stoppage frequency (MTBS),
• Stoppage duration (MTTR),
• Machine utilization (Asset Utilization or Utilization of Availability).

Please note the following comments and assumptions in the illustration shown below.
• The shovel and truck are in production. The truck is intended to cycle back and forth
between the load and dump areas over the course of several days.
• Maintenance shutdowns occur over the time period, namely:
o M&R department stops the truck for an inspection (In this example, the
inspection is not conducted within a “window of opportunity” so it’s an M&R
stoppage and counts against the maintenance team) → This is a scheduled
stoppage event.
o M&R department stops the truck to perform a PM service → This is a
scheduled stoppage event.
o M&R department stops the truck to perform a tire inspection & pressure check
→ This is a scheduled stoppage event.
o The machine has a problem and stops as a breakdown → This is an
unscheduled stoppage event.
• In this illustration, the truck accumulates 100 operating hours.

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In this example, the calculations for MTBS and MTBF yield the following results:
• MTBS=25 hours. (MTBS includes all M&R stoppages, scheduled + unscheduled)
• MTBF=100 hours. (MTBF includes only unscheduled M&R stoppages)

If the Maintenance & Repair team measures their performance based MTBF results, they
would likely conclude they are performing well. However, if the Maintenance & Repair team
measures themselves on MTBS results, they come to different conclusion (i.e. they are not
performing well because MTBS is significantly lower than benchmark levels).

Maintenance & Repair teams should regularly review their own performance based on
metrics results and as a means of continuous improvement, define corrective actions to
improve in future months.

In this example, the maintenance team should review MTBS, question themselves to
determine root cause of shortcomings, and generate strategic or tactical improvement
actions. Possible considerations to improve MTBS include:
• Combine the truck and tire inspections into a single event.
o Impact on M&R stoppages: Reduces the quantity from 4 to 3.
o Impact on MTBS: MTBS would increase from 25 to 33.3 hours.

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• Combine the truck and tire inspections into a single event and move this maintenance
effort to take place during machine refueling at the fuel bay.
o Impact on M&R stoppages: Reduces the quantity from 4 to 2.
o Impact on MTBS: MTBS would increase from 25 to 50 hours.

Some operations and maintenance management teams think that MTBF is a better measure
of reliability than MTBS. Both measures include similar information and measure reliability
by including the following aspects:
• The inherent machine reliability as designed and manufactured by the OEM.
• M&R team’s effectiveness to detect defects, then plan, schedule, and execute
repairs before failure.

Conclusion: Availability is function of all stoppages and all downtime, not only stoppages or
downtime due to unscheduled stops. Therefore, MTBS is a better “top tier” metric to measure
maintenance performance than MTBF. MTBF is still an important measure but MTBF is more
of a process metric in Condition Monitoring performance.

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VIII. Impact of Utilization on Physical Availability
Many customers and maintenance departments do not realize the impact that utilization has
on physical availability. The illustration shown below is intended to demonstrate and
explain this concept.

As a reminder, availability is one of the primary metrics that production and maintenance
departments are interested in. Physical availability is a function of (3) primary factors,
• Stoppage frequency (MTBS)
• Stoppage duration (MTTR)
• Machine utilization (Asset Utilization or Utilization of Availability)

Please note the following comments and assumptions in the illustration shown below.
• In production, (1) Shovel is loading (4) trucks.
• When the shovel reaches the correct operating hours, it is stopped for a PM service.
• Because the production team does not need the trucks, the (4) trucks are placed on
standby (i.e. available but not needed).

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From the mathematical equation for Physical Availability, the calculation is only influenced
by the calendar hours and downtime hours in the period. Calendar hours are fixed in the
defined period (24 hours/day, etc.), then there is only one variable that causes Physical
Availability to change. Therefore:
• Availability is only reduced when downtime hours exist.
• If/when machines are on standby (i.e. available but not utilized), the machines on
standby “help” physical availability. They cause Physical Availability to be higher than
it would otherwise be if they were operating.
• The higher the standby time (hours), the greater physical availability is inflated.

From the mathematical equation for Availability Index, the calculation is only influenced by
MTBS (repair effectiveness) and MTTR (repair efficiency). MTBS and MTTR are summarized
by machine operating hours, downtime hours, and the quantity of stoppages. Therefore,
Availability Index:
• Removes any differences in utilization and is not impacted by standby hours.
• Is a more objective way of measuring machine availability. Any performance (good
or bad), is attributable to the actions of the maintenance team and application
severity. Availability Index is not inflated by standby hours (i.e. machines are 100%
available when on standby. Examples of standby hours are machines aren’t needed
in production or operators didn’t show up for work).

Action / Conclusion:
Maintenance teams should regularly review their own performance based on metrics results
and as a means of continuous improvement, define deliberate, corrective actions to improve
maintenance performance in future months.

This example illustrates some important points and questions that should be asked:
• Did the maintenance team meet their Physical Availability target for the period
(week, month, or year) because of actions they took?
• Did the maintenance team meet their Physical Availability target for the period
(week, month, or year) because they were fortunate due to low machine utilization
by production operations (i.e. had standby hours)?

Physical Availability will always be higher than Availability Index (because of any
contributions of standby hours). The Availability Index metric is stricter.

Caterpillar suggests the mine site maintenance department:

• Report Physical Availability to production operations.
o This is an easier metric to meet. The goals defined by mine planning and mine
operations for available hours are summarized in this metric.
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• Report Availability Index to themselves.
o Availability Index is stricter and more objective. It removes differences in
utilization and provides more insight into the actions of the M&R team.

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IX. Generic Pareto Reference: Large Mining Trucks
The most successful mining support operations are those that have a clear understanding of
the problems and issues they are facing. The identification and quantification of problems by
component (e.g. engine, transmission, …), system (e.g. hydraulics, electrical, …) or even
process (e.g. PM) facilitates an understanding of the influence each is having on the final
outcome enabling management to focus its attention and resources on the most critical
issues, i.e. those that will derive the maximum benefit.

Unfortunately, there are no Benchmarks that are applicable to this kind of measurement.
However, a collection of guidelines for large Off- Highway Trucks in the 785 – 793 size class
is available to evaluate actual site performance in terms of MTBS, MTTR and impact on
Availability. While not actually benchmarks, the information contained in this reference
defines what we believe to be a reasonable level of acceptability for frequency of downtime
events (MTBS), duration of downtime events (MTTR) and impact on Availability for each of
the major areas on the machine.

The data is representative of a site operating at an Availability Index of approximately 90%

and is generic since actual results achieved at any given mine are site specific. Results of this
kind are a function of application severity, operating environment, the maintenance
performed on equipment, and product design shortcomings that may be peculiar to specific
machine models or certain serial number ranges.

The table on the following page provides a baseline that can be used as a reference until
individual site experience and history can be documented. Using it to generate and perform
a top problems distribution analysis enables Project Management to identify and prioritize
critical issues affecting success of the project for investigation and resolution.

It is important to note that due to the fact that most machine workorder history databases
to not do a very good job of documenting delays, the duration of machine downtime events
(MTTR) includes any delay downtime associated with the particular event. As such, delays
are not listed separately in the table. A better way of doing business would be to break out
actual repair downtime from any delays associated with the repair and, if delays are found
to be an issue, concentrate the corrective efforts on the root cause of the problem.

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