A Business Case of Electric Vehicles For

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A Doctoral Dissertation Research

Submitted to the
Faculty of Argosy University, Denver
College of Business

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Business Administration


Mary Valenta

March 2013


Copyright © 2013

Mary T. Valenta

All rights reserved



Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation Research

Submitted to the
Faculty of Argosy University, Denver
College of Business

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of

Doctor of Business Administration


Mary Valenta

Argosy University

March 2013

Dr. Michelle Post, Ph.D. Education

Dr. Ammon Balaster, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering

Department: College of Business



This exploratory case study provides a practical application for truck fleet operators in

making purchase decisions between petroleum, compressed natural gas (CNG), and

electric vehicle (EV) trucks. Using a holistic approach, the study provides processes for

sorting a truck portfolio for EV candidates; calculating greenhouse gas and lifecycle costs

on a net present value basis by fuel type; and preparing a model to analyze the

environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits for petroleum, CNG, and

EV trucks. The researcher tested the processes and model using input from three fleet

truck operators participating in the study. Qualitative analysis included input and risk

assessments by the participants. Quantitative analysis included testing the model for

Class 3 and Class 6 trucks specific to participants’ truck fleet data, costs from

manufacturers and suppliers, and market data. EVs are an environmentally and socially

viable alternative to petroleum and CNG trucks, and economically viable on a cost and

benefits basis for trucks driven less than 100 miles daily, centrally garaged, and replacing

trucks with fuel costs over $0.18 per mile, assuming continuity of federal incentives. EV

trucks are economically viable for risk depending on a fleet operator’s risk tolerance of

grid stability and potential road tax. Leasing EV batteries and charging stations reduces a

fleet operator’s upfront costs and reduces lifecycle costs below that of petroleum or CNG,

provided vehicle-to-grid revenue opportunities are available to the lessor. As technology

and production of EVs expand, future studies should show further improvements for EV

truck comparisons.

Keywords: Alternative fuels, electric trucks, electric vehicles, fleet trucks, greenhouse
gas, lifecycle cost analysis, lithium-ion batteries, risk cost benefit analysis,
triple bottom line, vehicle-to-grid.


The author would like to express sincere gratitude to committee chair, Dr.

Michelle Post, and committee member, Dr. Ammon Balaster, for their invaluable support

and guidance in the planning and implementation of this research project. Thank you to

L.G. Chavez and John Bryan for patiently introducing me to the topic, and to the

participant fleet operators for providing insight and data.

I’m thankful for my children’s patience, allowing me the space and time for

researching and writing; and for their best behavior when having to accompany me at

environmental and truck conferences. Mostly, my deepest appreciation to Carson for his

care and understanding, emotional support, and assistance.

All of their contributions of time and resources made this study possible. Thanks

be to God for guidance, protection, and blessings of mind, body, and spirit on this



For my children, Evan and Gregory, to help make your world a better place, and with

faith you will continue to do likewise.

A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth
to oneself slowly. Patience with small details makes perfect a large work.
(Rumi, 13th century)



TABLE OF TABLES …………………………………................................... xii

TABLE OF FIGURES …………………………………................................. xiv

TABLE OF APPENDICES ………………………………….......................... xvi

TABLE OF ACCRONYMS …………………………………......................... xvii

CHAPTER ONE: THE PROBLEM …………………………………............. 1

Problem Background ........................................................................................ 7
Fleet Operations …………………………………………………….... 7
Natural Gas …………………………………………………………... 7
Electric Vehicles ……………………………………………………... 8
Greenhouse Gases ……………………………………………………. 9
Purpose of the Study ......................................................................................... 10
Research Questions ........................................................................................... 11
Limitations and Delimitations ......……………………………………............ 11
Definitions ……………………………………………………………............ 13
Importance of the Study ………………………………………………............ 17
Summary ……………………………………………………………………... 19


Data Research ………..………………………………………………………. 22
Characteristics of Truck Fleets .…..……...………………………................... 23
Vehicles ……..………………………………………………………... 24
Industries ………………..…………..................................................... 27
Operational Duties …………..………………………………….......... 28
Vehicle Fuels and Technologies……………………………………………… 30
Petroleum …………………………………………………………….. 32
Compressed Natural Gas ……………………………………………... 35
Electric Vehicles ……………………………………………………... 37
Batteries …………………………………………………….... 47
Charging stations ……………………………………………... 51
Electricity generation ………………………………………… 53
Vehicle-to-grid ……………………………………………….. 58
Environmental ………………………………………………………………... 60
Air …………………............................................................................. 60
Land and Water ……………………………………………………..... 65
Regulations Related to Fleet Vehicles ……………………………….. 66
Economics …………………………………………………………................. 67
Lifecycle Cost Analysis ……………………………………................ 68
Capital costs ………………………………………………….. 69

Fuel costs …………………………………………………….. 70

Maintenance costs …………………………………................ 75
Residual value ………………………………………………... 76
Net present value …………………………………………….. 76
Existing Models ….…………………………………………………... 77
Argonne National Laboratory ………...…………………….... 77
Idaho National Laboratory ………………………………….... 78
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Model 1 ………....... 79
National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Model 2 ………....... 80
CALSTART E-Truck Task Force …………………................. 81
Center for Sustainable Systems ….…………………………… 82
NAFA ………………………………………………………… 82
The Climate Group …………………………………………… 83
Social ………………………………………………………………................ 84
Safety ……………………………………………………………….... 85
Health and Welfare …………………………………………………... 85
Training ……………………………………………………………..... 87
Risk, Cost, Benefit Analysis ……………………………….……………….... 88
Summary ……………………………………………………………………... 89


Research Design ………..……………………………………………………. 90
Participants ……..……………………………………………………………. 93
Selection ……..……………………………………………………….. 93
Access and relationship ……..………………………………………... 94
Privacy protection ……..……………………………………………... 94
Instruments ……..……………………………………………………………. 94
Fleet Data Request ………………………………………………….... 94
Interviews ……..……………………………………………………… 94
Lifecycle Cost Analysis Template ……..…………...………………... 95
Risk, Cost, Benefit Analysis Model …..…………………………….... 95
Procedures ……..……………………………………………………………... 96
Step 1: Define the Project ……..……………………………………... 98
1a. Define problem statement ………………………………... 98
1b. Define purpose statement ………………………………… 98
1c. Develop hypothesis ………………………………………. 98
1d. Create research questions ………………………………… 98
Step 2: Identify Project Impacts ……..……………………………….. 98
2a. Perform literature review ………………………………… 99
2b. Select fleet operators for participating in case study …….. 100
2c. Identify the environmental risks, costs, and benefits for
EVs, petroleum ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs ……………………. 101
2d. Identify the economic risks, costs, and benefits for EVs,
petroleum ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs …………………………. 102
2e. Identify the social risks, costs, and benefits for EVs,

petroleum ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs …………………………. 103

Step 3: Identify Which Impacts Are Economically Relevant ……....... 103
3a. Determine which data are quantifiable and relevant to fleet
operators ……………………………………………………… 103
Step 4: Quantify Relevant Impacts ……..……………………………. 104
4a. Develop participant fleet data request ……………………. 104
4b. Submit data request to participants ………………………. 104
4c. Develop LCA templates in Excel ………………………… 104
4d. Sort and analyze participant fleet data …………………… 104
4e. Obtain manufacturer and supplier costs ………………….. 105
4f. Input relevant data in LCA templates …………………….. 106
Step 5: Value Relevant Effects ……..………………………………... 106
5a. Develop participant interview questions ………………..... 106
5b. Interview participants …………………………………….. 106
5c. Develop risk, cost, benefit model ………………………… 107
5d. Assess risks and benefits …………………………………. 107
Step 6: Discount Cost and Benefit Flows ……………………………. 107
6a. Determine appropriate discount rate ……………………... 107
Step 7: Apply Net Value ……………………………………………... 108
7a. Determine formula for calculating NPV …………………. 108
7b. Apply NPV formula ……………………………………… 109
Step 8: Compute Sensitivity Analysis ………………………………... 109
8a. Modify values for variables within reasonable ranges …… 109
8b. Identify which variables create the greatest change in NPV
by fuel type …………………………………………………… 109
8c. Input data in the risk, cost, and benefits model …………... 110
8d. Assess total risks, costs, and benefits by fuel type ……….. 110
Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations ………………………………... 110
Summary ……………………………………………………………………... 112


Research Questions ………………………………………………………….. 114
Presentation of Results ………………………………………………………. 115
Qualitative Data …………………………………………………………….... 116
Overview …………………………………………………………….. 117
Environment …………………………………………………………. 118
Economic ……………………………………………………………. 120
Social ………………………………………………………………… 122
Quantitative Data ……………………………………………………………. 123
Analyses ……………………………………………………………………… 127
Environmental ……………………………………………………….. 129
Environmental risks ………………………………………..… 129
Environmental costs ………………………………………..… 130
Environmental benefits …………………………………….… 132
Economic ………………….…………………………………………. 133

Economic risks ….……………………………………………. 133

Economic costs ….…………………………………………… 134
Economic benefits …………………………………………… 173
Social …………………….…………………………………………... 174
Social risks …………………………………………………… 174
Social costs …………………………………………………… 175
Social benefits ……...………………………………………… 175
Summary Findings …………………..……………………………………….. 176


RECOMMENDATIONS ……………………………………………………. 186
Discussion of Findings ……………………………………………………..... 188
Environmental ……………………………………………………….. 190
Environmental risks ………………………………………..… 190
Environmental costs ………………………………………..… 191
Environmental benefits …………………………………….… 192
Economic ………………….…………………………………………. 192
Economic risks ……………………………………………….. 193
Economic costs ….…………………………………………… 194
Economic benefits …………………………………………… 195
Social …………………….…………………………………………... 196
Social risks …………………………………………………… 196
Social costs …………………………………………………… 197
Social benefits ……...………………………………………… 197
Overall Analytical Conclusions ……………………………………………… 198
Environmental ……………………………………………………….. 198
Economic …………………………………………………………….. 198
Social ……………………………………………………………….... 200
Overall Conclusion …………………………………………………... 201
Implications for Professional Practice ……………………………………….. 202
Recommendations for Implementation …………………………………….... 202
Sort for EV Criteria ………………………………………………….. 203
Calculate Greenhouse Gas Costs …………………………………….. 203
Create LCA …………………………………………………………... 203
Analyze Risks, Costs and Benefits …………………………………... 206
Areas for Further Research …………………………………………………... 207
Update for Technology Improvements ………………………………. 207
Verify Use of Excess and Renewable Energy ………………………... 208
Determine Electricity Infrastructure Needs ………………………….. 208
Apply to Additional Truck Types or Specific Fleet Operators ………. 208
Estimate Effects on Federal and State Highway Tax Revenue ……..... 209

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………. 210



Table Page

1. Truck Sales, 2010 and Unit Info, 2002, by GVWR Class …………….. 25

2. Example of Trucks in Each Truck Class …………………………........ 26

3. Top 10 Commercial Truck Fleets, 2011 ………………………………. 27

4. U.S. Petroleum Use by Market Sector and Vehicle Type, 2010 and
2000 …………………………………………………………………... 33

5. EV Comparison by Powertrain Type …………………………………. 39

6. Forecast and Actual EV Units and Related Data ……………………... 40

7. U.S. Sources for Electricity Generation, 2012 and 2003 ……………... 53

8. Numerical Estimates of Global Warming Potentials …………………. 61

9. Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors and Uncertainty Ranges by Fuel

Type …………………………………………………………………… 63

10. Data Related to Research Question 1 …………………………………. 101

11. Data Related to Research Question 2 …………………………………. 102

12. Data Related to Research Question 3 …………………………………. 103

13. GVWR for Truck Classes ……………………………………………... 116

14. Probability and Severity Ratings for Environmental Risks …………… 119

15. Probability and Severity Ratings for Economic Risks ………………... 121

16. Probability and Severity Ratings for Social Risks …………………..... 122

17. Participants’ Trucks Potentially Eligible for Replacement by EV

Trucks …………………………………………………………………. 123

18. Summary of Participant Fleet Truck Data …………………………….. 126


19. Environmental Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type …………………… 129

20. NPV of GHG Cost by Fuel Type for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks ……. 131

21. Economic Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type ………………………... 133

22. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Base Case …… 146

23. Effect on NPV lifecycle Costs for Various Scenarios of Class 3 Trucks 149

24. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Best-Case ……. 154

25. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Worst-Case ….. 157

26. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Realistic Case .. 159

27. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Base Case …… 161

28. Effect on NPV lifecycle Costs for Various Scenarios of Class 6 Trucks 164

29. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Best-Case ……. 168

30. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Worst-Case ….. 170

31. LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Realistic Case .. 171

32. Social Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type …………………………….. 175

33. Summary of LCA Cases for Class 3 Truck …………………………… 178

34. Summary of LCA Cases for Class 6 Truck …………………………… 179

35. Environmental Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type ……………... 181

36. Economic Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type …………………... 182

37. Social Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type ………………………. 184

38. Summary of Ratings …………………………………………………... 189



Figure Page

1. Petroleum Use by Market Sector …………………………..................... 2

2. Natural Gas Use by Market Sector ………………………..................... 8

3. CO2 Emissions by Energy Source …………………………………...… 9

4. United Sates Petroleum Production and Transportation Consumption,

1970 to 2035 …………………………………………………………… 18

5. Average Hourly Weekday Electricity Usage ………………………….. 55

6. Projected Uncontrolled Vehicle-Charging Load ………………………. 57

7. Projected Price Controlled Vehicle-Charging Load ………………….... 57

8. Illustration V2G Technology …………………………………………... 58

9. Global Warming Lifecycle Emissions by Energy Source ……………... 63

10. Gasoline and Diesel Historical Retail Cost per Gallon, 2003 to 2012 ... 71

11. Gasoline and Diesel Forecasted Retail Costs per Gallon, 2013 to 2024 . 71

12. CNG Historical Industrial Cost per Thousand Cubic Feet, 2003 to 73
October 2012 …………………………………………………………...

13. CNG Forecasted Industrial Cost per Thousand Cubic Feet, 2013 to 73
2024 …………………..………………………………………………...

14. Electricity Historical Cost per kWh, 2003 to September 2012 ………... 74

15. Electricity Forecasted Cost per kWh, 2013 to 2024 …………………… 74

16. Flow Chart of Processes Used in Testing Hypothesis …………………. 97

17. Model to Sort Participant Fleet Data for EV Criteria ……………….…. 105

18. DOD Limitation on Usable Battery Charging Capacity ……………..… 138

19. Class 3 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow – Base Case ………………..…... 148

20. Class 3 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow – Realistic Case ……………..…. 160

21. Class 6 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow – Base Case ……………………. 163

22. Class 6 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow – Realistic Case ……………….. 173

23. Typical Dispatch Schematic ………………………………………….... 174

24. Class 3 Truck LCA Bar Chart - Realistic Case ....................................... 199

25. Class 6 Truck LCA Bar Chart - Realistic Case ....................................... 199


Appendix Page

A. Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US ………………………. 226

B. Carbon Emissions by Power Control Area ………………………… 228

C. U.S. Environmental Regulations Affecting Fleet Trucks ………….. 232

D. Top 300 Fleet Operators in the US ………………………………… 234

E. Fleet Data Request …………………………………………………. 244

F. Participant Interview Questions …………………………………..... 245

G. Regional Transmission Organizations Map ……………………….. 252

H. Average Property Tax Rates by State ……………………………… 253

I. Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 Trucks …………. 254

J. Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 6 Trucks …………. 266

K. Summary of Level 2 Charging Stations ……………………………. 278



AC – Alternating current

CAFE – Corporate average fuel economy, as set by NHTSA and monitored by EPA

CBA – Cost benefit analysis

CCS – Carbon capture and storage

CNG – Compressed natural gas

CO2 – Carbon dioxide

DC – Direct current

DOE – United States Department of Energy

DOT – United States Department of Transportation

EERE - US Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

EIA – United States Energy Information Administration

EPA – United States Environmental Protection Agency

EV – Electric vehicle

FHWA – United States Federal Highway Administration

GHG – Greenhouse gases

GVW – Gross vehicle weight

GVWR – Gross vehicle weight rating, as set by the United States Federal Highway

HEV – Hybrid electric vehicle

ICE – Internal combustion engine

ICEV – Internal combustion engine vehicle

kW – Kilowatt

kWh – Kilowatt-hour

LCA – Lifecycle cost analysis

Li – Lithium

LPG – Liquefied natural gas

MPG – Miles per gallon

NHTSA – United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

NPV – Net present value

NREL – National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the United States Department of


OEM – Original equipment manufacturer

OPEC – Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries

PHEV – Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

ROI – Return on investment

RPS – Renewable portfolio standards

TBL – Triple bottom line

V2G – Vehicle to grid

VMT – Vehicle miles travelled

VOC – Volatile organic compounds



Petroleum, the primary source of transportation fuel in the United States (US) for

over 100 years, accounted for 99.8% of fuel consumed by highway vehicles in 2012 (U.S.

Department of Transportation [DOT], 2012c). According to Lovins (2011b), negative

economic, environmental, and social impacts from using petroleum are escalating. For

example, foreign sourcing of oil is politically at risk and accounts for approximately

50.0% of the U.S. trade deficit (Electric Drive Transportation Association, 2012a). Oil

prices are volatile, and after tripling from December 2008 at $31 per barrel to December

2012 at $92 per barrel, forecasts predict oil prices to nearly double in real dollars by 2030

or sooner (U.S. Energy Information Administration [EIA], 2013a). Petroleum

transportation fuels emit nearly one third of the primary greenhouse gases (GHG) from

fossil fuel combustion in the US (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2012a).

Forecasts show depletion of global supply of viably extractable oil within 50 years (EIA,

2012a; Hughes, Knittel, & Sperling, 2006; Mathew, 2010; U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).

As of 2012, the US comprised only 4.5% of the world’s population and produced

10.3% of global oil supply, yet consumed 22.5% of global oil production (Davis, Diegel,

& Boundy, 2011; EIA, 2012b; U.S. Census Bureau, 2012a). Although petroleum use per

capita in the US gradually declined 7.3% from 2002 to 2012, petroleum use for trucks

increased 23.4% from 2000 to 2010 (Davis et al., 2012; EIA, 2011). Figure 1 illustrates

U.S. petroleum use by market sector and type of petroleum.


Motor Gasoline
9,000 Distillate Fuel Oil
7,000 Residual Fuel Oil
6,000 LPG
4,000 Jet Fuel
3,000 Other
Transportation Industrial Commercial Residential Electric Power

Figure 1. Petroleum use by market sector in 1,000 barrels per day, adopted from EIA,
2012b. Motor gasoline comprises over 45.0% of total U.S. petroleum use.

Of the approximately 250 million highway vehicles in the US, over 51 million are

trucks, of which commercial fleets operate 2 million and government another 2 million

(Davis et al., 2012; DOT, 2012a; DOT, 2012b). Medium- and heavy-duty trucks achieve

lower gas mileage and average more miles driven than cars, thus consuming more

petroleum per unit (Davis et al., 2012). Consequently, trucks use more petroleum and

emit greater amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary GHG, per unit than cars.

Furthermore, heavy-duty trucks and buses are responsible for approximately 33.0% of

nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, another GHG, and 25.0% of particle matter emissions, an

air pollutant (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable

Energy [EERE], 2010b). Another significant source of GHG is methane, primarily from

use of natural gas (EERE, 2010b; Lyden, 2012; Salisbury & Yuhnke, 2011).

In several surveys, fleet managers stressed the importance of reducing costs for

fuel and maintenance; reducing petroleum use due to foreign sourcing, volatile pricing,

and GHG emissions; and implementing green initiatives (Antich, 2012; Kar, 2011;

Kilcarr, 2010; Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). However, fleet managers were

apprehensive over electric vehicles (EVs) due to lack of information and high costs,

although they expect future costs to decline. Fleet managers also noted the magnitude of

EV infrastructure build-out and leasing opportunities. In a survey of electric utilities, the

consensus estimated EVs to comprise 7.0% of the electric load by 2025, which

approximates 65 million EV units (Roush, 2012).

Federal and state policies provide incentives to increase the use of alternative

fuels and alleviate reliance on oil (Hidrue, Parsons, Kempton, & Gardner, 2011).

Alternative fuels produced in the US primarily include natural gas, propane, biofuels,

hydrogen, and electric power (EPA, 2012a). According to the EPA (2012a), using

domestically produced fuel is better for the U.S. economy and energy security. In

addition, increased demand for alternative fuel decreases the demand for and cost of

imported oil.

Each type of motor transportation fuel has various environmental, economic, and

social issues. Environmental issues relate to damage while extracting raw materials;

from transporting, processing, and distributing fuel; and in consuming fuel (EPA, 2012d;

Gaines, Stodolsky, Cunca, & Eberhardt, 1998). Depleting limited natural resources

without leaving adequate supplies for future generations is not sustainable (Venkatarama

& Gartner, 2011). Oil spills on land and water during transportation leak into

groundwater, wreaking havoc on the environment and costing billions of dollars in

cleanup (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Disposing of certain materials, such as from batteries or

air conditioning units, is potentially toxic to the environment if not handled properly

(EPA, 2012d).

Economic issues relate to sourcing and distributing fuel; obtaining specialized

materials; manufacturing new vehicle types, or refurbishing existing vehicles; operating

vehicles; maintaining vehicles; and disposing of vehicles and certain materials (NAFA,

2012; Simpson, 2006). External costs include building new infrastructure for alternative

fuel transmission and distribution; environmental clean-up; inequity in sharing common

pool resources of global oil supply; and protecting political security related to sourcing

fuel (Spitzley, Grande, Gruhl, Keoleian, & Bean, 2004). Opportunity costs occur from

resources used in generating transportation fuel rather than for other viable purposes

(NAFA, 2012).

Social issues relate to the safety, health, and welfare of people affected by

sourcing, processing, storing, or using fuels (EERE, 2010b). The reliability, ease of

operating, and performance of vehicles and fuels are important to drivers and operators

(Kar, 2011). Training is critical for new technology and compliance with corporate

policies (McMorrin, Anderson, Featherstone, & Watson, 2012).

Many of the environmental, economic, and social issues related to oil and

alternative fuels are not definitive. Environmental debates occur over the impact from

GHG and pollutants in water (Dodder, Yelverton, & Felgenhauer, 2011). Economic

debates cover the billions of dollars spent on U.S. military in oil producing countries for

energy security (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Social debates include safety issues for each

fuel and sourcing of raw materials (Crist, 2012). Quantifying environmental and social

damages is debatable (Lovins & Datta, 2006). The viability of new technologies and

innovation is also debatable (Lyden, 2012).


Global demand for oil is increasing with population growth and development in

developing countries while global supply of oil is diminishing with use (Lovins & Datta,

2006). Regardless of debatable environmental, economic, and social issues, replacement

of oil must occur, preferably in a gradual manner before supplies are no longer viably

extractable. Incorporating the use of alternative transportation fuels and vehicles

diversifies the overall negative environmental, economic, and social issues resulting from

petroleum-based transportation fuels, such as gasoline and diesel. Adapting to

alternatives early promotes future research and development for continued improvements

in alternative fuels.

The varying environmental, economic, and social issues for each fuel type means

that no one specific transportation fuel may fit all the needs of a fleet operator (Lyden,

2012). A prudent energy management strategy for corporate fleets includes diversifying

transportation fuel types by optimizing each viable fuel for environmental, economic, and

social effects. In 2011, President Obama formed the National Clean Fleets Partnership

that challenges fleet operators to find alternatives for fossil fuels powering fleet vehicles

(The White House, 2011).

Continued research and development improves existing fuels and creates new

forms of transportation fuels (Lyden, 2012). However, fleet operators must consider

what fuels are commercially viable now. As gas prices increase and the U.S. economy

improves, fleet operators will likely replace older vehicles with new vehicles that achieve

better mileage (Knittel & Sandler, 2010). Alternatively, fleet operators may convert

existing vehicles to use an alternative fuel.


This study profiles fleet operating conditions favorable for electric trucks and

vans up to weight Class 7, as defined by the DOT. EVs do not emit GHG directly and

allow for increased use of renewable energy sources through energy storage in batteries

(Lund & Kempton, 2008). Battery technology for EVs has improved to where EVs

provide similar reliability and performance for propulsion as internal combustion engine

(ICE) vehicles (ICEVs), yet also provide an energy source for ancillary and auxiliary

systems (EERE, 2012a).

Demand for electricity increases with the growth of EV use. However, fleet EVs

garaged in a central location and plugged into the electric power grid (grid) when not

operating also provide a means of energy storage and grid stabilization through additional

vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology (Kempton & Tomic, 2004). For example, multiplying

the 2 million commercial fleet trucks and vans in the US by an average battery capacity

of approximately137 kilowatt (kW)-hours (kWh) per Appendix A, Summary of EV

Trucks Available in the US, theoretically could supply enough energy for average use

within the state of Colorado for nearly two days (DOT, 2012b; EIA, 2012f).

As wind and solar infrastructure builds out and use of these renewable energy

sources increases, energy from these intermittent sources are stored in EV batteries for

use when needed (Lund & Kempton, 2008). Programs charge batteries during off-peak

demand periods. Conversely, the grid may draw energy from an EV battery equipped

with a specialized inverter up to a programmed amount as needed during peak demand

times and in constant small increments as grid frequency, or supply and demand,

continuously shift. EV batteries may supplement or replace expensive continuously


running generators by providing quick access to power for grid regulation, peak shaving,

and back-up power.

Problem Background

Fleet Operations

While fleet managers expect fuel prices to remain high, the challenge is managing

the uncertainty of future costs with little or no capital resources (Antich, 2012). Despite

the current slow economy, fleet operators are strongly reviewing sustainability initiatives

such as alternative fuels and EVs. Still, analytic models on green initiatives must support

corporate capital spending regardless of government incentives or market branding (Van

Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

Fleet operators park nearly half of the fleet trucks in the US in a central corporate

location when not in use (Davis et al., 2012). Fleet operators drive approximately 68.0%

of fleet trucks less than 50 miles per day and 77.0% drive less than 100 miles per day.

Conversely, fleet drivers of cars and light-duty trucks generally do not centrally park

these vehicles when not in use and do not drive them in excess of 100 miles per day.

Thus, fleet trucks may provide greater consolidated energy for V2G opportunities.

Natural Gas

Figure 2 illustrates natural gas use by market sector with vehicle fuel shown on

the left scale and all other market sectors on the right scale. From 2002 to 2011, the use

of natural gas increased 120.0% for vehicle fuel and 34.0% for electric power, while all

other market sectors were stable or declined. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is the

primary form used for vehicle fuel (Lyden, 2012).


Vehicle fuel Other fuels

35 10,000
8,000 Vehicle fuel
25 7,000
6,000 Industrial
5,000 Electric
15 4,000 Power
10 3,000 Residential
0 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Figure 2. Natural gas use by market sector in billion cubic feet, adopted from EIA,

Electric Vehicles

Auto manufacturers in the US first created EVs in the late 1890s (Bellis, 2012).

The Electric Carriage and Wagon Company of Philadelphia built the first EV fleet of

taxis in New York City in 1897. However, EVs were then limited in power and range.

Engineering of an ICE resolved these issues. The discovery of Texas crude oil and

invention of an electric starter further advanced the popularity of ICEVs. Consequently,

U.S. auto manufacturers primarily produced ICEVs for the next 100 years.

Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, research and development on EV technologies

attempted to compete with ICEVs to reduce air pollution and foreign oil sourcing, but

could not achieve market traction (Bellis, 2012). Current technology for hybrids and EVs

are more powerful and less costly than the earlier EV models. Several U. S. auto and

truck manufacturers now produce EVs as an alternative to ICEVs. See Appendix A,

Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US.

The environmental impact of EVs depends on the raw material processed in

generating electricity used for charging EVs (EERE, 2012c; Greene & Plotkin, 2011). In

the US, the primary generation of electricity from coal negatively affects the environment

(EIA, 2012b). Renewable energy sources of wind and solar grew from less than 1.0% in

2007 to 4.0% of total electricity produced as of March 2012 (EIA, 2012b). Lack of

transmission and distribution infrastructure, as well as storage capability, currently limit

growth of wind and solar (Dehamna & Bloom, 2011).

Greenhouse Gases

CO2 is the primary GHG responsible for climate change (EIA, 2012b). Although

CO2 emissions increased 19.5% from 1990 to 2007, they have subsequently decreased

9.1% with the decline in consumption of coal, motor gasoline, and other petroleum uses

as illustrated in Figure 3. However, CO2 emissions from natural gas are increasing as use

of natural gas increases. Natural gas emits less CO2 and volatile organic compounds

(VOC) from a power plant than it does from a vehicle (Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.).



4,000 Motor gas

3,000 Petro other

2,000 Natural gas


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Estimated

Figure 3. CO2 emissions by energy source in million metric tons, adapted from EIA
(2012h). The basis for the 2012 forecast is the actual year-to-date data through
September 2012 compared to year-to-date September 2011 and totals for 2011.

Through September 2012, motor gasoline caused 21.2% of CO2 emissions in the

US, coal used in electricity generation caused 28.8%, and natural gas used as

transportation fuel and in electricity generation caused 10.8% (EIA, 2012h). In the first

three quarters of 2012 compared to the same period of 2011, emissions from coal

decreased 14.3%, natural gas increased 4.2%, motor gasoline decreased 0.1%, and

petroleum used other than motor gasoline decreased 3.8%.

Purpose of the Study

Adequate research to model conditions for viability of EVs for truck fleet

operations did not previously exist. Recent innovations in EV technology have added to

previous research. Although V2G appears vital in making EVs a viable alternative on a

large scale, empirical evidence is lacking on an operational scale. This exploratory study

compares the environmental, economic, and social impact of EV trucks to petroleum and

CNG fueled trucks in fleet operations.

The purpose of the study is to provide a practical and immediate application for

truck fleet operators to use in making EV truck purchase decisions. Profiling vehicle use

allows fleet operators to determine where and when EVs are an optimal choice within

fleet operations. Gathering data specific to a fleet for complete and accurate analysis of

net present value of lifecycle costs and GHG in a Microsoft Excel template provides cost

components. Analyzing the risks, costs, and benefits of the environmental, economic,

and social elements in the study offers a holistic view in this decision-making.

This exploratory study:

 Profiles relevant variables for vehicle use in purchase decision-making.

 Provides net present values (NPV) lifecycle costs for vehicle acquisitions,

operations, and disposals.

 Provides an estimated cost for GHG by vehicle and fuel type.

 Proposes how EVs support federal and state carbon emissions and renewable

energy targets.

 Addresses how V2G opportunities mitigate EV costs.

 Provides fleet operators with a model to select new vehicle types.

Research Questions

This holistic study analyzes the risks, costs, and benefits of alternatives in

decision-making. Lifecycle cost analyses (LCA) include all costs from acquisition,

operations, and disposal. Holistic management considers all stakeholders for

environmental, economic, and social issues (Savory, 1999). This study addresses both

the quantitative and qualitative approach to issues.

Research questions addressed in this study are as follows:

1. What are the environmental risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to

fossil-fueled trucks?

2. What are the economic risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to fossil-

fueled trucks?

3. What are the social risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to fossil-

fueled trucks?

The hypothesis of this study is that EVs are an environmentally, economically,

and socially viable alternative to ICEVs for commercial fleets of trucks and vans. The

null hypothesis is that EVs are not an environmentally, economically, and socially viable

solution for commercial fleets of trucks and vans.

Limitations and Delimitations

This study is primarily an exploratory business analysis of current technology of

EVs and ICEVs fueled by petroleum or CNG for commercial fleets of trucks and vans in

the US. The risk, cost, and benefits analysis cover environmental, economic, and social

issues. The analysis relies on data primarily from federal publications and private fleet

records. Unfortunately, some of the latest informative vehicle data was from 2002 when

the U.S. Census Bureau canceled its Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey report. The

researcher considers data from the final report for descriptive, historical, and proportional

informative purposes, but does not include the data in this study’s calculations due to its


The study does not explore engineering concepts or scientific issues and

variances. Analyses do not include energy intensities of differing fuels. The study does

not consider technology not yet commercially available. The study assumes GHG are

unhealthy for people and the environment, yet does not debate the effects of climate

change in-depth. The study analyzes EVs for their ability to reduce GHG; however, it

does not address other changes in vehicle activity for reducing GHG, such as decreasing

vehicle miles travelled (VMT) or driver behavior training.

The study does not include hedging fuel costs due to fleet operators’ varied

conditions, organizational specifics, risk management policies, pricing volatility, and

their short-term nature. The study’s lifecycle cost template does not include fields for

revenue, costs, or cost reductions from V2G services; changes in highway taxes, rebates,

or cap and trade; or other miscellaneous fees due to variations and unknown future

estimates of these variables. Data in the study primarily reflect battery-operated EVs and

assume similar results for plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) or fuel cell EVs. Other

alternative fuels such as biofuels or hydrogen are potentially viable for fleet vehicles, but

are not included in this analysis due to supply or technology limitations. The study

assumes petroleum was at peak extraction, increasing the likelihood of future price

increases for gasoline and diesel fuel. Costs per mile include four decimals in this study

for specific comparison.

Other U.S. markets not considered in this study include the approximately

450,000 school buses and 72,000 city transit buses, of which 31.0% use alternative fuels

(DOT, 2012d; Laughlin, 2004). The Federal Government operates 112,000 cars and

547,000 trucks and buses, of which the U.S. Postal Service operates 37.0%, civilian

agencies operate 34.0%, and military agencies operate 29.0% (Davis et al., 2011).

Civilian agencies operating the most trucks are the departments of homeland security,

agriculture, justice, interior, and energy. Although the analysis considers the U.S. market

only, impact on global markets is potentially significant. Developing countries,

particularly India and China, could benefit from ancillary services provided by EV

batteries (Crist, 2012).


Alternative fuel –

For transportation applications, includes: methanol; denatured ethanol, and other

alcohols; fuel mixtures containing 85.0% or more by volume of methanol,
denatured ethanol, and other alcohols with gasoline or other fuels; natural
gas; liquefied petroleum gas (propane); hydrogen; coal-derived liquid fuels;
fuels (other than alcohol) derived from biological materials (biofuels such as soy
diesel fuel); and electricity. Excludes alcohol or other blended portions of
primarily petroleum-based fuels used as oxygenates or extenders. (Davis et al.,
2011, p. G-1)

Biofuels – Produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, yellow grease, or decayed plants or

wood and blended with gasoline or diesel (EPA, 2012a; Lyden, 2012). Popular

varieties include E-85 and biodiesel.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) – Technology to capture carbon dioxide emissions

from electricity generation and bury underground (Jaramillo, 2007).


Carbon dioxide (CO2) –

A colorless, odorless, nonpoisonous gas that is a normal part of Earth's

atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a product of fossil-fuel combustion as well as
other processes. It is considered a greenhouse gas as it traps heat (infrared
energy) radiated by the Earth into the atmosphere and thereby contributes to the
potential for global warming. The global warming potential of other greenhouse
gases is measured in relation to that of carbon dioxide, which by international
scientific convention is assigned a value of one. (EIA, 2012h, p. 188)

Climate change – “A change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to

human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is

in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”

(United Nations, 1992, p. 4).

Compressed natural gas (CNG) – A natural gas “consisting primarily of methane, that

is compressed to allow more energy to fit into a smaller fuel tank” (Johnson, 2010,

p. 32).

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) – A technique designed to determine the feasibility of a

project or plan by quantifying its costs and benefits (Investor Words, 2012).

Crude oil – A mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origin of variable density and viscosity;

includes separator liquids recovered in the refining process (Waldron et al., 2006).

Electric energy = Power multiplied by time (e.g., kWh = kW * 1 hr).

Electric power grid (grid) – Electric power network of transmission and distribution

lines operated by a control center to transports electricity from energy suppliers to

electricity consumers (Energydefinitions, 2012). There are three large

interconnected systems to transfer electricity throughout the US. Electricity

industry standards ensure operations coordination and efficiency (EIA, 2012g).


Electric vehicle (EV) – Battery operated vehicle than runs only on electricity and

charged from plugging into the grid.

Fleet – A group, or groups, of on-road motor vehicles operated by an organization,

regardless if vehicles are owned or leased.

Fleet trucks – Trucks in a fleet.

Greenhouse gases (GHG) – Gases emitted by combustion of fossil fuels that trap radiant

energy within the Earth’s atmosphere. These include carbon dioxide (CO2),

nitrous oxide, methane, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur

hexafluoride, and water vapor (Energydefinitions, 2012). In 2009, the EPA

deemed GHG the primary driver of climate change and increases in ground-level

ozone pollution.

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) – A vehicle powered by an electric motor for low speeds

and short distances and by an internal combustion engine for high speeds, long

distances, and greater power needs (Ford Motor Company, 2012). A battery

charged by the engine and regenerative braking powers the electric motor.

Internal combustion engine (ICE) – Traditional motor vehicle engine runs on gasoline,

diesel, or alternative fuel for propulsion.

Kilowatt (kW) – Unit of power = 1,000 watts. See Watt.

Kilowatt-hour (kWh) – Unit of energy; the amount of electric energy produced or

consumed in one hour at a rate of 1kW.

Lifecycle cost analysis (LCA) – An economic technique used in selecting the most

financially valuable solution based on total costs over a project’s lifetime

(Ashworth, 1989).

Lithium ion battery (Li-ion) – A battery of lightweight material, high energy density

and electrochemical potential, low maintenance, and little environmental harm

upon disposed (Battery University, 2012).

Motor gasoline – Light hydrocarbon oil distilled between 35ºC and 215ºC. For use as

fuel in internal combustion engines for motor vehicles. May include additives,

oxygenates, and octane enhancers (Waldron et al., 2006).

Natural gas liquids (NGLs) – Liquefied hydrocarbons produced in the manufacture,

purification, and stabilization of natural gas. These include ethane, propane,

butane, pentane, natural gasoline, and condensate (Waldron et al., 2006).

Net present value (NPV) – Total future cash flows discounted at a rate determined to

account for the greater value of money today than in the future because it can be

invested today and increased (Johnson, 2010).

Nitrous oxide (N2O) – A GHG produced in the process of operating an ICE.

Petroleum – Refined crude oil, referred to interchangeably as oil in this study.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) – An HEV with a battery charged from

plugging into electric power grid.

Renewable portfolio standard (RPS) – State regulated goals for investor owned utilities

to provide a specific portion of electricity from renewable sources by a certain

date (EIA, 2012c).

Sustainable – “...Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising

the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (United Nations, 2012,

p. 1).

Triple bottom line (TBL) – In addition to traditional economic profits, includes

environmental and social impacts from business operations.

Truck fleet – In this study, refers to a group of trucks and vans included in a commercial

fleet regardless if the fleet operator managers other vehicles.

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) – An energy storage technology built on top of EVs that

improves use of fluctuating renewable energy sources and capable to deliver

power from the vehicle to the grid to help stabilize grid capacity and frequency

(Lund & Kempton, 2008).

Watt (W) – A metric unit used to measure the rate of energy generation or consumption

(power). 1,000 watts = 1 kilowatt (kW); 746 watts = one horsepower.

Importance of the Study

Demand for transportation fuel in the US will increase significantly by 2025,

driven primarily by truck use (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Petroleum produced in the US will

supply only half of the demand as shown in Figure 4. Alternative transportation fuels for

truck use will positively affect the U.S. economy, trade deficit, political dichotomies with

oil countries, energy security, environmental factors, health and welfare, and social


Figure 4.United Sates petroleum production and transportation consumption, 1970 to

2035 (Davis et al., 2012).

The study provides a holistic view for the acquisition of EVs, primarily centrally-

located commercial truck fleets. Profiled variables relevant to vehicle use and fuel

determine the best use of EVs in fleet operations. Environmental and social inputs

expand traditional economic components used in decision-making. The study obtains

economic and environmental data through questionnaires and data extraction from a

sample of truck fleet operators. Research of GHG emissions provide estimates from

energy source to vehicle use (referred to in industry as “well to wheel” or “source to

tailpipe”; however, as electricity does not come from a well and EVs are not equipped

with tailpipes, this study uses the term “source to wheel”). Environmental costs include

CO2 cost per ton per mile by fuel type. LCA include economics covering vehicle

acquisition, operation, and disposal. Finally, a model constructs the risk, cost, and

benefit analysis of the environmental, economic, and social elements for use by fleet

operators in making acquisition decisions of EVs.

As fleet operators diversify transportation fuels within their operations, deciding

which vehicles for each fuel type is complex. This research profiles fleet variables

applicable to EVs as a viable alternative to petroleum. This holistic model designed to

measure the environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits provides fleet

operators with a tool to assist in decision-making for vehicle acquisition and fuel types.


Replacing petroleum use in the US with alternative fuels reduces negative effects

from environmental issues, improves the US energy security and trade deficit, stabilizes

fuel supply and prices, and improves quality of life. The primary use of petroleum in the

US is for motor vehicles. EVs are one alternative to motor vehicle use of petroleum.

Although generating electricity from coal produces negative effects on the

environment, generating electricity from renewable energy and natural gas can reduce the

use of coal. EVs also promote growth of renewable energy use by providing battery

storage for intermittent solar and wind. Additionally, EVs may help stabilize the grid

with V2G opportunities for frequency regulation and meeting peak demand loads.

Improvements in EVs and battery technology are gaining market traction to move

EVs from pilot testing to mainstream use. Fleet operations of trucks and vans potentially

provide an optimal use of EVs. This study’s NPV of lifecycle costs of EVs and ICEVs

provides comparable results for analysis. Moreover, analyzing the risks, costs, and

benefits of the environmental, economic, and social issues provides a holistic approach to

decision-making for vehicle acquisitions. The processes and model in this study provide

fleet managers the tools for holistic analysis in acquisition decision-making of EVs

compared to petroleum and CNG fueled vehicles.



Using fossil fuels for transportation is not sustainable (Venkatarama & Gartner,

2011). Global demand for oil is rising with population growth and increased use of

automobiles, particularly as developing countries progress (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Oil

supplies are unreliable and prices are volatile with expected increases (Callaway, 2011;

Electric Drive Transportation Association [EDTA], 2012a; Electrification Coalition,

2009; United States (U.S.) Energy Information Administration [EIA], 2012a; U.S.

Senate, 2011; World Bank, 2012;). At current use and growth rates, forecasts show oil

demand exceeding oil supply as early as 2015 (Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.).

Adopting alternative fuels reduces the amount of petroleum used, reduces ozone

and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, decreases the U.S. dependence on foreign supply

of petroleum, and creates domestic jobs (U.S. Senate, 2011; Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.).

Deciding which alternative fuel and vehicle technology to implement depends on the

vehicle use, as well as environmental, economic, and social impacts (Lyden, 2012).

Determining all the environmental, economical, and social factors of various fuels and

vehicle types, and then analyzing the data, especially with emerging technologies, is a

daunting task for fleet managers (National Private Truck Council [NPTC], n.d.).

According to Bill Ford, Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company:

Sustainability is the biggest issue facing business in the 21st century…

How we answer the challenge of the future of mobility will have a lasting
impact on generations to come. By collaborating . . . we are able to
inspire people to make smart decisions about the products they choose
today. (EDTA, 2012d)

The immediacy of replacing petroleum as motor fuel in the US ensures sharing remaining

resources with global users, available for other uses, and reserving them for future

generations. Alternatives to petroleum and evolving technologies mean supplementing

traditional vehicle acquisition decision-making with input from the U.S. Department of

Transportation (DOT), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), auto manufacturers, equipment suppliers, industry

associations, research institutes, and academia.

A holistic approach to sustainability issues considers the organization and the

environment in which it operates as a whole greater than the sum of its parts (Holistic

Management International, 2010). Holistic management is a decision-making process for

maximizing a triple bottom line (TBL) of economic, environmental, and social results

while minimizing risks (Savory, 1999; Stubs & Cocklin, 2008). The United Nations’

(1992) Framework Convention on Climate Change recognized the need for a scientific

approach to TBL. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL; 2002) researches

the economic, environmental, and legislative issues that influence fleet operators to

consider alternative fuel vehicles.

Traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA) primarily focuses on short-term monetary

objectives, whereas lifecycle cost analysis (LCA) with a holistic approach entails long-

term effects from the initial sourcing of natural resources to manufacturing, distribution,

product use, and finally, product disposal (Shrivastava, 1995). Sustainable firms exist for

more than just making a profit (Stubbs & Cocklin, 2008). Stubbs and Cocklin (2008)

created a sustainability business model (SBM) to include TBL indicators. Key concepts

of the SBM suggest that organizations:

 work for the common good, for the benefit of multiple stakeholders, and not just

corporate shareholders;

 cooperate with stakeholders to achieve a TBL; and

 strive to achieve environmental and social outcomes by tempering short-term

financial outcomes.

Data Research

This study primarily analyzes private commercial fleet trucks. However, the

principles are similar for municipality, utility, and government trucks and buses. The

literature often included information on trucks and buses outside of private commercial


Research reviewed for this study included extensive public data on transportation,

vehicles, energy, and environmental issues primarily published by:

 The DOT, including its agencies:

o Federal Highway Administration (FHWA),

o National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and

o Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA).

 The DOE, including its agencies:

o Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne),

o EIA,

o Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE),

o NREL, and

o Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge).

 The EPA.

 The U.S. Census Bureau.


The researcher reviewed fleet data from publications, websites, and conferences

of several fleet and truck industry associations. Several nonprofit and for-profit research

institutions provided studies, tools, data, and forecasts on vehicles, fuel, energy, and the

environment. Some public data refer to all trucks and not just fleet trucks.

Characteristics of Truck Fleets

A fleet is a group of vehicles owned or leased by a company to haul its own

products for a business purpose other than transportation (NPTC, n.d.). Private

commercial fleets operate nearly 80.0% of trucks in the US. Fleet operators of trucks

often manage cars in their fleet as well (Automotive Fleet, 2012).

NAFA Fleet Management Association (NAFA, 2012) classifies motor vehicle

fleets operating 25 or more vehicles as large fleets. Automotive Fleet (2012) reports on

fleet operators with 15 or more vehicles under management and/or those that buy or lease

five or more new vehicles per year. However, most reports related to fleets do not

distinguish by number of vehicles.

Fleet operations vary by vehicle types, market segments and industries,

operational duties, and transportation fuels used (NAFA, 2012). Fleet operators may

lease vehicles within their fleet as a financing option, including leased vehicles with fleet

data as if owned, regardless if treated as a capital or operating lease for accounting

purposes (Automotive Fleet, 2012). However, the private fleet industry does not include

commercial carriers and other for-hire delivery trucks, even when hired by fleet

operators, as private fleet operators do not manage these vehicles and the agreements are

generally short-term (NPTC, n.d.).


Effectively managing the significant costs of fleet operations is critical to the

bottom line profits of an organization (NPTC, 2012). Fleet management responsibilities

generally include selection and procurement of new or replacement vehicles; use and

maintenance of operating vehicles, related equipment, and infrastructure; fuel purchasing;

regulatory reporting; safety; and the disposal or remarketing retired fleet assets (NAFA,

2012; PHH Arval, 2012).

Per a recent survey by PHH Arval (2012), the top three priorities of

telecommunications and utility fleet managers are optimizing fleet size, reducing

maintenance costs, and reducing fuel consumption. A survey by Automotive Fleet of

commercial fleet managers listed cost-reduction initiatives, fuel price volatility, and

implementing green fleet initiatives among the top challenges facing commercial fleets in

2012 (Antich, 2012). Automotive Fleet’s survey found that external factors affecting

fleet managers’ lifecycle costing included the national economy, increased vehicle

acquisition costs, volatile fuel pricing, regulations, and unexpected repair costs.


United States trucks and buses accounted for 41.0% of global highway vehicles

(Davis et al., 2011). Trucks comprised 52.0% of the eight million fleet vehicles in the

US. Vehicles operated by the 300 largest private commercial fleets in the US were

75.0% light- and medium-duty trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles and 25.0% cars and

crossover vehicles (Automotive Fleet, 2012). Fleets registered over 800,000, or

approximately 30.0%, of new light-duty trucks in 2010 (EERE, 2012a).

The FHWA classifies trucks into eight categories by gross vehicle weight (GVW)

rating (GVWR) assigned when manufactured (Davis et al., 2011). GVWR is “the

maximum rated capacity of a vehicle, including the weight of the base vehicle, all added

equipment, driver and passengers, and all cargo” (FHWA, 2013, p. 1). Light-duty trucks

are in Class 1 to Class 3, medium-duty trucks in Class 4 to Class 6, and heavy-duty trucks

in Classes 7 and 8. Table 1 shows the quantity of units sold in 2010 and total units in

service by GVWR class, average annual miles, and fuel used in 2002, per the last year of

DOT’s Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey. Although Class 8 trucks comprised less than

2.0% of new unit sales in 2010, they used over 20.0% of total motor vehicle fuel

consumed in 2002. Class 3 to 7 trucks used approximately 7.0% of highway vehicle fuel

(Lovins & Datta, 2006). Table 2 profiles examples of trucks in each GVWR class,

including average miles per gallon (MPG) and average percent of vehicles run on diesel

versus gasoline.

Table 1

Truck Sales, 2010 and Unit Info, 2002, by GVWR Class

New Sales, 2010 Total Units, 2002 a

% of % of Average % of
Class Units Total Units Total Miles/Year Fuel Use
1 4,245,000 69.2% 51,941,389 61.0% 11,882 42.8%
2 1,513,000 24.7% 28,041,234 32.9% 12,684 30.5%
3 161,000 2.6% 691,342 0.8% 14,094 1.1%
4 12,000 0.2% 290,980 0.3% 15,441 0.5%
5 31,000 0.5% 166,472 0.2% 11,645 0.3%
6 29,000 0.5% 1,709,574 2.0% 12,671 3.2%
7 38,000 0.6% 179,790 0.2% 30,708 0.9%
8 107,000 1.7% 2,153,996 2.5% 45,739 20.7%
6,136,000 100.0% 85,174,777 100.0% 13,087 100.0%

Note. Adapted from Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 30, 2011 (Davis et al., 2011) and
DOT’s Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey, 2002.
The last year DOT reported Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey.

Table 2

Examples of Trucks in Each Truck Class

Class – Gross Vehicle Weight in pounds MPG % Diesel


a. 21

b. 13

8-13 48.0%

7-12 92.0%

6-12 91.0%

5-12 91.0%

4-8 38.0%

c. 4 100.0%

d. 6 100.0%

Note. Adapted from Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 30, 2011 (Davis et al., 2011).
a. Trucks with GVW of 6,001 – 8,500 pounds.
b. Trucks with GVW of 8,500 – 10,000 pounds.
c. Straight trucks, e.g., Dump, Refuse, Concrete, Furniture, City Bus, Tow, Fire Engine.
d. Combination trucks, e.g., Tractor-Trailer: Van, Refrigerated, Bulk Tanker, Flat Bed.


The primary market segments for truck fleet operators are commercial, utilities,

school districts, and municipal, state, and the U.S. federal governments (Automotive

Fleet, 2011; Davis et al., 2011; NPTC, n.d.). Commercial truck fleet operators are

primarily in construction, agriculture, retail distribution, food and beverage, package

delivery, and communications industries (Automotive Fleet, 2011; Davis et al., 2011;

NPTC, n.d.). Table 3 lists the industry and truck types for the 10 largest commercial

truck fleet operators in 2011. Companies operating more than 515 alternative fueled

vehicles include the percent of their total fleet considered as green vehicles.

Table 3

Top 10 Commercial Truck Fleets, 2011

Class Class %
Rank Company Industry 1-2 3-6 Vans SUVs Total Green a
1 UPS Delivery 4,615 66,165 1,853 0 72,633 2.0%
2 AT&T Communications 22,975 13,408 20,848 3,087 60,318 8.0%
3 Verizon Communications 20,224 23,035 15,509 0 58,768
4 Comcast Corp. Communications 6,059 7,140 23,888 785 37,872 17.0%
5 PepsiCo, Inc. Food & 17,418 3,973 0 0 21,391 5.0%
6 Servicemaster Residential and 13,300 0 0 0 13,300
7 Quanta Construction 1,800 8,300 297 290 10,687
Services services
8 Cox Communications 4,817 782 3,917 1,024 10,540 38.0%
9 Sears Retail 260 200 9,800 225 10,485
10 AmeriGas Fuel supply 795 7,973 36 9 8,813 8.0%
92,263 130,976 76,148 5,420 304,807
30.0% 43.0% 25.0% 2.0% 100.0%

Note. Automotive Fleet, 2012.

Includes portion of total vehicles for companies with more than 515 vehicles fueled by compressed
natural gas, propane, flex-fuel, biodiesel, hybrid, or electric motor.

Operational Duties

To identify the ideal work and financial benefits from an alternative fueled

vehicle, a fleet operator must first analyze the range of operations within its fleet

(McMorrin et al., 2012). Duty cycle for fleet vehicles includes a general description of

the vehicles’ daily use (NREL, 2002). Fleet operators use trucks for delivery of goods,

food products, or raw materials to consumers, businesses, or construction sites (Davis et

al., 2011). Some fleet operators also use trucks for servicing consumers or businesses

with communications, building infrastructure, or landscaping.

Commercial fleet trucks deliver a substantial portion of U.S. goods. Total freight

shipped within the US increased by 1.5 billion tons, or 13.0%, from 1997 to 2007 (Davis

et al., 2011). Trucks carried over 94.0% of the increased freight, bringing the tons

shipped by truck to 73.0% of total tons shipped, with the remainder shipped by rail,

water, air, or pipeline. Private fleets haul 52.0% of the total tons of commodities shipped

in the US, of which 81.0% is local delivery and the remainder is by long haul on

highways (NPTC, n.d.).

A fleet operator may spec a vocational vehicle with the engine or electric motor

from one manufacturer and the transmission from another manufacturer (EERE, 2008a).

Vocational vehicles use truck energy for tools in providing a service, such as cement

trucks used for mixing and laying product (EERE, 2012a). Utility companies use boom

trucks for installing or repairing infrastructure, and various other industries use such

trucks for installing large or heavy goods high up, such as signs or HVAC machinery.

Municipalities use trucks for refuse collection, snow plowing, street cleaning, and

emergencies, such as with ambulances and fire trucks. In addition, transit and para-

transit buses transport people (Davis, et al., 2011). School districts use various size

school buses to transport students. Government nontactical vehicles are primarily used

for deliveries and transporting people.

The majority of trucks travel within 50 miles of home base: 69.0% for light-duty,

62.0% for medium-duty, and 41.0% for heavy-duty (Davis et al., 2011). Fleets that refuel

trucks at their own facility are primarily those with a greater number and larger size

vehicles. Nearly 44.0% of fleets with six or more trucks fuel at fleet facilities.

EV America performs vehicle test comparisons based on driving cycle range,

constant speed range, maximum speed, acceleration, charge time, charge efficiency,

vehicle specifications, braking, and handling (Francfort, 1998). Ford Motor Company

(2011) defined the drive cycle as range, cargo, and daily drive routine to determine

vehicle and tank size. Factors include how many vehicle miles occur in urban, suburban,

or rural areas, number of stops per trip, miles between stops, and average time at each

stop (Electric Power Research Institute [EPRI], 2011a). In addition, vehicle miles

traveled (VMT) by hour and time at rest help define the vehicle use. Driver behavior in

operating the vehicle is yet another factor.

Through its national laboratories, the DOE provides an Advanced Vehicle Testing

Activity program to assist fleet operators in making vehicle purchase decisions, including

medium- and heavy-duty trucks (EERE, 2012a). The data NREL collect for vehicle

testing emphasize performance requirements such as length, weight, top speed, grade

ability, acceleration, range, braking, noise, durability, emissions, fuel economy, any

special requirements, and other useful available information. NREL details fleet

operations and capital assets, including a description of the refueling, maintenance,


vehicle storage facilities, and systems. Variables for capital costs cover facilities, any

modifications, and new vehicles and engines.

Data for a vehicle operating cycle include expected route descriptions, average

speeds, operating hours and days per week, fueling amount, and range per day and

between fueling (EERE, 2012a). Analysis of vehicle use includes the number of VMT

while used in service per day and month, average and varying speed, acceleration, route

assignments, and terrain information. Fuel consumption data include amount of fuel,

odometer reading, date, and fuel price at each fueling.

Maintenance data cover preventive, unscheduled, and road calls. These data

include date of repair, labor hours, number of days out of service, odometer reading,

parts replaced, parts costs, and descriptions of problem and repair (EERE, 2012a). For

ICEVs, preventive maintenance data include engine oil consumption, which

encompasses amount of oil; odometer reading; date; oil changes; and engine oil prices at

each oil change. NREL also monitors warranty repair information. Safety incident data

include maintenance facilities, nature of incident, and any changes in procedures or

hardware to prevent future safety incidents.

Vehicle Fuels and Technologies

Although petroleum still accounts for 99.8% of vehicle fuel, use of alternative

fuels is growing rapidly (EIA, 2009; Lovins, 2011b). Certain fuels are capable of

replacing petroleum in existing vehicles, such as ethanol. Other fuels require some

vehicle conversion, such as for compressed natural gas (CNG). Some technologies, such

as electric vehicles (EVs) and hydrogen, are carriers of energy, rather than a direct energy

source, and require a different powertrain from conventional vehicles (EERE, 2010b).

Lyden (2012) reviewed the advantages, disadvantages, and futures of alternative

fuels, including bio-diesel, propane, CNG, electric, and hybrid. Each fuel is potentially a

viable alternative to petroleum, depending on a vehicle’s duty cycle. Fleet operators may

eventually use some of each of these alternative fuels, as well as other emerging

technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells. Fleet managers need to stay current on

emerging trends.

The DOE states that the use of alternative fuels and advanced technology trucks

can significantly reduce petroleum consumption and GHG emissions (EERE, 2012a). As

of 2009, 826,000 vehicles, or 0.2% of total vehicles in the US used alternative fuels (EIA,

2011). Of those, 61.0% used ethanol, 17.0% used propane, 14.0% used CNG, 6.0% used

electric (not including hybrids), and less than 1.0% used hydrogen. Between 2000 and

2009, use of ethanol increased 476.0%, propane decreased 19%, CNG increased 13.0%,

and electric increased 384.0%.

Ethanol, derived from plant-based feedstocks, added to gasoline or diesel creates

a blended liquid fuel referred to as bio-fuels or bio-diesel (Jerram & Gartner, 2012).

Theoretically, there is no change in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions when bio-fuels made

from surface carbon products emit CO2 as a transportation fuel (Merseyside Renewable

Energy Institute, 2012). Although ethanol is currently a popular additive, Yuhnke and

Salisbury (n.d.) recon that the capacity for feedstocks used to make ethanol is limited.

Additionally, crops to feed the population growth by 2020 will need the water and land

currently used to grow ethanol feedstocks. Therefore, this study did not compare ethanol

to EVs for fleet purposes.


Propane is a by-product formed from processing natural gas and refining oil

(Jerram & Gartner, 2012). It is stored as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at 200 pounds

per square inch and 100°F in pressure tanks, and then released as a gas to burn in an

engine. LPG reduces vehicle maintenance costs and emits less GHG than gasoline.

However, current regulatory and policy focus on other fuels constrain near term market

growth of propane (Sloan & Meyer, 2010). Therefore, this study did not compare

propane to EVs for fleet purposes.

Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity on board vehicles from compressed

hydrogen gas stored in tanks (Jerram & Gartner, 2012). Hydrogen does not emit GHG.

Hydrogen fuel technology is still in development with mass marketing anticipated in

several years (Duncan & Osborne, 2005). Difficulties and expenses exist in production

and distribution of hydrogen. Fuel cell technology may benefit the building industry

before adoption by the transportation industry. Pike Research (Pike; Gartner, 2011) has

predicted that the DOE will shift away from fuel cell technology for vehicles and toward

EVs and HEVs due to uncertainty in the fuel cell market. Therefore, this study did not

compare hydrogen fuel cells to EVs for fleet purposes.


To understand the importance of alternative fuels, one must first understand the

impacts of petroleum for comparison. Petroleum is the primary transportation fuel used

in the US (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Petroleum is refined into gasoline or diesel for

transportation fuel.

The proportion of diesel-fueled trucks varies by GVWR class (EERE, 2012a).

Of total factory trucks sold in 2010, diesel comprised less than half of Class 3 trucks;

over 90.0% of Class 4, 5, and 6 trucks; less than 40.0% Class 7 trucks; and virtually

100.0% of Class 8 trucks. Sales of Class 3 and 7 diesel trucks declined approximately

20.0% from 2006 to 2010, while diesel truck sales in all other classes increased or

remained the same as a percent of total truck sales.

Highway vehicles in the US consumed nearly 12 million barrels of petroleum

daily, which approximates 14.0% of global consumption in 2011 (Davis, et al., 2011).

Although trucks and vans comprise only 20.0% of on-road vehicles, they cover over

31.0% of total VMT and use nearly 49.0% of total vehicle fuel consumed. Utility trucks

tend to use more gas for vocational use than for driving (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

As show in Table 4, truck use of petroleum increased 23.4% from 2000 to 2010, while

all other transportation and market sectors decreased petroleum use.

Table 4

U.S. Petroleum Use by Market Sector and Vehicle Type, 2010 and 2000 (million barrels
per day)

% of % of
2010 Total 2000 Total Change
Trucks 7,216 37.5% 5,850 30.0% 23.4%
Autos 4,423 23.0% 4,780 24.5% -7.5%
Non-highway transportation 1,909 9.9% 2,164 11.1% -11.8%
Residential 670 3.5% 870 4.5% -23.0%
Commercial 360 1.9% 420 2.2% -14.3%
Industrial 4,510 23.4% 4,920 25.2% -8.3%
Electric utilities 170 0.9% 510 2.6% -66.7%
19,258 100.0% 19,514 100.0% -1.3%

Note. Adapted from Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 31 (Davis et al., 2012).
Includes pick-ups, minivans, sport-utility vehicles, vans, heavy trucks, and buses.
Includes cars and motorcycles.
Includes air, rail, pipeline, and water transportation.

Currently, petroleum is relatively abundant and easy to retrieve in large quantities

(Lovins & Datta, 2006). Petroleum is transportable in its natural form. The U.S.

infrastructure for gas and diesel distribution is well established. There were over 164,000

gasoline-fueling stations in the US in 2007 (EERE, 2008b). In addition, petroleum

possesses a high energy density, allowing for long ranges before refueling and providing

power for acceleration, grade, and maximum speed (Lovins & Datta, 2006).

While global demand for oil increases, the world’s supply decreases (Campbell &

Laherrere, 1998). Oil extracting processes get increasingly difficult after depleting the

easier to obtain reserves. Furthermore, the extracting processes from tar sands and shale

create air pollution. Regardless of oil reserve levels, there are diminishing returns in

extracting for usable purposes. Importing oil from countries with unfriendly political

relations with the US may prove difficult at times, especially when only a few countries

control the majority of the world’s oil.

Obtaining conventional oil may tap out by 2020 (Lovins & Datta, 2006). Oil

prices will continue to rise. Expected increases in oil prices are an economic driver for

moving away from petroleum (Callaway, 2011; EDTA, 2012a; EIA, 2012a;

Electrification Coalition, 2010; U.S. Senate, 2011). Forecasts for crude oil price per

barrel range from $200 by 2030 to $269 by 2040, or $163 in 2011 dollars as a reference

case to $235 in 2011 dollars as a high case (EDTA, 2012a; EIA, 2013a; Electrification

Coalition, 2010). The high case represents an annual increase of 5.5% from $95 per

barrel as of December 2012, which outpaces gross domestic product (GDP) forecasted

growth by 3.0% (EIA, 2012a). On the other hand, increased demand for alternative fuels

may help stabilize demand for gas and oil prices (Salisbury & Yuhnke, 2011).

ICEs are only 25.0% to 27.0% efficient in using petroleum’s energy, and

transmissions reduce the efficiencies further (EIA, 2012b). Average mileage rates

increase from technology improvements and replacements of older and less fuel-efficient

vehicles. From 1998 to 2008, MPG increased an average of 5.2% from 17.2 MPG to

18.1 MPG for light- and medium-duty trucks, and 1.6% from 6.1 MPG to 6.2 MPG for

heavy-duty trucks (DOT, DOE, & EPA, 2002; EIA, 2012b). Continued technology

advancements should further improve mileage rates 30.0% to 40.0% by 2020 (McMorrin

et al., 2012).

Compressed Natural Gas

Natural gas is a fossil fuel primarily composed of methane (CH4; Lyden, 2012). It

is clear, odorless, and noncorrosive (California Energy Commission, 2012). Although

natural gas is available in a liquid form, it generally compresses to gaseous form at

pressures over 3,100 pounds per square inch for storage and distribution. Most of natural

gas consumed in the US is domestically produced at a relatively low cost from wells or

shale, and then transported by pipeline and stored in thick metal tanks. Any CNG leaked

from tanks quickly dissipates since it is lighter than air, yet CNG is flammable at

concentrations of 5.0% to 15.0% with air. Although currently less popular, use of

liquefied natural gas (LNG) is growing, primarily for heavy-duty trucks and transit buses

(EERE, 2010b; Lyden, 2012).

Vehicle owners primarily convert CNG vehicles from ICEVs (Hurst & Wheelock,

2011). However, conversions can void some vehicle manufacturers’ warranties. CNG

vehicles can run solely on CNG, or on a bifuel system selecting CNG or petroleum, but

usually not both at the same time (Lyden, 2012). Medium- and heavy-duty trucks

generally run on dedicated systems, while cars, pick-ups, and lighter medium-duty

vehicles may use dedicated or bifuel systems. Fuel tanks for CNG vehicles are larger and

heavier than gasoline tanks, varying by desired range and materials.

NREL performed a business case for CNG in municipal fleets of transit buses,

school buses, and refuse trucks, citing their circular routes and central refueling as ideal

for CNG (Johnson, 2010). The NREL study noted that use of CNG was positive in

reducing costs long-term, maintaining consistent operating costs, reducing GHG and

local air pollution, and reducing noise pollution. NREL analyzed costs for CNG vehicle

purchases and residual values, maintenance and operations, and charging stations for net

present value, rate of return, and payback period. CNG is most profitable when diesel

costs exceed $2.25 per gallon, for transit bus and refuse truck fleets over 75 units, or

when annual VMT are over 26,000 for transit buses and over 14,000 for refuse trucks.

Because CNG possesses a low energy density, the range between fuelings is short

(Gaines et al., 1998). Hurst and Wheelock (2011) noted that CNG is more favorable to

the fleet market due to greater likelihood of central fueling. However, several researchers

have acknowledged that the high costs of refueling infrastructure will impede growth of

CNG as an alternative transportation fuel (EERE, 2012a; Hurst & Wheelock, 2011;

Lyden, 2012; Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.). Only half of the 1,000 or so CNG refueling

stations in the US are open to the public (Lyden, 2012). As of 2011, the number of CNG

public charging stations by state were 258 in California, 103 in New York, 73 in Utah, 63

in Oklahoma, and the remainder of states with less than 50 each, many with less than 10,

and three with none (EERE, 2012a).


CNG vehicles in the US should grow approximately 25.0% annually, with sales of

32,000 new CNG units in 2016 (Hurst & Wheelock, 2011). Yuhnke and Salisbury (n.d)

suggested that a better use of CNG is as a replacement of coal in generating electricity

rather than as a transportation fuel. One thousand cubic feet of CNG as transportation

fuel provides energy for 230 miles, whereas natural gas as a source in generating

electricity provides energy for 374 miles in an EV, a 60.0% increase in mileage. In

addition, natural gas emits less CO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOC) from a power

plant than it does from a vehicle.

In comparing lifecycle GHG emissions from coal and natural gas for

transportation fuel and in generating electricity through 2032, Jaramillo (2007) found that

GHG emissions were similar when power plants use carbon capture and storage (CCS).

CCS is an emerging technology for power plants to separate carbon emissions from other

combustion products and to inject them underground. When using CCS, utilities inject

the majority of GHG from burning coal at power plants underground rather than sent into

the atmosphere. Jaramillo (2007) also found that using coal or natural gas for

transportation fuel would not reduce lifecycle GHG emissions. In addition, production of

coal entails safety issues and is more costly than production of CNG.

Electric Vehicles

An electric motor powers EVs (Jerram & Gartner, 2012). Battery EVs (BEVs)

are powered solely by a battery operated motor (The EV Project, 2012). The electric

power grid charges batteries for BEVs (EERE, 2003). For ease, this study simply refers

to BEVs as EVs.

In addition to the electric motor, a parallel hybrid EV (HEV) contains an internal

combustion engine (ICE) powered by gas, diesel, or an alternative fuel (EERE, 2012c).

The electric motor, batteries, and regenerative braking operate alongside the ICE to

power the drive wheels. The ICE and regenerative braking charge the on-board battery

during operation.

Plug-in HEV (PHEV) batteries obtain energy by plugging into the grid for

charging, similar to EVs; and by the ICE and regenerative braking, similar to EVs and

HEVs (EERE, 2012c; The EV Project, 2012). With larger battery packs than HEVs,

PHEVs may perform as well as conventional vehicles, while being safe and convenient

(EERE, 2012c). The ICE adds power to a PHEV for high acceleration, steep grades,

intensive climate control, or a nearly depleted battery. Alternatively, some PHEVs use

the ICE for propulsion and the battery for equipment use and climate control while idling.

If never plugged in for battery charging, PHEVs operate similar to HEVs. Alternatively,

if not driven beyond the all-electric range provided in some PHEVs between grid

recharging, PHEVs operate similar to EVs. Electric motor technology progressed from

HEVs with large loss of battery energy and limited battery power, to PHEVs needing the

grid for charging larger batteries, to EVs providing adequate energy and power for most

daily uses (Banvait, 2009).

In its annual report, CALSTART (2012) noted, “There is tremendous overlap and

synergy between the hybrid and plug-in truck sectors” (p. 3). Many concepts within this

study on EVs apply to PHEVs as they derive power from the grid as well. Table 5

illustrates the components of each electric powertrain type compared to gas. EVs are the

least complex as they do not contain an ICE and are the best environmentally as they do

not directly emit GHG or other air pollutants (EERE, 2003).

Table 5

EV Comparison by Powertrain Type


Gas engine X X X
Electric motor X X X
NIMH battery X
Lithium battery X X
Emissions X X X
Fills up X X X
Plugs in X X

Note. Adopted from Ford Motor Company, 2012.

Manufacturing and models of EVs are primarily limited in the Class 3 to Class 7

truck market, but the number of manufacturers and units produced in the US are growing

(Oak Ridge, 2012). Many EV trucks ideal for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty

commercial fleet vehicles are in development or limited production (EPRI, 2011a).

Initial focus is on delivery vans, small and large transit buses, utility service vehicles,

urban delivery trucks, and off-road vehicles such as lift trucks, airport service vehicles,

refrigeration units, as well as applications at truck stops, ports, and mining sites. See

Appendix A, Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US. In addition, companies such

as Motiv Power Systems are custom building EV trucks from standard truck chassis,

excluding the ICE, by adding battery packs and electric drive systems (Castelaz &

Nagrani, 2012). Battery technology continues to evolve, improving EV range and

decreasing costs (EDTA, 2012a). Installation of charging infrastructure is expanding

quickly (McMorrin et al., 2012).


EPRI (2011a) forecasted the number of EV trucks in service as 0.5 million to 2.5

million, or 1.0% of total vehicles by 2015; 2.0 to 12.0 million, or 4.0% by 2020; and 12.0

to 65.0 million, or 18.0% by 2030. The Electrification Coalition (2010) forecasted the

number of EV units to exceed HEV units by 2025. Their forecast was 0.7 million EV

cars and trucks by 2013, 14.0 million by 2020, and 123.0 million by 2030. The Center

for Automotive Research (CAR; 2011) predicted EV growth based on historical hybrid

growth rates and estimated 140.0 million EV cars and trucks by 2015. EDTA (2012c)

predicted EVs to comprise 10.6% of new vehicle sales by 2015 and estimated 1.5 million

charging stations in the US by 2017. Table 6 summarizes General Electric’s predictions

related to EVs, including battery and electricity costs per kilowatt-hour (kWh). However,

recently advertised individual prices on Li-ion batteries for EV use approximated $300 to

$416 per kWh (Balqon, 2013).

Table 6

Forecast and Actual EV Units and Related Data

Forecast Actual
2030 2020 2010 2000 1990
EV sales % of total 30.0% 15.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Battery cost/kWh $200.00 $350.00 $600.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00
Gasoline cost/gallon $3.67 $3.33 $2.72 $1.79 $1.79
Electricity cost/kWh $0.10 $0.09 $0.09 $0.06 $0.07
Electricity consumed a 5,373 4,602 4,236 3,858 2,924
EVs % of total electricity 11.8% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Note. Adopted from General Electric, 2012.
In terawatt hours.

Electric motors can power auxiliary and accessory systems even in ICEVs

(EERE, 2012a). Heavy-duty trucks can use an electric motor for auxiliary equipment,

such as for booms or hydraulics when in low speed and with frequent stops. Accessories

powered by electric motors include air conditioning, power steering, water pumps, and

fans. Idling on an electric motor than on an ICE is better for energy use and the

environment. Furthermore, EVs can power auxiliary systems for overnight idling by long

haul trucks silently and without emissions (Oak Ridge, 2012).

Van Amburg and Pitkanen (2012) and Lyden (2012) portended that the feasibility

of EV trucks is limited to urban areas where fleets return to a central charging station. In

addition, EVs are best for trucks with a fixed route using energy equivalent to driving 70

to 100 miles per day (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Characteristics of fixed route

applications are “stop and go; localized, dedicated routes; short haul; limited range; and

spoke and hub” (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012, p. 18). Examples include urban

delivery, refuse, mail trucks, and transit buses. Facility vehicles such as for “airports,

seaports, rail yards, military bases, parks, resorts, warehouse support and maintenance,

and cargo handling” (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012, p. 18) are other best use examples

for EV trucks. Also ideal are “high idle, work site applications” (Van Amburg &

Pitkanen, 2012, p. 18) such as for utility vehicles, aerial devices, and power required to

run an operation.

Profiling the ideal duty cycle for EVs includes low daily mileage, returning to

base, and availability for charging opportunities (McMorrin et al., 2012). Other

considerations include load capacity requirements and payload profile in conjunction

with miles traveled. Availability of a main charging facility, driver training, and off-peak

charging facilitates use of EVs. External factors include roadway type (motorway, rural,

sub-urban), variation in speed, and terrain. EVs provide an ideal solution to urban areas

mandating reduced emissions. The additional weight for having two powertrains reduces

cargo weight capacity in HEVs and PHEVs (EERE, 2010b).

According to CALSTART, EV trucks are a viable alternative when meeting urban

and suburban duty cycles and replacing petroleum with electricity from the grid or a

renewable power systems (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). CALSTART’s E-Truck

Task Force identified barriers and user needs; quantified industry needs and benefits;

determined duty cycles, vehicle deployment, and success cases; collected and reported

performance data; forecasted volume sales and prices; validated business case; and

recommended future steps to resolve barriers to promote long-term growth of EVs.

CAR (2011) portended that EVs benefit fleet operators more so than consumers as

fleets generally use more fuel, travel predictable routes, and pay lower commercial and

industrial electric rates. EVs are 90.0% energy efficient (General Electric, 2012). Due to

reduced noise, no gear change, and fewer moving parts, drivers identify EVs as more

pleasant to drive (McMorrin et al., 2012).

EVs provide lower and stable fuel costs, produce no noise or carbon emissions,

and reduce maintenance (McMorrin et al., 2012). EVs present less stress and fatigue for

drivers not having to make gear changes or clutch movements, and for reduced noise.

EVs provide branding benefits for the fleet company. Industry experts portray resale

value of EVs as strong. To develop a business case for purchasing EVs, fleet operators

must first determine if the technology is operationally practical and must then analyze

what the whole life costs are and how they differ from ICEs. However, Van Amburg and

Pitkanen (2012) found that fleet operators are waiting for data on actual performance of

EV trucks to analyze ideal duty operations and validate assumptions.


After purchase price, offsetting petroleum use is a critical variable in analyzing a

business case for EV trucks, per fleet participants in CALSTART’s survey (Van Amburg

& Pitkanen, 2012). Benefits of EVs include reducing U.S. dependence on oil, improving

energy security, reducing overall transportation fuel costs, improving air quality, and

increasing economic development (DOE & EPA, 2012; Edison Electric Institute [EEI],

2011; EDTA, 2012b; Lyden, 2012). Other variables include quality assessment, vehicle

use, battery replacement, and infrastructure costs. EVs experience lower maintenance

costs and no tailpipe emissions of GHG or VOC (Lyden, 2012). Maintenance for an

electric motor is much less than for an ICE with over 1,000 parts requiring frequent liquid

and replacements (McMorrin et al., 2012). Half of fleet operators are willing to pay more

for a larger battery with greater range and the other half are willing to trade off range for

lower capital costs (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

In a survey by Fleet Owner, reasons given by fleet operators who were

considering EVs included reducing operating costs, reducing GHG emissions, improving

corporate image, and decreasing dependence on foreign oil (Kilcarr, 2010). Fleet

operators reported that experiments with heavy-duty EVs were proving successful. Van

Amburg and Pitkanen (2012) stated that the value of EV trucks is not their size or

chassis, but their ability to handle end-use applications. Because the electric motor is

silent, EV trucks are usable at night in residential areas for time sensitive repairs. CAR

(2011) estimated that maintenance costs for EVs are half of those for ICEVs. EVs are

chargeable overnight when much of electricity supply is otherwise wasted (Ford Motor

Company, 2011). In addition, EVs do not need warming up when started. Furthermore,

EVs produce more torque and smoother acceleration than ICEVs, beneficial for hauling

heavier loads (EERE, 2012c).

No tailpipe emissions from EVs mean less smog in urban areas with vehicle

congestion (EDTA, 2012a). If 60.0% of U.S. vehicles were EVs, GHG emissions would

decline by one third. Although EVs do not emit GHG directly, the electricity used to

charge EV batteries is potentially from an energy source that emits GHG in processing,

such as coal (Jaramillo, 2007). However, burning fuel in a power plant to generate

electricity for EVs is more efficient and less polluting than burning fuel directly in a

vehicle (Beck, 2009; EERE, 2003). ICEV emissions cause more environmental irritants

in populated urban areas than emissions from power plants generally located outside of

urban areas (Ji, Cherry, Bechle, Wu, & Marshall, 2011). Ford Motor Company (2011)

reported that even when factoring in emissions from electricity generation, GHG

emissions from EVs were less than 10.0% of GHG from ICEVs.

Electric utility companies are increasing the use of renewable energy sources,

such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric (EDTA, 2012a). Electricity generated from these

renewable sources, as well as from nuclear sources, does not cause air pollutants (DOE &

EPA, 2012). EVs provide an opportunity for increasing the use of renewable energy

either through direct sourcing or through the grid (Lund & Kempton, 2008). In addition,

EVs are capable of storing energy as generated from renewable sources such as solar or

wind, and of providing energy back to the grid when needed as further discussed in

Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) section.

Pike expected that 2012 would be a turning point for proving the value of EVs

(Venkataraman & Gartner, 2011). Its research demonstrated that EVs are a viable

replacement for ICEVs, primarily due to reduced operating costs and GHG emissions.

Growth of EVs will assist the U.S. federal government to reach its target of 50.0%

reduction in carbon emissions by 2025 (McMorrin et al., 2012). Asia Pacific’s auto

industry commitment to EVs for vehicle replacement after destruction from recent natural

disasters helps to expand the markets and technology at a faster rate (Venkataraman &

Gartner, 2011).

The biggest challenge for EVs is the high initial cost of the vehicle, battery,

charging station, and installation services (EPRI, 2010; Lyden, 2012; Van Amburg &

Pitkanen, 2012). Fleet Owner’s 2010 survey showed that 65.0% of fleet operators were

not likely to purchase an EV due to lack of information on pricing, operating costs, GHG

reductions, vehicles specifications, fuel efficiencies, and resale values (Kilcarr, 2010).

Fleet operators were also concerned about when and how battery charging would work.

As battery life is unknown and differs by use, potential costs include battery replacement

over a vehicle’s useful life (DOE & EPA, 2012). Other potential costs include adding or

upgrading power lines and electric services. In CALSTART’s survey of fleet operators,

respondents expected costs to decline in the future. In the meantime, the majority wanted

government incentives to offset up to 50.0% of the incremental cost of EV trucks (Van

Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

Fleet operators identified a need for improvement in operational reliability,

quality, warranty, and support from EV manufacturers and suppliers; real-world data for

profiling operational use and economical payback; planning assistance for charging

infrastructure; and more product availability and education (Van Amburg & Pitkanen,

2012). EV battery packs are heavy and bulky (DOE & EPA, 2012). Extreme hot or cold

climates may negatively affect EVs, as well as road salts (Summit Up, 2010). EPRI

(2007) also noted concern over regulatory issues and coordination with electric utilities.

Another significant issue with EVs is “range anxiety,” a driver’s fear of running

out of energy before finding available charging (Lyden, 2012). McMorrin et al. (2012)

acknowledged that range is a major factor in buying decisions for fleet operators.

Currently, most EV trucks’ driving range before refueling is 50 to 200 miles, versus

gasoline at 300 miles (DOE & EPA, 2012; Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). In addition,

recharging time may take up to 4 to 8 hours (DOE & EPA, 2012; Ford Motor Company,

2011). Even with quick-charging equipment, recharging a battery to 80.0% takes up to

30 minutes (DOE & EPA, 2012). Defining the number and type of charging equipment

is a challenge as well. Lyden (2012) acknowledged that HEVs or PHEVs are better

suited under conditions of extended range driving; energy intense applications, such as

refrigeration or other special equipment; limited charging time between shifts; or delivery

trucks maintaining a full load throughout most of a route.

Fleet vehicles are vital to mass deployment of EVs as their volumes assist

manufacturers and suppliers in reaching economies of scale and promoting infrastructure

build out (Azure Dynamics, 2012; CAR, 2011; EDTA 2012b). In addition, fleets are

more suitable than consumers are for taking advantage of V2G opportunities, which

should experience considerable growth in grid energy storage and ancillary services

(Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). The Canadian EV industry proclaimed the fleet market

as a key target (Summit Up, 2010).

Driving growth in EV trucks in the US are new Corporate Average Fuel Economy

(CAFE) regulations on medium- and heavy-duty trucks, reduced pricing as manufacturers


achieve economies of scale, and federal and state incentives for developing quick

charging stations for public use (EEI, 2011; Lyden, 2012). Employers are installing

Level 2 chargers for employee use at work, directly or through third party charging

companies (Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). Key to future growth of EVs is removing

planning barriers that slow infrastructure build-out (McMorrin et al., 2012).

CALSTART’s research found early adoption of EV trucks viable when used to

replace low mileage vehicles, provided EVs meet fleet operators’ needs operationally

(Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Upfront planning and collaborating with

manufacturers and service providers is critical to avoid unexpected infrastructure costs

and electricity demand charges. Manufacturing and design improvements as well as

expanded volumes and supply chains will reduce costs an expected 11.0% to 20.0% over

the next five years. Other research has shown that increased production volumes,

electronics, and battery capacity and efficiency, as well as decreased source costs will

reduce overall EV costs 30.0% by 2014 (Azure Dynamics, 2012). Fleet managers should

still perform lifecycle purchase evaluations in making purchase decisions.

Batteries. Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are the standard technology for EVs, as

for cell phones and laptop computers (EERE, 2010a; Gartner & Gohn, 2012). The

benefits of Li-ion include ability to operate in moderately cold weather, high tolerance for

abuse, and capability for fast charging. Compared to nickel metal hydride batteries used

for initial acceleration and low speeds in hybrid vehicles, Li-ion batteries for EV and

PHEV propulsion have larger energy capacity, provide higher power, and are more

complex. Variables for Li-ion batteries include cell and module operating voltage,

recommended maximum depth of discharge (DOD), and operating temperatures (Beck,

2009). Lithium itself is a minor cost in manufacturing batteries (Innes, 2012).

NREL predicts that advances in battery technology will provide the most

significant promise for improvements in transportation (Pesaran, 2011). Continuous

improvements to Li-ion batteries increase power while reducing cost (Mraz, 2012). In

early 2012, a Li-ion battery proved an energy density of 400 Wh/kg in tests by the

Electrochemical Power Systems Department at the Naval Surface Warfare Center

(Alternative Energy eMagazine, 2012). Once in production, this record level of energy

should reduce current battery prices by 50.0% for a 300-mile range EV (EDTA, 2012a).

Manufacturer’s warranties for EV batteries average three to five years (Van

Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Useful battery life may average eight to 10 years, depending

on duty cycle, cooling, and number of full charge and discharge cycles (EDTA, 2012a;

Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). The cycle rating of a battery more specifically defines

the probable battery life (Beck, 2009). For example, a 36.4 kWh battery rated at 2,000

cycles with a recommended 85.0% DOD for an EV with 4 mile per kWh efficiency rating

driven 60 miles per day requires charging every two days (36.4 kWh multiplied by

85.0% DOD multiplied by 4 miles/kWh divided by 60 miles per day), or approximately

three times per week. At this rate, the battery may last 12.8 years, subject to other

internal and external factors (2,000 divided by the three charges per week multiplied by

52 weeks). Using a lower DOD setting allows for more charging cycles and longer

battery life (Beck, 2009).

Generally, the useful life of Li-ion batteries for vehicles terminates below 70.0%

to 80.0% capacity (EDTA, 2012a; McMorrin et al., 2012; Van Amburg & Pitkanen,

2012). A battery originally capable of 100 miles on a full charge will go 80 miles at

80.0% capacity on a full charge (McMorrin et al., 2012). Fleet operators may use

capacity-reduced batteries in less demanding routes or applications (Van Amburg &

Pitkanen, 2012). Additional secondary uses for batteries include powering buildings or

storing alternative energy generated from intermittent sources of wind and solar (Lund &

Kempton, 2008).

Challenges for EV battery growth include improving energy density,

discharge/charge rates, and safety (Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). Drivers are

concerned with limited mileage range per charge and availability to charging

infrastructure. EV purchasers must balance desired range with battery cost, weight, and

performance (Beck, 2009). Depending on load weight, EV trucks achieve an average of

50-100 miles per charge (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Factors affecting range

include the vehicle’s efficiency rating (kWh/mile), energy storage capacity in battery, age

of battery, number of battery charging cycles used, and amount of regenerative braking

(Beck, 2009). Factors affecting the amount of battery power required include ambient

temperatures, driving conditions, driver aggression in accelerating, use of auxiliary

systems, and weight of the vehicle, cargo, battery, and battery system. Right sizing the

battery for an EV is important in meeting required power at lowest cost (Van Amburg &

Pitkenen, 2012; Yildiz, 2010). CALSTART provides engineering models for balancing

performance with optimizing fuel economy and emissions (Van Amburg & Pitkenen,


NHTSA declared that EVs with Li-ion batteries were no more dangerous than

gasoline-powered vehicles after investigating a 2011 fire of a Chevy Volt using a Li-ion

battery (Keane, 2012). Excessive heat, such as from charging too quickly, can damage

Li-ion batteries (Beck, 2009). A DOE goal is to research and develop the next

generation of anode and cathode materials by 2014 (EERE, 2012a). Understanding

failure mechanisms should enable higher energy batteries with longer lasting and less

expensive modeling of cell and material behavior.

Batteries are a significant cost of EVs (McMorrin et al., 2012; Van Amburg &

Pitkanen, 2012). However, the cost of batteries is declining with advanced research and

development, as well as funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

for scaling up production in the US to compete globally. Costs will also decline with

expanded access to lithium and manufacturing improvements. To meet EV growth goals,

Pike suggests that the U.S. federal government support access to capital for charging

infrastructure, increase its $7,500 tax incentive per vehicle, and provide incentives for

second use energy storage after useful transportation life (Venkatarama & Gartner, 2012).

CALSTART asserts that battery financing can provide financial feasibility and

expand the EV market (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Leasing batteries reduces the

upfront cost of an EV in exchange for costing over the useful life of the battery, either at

a flat monthly rate, per mile charge, per kilowatt hour used, through battery replacement,

or through another flexible measure (Li & Ouyang, 2011; McMorrin et al., 2012; Van

Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Leasing structures for batteries require creativity and

collaborating with manufacturers, battery suppliers, utilities, and third party financing

companies (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

Battery leasing can minimize risks to fleet operators (Van Amburg & Pitkanen,

2012). Leasing provides opportunities for concentration of reusing and recycling


batteries for nonmileage purposes, such as for energy storage, grid load stabilization, and

back-up power; for maintenance; and for ultimate disposal (Li & Ouyang, 2011).

However, CALSTART’s survey of fleet operators showed larger fleets less interested in

leasing, primarily due to lack of data regarding battery life and residual values (Van

Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Furthermore, leasing carries credit and performance risk of


Charging stations. Per CALSTART’s 2012 survey, the cost, availability, and

location of EV infrastructure is very important to fleet operators (Van Amburg &

Pitkanen, 2012). Charging EVs is a new procedure for fleet operators, which requires

business policies for where and when charging takes place (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Unfortunately, U.S. standards for EV supply equipment (EVSE) are limited

(Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). Nor do all utilities offer a formal commercial rate for

charging vehicles (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

EVSE may use alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC; Francfort, 1998).

Costs of DC charging equipment are generally 10 times that of AC, although forecasts

show costs declining 7.0% annually as technology improves and production increases

(Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). The power levels for charging EV batteries are:

 Level 1 – Uses AC, rated to 120 volts and 15 amps, uses standard 3-prong

connection on common circuit type, and is available on portable equipment

(Francfort, 1998). Typically used for overnight charging (EV Project, 2012).

 Level 2 – Uses AC, depending on regional power availability (Venkatarama &

Gartner, 2011); is rated to 240 volts, 60 amps, and 14.4 kW; and is permanently

wired for EV charging (Francfort, 1998). Typically used for overnight charging

(EV Project, 2012).

 Level 3 – Rated over 14.4 kW and permanently wired for EV charging (Francfort,

1998). Available on AC; however, on DC, is considered as “fast charging” in 20

to 30 minutes (Gartner & Wheelock, 2011, p. 1). Requires appropriate sizing and

charging times for battery pack (Francfort, 1998). Beneficial to corporate fleets

with large volume, lower electric rates, and need for quick charging turnaround

(EPRI, 2011a; Gartner & Wheelock, 2011).

EV growth depends on expansion of infrastructure (EDTA, 2012a). Many

municipalities, states, and research initiatives assist in EVSE installations to promote EV

growth and reduce urban emissions (EV Project, 2012; Gartner & Wheelock, 2011).

EERE (2012a) reported the greatest number of charging stations by state as 1,264 in

California, 365 in Washington, 336 in Michigan, 312 in Oregon, 287 in Texas, 256 in

Florida, and 214 in New York. Three other states offer over 100 charging stations, yet 10

states offer none. Pike noted that the advantages of charging stations at commercial over

residential sites are convenience and lower electric rates (Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011).

Also important to fleet operators is the amount of time required to charge an EV

(Lyden, 2012). For a simple estimation of the time to charge a battery, divide the battery

capacity in kWh by the lesser of the vehicle acceptance rate or the charging station’s

delivery rate in kW (Clipper Creek, 2012). However, rather than charging to a battery’s

full capacity, only charging to approximately 95.0% allows room for regenerative

braking energy at the start of a trip (Beck, 2009). In addition, the energy charge rate

varies to start low, accelerate, and taper off again.


Electricity generation. Electricity is an energy carrier, not an energy source

(Jaramillo, 2007). The primary raw source of energy used in generating electricity in the

US is coal, a fossil fuel. Other fossil fuels used in generating electricity include natural

gas and oil. The 104 nuclear reactors in the US provide a significant source of electricity,

although few reactors were built in the last 30 years and only four to six new plants are

projected for construction by 2020 (World Nuclear Association, 2012). Renewable

energy sources include hydrogen, geo-thermal, solar, wind, and biomass (EIA, 2012b).

Energy consumed in generating electricity increased 2.8% from 2003 to 2012, prorated

from September 2012, the latest data released by the EIA. Table 7 shows the portion of

electricity generated by source on a national average for 2003 and estimated for 2012.

Table 7

U.S. Sources for Electricity Generation, 2012 and 2003 (trillions of British thermal units)

2012 a 2003
% total % total Change
Fossil fuels:
Coal 15,869 40.6% 20,185 53.1% -21.4%
Natural gas 9,913 25.4% 5,246 13.8% 89.0%
Petroleum 224 0.6% 1,205 3.2% -81.4%
Total fossil fuels 26,007 66.5% 26,636 70.0% -2.4%
Renewable energy:
Hydro 2,811 7.2% 2,749 7.2% 2.2%
Geo-thermal 161 0.4% 146 0.4% 10.5%
Solar/ PV 41 0.1% 5 0.0% 726.7%
Wind 1,319 3.4% 113 0.3% 1067.0%
Bio-mass 427 1.1% 397 1.0% 7.5%
Total renewable energy 4,759 12.2% 3,410 9.0% 39.6%
Nuclear 8,152 20.9% 7,959 20.9% 2.4%
Import 165 0.4% 22 0.1% 651.5%
Total 39,083 100.0% 38,027 100.0% 2.8%

Note. EIA, 2012h.

Prorated from September 2012.

Table 7 shows that the net use of fossil fuels in generating electricity decreased

2.4% from 2003 to 2012 due to a decreased use of coal and petroleum, offset by an

increase in use of natural gas. The use of renewable energy in generating electricity

increased 39.6% from 2003 to 2012, primarily from an over tenfold increase in use of

wind. The portion of total electricity generated from renewable energy increased from

9.0% in 2003 to 12.2% in 2012.

Renewable energy sources of wind and solar vary by hour and season (Anair &

Mahmassani, 2012). The ratio of energy sources vary by regional and local utilities

(EERE, 2012d). Appendix B, Carbon Emissions by Power Control Area, summarizes the

percentage of energy sources for electricity generation by power area from the EPA’s

eGRID 2012 report using 2009 data. The following provides energy sources for a sample

of power control entities:

 Public Service Company Colorado – 54.0% coal, 36.0% natural gas, 1.0% hydro,

and 9.0% wind.

 Duke Energy Carolinas – 36.0% coal, 2.0% natural gas, 59.0% nuclear, 2.0%

hydro, and 1.0% other.

 ERCOT Independent Systems Operator (Texas) – 33.0% coal, 1.0% oil, 48.0%

gas, 12.0% nuclear, 5.0% wind, and 1.0% other.

Regardless of changes in demand, supply of electricity is at a constant daily rate

when generated from utility plants using coal, gas, nuclear, or hydro due to costly

inefficiencies in increasing or decreasing production (Lund & Kempton, 2008). The

production rate is generally set for peak demand levels. Conversely, electricity supply

generated from wind or solar generally shifts according to nature.


Demand for electricity is higher from industrial and commercial users during

normal daily working hours (Anair & Mahmassani, 2012). However, demand from

residential users drives the highest peak use period during weekday evening hours.

Additionally, demand fluctuates seasonally for air conditioning use in hotter months and

somewhat for heat in cooler months. As an example of electricity consumption, Figure 5

illustrates New England’s average electricity usage for weekdays on an hourly basis for

January 1 through October 31, 2011.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hour of Day

Figure 5. Average hourly weekday electricity usage, New England, January 1 to October
31, 2011, adapted from EIA, 2011.

Morning ramp up is primarily from 6:00 am to 9:00 am, and peak demand is at

6:00 pm (Lovins, 2011a). Peak demand increases 56.7% from the lowest demand period

at 4:00 am. When electricity supply exceeds demand, energy is wasted. When demand

exceeds supply, utilities risk “brown outs” where transmission of electricity cannot fully

meet consumers’ demands within a certain geographic area. Managing electricity supply

and demand through the antiquated grid is complex (Kempton & Tomic, 2004).

Regulations require utilities to stabilize the continuous fluctuations in frequency and


voltage through the grid (Lund & Kempton, 2008). The grid is vulnerable to physical

attacks, cyber-attacks, and solar storms (Lovins, 2011a).

Forecasts show U.S. electricity demand to increase 0.8% per year through 2035,

primarily due to projected population growth (EIA, 2012a). Through state regulated

renewable portfolio standards (RPS), investor owned utilities must generate a specific

portion of their energy supply from renewal sources (EIA, 2012c). Rather than building

additional capital intense power plants, growth in wind and solar structures may remedy

the increased demand and RPS targets. Charging EVs at night provides a primary

recipient of energy from wind, when generally at its strongest and other electricity

demand at its lowest (Beck, 2009). EV batteries can store the renewable energy supply

until needed to meet demand, thereby assisting in meeting RPS goals, decreasing GHG

from electricity generation, and reducing electricity waste (Lund & Kempton, 2008).

The growth of EVs and PHEVs require urgent support from electric utilities to

encourage and enable use of electricity for charging batteries (EDTA, 2012a; EEI, 2011;

EPRI, 2011b). Although EVs change the amount and timing of electricity demands,

studies have shown little to no impact on the grid for years (EEI, 2011). The current US

electric capacity could power 75.0% of cars if they were EVs. Ten million EVs with a

40-mile range would add only 1.0% to the total US electricity consumption. A survey of

energy companies projects EVs to consume approximately 7.0% of their total electricity

load by 2025, which Roush (2012) projected as 65 million EVs.

However, the issue of charging EVs is not one of capacity in total as much as in

timing (EPRI, 2011a). Twelve percent of EV users expect to charge batteries between

5:00 pm and 6:00 pm as shown in Figure 6. This is an already straining period on the

grid per Figure 5. Several sources have suggested that utilities adopt time of use pricing,

if they have not already done so, to help alleviate added demand during current peak time

(EEI, 2011; EPRI, 2011a; Roush, 2012; Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). Electricity rates

for EV charging can increase during peak use periods and decrease during off peak

periods as proposed in Figure 7.

Figure 6. Projected uncontrolled vehicle-charging load by hour (EPRI, 2011a).

Figure 7. Projected price controlled vehicle-charging load by hour (EPRI, 2011a).


The majority of energy companies recognize their supportive and financial role in

promoting EVs (Roush, 2012). Utilities need to update systems for tracking customer

EV data, analyze the effect of EVs on distribution networks, consider varying rate

structures for EV charging, ramp up for installing charging stations, and monitor rates

and legislation for regulatory changes (EEI, 2011). EV charging may shorten transformer

lives and increase replacement costs for utilities (Venkatarama & Gartner, 2011). Some

power distribution systems may need upgrading, especially where already overloaded.

Vehicle-to-grid. EVs plugged into the grid download electricity from the grid to

charge the EV battery (Anair & Mahmassani, 2012). The original infrastructure has

energy flowing through the electric grid and battery chargers in one direction. In theory

and in pilot testing, EVs can send energy from the vehicle back to the grid as needed for

grid support (Gibson & Gartner, 2011). In reality, the technology is still in limited pilot

testing. Figure 8 illustrates the flow of V2G.

Figure 8. Illustration of V2G technology, modified from Kempton and Tomic, 2004.

V2G is not as conducive for individual consumers due to its complexity and

rigidity with charging requirements, as well as utilities not motivated to contract with a

large number of small providers with unpredictable plug-in times and charging amounts

(Gibson & Gartner, 2011). However, fleet operators offer an ideal platform for V2G due

to economies of scale (Gartner & Wheelock, 2011). The complexities of V2G are better

suited to a third party aggregator rather than individual fleet operators.

According to Kempton and Tomic (2004), V2G offers four major ancillary

services for grid support: peak power, spinning reserves, regulation, and storage. Peak

power services of V2G allow the grid to draw energy from an EV battery during peak

demand periods; these services may occur 20 to 30 times per year and last for several

hours. V2G could replace expensive generators used for spinning reserves by drawing

energy from an EV battery quickly during an unplanned event; this may occur 20 times

per year, require a 10-min response, and typically last 1 hr. Regulation services control

balancing grid frequency and voltage automatically; these incidents occur several

hundred times per day, require immediate response, and last only a few minutes. V2G

allows for storage on EV batteries during periods of excess energy supply (Lund &

Kempton, 2008). Providing storage for intermittent renewable energies such as wind and

solar allows for increased energy use from those sources, improved utility companies’

return on renewable energy investments, and decreased energy use from GHG emitting


Revenue from V2G ancillary services can potentially offset some of the

incremental cost of EVs (Lund & Kempton, 2008). The larger battery packs in EVs

provide more V2G opportunity than PHEVs. In addition, energy storage on batteries

may limit the need for constructing additional power plants that take 15 years to build

and cost $2 billion (Orcutt, 2012).



Holistic management considers an organization’s impact on the environment

(Savory, 1999). Practices for treating nature as a stakeholder are those that do no harm,

or otherwise make amends; leave the world better than found; and create a closed-loop

system that provides responsibility for a product throughout its lifecycle (Stubbs &

Cocklin, 2008). Business sustainability is a leading indicator of an organization’s future

value (Fiksel, 2009). Makower (2009) noted that environmental risks influence a

publicly traded company’s stock price and that shareholders are demanding companies to

identify, reduce, and report on these risks. Assessment of energy alternatives includes

effects on the environment (EPA, 2011).


GHG produced from nature include CO2, CH4, nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone (O3),

and water vapor (EPA, 2012a). Increased GHG emissions trap excess radiant energy

within the Earth’s atmosphere, causing unnatural climate changes (Energydefinitions,

2012). When climate changes too quickly, ecosystems cannot naturally adapt (United

Nations, 1992). The faster the rate of climate change the greater the increased risk of

damage (United Nations Environment Programme & the Climate Change Secretariate,

2002). Effects of climate change last for many years beyond the time of cause.

The U.S. Supreme Court and the EPA identified GHG as pollutants that endanger

the environment and public health and welfare (Milbourn, 2009). GHG negatively affect

air quality, climate, and energy (EPA, 2011). As of 2008, 127 million people in the US,

roughly 40.0%, lived in areas that did not meet air quality standards for at least one

pollutant. Climate changes affect temperature, extreme weather, precipitation, and sea

levels. Effects from climate change threaten food production and economic development

sustainability (United Nations Environment Programme & the Climate Change

Secretariate, 2002). Table 8 lists the life and potency of each GHG compared to CO2.

Table 8

Numerical Estimates of Global Warming Potentials (kilogram of gas per kilogram of

Global warming potential
Lifetime direct effect over
Gas (years) 20 years 100 years 500 years

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 5-200 1 1 1

Methane (CH4) 12 72 25 8
Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 114 289 298 153
HFCsb, PFCsc, and Sulfur
Hexafluoride 270 12,000 14,800 12,200
HFC-125 29 6,350 3,500 1,100
HFC-134a 14 3,830 1,430 435
HFC-152a 1 437 124 38
HFC-227ea 34 fs5,310 3,220 1,040
Perfluoromethane (CF4) 50,000 5,210 7,390 11,200
Perfluoroethane (C2F6) 10,000 8,630 12,200 18,200
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) 3,200 16,300 22,800 32,600
Note. Gases compared with CO2. Davis et al., 2011.

Primarily due to manmade fossil fuel combustion, GHG levels increased 19.5%

from 1990 to 2007, then decreased by 9.1% through 2011, despite a 3.6% increase in

2010 (EIA, 2012b). Declines continued through March 2012 of 7.8% from the same

period in 2011. Carbon dioxide emissions from motor gasoline increased 24.2% from

1990 to2007, primarily due to a 34.0% increase in VMT. Carbon dioxide and CH4

account for 94.0% and 4.0%, respectively, of GHG emissions in the US (EPA, 2012a).

Petroleum used as transportation fuel in 2010 emitted approximately 33.0% of CO2; coal

used in generating electricity emitted another 33.0%; and the remaining 33.0% was

primarily from petroleum, natural gas, and coal used in residential, commercial, and

industrial sectors. ICEs produce 75.0% of carbon monoxide emissions and


approximately 50.0% of the VOC in the US that form smog, nitrogen oxide emissions,

and other toxic emissions (EPA, 2012c). In addition, burning coal emits sulfur dioxide,

another major contributor to air pollution (Energydefinitions, 2012).

The US accounts for 20.0% of the world’s CO2 emissions as of 2007, of which

43.0% was from oil use (Davis et al., 2011). Highway vehicles, at 29.0% of oil use, were

the single largest contributor of U.S. GHG emissions. While most other transportation

modes and industry sectors decreased total GHG gas emissions from 1990 to 2009,

highway vehicles increased 24.0%, primarily due to an increased number of vehicles and

VMT. However, technology improvements and energy efficiencies improved CO2

emissions by 51.0% for cars and 42.0% for light-duty trucks sold from 1975 to 2010.

CNG emits 15.0% to 30.0% less GHG and 95.0% less overall toxins than gas or

diesel, yet emits greater amounts of CH4 (EERE, 2010b; Lyden, 2012; Salisbury &

Yuhnke, 2011). CH4 emissions are lower than CO2 but over 20 times as dangerous in

trapping GHG (EPA, 2012a). Although CNG is an improvement over petroleum, at the

current GHG level from CNG, if all vehicles used CNG by 2050, GHG emissions would

equate to the 2005 GHG levels from gas and diesel due to projected increases in VMT

(Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.).

The EPA is requiring CCS technology for all new coal firing plants (Harden,

2012). CCS will decrease CO2 emissions from coal and natural gas used in generating

electricity (EPA, 2012b). Furthermore, as renewable energy sources increase in

electricity generation, the amount of CO2 from EVs declines. Table 9 provides CO2

emissions per mile by fuel type.


Table 9

Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors and Uncertainty Ranges by Fuel Type

Motor Gas/Diesel
Gasoline Oil CNG
Default 69,300 74,100 56,100
Lower 67,500 72,600 54,300
Upper 73,000 74,800 58,300

Note. IPCC Guideline for GHG Inventory, adopted from Waldron, et al., 2006.
Kilograms per terajoules.

Other data related to GHG for motor vehicles:

 1 gallon of gasoline emits 19.4 pounds of CO2 (Davis et al., 2011).

 1 gallon of diesel emits 22.2 pounds of CO2 (Davis et al., 2011).

 Diesel provides 12.0% more energy per gallon than gasoline (Center for

Sustainable Systems, 2011).

 CO2 from CNG equivalent miles approximates 78.0% of gasoline (EERE, 2012b).

Figure 9 defines CO2 emissions from supply sources for electricity generation

over the entire lifecycle.

Figure 9. Global warming lifecycle emissions by energy source (gCO2e/kWh). Retrieved

from Anair and Mahmassani, 2012.

Figure 9 illustrates the grams of CO2 emitted per kWh over the lifecycle of energy

generated. These measurements include CO2 emitted from energy used for plant

construction and operation, distribution, and consumption. Most utilities use a mix of

energy sources to generate electricity. For example, electricity generated from 35.0%

coal, 42.0% gas, and 16.0% nuclear emit 72 grams of CO2 for EVs per kilometer, 105 for

hybrids, and 136 for ICEVs from source to wheel (McMorrin et al., 2012).

GHG cost measurements are in dollars per ton of equivalent CO2 emissions. The

social cost of carbon is an estimate of damages from increased CO2 emissions (EPA &

DOT, 2011). Putting a price on GHG helps drive a shift to alternative fuels (Greene &

Plotkin, 2011). Estimated costs to reduce CO2 per new CAFE standards by EPA and

DOT (2011) average $50 per metric ton, and range from $30 for combination tractors, to

$50 for vocational vehicles, to $240 for heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans.

When Ackerman and Stanton (2011) analyzed the EPA’s original 2010 social cost

of carbon at $21 per ton, as well as several other models, they concluded an abatement

cost closer to $150 to $500 per short ton. Greene and Plotkin (2011) estimated the cost of

energy security at $33 per metric ton of CO2 and stated that adding a use cost of $50 to

$65 per metric ton of CO2 on electricity utilities and transportation sectors will drive

market reductions in GHG gases. Salisbury and Yuhnke (2011) estimated investment

costs to reduce CO2 at $61 to $92 per ton, depending on the project, while the avoided

cost of emission control measures were estimated at $1,000 to $5,000 per ton of NOx and


Global estimates for market prices per ton for carbon include (Hone, 2012; MSN,


 Australia AU$23 (US$24).

 European Union €8 (high of €30 in 2008; US$37 at 2012 conversion rate).

 Alberta Canada C$15 (US$15); British Columbia C$25 (US$25).

 California US$17; Northeast RGGI US$2-US$4 since 2008.

 UK £15.70 (US$24).

 Norway AU$22 equivalent (US$23).

 Sweden AU$100 equivalent (US$102).

 Switzerland AU$37 equivalent (US$38).

Difficulties in valuing a cost for CO2 or total GHG are due to the extensive size of the

problem and uncertainties in estimating benefits, level of reduction required, and impact

on the future (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

Land and Water

Extracting raw materials such as oil, natural gas, coal, or lithium without leaving

sustainable levels for the needs of future generations depletes environmental resources

(Jaramillo, 2007). However, NREL stated there is no immediate threat of lithium supply

to the growth of the EV market (Neubauer, 2011). According to Innes (2012), “lithium is

the 25th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust” (p. 7) and is not running out. In

addition, recycling lithium from batteries reduces additional mining (EPA, 2012d).

Surface mining of coal, then used for generating electricity, damages plant and

animal life (U.S. Department of the Interior [DOI], 1979). Underground mining risks

collapsing land surfaces. Toxins from mining leak into watersheds. Installation of wind

towers and solar panels may disrupt land use and animal life (Hopkins, 2010).

Oil spills contaminate land and water, even after costly cleanup efforts (Lovins &

Datta, 2006). Oil leaks contaminate groundwater. Solvents used in manufacturing some

lithium battery components are toxic to the environment, as is the disposal of certain

battery components (EPA, 2012d). However, unlike petroleum consumed as a fuel,

lithium is 98.0% recyclable and generally reused, which controls battery disposals.

Fracking, the process of forcing water, sand, and chemicals at high pressure into a

well to release natural gas, can cause micro earthquakes with evidence of increasing

magnitude and number from greater amounts of injected wastewater (U.S. Geological

Survey, 2012). Redistributing the large amounts of water used in fracking disrupts

aquatic life (DOI, 1979). Fracking processes also emit methane and other VOCs during

extraction (Brown, 2007). The EPA (2012e) is investigating impacts on drinking water

from the over 1,000 chemicals used in fracking. Nuclear energy for generating electricity

uses large amounts of water and discharges heavy metals, salts, and small amounts of

radioactive elements that affect aquatic life and radioactive waste in deep geological

facilities (EPA, 2013).

Regulations Related to Fleet Vehicles

Transportation fuel efficiency must improve 30.0% globally just to stabilize CO2

emission levels (Joint Transport Research Center, 2008). Corporate responsibility for

environmental issues evolved from reactive in the 1960s, to risk and cost avoidance in

1970s, to operational performance in 1980s, to lifecycle integrity in 1990s, to sustainable

development in 2000s, and to strategic advantage in 2010s (Fiksel, 2009). See Appendix

C, U.S. Environmental Regulations Affecting Fleet Trucks, for a chronological overview

of U.S. federal policies related to environmental issues from transportation fuels.


As of 2009, the EPA required GHG reporting by large emitters (EPA, 2012a).

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) require publically owned

companies to disclose risks of climate change from GHG effects (SEC, 2009). In

addition, 37 states mandate or suggest voluntary RPSs to increase the portion of

electricity generated from renewable sources to as much as 20.0% to 30.0% of total

electricity (EIA, 2012c).

Congress created the CAFE program in 1975 to increase fuel economy of cars and

light-duty trucks (NHTSA, 2010). The NHTSA sets standards for fuel economy and the

EPA calculates results by vehicle manufacturer. In 2011, CAFE standards expanded to

regulate fuel use by medium- and heavy-duty trucks. These standards phase in through

2016 at different dates and rates by fuel type and truck class. The new CAFE standards

will drive manufacturers to produce more fuel-efficient trucks, such as EVs (McMorrin et

al., 2012). NHTSA (2010) estimated that if EVs replaced one third of the U.S. truck

fleet, average fuel consumption would improve from 9.0 to 13.5 MPG, and GHG would

decrease by 33.0%. While CAFE regulates energy in operating vehicles, future

legislation may regulate emissions from generating energy as well (McMorrin et al.,



Traditionally, economic returns were often the sole focus in corporate decision-

making (Stubbs & Cocklin, 2008). Organizational and shareholder values aligned with

maximizing financial results while environmental and social issues primarily required

government regulations (Fiksel, 2009).


Holistic management argues that businesses operate for a higher purpose than

solely making money (Stubbs & Cocklin, 2008). Sustainable organizations track

performance using a TBL approach on environmental and social issues, as well as

economic profits. Short-term goals must balance with long-term commitments (Valenta,

2005). Upfront and operating costs are critical for budgeting even when a breakeven

point is less important under environmentally driven policies (Van Amburg & Pitkenen,


Nonetheless, Fiksel (2009) advises monitoring diminishing economic returns for a

cutoff in environmental and social spending since it is virtually impossible to eliminate

all risks. While encompassing environmental and social values, economic profits are still

critical for corporate sustainability and a crucial component in decision-making.

Deciding which financial ratios and models to use depends on the specifics of the

organization and decision variables.

Lifecycle Cost Analysis

Although upfront capital cost is critical to fleet operators for new vehicle

purchases, it is only one criterion for acquisition decision-making (Kilcarr, 2004).

Encompassing entire costs over each vehicle’s lifetime is a holistic approach. Lifecycle

costs provide appropriate economic analytics for comparing conventional vehicles with

alternative fueled vehicles.

Lifecycle cost analysis is an economic technique used in selecting the most

financially viable solution based on total costs over a project’s lifetime (Ashworth, 1989).

Difficulties in applying LCA include making proper estimates of an asset’s useful life,

component replacements, repair intervals and costs, discount rates, inflation rates, interest

rates, and taxes over the life of the asset. Lack of historical costs on new technology is an

issue. In addition, the effect of change in technology on the asset’s use is at risk; new

technology may replace the asset or components earlier than originally estimated.

Regardless of the best economical solution, social factors also affect decision-making.

ICEVs and EVs differ in cost structure in that EVs incur higher upfront costs, but

lower operating costs than ICEVs (McMorrin et al., 2012). LCA provides a common

measurement for comparing ICEV and EV costs, while also considering environmental

and social factors. Per PHH Arval (2012) survey of fleet operators, after duty

requirements for vehicle and cargo weight capacity, lifecycle issues were most important

in acquisition decision-making, as well as the capital cost, fuel economy, and

environmental impact of a vehicle. However, Toby (2011) warned that due to the

newness of EVs, some costs are unknown, such as lifetime maintenance, insurance, and

residual values. Beck (2009) argued for lower insurance costs on EVs due to on-board

communications providing appropriate driving measures, tracking systems reducing

threat of theft, safety features, reduced range providing more driver rest periods when

recharging, and reduced danger from lower amounts of on-board energy.

Capital costs. Upfront costs for fleet vehicles include costs for the vehicle itself;

any modifications to the vehicle, such as for CNG conversion; any additional components

to the vehicle, such as the battery for EVs; and infrastructure, such as refueling for CNG

or charging stations for EVs (Electrification Coalition, 2010; Johnson, 2010). Vehicle

costs vary greatly depending on class, size, weight, features, volume purchases, and

availability. Lease versus buy comparisons vary by company policy, company financial

structure, and financing options (Li & Ouyang, 2011). Environmental and social factors

are isolated or included as a component of capital costs (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Incremental costs of CNG equipment and conversion may range from $20,000 to

$50,000 for Class 4 to Class 7 trucks (Lyden, 2012). Hurst and Wheelock (2011) put this

cost closer to $10,000 per vehicle. Refueling infrastructure for CNG approximately

doubles that for EVs (Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.).

According to Smith Electric Vehicle, a 50-mile range EV truck cost $90,000

compared to a $60,000 diesel truck (Ramsey, 2011). Costs for EVs should decline as

volume production increases (Beck, 2009). Batteries are a significant cost of EVs.

CALSTART estimates average battery costs per kWh for EVs at $500-$600 by 2015,

$450 by 2020, and $300 by 2025 (Van Amburg & Pitkenen, 2012). However, Beck

(2009) noted a current wholesale cost of $300 per kWh. The Frost and Sullivan Research

Firm estimated battery replacement every four to five years at a cost of $7,000 to $10,000

for Class 6 to Class 8 hybrid trucks (Kar, 2011). Level 2 charging equipment costs

approximately $1,000 per station and installation costs approximately $2,500 - $6,000 for

one unit or $18,520 for 10 units (EPRI, 2011b).

Fuel costs. Fuel costs comprise the greatest portion of vehicle operating costs

(EPA, 2012a). McMorrin et al. (2012) identified major operating cost variables as

“vehicle taxes, subsidies (incentives), fuel and electricity use, battery lifetime, service

maintenance and repair, and length of ownership” (p. 5).

Petroleum. For the 20-year period from 1983 to 2002, crude oil prices were

relatively stable, averaging $20 per barrel, (World Bank, 2012). Since 2003, average oil

prices have more than tripled, reaching a high of $133 per barrel in July 2008. In

addition, prices were more volatile in the last 10 years. Oil prices averaged $101 per

barrel for December 2012. Figure 10 illustrates historical retail cost of gasoline and

diesel in dollars per gallon, including national average taxes, for 2003 to 2012.

Gasoline and Diesel Historical Prices

$3.00 Gasoline
$2.00 Diesel
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Figure 10. Gasoline and diesel historical retail cost per gallon in nominal dollars
(including taxes), 2003 – 2012. Created from EIA data, 2012d.

Historically, diesel and gasoline costs per gallon aligned; however, since 2007

diesel trended slightly higher than gasoline. Average annual increases over the 10-year

period were 12.7% for gasoline and 16.6% for diesel. Retail costs have more than

doubled since dropping in 2008.

Figure 11 illustrates forecasted retail cost of gasoline and diesel in dollars per

gallon, including taxes, from 2013 to 2024 per EIA (2013a).

$5.00 Gasoline and Diesel Forecasted Prices

$3.00 Diesel
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Figure 11. Gasoline and diesel forecasted retail cost per gallon in nominal dollars
(including taxes), 2013 – 2024. Created from EIA data, 2013a.

Although the forecast shows steady increases, gasoline and diesel costs are

subject to volatility, primarily due to the oligopoly control of oil and political uprisings

in the Middle East (Greene & Plotkin, 2011). The forecasted average annual increase is

2.6% for gasoline and 3.6% for diesel over the 12 years from 2013 to 2024 (EIA,

2013b). The forecasted retail prices in EIA’s 2013 Outlook Report declined from EIA’s

2012 Outlook Report by an annual average of 13.0% for gasoline and 11.5% for diesel

from 2013 to 2020.

Importing significant foreign oil creates an indirect social cost for the US.

Researchers at Oak Ridge estimate the cost of oil dependence to the U.S. economy for

combined wealth transfer and GDP losses (Davis et al., 2011). The cost of oil

dependence to the U.S. economy hit a high of $500 billion in 2008 before settling around

$300 billion in 2009 and 2010. Every $10 increase in the price per barrel of oil costs the

U.S. economy approximately $75 billion (EDTA, 2012a).

Compressed natural gas. Compressed natural gas generally costs less than half

the equivalent gallon of gas or diesel (EIA, 2012b). Although CNG costs historically

followed oil costs, they decoupled since new findings of natural gas in 2006 (Energy and

Environmental Consultants, 2012). Figure 12 illustrates historical industrial cost of

natural gas dollars per thousand cubic feet from 2003 to October 2012.

Natural Gas Historical Prices

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Figure 12. CNG historical industrial cost per thousand cubic feet in nominal dollars
(excluding taxes), 2003 – October 2012. Created from EIA data, 2012e.

This period shows fluctuations of over 300.0%, yet a fairly stable and downward

trend since 2010. Although prices declined an average of 3.1% annually over the 10-

year period, the average annual decline was 16.2% since hitting a high of $13.06 in mid-

2008. Costs in 2012 ended below those in 2003. Because of newfound reserves and

technologies, the US may operate as a net exporter of natural gas by 2016, further helping

to control CNG costs (EIA, 2012a).

Figure 13 illustrates forecasted industrial cost of CNG in dollars per thousand

cubic feet over the 12 years from 2013 to 2024 averaging 6.2% per annum.

Natural Gas Forecasted Prices

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Figure 13. CNG forecasted industrial cost per thousand cubic feet in nominal dollars
(excluding taxes), 2013 – 2024. Created from EIA data, 2013a.

Electricity. Historical electricity costs were relatively stable (EIA, 2012b). Uses

of electricity in the transportation sector include pipelines and light rail, while the

majority of truck fleet operators are in the commercial and industrial sectors (EIA, 1999).

Figure 14 illustrates historical costs of commercial and industrial electricity in cents per

kWh from 2003 to September 2012, per EIA (2012h). The average annual increase was

2.9% for the commercial sector and 3.5% for the industrial sector.

Electricity Historical Prices

$0.08 Commercial
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Figure 14. Electricity historical cost per kWh in nominal cents per kWh in nominal
dollars (including taxes), 2003 – September 2012. Created from EIA data, 2012h.

The average annual increase in electricity prices is 2.1% for commercial sector

and 2.3% for the industrial sector through 2024 per EIA (2013a). Figure 15 illustrates

forecasted costs in cents per kWh for 2013 to 2024.

Electricity Forecasted Prices

$0.08 Industrial
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Figure 15. Electricity historical cost per kWh in nominal cents per kWh in nominal
dollars (including taxes) 2013 – 2024. Created from EIA data, 2013a.

Maintenance costs. Scheduled preventive maintenance primarily includes tire

replacement for all vehicles and oil changes for vehicles with an ICE (NREL, 2002).

Additional planned costs are for inspections, tune-ups, transmission fluids, filters and

belts (Ramsey, 2011; Spitzley et al., 2004). Unscheduled maintenance may include costs

for road call service and for days out of service (NREL, 2002). Fleet managers should

consider historical records when estimating maintenance for new vehicles (NAFA, 2012).

Behind reliability, maintenance costs tied with fuel economy for the overall top

three priorities affecting buying decisions by fleet managers in a 2010 survey by Frost

and Sullivan (Kar, 2011). Mike Payette, Vice President for fleet operations at Staples,

estimated annual maintenance costs at $2,700 for their diesel trucks and $250 for their

electric trucks (Ramsey, 2011). Regenerative braking saves maintenance costs on EV

trucks compared to diesel trucks, lasting two to three times longer than on ICEVs (Beck,

2009). Maintenance on an eBox electric car was 8.0% that of a like-kind ICEV. In

addition, diesel trucks incur costs for exhaust cleaning, which EV trucks do not require

(Ramsey, 2011).

Per Automotive Fleet (2011), maintenance costs per mile for vehicles running less

than 24,000 miles per year approximate:

 full size van at $0.0042 for oil, $0.0042 for tires, and $0.0156 for unscheduled


 light-duty truck at $0.0043 for oil, $0.0116 for tires, and $0.0189 for unscheduled

repairs; and

 sport/utility vehicles at $0.0039 for oil, $0.0028 for tires, and $0.0066 for

unscheduled repairs.

Residual value. Residual value is a truck’s worth at a specific point in time of

use (Ramsey, 2011). Residual value declines over time and use and represents resale

value, if any, at end of useful life. Fleet managers showed minimal attention to residual

value when buying or reselling heavy-duty trucks, per a 2010 survey by Frost & Sullivan

(Kar, 2011). Residual values are uncertain due to their new technology and no

precedence on CNG or EVs (Ramsey, 2011). McMorrin et al. (2012) anticipated strong

demand for used EVs, which helps maintain a higher residual value than conventional

vehicles. Crist (2012) also argued for EVs having higher residual values due to less wear

on electric motors than on ICEs. However, others have argued that advancing

technologies will reduce residual values of current EV models as they become antiquated

(Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

EV batteries below 80.0% capacity lose capability for primary vehicle use (Toby,

2011). However, residual value of these batteries exists for use in vehicles with shorter

routes or in need of less power, in grid stabilization, for energy storage, or in building

applications. Furthermore, a truck body achieves greater residual value with a battery


Net present value. LCA requires a time value of money to net costs and benefits

for like comparisons of alternatives (Hanley & Spash, 2003). Future cash flows reduced

by the cost of money weigh less on current business decisions. Net present value (NPV)

represents the current worth of a future stream of cash flows (EPA & DOT, 2011). The

rate used in discounting the time value of money differs by organizations’ financial,

ownership, and risk structures; by organizations’ internal returns and opportunity costs;

and by external market rates and economic conditions over time (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

The White House Office of Management and Budgeting Circular A-4 recommends using

a discount rate of either 3.0% or 7.0% for federal projects, depending on term (EPA &

DOT, 2011).

Existing Models

Several models exemplify components of lifecycle costing. All of the models

include costs for initial vehicle, modifications, and additions to vehicle; operations; and

maintenance. Some consider refueling or recharging infrastructure costs while some

include residual value. Two of the models consider emissions, but do not address how to

evaluate decision-making. None addresses other quantitative or qualitative impacts from

environmental or social issues.

Argonne National Laboratory. DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne)

prepared a Lifecycle Analysis for Heavy Vehicles to evaluate the energy use and

emissions of various technologies of Class 8 trucks in 1998 (Gaines et al., 1998). The

increase in highway fuel used since 1973 was entirely due to trucking miles. The greatest

potential to decrease petroleum use and improve air quality was to find an alternative for

diesel fuel.

Class 8 trucks primarily serve long-haul highway routes (Gaines et al., 1998).

Argonne did not consider CNG or EVs due to the limited range these fuels provide. In

addition, bio-diesel lacks adequate supplies. Argonne did not consider the impact of fuel

wasted during idling. Emission assumptions were not definitive due to varying engine

design, operating conditions, and test procedures.

Argonne calculated and analyzed the lifecycle energy use and emissions of Class

8 trucks including production of vehicles, fuel processing, and operating fuel use.

Scenarios included various truck materials, truck designs, engine designs and operations,

and alternative fuels (Gaines et al., 1998). Argonne used its Greenhouse Gases,

Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model.

Argonne found that liquid natural gas (LNG) decreased petroleum use, but did not

save energy or decrease emissions (Gaines et al., 1998). Energy to produce vehicles was

negligible compared to energy used in operating fuel consumption. The most effective

means of decreasing GHG emissions from heavy-duty trucks was through improvements

in engine, drivetrain, aerodynamics, rolling resistance, and weight.

Idaho National Laboratory. DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

commissioned development of a Cost Benefit Analysis Modeling Tool for Electric vs.

ICE Airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE) to analyze economic payback and

emissions in 2007 (Morrow, Hochard, & Francfort, 2007). GSE includes baggage

trackers, belt loaders, and pushback tractors. Fuel costs are the highest operating cost of

ICE GSE. This model primarily benefits the airline industry and electric utilities.

The INL team collected data at four U.S. airports through onsite evaluation,

interviews, and review of existing data files (Morrow et al., 2007). The model includes

capital costs for purchase price, including battery pack; alteration costs to put in service;

and charging stations and installation costs. The model also includes expenses for fuel

costs and equipment and infrastructure maintenance, including battery replacement.

Users provided actual costs or assisted team members in developing detailed assumptions

through high-level data trees. The Federal Aviation Administration provided base

emission rates from an Emissions and Dispersion Model System. Other variables

included in this model were AC vs. DC systems, battery type, gas vs. diesel, equipment

life, equipment usage level, fuel rates, estimated costs escalation rates, weather, terrain,

and quantity of each equipment type. Assumed efficiency ratings were 85.0% on

conventional chargers and 90.0% on fast chargers.

The team ran sensitivity analyses on various scenarios for each of the four airports

(Morrow et al., 2007). INL found that equipment with the highest use and lower capital

costs had the quickest payback period for the incremental cost of electric GSEs. Capital

costs for electric GSE were high due to small production runs by equipment

manufacturers, while operating costs were very low. Proper sizing of the battery pack

was important in controlling capital costs. Slow chargers proved less flexible than fast


National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Model 1. The DOE’s NREL

prepared a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology in 2006

(Simpson, 2006). NREL compared costs and benefits of PHEV, HEV, and ICEV based

on personal urban and highway miles driven in a mid-size sedan. NREL focused on the

incremental costs of PHEVs relative to reduced petroleum use.

PHEVs offer flexibility in running initial miles on all electric with liquid fuel used

only after exhausting electric charge (Simpson, 2006). PHEVs require greater battery

size and life, which increases initial costs. NREL’s model did not consider the

economics of tax incentives; reduced petroleum use on air pollution, GHG emissions, or

energy security; reduced maintenance; less time at gas stations and home charging

convenience; improved acceleration; green branding; or opportunities from battery

storage such as back up generation or V2G services. NREL acknowledged financial

benefits of battery leasing, but excluded them from the model.


NREL’s analysis covered cumulative economic costs over the vehicle lives

(Simpson, 2006). Costs included vehicle purchase costs and energy fuel costs. Break-

even in years occurred when the cumulative cost of the ICEV exceeded that of the PHEV.

The only benefit identified was the reduction in petroleum use.

Significant influential variables on cumulative cost included battery costs, fuel

costs, vehicle performances, and driving habits (Simpson, 2006). PHEVs with 20 miles

of battery range reduced petroleum use over 45.0%. PHEVs will viably replace ICEVs

when battery costs decline and/or petroleum costs increase.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Model 2. NREL created the Vehicle

and Infrastructure Cash-Flow Evaluation (VICE) model to review the potential viability

of CNG vehicles for fleets (Johnson, 2010). Johnson (2010) used the VICE model for

testing CNG in municipal fleets focused on improving quality of life for residents. CNGs

refueling at a central station ideally support circular routes of transit buses, school buses,

and refuse trucks. The model included capital costs, operating and maintenance costs,

and salvage costs at end of useful life.

The VICE model measures cash flow over the life of vehicles on a most probable

use base case and under various scenarios to test the impact of variables on NPV, as well

as on rate of return (ROR) and payback period (PP; Johnson, 2010). If the discounted

future cost savings exceed the current capital costs, the NPV is positive and the scenario

is financial feasible. ROR is the sum of discounted future cost savings divided by the

current capital costs. When ROR exceeds expected results for current capital costs spent

on alternative projects or rates at which the organization may borrow funds, the scenario

is financially viable. PP is the point at which the cumulative sum of discounted future

cost savings equals the current capital costs. When this period exceeds an expected or

standard period, the scenario is financially viable.

NREL concluded that transit or refuse fleets with more than 75 units generally are

resiliently profitable when diesel exceeds $2.25 per gallon and/or vehicle miles driven

exceed 26,000 per year (Johnson, 2010). Marginally profitable fleets were those of

school buses driven over 10,000 miles per year and transit and refuse with more than 30

but less than 75 units. CNG was not profitable for fleets with low annual fuel use, access

to low cost diesel, or a need for extensive CNG vehicle or infrastructure costs.

CALSTART E-Truck Task Force. CALSTART created its E-Truck Task Force

(E-TTF) to survey U.S. fleet operators, vehicle manufacturers, and suppliers regarding

EV barriers and needs; further define issues; conduct research; and develop an “E-TTF

Business Case Calculator” for determining EV payback (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).

The E-TTF included actual manufacturer data, fleet data, and fleet performance feedback.

The calculator is a tool for fleet operators to analyze their specific applications in

replacing ICEV with EV trucks.

The E-TTF’s analysis was the most economically comprehensive model found

(Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). However, it did not include battery leasing or V2G

options. Variables included were:

 Vehicle data - number of units, life, class, and daily range.

 ICEV and EV - capital cost, maintenance cost per mile, and escalation rates.

 ICEV - fuel rate per gallon.


 EV - charging power in kW, electricity costs per kWh, demand charges per kW,

infrastructure costs, electrical service upgrade cost per kW, load management

software cost, and contingency cost per vehicle.

 Battery – cost per kWh, size per kWh, and end of life value.

 Financial – cost of capital and incentives.

The model then calculates the incremental cost of EVs, payback period with and without

incentives, return on investment, and net present value. The E-TTF also provides

planning guidelines for fleet operators by size of fleet.

The E-TTF found that vehicle cost and daily energy use most significantly

affected results (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Benefits were valued in gallons of

petroleum saved per day. EV trucks were viable when driven the maximum miles per

day and days per week.

Center for Sustainable Systems. The University of Michigan sponsored an

Automotive Life Cycle Economics and Replacement Intervals study on the implications

of maintenance costs on consumer decision-making for replacing a passenger car

(Spitzley et al., 2004). The study considered the costs of a new automobile against the

increase in annual operating costs for maintenance, repairs, and insurance. Various

scenarios considered included diversified driving patterns. Although the study showed

the optimal replacement period for a passenger car as nearly 18 years, the authors

recognized owner desires for earlier replacements. The study acknowledged the impact

of energy and emissions by referral only.

NAFA. NAFA developed a Lifecycle Cost Analysis model to assist fleet

managers in financial decision-making for type of vehicle to purchase, replacement


timing, alternative fuel options, financing options, and outsourcing services (NAFA,

2012). NAFA’s LCA covers costs for net acquisition, fixed variables, operations,

personal use, and total lifecycle. Fleet data required prior to LCA include target months

in service, target replacement mileage, expected mileage per month, adjusted months in

service, daily mileage, annual/monthly interest rate, lease management fee, depreciation

rate, fuel cost per gallon, estimated personal use, cost of loaner vehicle, and insurance


NAFA (2012) acknowledged that costs differ by location. It warned of estimation

risks, particularly for the future of alternative fuels. Although many sources are available

for estimating ICEV maintenance costs, resale values, and so forth, alternative fuel

vehicles lack historical costs for accurate estimates. Every assumption carries risks and

opportunities to plan for changes, making documentation and sensitivity analysis

important. NAFA cautioned that older vehicles might cost more in maintenance, as well

as deflate driver morale and damage corporate image.

NAFA (2012) discussed the intangible advantages and disadvantages of HEVs to

include in an LCA decision. Advantages include fuel savings, reduced CO2 emissions,

improved organization image, higher resale values, and potential tax incentives.

Disadvantages include higher upfront cost, limited availability, higher insurance costs,

uncertain maintenance and repair costs, and potential safety issues.

The Climate Group. The Climate Group (TCG) developed a duty cycle and

whole life costs model to assist fleet decision makers (McMorrin et al., 2012). TCG

discussed battery-leasing opportunities to reduce upfront costs and risks, but did not

include them in its model. The TCG model included a Fleet Carbon Reduction Tool

(FCRT) that estimates carbon reductions for alternatives, but did not explain any impact

on the whole life cost results.

Inputs for the FCRT include vehicle type (e.g., passenger car, van, etc.), base and

increased mileage per day, average speed, urban or delivery cycle, current and estimated

future energy prices, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance costs, purchase costs,

charging time scenarios, estimated residual values, and other cost differentials (McMorrin

et al., 2012). The model calculates whole life cost differences from an ICE to an EV over

three, five, and seven years without including a cost of capital. The TCG model found

that company cars and urban cycle driving after five years were more profitable for EVs.


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)

acknowledged the impact of GHG emissions by developed countries on developing

countries. Although responsibilities and capabilities for environmental improvements

differ by country, all countries must cooperate to achieve change. Strategies should

promote research and consider economic and social responses. Corporate social

responsibility includes environmental impacts, cost reductions from energy efficiencies,

and legislative compliance for carbon reductions (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Stubbs and Cocklin (2008) identified points in considering social issues for

holistic management as:

 Understand stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

 Educate and communicate to stakeholders.

 Implement stakeholder consultation program.

 Obtain buy-in from internal and external stakeholders.


 Avoid prioritizing shareholder expectations above stakeholder benefits.

 Align stakeholder expectations.

Acknowledging social stakeholders means that corporations emitting GHG in developed

countries are accountable to people in developing countries for harsher effects due to

higher poverty levels and land loss from climate change (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

Developed countries should conserve use of common pooled resources, such as the

global supply of oil, for developing countries in per capita proportions (Spitzley et al.,

2004). In addition, current generations must be responsible for their actions to future

generations (Hanley & Spash, 2003).


Safety risks related to oil drilling include fire or explosion from heavily

combustible material use (Zeiger, 2013). Methane emitted from extracting natural gas

and coal is highly combustible (Moseman, 2010). Dangers to miners in mining for coal

used in electricity generation include rock falls, tunnel collapses, or firedamp explosions

(Walter, 2012).

Safety is a primary concern for fleet operators (Kar, 2011). Innovation in

trucking technologies improves safety, efficiencies, and profitability (NPTC, n.d.). Risk-

management tools include “electronic logs, onboard electronic recorders, tools to prevent

speeding and recording engine data” (NPTC, n.d., p. 21).

Health and Welfare

As of 2009, the EPA acknowledged that:

GHGs are the primary driver of climate change, which can lead to hotter,
longer heat waves that threaten the health of the sick, poor or elderly;
increases in ground-level ozone pollution linked to asthma and other

respiratory illnesses; as well as other threats to the health and welfare of

Americans. (Milbourn, 2009, p. 1)

In its Framework for Air, Climate, and Energy Research Program, the EPA (2011)

warned of “… serious health and environmental challenges from air pollution and the

growing effects of climate change, both of which are intricately linked with current and

future energy options” (p. 2). Negative impacts from climate change on the environment

also threaten people’s livelihoods and welfare. Health impacts in the US related to air

pollution are estimated at “30,000 deaths, 330,000 hospital admissions, and 6.6 million

asthma attacks” per year (Lovins and Datta, 2006, p. 269).

A study of 34 Chinese cities showed that health impacts were better from EVs

than from ICEVs (Ji et al., 2011). Exhaust from ICEVs is smelly and toxic, putting

human health at risk (EPA & DOT, 2011). Long-term exposure to certain GHG affects

respiratory and cardiovascular systems, low birth rate, infant mortality, and cancer and

other toxic diseases.

Lead acid batteries used with ICE contain the most toxic metal (Beck, 2009).

Nickel used in hybrid batteries is more toxic than lithium used in EV batteries. While the

U.S. recycling rate for lead acid batteries is 98.0%, the expected recycling rate for more

valuable lithium approaches 100.0%.

EVs are not without health impacts. Production of components used in some EV

batteries involves occupational hazards from toxins in certain metals, chemistries, and

solvents (EPA, 2012d). EPA recommendations include reducing use of nickel and cobalt

metals, reducing all metal mass, using recycled battery components in the production of

new batteries, using a solvent-less manufacturing process, reducing energy use in

manufacturing, and improving product manufacturing efficiencies. In addition, wind


turbines used in generating electricity for charging EVs increase noise levels, obstruct

views, and create a strobe effect from shadow movements (Hopkins, 2010). Intermittent

supply of wind creates planning and use issues.

Fleet managers included safety, comfort and convenience, and driving experience

as distinguishing characteristics for vehicle buying decisions in a survey by Frost and

Sullivan (Kar, 2011). Truck drivers’ health, wellness, and well-being issues relate to the

vehicle cabin as a workplace. Factors identified in the survey for affecting the mind were

mood, stress levels, mental health, and sense of connectivity, optimism, attitude, security,

and safety. Factors affecting the soul were personal values, personal fulfillment, self-

image, and self-actualization. Factors affecting the body were sight, touch, smell, noise,

temperature, and wellness.

Drivers of EV trucks noted the vehicles were extremely pleasant to drive due to

the quiet, smooth, and relaxing ride from an electric motor compared to ICE (McMorrin

et al., 2012). NREL (2002) found that drivers and fleet personnel preferred EVs for

operations, although additional training was required for drivers and mechanics.

Additional social benefits of EVs include positive customer perception on corporate

branding. One stress factor related to EVs is range anxiety, a condition of drivers

concerned with running out of power prior to reaching a charging station (CAR, 2011).


Proper job training promotes health and safety, as well as maximizing product

efficiency and return on investment (McMorrin, et al., 2012). Driver training is

particularly important for new technologies, such as in EV trucks. New areas for training

include proper driving techniques to maximize benefits of EVs, handling range issues for

refueling, and recharging policies for where and when to refuel.

Risk, Cost, Benefit Analysis

The first publically documented use of CBA in the US was in 1808 by the DOT

for water-related projects (Hanley & Spash, 2003). The U.S. Army Corp of Engineering

often used CBA to justify return on public spending for large projects, particularly

through the 1930’s and 1940’s. Budget Circular A-47 (A-47) issued in 1952 by the U.S.

Bureau of the Budget set conservative standards and procedures for project analysis prior

to Congressional vote (Hufschmidt, 2011). However, rescinded in 1962, A-4 primarily

emphasized economic benefits and overlooked secondary qualitative benefits. Individual

agencies adopted procedures that included secondary benefits specific to local

development. Various corporations and academics explored broader socioeconomic

issues for CBA in the 1950s and 1960s, including consumer issues, opportunity costs, and

environmental objectives. In addition, flexible discount rates and life terms represented

specific project factors.

According to Hanley & Spash (2003), CBA covers “defining the project,

identifying and quantifying impacts, calculating monetary valuation, discounting,

weighing, and sensitivity analysis” (p. 8). CBA provides a primarily quantitative view of

alternatives, while considering qualitative factors as well. Challenges to CBA include

making appropriate estimations, determining and applying all internal and external

variables, balancing historical impacts with potential future factors, and appropriately

weighing variables. Additional challenges in CBA for environmental factors include


“irreversibility, ecosystem complexity, institutional capture, and sustainability

considerations” (Hanley & Spash, 2003, p. 168).

Risk management has history in social development and war strategies (Bernstein,

1996). While considering historical events, risk analysis focuses on future possibilities

rather than mirroring the past. Risk analysis includes understanding and measuring risks,

and weighing consequences. Risk management implements actions to turn risks into

opportunities for growth and development and refines choices of alternatives for rational



Research for this study provided a myriad of data on the environmental,

economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits related to petroleum, CNG, or electric

operated fleet trucks and vans. Each fuel type comprised advantages and disadvantages

so that no one fuel type presented a perfect solution for fleets. EVs and battery

technologies continue to improve and support potential growth of EV trucks and vans for

fleet operations.

In several surveys, fleet managers stated the importance of acquiring vehicles

appropriate for the job and managing costs while improving the environment. However,

no existing models provided a holistic approach for making alternative fueled vehicle

decisions. The model in this study considers lifecycle costs with a triple bottom-line

approach to assist fleet managers in making appropriate vehicle and fuel choices.


Analyzing the risks, costs, and benefits of the environmental, economic, and

social factors of electric vehicle (EV) fleet trucks compared to petroleum and compressed

natural gas (CNG) fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles (ICEVs) required an

exploratory approach, primarily due to the novelty of EVs and the rise in environmental

responsibilities of fleet operators. Existing studies of EVs have primarily assessed

engineering innovation, while studies of greenhouse gases (GHG) have primarily

examined scientific environmental effects, and cost-benefit studies have generally

analyzed purely economic results. This study provided a holistic approach to analyze the

environmental, economic, and social factors in decision-making of fleet truck

acquisitions for EVs compared to petroleum and CNG ICEVs.

Research Design

This exploratory research used a case study approach of three fleet operators

under a mixed method design. Studying the qualitative and quantitative environmental,

economic, and social factors related to EVs compared to petroleum and CNG ICEVs

included analyzing their risks, costs, and benefits. The mixed method design measured

qualitative data from interviews with the participants’ fleet managers and quantitative

data from the participants’ fleet and financial information, as well as from literature and

third party sources. Finally, the data provided input for a cost template to assist in

vehicle acquisition decision-making.

Yin (2009) asserted that a case study is an empirical research method taking a

quantitative or qualitative approach. Qualitative research explores a phenomenon for

deep meaning and case studies are commonly practice-oriented (Creswell, 2007; Dul &

Hak, 2008). A study could follow a quantitative-only method using data from published

sources. However, using actual fleet operator data added credibility and reliability to this

study. Adding qualitative data provided a deeper analysis of the nonquantifiable factors.

Interviewing fleet operators added practical information, provided a richer understanding

of industry factors, and lent further credibility to results through triangulation of

literature, third-party data, and empirical data.

A case study makes an in-depth investigation of a contemporary phenomenon of

an individual unit, or common group of units, within their natural environment (Yin,

2009). Case studies require intensive analysis of the many variables through

triangulation of multiple sources of evidence. The holistic approach of a case study finds

meaningful characteristics in real life situations. A researcher performs in an engaging

manner, yet takes care not to influence behavior in the case.

In a case study, the research focuses more on current than historical events.

Exploring alternative perspectives provides sufficient evidence (Yin, 2009). An

exploratory type of case study is useful in subsequent research (Hancock & Algozzine,

2006; Yin, 2009). This study provides an empirical template for research expansion as

technologies evolve for EVs, batteries, vehicle-to-grid (V2G), and other advanced fuel

types, and as understanding and measuring advances of the effects of GHG.

Where an instrumental design focuses on a single case in order to understand a

theory or problem, this exploratory study used an intrinsic design to focus on the case

itself as a specific situation in order to prepare the model for use by other fleet operators.

Through a questionnaire, this study examined each fleet operator’s perspective on


acquisitions, costs, and environmental and social responsibilities. Combining the

participants’ data provided input for the base case lifecycle cost template.

Processes for case studies include extensive data collection and holistic analysis

of the entire case (Creswell, 2007). This study involved vast amounts of data collected

from the participants, fleet industry associations, manufacturers, suppliers, government,

and other third party published documents. The risks, costs, and benefits analysis of the

environmental, economic, and social factors of EVs, petroleum-fueled ICEVs, and CNG-

fueled ICEVs provided a holistic view for vehicle acquisitions. Sensitivity analysis

explored alternative perspectives.

Reporting research findings includes a thorough description of the case and a

synthesis of information into related themes, meaningful findings, and lessons learned

(Creswell, 2007; Hancock & Algozzine, 2006). Due to vast information, in-depth

analysis, and subjective findings, Hancock and Algozzine (2006) noted the importance of

confirming findings before issuing a final report. This study confirmed reported results

through internal and external data collection, analysis, and confirmation of findings with

the participants and industry experts.

Challenges of case studies include determining what case or cases to study,

deciding the number of cases, researching availability of in-depth information, and

creating specific boundaries of space and time for the cases (Creswell, 2007). This case

study explored three established and experienced fleet operators in-depth and confirmed

findings with other operators. Research included extensive data collection from myriad

of sources, using the most current data available and extrapolating or prorating when only

historical references were available.


The researcher compiled data from participants, literature, manufacturers,

suppliers, and market data into a cost-benefit analysis (CBA). Hanley and Spash (2003)

defined costs as negative impacts from a project and benefits as positive impacts. Risks

measured potential future costs by probability and severity. The lifecycle cost analysis

(LCA) calculated lifecycle costs for assets, operating expenses, interest expense, and

income tax benefits on a net present value (NPV). Including acquisition costs precluded

the need for depreciation expense. Environmental costs included GHG costs per ton.

The researcher identified and weighed social costs and benefits as well.


The population from which to select participants for this case study consisted of

private fleet operators of commercial trucks and vans in the United States (US). For

practical EV analysis, participant selection considered fleets that operated trucks

regionally, generally drove less than 100 miles per day, and garaged at a central location.

The researcher selected three participants with differing duty cycles and operations.


Appendix D, Top 300 Fleet Operators in the US, summarizes data on the largest

300 fleet operators of cars and trucks published by Automotive Fleet (2012). The

researcher selected two participants from this group based on professional experience

with the fleets and knowledge of the fleet’s alternative fuel interests. The researcher

selected the third participant to represent a smaller fleet operator. The participants had

varying experiences with alternative fuels. The researcher believed the participants

generally represented the population of fleet operators in vehicle duties, operations, and

decision-making processes.

Access and Relationship

The researcher had limited business relationships with the fleet managers of the

two larger participants. As an external, nonowner corporate board member of the third

participant, the researcher was familiar with this participant’s businesses, operations, and

cultures. The participants’ experience with the researcher provided them confidence in

the researcher’s interests and professionalism. The researcher and participants

communicated well and held mutual respect for each other, recognizing each other’s

priorities and timelines. The participants acknowledged the benefit from the research for

their organizations, as well as for the fleet industry.

Privacy Protection

The researcher assured the fleet managers of confidentiality of all organizational

data and interview responses. The researcher has all paper and electronic documents

from participants kept in locked files. The researcher will not identify participant data by

name or description without the participant’s approval.


Fleet Data Request

The researcher created a data request list included as Appendix E, Fleet Data

Request. Participants provided fleet data by vehicle type and duty cycles. The researcher

reviewed participants’ documented actual and estimated costs for reliability, validity,

origin, and propriety for use in the study.


As a follow-up to the data request, the researcher provided participant fleet

managers with interview questions included as Appendix F, Participant Interview


Questions. The interview document included short synopses on environmental,

economic, and social issues to provide participants context for the research. This in-

depth interview further explored the participants’ fleet operations, qualitative

perspectives, and expectations for fuel alternatives. Questions covered participants’

views on probability, severity, and responsibilities for the environmental, economic, and

social risks, costs, and benefits related to fleet information.

Lifecycle Cost Analysis Template

The researcher collected costs and other financial data from participants,

literature, manufacturers, suppliers, and other third parties. The researcher created

Microsoft Excel templates and input data to calculate the NPV lifecycle costs of

petroleum ICEVs, CNG ICEVs, and EVs based on combined participant data. The

detailed templates are included as Appendices I and J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis

Assumptions for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks, respectively.

Risk, Cost, Benefit Analysis Model

The researcher identified and collected supporting valuations for the risks, costs,

and benefits of the environmental, economic, and social factors of petroleum ICEVs,

CNG ICEVs, and EVs. Sources for this information include the fleet participants,

literature, manufacturers, suppliers, and other third parties. The researcher summarized

the environmental, economic, and social factors in Tables 35, 36, and 37, respectively.

Each table includes risk, cost, and benefit categories valued quantitatively by fuel type.

The researcher then calculated an overall rating by fuel type in each table.


Hanley and Spash (2003) provided structure for a CBA in eight stages, or steps.

The researcher broadened these steps to include risk evaluation in addition to costs and

benefits for this study. In addition to gathering quantitative data, tasks included obtaining

qualitative information through interviews with participants. Notes include results for

completed tasks for each step below.

A researcher’s personal experience or beliefs regarding a study, participant, or

data can create bias (Hancock & Algozzine, 2006). Hanley and Spash (2003) warned of

biased estimates of value resulting from strategic bias, design bias, mental account bias,

and hypothetical market error. A researcher needs to bracket out, or set aside, personal

views to avoid tainting the findings (Creswell, 2007).

Validity issues under a case study approach include adequately defining the

project, making sound assertions, providing a sense of story, obtaining sufficient raw

data, and triangulating observations (Creswell, 2007). The researcher takes the role and

view as an advisor, acting reflectively. Studies are quality tested for thorough data

collection, appropriate framing and approach, use of single focus, adequate detail

methods, appropriate and complete analysis, persuasive writing, accurate history, and

ethical procedures.

Figure 16 summarizes the flow of Hanley and Spash’s (2003) eight steps for

performing a cost benefit analysis as related to this study. These procedures included the

researcher creating templates for fleet data request, interview questions for fleet

managers, NPV for LCA, and final risk, cost, benefit analysis. Fleet operator

participants, vendors/suppliers, and lessors provided input data. The final analyses tested

whether EVs were environmentally, economically, and socially viable.

Flow of Procedures to Test Hypotheses

Researcher Fleet Operator Vendors Lessor

1a. Define
problem 4b
fleet data
1b. Define 4c.
purpose Develop
Fleet data
statement NPV

1c. Develop 4d. Sort and Vehicle,

hypothesis analyze data supply
1d. Create
4f. Input
research 4e
questions 5a.
6a. Set 5b
2a. Perform interview
discount questions
lit review
7a, 7b. risk, cost, Interview
2b. Select
Apply net benefit data
value template
2c, 2d, 2e.
Identify 5d. Assess Research Research
8a. Modify
risks, costs, risks and data data
benefits benefits

3a. Identify 8b. Identify 8c. Input

relevant critical risk, costs,
data variables benefit data

8d. Analyze
risks, costs,

Are EVs
No environmental-
ly viable?

Are EVs
Null hypothesis is true No economically


No Are EVs
socially viable?


Hypothesis is true

Figure 16. Flow chart of processes used in testing hypothesis summarizes the flow of
Hanley and Spash’s (2003) eight steps for performing a cost benefit analysis.

Step 1: Define the Project

Parameters of a study begin with determining the known aspects of the project

being analyzed (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

1a. Define problem statement. The study’s problem statement was “How can

EV trucks be a viable alternative to fossil-fueled trucks in fleet operations?”

1b. Define purpose statement. The study’s purpose statement was “Provide a

holistic approach to EV purchase decision-making.”

1c. Develop hypothesis. The researcher’s hypothesis was that under certain

conditions, EVs are a viable alternative to fossil-fueled trucks.

1d. Create research questions. The study’s research questions were:

1. What are the environmental risks, costs, and benefits of EVs compared to fossil-

fueled vehicles?

2. What are the economic risks, costs, and benefits of EVs compared to fossil


3. What are the social risks, costs, and benefits of EVs compared to fossil-fueled


Step 2: Identify Project Impacts

Exploring the impact of all resources used, impact on people, and impact from

additions and displacements to the environment determines the magnitude of the project

(Hanley & Spash, 2003). The literature, researcher’s experience and knowledge,

participant data and interviews, and third party information facilitated in identifying

project impacts. Identifying data for project impact by type, source, method, and scope

supported data collection and valuation.


Type refers to how data is collected, regardless of who prepares it (Siegel, 2003).

The researcher controls and obtains primary data, whereas third parties such as other

researchers, government agencies, or corporations collect and report secondary data.

Source refers to who prepares data, regardless of how the data is collected. Scope

determines the emphasis placed on data for consideration in valuing and is assessed based

on immediacy of impact, extent of impact, strength of estimable amounts, and level of

importance to fleet managers.

However, identifying the project impacts is more important than categorizing

them. Some of the data applied to more than one category (e.g., the decreasing supply of

petroleum has environmental, economic, and social impacts), in which case the

researcher attempted to classify in the most pervasive category on a consistent basis.

Issues may be listed in more than one category where consideration for diverse

implications exist (e.g., GHG have a relatively minor economic impact based on current

market trading prices and have a potentially significant environmental impact based on

unknown effects of climate change). The absence of a negative issue did not constitute a

benefit (e.g., the absence of noise made by a petroleum vehicle was not a benefit of an

EV). Listing the same issue as negative in one segment and as a benefit in another

segment duplicates measuring the impact. For this study, the research questions framed

the project impacts.

2a. Perform literature review. The researcher obtained articles on the issues of

economic, energy, environment, fleet operations, and fuel relevant to parameters

determined in Step 1; perused articles and noted relevant facts; researched relevant data

issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S.


Environmental Protection Agency, and related agencies; and reviewed fleet industry

websites and periodicals for relevant data.

2b. Select fleet operators for participating in case study. Appendix D provides

the Top 300 commercial fleet operators in the US as reported by Automotive Fleet

(2012). Other sources, such as fleet industry associations, professional knowledge, and

web searches, from which to select smaller fleets may be used. Based on business

experience, knowledge, and relationships, the researcher performed a purposive selection

of three fleet operators that fairly represented the population, were willing to participate,

and were accessible for the study. The researcher contacted fleet managers by email and

phone, explaining the study, requesting their participation, and assuring them

confidentiality of any information received. The researcher perused participant websites

and press releases for corporate vision and mission statements, strategies on alternative

vehicles, extent of company’s environmental and social causes, and any experience with

alternative fuels.

The participants represented the food and beverage and manufacturing industries.

One company ranked in the top 20 U.S. fleets by size, one in the middle of the ranking by

size, and one was too small for the list. In total, the three companies managed over

38,000 trucks and vans in the US.

Steps 2c through 2e identify data for environmental, economic, and social risks,

costs, and benefits for EVs, petroleum ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs. Data categorization

included type, source, method, and scope as defined above in the Step 2 introduction.

Again, primary data type included data prepared by researcher for this study and

secondary data type referred to data obtained from a third party that was previously

prepared for other purposes. Scope referred to value placed on data determined by its

impact. Tables 10, 11, and 12 list the risks, costs, and benefits issues generally related to

more than one vehicle type first and then for issues specific to a vehicle type.

2c. Identify the environmental risks, costs, and benefits for EVs, petroleum

ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs. Table 10 categorizes environmental data by type, source,

method, and scope.

Table 10

Data Related to Research Question 1 (What are the environmental risks, costs, and
benefits of EVs compared to fossil-fueled vehicles?)

Data Type Source Method Scope

Risks GHG Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Climate, Secondary Literature Documented Less
Runoff Secondary Literature Historic Less
Supply Secondary Literature Estimated Greater
Costs GHG Secondary Publications Calculated Greater
Specific to Petroleum
Risks Other air Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Spills, leaks Secondary Literature Historic Less
Specific to Electric
Risks Lithium use Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Nuclear leaks Secondary Literature Historic Less
Supply of coal Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Benefits Renewable Secondary Literature Estimated Less
energy storage
Support grid Secondary Literature Estimated Less

2d. Identify the economic risks, costs, and benefits for EVs, petroleum

ICEVs, and CNG ICEVs. Table 11 categorizes economic data by type, source, method,

and scope. Incentives include federal, state, or municipal government rebates or tax

credits provided for using alternative fuels.

Table 11

Data Related to Research Question 2 (What are the economic risks, costs, and benefits of
EVs compared to fossil-fueled vehicles?)

Data Type Source Method Scope

Risks Fuel prices Secondary Literature Estimated Greater
Lease costs Secondary Literature Estimated Greater
Political Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Costs Equipment Primary Manufacturers Documented Greater
Incentives Secondary Governments Documented Greater
Distribution Primary; Suppliers; Documented; Greater
Primary Participants Documented
Lease terms Primary Lessors Estimated Greater
Fuel price Secondary Participants; Averaged Greater
Mileage Primary Participants Calculated Greater
Maintenance Primary; Participants; Historical; Greater
Secondary Literature Estimated
Discount rate Secondary Participants Estimated Less
Residual value Primary; Participants; Estimated Less
Secondary Literature
Useful life Primary Participants Estimated Less
Specific to CNG
Costs Conversion Primary Participants Historic Greater
Specific to Electric
Risks Capacity Secondary Literature Historic; Greater
Highway fuel tax Secondary Literature Estimated Less
Range, load Secondary Literature Estimated Greater
Costs Battery Primary Manufacturers Documented Less
Benefits Grid stabilization Secondary Utilities Estimated Less
Off peak revenue Secondary Literature Estimated Less

2e. Identify the social risks, costs, and benefits for EVs, petroleum ICEVs,

and CNG ICEVs. Table 12 categorizes social data by type, source, method, and scope.

Table 12

Data Related to Research Question 3 (What are the social risks, costs, and benefits of
EVs compared to fossil-fueled vehicles?)

Data Type Source Method Scope

Risks Vehicle safety Secondary Literature Historic Less
Health Secondary Literature Historic Less
Costs Refueling time Primary; Participants; Calculated Less
Secondary Literature Calculated
Driver Secondary Literature Historic Less
Specific to Petroleum
Costs Noise, smell Secondary Literature Historic Less
Sharing common Secondary Literature Estimated Less
pool resources
Specific to Petroleum
Costs Training Primary Participants Calculated Less
Benefits Grid reliability Primary Participants Estimated Less

Step 3: Identify Which Impacts are Economically Relevant

Environmental and social impacts are relevant in CBA and decision-making

(Hanley & Spash, 2003).

3a. Determine which data are quantifiable and relevant to fleet operators. In

addition to specific cost data, the researcher determined which risks and benefits were

estimable based on probability and severity. GHG were included in environmental costs

as estimation for CO2 cost per ton. Other potentially quantifiable risk and benefit data

included renewable energy storage, spills/leaks, highway fuel tax, fuel prices, training,

deaths, and health. Although off-peak revenue from growth of EVs was potentially

quantifiable, it is a benefit to utility companies rather than fleet operators and therefore

was not included.


Step 4: Quantify Relevant Impacts

Quantifying cost and benefit flows not readily specified requires estimation using

probabilities and expected values (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

4a. Develop participant fleet data request. The researcher compiled a list of

quantitative data required from participants in a Microsoft Excel file with a requested due

date. See Appendix E for the study’s Fleet Data Request.

4b. Submit data request to participants. The researcher emailed the Fleet Data

Request as outlined in Appendix E to fleet managers, and answered questions to clarify

issues from participants.

4c. Develop LCA templates in Excel. The researcher input data for fleet duty

cycle, including number of units, average daily miles, days operated per week, weeks

operated per year, and vehicle average useful life into templates created in Microsoft

Excel as Appendices I and J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 and Class

6 Trucks, respectively. For each fuel type, the researcher developed costs for acquisitions

of vehicles and related equipment, conversions, incentives, residual values, fuel,

maintenance, property tax, and interest. In addition, income tax benefits included

expenses for asset depreciation, operations, and interest, multiplied by an average

corporate tax rate.

4d. Sort and analyze participant fleet data. After objectively observing,

analyzing, and interpreting fleet data so as not to influence the feasibility analysis, the

researcher aggregated data subject to confidentiality between participant and researcher

and valued accordingly to avoid revealing participant or disclosing proprietary data. The

researcher then compared data from literature, study participant, and third party sources;

compared data between fuel types for completeness, accuracy, and valuation; and

determined appropriate value by averaging. Ignoring any outlier data outside of a

reasonable range of other data, the researcher consolidated participant fleet data and

sorted by the duty cycle independent variables that met minimal criteria of EVs. Figure

17 illustrates the researcher’s model for sorting variables from the fleet duty cycle for

potential EV qualification.

fleet data

Sort by
Class 1
to 7 data

Sort by fuel Petro

type data

< 100
Sort by
miles / day

Sort by Central EV
garage garage buy
location data potential

Calculate > 5,000

hours / hours
year data

Map for EV lease

ISO/RTO potential

Figure 17. Model to sort participant fleet data for EV criteria.

4e. Obtain manufacturer and supplier costs. The researcher contacted dealers

and manufacturers for sales prices of electric, petroleum, and CNG vehicles; obtained

supporting documentation with vehicle specifications and prices; and discussed any

variation in pricing for volume purchases for fleet operators, documenting all information

in a field notebook. The researcher contacted suppliers for sales prices of battery

charging equipment by charging levels and CNG refueling stations, and obtained

supporting documentation.

4f. Input relevant data in LCA templates. The researcher input data in

appropriate cells of the templates in Appendices I and J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis

Assumptions for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks, respectively, verifying input for propriety

and reviewing calculations for reasonableness.

Step 5: Value Relevant Effects

Valuing impacts in a common measure allows for appropriate comparisons

between variables (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

5a. Develop participant interview questions. The researcher determined

qualitative data required from participants and created objective interview questions for

fleet managers to avoid bias. Such questions explored the participants’ experience and

strategies for alternative fueled vehicles, value that the organization placed on alternative

fuels, the organization’s funding and ancillary revenue strategies, and the fleet managers’

views on probability and severity of environmental, economic, and social risks. The

researcher considered issues that potentially improve environmental and social quality as

benefits, and those that potentially reduce quality as a risk. The researcher included a

cover letter and introductory information to each section, numbering questions

sequentially. See Appendix F for the study’s Participant Interview Questions.

5b. Interview participants. Two participants completed the interview questions

independently and emailed to researcher. The researcher followed up with the third

participant to ask the fleet manager the interview questions included in Appendix F,

Participant Interview Questions, by phone. The researcher took notes and asked

additional probing or clarifying questions as appropriate.

5c. Develop risk, cost, benefit model. The researcher developed a matrix for

analyzing each of the environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits of

petroleum, CNG, and EVs.

5d. Assess risks and benefits. The researcher averaged participant fleet

managers’ responses for each risk by quantifying “Low” responses as 1, “Medium”

responses as 2, and “High” responses as “3.” Multiplying the numeric probability by the

numeric severity produced one value for each risk. The researcher assigned this number

to each applicable fuel type and summed the total assigned values by fuel type.

This study attempted to value environmental and social impacts within a range of

reasonable economic valuations. Some qualitative valuations may not be specifically

quantified, but still have economic relevance. For example, social costs from air

pollutants include impact on health and welfare, which have significant costs that are not

reasonably estimable.

Step 6: Discount Cost and Benefit Flows

Converting cost and benefit flows into present value provides comparable

valuation of variables over space and time (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

6a. Determine appropriate discount rate. The discount rate for NPV of the

LCA may be specific to an organization representing cost of capital when financed by

any combination of debt or equity, or a set hurdle rate when deciding between investment

opportunities. Alternatively, industry averaging uses a current external economic rate.


The researcher considered vehicle useful life, macroeconomic and financial market

conditions, industry standards, risks, and other market factors.

Step 7: Apply Net Value

Netting present value of costs and benefits provides comparable data between

alternatives (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

7a. Determine formula for calculating NPV. The formula for the LCA adds the

vehicle acquisition costs, conversion costs, battery costs, and battery replacement costs;

less incentives and residual values; less the present value of operating costs and interest

expenses over the vehicle useful life, less the present value of income tax benefits.

Equation 1 represents the NPV of the LCA calculation:

1 5, 10 1 12 ∑ (C + F - T) t
NPV = AC + BR RV +
1+i 1+i t =0 (1 + i )t

NPV Net present value of cash inflows less cash outflows.
AC Acquisition costs including vehicle, conversions, batteries, and fuel
equipment; less incentives
BR Battery replacement cost
RV Residual value
N Useful life of vehicle in years
C Relevant operating costs
F Interest expense
T Income tax benefit
t Year
i Discount rate (1)

Net present value formula represents the vehicle acquisition costs, less incentives, plus

the present value of battery replacement costs, less the present value of residual values,

less present value of operating costs and interest expense, plus the present value of

income tax benefits. This formula assumes battery replacement every five years and a

vehicle useful of 12 years.

7b. Apply NPV formula. The researcher applied the NPV formula in the LCA

templates from Appendices I and J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 and

Class 6 Trucks, respectively, pulling data from input cells. The researcher reviewed

results for reasonableness and tested for accuracy.

Step 8: Compute Sensitivity Analysis

Testing NPV in the LCA results by changing variable amounts and timing to

determine most sensitive variables and potential alternative outcomes illustrates

parameters for impact of variables (Hanley & Spash, 2003).

8a. Modify values for variables within reasonable ranges. This study includes

ability for sensitivity analysis in the lifecycle cost templates from Appendices I and J,

Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks, respectively. The

researcher tested several scenarios by increasing and decreasing each variable by 10.0%,

then reviewed and noted the effect on the NPV after each isolated change. The primary

variables to test for sensitivity to NPV in this study included daily miles driven, on-site

versus off-site fueling, number of vehicles, kWh per mile per ton, battery costs and life,

charger costs, fuel costs, discount rate, and mileage rate.

8b. Identify which variables create the greatest change in NPV by fuel type.

The researcher assessed which variable changes had the greatest impact on NPV and

identified these as critical data. The researcher summarized the range of variables and

impact on the NPV in the LCA, analyzing various scenarios.


8c. Input data in the risk, cost, and benefit model. The researcher input

variables in the matrices for the environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and

benefits by petroleum, CNG, and EVs.

8d. Assess total risks, costs, and benefits by fuel type. Based on values given

for risks, benefits, and costs, the researcher determined which scenarios balance the least

amount of risk, least NPV cost, and greatest benefits. The researcher compared scenarios

from the sensitivity analyses and identified under what scenarios that EVs produced a

balance of lower risks, lower costs, and greater benefits than petroleum or CNG vehicles.

Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations

Generalization applies results of one group to the entire theoretical population

(Dul & Hak, 2008). Generalizability issues in this case study could occur from specifics

on any one of the fleet participants. Inferential research allows for generalization by

extending beyond the specific group (Hancock & Algozzine, 2006). Yin (2009) argued

that case studies may consider generalizing. Researchers must carefully consider case

study results for applying to the general population, in this case, to all fleet operators.

Obtaining actual data from a group of participants allowed for triangulation of

data from specific fleets, literature, and other third parties. The researcher selected

participants that appeared to represent the population of fleet operators. The researcher

took care in interpreting data for objectivity and generalization. Participants, third

parties, and the researcher’s experience validated data.

Assumptions in the LCA models included:

 Fuel costs increase in the future.

 V2G is viably operational.


 Lessors exist for EV leasing or fuel contracting.

 Right sizing battery for duty cycle and upgraded to nearest 10kWh for

manufacturers’ standard sizing.

 Level 2 chargers are adequate for fleet operators.

 Upgrades to electric infrastructure are available at reasonable costs.

 Federal regulations extend incentives for alternative fueled vehicles and fueling


Further assumptions in the risk, cost, and benefit models included:

 Natural gas is not sustainable.

 GHG emissions are bad and have an associated cost.

 Changes to earth’s structure are bad.

 Storage of renewable energy is available on EV batteries.

 Increases in renewable energy sources will meet increased demand in electricity

from population growth and EV use.

 Charging EVs at night uses excess electricity rather than requiring additional

generation of electricity.

 Foreign countries providing oil continue as a national threat to the US.

 Political pressure artificially reduces gas prices in the US.

 ICEVs mileage continues to improve.

 Petroleum, CNG, and EVs have equal safety issues in sourcing and distribution.

 Demand for oil increases in developing countries.

The model excludes assumptions for highway or road tax for EVs and findings of

significant new sources of easily extractable oil.


Lifecycle cost analysis covers initial, recurring, and end costs (Ashworth, 1989).

Measuring in NPV provides a clean and simple comparison of initial and future cash

outlays among alternatives for decision-making. Other financial measures, such as return

on investment or payback period, view only the incremental cost of alternatives as an

investment and the incremental savings as the return. Generally, commercial fleet trucks

are part of an organization’s operations and therefore classified as operating assets with

operating costs, as opposed to investments with returns. In addition, viewing only a

portion of the acquisition and operating costs does not provide a complete analysis.

Reducing the numerator and denominator could distort the return rate as not being

comparable to an internal hurdle rate. Alternatively, analyzing the total risks, costs, and

benefits for environmental, economic, and social issues provides a holistic view with

qualitative and quantitative implications.

Collecting data across alternative vehicle types and from various sources in

various regions on a similar time period was challenging in this study. The researcher

attempted to normalize costs across time, space, and sources. Extensive variables such as

vehicle class, miles driven, routes, number of stops, geography, weather, road conditions,

local utility rates, and so forth created many scenarios for analyzing. The study analyzed

a number of scenarios that represented a significant portion of fleet profiles.


This exploratory case study applied a mixed method approach. The research used

an intrinsic analysis to avoid bias and generalization risks. Processing the extensive data

collection included triangulation and critical review for validity, objectivity, and


Instrumentation included data requests and interviews with the three fleet

operators. Data verification included triangulation with literature and third party

information. Quantifying environmental, economic, and social risks used average

probability and severity ratings by participants. The LCA templates included known and

estimable costs in a quantitative approach. Each benefit counted as one without weighing

individual impact. The final model was a summary of risks, costs, and benefits of

environmental, economic, and social issues with petroleum, CNG, and EVs for decision-


Although this study attempted to quantify risks and benefits, they are subject to

broad interpretation. Each fleet operator must assess risks and benefits specific to their

organization, goals, industry, and timing. Due to differentiation of risks and benefits,

decision-making should include qualitative assessments as well.



This exploratory case study used a mixed method design of qualitative and

quantitative data for holistic analysis. Qualitative data from participants included the

companies’ profile on use of alternative fuels and the fleet managers’ input on the

environmental, economic, and social risks of petroleum, compressed natural gas (CNG),

and electric vehicles (EVs). Quantitative data from participants covered the companies’

fleet truck data and duty cycles in creating a lifecycle cost analysis (LCA).

This chapter includes summaries of participants’ qualitative and quantitative data,

averaged or estimated costs from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or suppliers,

and findings from the analyses. The LCA covered multiple scenarios for effect on net

present value (NPV) of lifecycle costs by fuel type. The researcher’s interpretation of the

analyses provided meaning for significant changes to the NPV for each scenario. The

summary of findings includes the risk, cost, benefits analyses for environmental,

economic, and social factors.

Research Questions

The problem studied in this research was the environmental, economic, and social

risks, costs, and benefits of fleet trucks fueled by petroleum, CNG, and electrically

charged batteries. As presented in Chapter One, the research questions addressed in this

study were:

1. What are the environmental risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to

fossil-fueled trucks?

2. What are the economic risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to fossil-

fueled trucks?

3. What are the social risks, costs, and benefits of EV trucks compared to fossil-

fueled trucks?

The hypothesis of this study was that EVs are an environmentally, economically, and

socially viable alternative to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) for commercial

fleets of trucks and vans.

Presentation of Results

Participants in the study were three companies, which operated internal truck

fleets for distribution of proprietary goods. Based on sales and territory covered, one

participant was a large company, one a medium-sized company, and one a small

company. Two of the participant companies were in the food and beverage distribution

business and one was a manufacturing company. One participant company was

experimenting with EVs, another with CNG, and the third with hybrid vehicles. The fleet

managers of the participant companies had varying degrees of experience with alternative

fuels, from one with extensive knowledge of EVs, one with minimal experience of

alternative fuels, and the third with virtually no experience with alternative fuels.

The researcher summarized qualitative data with paraphrasing to limit

identification of participant companies. One participant provided answers orally through

telecommunications while the researcher noted responses as planned in the Methodology

chapter; however, the other two participants wrote their answers to the interview

questions at their convenience and submitted to the researcher by e-mail. For quantitative

data, one participant company provided a profile on each fleet vehicle, including long

haul, off-road, and inactive vehicles, which the researcher sorted out. One participant

provided fleet data in averages per truck gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) class as

defined by the United States (U.S.) Department of Transportation (DOT). The third

participant provided data on a sample of its fleet trucks. For reference, Table 13

summarizes truck classes per DOT ratings as previously detailed in Table 2.

Table 13

GVWR for Truck Classes

Class Weight in Pounds

1 < 6,001
2 6,001 to 10,000
3 10,001 to 14,000
4 14,001 to 16,000
5 16,001 to 19,500
6 19,501 to 26,000
7 26,001 to 33,000
8 >33,000

Note. Adopted from Davis et al., 2011.

Qualitative data analyses included quantifying participant responses to identified

risks, calculating a risk factor for each, and assigning the risk factor to each vehicle type.

Quantitative data analyses used a NPV of lifecycle costs for acquisition, operations, and

disposition of vehicles fueled by petroleum, CNG, and electricity. Analyses

interpretation includes a summary of the environmental, economic, and social risks,

costs, and benefits of the various vehicles.

Qualitative Data

The researcher segmented qualitative data from the participant interviews by

overview, environmental, economic, and social questions. The overview section

provided an understanding of participants’ experience with alternative vehicles. General

questions included response choices of “Not at all,” “Somewhat,” or “Highly,” or choices

of “Low,” “Medium,” or “High.”


The environmental, economic, and social segments primarily gained input from

the participant fleet managers on assessing risks identified in Tables 10 to 12. Risk

measures consist of probability and severity (Alexander & Marshall, 2006; Aven, 2011;

Bernstein, 1996; Haimes, 2009). Risk questions in this study asked participants to rate

both the probability and severity as “Low,” “Medium,” or “High” for each

environmental, economic, and social risk identified by the researcher or added by the



One of the three participants had strong EV experience. That company’s internal

analysis proved EVs as an economically viable replacement for larger diesel trucks,

primarily due to their lower gas mileage. However, EVs are currently limited to trucks

driven less than approximately 100 miles per day due to battery capacity and weight

constraints. The company set goals at 50.0% of Class 6 trucks as EVs and 50.0% of

Classe7 and Class 8 trucks using CNG by the year 2020. The remaining smaller trucks

continue to use diesel fuel. Although the company charges EVs on-site, it is researching

whether to fuel CNG on-site, as well. Although the company finds vehicle-to-grid (V2G)

interesting, they do not plan to manage internally.

Another participant plans to test CNG-fueled trucks in early 2013. That

company’s concern with EVs resulted from the significant number of large trucks in its

fleet driven over 100 miles per day. The third participant considers replacing its fleet

with smaller or hybrid vehicles. All participants consider leasing for each truck

acquisition, but two generally buy due to the current low cost of capital or high mileage

penalties on leases. Only one participant disclosed its internal cost of capital, which

ranged from 6.0% to 12.0%.

Although the participants identified economics as the primary decision driver for

alternative fuel use, each included environmental reasons as well, primarily reducing

carbon footprint and global warming. Acknowledging the current debate on global

warming, one participant found EVs an easy solution for change. Branding benefits of

alternative fuel use included customer perception for one participant, while another

participant used branding in truck acquisition decisions in case of an economic tie.


All participants felt similarly that companies using petroleum or CNG are

“Somewhat” financially accountable for any negative environmental effects and that

taxpayers should share “Somewhat” in future costs. Participants expressed

environmental concerns as:

 “Must do something and do it rationally” (Company A, 2012, p. 4).

 “Climate change is directly related to the use of petroleum & by-products, so the

natural progression into alternative fuels is necessary. Further & faster adoption

will (occur) once the barrier costs are reduced” (Company B, 2012, p. 4).

 “Reliance on foreign sourced fuels (petroleum, natural gas), coupled with the

effects of both must be considered when discussing and funding research into

CNG and electric sources. In the long term, having additional sources and

methods of utilizing those sources will become more important” (Company C,

2012, p. 4).

Participants rated negative effects from climate or topography as “Low” or

“Medium” for petroleum and CNG. One participant noted that although extreme cold

negatively affects EVs, speeds in excess of 35 MPH, and steep grades, through

discussions with manufacturers, they anticipate technology improvements over the next

24 months to correct these issues. Table 14 summarizes each participant’s and the

average of participants’ responses to environmental risks, quantifying each risk as 1 for

“Low,” 2 for “Medium,” and 3 for “High.”

Table 14

Probability and Severity Ratings for Environmental Risks (per Company A, B, and C)

Probability Severity
Risks A B C Ave A AveB C
Climate change from greenhouse
2.0 3.0 2.0 2.3 1.5 3.0 2.0 2.2
Other air pollutants 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5
Raw material sourcing
Oil 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Coal 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.3
Lithium dnk 3.0 3.0 3.0 Dnk 3.0 3.0 3.0
Disposal of oil 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Disposal of lithium 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.7
Oil spills and leaks 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0
Rainwater runoff 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Nuclear leaks 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.7
Comments: “Issues are more a matter of when, than if, for oil and nuclear” (Company
A, 2012)

Note. Dnk = do not know. Scale based on 1.0 = Low, 2.0 = Medium, and 3.0 = High.

As shown in Table 14, on a scale of one being “Low,” participants’ ratings as

“High” probability and severity of risk were the sourcing and disposing of lithium.

Individual participant ratings of “High” for probability of risk were climate change from

greenhouse gases (GHG) and sourcing of oil and for severity of risk were climate change

from GHG and oil leaks. Results from averaging participant ratings for “High”

probability of risk were climate change from GHG, sourcing of oil, and sourcing of

lithium, and for “High” severity of risk, climate change from GHG and sourcing of

lithium. Average ratings of “Low” for probability and severity of risk were rainwater

runoff, and “Low” for only severity of risk was disposing oil.


Two participants indicated willingness to pay over $0.7500 per mile for the

benefits of EV and one indicated willingness to pay over $0.7500 per mile for CNG. One

participant disclosed an internal return rate on investments ranging from 6.0% to 12.0%;

the other two participants could not disclose their expected rate of return. The economic

comments from participants included:

 “Economics drive the EV decision, which will improve over time. Acceptance is

increasing. We are near tipping point with gas prices increasing, military turmoil,

and carbon at lower rate of change” (Company A, 2012, p. 5).

 “They are the driving force of adoption, the ROI & NPV must be in alignment

with the cost of capital, or we will not adopt” (Company B, 2012, p. 5).

 “These sources “fuel” American enterprise—we must find and utilize US-based

alternatives to both increase American jobs and reduce or eliminate the

dependence on foreign sourced fuels” (Company C, 2012, p. 5).

Table 15 summarizes each participant’s and the average of participants’ responses

to economic risks, quantifying the risks as previously explained under the Qualitative

Data heading.

Table 15

Probability and Severity Ratings for Economic Risks (per Company A, B, and C)

Probability Severity
Risks A B C Ave A B C Ave
Capacity of electric grid to support
growth of EVs 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.3
Highway fuel tax added to electric
prices for EVs 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0
Electricity price increase 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.3 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.3
Ability for EVs to handle range
and weight loads 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.7 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.3
Oil price increase 2.5 2.0 2.0 2.2 1.5 3.0 2.0 2.2
Political issues with OPEC 2.5 1.0 3.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.3
CNG prices increase 2.7 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.7
Interest rate increase 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0
Political pressure to artificially
reduce petro pricing 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

Note. OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Scale based on 1.0 = Low, 2.0 =
Medium, and 3.0 = High.

As shown in Table 15, on a scale of 1.0 being “Low,” individual participant

ratings of “High” for probability of risk were electricity capacity for growth of EVs,

electricity price increases, political issues with the Organization for Petroleum Exporting

Countries (OPEC), and interest rate increases. Participant ratings of “High” for severity

of risk were increases in electricity costs for highway fuel tax, EVs’ capability of range

and weight loads, oil price increases, political issues with OPEC, and interest rate

increases. Results from averaging participant ratings produced the “Highest” probability

of risk for electricity price increases and the “Highest” severity of risk for EVs’ capability

of range and weight loads, and political issues with OPEC. However, the participant with

the most EV experience rated the probability and severity of risks for EVs’ capability of

range and weight loads as “Low.”



Participants’ overall feelings regarding the importance of the social issues from

petroleum, CNG, and EVs included:

 “Low importance. Politically, (U.S. use of oil) is moronic and embarrassing as a

civilization” (Company A, 2012, p. 6).

 “Reduction of energy usage should be a top priority of all” (Company B, 2012, p.


 “As we become more aware of the possibilities of alternative fuels, politicians and

business leaders will have to respond with actual implementation of meaningful

replacements to traditional fossil fuel solutions currently used” (Company C,

2012, p. 6).

Table 16 summarizes each participant’s and the average of responses to social

risks, quantifying the risks as previously explained under the Qualitative Data heading.

Table 16

Probability and Severity Ratings for Social Risks (per Company A, B, and C)

Probability Severity
Risks A B C Ave A B C Ave
Safety of EVs 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Safety of petroleum 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.7 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.7
Safety of CNG 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.3
Developing countries’ demand
greater share of oil supply 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.7

Note. Scale based on 1.0 = Low, 2.0 = Medium, and 3.0 = High.

As shown in Table 16, on a scale of 1.0 being “Low,” individual participant

ratings of “High” for probability of risk were safety of EVs and developing countries

demanding greater share of oil supply, and for severity were safety of CNG and

developing countries’ demanding greater share of oil supply. On average, the highest

ratings for probability of risk were developing countries demanding greater share of oil

supply and for severity of risk was CNG safety. On average, rating for severity of risk

was “Low” for EV safety.

Quantitative Data

The researcher consolidated quantitative data from participants to avoid

identification and maintain confidentiality of the individual fleet participant companies.

Table 17 summarizes the total number of all three participants’ fleet trucks and illustrates

the potential for replacement by EV trucks, filtered according to Figure 17 in Chapter


Table 17

Participants’ Trucks Potentially Eligible for Replacement by EV Trucks

% of % of
EV Truck Filter Units Prior Total
Total trucks 21,467 100.0% 100.0%
Class 1 to 7 active 19,916 92.8% 92.8%
Petroleum-fueled 19,816 99.5% 92.3%
Drive < 100 miles / day 19,561 98.7% 91.1%
Centrally garaged 19,561 100.0% 91.1%
Operate < 60 hours/week 17,711 90.5% 82.5%
ISO/RTO state 12,211 68.9% 56.9%

Note. ISO = Independent System Operator and RTO = Regional Transmission Organization.

First, sorting all 21,467 trucks by GVWR class and active status eliminated the

Class 8 or inactive trucks from the data, as shown in Table 17. Class 8 trucks, generally

used for long haul of heavily weighted goods, are not viable for EVs primarily due to the

limited range of EVs (Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012). Second, the researcher filtered

out trucks already using an alternative fuel to focus the study on replacing existing fossil-

fueled trucks. The participants used fossil fuels for 19,816 trucks, all but 100 of the Class

1 to Class 7 trucks. Third, the researcher filtered the remaining trucks by annual miles to

eliminate those driven over 100 miles per day due to the limited range for EVs (Amburg

& Pitkanen, 2012). The researcher conservatively excluded trucks from the participant

data that exceeded 26,000 miles annually, or 83 miles daily (26,000 / 52 weeks / six

workdays per week). The participant companies drove 19,561 trucks, nearly 99.0% of

their fossil-fueled Class 1 to Class 7 active trucks, less than 83 miles per day. These

trucks are potential candidates for replacement by EV trucks for operators wishing to

purchase or lease trucks without using for V2G ancillary services.

Trucks used for V2G ancillary services required further filtering. Consolidation

of fleet trucks enables leveraging V2G opportunities (Gartner & Wheelock, 2011).

Participants centrally garaged all their trucks driven less than 83 miles per day when not

in operation. Battery lessors leveraging V2G opportunities require lessees to plug in EV

trucks for over 5,000 hr per year, per conversation with Fleet Energy Company

executives. The researcher conservatively excluded the remaining trucks that operated

over 60 hr per week (24 hr per day multiplied by 365 days per year equals 8,760 hr per

year, minus the sum of 60 hr operating and five hr unplugged per week multiplied by 52

weeks, minus 4 hr per year for maintenance equals 5,376 hr available for charging). The

participating companies operated 17,711 trucks, or over 90.0% of the qualifying units,

less than 60 hr per week.

For EV leasing options at the time of this study, lessors preferred trucks located in

states using an Independent System Operator (ISO) or Regional Transmission


Organization (RTO) to regulate electricity flow on the grid per discussion with Fleet

Energy Company executives. ISOs and RTOs contract more readily for V2G services

than do utility companies do. Industry experts expect utilities in other states eventually to

adapt contracting for V2G regulation services (Beck, 2009). The researcher only

included participant trucks in states covered all or mostly by an ISO or RTO per the

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (2013). See Appendix G, Regional

Transmission Organizations Map, for states operating with an ISO or RTO as of

December 2012.

The remaining 12,211 trucks, or nearly 57.0% of the original total trucks, which

met the filtering criteria in Table 17, were potential candidates for EV leasing. The

conservative estimates for annual miles and operating hours per week, and exclusion of

trucks in states only partially covered by and ISO/RTO, probably underestimated this

final number of trucks through the filter. However, additional factors potentially limiting

candidacy for EVs include extremely cold temperatures, road grade, and lack of adequate

electricity infrastructure (DOT, DOE, & EPA, 2002; EV Propulsion, 2011). Although

participants did not include such details in the data, the researcher estimated these factors

to have a limited impact on the totals, as the U.S. population is minimal in areas of

extreme cold or road inclines (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012b). In addition, utilities are

building out electricity infrastructure for grid stabilization, population growth, and to

support renewable energy sources (Roush, 2012).

The researcher limited the analysis to the 12,211 trucks located in the ISO/RTO

states to isolate the data to those units with revenue opportunities from grid regulation

using V2G technologies on EVs. Table 18 summarizes the data for participants’ trucks

eligible for EV replacement by class. The researcher averaged truck weight for each

class from the range of weights listed by the DOT as summarized in Table 13 since

participants did not report individual truck weight. Participants reported operating time

on average rather than by individual truck or truck class.

Table 18

Summary of Participant Fleet Truck Data

Number Miles per Weight

of Units Gallon a Day a Truck b Cargo a
Class 1 0 0.0 0 6,000 0
Class 2 43 16.6 49 8,001 2,000
Class 3 9,682 20.0 38 12,001 4,000
Class 4 1 8.9 38 15,001 4,425
Class 5 0 0.0 0 17,751 0
Class 6 2,287 6.0 38 22,751 8,045
Class 7 199 6.7 28 29,501 15,079
12,211 17.1 38 15,858 4,931

Hours per day a 10

Days per week 6
Weeks per year a 52
Weighted average of participant data
Mean average of GVW range from DOT ratings

Class 3 trucks comprised 79.3% and Class 6 trucks comprised 18.7% of the total

trucks in Table 18. The participant trucks averaged 17.1 miles per gallon (MPG) overall,

20.0 MPG for Class 3, and 6.0 MPG for Class 6. Miles per day were relatively similar

regardless of truck class. Cargo weight increased with each class. Participants operated

their trucks an average of 3,120 hr per year based on a weighted average of 10 hr per day,

six days per week, and 52 weeks per year.


Annual maintenance cost per fossil-fueled vehicle was $2,341 from one

participant, $1,812 from the second participant, and not reported by the third participant.

Participants indicated an average vehicle life of 12 to 15 years, although one participant

reported extending replacement period due to an economic downturn. The average age of

all three participants’ truck portfolios was already 11 years, three to five years older than

an expected average for a portfolio of trucks bought over a 12 to 15 year period.


The analyses included measuring the risks, costs, and benefits of the

environmental, economic, and social issues for petroleum, CNG and EVs. The researcher

identified risks from literature review. Participants qualitatively assessed the risk levels

and the researcher quantified as explained in the following paragraphs. Sources for cost

data included literature review, OEMs, suppliers, and participants quantitative input. The

researcher identified benefits from the literature review and participant qualitative input.

Risk analysis consists of measuring the probability and severity of an unknown

event or adverse effect qualitatively or quantitatively (Alexander & Marshall, 2006;

Aven, 2011; Bernstein, 1996; Haimes, 2009). Bernstein (1996) described probability as

the degree of belief, opinion, or “gut view” (p. 49). However, he noted there is no precise

risk measurement method due to uncertainty and subjectivity. According to Haimes

(2009), “Any (risk) model should be as simple as possible and as complex as needed to

answer the expected questions” (p. 1649). Bernstein (1996) cautioned that appropriate

risk management balances quantitative analysis with intuition. Quantifying risks includes

assigning a subjective, knowledge-based value to probability and severity (Aven, 2011).

Creating a risk matrix consists of valuing probabilities and severity for each risk,

multiplying these values for each risk, and then comparing the products of all risks

(Alexander & Marshall, 2006).

Participants rated each risk probability and severity as “Low,” “Medium,” or

“High,” and the researcher assigned a value of 1, 2, or 3, respectively. The researcher

created a risk factor for each risk by multiplying the average of the participants’

responses for probability by the average of the participants’ responses for severity. Risk

factors ranged from 1.0 (probability of 1.0 multiplied by severity of 1.0) to 9.0

(probability of 3.0 multiplied by severity of 3.0). The researcher assigned the risk factors

to each applicable fuel type then totaled the risk factors for each fuel to obtain one overall

risk factor for environmental risks, one for economic risks, and one for social risks for

each fuel type in this study. However, the results of this simple quantification process

may not always reflect the risk tolerance for each fleet operator. Fleet operators should

assess and compare the total risks by fuel alternative in accordance with their

organization’s specific situations and tolerances over time.

Environmental costs measure GHG by a tax per ton of carbon dioxide (CO2; EIA,

2011). The researcher calculated a CO2 tax per ton per mile for each fuel type. The

environmental costs used the national average for energy sources of electricity generation

per Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne; 2012). Costs for economic analysis

included a NPV of lifecycle costs for vehicle and equipment acquisition, operations, and

disposition. Scenarios for economic costs varied key data such as miles per day, off-site

fueling, number of vehicles, acquisition and fuel costs, and energy capacity. Due to the

nature of social costs being broadly subjective and uncertain, the researcher weighed the

social costs in total rather than specifically quantifying each identifiable cost.

Benefits in the study were more subjective than risks and not specifically

quantifiable. The researcher weighed the benefits qualitatively in total for each fuel type.

Subjective valuations differ by fleet operator and over time.


Environmental risks. Table 19 illustrates the identified environmental risk

factors by fuel type. Alexander and Marshall (2006) discussed quantifying qualitative

data for comparison. The researcher quantified the average probability and average

severity rated as “Low,” “Medium,” or “High” by participants as 1, 2, or 3, respectively.

Risk factor is the product of the average probability and the average severity ratings by

the three participants. The researcher then assigned each risk factor to applicable fuel


Table 19

Environmental Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type

Average Average Risk Applicable Fuel Type

Risks Probability Severity Factor Petro CNG EV
Climate change from GHG 2.3 2.2 5.1 5.1 5.1
Other air pollutants 2.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0
Raw material sourcing:
Oil 2.3 2.0 4.6 4.6
Coal 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7
Lithium 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0
Disposal of oil 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.3
Disposal of lithium 2.0 1.7 3.4 3.4
Oil spills and leaks 1.3 2.0 2.6 2.6
Rainwater runoff 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Nuclear leaks 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.2
Total 17.6 9.1 16.3

Note. Scale based on 1.0 = Low to 9.0 = High.


As shown in Table 19, on a scale of 1.0 being “Low,” the highest environmental

risk factor was raw material sourcing of lithium for EVs. “Medium” environmental risk

factors included climate change from GHG for petroleum- and CNG -fueled vehicles, and

raw material sourcing of oil for petroleum-fueled vehicles. In total, environmental risk

was lowest for CNG and highest for petroleum. Environmental risk was lowest for EVs

when excluding the effect of sourcing lithium.

Environmental costs. Environmental costs include cleanup and prevention

(Hanley & Spash, 2003). These costs are difficult to estimate since damages from GHG

are not readily detectable, measurable, or reparable. Although several GHGs emissions

occur in the sourcing, transporting, processing, distribution, and consumption of energy

sources, this study uses only CO2 emissions for costing. As discussed in Chapter Two,

Literature Review, estimates for CO2 costs per ton ranged from $21 to $500.

Table 20 compares GHG by fuel type at a CO2 cost of $100 per ton using

participants’ average data for 10 diesel units of Class 3 trucks at 20 MPG and Class 6

trucks at 6 MPG, both driven 38 miles per day, six days per week, over a 12-year life.

EV miles per kilowatt-hour (kWh) came from calculating manufacturers’ specifications

as detailed in Appendices I and J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 and

Class 6 trucks, respectively. The researcher used national averages from Argonne’s

(2012) GREET model to calculate CO2 pounds per mile for gasoline, diesel, and CNG

based on diesel MPG. Carbon Emissions by Power Control Area in Appendix B

produced the national average of 1.3555 pounds of CO2 per kWh used to calculate pounds

per mile for EV trucks. The researcher discounted future GHG costs at 5.0% market rate

for NPV.

Table 20

NPV of GHG Cost by Fuel Type for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks

Gasoline Diesel CNG EV

Miles per year 11,856
Number of vehicles a 10
Life of vehicle in years 12
Discount rate 5.0%
CO2 cost per ton c $100.00
Class 3:
Miles per fuel unit a 20.00 1.84
CO2 pounds per mile 1.4156 1.2142 1.1337 0.74
NPV lifecycle cost $74,378 $63,796 $59,566 $38,707
Truck NPV cost per year $620 $532 $496 $323
NPV cost per mile $0.0523 $0.0449 $0.0418 $0.0272
Class 6:
Miles per fuel unit a 6.00 1.22
CO2 pounds per mile 4.7187 4.0474 3.7791 1.1111
NPV lifecycle cost $247,927 $212,656 $198,559 $58,379
Truck NPV cost per year $2,066 $1,772 $1,655 $486
NPV cost per mile $0.1743 $0.1495 $0.1396 $0.0410

a Participant data average for diesel; manufacturer data for EV miles per fuel unit in LCA.
b Market data per LCA.
c Approximated from Literature Review.
d Per GREET model for gasoline, diesel, and CNG (Argonne, 2012).
National average of 1.3555 pounds per kWh for EV from Appendix B (EPA, 2012f).

The researcher used Class 2 light-duty truck data as the heaviest truck option in

the GREET model at diesel 17.64 MPG and prorated to 20 and 6 MPG for Class 3 and

Class 6, respectively, for the calculations in Table 20. For both Class 3 and Class 6

trucks, diesel CO2 pounds and costs per mile were approximately 14.2% less than

gasoline, and CNG CO2 pounds and costs per mile were approximately 19.9% less than

gasoline. Diesel and CNG percentage difference from gasoline did not differ between

Class 3 and Class 6 since their fuel units represent gasoline gallon equivalents. Class 3

EV truck CO2 pounds and costs per mile were approximately 48.0% less than CO2

pounds and costs per mile for gasoline, and Class 6 EV truck CO2 pounds and costs per

mile were approximately 76.5% less than those for gasoline were. The difference

between Class 3 and Class 6 EV truck CO2 pounds per mile reflects the difference in

miles per kWh, which results primarily from the difference in GVW of approximately 6

tons for Class 3 and 9 tons for Class 6 used in calculation miles per kWh.

GHG emissions for EVs range from zero when charged from electricity generated

100.0% from renewable energy to approximately the same as CNG for electricity

generated entirely from coal using carbon capture and storage (Jaramillo, 2007).

However, use of EVs may not create additional GHGs to the extent of charging EVs from

excess electricity generated at night and otherwise wasted. See Appendix B, Carbon

Emissions by Power Control Area, for specific CO2 equivalent grams per mile for local


Environmental benefits. Environmental benefits of EVs include the opportunity

to improve use of renewable energy (Lund & Kempton, 2008). Charging EV batteries

with electricity generated from wind or solar provides the means for storing this energy.

Increasing the use of renewable energy through storage and night-time charging assists

investor-owned utilities in meeting state regulated renewable portfolio standards (RPS)

(EIA, 2012c). Lithium used in EV batteries is recyclable (EPA, 2012d). For quantifying

benefits, the researcher counted each benefit as one without weighing any one benefit as

greater or lesser than any other benefits due to immeasurable value of each benefit on a

holistic basis. As with risks, fleet operators must assess benefits for their organization’s

specific conditions and over time.


Economic risks. Table 21 illustrates the identified economic risk factors by fuel

type. Participants rated average probability and average severity as “Low,” “Medium,”

or “High,” which the researcher quantified as 1, 2, or 3, respectively to quantify the

participants’ qualitative ratings per Alexander and Marshall (2006). Risk factor is the

product of the average probability and the average severity ratings by the three

participants. The researcher assigned each risk factor to applicable fuel types.

Table 21

Economic Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type

Average Average Risk Applicable Fuel Type

Risks Probability Severity Factor Petro CNG EV
Capacity of electric grid to
support growth of EVs 1.7 1.3 2.2 2.2
Highway fuel tax added to
electric prices for EVs 1.7 2.0 3.4 3.4
Electricity price increase 2.3 1.3 3.0 3.0
Ability for EVs to handle
range and weight loads 1.7 2.3 3.9 3.9
Oil price increase 2.2 2.2 4.8 4.8
Political issues with OPEC 2.2 2.3 5.1 5.1
CNG prices increase 1.6 1.7 2.7 2.7
Interest rate increase 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Other: Political Pressure to
artificially reduce
petro pricing 3.0 3.0 9.0 9.0
Total 22.9 6.7 16.5

Note. Scale based on 1.0 = Low to 9.0 = High.

As shown in Table 21, on a scale of 1.0 being “Low,” the highest economic risk

factor was political pressure to reduce petroleum pricing artificially. “Medium”


economic risk factors included oil price increases and political issues with OPEC for

petroleum-fueled vehicles, ability of range and weight loads for EVs, and interest rate

increases applicable to all fuel types. As with environmental risks, economic risks were

lowest for CNG and highest for petroleum.

Economic costs. Because the majority of participants’ trucks were Class 3 and

Class 6, and because these classes differ significantly in size, cost, and mileage, the

researcher segmented the analysis by these two classes, rather than averaging. The LCA

compared the NPV of the lifecycle costs for petroleum, CNG, and EV trucks separately

for Class 3 and Class 6 trucks. The researcher analyzed each class of truck for the NPV

lifecycle costs on a base case, and then created several scenarios by adjusting primary

variables by 10.0% to determine the effect of change compared to the base case for each

fuel type. In addition, the researcher created best-case and worst-case scenarios for EV

trucks compared to petroleum-fueled trucks by truck class. The best and worst-cases

illustrated a range of combined effects of variable changes on the NPV lifecycle costs.

Lifecycle costs included the initial and replacement assets minus current federal

incentives and residual asset value at end of vehicle life, plus operating expenses and

interest expense, and minus income tax benefits over an average 12-year vehicle life.

The analyses included costs for 10 vehicles in one location to leverage fueling equipment

costs over multiple vehicles. The number of locations affected the amount of tax

incentives maximized by location.

The researcher analyzed diesel and CNG vehicles as purchased and financed by a

fleet operator, although leasing should prove similar financial results on a LCA basis

(Spitzley et al., 2004). Conversely, the analysis included EV leasing as a separate


alternative since it involves fuel sourcing and the financial dynamics differ from the EV

buying alternative. The EV lease alternative assumed a fleet operator buys the vehicle

under its normal financing terms and uses the batteries and charging equipment owned by

a third party fuel supplier that specializes in V2G operations. For simplicity, this study

referred to this alternative as an EV lease and the fuel supplier as a lessor, although not

technically a lease. The EV lease depends on the lessor’s ability to use the batteries and

charging equipment for V2G opportunities, primarily grid regulation (Fleet Energy

Company, 2011). A condition of an EV lease includes a minimum number of hours

available for battery plug-in. EV lease payments for batteries and charging equipment in

the analysis consisted of a per-mile charge based on current petroleum costs per mile and

held constant over the contract term, generally the same number of years as the battery

warranty. The EV buy alternative is open to vehicles nationwide. However, at the time

of this study, the EV lease alternative was limited to regions serviced by an ISO or RTO

for practical V2G contract purposes. Therefore, the analyses limited the number of

participant vehicles to those in ISO or RTO regions.

Variables for fleet duty cycle included participant data from Table 18, averaging

38 miles daily, operating six days per week and 52 weeks per year; average cargo weight

of 4,000 pounds for Class 3 and 8,045 pounds for Class 6 trucks; and fuel type as diesel

for both classes. The researcher added 20 miles to the average miles driven per day as a

buffer for any unanticipated miles before returning to a fleet’s fuel station. Other fleet

factors included the portion of fleet trucks operating on road grades exceeding 5.0%, at

speeds exceeding 35 MPH, and requiring heat or cooling for the cab (EV Propulsion,

2011). For the base case, the researcher estimated that fleet operators drive half of the

vehicles on road grades exceeding 5.0%, half at speeds exceeding 35 MPH, and all

requiring hot or cold air conditioning. Additionally, the templates include a variable for

energy in kWh used for vocational tools, such as cement mixers or booms, which would

increase battery size. However, none of the participants in this study operated vocational

trucks so the amounts are zero.

Other key assumptions used in asset costs for the base case included:

 Trucks – Truck costs vary based on factors such as truck class, vehicle type,

model, options, upfits, and location. Although conversion to CNG may use a

fleet’s existing petroleum-fueled vehicle, the researcher analyzed new vehicle

purchases for like comparison to the petroleum and EV alternatives. The cost

bases for diesel and CNG Class 3 and Class 6 trucks were the average of

participants’ historic purchase prices brought current and the manufacturer

suggested retail prices of Ford’s 2013 models 350 and 650, plus options, plus

estimated upfit costs, minus an estimated 10.0% discount from list price for

volume purchases. The cost basis for EV Class 6 trucks was a manufacturer

quote minus an estimate for battery cost shown separately in the asset cost

section, plus estimated upfit costs, minus an estimated 10.0% discount. The

researcher prorated the cost basis for the EV Class 3 truck from the EV Class 6

truck as a percentage of the petroleum Class 6 truck cost multiplied by the

petroleum Class 3 truck cost. Per discussion with an industry expert, using only

direct current chargers for EVs may reduce the cost of EV onboard chargers by

eliminating the need for on-board alternate current conversion components. In

addition, the weight savings improves kWh per mile. However, the researcher did

not include such adjustments in the analysis. Truck weight used in battery sizing

for EVs was conservatively the average pounds for each class per DOT GVWR as

summarized in Table 13 minus participant cargo weight.

 Conversions – The cost basis for CNG conversion of a Class 3 truck was a

supplier quote and of a Class 6 truck was Clean Cities’ business case for CNG

(Johnson, 2010). Cost ranges in the literature review supported these inputs.

 Batteries – Battery pack sizing for EV trucks is complex and requires a battery

and electrical expert for actual sizing. The researcher used several variables in

estimating battery size; however, specific fleet operating factors will affect battery

size. Factors for battery sizing used in this study included:

o Average miles driven per day from participant data plus 20 buffer miles

per day estimated by the researcher to allow for unanticipated trip miles

and to reduce range anxiety.

o Estimated additional energy required for the portion and time of fleet at

5.0% of battery for use on roads exceeding 5.0% grade, 5.0% for

exceeding 35 MPH, and 15.0% for climate control in the cab (EV

Propulsion, 2011).

o Limitations for the portion of battery not usable due to depth of discharge

(DOD) and potentially for state of charge (SOC). As illustrated in Figure

18, prudent battery management includes extending battery life by limiting

discharging to 80.0% DOD, and preventing damage from excess charging

from regenerative braking at start of trip by limiting fuel station charging

to 95.0% SOC (Beck, 2009).


Battery charging capacity 75%

(95% - 20%)
Reserve 20%

kW kWh
(Power) 95% 80%

State of charge Depth of discharge


Figure 18. DOD limitation on usable battery charging capacity requires

battery size larger than required for energy needs per Beck, 2009. SOC
limitation prevents damage to the battery for excess charging.

o Estimated kWh per mile per ton used for Class 3 and Class 6 trucks

calculated from Smith Electric Vehicle’s published data for its Class 6

Newton model as a 120 kWh battery at 80.0% DOD limits, 150 mile

range, and GVWR of 26,000 pounds. Since only 80.0% of battery is

usable, actual miles will equate to 80.0% of published miles, so that

120 kWh / ( 150 miles x 0.8 DOD ) / ( 26000 pounds / 2000

pounds per ton ) = 0.0769 kWh per mile per ton.

o Estimated additional energy in kWh for vocational duties such as cement

mixers or booms, set at zero for this analysis based on participant data but

included in templates for other fleet operators’ use.

o Average weight for trucks per manufacturers’ specifications, for cargo per

participant data, and for batteries at 22 pounds per kWh plus battery

systems at 11 pounds per kWh (Balqon, 2013; Beck, 2009).


For estimating EV battery size, the researcher first calculated equivalent miles

by increasing average miles driven per day by conditional factors for excess road grade,

speed, and climate control, and adding to daily buffer miles in Equation 2 as:

E = M ( 1 + .05R + .05S + .15H ) + 20

E Equivalent daily miles
M Average miles driven per day
R Percent of fleet driven on road grades exceeding 5.0%
S Percent of fleet driven in excess of 35 MPH
H Percent of fleet requiring heat or cooling in cab (2)

Equation 3 represents the calculation of estimated energy in kWh required daily

for battery sizing using the equivalent daily miles as calculated in Equation 2, watt-hours

per mile per ton, any energy for vocational duties, and estimated weight for EV truck

with passengers, cargo, and battery:

( PT + PC )
(E)(W) +V
KU =
1 (E)(W)

KU kWh required for daily use
E Equivalent daily miles
W kWh per mile per ton
PT Truck weight in pounds
PC Cargo weight in pounds
PB Battery weight in pounds per kWh
V Additional kWh for vocational duties (3)

The numerator in Equation 3 calculates the energy required daily in kWh for

carrying the truck and cargo, and for vocational use. The numerator equates to the

equivalent daily miles in Equation 2 multiplied by an approximate kWh per mile, per ton,

from manufacturers’ specifications, multiplied by the combined truck and cargo weight in

tons, and then increased for energy required for any vocational duties, such as cement

mixing or booms, which were none in this study. The denominator adds the energy

required to carry the battery weight, which is dependent on the energy per mile per ton to

carry the battery the equivalent daily miles. Equation 4 represents the calculation for

estimated battery size in kWh expanding the energy required as calculated in Equation 3

for DOD limitations, and conservatively for SOC limitations to ensure adequate battery

capacity for total daily miles at the start of a trip:

KU 1
KB =

KB Battery size in kWh
KU kWh required for daily use
DOD Depth of discharge
SOC State of charge (4)

Battery size in kWh equaled the battery size required for duty cycle increased for

the portions of DOD battery not usable and SOC not chargeable. The researcher then

rounded up battery size to the next 10 kWh to estimate manufacturers’ standard sizing.

The researcher estimated battery cost per kWh at $500 for initial battery per supplier

quotes with manufacturers’ volume discounts plus estimates for installation, and at $250

for replacement batteries due to expected decreases in future costs (Balqon, 2013; Clean

Cities, 2012). Although the calculated potential battery life in the base case may exceed

five years based on the battery cycles per the supplier, battery size, and miles driven, the

researcher conservatively estimated battery life at five years. Battery suppliers provide a

battery management system with the batteries; however, the researcher estimated

additional software of $20,000 for unknown data information requirements on new


 Fueling equipment – The study did not include additional fueling equipment for

petroleum fleet trucks. CNG usage required one tank per location costing

$100,000 to $200,000 including installation, per supplier quote. The researcher

split the average between equipment and installation (Johnson, 2010). One EV

charger could charge two trucks based on participants’ charge time availability of

six hours per night and an average charge time of approximately three hours per

truck. The EV lease alternative included the lessor providing one charger per

truck in order to leverage V2G opportunities. Upgrades to source circuitry power

allowed charging two trucks per EV charger based on charge time availability of

six hours per night. EV chargers then matched the source power level and cost

$250 per kWh plus installation costs of equal value, per supplier quotes.

Additional infrastructure costs estimated at $10,000 for Class 3 and $20,000 for

Class 6 trucks covered unexpected trenching, wiring, and engineering per

location. These costs appeared reasonable per the literature review.

Infrastructure costs for the EV lease alternative were twice that of the EV buy to

handle fast charging levels. The analysis assumed the lessor pays for EV chargers

and installation and the fleet operator lessee pays for infrastructure upgrades to

their property per negotiated contract terms for the EV lease alternative.

Electricity cost per mile increased for energy lost per estimated efficiency ratings

on EV chargers from suppliers and on source circuitry from Tomic and Kempton


 Incentives – Incentives included federal alternative fuel tax credits per the Internal

Revenue Code 30 for CNG and for EVs at $2,500 plus $417 for each battery kWh

over 5 kWh, not to exceed $7,500 for vehicles up to 14,000 pounds (EERE,

2013). The fuel tax credit applied to Class 3; however, it did not apply to Class 6

since the vehicle weight exceeds 14,000 pounds. In addition, a federal fueling

equipment credit per the Internal Revenue Codes 30C and 38 applied to CNG and

EVs for 30.0% of cost, not to exceed $30,000 per location. Under the EV lease

alternative, the lessor received the incentives since the battery and charging

equipment provided the alternative fuel capability. Additional state incentives

may be available depending on fleet vehicle locations. Federal incentives expire

December 31, 2013, unless further extended.

 Residual values – The researcher estimated petroleum truck residual values per

published resale values as a percentage of participant original costs. Estimates for

residual value for Class 3 truck was 10.0% based on resale values per NADA

(2013) and for Class 6 truck was 20.0% based on estimated resale values per

Oodle Marketplace (2013). Although there is not yet a market for 12-year-old

EVs, industry experts expect used EVs to hold values due to lower fuel costs,

especially with expected increases in future oil prices (Callaway, 2011; EDTA,

2012a; EIA, 2012a; Electrification Coalition, 2010; U.S. Senate, 2011). The basis

for CNG and EV trucks residual values is the greater of the percentage for

petroleum residual values and three years of fuel cost savings from that of

petroleum (Lovins, 2011b). The basis for fueling/charging equipment residual

value at the end of 12 years was 20.0% per Johnson (2010). Not included in the

LCA is residual value for ancillary or secondary services from batteries after

vehicle life.

Key assumptions used in expense estimates included:

 Fuel – Fuel costs for on-site fueling vary by the extent of third-party services and

mark up provided to fleet operators for each fuel type. Therefore, the researcher

used published retail prices for all fuel costs. Although fuel costs vary by

location, the researcher used the national average for all fuel types. In addition,

electricity rates vary by utility, user type, demand use levels, and time of use. Per

the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (2013a), gasoline and diesel

national average retail prices for all grades as of January 7, 2013 were $3.37 and

$3.91, respectively. CNG national average retail price for a gasoline gallon

equivalent was $2.13 as of January 11, 2013 per CNG Prices (2013). Electricity

national average retail price was $0.0711 per kWh for industrial users and

$0.1029 per kWh for transportation users as of November 2012 per the latest

Monthly Energy Review report issued by the EIA (2012h). The researcher

conservatively used $0.0900 per kWh as most fleet operators qualify as industrial

users and lower off-peak rates may apply for night charging. The basis for EV

lease payments was the petroleum costs per mile held constant for a five-year

contract and increased 10.0% for each five-year contract renewal. Classifying EV

lease costs as fuel expenses provides comparisons across alternatives in this study.

EIA (2013a) forecasts average annual fuel price increases of 2.6% for gasoline,

3.6% for diesel, 6.2% for CNG, and 2.2% for electricity, as shown in Chapter

Two’s Figures 11, 13, and 15, respectively, over the 12-year period from 2013 to


 Maintenance – The basis for maintenance costs was participant averages for

petroleum and assumed similar for CNG due to the same internal combustion

engine, whereas the literature review provided the basis for EV maintenance

costs. Costs included rental replacement for maintenance downtime at $100 per

hour. The researcher did not include maintenance on fueling stations assumed

similar across fuel types.

 Property tax – The basis for property tax calculation was the 2012 average state

property tax rates at $0.98 mils as listed in Appendix H, Property Tax Rates by

State. The researcher included property tax on the trucks and batteries for the EV

lease as paid by the lessee and property tax on the fueling stations as paid by the


 Extraneous operating expenses – The researcher assumed similar costs across fuel

types for fuel station maintenance, auto and property insurance, and labor for

fueling time; therefore, the researcher did not include these costs in the analysis.

No other operating expenses appeared relevant for comparison between fuel types

for this study.

 Interest – Interest rates vary by fleet operator depending on many factors,

including company debt and equity structure, actual financing structure for fleet

trucks, current market rates, company view of trucks as investment or operating

asset, strategic measurements, and other company particulars. The researcher

used 5.0% for interest expense in the analysis per current prime interest rate of

3.25% increased by an estimated premium of 175 basis points based on current

credit markets and business economic conditions.


 Income tax – Income tax rates vary by fleet operator depending on company tax

structures. The researcher used 40.0% for an average combined corporate federal

and state income tax rate. The calculation for income tax included depreciation

on the asset costs before incentives minus residual values, expensed

conservatively on a straight-line basis over the expected vehicle life. The

researcher expects that bonus tax depreciation will not continue for the near term

and did not consider it in the analysis.

LCA for Class 3 trucks. Table 22 represents the Class 3 LCA base case for initial

asset costs minus residual values, plus the NPV of operating expenses and interest

expenses, minus the NPV of tax benefits for 10 vehicles in one location. The analysis

includes multiple vehicles to represent spreading the fixed costs of fueling equipment.

See Appendix I, Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 Trucks, for details in

calculating the NPV lifecycle costs in Tables 22, 24, 25, and 26.

Table 22

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Base Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $500,000 $500,000 $515,152 $515,152
Conversions 0 140,000 0 0
Batteries 0 0 270,000 0
Fueling equipment 0 150,000 40,000 20,000
Incentives 0 (30,000) (87,000) 0
Total initial asset costs 500,000 760,000 738,152 535,152
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 279,488 0
Residual values, NPV (27,842) (44,547) (35,567) (29,799)
Total NPV asset costs 472,158 715,453 982,072 505,352
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 197,098 170,692 68,085 175,129
Maintenance 154,952 154,952 65,189 65,189
Property tax 43,430 66,013 61,510 88,176
Total NPV operating costs 395,479 391,657 194,784 328,495
Interest expense, NPV 133,079 202,280 270,853 142,435
Income tax benefit c, NPV (350,919) (448,950) (476,400) (337,674)
NPV of lifecycle costs $649,798 $860,441 $971,310 $638,608

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 3
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of total
assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the Class 3 base case shown in Table 22, total initial asset costs exceeded

petroleum by $260,000, or 52.0%, for CNG; $238,152, or 47.6%, for EV buy; and

$35,152, or 7.0%, for EV lease. Assuming five-year battery life, the NPV of future costs

for battery replacements increased the EV buy alternative another $279,488. The NPV of

residual values for the alternative fuels similarly exceeded that for petroleum, with the

benefits realized at the end of vehicle life.

The NPV lifecycle operating costs for petroleum exceeded costs for CNG by

$3,822, or 1.0%; for EV buy alternative by $200,695, or 50.7%; and for EV lease

alternative by $66,985, or 16.9%. In year one, fuel costs per mile at $0.1564 for diesel

exceeded the $0.0942 for CNG by 66.0%. However, with annual forecasted fuel price

increases of 3.6% for diesel and 6.2% for CNG, by year 12, the fuel costs per mile at

$0.2331 for CNG exceeded the $0.2308 for diesel by 1.0%. Interest expenses aligned

with the initial asset costs for each fuel type. Income tax benefits between fuel types

reflected the differences for deductions from asset depreciation, operating expenses, and

for interest expenses.

Overall, the total NPV lifecycle costs exceeded petroleum by $210,643, or 32.4%,

for CNG, and $321,512, or 37.4%, for EV buy, whereas petroleum exceeded the EV lease

alternative by $11,190, or 1.2%. Costs per mile were $0.4567 for petroleum, $0.6048 for

CNG, $0.6827 for EV buy, and $0.4489 for EV lease. EV buy costs per mile exceeded

that for petroleum by $0.2260, less than the $0.7500 per mile that two participants stated

they were willing to spend for EVs. The EV lease cost per mile was $0.0078 less than

petroleum cost per mile.

Figure 19 illustrates the cumulative net cash outlays over the average vehicle life

by fuel type for Class 3 trucks, without consideration to net present value:

Class 3 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow - Base Case


$800,000 CNG
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 19. Class 3 truck cumulative cash flow for the base case included initial asset
purchases in year zero; operating and interest expenses, net of tax benefits for each year
one through 12; battery replacement costs in years five and 10; less cash inflow from
residual value in year 12.

Figure 19 reflects the EV buy alternative’s increase in cash outlay for battery replacement

every five years, and a residual value realized in year 12 greater than the other

alternatives due to the higher asset value and fuel cost savings from petroleum. Although

the EV lease initial cash flow exceeded petroleum, by year eight EV lease cumulative

cash flow was less than cumulative cash flow for petroleum. The EV lease alternative

required the least cumulative cash outlay, followed by petroleum, CNG, and then the EV

buy alternative. Again, these cumulative amounts reflect the total cash spent, without

regard to timing or cost of funds.

Table 23 summarizes scenarios for changing significant variable amounts by

10.0% and the effect of these changes on NPV lifecycle costs for Class 3 trucks.

Scenarios excluded from Table 23 due to minimal change on NPV lifecycle costs were

percentages for extra energy required for road grade, speed exceeding 35 MPH, or

climate control in cab; level of circuitry amperage at charging stations home base; and

percentage for residual value of fueling/charging equipment. Table 23 excluded

changing vehicle life since merely adding a year to NPV expenses does not reflect

consequential changes in residual value or maintenance costs as vehicles age, or in

replacement vehicle cost.

Table 23 presents the NPV lifecycle costs for the base case and each scenario by

fuel type. Each scenario includes the base case variable amount and a 10.0% revision.

The table includes the percentage by which the NPV lifecycle cost changed from the base

case for each scenario. The researcher only included changes in the most likely direction

for each variable (e.g., decreased cost for batteries, increased cost for fuel prices).

Table 23

Effect on NPV Lifecycle Costs for Various Scenarios of Class 3 Trucks

Scenario Variable Base Revised Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Base case $649,798 $860,441 $971,310 $638,608
1 Miles / day 38 42 $661,624 $870,683 $973,560 $649,116
Change from base 1.8% 1.2% 0.2% 1.6%
2 On-site Y N $679,363 $782,653 $953,522 $664,877
fueling 4.5% -9.0% -1.8% 4.1%
3 Number of 10 11 $714,778 $936,666 $1,064,512 $700,819
vehicles 10.0% 8.9% 9.6% 9.7%
4 kWh per 0.0769 0.0692 $649,798 $860,441 $887,829 $638,608
mile - ton 0.0% 0.0% -8.6% 0.0%
5 Battery $500 $450 $649,798 $860,441 $948,400 $636,002
costs / kWh 0.0% 0.0% -2.4% -0.4%
6 Battery life 5.0 5.5 $649,798 $860,441 $966,256 $638,608
0.0% 0.0% -0.5% 0.0%
7 Charger $250 $225 $649,798 $860,441 $969,621 $638,608
cost / kWh 0.0% 0.0% -0.2% 0.0%
8 Fuel costs 100.0% 110.0% $661,624 $868,604 $973,203 $649,116
1.8% 0.9% 0.2% 1.6%
9 Discount 5.0% 5.5% $647,969 $861,165 $968,155 $638,362
rate -0.3% 0.1% -0.3% 0.0%

Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator.

Analysis of the variable change effects on NPV lifecycle costs for each scenario

in Table 23 for Class 3 trucks included:

 Scenario 1 – Increasing miles per day increased all fuel costs, with the greatest

effect on petroleum due to higher mileage cost, thus slightly reducing the amount

that CNG and EV buy total costs exceed those for petroleum, and increasing the

amount that petroleum total costs exceed those for the EV lease alternative. The

EV buy alternative increased the least due to the low cost of electricity per mile.

 Scenario 2 – Using off-site fueling stations decreased the initial asset costs for

CNG and EV buy greater than the increase for retail fuel costs, thus reducing the

amount that CNG and EV buy total costs exceed those for petroleum, and

increasing the amount that petroleum total costs exceed those for the EV lease

alternative. CNG decreased the most due to the high cost of CNG fuel stations.

This scenario resulted in the greatest reduction in the amount by which CNG costs

exceeded petroleum costs. CNG costs decreased from $210,643, or 32.4%, over

petroleum costs in the base case to $103,290, or 15.2%, of petroleum costs in

Scenario 2, which equates to $0.0726 per mile.

 Scenario 3 – Increasing the number of vehicles further leveraged the fixed cost of

fueling equipment for CNG and EV buy, and infrastructure costs for EV lease;

thus, increasing total costs by less than the 10.0% increase in number of vehicles.

 Scenario 4 – Decreasing kWh per mile per ton for battery technology

improvements decreased battery size from 50 kWh to 40 kWh and decreased

charging equipment requirements. This scenario resulted in the greatest reduction

in the excess cost of EV buy over petroleum, decreasing initial assets by $54,200,

battery replacement by $33,272, operating costs by $12,068, interest expense by

$23,282, and income tax benefits by $40,252, and increasing residual value by

$911, for a net decrease of $83,481. EV buy costs decreased from $321,511, or

49.5%, over petroleum costs in the base case to $238,031, or 36.6%, of petroleum

costs in Scenario 4, which equates to an excess of EV buy over petroleum of

approximately $0.1673 per mile.

 Scenario 5 – Decreasing battery costs per kWh decreased EV buy asset costs and

EV lease property tax expense for reduced property value.

 Scenario 6 – Extending battery life decreased the EV buy asset costs by less than


 Scenario 7 – Decreasing charging equipment costs per kWh decreased the EV buy

asset costs by less than 1.0%.

 Scenario 8 – Increasing all fuel costs affected petroleum the greatest percentage

due to its high fuel cost per mile and greater portion of total costs from fuel. The

EV lease alternative did not change due to fixed fuel rates set at beginning of

contract, although negotiated renewal rates may change depending on future

prices. At diesel 20.0 MPG, total costs of CNG equate to total costs of diesel at

$7.93 per gallon and total costs of EV buy equate to total costs of diesel at $9.82

per gallon. Alternatively, for petroleum Class 3 trucks achieving the national

average of 13.0 MPG per Table 2, total costs of CNG equate to total costs of

diesel at $6.14 per gallon and total costs of EV buy equate to total costs of diesel

at $6.38 per gallon.


 Scenario 9 – Increasing the discount rate decreased the present valuing of future

costs, net of a decrease in residual values and tax benefits. The decrease in CNG

residual values and tax benefits slightly exceeded the decrease in expenses,

resulting in a slight net increase, primarily due to the lower portion of CNG

expenses to total costs compared to the other fuel types.

Table 24 illustrates the NPV lifecycle cost by combining different conditions that

result in a best-case scenario for buying Class 3 EV trucks. In this scenario, changes to

data from participants, manufacturers, or markets represented conditions in which the

NPV lifecycle costs for EV truck alternatives decreased compared to the NPV lifecycle

costs for petroleum trucks. Rather than representing data from the participants’ duty

cycle, this scenario demonstrates the effect on NPV lifecycle costs if all the reasonable

conditions that improve the EV buy alternative existed. Changes from the base case to

the best-case scenario for buying EV trucks in Table 24 included:

 Miles driven per day decreased from 38 to 35.

 Buffer miles decreased from 20 to 10.

 No percentage of trucks required energy for road grades exceeding 5.0% or

speeds exceeding 35 MPH.

 No petroleum or CNG filling stations existed on-site.

 Miles per kWh per ton improved by 10.0%.

 Customized battery size equaled energy required, rather than rounding up to

manufacturer’s base standard.

 Battery cost declined from $500 to currently published costs of $350 per kWh.

 Battery cycles doubled from 2000 to 4000 for technology improvements, which

improved battery replacement period from five to 10 years.

 Battery replacement labor per vehicle decreased from the estimated average of

$8,500 to the low end of $7,000.

 Charging equipment and installation decreased from an average of $250 to a low

end of equipment at $125 per kWh, still allowing batteries to charge in 2 hr.

 Electrical infrastructure did not require upgrades.

 Circuitry efficiency improved from 93.0% to 95.0%.

 State incentives were $10,000 per truck and $1,000 per charging station.

 Petroleum prices increased from EIA’s current forecast of 3.6% to EIA’s prior

forecast of 5.6% annually while electricity rates did not increase per prior EIA’s


 Electricity rates decreased from an average of commercial and industrial rates at

$0.09 per kWh to the average industrial rate of $0.07 per kWh.

Table 24

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Best-Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $500,000 $500,000 $515,152 $515,152
Conversions 0 140,000 0 0
Batteries 0 0 114,583 0
Fueling equipment 0 0 9,000 0
Incentives 0 0 (178,700) 0
Total initial asset costs 500,000 640,000 460,034 515,152
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 80,428 0
Residual values, NPV (27,842) (27,842) (62,114) (28,686)
Total NPV asset costs 472,158 612,158 478,348 486,466
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 268,655 201,112 43,383 215,071
Maintenance 154,952 154,952 65,189 65,189
Property tax 43,430 55,590 38,221 75,147
Total NPV operating costs 467,037 411,654 146,794 355,407
Interest expense, NPV 133,079 170,341 143,849 137,112
Income tax benefit c, NPV (379,542) (413,655) (257,581) (340,730)
NPV of lifecycle costs $692,733 $780,498 $511,409 $638,255

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 3
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of total
assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the best-case scenario for buying Class 3 EV trucks, the NPV lifecycle costs

from the base case in Table 22 increased $42,935 for petroleum, decreased $79,943 for

CNG, decreased $459,901 for EV buy, and decreased $353 for EV lease. The NPV

lifecycle costs under this best-case scenario for the EV buy alternative were $181,324, or

26.2%, less than the costs for petroleum. Although CNG total NPV lifecycle costs

decreased primarily due to decreased cost for fueling stations, CNG costs still exceeded

petroleum costs. Costs per mile were $0.4956 for petroleum, $0.5584 for CNG, $0.3659

for EV buy, and $0.4566 for EV lease. Costs per mile for EV buy were $0.1297 less than

petroleum and for EV lease were $0.0390 less than petroleum.

The best-case scenario represented all positive changes to the EV buy alternative

and negative changes to petroleum. Various levels of changes exist between the best-

case and worst-case scenarios. Table 25 represents a worst-case scenario for buying

Class 3 EV trucks. In this scenario, changes to data from participants, manufacturers, or

markets represented conditions in which the NPV lifecycle cost for the EV buy

alternative increased compared to that for petroleum trucks. Rather than representing

data from the participants’ duty cycle, this LCA scenario demonstrated the effect on NPV

lifecycle costs if all the reasonable conditions that impaired the EV buy alternative

existed. Changes from the base case in Table 22 to the worst-case scenario for buying

EV trucks in Table 25 included:

 Miles driven per day increased from 38 to 46.

 Buffer miles increased from 20 to 30.

 Days operating per week decreased from six to five.

 The percentage of trucks requiring energy for road grades exceeding 5.0% and

speeds exceeding 35 MPH increased from 50.0% to 100.0%.

 Number of locations increased from one to 10, so that the number of vehicles per

location decreased from 10 to one, eliminating the economies of scale for CNG

and EV buy fueling stations.

 Replacement period for batteries decreased from five to three years.


 Battery replacement labor per vehicle increased from the expected average of

$8,500 to the high end of $10,000.

 Electrical infrastructure increased from $20,000 to $30,000 per location.

 Circuitry efficiency decreased from 93.0% to 90.0%.

 Federal incentives expired.

 Price increases for electricity increased from 2.2% to 3.0%.

 Current electricity rates increased from an average of commercial and industrial

rates at $0.09 per kWh to $0.11 per kWh.

 Maintenance doubled from $951 to $1,902 and maintenance downtime hours

from 5.2 to 10.4 hours per truck per year.

 Residual values decreased for trucks from 20.0% to 10.0%, or three to two years

for fuel cost savings, and for charging equipment from 20.0% to 10.0%; and

 Discount rate increased from 5.0% to 5.5%.

Although some states are considering adding a road tax to EVs, per Assumptions,

Limitations, and Delimitations in Chapter Three, the researcher did not attempt to

estimate a worst-case for unprecedented amounts that would vary by locality (Motavalli,


Table 25

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Worst-Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $500,000 $500,000 $515,152 $515,152
Conversions 0 140,000 0 0
Batteries 0 0 320,000 0
Fueling equipment 0 1,500,000 142,000 200,000
Incentives 0 (300,000) 0 0
Total initial asset costs 500,000 1,840,000 977,152 715,152
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 520,021 0
Residual values, NPV (26,299) (105,196) (34,565) (37,616)
Total NPV asset costs 473,701 1,734,804 1,462,608 677,536
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 153,494 139,736 93,467 148,007
Maintenance 150,673 150,673 126,778 126,778
Property tax 42,231 155,409 72,396 85,741
Total NPV operating costs 346,398 445,819 292,642 360,527
Interest expense, NPV 144,552 531,951 432,838 206,753
Income tax benefit c, NPV (332,466) (889,489) (710,376) (421,557)
NPV of lifecycle costs $632,184 $1,823,084 $1,477,712 $823,259

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 3
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of total
assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In this worst-case scenario for buying Class 3 EV trucks, the NPV lifecycle costs

from the base case in Table 22 decreased $17,614 for petroleum, increased $962,643 for

CNG, increased $506,402 for EV buy, and increased $184,651 for EV lease. CNG costs

primarily increased due to the increased number of fueling stations for each location. EV

buy primarily increased due to initial and replacement battery costs. EV lease primarily

increased due to the increased locations requiring electricity infrastructure upgrades. The

NPV lifecycle cost per vehicle of $147,771 for the EV buy alternative more than doubled

that for petroleum at $63,218. Costs per mile were $0.4405 for petroleum, $1.2703 for

CNG, $1.0296 for EV buy, and $0.5736 for EV lease. EV buy and EV lease costs per

mile exceeded that for petroleum by $0.5891 and $0.1331, respectively; still less than the

$0.7500 per mile participants stated they were willing to spend for EVs.

Since the base case is a conservative representation of EV trucks, the researcher

included a realistic case using the participants’ data averages. The realistic case

considers recent technology improvements to Li-ion batteries and may be a more

practical application for fleet operators. Changes from the base case in Table 22 to a

realistic case in Table 26 comprised:

 Buffer miles decreased from 20 to 10.

 Exact battery size required rather than rounding up to next 10 kWh.

 Battery cost decreased from $500 per kWh to $400 per kWh.

 Battery life increased from 2000 to 3000 cycles.

 Actual expected battery life rather than five years.

 Battery replacement labor at $7,000.

 Annual fuel price increased 5.0% for petroleum, 2.5% for CNG, and 2.0% for


 Current electricity rate decreased from $0.0900 to $0.0800 per kWh for industrial

time of use.

Table 26

LCAs for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 3 Realistic Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $500,000 $500,000 $515,152 $515,152
Conversions 0 140,000 0 0
Batteries 0 0 165,316 0
Fueling equipment 0 150,000 34,000 20,000
Incentives 0 (30,000) (85,200) 0
Total initial asset costs 500,000 760,000 629,267 535,152
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 103,667 0
Residual values, NPV (27,842) (44,547) (44,246) (29,799)
Total NPV asset costs 472,158 715,453 688,688 505,352
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 211,972 141,323 59,092 175,129
Maintenance 154,952 154,952 65,189 65,189
Property tax 43,430 66,013 52,052 79,490
Total NPV operating costs 410,353 362,288 176,334 319,809
Interest expense, NPV 133,079 202,280 195,077 142,435
Income tax benefit c, NPV (356,868) (437,202) (352,031) (334,200)
NPV of lifecycle costs $658,723 $842,820 $708,067 $633,396

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 3
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of total
assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the realistic case using participant data for Class 3 trucks, the NPV lifecycle

costs from the base case in Table 22 increased $8,925 for petroleum, decreased $17,621

for CNG, decreased $263,242 for EV buy, and decreased $5,212 for EV lease. EV buy

decreased primarily due to extending battery from five years to an expected eight-year

life and decreasing battery cost per kWh. Costs per mile were $0.4630 for petroleum,

$0.5924 for CNG, $0.4977 for EV buy, and $0.4452 for EV lease. EV buy costs per mile

exceeded petroleum costs by $0.0347, less than the $0.7500 per mile participants stated

they were willing to spend for EVs. EV lease NPV lifecycle costs were less than

petroleum costs.

Figure 20 illustrates the realistic cumulative net cash outlays over the average

vehicle life by fuel type for Class 3 trucks, without consideration to net present value:

Class 3 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow - Realistic Case

$700,000 CNG
$600,000 EV-buy
$500,000 EV-lease
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 20. Class 3 truck cumulative cash flow for the realistic case included initial asset
purchases in year zero; operating and interest expenses, net of tax benefits for each year
one through 12; battery replacement costs in year nine; less cash inflow from residual
value in year 12.

Figure 20 reflects the EV buy alternative’s increase in cash outlay for battery replacement

in year nine. Although the EV lease initial cash flow exceeded petroleum, by year seven

EV lease cumulative cash flow was less than petroleum cumulative cash flow. The EV

lease alternative required the least cumulative cash outlay, followed by petroleum, EV

buy alternative, and then CNG. Again, these cumulative amounts reflect the total cash

spent, without regard to timing or cost of funds.

LCA for Class 6 trucks. Table 27 represents the Class 6 LCA base case for initial

asset costs minus residual values, plus the NPV of operating expenses and interest

expenses, minus the NPV of tax benefits for 10 vehicles in one location to economize the

fixed costs of fueling equipment. See Appendix J, Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions

for Class 6 Truck, for details in calculating the NPV lifecycle costs in Tables 27, 29, 30,

and 31.

Table 27

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Base Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $825,000 $825,000 $850,000 $850,000
Conversions 0 302,950 0 0
Batteries 0 0 370,000 0
Fueling equipment 0 150,000 68,000 40,000
Incentives 0 (30,000) (95,400) 0
Total initial asset costs 825,000 1,247,950 1,192,600 890,000
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 346,033 0
Residual values, NPV (91,878) (108,583) (138,004) (99,117)
Total NPV asset costs 733,122 1,139,367 1,400,628 790,883
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 656,992 568,974 102,382 583,765
Maintenance 309,948 309,948 130,378 130,378
Property tax 71,659 108,397 100,115 125,947
Total NPV operating costs 1,038,600 987,318 332,875 840,090
Interest expense, NPV 219,581 332,153 409,520 236,881
Income tax benefit c, NPV (719,867) (864,405) (710,762) (664,448)
NPV of lifecycle costs $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,432,262 $1,203,406

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 6
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of
total assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the Class 6 base case shown in Table 27, initial asset costs exceeded petroleum

costs by $422,950, or 51.3%, for CNG; $367,600, or 44.6%, for EV buy; and $65,000, or

7.9%, for EV lease. Assuming five-year battery life, the NPV of future costs for battery

replacements increased the EV buy alternative another $346,033. The NPV of residual

values for the alternative fuels similarly exceeded that for petroleum, with the benefit

realized at the end of vehicle life.

The NPV lifecycle operating costs for petroleum exceeded costs for CNG by

$51,281, or 4.9%; for EV buy alternative by $705,725, or 67.9%; and for the EV lease

alternative by $198,510, or 19.1%. As with Class 3 trucks, CNG fuel was 66.0% less

than diesel in year one and 1.0% greater than diesel by year 12 due to the greater

forecasted annual price increases for CNG over diesel. Interest expenses aligned with the

asset costs for each fuel type. Income tax benefits between fuel types reflected the

differences for deductions from asset depreciation, operating expenses, and interest


Overall, the NPV lifecycle costs exceeded petroleum by $322,997, or 25.4%, for

CNG and by $160,827, or 12.6%, for the EV buy alternative, while petroleum exceeded

the EV lease alternative by $68,030 or 5.4%. Costs per mile were $0.8937 for petroleum,

$1.1207 for CNG, $1.0067 for EV buy, and $0.8458 for EV lease. EV buy costs per mile

exceeded that for petroleum by $0.1130, less than the $0.7500 per mile that two

participants stated they were willing to spend for EVs. EV lease costs per mile were

$0.0479 less than that for petroleum.

Figure 21 illustrates the base case cumulative net cash outlays over the average

vehicle life by fuel type for Class 6 trucks, without consideration to net present value:

Class 6 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow - Base Case

$1,200,000 EV-buy
$1,000,000 EV-lease

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 21. Class 6 truck cumulative cash flow for base case included initial asset
purchases in year zero; operating and interest expenses, net of tax benefits, for each year
one through 12; battery replacement costs in years five and 10; less cash inflow from
residual value in year 12.

Figure 21 reflects the increase in cash outlay for battery replacement every five years for

the EV buy alternative and a residual value realized in year 12 greater than the other

alternatives. Although the EV lease initial cash flow exceeded petroleum, by year six EV

lease cumulative cash flow was less than petroleum cumulative cash flow. The EV lease

alternative required the least cumulative cash outlay, followed by petroleum, EV buy, and

then CNG. Again, these cumulative amounts reflect the total cash spent, without regard

to timing or cost of funds.

Table 28 summarizes scenarios for changing significant variable amounts by

10.0% and the effect of these changes on NPV lifecycle costs for Class 6 trucks. As

explained in the introduction to Table 23 for Class 3 trucks, scenarios excluded due to

minimal change on NPV were for extra energy required for road grade, speed exceeding

35 MPH, or climate control in cab, level of circuit amps, percentage for residual value of

fueling/charging equipment, vehicle life, and inflation rates for fuel costs.

Table 28 presents the NPV for the base case and each scenario by fuel type. Each

scenario identified the variable per the base case and revised by 10.0%. The effect of

variable changes show as a percentage of change from the base case NPV. Scenarios for

Class 6 trucks included improvement in petroleum mileage for Corporate Average Fuel

Economy (CAFE) requirements, excluded for Class 3 trucks since participants’ average

of 20 MPG already exceeded the national average of 8 to 13 MPG per Table 2. Again,

the researcher only included changes in the most likely direction for each variable.

Table 28

Effect on NPV Lifecycle Costs for Various Scenarios of Class 6 Trucks

Scenario Variable Base Revised Petroleum CNG Buy Lease a
Base case $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,432,262 $1,203,406
1 Miles / day 38 42 $1,312,930 $1,630,368 $1,504,198 $1,240,275
Change from base 3.3% 2.3% 5.0% 3.1%
2 On-site Y N $1,369,984 $1,564,260 $1,386,361 $1,290,970
fueling 7.8% -1.9% -3.2% 7.3%
3 Number of 10 11 $1,398,579 $1,744,057 $1,570,035 $1,320,603
vehicles 10.0% 9.4% 9.6% 9.7%
4 kWh per mile 0.0769 0.0692 $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,343,969 $1,203,406
- ton 0.0% 0.0% -6.2% 0.0%
5 Battery costs $500 $450 $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,400,189 $1,200,279
/ kWh 0.0% 0.0% -2.2% -0.3%
6 Battery life 5.0 5.5 $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,426,006 $1,203,406
0.0% 0.0% -0.4% 0.0%
7 Charger cost / $250 $225 $1,271,435 $1,594,433 $1,429,559 $1,203,406
kWh 0.0% 0.0% -0.2% 0.0%
8 Fuel costs 100.0% 110.0% $1,310,855 $1,621,642 $1,429,215 $1,238,432
3.1% 1.7% -0.2% 2.9%
9 Discount rate 5.0% 5.5% $1,263,078 $1,590,382 $1,432,042 $1,199,511
-0.7% -0.3% 0.0% -0.3%
10 MPG diesel 6.0 6.6 $1,235,599 $1,563,398 $1,442,023 $1,171,564
-2.8% -1.9% 0.7% -2.6%

Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator.

Analysis of the variable change effects on NPV lifecycle costs for each scenario

in Table 28 for Class 6 trucks included:

 Scenario 1 – Increasing miles per day increased all fuel costs, with the greatest

effect on the EV buy alternative, which, unlike for Class 3 trucks, triggered an

increase in battery kWh rounding to the next highest 10 kWh.

 Scenario 2 – Using off-site fueling stations decreased the initial asset costs for

CNG and EV buy greater than the increase for retail fuel costs, thus reducing the

amount that CNG and EV buy total costs exceed those for petroleum, and

increasing the amount that petroleum total costs exceed those for the EV lease

alternative. CNG decreased the most due to the high cost of CNG fuel stations.

This scenario resulted in the greatest reduction in the amounts by which CNG and

EV buy costs exceeded petroleum costs. CNG costs decreased from $322,997, or

25.4%, over petroleum costs in the base case to $194,276, or 14.2%, over

petroleum costs in Scenario 2, which equates to $0.1366 per mile. The amount by

which EV buy costs exceeded petroleum costs decreased from $160,826, or

12.6%, in the base case to $16,377, or 1.2%, in Scenario 2, which equates to

$0.0115 per mile.

 Scenario 3 – Increasing the number of vehicles further leveraged the fixed costs

of fueling equipment for CNG and EV buy, and infrastructure costs for EV lease

alternative, thus increasing total costs by less than the 10.0% increase in number

of vehicles.

 Scenario 4 – Decreasing the kWh per mile per ton for battery technology

improvements decreased battery size from 70 kWh to 60kWh when rounding up


to the nearest 10 kWh and decreased charging equipment requirements. Costs for

EV buy decreased for initial assets by $56,720, battery replacement by $33,272,

operating costs by $15,994, interest expenses by $23,953, and income tax benefit

by $42,951, and increased residual value by $1,305, for a net decrease of $88,293.

The amount by which EV buy costs exceeded petroleum decreased from

$160,826, or 12.6%, in the base case to $72,534, or 5.7%, in Scenario 4, which

equates to $0.0510 per mile.

 Scenario 5 – Decreasing battery costs per kWh decreased EV buy asset costs and

EV lease property tax expense for reduced property value.

 Scenario 6 – Extending battery life decreased the EV buy asset costs by less than


 Scenario 7 – Decreasing charging equipment costs per kWh decreased the EV buy

asset costs by less than 1.0%.

 Scenario 8 – Increasing all fuel costs affected petroleum the greatest percentage

due to its high fuel cost per mile and greater portion of total costs from fuel, as

with Class 3 trucks. Again, the EV lease alternative does not change due to

contract fixed pricing. EV buy costs decreased due to increased residual value

based on three years of fuel cost savings of EVs over petroleum. At diesel 6.0

MPG, total costs of CNG equate to total costs of diesel at $5.56 per gallon and

total costs of EV buy equate to total costs of diesel at $4.14 per gallon.

 Scenario 9 – Increasing the discount rate decreased the present valuing of future

costs, net of a decrease in residual values and tax benefits by less than 1.0% for all

fuel types.

 Scenario 10 – Increasing mileage rate for petroleum and CNG from CAFE

regulations on medium and heavy-duty trucks decreased petroleum and CNG

costs, and increase EV buy due to decreased residual value based on fuel costs

savings over petroleum.

Table 29 illustrates the LCA by combining different conditions that result in a

best-case scenario for buying Class 6 EV trucks. As with Class 3 trucks in Table 24, this

scenario included changes to data from participants, manufacturers, or markets that

represented conditions in which the NPV lifecycle cost decreased for EV truck

alternatives and increased for petroleum trucks. Rather than representing data from the

participants’ duty cycle, this scenario demonstrated the effect on NPV lifecycle costs if

all the reasonable conditions that improved the EV buy alternative existed. Changes from

the Class 6 base case in Table 27 to the best-case scenario for buying EV trucks in Table

29 included the same changes made to Class 3 trucks in Table 24, except that miles

driven per day increased from 38 to 48.


Table 29

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Best-Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $825,000 $825,000 $850,000 $850,000
Conversions 0 302,950 0 0
Batteries 0 0 173,352 0
Fueling equipment 0 0 14,605 0
Incentives 0 0 (180,381) 0
Total initial asset costs 825,000 1,127,950 857,576 850,000
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 104,972 0
Residual values, NPV (91,878) (98,547) (207,764) (94,662)
Total NPV asset costs 733,122 1,029,403 754,783 755,338
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 839,548 525,278 55,121 672,097
Maintenance 309,948 309,948 130,378 130,378
Property tax 71,659 97,974 72,752 110,312
Total NPV operating costs 1,221,155 933,199 258,251 912,788
Interest expense, NPV 219,581 300,213 256,190 226,235
Income tax benefit c, NPV (792,889) (797,494) (428,771) (678,767)
NPV of lifecycle costs $1,380,969 $1,465,322 $840,453 $1,215,593

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at
minimum fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 6
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV
of total assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the best-case scenario for buying Class 6 EV trucks, the NPV lifecycle costs

from the base case in Table 27 increased $109,534 for petroleum, decreased $129,111 for

CNG, decreased $591,809 for EV buy, and decreased $12,187 for EV lease. The NPV

lifecycle costs under this best-case scenario for the EV buy alternative were $540,516, or

39.1%, less than the costs for petroleum. Although CNG total NPV lifecycle costs

decreased primarily due to decreased cost for fueling stations, CNG costs still exceeded

petroleum costs. Costs per mile were $1.0539 for petroleum, $1.1182 for CNG, $0.6414

for EV buy, and $0.9277 for EV lease. Costs per mile for EV buy were $0.4125 less than

petroleum and for EV lease were $0.1262 less than petroleum.

The best-case scenario represented all positive changes to the EV buy alternative

and negative changes to petroleum. Various levels of changes may exist between the

best-case and worst-case scenarios. Table 30 represents a worst-case scenario for buying

EV trucks. As with Class 3 trucks in Table 25, this scenario included changes to data

from participants, manufacturers, or markets that represented conditions in which the

NPV lifecycle cost for the EV buy alternative increased compared to that for petroleum

trucks. Rather than representing data from the participants’ duty cycle, this scenario

demonstrated the effect on NPV lifecycle costs if all the reasonable conditions that

impaired the EV buy alternative existed. Changes from the base case in Table 27 to the

worst-case scenario for buying EV trucks in Table 30 included the same changes made to

Class 3 trucks in Table 25, except that miles per day increased from 38 to 58.

Table 30

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Worst-Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Asset costs:
Trucks b $825,000 $825,000 $850,000 $850,000
Conversions 0 302,950 0 0
Batteries 0 0 570,000 0
Fueling equipment 0 1,500,000 376,800 600,000
Incentives 0 (300,000) 0 0
Total initial asset costs 825,000 2,327,950 1,796,800 1,450,000
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 780,032 0
Residual values, NPV (43,393) (122,291) (64,527) (76,267)
Total NPV asset costs 781,607 2,205,659 2,512,304 1,373,733
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 645,118 587,298 181,095 622,059
Maintenance 301,390 301,390 253,557 253,557
Property tax 69,681 196,622 124,733 122,469
Total NPV operating costs 1,016,188 1,085,309 559,384 998,085
Interest expense, NPV 219,581 619,604 685,846 385,930
Income tax benefit c, NPV (718,851) (1,315,616) (1,219,837) (948,257)
NPV of lifecycle costs $1,298,525 $2,594,957 $2,537,698 $1,809,490

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at minimum
fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 6
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of
total assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In this worst-case scenario for buying Class 3 EV trucks, the NPV lifecycle costs

from the base case in Table 27 increased $27,090 for petroleum, increased $1,000,524 for

CNG, increased $1,105,436 for EV buy, and increased $606,084 for EV lease. CNG

costs primarily increased due to the increased number of fueling stations for each

location. EV buy primarily increased due to initial and replacement battery costs. EV

lease primarily increased due to the number of increased locations requiring electricity

infrastructure upgrades. The NPV lifecycle cost per vehicle of $253,770 for the EV buy

alternative more than doubled that for petroleum at $129,853. Costs per mile were

$0.7176 for petroleum, $1.4340 for CNG, $1.4024 for EV buy, and $0.9999 for EV lease.

EV buy and EV lease costs per mile exceeded that for petroleum by $0.6848 and

$0.2823, respectively—still less than the $0.7500 per mile participants stated they were

willing to spend for EVs.

As with Class 3 trucks in Table 26, the researcher included a realistic case, using

the participants’ data averages. Changes for Class 6 trucks from the base case in Table

27 to a realistic case in Table 31 comprised the same changes made in Table 26 for a

realistic case of Class 3 trucks. However, battery replacement labor for Class 6 trucks

reflected the average cost of $8,500 per unit rather than the low end as battery packs are

larger for Class 6 trucks than for Class 3 trucks.

Table 31

LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Realistic Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease a
Asset costs:
Trucks b $825,000 $825,000 $850,000 $850,000
Conversions 0 302,950 0 0
Batteries 0 0 216,428 0
Fueling equipment 0 150,000 52,738 40,000
Incentives 0 (30,000) (90,821) 0
Total initial asset costs 825,000 1,247,950 1,028,345 890,000
Battery replacement, NPV 0 0 133,929 0
Residual values, NPV (91,878) (108,583) (165,575) (99,117)
Total NPV asset costs 733,122 1,139,367 996,699 790,883


LCA for Diesel, CNG, and EV Fleet Trucks – Class 6 Realistic Case (continued)

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
NPV operating costs over lifecycle:
Fuel / lease 706,572 471,077 79,877 583,765
Maintenance 309,948 309,948 130,378 130,378
Property tax 71,659 108,397 85,848 115,524
Total NPV operating costs 1,088,180 889,421 296,103 829,667
Interest expense, NPV 219,581 332,153 309,349 236,881
Income tax benefit , NPV (739,699) (825,246) (536,647) (660,279)
NPV of lifecycle costs $1,301,183 $1,535,695 $1,065,504 $1,197,152

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator at
minimum fixed rate per mile.
b Number of units: 10 Truck class: 6
Multiple units leverage cost of fueling equipment.
c Based on expense deductions for operations, interest, and depreciation calculated as NPV of
total assets, less residual value, depreciated on a straight-line basis over vehicle life.

In the realistic case using participant data for Class 6 trucks, the NPV lifecycle

costs from the base case in Table 27 increased $29,748 for petroleum, decreased $58,738

for CNG, decreased $366,758 for EV buy primarily for reduced initial and replacement

battery costs, and decreased $6,254 for EV lease. Increasing the battery cycle life

increased battery life from five to eight years. Costs per mile were $0.9146 for

petroleum, $1.0794 for CNG, $0.7489 for EV buy, and $0.8415 for EV lease. EV buy

and EV lease NPV lifecycle costs per mile costs were less than petroleum costs.

Figure 22 illustrates the realistic cumulative net cash outlays over the average

vehicle life by fuel type for Class 6 trucks, without consideration to net present value:

Class 6 Truck Cumulative Cash Flow - Realistic Case



$1,400,000 Petroleum
$1,000,000 EV-lease

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 22. Class 6 truck cumulative cash flow for the realistic case included initial asset
purchases in year zero; operating and interest expenses, net of tax benefits for each year
one through 12; battery replacement costs in year nine; less cash inflow from residual
value in year 12.

Figure 22 reflects the EV buy alternative’s increase in cash outlay for battery replacement

in year nine. Although the EV buy and EV lease initial cash flows exceeded petroleum,

by year five both were less than petroleum. The EV buy alternative required the least

cumulative cash outlay, followed by EV lease, petroleum, and then CNG. Again, these

cumulative amounts reflect the total cash spent, without regard to timing or cost of funds.

Economic benefits. Economic benefits of petroleum-fueled vehicles included the

current relative abundance of oil, ability to retrieve large quantities and transport in its

natural form, and the established distribution infrastructure (Lovins & Datta, 2006).

Economic benefits for CNG included ability to convert petroleum vehicles (Hurst &

Wheelock, 2011). Economic benefits for EVs included the majority of transmission

infrastructure currently in place and opportunities for grid stabilization, back-up energy

storage, and new revenue to utilities from excess supply or underutilized capacity

((McMorrin et al., 2012; Van Amburg & Pitkanen, 2012).


Figure 23 shows a theoretical fixed and variable supply from typical energy

sources by hour. Because of the high cost to ramp up coal plants and minimum nighttime

load constraints, coal plants generally run constant levels even as demand decreases

(Shelby & Mui, 2007). Thus, excess energy is wasted. EVs charged at night may use

excess energy supply or energy from plants more efficiently run at capacity.

Figure 23. Typical dispatch schematic shows amounts of energy from hydro, nuclear, and
coal supply as generally fixed, while natural gas primarily supplies variable energy
amounts to meet peak demand. Trucks charged at night use excess energy from fixed
supply. Adapted from Shelby and Mui, 2007.


Social risks. Table 32 illustrates the identified social risk factors by fuel type.

Participants rated average probability and average severity as “Low,” “Medium,” or

“High,” which the researcher quantified as 1, 2, or 3, respectively, to quantify the


participants’ qualitative ratings per Alexander and Marshall (2006). Risk factor was the

product of the average probability and the average severity ratings by the three

participants. The researcher assigned each risk factor to applicable fuel types.

Table 32

Social Risk Factors Applied to Fuel Type

Average Average Risk Applicable Fuel Type

Risks Probability Severity Factor Petro CNG EV
Safety of EVs 1.7 1.0 1.7 1.7
Safety of petroleum 1.7 1.7 2.9 2.9
Safety of CNG 2.0 2.3 4.6 4.6
Developing countries’
demand greater share of oil
supply 2.3 1.7 3.9 3.9
Total 6.8 4.6 1.7

Note. Based on scale of 1.0 = Low to 9.0 = High.

As shown in Table 32, on a scale of 1.0 being “Low,” the highest social risk was

safety of CNG vehicles. EVs rated the least risky for safety. Overall, social risks were

lowest for EVs and highest for petroleum.

Social costs. Per the literature review, social costs for petroleum-fueled vehicles

included noise, smell, complexity to drive, and time required to warm up (EPA & DOT,

2011; McMorrin et al., 2012). In addition, the cost of foreign oil dependence reduces

domestic jobs through loss of gross domestic product and wealth transfer (Davis et al.,

2011). Social costs for EVs included time required for driver training (McMorrin et al.,


Social benefits. Per the literature review, social benefits for petroleum-fueled

vehicles included significant mileage range; power for acceleration, grade, and maximum

speed; and a large selection of existing truck makes and models (Lovins & Datta, 2006).

However, standard truck chassis also provide the basis for conversions to CNG or EV

trucks (Castelaz & Nagrani, 2012). Social benefits of EVs included ease of mind

regarding relatively stable electric rates and reliable availability in the US, company-

branding opportunities, and smooth acceleration (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Summary Findings

This study used qualitative and quantitative data to analyze the environmental,

economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits of fleet trucks fueled by petroleum, CNG,

and batteries charged by electricity. Participants in the study qualitatively rated the

probability and severity of each risk identified by the researcher or added by the

participant. The researcher multiplied the average probability by the average severity for

each risk to create one risk factor per risk, which the researcher then assigned by fuel

type. The greatest risks identified by participants were economic risks for petroleum,

primarily due to volatile and rising oil prices; social risks for CNG, primarily due to

safety concerns; and environmental risks for EVs, primarily due to sourcing lithium.

Factors with a known negative effect were included as costs. However, some

were not reasonably estimable, primarily due to nonquantitative social effects. Some of

these factors arguably weigh heavier than other factors, such as smog in populated versus

unpopulated areas. However, as the weighing of these factors is subjective, the

researcher simply rated each factor as one.

The researcher qualitatively identified the environmental, economic, and social

benefits by fuel type from the literature review. Similar to qualitative social costs,

benefits were not objectively estimable. The researcher rated each beneficial factor as


Quantitative analysis focused on the Class 3 and Class 6 trucks predominately

used by the study’s participants. Environmental costs consisted of estimates for GHG

calculated in Table 20. The basis for GHG costs per mile for EVs was a national average

of energy sources for generating electricity. However, EVs charged from renewable

energy sources virtually emit no GHGs.

Quantitative economic costs consisted of the LCA for Class 3 and Class 6 truck

assets, operating expenses, interest expense, and income tax benefits. Costs used in the

LCA consisted of data from participants, manufacturers, suppliers, literature review, and

market sources. The researcher analyzed NPV lifecycle costs on a conservative, best,

worst, and realistic basis. The conservative base case included duty cycle data from

participants and conservative estimates from manufacturers, suppliers, and markets.

Best- and worst-cases manipulated this data to test duty cycle conditions that were more

or less favorable, respectively, to buying EV trucks. Finally, the realistic case used

participant data and current or near term negotiable market data to determine most likely

economic results when currently ordering multiple EVs and supplier units.

Tables 33 and 34 summarize the Class 3 and Class 6 trucks, respectively, LCA

per truck, per year, and per mile for base, best-, worst-, and realistic cases. GHG costs

per mile are included for a total cost per mile. Each case includes the cost per mile

differences between the alternative fuels and petroleum.


Table 33

Summary of LCA Cases for Class 3 Truck

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease a
Base Case (conservative):
Cost per truck $64,980 $86,044 $97,131 $63,861
Truck cost per year $5,415 $7,170 $8,094 $5,322
Cost per mile $0.4567 $0.6048 $0.6827 $0.4489
GHG cost per mile $0.0449 $0.0418 $0.0272 $0.0272
Total cost per mile $0.5016 $0.6466 $0.7099 $0.4761
Difference from petroleum $0.1450 $0.2083 ($0.0255)

Cost per truck $69,273 $78,050 $51,141 $63,826
Truck cost per year $5,773 $6,504 $4,262 $5,319
Cost per mile $0.4956 $0.5584 $0.3659 $0.4566
GHG cost per mile $0.0449 $0.0418 $0.0272 $0.0272
Total cost per mile $0.5405 $0.6002 $0.3931 $0.4838
Difference from petroleum $0.0597 ($0.1474) ($0.0567)

Cost per truck $63,218 $182,308 $147,771 $82,326
Truck cost per year $5,268 $15,192 $12,314 $6,860
Cost per mile $0.4405 $1.2703 $1.0296 $0.5736
GHG cost per mile $0.0449 $0.0418 $0.0272 $0.0272
Total cost per mile $0.4854 $1.3121 $1.0568 $0.6008
Difference from petroleum $0.8267 $0.5714 $0.1154

Realistic Case:
Cost per truck $65,872 $84,282 $70,807 $63,340
Truck cost per year $5,489 $7,023 $5,901 $5,278
Cost per mile $0.4630 $0.5924 $0.4977 $0.4452
GHG cost per mile $0.0449 $0.0418 $0.0272 $0.0272
Total cost per mile $0.5079 $0.6342 $0.5249 $0.4724
Difference from petroleum $0.1263 $0.0170 ($0.0355)

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator.

Table 34

Summary of LCA Cases for Class 6 Truck

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease a
Base Case (conservative):
Cost per truck $127,144 $159,443 $143,226 $120,341
Truck cost per year $10,595 $13,287 $11,936 $10,028
Cost per mile $0.8937 $1.1207 $1.0067 $0.8458
GHG cost per mile $0.1495 $0.1396 $0.0410 $0.0410
Total cost per mile $1.0432 $1.2603 $1.0477 $0.8868
Difference from petroleum $0.2171 $0.0045 ($0.1564)

Cost per truck $138,097 $146,532 $84,045 $121,559
Truck cost per year $11,508 $12,211 $7,004 $10,130
Cost per mile $1.0539 $1.1182 $0.6414 $0.9277
GHG cost per mile $0.1495 $0.1396 $0.0410 $0.0410
Total cost per mile $1.2034 $1.2578 $0.6824 $0.9687
Difference from petroleum $0.0544 ($0.5210) ($0.2347)

Cost per truck $129,852 $259,496 $253,770 $180,949
Truck cost per year $10,821 $21,625 $21,147 $15,079
Cost per mile $0.7176 $1.4340 $1.4024 $0.9999
GHG cost per mile $0.1495 $0.1396 $0.0410 $0.0410
Total cost per mile $0.8671 $1.5736 $1.4434 $1.0409
Difference from petroleum $0.7065 $0.5763 $0.1738

Realistic Case:
Cost per truck $130,118 $153,569 $106,550 $119,715
Truck cost per year $10,843 $12,797 $8,879 $9,976
Cost per mile $0.9146 $1.0794 $0.7489 $0.8415
GHG cost per mile $0.1495 $0.1396 $0.0410 $0.0410
Total cost per mile $1.0641 $1.2190 $0.7899 $0.8825
Difference from petroleum $0.1549 ($0.2742) ($0.1816)

a Battery and charging equipment owned by third party and leased to fleet operator.

Primary factors influencing EV truck costs were economies of scale and battery

technology. Trucks driven less than 100 miles per day and centrally garaged are good

candidates for replacement with EVs. Buying multiple units leverages volume discounts

and fixed costs for electricity infrastructure upgrades. Li-ion battery technology is

continually improving to increase energy capacity and cycle life, and to decrease costs.

Under the realistic case, NPV lifecycle costs for Class 3 EV buy alternative

exceeded petroleum by $0.0347 per mile. Costs for Class 6 EV buy alternative were less

than petroleum by $0.1657 per mile. Under the base and realistic cases for both classes,

the EV lease alternative was less than petroleum. Marketability of EV leases depends on

the evolution of V2G technology and contract terms for ancillary services with utilities.

Results vary with duty cycle, utility, tax rates, specific corporate rates, manufacturers,

and other factors specific to a fleet operator. Without federal incentives, cost per mile

increases approximately $0.02 for CNG and $0.06 for the EV buy alternative.

Tables 35, 36, and 37 summarize the environmental, economic, and social risks,

costs, and benefits of petroleum, CNG, and EV fleet trucks. Environmental risks, costs,

and benefits diverged for EVs charged from various energy sources. The basis for risk

ratings was the sum of all risk factors from each risk section in the Analysis. For cost

ratings, the researcher rated the fuel type with the highest cost as 9.0 for comparability to

the highest potential risk rating. The researcher then prorated the other fuel types by

dividing 9.0 by the highest average cost and multiplying by the average costs for the

other fuel types. The basis for qualitative costs and benefits ratings was the sum of items

identified in each section, without weighing any factor as more or less than any other


In this study, the calculation for the overall ratings added the risk and cost ratings,

less the benefit ratings. A lower overall rating suggested a better alternative. However,

because the basis for rating risks, costs, and benefits differ, adding them is only one

means of comparing total results. Analyses should include a close comparison of the

risks, costs, and benefits separately across fuel types. Fleet operators must make their

own assessment on comparing risks, costs, and benefits applicable to their specific

business, strategies, and goals.

Table 35

Environmental Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type

Petroleum CNG EV
Sustainable No No Coal-No;
Renewable energy-Yes
Emissions CO2, CO; VOC CH4 Coal-Sulfur
CO2 pounds/mile 1.31 1.05 0.00 to 1.05
In distribution Yes Yes Coal-Yes
Other Evaporation Evaporation None
Other air toxins Particle matter None Coal dust;
Nuclear radiation
Water issues Leaks, spills; Chemicals and Coal-dust runoff;
Rainwater runoff water used in Nuclear-temperatures;
extraction; Lithium toxicity;
Rainwater runoff Wind-offshore towers
Land issues Change to Micro Coal-surface disruption,
earth’s structure earthquakes rock falls, mine collapses;
Wind/solar-Surface area
Rating 17.6 9.1 16.3


Environmental Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type (continued)

Petroleum CNG EV
GHG costs:
Class 3 $58,321 $46,478 $0 to $21,513
Class 6 $194,403 $154,928 $0 to $58,321
Rating 9.0 7.2 1.9
Renewable energy No No Yes
use and storage
Recyclable No No Yes (lithium)
Rating 0.0 0.0 2.0
Rating 26.6 16.3 16.2

Table 36

Economic Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type

Petroleum CNG EV
Fuel foreign 57.0% 13.0% 2.0%
sourced a
Fuel security US vulnerable to
foreign politics and
Fuel sourcing Demand increasing as Limited transmission
supply decreasing; and storage
Extracting process
increasingly difficult
Fuel distribution Lack of and Stability of grid;
high costs of Capacity of grid to
public stations support EV growth
Fuel pricing Political pressure to Add highway tax to EVs
artificially reduce
Mileage range 250 – 430 150 – 300 80 – 100
Rating 22.9 6.7 16.5


Economic Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type (continued)

Petroleum CNG EV
Class 3 $649,798 $860,441 Buy $972,757;
Lease $638,608
Class 6 $1,271,435 $1,594,433 Buy $1,434,438;
Lease $1,203,406
Rating-Class 3 7.0 9.0 Buy 7.6; Lease 6.8
Rating-Class 6 7.6 9.0 Buy 6.2; Lease 7.0
Opportunities Provide grid stabilization;
Provide back-up energy;
New revenue to utilities in
off-peak period
Fuel sourcing Relatively abundant Ability to convert
and easy to retrieve existing vehicles
in large quantities;
Transportable in its
natural form
Fuel pricing No Yes Yes
stability b
Nationwide Yes Yes No
network of trucks
Technology Improving for CAFE Increasing battery
standards efficiencies, lower costs
Rating 3.0 3.0 5.0
Rating-Class 3 26.9 12.7 Buy 19.1; Lease 18.3
Rating-Class 6 27.5 12.7 Buy 17.7; Lease 18.5

Note. CAFE = Corporate Average Fuel Economy, for regulations issued by Congress on medium and heavy
duty trucks.
Imports as percent of total consumption for year-to-date September 2012 (EIA, 2012h).
Average annual fuel cost changes:
Historical (2003 to 2012) +12.7% gas, +16.6% diesel, -3.1% CNG, +3.2% electricity
Forecast (2013 to 2024) +2.6% gas, +3.6% diesel, +2.7% CNG, +2.2% electricity

Table 37

Social Risks, Costs, and Benefits by Fuel Type

Petroleum CNG EV
Safety Sourcing, Sourcing, Sourcing,
distribution, and distribution, and distribution, and use
use use
Social justice Developing
countries’ demand
greater share of
Rating 6.8 4.6 1.7
Health and welfare Smog in populated Smog from coal plants
areas; in unpopulated areas
Complexity Gear shifts; Gear shifts; Driver re-training;
1,000 parts 1,000 parts Mechanic training
Trade deficit Wealth transfer
and $500 billion
GDP losses
annually to U.S.
Rating 6.0 2.0 3.0
Selection of make Large Primarily by Branding
and models conversion
Rating 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rating 11.8 5.6 3.7

As shown in Table 35, EVs rated a higher environmental risk than CNG,

primarily due to use of coal or nuclear in generating electricity. GHG costs for CNG

were 20.3% less than costs for petroleum, and for Class 3 and Class 6 EVs, trucks were

on average 63.1% and 70.0% less than costs for petroleum, respectively. There were no

environmental benefits to petroleum or CNG, while EVs promoted use of renewable

energy and recycling materials. Environmentally overall, EVs rated favorably compared

to petroleum and CNG.

In Table 36, economic risks primarily comprised petroleum fuel-related issues,

and EV grid stability and limited mileage range. Economic cost ratings for Class 3 trucks

were greatest for EVs bought, but lowest for EVs leased; and for Class 6 trucks under

EVs bought were greater than petroleum, but less than CNG, and were lowest for EVs

leased. Economic benefits of EV energy opportunities, fuel pricing stability, and

evolving technologies outweighed petroleum and CNG fuel sourcing and truck models.

Economically overall, EVs rated better than petroleum, but worse than CNG.

Social risks for EVs were less than for petroleum and CNG per Table 37. Social

costs for EVs were less than for petroleum, but greater than for CNG. All had equal

social benefits. Socially overall, EVs rated favorably compared to petroleum and CNG.

Overall, petroleum rated the worst for environmental, economic, and social

factors. EVs rated 0.1 points better than CNG for environmental factors and 1.9 points

better than CNG for social factors. Economically, EVs ranged from 5.0 to 6.4 points

worse than CNG, primarily due to risks for grid capacity, highway fuel tax, and range.



In this chapter, the researcher will discuss the importance of the research findings,

provide an analytical conclusion, advise on professional practice implications, make

recommendations for implementation, and propose areas for further research. This

exploratory case study provides a holistic analysis of the environmental, economic, and

social risks, costs, and benefits of petroleum, compressed natural gas (CNG), and electric

vehicles (EVs). Participants in the study consisted of three fleet operators, which

managed 21,467 trucks in total, primarily consisting of Class 3 and Class 6 trucks,

defined by gross vehicle weight by the Federal Highway Administration as described in

Table 2 from Chapter One.

The researcher applied a mixed methods approach to the analyses. Qualitative

input from the participants’ fleet managers provided insight on the companies’ profiles

and use of alternative fuels through survey responses. In addition, fleet managers

assessed the probability and severity of environmental, economic, and social risks related

to petroleum- and CNG-fueled internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles (ICEVs) and

EVs. Quantitative input from participants included the companies’ fleet truck data and

duty cycles for calculating the net present value (NPV) of lifecycle costs for the lifecycle

cost analysis (LCA).

The study provides a model for risks, costs, and benefits analysis for fleet

operators to use in decision-making of petroleum, CNG, or EV truck acquisitions.

Processes involved in creating this model comprise:


 Sorting criteria for selecting potential for EV trucks, including class size, current

fuel type, average daily miles, and central location. Additional criteria for EV

lease opportunities include operating hours per week and state location. See

Figure 17, Model to sort participant fleet data for EV criteria, in Chapter Three for


 Calculating GHG costs per mile based on pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) per

gallon equivalent by fuel type, mileage, and estimated cost per ton of CO2. See

Table 20, NPV of GHG Cost by Fuel Type for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks, in

Chapter Four for calculations.

 Preparing LCA, including estimated costs for vehicle acquisitions, conversions,

batteries, and fueling equipment, less incentives and residual values, and NPV of

costs for operations, interest, and tax benefits. For summary results, see Tables

22 through 31 in Chapter Four, and for detailed results see Appendices I and J,

Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 and Class 6 Trucks,


 Analyzing risk factors from multiplying the probability by the severity for each

risk; costs for GHG, NPV lifecycle, and negative social effects; and benefits for

all positive effects. The analyses result in an overall quantified rating by fuel

type, in which a lower number suggests a better alternative. See Tables 35

through 37 in Chapter Four for summary analyses.

The analyses in this study focus on participant data for Class 3 and Class 6 trucks

as representing the spectrum of potential EV Class 1 to Class 7 trucks. Class 8 trucks

typically run long hauls and therefore are not conducive to EVs (Wagner, 1999).

Purchases of new Class 3 to Class 6 trucks totaled 329,000 units in 2011, per the latest

annual Transportation Energy Data Book prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE; Davis, et al., 2012). Based on average mileage rates per Table 2, the researcher

calculates that if one third of these trucks were EVs, petroleum use would decrease by

181 million gallons valued at approximately $566 million, and GHG by 2 million tons

valued at approximately $200 million in the first year. After 12 years of EVs as one third

of new vehicle purchases, total petroleum and GHG savings would exceed $9 billion

annually (in 2013 dollars).

Discussion of Findings

This discussion covers the importance of the environmental, economic, and social

risks, costs, and benefits findings as summarized in Tables 35 to 37. All vehicle fuels

carry risks (Lyden, 2012). Balancing how and when to use each fuel mitigates the risks.

Costs vary by duty cycle and truck size (McMorrin et al., 2012). Intangible risks and

benefits are subjective. Assessments and values of risks and benefits differ by fleet

operator, depending on company structure, strategies, and goals, and over time. The

holistic approach of this study viewed factors for parties affected by the environmental,

economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits, not solely for a fleet operators’ economic

benefit. Holistic solutions seek to create a win-win for all parties (Savory, 1999).

This study quantified the qualitative risks, costs, and benefits, and developed an

overall rating for each fuel alternative by category. Ratings for risks resulted from

participants’ assessment of probability and severity for each risk. Cost ratings weighed

the highest cost option as 9.0 as comparable to the highest risk rating, then prorated the

other cost ratings as dividing 9.0 by the highest cost and multiplying by each other cost.

Benefit ratings counted the number of benefits identified by the researcher for each fuel

type, without weighing the impact of any one benefit over another.

The overall rating adds the risk and cost ratings, and then deducts the benefits

rating. This study suggests the best overall alternative reflected the lowest rating

resulting from some combination of lower risk and costs and/or offset by higher benefits

than the other alternatives. However, adding the risks, costs, and benefit ratings for one

overall rating is only one means for comparison. Analyzing each rating across fuel types

provides scrutiny for each fleet operator. Table 38 summarizes the ratings from Tables

35 to 37.

Table 38

Summary of Ratings

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease
Environmental: Risks 17.6 9.1 16.3 16.3
Costs 9.0 7.2 1.9 1.9
Benefits 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0
Overall 26.6 16.3 16.2 16.2

Economic: Risks 22.9 6.7 16.5 16.5

Costs-Class 3 7.0 9.0 7.6 6.8
Costs-Class 6 7.6 9.0 6.2 7.0
Benefits 3.0 3.0 5.0 5.0
Overall-Class 3 26.9 12.7 19.1 18.3
Overall-Class 6 27.5 12.7 17.7 18.5

Social: Risks 6.8 4.6 1.7 1.7

Costs 6.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
Benefits 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Overall 11.8 5.6 3.7 3.7

Note. Lower rating is better for risks and costs; higher rating is better for benefits.


Environmental risks were lowest for CNG and highest for petroleum. GHG costs

are lowest for EVs and highest for petroleum. Only EVs demonstrate environmental

benefits as classified in this study. For overall environmental factors identified in this

study, EVs prove the best alternative, followed closely by CNG, while petroleum proves

the worst alternative.

Environmental risks. As petroleum, CNG, and coal are not sustainable, fleet

operators in the United States (US) must eventually move to alternative motor fuels, such

as EVs charged with electricity generated from renewable energy sources (Lyden, 2012).

Fleet operators are prudent to review alternatives sooner rather than later as changes to

fleet trucks with operating lives over 10 years require advanced planning. Fleet

operations may require more than one alternative solution to fit various duty cycles of a

fleet truck portfolio.

Emissions of CO2 are greatest from petroleum, but methane from CNG is

potentially more damaging as a GHG (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA],

2012a). In addition to direct vehicle miles traveled, distribution and evaporation leaks of

petroleum and CNG cause GHG emissions. Sourcing and using petroleum, CNG, and

coal also damages plant and aquatic life, contaminates drinking water, and disrupts the

earth’s structure (Brown, 2007; EPA, 2012e; Lovins & Datta, 2006; U.S. Department of

the Interior, 1979; U.S. Geological Survey, 2012).

Environmental risks for EVs primarily related to the use of coal in generating

electricity for charging EVs. However, EVs charged at night generally use excess

capacity of electricity rather than requiring additional coal generated electricity. In which

case, EVs do not increase use of coal or related GHG. Most environmental risks not only

dissipate for EVs charged with electricity generated from renewable energy sources, EVs

allow for increased use of renewable energy through battery storage. Risks related to

wind and solar include disruption to off shore waters or land areas (Hopkins, 2010). In

addition, solvents used in manufacturing and components of lithium batteries are toxic if

not managed properly (EPA, 2012d).

Environmental costs. Costing environmental damage from vehicle fuel on air,

water, and land is difficult due to the unknown breadth, extent, and repairs of damage

(Hanley & Spash, 2003). Estimating a cost based only on CO2 emissions provides a

comparable measurement for GHG damage. Identifying responsible parties and

assessing costs for repairing damage to water and land is extensive as well. Nonetheless,

costs for CO2 emissions provide a starting point (Greene & Plotkin, 2011).

At an estimated $100 per ton of CO2 from averages in the literature review, the

researcher calculates GHG lifecycle costs per mile on a NPV for Class 3 trucks at

$0.0449 for diesel, $0.0418 for CNG, and $0.0272 for EVs at a national average of

energy sources used in generating electricity. GHG lifecycle costs per mile on a NPV for

Class 6 trucks are $0.1495 for diesel, $0.1396 for CNG, and $0.0410 for average EVs.

GHG costs for EVs range from zero when charged with electricity generated from

renewable energy sources to approximately the same as CNG for electricity generated

from coal using carbon capture and storage (CCS; Jaramillo, 2007). The GHG cost per

mile for EVs charged with electricity generated from natural gas is approximately 50.0%

less than for vehicles directly fueled with CNG (Greene & Plotkin, 2011; Yuhnke &

Salisbury, n.d.). Thus, using natural gas as energy for generating electricity rather than as

a motor fuel is environmentally more cost effective. Most utilities generate electricity

from a mix of energy sources so that an estimated GHG cost per mile depends on

charging locations for fleet trucks (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Environmental benefits. Because of environmental risks and costs related to

coal produced for electricity, utilities are expanding renewable energy sources (NREL,

2002). Renewable energy used in generating electricity for charging EV batteries is

sustainable and more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, EVs may improve the use

of renewable energy by charging at night when wind power is available and demand is

otherwise low, and by storing solar and wind power otherwise wasted (Lund & Kempton,

2008). EV use of renewable energy may assist investor owned utilities in meeting state

regulated renewable portfolio standards (EPA, 2011).

According to Innes (2012), there is an abundance of lithium sources for mining.

In addition, recycling of lithium used in EV batteries provides future use in new batteries

without new material sourcing. Innes believes the high cost of lithium batteries ensures

that a high percentage of batteries are properly recycled.


Economic risks are lowest for CNG and highest for petroleum. The lowest NPV

lifecycle cost alternative for Class 3 trucks is EV lease and for Class 6 trucks is EV buy,

while CNG costs are the highest for both truck classes. Economic benefits are greatest

for EVs and equal for petroleum and CNG. For overall economic factors identified in

this study, CNGs prove the best alternative and petroleum proves the worst alternative.

Although EVs rated best for cost and benefits, risks related to the grid, road tax, and

limited range proved much greater than risks for CNG.


Economic risks. Foreign sourcing of oil risks US political and energy securities

(Electric Drive Transportation Association [EDTA], 2012a). Should foreign countries

limit their oil trade with the US, gasoline and diesel prices would escalate and the U.S.

economy would stall, similar to the oil crises in 1973, 1979, and 1980 (Mouawad, 2008;

U.S. Department of State , 2013). Basic economics foretell of oil price increases as

global oil demand increases and supply decreases (Yuhnke & Salisbury, n.d.). In

addition, decreases in viably extractable oil means increased sourcing costs. Given

historically volatile oil prices and future sourcing issues, petroleum is economically risky

(EDTA, 2012a). However, assessing the timing and extent of cost increases is difficult.

Risks of converting vehicles to CNG stem from lower mileage range coupled with

limited public fueling stations (Lyden, 2012). Alternatively, installing on-site CNG

fueling stations is costly. Economizing the station costs requires a large number of CNG


A primary cause of EV economic risks relates to electricity transmission. The

current grid infrastructure is not always stable and may not adequately serve the growth

of EVs in some areas (Tomic & Kempton, 2007). Building out renewable energy sources

requires additional infrastructure for transmission and energy storage. Operating EVs to

promote renewable energy use and to help stabilize the grid requires new technology,

complex contracts, and close management (Beck, 2009). Fleet operators should work

closely with local utilities when developing estimates and in implementing EVs.

Another risk to the economics of EVs is some form of federal and/or state

highway or road tax (Motavalli, 2011). Currently, federal and state governments provide

tax incentives to buyers of EVs, yet debates ensue over replacing the portion of road

maintenance funding from gasoline tax not charged to EV owners. Per Motavalli (2011),

the Washington State senate recently passed a $100 annual surcharge on EV owners as a

partial solution. Fleet operators should keep apprised of the road tax debate for economic

effects on both ICEVs and EVs, and weigh the risks accordingly.

Furthermore, limited mileage range, coupled with the time to refuel, is an

economic risk to fleet operators (DOE & EPA, 2012; McMorrin et al., 2012). Range

continues to increase and charging time to decrease with technology improvements

(EDTA, 2012a). Fleet operators must consider the risk of range issues and ability for

timely overnight battery charging. This risk may not exist for fleet trucks driven less than

100 miles per day.

Economic costs. Although asset costs are higher for EVs than for petroleum,

operating costs are lower for EVs than petroleum in all cases of Class 3 and Class 6

trucks, as shown in Tables 22 through 31. In fact, asset costs are less than the NPV

lifecycle operating costs for Class 6 petroleum trucks, as well as for EV lease

alternatives, based on petroleum fuel costs, for Class 6 base, best, and realistic cases.

Operating costs for buying EVs are low in Tables 22 through 31 primarily due to low fuel

costs per mile and maintenance at approximately one third that for petroleum or CNG.

Forecasted decreases in EV asset costs and increases in petroleum fuel costs will further

improve the value of EVs compared to petroleum vehicles.

In the realistic LCA cases, CNG asset costs are greater than petroleum and EVs,

while operating costs range between petroleum and EVs for both Class 3 and Class 6, per

Tables 26 and 31, respectively. Asset and operating costs for the EV lease alternative

intentionally tie to petroleum costs, depending on negotiated contract terms. Income tax

benefits for all fuel types approximate half of the total NPV lifecycle costs.

Although off site fueling saves asset costs for fueling stations, the limited number

of public CNG fueling stations (approximately 500 nationwide) and EV stations

(approximately 4,400 nationwide) may not be convenient for fleet operators (DOE &

EPA, 2012; Lyden, 2012). Increasing the number of CNG vehicles leverages the high

cost of a CNG fueling station; however, the high cost of conversions keep CNG costs

higher than petroleum even with an extension of the $0.50 tax credit per gallon beyond

2013. Using natural gas to generate electricity provides energy for 60.0% more miles

than the same amount of natural gas used directly as motor fuel (Yuhnke & Salisbury,

n.d.). Thus, using natural gas as energy for generating electricity rather than as a motor

fuel is economically more cost effective.

EV manufacturers advertise battery size rounded to 10 or 20 kWh (see Appendix

A, Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US. Right sizing EV batteries requires the

willingness and ability of truck manufacturers and battery suppliers to provide battery

packs in exact sizes. Bumping battery size to the next highest 10 or 20 kilowatt-hour

(kWh) adds costs for unused energy. Alternatively, a larger battery size requires less

frequent or lower charging levels and potentially extends battery life. Improvements in

battery technology decrease EV asset costs by lowering required kWh per mile per ton,

decrease battery cost per kWh, and increase battery life.

Economic benefits. A primary benefit of petroleum is the current ability to

extract and transport large quantities in its natural form (Lovins & Datta, 2006).

However, this benefit dissipates when easily extractable sources of oil decline. The

existing national network of truck dealers and repair stations are a benefit for the case of

petroleum and CNG, and the 164,000 nationwide fueling stations are a benefit for

petroleum (EERE, 2008b).

Although EVs risk straining an already unstable grid, they potentially provide

solutions for stability and renewable energy growth (Tomic & Kempton, 2007). Vehicle-

to-grid (V2G) technology allows utilities to draw energy back from EV batteries when

plugged-in for grid stabilization and other ancillary services. In addition, EV batteries

provide back-up energy in cases of grid failure. EVs charging at night may store and use

renewable energy otherwise idle. The incremental revenue to utilities in off-peak hours

may allow for a lower charging rate.


Social risks are lowest for EVs and highest for petroleum. Social costs are lowest

for CNG and highest for petroleum. Social benefits are equal for all fuel types. For

overall social factors identified in this study, EVs prove the best alternative and

petroleum the worst alternative.

Social risks. All fuel types have various levels of safety issues in sourcing,

distribution, and use (Lyden, 2012). Manipulating energy requires knowledge, skill, and

great care. New sources and uses of energy require extensive testing and training, as was

once required for existing energy sources.

As developing countries’ demand for oil increases, the supply of oil decreases

faster (Spitzley et al., 2004). Increasing demand and diminishing supplies may create

global social tension. Other countries may resent the US using more than its share of

global oil on a per capita and production level. Historical military strife over oil may


Social costs. Estimating health and welfare costs from vehicle fuels is difficult

due to the unknown breadth, extent, and remediation (Milbourn, 2009). Recognizing

health damage from sourcing and using vehicle fuels includes asthma, lung diseases, and

even death. Even if not measurable, these social costs are extensive. Despite

improvements from implementation of safety and mileage regulations, health and welfare

issues continue from mining and processing coal, and from vehicle emissions.

Although EVs require new training for drivers, EVs are easier to drive due to less

complex systems, such as manual gear changes (McMorrin et al., 2012). Driver training

for EVs also includes best practices for any fuel type, such as in moderating braking and

acceleration rates. Although EVs require new training for mechanics, EVs are easier to

repair than ICEVs, which include several complex processes and parts.

Although the U.S. trade deficit is generally an economic factor, it has social

impacts, as well. Since importing petroleum is half of the U.S. trade deficit, decreasing

petroleum use increases U.S. jobs and household income (EDTA, 2012a; San Francisco

Chronicle, 2013). Increased jobs increase government revenue, potentially decreasing

individual income tax rates. In addition, a lower trade deficit renders US companies

more competitive, allowing for further employment.

Social benefits. The long-term existence of petroleum vehicles means an

extensive selection of truck makes and models (Lyden, 2012). Introduction and

production of new EV truck models is slow. The current low production means

economies of scale limit profits of EV truck manufacturers and over price current models.

Alternatively, EVs are convertible using traditional truck chassis; however, very few

contractors currently exist (Castelaz & Nagrani, 2012). Marketing the social aspects of

using EVs improves corporate branding (McMorrin et al., 2012).

Overall Analytical Conclusions


Although participants in this study rated environmental risks of EVs as greater

than risks from petroleum or CNG, renewable energy for charging EVs is sustainable.

EVs reduce GHG when charged from electricity generated from CNG, renewable energy

sources, or coal using CCS (Jaramillo, 2007). EVs provide storage for and use of

renewable energy when charged at night (Tomic & Kempton, 2007). Lithium used in EV

batteries is recyclable (Innes, 2012). Overall, this study found that EVs are an

environmentally viable alternative to petroleum and CNG fleet trucks and vans.


Although EVs may strain an already unstable grid, electricity sourcing is domestic

and stable (Lyden, 2012). Risk of full access to electricity due to weather, accidental

damage, or excess demand is a considerable risk to fleet operators when considering EV

trucks (Lovins, 2011a). Alternatively, EV batteries may provide services to help stabilize

the grid or energy for emergency needs (Kempton & Tomic, 2004). Fleet operators must

weigh the risk of cost increases for road tax (Motavalli, 2011). EV trucks driven close to

the range limits must consider this additional risk.

Key economic cost factors include leveraging the high costs of on-site fueling

stations for CNG and EVs across multiple vehicles, expected improvements in battery

technology, and comparison to petroleum fuel cost per mile. On a realistic case, the NPV

lifecycle costs of the EV lease alternative are less than costs for petroleum and CNG for

both Class 3 and Class 6 trucks, as are costs of the EV buy alternative for Class 6 trucks.

Figures 24 and 25 illustrate the components of LCA on a realistic case by assets and

expenses, and for GHG in bar chart form for Class 3 and Class 6 trucks, respectively.

Asset costs are initial cost outlays of trucks, conversions, and fueling stations net of

incentives, plus NPV of battery replacement costs, less NPV of residual values.

Expenses valued over the vehicle life of 12 years include operating and interest expenses

less income tax benefits, which includes a deduction for depreciation of asset costs. The

basis for NPV of GHG costs is $100 per ton of CO2 from source to wheel emissions.

LCA Class 3 Realistic Case

$600,000 GHG
Petroleum CNG EV-buy EV-lease

Figure 24. Class 3 truck LCA bar chart for realistic case.

LCA Class 6 Realistic Case

$1,000,000 GHG
$750,000 Expenses
$500,000 Asset
Petroleum CNG EV-buy EV-lease

Figure 25. Class 6 truck LCA bar chart for realistic case.

Figures 24 and 25 reflect significant costs in assets for fueling stations in CNG

and for batteries in the EV buy alternative. Expenses for the EV buy alternative primarily

reflect the low fuel costs of electricity. The EV lease alternative initial asset cash outlays

approximate those for petroleum, yet the operating and GHG costs are less than

petroleum. EV economics will continue to improve compared to ICEVs depending on

average daily miles, petroleum MPG, and continuously improving EV technologies. On

an economic cost basis, EVs are a viable alternative to petroleum and CNG fueled trucks.

EVs prove additional economic benefits by providing grid stabilization, back up

energy, and new uses for renewable energy. Stable electric pricing provides fleet

operators a comfort level in budgeting and cost analytics. Opportunities for improved

technology will further benefit EVs. On an economic benefit basis, EVs are a viable

alternative to petroleum and CNG fueled trucks. Overall, this study found that EVs are

an economically viable alternative to petroleum fleet trucks and vans, but not to CNG

fleet trucks and vans.


Although EVs have safety risks similar to petroleum and CNG, they do not

provoke global social issues, such as with oil supply and demand (Spitzley et al., 2004).

Electricity emits smog primarily in unpopulated areas, whereas petroleum emits smog

primarily in populated areas (EDTA, 2012a). EVs require new training for drivers and

mechanics; however, they are less complex than petroleum or CNG vehicles (McMorrin

et al., 2012). Production of EV trucks is still very limited, although conversions are

possible. Marketing EV efforts improves corporate branding (McMorrin et al., 2012).


Overall, this study found that EVs are a socially viable alternative to petroleum and CNG

fleet trucks and vans.

Overall Conclusion

This study questioned the environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and

benefits of EVs compared to fossil-fueled vehicles, primarily petroleum and CNG. The

hypothesis was that EVs are an environmentally, economically, and socially viable

alternative to ICEVs for commercial fleets of trucks and vans. This study quantified

qualitative benefits without consideration to extent of each benefit to fleet operators and

considered one overall analysis method that added risk ratings and cost ratings, and

subtracted benefits ratings. This method provides one means of comparing the

alternatives; however, fleet operators should separately consider the risks, costs, and

benefits by alternative as well. Per Bernstein (1996), risk analysis also requires a “gut

view” (p. 49).

Per this study’s overall analysis, EVs appear an environmentally and socially

viable alternative to petroleum and CNG fueled trucks. Furthermore, on a cost and

benefits basis, EV trucks appear an economically viable alternative to petroleum and

CNG, and on a risk basis, EV trucks appear an economically viable alternative to

petroleum. However, considerable economic risks exist for EVs compared to CNG

trucks, primarily due to grid stability, road tax, and mileage range.

EV trucks are also limited to certain duty cycle conditions and manufacturing of

EV trucks are limited in production (Bellis, 2012). V2G technology and processes are

not yet marketable. EVs may require costly electricity transmission upgrades in some

areas. As technology and production related to EVs progress and costs decline, viability

of EVs will improve (Mraz, 2012). In the meantime, fleet operators should consider EVs

under their specific risk tolerances and benefit values.

The researcher found that CNG would environmentally and economically better

serve as an energy source for generating electricity than as a motor fuel (Jaramillo, 2007;

Yuhke & Salisbury, n.d.). Generating electricity with CNG produces less GHG and

provides energy for more miles than running CNG as a motor fuel. Replacing coal with

CNG to generate electricity and using electricity to power vehicles reduces GHG from

tailpipe emissions in urban areas, reduces GHG from electricity generation, produces

more energy, and eliminates safety, health, and welfare issues related to coal.

Implications for Professional Practice

The models in this study for sorting EV truck criteria, calculating GHG costs per

mile, calculating NPV lifecycle costs, and analyzing risks, costs, and benefits provide the

tools for fleet operators to assess where EV trucks best fit in their fleet operations.

Leasing EV batteries and charging stations reduce the upfront costs of acquiring EV

trucks. The NPV lifecycle costs for EV truck leasing approximate the costs for

petroleum trucks, yet reduce tailpipe emissions to zero and promote use of renewable

energy. Fleet operators should weigh the risks and benefits, and calculate costs based on

their own tolerance and criteria specific to their fleet.

Recommendations for Implementation

The tools in this study assist fleet operators in making EV truck acquisition

decisions with a holistic approach. Many assumptions in this study need testing as new

information becomes available. Companies must consider their own data for processing.

Sort for EV Criteria

Fleet operators should update their fleet truck database for information on truck

age, class, fuel type, average daily mileage, garaged location, and number of operating

hours per day and days per week. Fleet operators then sort the data by these criteria to

determine truck replacement schedule. Determining where EV trucks may replace

petroleum trucks includes those in Class 1 to Class 7 driven less than 100 miles per day

and centrally garaged. Consideration for EV lease requires further sorting of trucks in

use less than 60 hr per week and located in states using an Independent System Operator

(ISO) or Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). See Appendix G for a map of

states operating with an ISO or RTO.

Calculate GHG Costs

Fleet operators may calculate the GHG costs per mile using the template in this

study. Specific fleet data includes average miles per gallon, miles per year, number of

vehicles, average expected life of vehicles in years, and discount rate applicable to fleet

operator for this analysis. Fleet operators may want to calculate GHG costs by truck

class for comparison.

Create LCA

Assuming duty cycles for trucks needing replacement fit EV criteria, fleet

operators then discuss their duty cycle information and required specifications with

petroleum and EV truck manufacturers. Fleet operators gather quotes from truck

manufacturers, charging station suppliers, electricians, and other suppliers or service

providers, as needed. See Appendix A, Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US, and

Appendix K, Summary of Level 2 Charging Stations.


Fleet operators should meet with the electric utilities supporting their fleet

locations to discuss requirements for energy amounts, charging times, and locations.

Fleet operators should negotiate costs of required electrical upgrades and rates per kWh

with the utility, considering nighttime charging and potential incremental revenue to


Fleet operators should contact EV battery and charging station lessors to discuss

potential leases or fuel supply contracts. In addition to lease or fuel costs, negotiated

terms may include responsibilities for specifications, acquisitions, electric upgrades,

installations, maintenance, taxes, charging times, battery replacement, contract life, and

renewal terms. However, until V2G operations are in practice, EV leasing is limited or


Once financial data is collected, fleet operators should input data into the LCA

templates from this study. Specific duty cycle data for fleet operators include:

 Average miles driven and desired buffer miles per day.

 Operating days per week and weeks per year.

 Amount of time available for battery charging and time of day.

 Average estimated cargo weight.

 Identification for existing petroleum fueled trucks as gas or diesel.

 Estimated energy required for vocational use.

 Estimated percentage of time fleet operator drives trucks on road grades

exceeding 5.0%, drive at speeds exceeding 35 MPH, and use heat or cooling in


 Use of on-site fueling.


 Number of total trucks and number of trucks per location.

Specific financial data input includes the fleet operator’s rates for discounting, interest,

net income tax, and property tax.

Data input from truck manufacturers and service providers quotes include:

 Vehicle life expectancy.

 Truck weight and equipment weight without cargo.

 Vehicle cost plus upfit costs.

 Available federal and state incentives.

 Estimated truck residual values at end of useful life.

 Conversion costs if comparing to CNG.

 Estimated mileage by fuel type.

 Estimated maintenance costs and down time.

 Recommended off-board management software, if any.

In addition to cargo and truck weight already input, battery information from EV

truck manufacturer and/or battery supplier includes estimated battery weight, expected

kWh / mile – ton rating, recommended maximum state of charge and minimum depth of

discharge, battery cost per kWh, estimated future battery cost per kWh for anticipated

replacement period, and estimated labor costs for battery replacement.

CNG fueling station data include capacity size and cost of tank, efficiency rating,

installation costs, available federal and state incentives, estimated useful life, and

estimated residual value at end of useful life. EV charging equipment data include

recommended charging level, capacity in kWh, estimated time to charge, cost, efficiency

rating, installation costs, available federal and state incentives, estimated useful life, and

estimated residual value at end of useful life. Information needed related to the fleet

operators’ existing electrical structure includes costs for any transmission upgrades

required, costs for any facilities’ wiring upgrades or dedicated circuitry required, and

estimated circuitry efficiencies. Fuel data include current and forecasted costs per unit by

fuel type.

Analyze Risks, Costs, and Benefits

A holistic approach for truck acquisition decision-making includes assessing the

qualitative environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits identified in this

study. Fleet operators may modify or add to the factors, then apply their own ratings and

analyses. Quantitative cost inputs include the NPV lifecycle costs and GHG costs.

Avoiding duplication of factors requires careful consideration. Lack of a risk or cost

from one fuel type is not a benefit on another fuel type.

One final rating computed by adding risks and costs, and deducting benefits for

each fuel type provides one means to assist the fleet operator in making a decision.

However, fleet operators should analyze risks, costs, and benefits for alternatives

separately as well, since these three factors are not necessarily comparable when added

together for one rating. In addition, fleet operators should consider company history,

culture, structure, and ability to manage alternative-fueled trucks in making their final

acquisition decisions. Timing and extent of alternative-fueled vehicles will differ by

company. Fleet operators must stay current on changes in alternative-fueled vehicles for

their own decision-making.


Areas for Further Research

As EV trucks are relatively new to market, with technology and production still

evolving, future research on the environmental, economic, and social viability of EVs for

truck fleets may show improvements from results of this study. This study included

assumptions where empirical data did not yet exist on a marketable basis. EVs promote

use and storage of renewable energy, yet renewable energy sources are still in an infancy

stage in the US. Data for utilities’ fixed and variable supplies were limited. This study

used national averages to keep anonymity of participants, yet performing studies on a

local or regional level may prove more accurate with specific results. In addition to

further quantifying some of the qualitative data in this study, further research may

broaden the use and understanding of alternative fueled vehicles.

Update for Technology Improvements

Varied chemical levels in lithium-based batteries meet the diverse needs for

energy. As battery and charging equipment technology continues to improve, new

studies may provide improved financial results from this study. In addition, future

studies may further explore safety, sourcing, and toxicity factors related to lithium.

Although the literature provided good information on V2G benefits, operationally

V2G is still in prototype studies. A difficulty with operating V2G is coordination

amongst truck, battery, and charging equipment manufacturers; fleet operators; utilities;

ISOs and RTOs; and credit facilitators. The U.S. Department of Defense is expanding

use of V2G (Simeone, 2013). A study using empirical evidence from the practical

operations of this innovative technology and processes would be provocative. Likewise,

EV leasing relying on V2G services will prove interesting.


Verify Use of Excess and Renewable Energy

The literature included many articles on the ability of EVs to promote renewable

energy through direct use and storage. However, no studies showed empirical evidence

on a market level. Research on local or regional levels may cover current fixed supply of

electricity and forecasted decreases due to anticipated coal plant closings as they age,

variable demand by hour, planned new renewable energy capacity and estimated timing,

and potential of EV charging demand by hour.

As coal plants age go offline due to age, total fixed energy supply decreases and

provides opportunity for alternative energy sources, such as natural gas. Solar and wind

assist in meeting peak demand. Additionally, wind may generate electricity at night for

growth in charging EVs. Quantifying the fixed and variable supply by energy source

provides information for better planning of renewable energy sources and uses. Future

studies may test if EVs charged at night do or do not require increased energy supply or

increased GHG. Studies may also quantify incremental revenue to utility companies.

Determine Electricity Infrastructure Needs

Analyzing electricity supply and demand on a local level provides results that are

more specific. Required upgrade costs for decision-making by fleet operators is specific

to each fleet location and the utility servicing that location. Therefore, financial results

will vary by location. A study using actual specific local data and estimating costs for

specific upgrades may prove interesting results.

Apply to Additional Truck Types or Specific Fleet Operators

This study used fleet participants that operate trucks for delivery of goods.

Utilities, telecommunication, construction, and other service providers use trucks as


vocational tools. These tools require greater amounts of energy. Vocational trucks

potentially operate on differing schedules from delivery trucks. A study analyzing

vocational trucks would add to the research.

This study focused solely on EVs primarily due to environmental benefits of zero

reliance on petroleum and zero tailpipe emissions, and economic benefits of battery size

conducive for V2G opportunities and reduced maintenance without an ICE. However,

plug-in Hybrid EVs (PHEVs) provide greater mileage range. A study to test the

environmental, economic, and social risks, costs, and benefits of PHEVs compared to

petroleum or CNG may prove feasible for fleet trucks driven over 100 miles daily, and

depending on lease structure and fleet operator goals.

Applying this intrinsic case study to a specific fleet operator would provide

empirical evidence. Although this study used sample data from participants, much of the

manufacturers’ and market data comprised averages and assumptions. Working closely

with one specific fleet operator would advance this research for practical purposes.

Estimate Effects on Federal and State Highway Tax Revenue

To fund highway maintenance, the U.S. federal government and states assess a

tax on retail sales of petroleum. Replacing petroleum with EVs reduces these

government funds. Governments may need to increase the petroleum tax rates, assess a

tax on EVs, and/or find funding elsewhere. A study to assess the effect of EVs on

highway tax may assist in governments’ decision-making.



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Summary of EV Trucks Available in the US

Truck/ Top
Battery Charger Payload Range Speed
Make / Model Class Description (kWh) (kW) (pounds) (miles) (mph) Price (USD)
AMP 5 100
Balqon 6 On road cargo 220 50 n.a. 90 70 n.a.
Mule delivery n.a.
150 a 8,000

Balqon 7 Shipping cargo 215 40 90,000 95 25 $208,000 h

Nautilus E20 a port drayage 30,000
tractor 60,000

Balqon 8 Container 250 40 125,000 90 45 $208,000 h

Nautilus E30 a transport on or 65,000
off-road 60,000

Boulder EVs 3 Delivery van, n.a. 11 15,500 100 70 Around

Truck and WUV b 15 Passenger 11,500 $100,000 h
Shuttle, Service 4,000
Flat bed

Electrorides 3 Utility, n.a. n.a. 100 60 $130,000 h

ZeroTruck c 4 dry freight, stake 12,000-
5 bed, tow, 19,500
sweeper, refuse; n.a.
Isuzu chassis

Enova Systems 4 Based on n.a. 10 n.a. 150 65 n.a.

ZE Stepvan d 5 Freightliner MT- n.a.
45 chassis n.a.

Truck/ Top
Battery Charger Payload Range Speed
Make / Model Class Description (kWh) (kW) (pounds) (miles) (mph) Price (USD)

EVI 1 Small pick up 11 n.a. 1,800 50 35 n.a.

LD e
EVI 5 Delivery truck, 99 16 16,000- 90 60 $120,000-
MD e 6 Freightliner 23,000 $180,000 h
chassis n.a.

EVI 5 Walk in van, 99 n.a. 16,000- 90 60 n.a.

WI e 6 built on 23,000
Freightliner n.a.
chassis n.a.

Navistar 2 AKA Modec 80 n.a. 17,222 100 50 n.a.

eStar 3 Box Van w/ 12,222
(JV-Navistar and chassis cab, 5,100
Modec) f drop-side truck
& box van

Smith EVs 4 Large delivery 40- 12- 16,500- 40- 50 $90,000-

Newton g 5 truck, Enova 120 18 26,000 150 $155,000
6 body 14,000-

Plug-in America; hiip://www.pluginamerica.org/vehicle-
n.a. Information was not available.


Carbon Emissions by Power Control Area

Percent of Energy Source
Other CO2e/
Power Control Area Coal Oil Gas Nuclear Hydro Wind RE b Other kWh
AEP - PSO/SWEPCO 54 0 42 0 1 1 2 0 1.6133
Alaska Misc 0 31 4 0 64 1 0 0 0.5230
Alcoa Power - Yadkin
Division 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
Alliant - East 83 2 7 0 2 5 1 0 2.0352
Alliant - West 52 0 4 28 0 15 0 0 1.3607
Ameren Services Company 79 0 1 18 2 0 0 0 1.7274
Anchorage Municipality of 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1.2840
Arizona Public Service
Company 77 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 1.8625
Arlington Valley 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.8597
Associated Electric
Cooperative Inc 83 0 14 0 1 2 0 0 1.9089
Avista Corporation 0 0 26 0 65 0 9 0 0.2198
Balancing Authority of
Northern California 0 0 80 0 19 0 1 0 0.7314
Big Rivers Electric
Corporation 79 18 0 0 0 0 2 0 2.4064
Bonneville Power
Administration 7 0 16 6 65 5 1 0 0.3090
California ISO 1 1 54 18 14 3 9 0 0.5387
CECD - Batesville 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1.0142
Chugach Electric Assn Inc 0 0 84 0 16 0 0 0 1.0218
Cleco Corporation 55 0 38 0 0 0 6 0 1.6674
Columbia MO City of 90 0 3 0 0 0 6 2 1.9747
Consumers Energy Company 56 1 21 19 0 0 4 1 1.4736
Dairyland Power Cooperative 74 0 0 0 1 24 1 0 1.7053
Detroit Edison Company 81 0 3 14 0 1 1 1 1.7291
Duke Energy Carolinas 36 0 2 59 2 0 0 0 0.7513
Duke Energy Corporation 94 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 1.9582
East Kentucky Power
Cooperative 96 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2.1157
El Paso Electric Company 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1.3064
Empire District Electric
Company 52 4 42 0 2 0 0 0 1.7838
Entergy 24 2 43 27 2 0 2 1 1.0085
ERCOT ISO 33 1 48 12 0 5 0 0 1.1861
Florida Municipal Power Pool 64 0 35 0 0 0 1 0 1.7544
Florida Power & Light
Company 1 5 67 24 0 0 2 1 0.8156

Percent of Energy Source
Other CO2e/
Power Control Area Coal Oil Gas Nuclear Hydro Wind RE b Other kWh
Gainesville Regional Utilities 75 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 2.0422
Gila River Power 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.9066
Golden Valley Elec Assn Inc 47 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8414
Grand River Dam Authority 88 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 2.1958
Great River Energy 86 0 1 0 0 9 4 0 2.0422
Griffith Energy 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.8640
Hawaii Electric Light Co Inc 0 69 0 0 5 12 14 0 1.3006
Hawaii Misc 3 70 0 0 3 6 6 12 1.3945
Hawaiian Electric Co Inc 18 78 0 0 0 0 2 2 1.6023
Hoosier Energy REC 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1041
Idaho Power Company 1 0 4 0 89 5 1 1 0.0478
Imperial Irrigation District 0 0 11 0 4 0 84 0 0.1854
Independence MO City of 94 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 2.8728
Indianapolis Power & Light
Company 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.1449
JEA 62 18 16 0 0 0 4 0 1.9177
Kansas City Board of Public
Utilities 98 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2.5779
Kansas City Power & Light
Co-GMO 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.7878
Kansas City Power & Light
Company 93 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 2.2073
Lafayette Utilities System 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 1.3102
LG&E and KU Services
Company 98 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2.1039
Lincoln Electric System 40 2 56 0 0 2 0 0 1.1480
Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power 53 2 39 0 3 1 1 1 1.4732
Louisiana Energy & Power
Authority 0 1 99 0 0 0 0 0 1.6419
Louisiana Generating 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 2.3318
Madison Gas and Electric
Company 12 0 80 0 0 0 7 0 1.3746
Michigan Electric Coordinated
Systems 89 4 4 0 1 0 1 1 2.6041
MidAmerican Energy
Company 84 0 2 0 0 13 0 0 1.8205
Minnesota Power 86 0 1 0 6 1 7 0 2.1281
Muscatine Power and Water 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.4362
NaturEner Power Watch 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0.0000
Nebraska Public Power
District 65 0 1 30 2 2 0 0 1.5156
Nevada Power Company 12 0 87 0 0 0 1 0 1.0534
New Brunswick System
Operator 0 3 0 0 12 12 73 0 0.0577
New England ISO 12 1 42 30 7 0 5 2 0.7399

Percent of Energy Source
Other CO2e/
Power Control Area Coal Oil Gas Nuclear Hydro Wind RE b Other kWh
New Harquahala Generating
Company 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.8565
New Smyrna Beach Utilities
Commission of 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0.7029)
New York ISO 9 2 34 32 20 2 2 1 0.5915
North Little Rock AR City of 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
Northern Indiana Public
Service Company 70 2 11 0 0 7 0 10 1.9186
Northern States Power 50 0 6 31 2 9 2 0 1.2398
NorthWestern Corporation 75 2 0 0 20 2 0 0 1.8492
Ohio Valley Electric
Corporation 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.9831
Oklahoma Gas and Electric
Company 56 0 41 0 0 2 0 0 1.6966
Omaha Public Power District 74 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 1.7937
Otter Tail Power Company 84 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 1.9844
PacifiCorp 75 0 13 0 6 4 1 1 1.7962
PJM Interconnection 53 1 9 34 1 1 1 0 1.2290
Portland General Electric
Company 31 0 44 0 23 0 1 0 1.0758
PowerSouth Energy
Cooperative 56 0 43 0 1 0 0 0 1.6891
Progress Energy Carolinas 46 0 5 45 1 0 3 0 1.0190
Progress Energy Florida 30 3 53 12 0 0 2 1 1.2625
Public Service Company of
Colorado 54 0 36 0 1 9 0 0 1.6534
Public Service Company of
New Mexico 66 0 28 0 0 4 0 0 1.7923
PUD No. 1 of Chelan County 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
PUD No. 1 of Douglas County 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
PUD No. 2 of Grant County 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
Puget Sound Energy 0 5 55 0 23 11 4 1 0.6243
Salt River Project 33 0 20 46 1 0 0 0 0.9473
Seattle City Light 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0020
Seminole Electric Cooperative 71 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 1.8287
Sierra Pacific Power Company 46 0 42 0 1 0 12 0 1.3859
South Carolina Electric & Gas
Company 46 0 25 25 0 0 3 0 1.1458
South Carolina Public Service
Authority 85 2 9 0 2 0 2 0 1.9857
South Mississippi Electric
Power Assn 69 0 11 0 0 0 19 0 1.8369
Southeastern Power
Administration 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0.0000
Southern Company Services 52 0 22 19 4 0 3 0 1.3191

Percent of Energy Source
Other CO2e/
Power Control Area Coal Oil Gas Nuclear Hydro Wind RE b Other kWh
Southern Illinois Power
Cooperative 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.9072
Southern Indiana Gas &
Electric Company 99 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.7090
Southern Minnesota Municipal
Power Agcy 8 1 24 0 2 58 2 5 0.8362
Southwestern Power
Administration 41 0 1 0 58 0 0 0 0.9801
Southwestern Public Service
Company 54 0 35 0 0 10 0 1 1.5751
Springfield IL - CWLP City of 99 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.5232
Sunflower Electric Power
Corporation 52 0 15 0 0 33 0 0 1.3627
Tacoma Power 0 0 0 0 91 0 9 0 0.0034
Tallahassee City of 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.9979
Tampa Electric Company 39 0 53 0 0 0 1 6 1.4691
Tennessee Valley Authority 44 0 11 32 12 0 1 0 1.0381
Tucson Electric Power 92 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2.0089
Turlock Irrigation District 0 0 84 0 16 0 0 0 0.8234
Union Power Partners 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0.9446
Upper Peninsula Power
Company 47 2 4 0 6 0 38 2 1.2038
WAPA - Desert Southwest
Region 12 0 20 0 67 0 0 0 0.5109
WAPA - Rocky Mountain
Region 84 0 7 0 9 0 0 0 2.0444
WAPA - Upper Great Plains
East 68 0 0 0 28 3 0 0 1.6236
Westar Energy 61 0 6 30 0 3 0 0 1.5080
Western Farmers Electric
Cooperative 50 0 24 0 4 23 0 0 1.4116

Wisconsin Energy Corporation 52 0 14 28 3 1 2 0 1.3777

Wisconsin Public Service
Corporation 58 3 1 31 4 0 3 0 1.2199
Mean average 44 5 26 6 13 4 3 0 1.3555

Source: EPA (2012f).

May not add to 100% due to rounding.
Includes biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal.
Measured in pounds.


U.S. Environmental Regulations Affecting Fleet Trucks

Year Lead Policy Name Purpose Results

1970 EPA Clean Air Act Reduce mobile pollutants; Created EPA.
establish National Ambient Air 6 common air pollutants
Quality Standards (NAAQS) to decreased > 50%.
monitor emissions by state
1978 National Response to ’73 global oil crisis Public Utility Regulatory
Energy Act Policies Act;
Energy Tax Act;
Power Plant and Industrial
Fuel Use Act;
Natural Gas Policy Act;
National Energy
Conservation Policy Act
1988 Alternative Incentives for mfg – corporate Increased mileage rates
Motor Fuels average fuel economy (CAFE)
Act credits.
1990 EPA Clean Air Act Set emission goals for fleet $2 trillion in benefits;
vehicles Save 230,000 early deaths by
1992 DOE Energy Policy Energy management programs
Act for water conservation, energy
efficiencies, utility incentives,
and federal fleet vehicles (By
’00 75% of fleets > 20 units
were to use alternative fuels)
2005 DOE Energy Policy Federal agencies to improve
Act energy efficiencies including
RE sources and alt fuel
2007 Executive EO 13423 For federal fleets: Increase
Order alternative fuel use 10%
annually; acquire PHEV when
2007 Energy Reduce dependence on foreign
Independence oil; fed agencies must reduce
and Security petro use by > 20% and
Act increase alt fuel use by 10%
from ’05 to ’15. Each fleet
center to install renewal fuel
pump by ’10.
2009 EPA American Clean Requires research on the impact
Energy of energy development and
Leadership Act production on water resources
and the emissions attributed to
alternative transportation fuels.

Year Lead Policy Name Purpose Results

2009 Executive EO 13514-Fed Planning, GHG management,
Order Leadership in pollution prevention, waste
Environmental, reduction. Reduce petro use by
Energy, and 2% annual on fleets from ’05 to
Economic ’20.
2014 DOT CAFE Minimum MPG for Medium
Duty Truck groups


Top 300 Fleet Operators in the US

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
1 United Parcel 0 4,615 66,165 1,853 0 0 72,633
Service (uPS)
2 AT&T 6,659 22,975 13,408 20,848 3,087 0 66,977
3 Verizon 5,920 20,224 23,035 15,509 0 0 64,688
4 Comcast Corp. 368 6,059 7,140 23,888 785 0 38,240
5 PepsiCo, Inc. 2,331 17,418 3,973 0 0 0 23,722
6 Coca-Cola 10,000 200 1,000 5,200 500 0 16,900
7 Servicemaster 400 13,300 0 0 0 0 13,700
8 Siemens 4,330 4,078 497 1,227 2,646 200 12,978
9 State farm mutual 9,823 105 29 2,237 14 0 12,208
auto insurance
10 Cox enterprises 1,526 4,817 782 3,917 1,024 32 12,098
11 Pacific Gas & — — — — — — 11,768
12 Quanta Services 100 1,800 8,300 297 290 0 10,787
13 Sears Holding 225 260 200 9,800 225 0 10,710
14 Hewlett-Packard 4,100 11 2 400 500 4,500 9,513
15 United 1,511 2,142 625 3,905 1,113 192 9,488
Corp. (UTC)
16 AutoZone 1,232 7,202 0 839 0 0 9,273
17 advance auto 1,664 5,840 10 46 1,536 0 9,096
18 Genuine Parts 3,110 5,789 150 0 0 0 9,049
19 AmeriGas 67 795 7,973 36 9 0 8,880
20 Aramark Services, 1,320 2,887 2,220 1,031 1,065 287 8,810
21 Merck & Co., inc. 6,200 400 10 200 1,500 400 8,710
22 Johnson & 5,501 0 0 500 0 2,329 8,330
Johnson Services,
23 Asplundh tree 200 4,000 4,000 90 0 0 8,290
24 American electric 377 3,993 2,419 989 290 0 8,068
25 Church of Jesus 6,048 1,387 0 422 36 122 8,015
Christ of latter-
Day Saints

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
26 Dycom industries, — — — — — — 8,000
27 Rollins, inc. 770 6,890 65 2 85 6 7,818
28 Ecolab, inc. 674 2,398 27 2,614 1,788 286 7,787
29 Charter 37 5,521 1,638 0 441 0 7,637
30 Dr Pepper — — — — — — 7,500
Snapple Group
31 Rent-a-Center, 0 3,215 150 3,000 0 0 7,475
32 Crop Production 84 5,181 2,007 0 0 0 7,272
33 farmers insurance 5,479 61 4 710 658 114 7,026
34 Pfizer, inc. 6,000 0 0 25 800 150 6,975
35 abbott 1,553 72 0 2,356 2,819 0 6,800
36 union Pacific 173 3,591 1,715 176 1,070 0 6,725
37 Johnson Controls, 62 1,508 100 4,285 47 652 6,654
38 Novartis 3,878 320 8 22 2,256 159 6,643
39 Southern — — — — — — 6,600
California edison
40 Compass Group 1,352 900 2,027 2,177 120 1 6,577
North america
41 vPSi, inc. 13 4 0 6,392 15 6 6,430
42 Weatherford 25 5,826 225 125 225 1 6,427
43 Directv Home 0 600 0 5,700 75 0 6,375
44 emcor 150 2,500 200 3,450 50 0 6,350
45 GlaxoSmithKline 1,579 30 20 394 4,150 0 6,173
46 Service Corp. 3,216 1,582 32 1,098 217 11 6,156
47 GE Healthcare 1,978 0 0 3,031 0 1,036 6,045
48 Safelite autoglass 1,215 45 188 4,502 10 0 5,960
49 Burlington 145 3,209 824 302 1,378 0 5,858
Northern Santa
50 Sherwin-Williams 1,945 1,402 490 1,942 25 0 5,804
51 Schwan’s Home 0 0 5,700 0 0 0 5,700
Service, inc.
52 Ingersoll-Rand — — — — — — 5,631
53 united States 705 4,770 0 67 16 0 5,558
Corp. (uSiC)
54 AstraZeneca 5,500 0 0 0 0 0 5,500
55 Xerox Corp. 1,499 0 0 3,500 500 0 5,499

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
56 Chesapeake 322 4,338 562 0 266 0 5,488
57 Conoco Phillips 858 3,650 530 80 290 0 5,408
58 Waste 0 3,475 1,680 57 97 0 5,309
59 eli lilly & Co 4,400 0 0 400 350 150 5,300
60 mary Kay, inc. 2,983 9 0 7 96 2,167 5,262
61 Kiewit 770 3,566 603 173 106 18 5,236
62 lockheed martin 766 1,821 709 1,791 102 0 5,189
63 Commonwealth 1,500 1,500 1,500 600 0 0 5,100
64 american 20 2,025 1,200 1,800 10 0 5,055
65 Best Buy 1,794 3,125 134 0 0 0 5,053
66 e.i. DuPont De 468 3,146 264 556 569 0 5,003
Nemours & Co.
67 DiSH Network 50 750 0 4,200 0 0 5,000
68 labCorp 1,015 159 12 603 554 2,569 4,912
69 aBm industries, — — — — — — 4,883
70 Philips electronics 2,500 0 0 650 225 1,500 4,875
71 Dominion — — — — — — 4,870
72 General Parts 2,030 2,618 4 21 181 0 4,854
international, inc.
73 NCR Corporation 0 0 0 3,600 1,100 0 4,700
74 Kraft foods 4,398 1 0 5 268 17 4,689
75 Heritage Propane — — — — — — 4,625
76 valleyCrest 234 2,834 1,283 66 151 0 4,568
77 Consolidated 676 2,275 664 746 200 0 4,561
edison Company
of New York
78 CSX 4 2,880 691 200 767 0 4,542
79 Republic Services 10 3,000 1,500 0 0 0 4,510
80 Windstream — — — — — — 4,500
81 Norfolk Southern 257 2,528 334 73 1,185 10 4,387
Railway Co.
82 NiSource, inc. 188 2,274 728 931 241 0 4,362
83 Baker Hughes inc. 235 3,553 443 25 26 0 4,282
84 Diebold, inc. 1,477 956 0 1,828 0 0 4,261
85 Nationwide 3,437 16 0 10 787 0 4,250
86 Wal-mart 2,637 541 0 350 695 0 4,223
87 lKQ Corp. 250 100 3,800 50 10 0 4,210
88 first energy — — — — — — 4,100

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
89 Public Service 586 623 515 1,736 600 0 4,060
Group (PSe&G)
90 Cablevision 195 413 424 2,748 257 0 4,037
91 american Water 0 2,700 800 450 80 0 4,030
92 Duke energy 178 2,314 1,295 0 240 0 4,027
93 Sempra energy 335 2,800 570 210 15 0 4,020
94 Honeywell 2,560 405 24 860 28 126 4,003
international inc.
95 Cintas Corp. 0 3,000 1,000 0 0 0 4,000
95 entergy — — — — — — 4,000
95 lafarge N.a., inc. 300 600 3,100 0 0 0 4,000
95 lowes Companies — — — — — — 4,000
95 sanofi u.S. 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,000
100 Kellogg Company 2,000 0 0 100 1,800 0 3,900
101 National oilwell 152 3,266 266 9 205 0 3,898
102 takeda 2,167 0 0 678 1,022 0 3,867
North america
103 the travelers 3,660 65 0 15 100 0 3,840
Companies, inc.
104 CenterPoint 133 2,694 120 526 229 0 3,702
105 american Red 600 200 300 2,500 0 0 3,600
105 Colgate- 3,600 0 0 0 0 0 3,600
105 Comfort Systems 30 1,300 200 2,060 10 0 3,600
uSa, inc.
108 Boehringer- 2,037 111 6 42 1,376 0 3,572
109 Centurylink 308 1,984 759 501 0 0 3,552
110 Progressive 542 9 4 2,977 0 0 3,532
insurance Co.
111 Bayer inc. — — — — — — 3,500
112 united Rentals 23 2,013 1,270 91 92 0 3,489
113 ferguson 120 1,233 1,881 0 205 20 3,459
enterprises, inc.
114 illinois tool 646 651 219 1,523 245 169 3,453
Works, inc. (itW)
115 atmos energy 50 1,200 1,800 100 300 0 3,450
116 monsanto Co. 46 2,774 142 151 156 140 3,409
117 mastec, inc. 100 3,300 0 0 0 0 3,400
118 Pepsi americas 2,175 125 1,021 0 0 0 3,321
119 Dte energy 300 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 3,300
120 forest 610 0 0 15 2,350 275 3,250

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
121 RSC equipment 0 2,067 1,038 40 48 0 3,193
122 thyssenkrupp 80 1,100 369 1,600 42 0 3,191
123 aPaC, inc. 350 1,500 900 100 300 0 3,150
124 Weyerhaeuser 900 1,620 50 228 310 0 3,108
125 Novo Nordisk, 310 0 0 620 1,950 225 3,105
126 Dow Chemical — — — — — — 3,038
127 aGl Resources, — — — — — — 3,023
128 National Grid 500 1,100 800 600 0 0 3,000
128 Schindler elevator 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,000
130 mcDonald’s Corp. 932 0 0 20 2,008 0 2,960
131 marathon 713 1,715 122 240 160 0 2,950
Petroleum Co.
132 Xcel energy 215 791 1,601 223 70 25 2,925
133 Consolidated 800 1,800 250 50 0 0 2,900
Natural Gas
134 PPl electric 500 1,000 1,000 300 0 0 2,800
135 lehigh Hanson, 100 2,200 100 10 300 50 2,760
136 liberty mutual 1,943 11 0 597 204 0 2,755
136 Nestle 1,680 56 10 487 76 446 2,755
138 Bristol-myers 2,635 0 0 90 10 0 2,735
Squibb Co.
139 3m Company 1,600 100 0 350 50 600 2,700
139 altria Client 100 0 0 0 2,500 100 2,700
139 BaSf Corp. 2,700 0 0 0 0 0 2,700
142 BmHC 10 1,800 700 100 50 0 2,660
143 Property & 800 1,200 400 200 0 0 2,600
143 tucson electric 650 650 650 650 0 0 2,600
Power Ct
143 tyson foods — — — — — — 2,600
146 uSiS 1,482 8 0 1 1,075 0 2,566
147 integrated 10 1,700 100 700 50 0 2,560
electrical Services
148 PPG industries 1,573 235 54 407 17 258 2,544
149 Consolidated 1,520 370 235 395 7 0 2,527
150 Sunbelt Rentals 10 728 1,730 0 40 0 2,508
151 Nalco Chemical — — — — — — 2,500
152 agrium 150 1,500 787 15 0 0 2,452

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
153 RJ Reynolds 84 20 2 47 2,260 0 2,413
tobacco Co.
154 General electric 2,040 360 0 0 0 0 2,400
Power Sys.
154 inventiv 2,400 0 0 0 0 0 2,400
154 Scotts lawn 655 700 1,000 0 45 0 2,400
157 aaron’s inc. 2 68 2,292 0 0 0 2,362
158 Walgreens Co. 1,597 231 90 392 34 0 2,344
159 occidental — — — — — — 2,328
Chemical Corp.
160 Pacificorp 116 1,150 800 115 130 0 2,311
161 Northern indiana 150 800 950 400 0 0 2,300
161 Securitas 1,800 150 0 50 300 0 2,300
Sercurity Services
uSa, inc.
163 HD Supply 84 1,063 1,052 42 22 7 2,270
164 Consumers 216 1,248 264 527 2 1 2,258
165 thermo fisher 500 0 0 250 0 1,500 2,250
166 velocity express 143 607 325 1,175 0 0 2,250
167 GeiCo 2,120 30 0 45 30 0 2,225
168 Kone, inc. 490 751 110 850 12 0 2,213
169 apria Healthcare, 3 800 1,200 200 0 0 2,203
170 Daiichi Sankyo 1,800 0 0 36 49 300 2,185
171 Stanley Works 345 427 28 1,001 362 0 2,163
172 J.R. Simplot Co. — — — — — — 2,143
173 ericsson inc. 30 1,570 0 240 260 0 2,100
174 ResCare, inc. 292 40 5 1,640 110 0 2,087
175 exterran energy 0 1,375 700 8 0 0 2,083
Solutions lP
176 oncor electric 74 829 897 170 78 0 2,048
177 Walt Disney 180 553 242 901 169 0 2,045
World Co.
178 alyeska Pipeline — — — — — — 2,000
178 flowers foods 0 0 2,000 0 0 0 2,000
178 Graybar electric 1,500 0 300 200 0 0 2,000
178 Navajo National 541 1,184 0 75 200 0 2,000
fleet management
178 Raycom media 1,500 250 0 250 0 0 2,000
inc. &

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
183 u.S. Steel Corp. — — — — — — 1,978
184 fedex express 150 600 600 300 250 50 1,950
184 tenneco Business 1,750 200 0 0 0 0 1,950
186 automatic Data 1,581 10 0 84 226 0 1,901
187 Cargill, inc. 250 800 500 300 50 0 1,900
188 oSRam SYlvaNia — — — — — — 1,894
189 Granite 223 444 1,027 5 178 0 1,877
Construction Co.
190 Sprint 586 42 70 55 1,116 0 1,869
191 iron mountain 0 8 835 1,015 1 0 1,859
192 alliant energy 37 840 736 218 6 0 1,837
193 valero energy 238 1,384 79 73 54 0 1,828
194 Dreyers/edys 0 0 1,800 0 0 0 1,800
Grand ice Cream
194 amgen 600 0 0 0 0 1,200 1,800
194 G & K Services 20 1,600 150 30 0 0 1,800
197 W.R. Grace & Co. 1,079 715 0 0 0 0 1,794
198 amtrak 80 1,132 194 192 165 13 1,776
199 florida Power & 120 996 236 285 134 2 1,773
200 Beckman Coulter, 400 50 0 1,300 0 0 1,750
201 Syngenta 5 1,415 44 62 210 13 1,749
202 Staples, inc. 0 5 1,700 30 1 0 1,736
203 Procter & Gamble 1,500 0 0 200 30 0 1,730
204 Williams 30 1,321 250 3 112 1 1,717
205 Pep Boys 360 1,303 12 15 22 0 1,712
206 NYSeG 225 816 255 410 0 0 1,706
207 CvS-Caremark 1,500 0 0 200 0 0 1,700
207 Shaklee Corp. 1,200 0 0 400 100 0 1,700
210 Star Gas Partners 14 138 416 1,109 3 0 1,680
211 Wilbur-ellis Co. 30 1,300 300 0 25 0 1,655
212 Gannett Supply — — — — — — 1,652
213 Northeast utilities 22 729 207 323 369 0 1,650
214 Petroleum Heat & 6 343 67 1,190 42 0 1,648
Co. (Petro)
215 San antonio Water 500 200 800 45 100 0 1,645
216 Safeway, inc. 709 833 1 3 59 0 1,605
217 Pioneer Natural 0 1,500 100 0 0 0 1,600
217 Supervalu 1,000 300 0 300 0 0 1,600
219 Home Depot 50 1,500 15 25 0 0 1,590
220 Praxair inc. — — — — — — 1,586
221 Nicor Gas 500 650 420 10 0 0 1,580
222 DS Waters of 44 111 1,169 249 0 0 1,573

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
223 anheuser-Busch 500 589 157 300 20 0 1,566
Companies, inc.
224 mYR Group, inc. 10 800 600 100 50 0 1,560
225 Robert Bosch 350 0 0 600 600 0 1,550
226 Delta airlines 21 845 425 202 53 0 1,546
227 CSK automotive, 154 1,331 5 21 28 0 1,539
228 Schneider 1,200 125 10 100 100 0 1,535
electric/Square D
229 0 1,370 65 83 5 0 1,523
230 Consolidated 100 600 800 0 0 0 1,500
230 Nielsen Company 1,500 0 0 0 0 0 1,500
230 Sunovion Pharma 400 0 0 0 1,000 100 1,500
233 Renzenberger, 0 0 0 1,355 144 0 1,499
234 General mills 453 0 0 28 722 291 1,494
235 Stroehmann 152 982 0 340 0 0 1,474
236 marriott 50 200 300 900 0 0 1,450
236 Roto Rooter 0 200 50 1,200 0 0 1,450
236 Smurfit Stone 950 200 0 300 0 0 1,450
Container Group
236 Westinghouse 700 750 0 0 0 0 1,450
electric Corp.
240 Coinmach Corp. 70 775 233 307 10 44 1,439
& appliance
241 Southwest Gas 64 404 696 25 249 0 1,438
242 media one 25 750 0 650 0 0 1,425
243 Pool energy 32 1,175 216 0 0 0 1,423
244 Garda Cash 50 200 900 250 0 0 1,400
244 m.a. mortenson — — — — — — 1,400
246 ferrellgas 0 840 545 5 0 0 1,390
247 Safety-Kleen 50 0 820 514 1 0 1,385
248 encana oil & Gas 9 1,188 53 3 121 0 1,374
249 Gordon food 937 233 0 4 188 0 1,362
250 Cook’s Pest 253 1,071 0 1 13 11 1,349
Control, inc.
251 texas industries 167 373 600 5 199 0 1,344
252 Salt River Project 179 651 248 147 110 0 1,335

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
253 american 1,320 0 0 0 10 0 1,330
254 terracon 1 1,230 60 11 26 0 1,328
Consultants, inc.
255 G4S Secure 500 0 0 75 750 0 1,325
256 Red Bull North 214 170 545 42 336 5 1,312
257 archer Daniels 700 520 55 25 0 0 1,300
257 Citgo Petroleum 1,040 226 0 14 20 0 1,300
257 union Carbide 600 500 0 100 100 0 1,300
260 oce North america 950 0 0 189 0 149 1,288
261 allergan 1,210 0 0 0 9 54 1,273
261 american family 450 40 5 465 81 232 1,273
mutual insurance,
263 Culligan 100 374 464 317 2 5 1,262
264 allegheny Power 1 1,030 110 100 10 0 1,251
265 aqua america 1,250 0 0 0 0 0 1,250
265 Rexnord Corp. 1,000 0 50 200 0 0 1,250
267 mfa, inc. 220 580 425 11 0 0 1,236
268 SteRiS 129 12 2 1,053 29 0 1,225
269 estee lauder, inc. 900 0 0 0 20 300 1,220
270 the Walsh Group 63 1,023 99 7 19 0 1,211
271 Diamond auto 100 10 100 1,000 0 0 1,210
272 agilent 180 0 0 7 33 980 1,200
272 Caterpillar 900 50 0 100 150 0 1,200
272 fujifilm Holdings 1,200 0 0 0 0 0 1,200
272 Konecranes, inc. 210 750 0 60 130 50 1,200
272 mettler toledo — — — — — — 1,200
277 Newell 207 82 6 228 622 45 1,190
Rubbermaid, inc.
278 Covidien 362 73 0 682 46 0 1,163
279 united airlines 40 500 0 600 20 0 1,160
280 Kroger Company 250 200 400 300 0 0 1,150
281 Kimberly-Clark 1,050 10 0 75 0 0 1,135
282 Questar Gas 31 846 114 6 132 0 1,129
283 ameren 10 136 928 34 15 0 1,123
284 veolia Water 69 628 276 87 51 0 1,111

Rank Company Cars Class Class Vans SUVs Cross Total
1-2 3-6 overs
285 Pepco Holdings 270 870 0 0 0 0 1,110
286 Dresser industries 450 650 0 0 0 0 1,100
286 Beverly 440 440 0 110 110 0 1,100
286 Black Box 10 790 0 300 0 0 1,100
286 Parker-Hannifin 800 0 0 100 200 0 1,100
290 GteCH 33 9 35 968 53 0 1,098
291 ashland, inc. 1,000 50 0 20 20 0 1,090
292 Genentech/Roche 300 0 0 197 0 577 1,074
293 Rohm & Haas 500 500 0 30 30 0 1,060
294 Crawford & Co. 850 200 0 0 0 0 1,050
294 Shell oil Co. 150 900 0 0 0 0 1,050
295 RGiS inventory 234 0 0 800 10 0 1,044
297 uSG Corp. 97 439 0 16 490 0 1,042
298 mcGraw-Hill 600 0 0 402 12 0 1,014
Companies, the
299 Suburban Propane 13 250 400 350 0 0 1,013
300 teva 300 5 0 100 300 300 1,005
260,190 354,329 236,648 217,907 72,983 25,579 1,270,125

Total vehicle count is higher than combined vehicle totals due to unprovided fleet
breakdowns. Adopted from Automotive Fleet (2012).


Fleet Data Request

ID #
GVWR Class
Vehicle type
Year Acquired
Useful life
Weight load
Fuel Unit
Cost per unit
Miles per fuel unit Minimum
Miles per day Minimum
Miles per hour
Stops per day Minimum
Start time
Daily operation hours
Stop time
Days per week
Weeks per year
Scheduled maintenance
Unscheduled Maintenance
Residual Value


Participant Interview Questions


The purpose of this research study is to model where and when EVs are viable for

truck fleet operations. By completing and submitting this survey, you are giving your

consent for the principal investigator to include your responses in her data analysis. Your

participation in this research study is strictly voluntary, and you may choose not to

participate without fear of penalty or any negative consequences. Individual responses

will be treated confidentially. No individually identifiable information will be disclosed

or published, and all results will be presented as aggregate, summary data. If you wish,

you may request a copy of the results of this research study by writing to the principal

investigator at Mary Valenta, mvalenta@bellsouth.net.


In today’s environment, decision-making for a truck acquisition encompasses

choosing from various fuel types, including traditional gas or diesel, compressed natural

gas (CNG), and electric vehicles (EVs), among others. Please consider these questions

based on your organization’s formal or informal policies, and your knowledge and

experience related to alternative fuels and vehicle acquisitions, operations, and disposals.

1. What are your personal and your organization’s experience with alternative


2. What corporate level position in your organization (e.g., Vice President)

authorizes the vehicle types for acquisition (e.g., petroleum, CNG, electric,


3. What are your organization’s current plans for alternative fuels within your


4. What are your organization’s current plans for funding vehicle acquisitions

(i.e., lease v. buy)?

5. If your organization is using, or considering using CNG or EVs, do you have

or will you add on-site fueling? Do you have estimated costs for such


6. If your organization is using, or considering using EVs, will you consider

providing vehicle-to-grid ancillary services? If so, directly or through a third

party? How manage within the organization’s structure?

7. What value do you believe your organization receives by branding the use of

alternative fuels? How does your organization measure this value?


Section A: Environmental Impacts of Alternative Vehicles

The U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

identified greenhouse gases (GHG), primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), as pollutants that

endanger the environment and public health and welfare by negatively impacting air

quality, climate, and energy (Milbourn, 2009; EPA, 2011). According to the EPA

(2012a), petroleum transportation fuels emit one-third of the GHG in the US. Processing

petroleum through internal combustion engines produces 75% of carbon monoxide

emissions and approximately 50% of the volatile organic compounds in the US that form

smog and toxic emissions. CNG emits 15-30% less GHG and 95% less overall toxins

than gas or diesel, yet emits greater amounts of methane (EERE, 2010b; Lyden, 2012;

Salisbury & Yuhneke, 2011).

8. How strongly do you believe organizations should be held financially

accountable for any negative environmental effects from using petroleum or

natural gas fueled vehicles, provided such effects are measurable and


Not at all Somewhat Highly

9. Alternatively, how strongly do you believe taxpayers should share in any

future costs to reduce negative environmental effects from organizations using

petroleum or natural gas fueled vehicles?

Not at all Somewhat Highly


10. How does climate (e.g., hot, cold, dry, wet, etc.) and topography (e.g.,

mountainous, sandy, etc.) negatively affect your operations of vehicles fueled


Low Medium High None N/A


11. To the best of your knowledge, what “probability” AND “severity” levels

attribute to the occurrence of these environmental risks related to vehicle

fuels. What additional risks do you believe exist and how would you rate


Probability Severity
Risks Low Medium High Low Medium High
Climate change from __ __ __ __ __ __
greenhouse gases
Other air pollutants __ __ __ __ __ __
Raw material sourcing
Oil __ __ __ __ __ __
Coal __ __ __ __ __ __
Lithium __ __ __ __ __ __
Disposal of oil __ __ __ __ __ __
Disposal of lithium __ __ __ __ __ __
Oil spills and leaks __ __ __ __ __ __
Rainwater runoff __ __ __ __ __ __
Nuclear leaks __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

12. Overall, what are your feelings regarding the importance of environmental

issues from petroleum, CNG, and electric vehicles?


Section B: Economic Impact of Alternative Vehicles

13. Please check the probability and severity levels you attribute to the occurrence

of these economic risks related to vehicle fuel. Add any additional risks that

you believe exist.

Probability Severity
Risks Low Medium High Low Medium High
Capacity of electric grid to __ __ __ __ __ __
support growth of EVs
Highway fuel tax added to __ __ __ __ __ __
electric prices for EVs
Electricity price increase __ __ __ __ __ __
Ability for EVs to handle __ __ __ __ __ __
range and weight loads
Oil price increase __ __ __ __ __ __
Political issues with OPEC __ __ __ __ __ __
CNG prices increase __ __ __ __ __ __
Interest rate increase __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

14. How much more per vehicle and / or per mile are you willing to pay for CNG

and electric vehicles over petroleum (check one box for each fuel)?

Over $0.75 $0.50 $0.25 Other None


15. What discount rate, or range of rates, if any, does your organization use for

valuing vehicle acquisitions? %

16. Overall, what are your feelings regarding the importance of economic issues

from petroleum, CNG, and electric vehicles?


Section C: Social Impact of Alternative Vehicles

Social impacts from vehicle use include the safety, health and welfare for

employees and the general public. Manufacturers and employers have responsibilities for

employee safety and training. The EPA states that GHGs are the primary cause of

climate change, “which can lead to hotter, longer heat waves that threaten the health of

the sick, poor or elderly; increases in ground-level ozone pollution linked to asthma and

other respiratory illnesses; as well as other threats to the health and welfare of

Americans” (Milbourne, 2009).

17. Please check the probability and severity levels you attribute to the occurrence

of these social risks. Add any additional risks that you believe exist.

Probability Severity
Risks Low Medium High Low Medium High
Safety of EVs __ __ __ __ __ __
Safety of petroleum __ __ __ __ __ __
Safety of CNG __ __ __ __ __ __
Developing countries’ __ __ __ __ __ __
demand greater
share of oil supply
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __

18. Overall, what are your feelings regarding the importance of the social issues

from petroleum, CNG, and electric vehicles?

Thank you for your participation in this study!



Lyden (2010, April 10). Evaluating medium-duty truck alternative-fuel technologies.

Green Fleet Magazine. Retrieved from


Milbourn, C. (2009, December 7). Greenhouse Gases Threaten Public Health and the

Environment. Retrieved from


Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (2010b). Clean Cities’ guide to

alternative fuel and advanced medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

Salisbury, M. C. & Yuhnke, R.E. (2011). Nevada transportation blueprint: strategies for

meeting mobility needs, strengthening the local economy by reducing energy

costs, minimizing climate impacts, improving air quality and achieving energy

independence. Southwest Energy Efficiency Program.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2011). Framework for EPA’s air,

climate, and energy research program.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (2012a). Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse

Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2010. EPA 430-R-12-001. Retrieved from




Regional Transmission Organizations Map

Source: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (2013)



Average Property Tax Rates by State

Alabama 0.33% Nebraska 1.76%

Alaska 1.04% Nevada 0.84%
Arizona 0.72% New Hampshire 1.86%
Arkansas 0.52% New Jersey 1.89%
California 0.74% New Mexico 0.55%
Colorado 0.60% New York 1.23%
Connecticut 1.63% North Carolina 0.78%
Delaware 0.43% North Dakota 1.42%
Florida 0.97% Ohio 1.36%
Georgia 0.83% Oklahoma 0.74%
Hawaii 0.26% Oregon 0.87%
Idaho 0.69% Pennsylvania 1.35%
Illinois 1.73% Rhode Island 1.35%
Indiana 0.85% South Carolina 0.50%
Iowa 1.29% South Dakota 1.28%
Kansas 1.29% Tennessee 0.68%
Kentucky 0.72% Texas 1.81%
Louisiana 0.18% Utah 0.60%
Maine 1.09% Vermont 1.59%
Maryland 0.87% Virginia 0.74%
Massachusetts 1.04% Washington 0.92%
Michigan 1.62% West Virginia 0.49%
Minnesota 1.05% Wisconsin 1.76%
Mississippi 0.52% Wyoming 0.58%
Missouri 0.91% District of Columbia 0.46%
Montana 0.83% Average 0.98%

Source: hiip://www.tax-rates.org/taxtables/property-tax-by-state


Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 3 Trucks

Table I.1

Base Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 3 3 3 3 Rate
A5 Miles / day 38 38 38 38 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 20 20 20 20 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,856 11,856 11,856 11,856 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) D Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 50% 50% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 50% 50% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) Y Y Y Y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $50,000 $50,000 $51,515 $51,515 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $14,000 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0769 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 20.0% Percent

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 66 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 33 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 43 100 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 75 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 50 100 kWh
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 50 200 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.89 1.89 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $500 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $25,000 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 2,000 2,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 5.3 6.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 7.3 6.4 Years
B23 Chosen life 5.0 5.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $8,500 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $21,000 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 611 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 1 5 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 12 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 50 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 12 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $10,000 $20,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 93.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 2.90 0.35 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($7,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($12,000) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 3.6% 6.2% 2.2% 0.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.13 $1.70 $0.090 Dollars
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 20.00 18.08 1.55 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.1564 $0.0942 $0.0580 $0.1564 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $1,038 $1,038 $476 $476 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 7.1 7.1 2.6 2.6 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 10% 10% 10% 10% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent

Table I.2


Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 3 3 3 3 Rate
A5 Miles / day 32 32 32 32 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 10 10 10 10 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,648 11,648 11,648 11,648 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 3,999 3,999 3,999 3,999 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) d Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 0% 0% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 0% 0% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) n n y y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 8,001 8,001 8,001 8,001 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $50,000 $50,000 $51,515 $51,515 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $14,000 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0692 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 15.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 47 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 21 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 27 100 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 47 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 27 100 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 27 200 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 2.16 2.16 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $350 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $9,458 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 4,000 4,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 7.8 7.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 9.9 11.0 Years
B23 Chosen life 10.0 11.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $7,000 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $13,756 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 600 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 0 3 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 12 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $125 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $1,500 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 50 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 12 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $1,500 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $0 $0 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 90.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 1.80 0.26 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($17,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($3,700) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 5.6% 6.2% 0.0% 0.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.91 $2.13 $0.070 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 20.00 18.08 1.67 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.1956 $0.1178 $0.0420 $0.1956 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $1,038 $1,038 $476 $476 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 7.1 7.1 2.6 2.6 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 10% 10% 10% 10% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent

Table I.3


Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 3 3 3 3 Rate
A5 Miles / day 46 46 46 46 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 30 30 30 30 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,960 11,960 11,960 11,960 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 3,999 3,999 3,999 3,999 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) g Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 100% 100% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 100% 100% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) Y Y Y Y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 1 1 1 1 Quantity
Vehicle life
T3 expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 8,001 8,001 8,001 8,001 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $50,000 $50,000 $51,515 $51,515 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $14,000 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0769 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 25.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 88 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 45 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 60 100 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 88 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 60 100 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 60 200 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.83 1.83 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $500 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $30,000 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 2,000 2,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 5.0 5.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 7.7 7.7 Years
B23 Chosen life 3.0 3.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $10,000 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $25,000 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 62 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 10 7 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 10 10 10 Quantity
E5 Charger power 12 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 50 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 12 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $10,000 $20,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 90.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 3.99 0.44 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks $0 Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) $0 Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 2.0% 2.7% 3.0% 0.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $2.70 $1.70 $0.110 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 20.00 18.08 1.41 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.1349 $0.0942 $0.0781 $0.1349 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $1,038 $1,038 $951 $951 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 7.1 7.1 5.2 5.2 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 10% 10% 10% 10% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 2 2 Years
V4 Charging equipment 10% 10% Percent

Table I.4

Realistic Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 3 3 3 3 Rate
A5 Miles / day 38 38 38 38 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 10 10 10 10 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,856 11,856 11,856 11,856 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 3,999 3,999 3,999 3,999 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) d Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 50% 50% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 50% 50% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) y y y y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 10 10 10 10 Quantity
Vehicle life
T3 expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 8,001 8,001 8,001 8,001 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $50,000 $50,000 $51,515 $51,515 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $14,000 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0769 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 20.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 56 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 28 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 36 100 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 56 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 36 100 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 3 Factor
B15 Battery power 36 300 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.91 1.91 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $400 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $14,532 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 3,000 3,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 7.2 6.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 8.0 9.6 Years
B23 Chosen life 8.0 9.6 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $7,000 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $16,082 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 611 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 1 4 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 12 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 50 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 12 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $3,000 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $10,000 $20,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 93.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 2.42 0.34 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($7,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($10,200) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 5.0% 2.5% 2.0% 0.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.13 $1.70 $0.080 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 20.00 18.08 1.57 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.1564 $0.0942 $0.0509 $0.1564 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $1,038 $1,038 $476 $476 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 7.1 7.1 2.6 2.6 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 10% 10% 10% 10% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent


Lifecycle Cost Analysis Assumptions for Class 6 Trucks

Table J.1

Base Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 6 6 6 6 Rate
A5 Miles / day 38 38 38 38 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 20 20 20 20 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,856 11,856 11,856 11,856 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 8,045 8,045 8,045 8,045 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) D Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 50% 50% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 50% 50% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) Y Y Y Y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 1 10 10 10 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $82,500 $82,500 $85,000 $85,000 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $30,295 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0769 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 20.0% Percent

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 66 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 50 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 65 120 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 70 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 70 120 kWh
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 70 240 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.25 1.25 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $500 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $35,000 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 2,000 2,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 5.7 6.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 6.8 6.4 Years
B23 Chosen life 5.0 5.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $8,500 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $26,000 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 2,035 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 1 5 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 19 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 80 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 19 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $20,000 $40,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 93.0% Rate
Charge time
E15 available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 2.72 0.53 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($7,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($20,400) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 3.6% 6.2% 2.2% Percent

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.13 $1.70 $0.090 Dollars
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 6.00 5.42 1.03 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.5215 $0.3142 $0.0873 $0.5215 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $2,077 $2,077 $951 $951 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 14.2 14.2 5.2 5.2 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 20% 20% 20% 20% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent

Table J.2


Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 6 6 6 6 Rate
A5 Miles / day 35 35 35 35 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 10 10 10 10 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 8,045 8,045 8,045 8,045 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) d Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 0% 0% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 0% 0% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) n n y y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $82,500 $82,500 $85,000 $85,000 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $30,295 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0692 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 15.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 50 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 33 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 44 120 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 50 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 44 120 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 44 240 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.43 1.43 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $350 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $15,335 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 4,000 4,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 6.8 6.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 11.4 12.8 Years
B23 Chosen life 10.0 10.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $7,000 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $17,954 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 1,875 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 0 3 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 19 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $125 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $2,400 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 80 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 19 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $2,400 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $0 $0 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 95.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 1.83 0.42 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($17,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($5,381) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 5.6% 2.7% 0.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.91 $2.13 $0.070 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 6.00 5.42 1.23 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.6518 $0.3927 $0.0570 $0.6518 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $2,077 $2,077 $951 $951 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 14.2 14.2 5.2 5.2 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 20% 20% 20% 20% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent

Table J.3


Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 6 6 6 6 Rate
A5 Miles / day 58 58 58 58 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 30 30 30 30 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 15,080 15,080 15,080 15,080 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 8,045 8,045 8,045 8,045 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) G Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 100% 100% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 100% 100% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) Y Y Y Y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 1 1 1 1 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $82,500 $82,500 $85,000 $85,000 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $30,295 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0769 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 25.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 103 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 82 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 108 120 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 105 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 110 120 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 110 240 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.19 1.19 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $500 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $55,000 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 2,000 2,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 5.3 5.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 7.3 7.7 Years
B23 Chosen life 3.0 3.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $10,000 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $37,500 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 259 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 10 8 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 10 10 10 Quantity
E5 Charger power 19 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 80 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 19 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $30,000 $60,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 90.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 4.48 0.85 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks $0 Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) $0 Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 2.0% 2.7% 3.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $2.70 $1.70 $0.110 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 6.00 5.42 0.92 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.4497 $0.3142 $0.1201 $0.4497 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $2,077 $2,077 $1,902 $1,902 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 14.2 14.2 10.4 10.4 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 10% 10% 10% 10% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 2 2 Years
V4 Charging equipment 10% 10% Percent

Table J.4

Realistic Case

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
Data input is italicized; formulas are not.
Fleet duty cycle:
A4 Class 6 6 6 6 Rate
A5 Miles / day 38 38 38 38 Miles
A6 Buffer miles/day 10 10 10 10 Miles
A7 Operating days/week 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 Days
A8 Operating weeks/year 52 52 52 52 Weeks
A9 Miles / year 11,856 11,856 11,856 11,856 Miles
A10 Cargo weight 8,160 8,160 8,160 8,160 Pounds
A11 Gas (G) or diesel (D) d Fuel
A12 Vocational energy need 0 0 kWh
A13 % road grade > 5% 50% 50% Percent
A14 % max speed > 35 mph 50% 50% Percent
A15 % needing heat 100% 100% Percent
A16 On-site fueling (Y/N) y y y y
Asset data / unit:
T1 Number of vehicles 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T2 Vehicles / location 10 10 10 10 Quantity
T3 Vehicle life expectancy 12 12 12 12 Years
T4 Truck weight 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Pounds
T5 Vehicle cost $82,500 $82,500 $85,000 $85,000 Dollars
T6 Conversion cost $30,295 Dollars
B1 Battery weight / kWh 33 33 Pounds
B2 kWh / mile-ton rating 0.0692 0 kWh
B3 Max state of charge 95% 95% Rate
B4 Depth of discharge 80% 80% Rate
B5 Energy > 5% grade 5% 5% Percent
B6 Energy > 35 mph 5% 5% Percent
B7 Energy for heat 15% 15% Percent
B8 Additional energy for mileage 20.0% Percent
B9 Equivalent range miles (min) 56 Miles
B10 Energy available (min) 37 kWh
B11 Energy required (min) 49 120 kWh
B12 Range miles (actual) 56 Miles
B13 Battery energy (actual) 49 120 kWh

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
B14 Continuous C rate 1 2 Factor
B15 Battery power 49 240 kW
B16 Miles / kWh 1.42 1.42 Miles
B17 Battery cost / kWh $400 Dollars
B18 Battery cost $19,643 Dollars
B19 Management software $20,000 Dollars
B20 Cycles 3,000 3,000 Rate
B21 Required charges per week 7.2 6.0 Charges
B22 Potential life 8.0 9.6 Years
B23 Chosen life 8.0 5.0 Years
B24 Future cost / kWh $250 Dollars
B25 Replacement labor $8,500 Dollars
B26 Battery replacement costs $20,777 Dollars
E1 DGE per month 2,035 Gallons
E2 DGE : GGE conversion 90.4% Factor
E3 Fueling equipment 1 3 10 Quantity
E4 Number of locations 1 1 1 Quantity
E5 Charger power 19 58 kW
E6 Efficiency rating 89.5% 95.0% Rate
E7 Equipment cost / kWh $250 Dollars
E8 Fueling equipment cost $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E9 Circuit voltage 240 480 Volts
E10 Circuit current 80 120 Amps
E11 Circuit power 19 58 kW
E12 Installation costs $75,000 $4,800 Dollars
E13 Infrastructure costs $20,000 $40,000 Dollars
E14 Circuitry efficiency 93.0% Rate
E15 Charge time available 6.0 Hours
E16 Charge time 2.05 0.47 Hours
I1 Incentives-trucks ($7,500) Dollars
I2 Incentives-fuel equip ($30,000) ($15,821) Dollars
Finance data:
R1 Inflation rate 5.0% 2.5% 2.0% Percent
R2 Discount / interest rate 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Percent
R3 Tax rate (fed + state) 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.0% Percent
R4 Lease life 12 Years
Fuel data: Gallon DGE kWh Mile Unit
F1 Cost / unit $3.13 $1.70 $0.080 Dollars

Petroleum CNG Buy Lease Unit
F2 Tax credit for 2013 ($0.50) Dollars
F3 Miles / unit for fueling 6.00 5.42 1.16 Rate
F4 Cost / mile $0.5215 $0.3142 $0.0688 $0.5215 Dollars
F5 Lease increase 10.0% Percent
Other operating expenses:
O1 Average maintenance cost $2,077 $2,077 $951 $951 Dollars
O2 Maint hours / year 14.2 14.2 5.2 5.2 Hours
O3 Rental replacement / hour $100 $100 $100 $100 Dollars
O4 Property tax mil rate $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 $0.980 Rate
Residual value:
V1 Truck 20% 20% 20% 20% Percent
V2 Market expected payback 3 3 Years
V4 Charging equipment 20% 20% Percent


Summary of Level 2 Charging Stations

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images

UL listed. Residential unit.

Aerovironment 30 Aerovironment is Nissan's EVSE $999
EVSE-RS service partner for the LEAF rollout.

UL listed. The CS line is

ClipperCreek's line of general
purpose EVSE. Clipper Creek was
ClipperCreek 75
the first company to get UL-listing
CS Series
for a charger with an SAE J1772
UL, ETL listed. Designed for
residential use. This station features
ClipperCreek some of the same features found in
25 $795
LCS Series other ClipperCreek units, like the
Service Ground Monitor, Automatic
re-closure, and contactor monitoring.
EVSE, LLC. is a subsidiary of
Control Module Industries. They are
Industries 74
planning designs for parking lot,
curbside, and industrial uses.

UL listed. Residential. Level 2

30 charging station designed and
manufactured by Coulomb.

UL listed. Coulomb is one of the

Coulomb pioneers in the networked EVSE
Technologies space. This is their Level 2-only
CT2000 charging station.

Coulomb UL Listed. This is a Level 1 and 2

Technologies combination charging station.

Custom built stations. Customers

16 can choose 1 or 2 plugs, and Level 1
DBT Wallbox
or Level 2 power.

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images

Networked, dual-plug station with a

DBT GNS variety of access control systems
Series Level 2 30 (RFID, NFC) and payment system
Charging options. Supports Open Charge
Station Point Protocol (OCPP).

This station can be configured with

one or two plugs, and has a variety
of available access control systems
Series 16
and payment options. It can be set up
standalone or configured with a
central management system.

Basic Level 2 station designed for

Delta AC residential or commercial use. Two
Charging models available, "Economic" or the
Station networked "Smart".

ETL listed. Eaton's Pow-R-Station

line seems compelling for fleet use,
Eaton Pow-R- as it can talk to a facility's Energy
Station Level 2 Management System. It is also
EVSE unique in that it can locally store
usage information on an flash card.

UL listed. Selective height design

for convenient compliance with
Ecotality Blink 30 $1,195
ADA requirements. 360 degree
beacon light.

32 Easy to install unit. $649

Combination Level 1 and Level 2

stations. Please note that customers
have reported problems buying
charging stations from EV-Charge
EV2200 Series

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images

Designed by Evatran to be
upgradeable to Plugless Power
Evatran Level 32
hands-free proximity charging
capability as soon as it's available.

Ford is working with Best Buy to

offer a charging station for owners
Ford Focus of the Ford Focus Electric EV. Best
Electric 32 Buy will sell the station and offer
Charging consultation and installation services
Station through its Geek Squad tech support
services unit.

General Designed by industrial designer

30 $1,000
Electric Yves Behar. Now available.

UL listed. Company has over 100

General years experience in the design and
30 $4,500
Electric manufacture of electrical distribution
DuraStation systems.

ETL listed. GM has announced a

partnership with Michigan-based
SPX Service Solutions to sell and
install this 240V home charging
GM Voltec 15 $490
station made for the Chevrolet Volt.
This station can recharge the Volt
battery from depleted to full in about
four hours.

This charging station allows the

owner to set fee collection. The
Go Smart 50 station provides the consumer with $2,200
ChargeSpot PS options depending on the length of
time they will be charging.

GoSmart Technologies offers two

GoSmart 50 Level 2 units, one offering 30A $900
ChargeSpot RF charging, the other 50A.

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images

Designed by BMW Group

Green Garage
DesignworksUSA. This is a free- $5,000
charging only station.
Juice Bar

ETL listed. Commercial unit can

handle simultaneous Level 1
GRIDbot UP- 30 charging via a NEMA 5-20
100J receptacle or Level 2 charging using
the J-plug.

Level 2 station from a major

Legrand Level 16 manufacturer of consumer electrical $749
2 goods. Features auto reset.

Leviton Evr- 16 UL listed. Residential. $1,050

Green 160

The core of many of Leviton's and

other reseller's Level 2 models, this
Leviton Evr- 32 charging station features a "do-it- $1,395
Green 320 yourself" wall mounting and plug

UL listed. Networked charging

Leviton Evr-
30 stations. Designed for fleet and light
Green Level 2
commercial applications.

Leviton Evr- UL listed. Designed for public-use

Green CT applications.
Level 2

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images

Charging station designed by

Leviton EV Leviton exclusively for the 2012
Charging 40 Toyota RAV4EV. (although it
Station for should work fine with other vehicles
Toyota with J1772 inlets)

Designed for commercial

applications. Provides all the
Milbank EV
capabilities of a 30 amp Level 2
Pedestal 30
station (same as the Aerovironment
EVSE-RS) while providing a secure,
lockable cabinet.

ETL listed. Allows four vehicles to

30 charge at same time. Combination
EVCS (with
Level 1 and 2 unit.

This futuristic-looking unit is LED-

lit all around, for ease of finding the
receptacles at night, or to highlight
ParkPod ads or company logos. The unit
features a Windows XP/7
client/server database solution.

Plug-In ETL listed. Dual Level 2 units that

Electric Power can charge two EVs simultaneously.
(PEP) Level 2

Schneider UL listed. Schneider's indoor model

30 $799
Electric Square designed for residential use.
D Indoor

UL listed. Schneider outdoor model

can be used in both residential or
commercial applications. Optional
Schneider advanced metering functionality to
Electric 30 collect and monitor energy and $2,772
EVlink demand profile data is also available.
Outdoor Advanced versions feature
additional networking and
communication features.

Maximum Price
Make / Model Amps Short Description (USD) Accessory Images
Station designed for commercial-
grade applications, such as
multifamily, office, retail, fleet and
SemaConnect 30 municipal parking environments.
ChargePro 620 Compact and sleek design for easy
integration into existing parking
Highly configurable
commercial/public multi-head unit.
Shorepower 30 $3,900
Payment system does not require use
of proprietary network.
UL listed. Siemens units are
available as single Level 2 and
multi-level designs. The multi-level
Siemens Smart 30
units allow both Level 1 and 2
outputs to deliver energy
Available in 30A and 70A models.
Units are adjustable via an amperage
Siemens 70 dial or via communication with $1,000
VersiCharge utility. Four supply wiring
configurations are possible.

This unit is available in either a plug

SPX Power 32 in model (240VAC input) or a $949
Xpress permanent hardwired model.

Designed for media-driven

installations that allow free charging
Volta Charging 30
to the public. Company is planning
to launch network in 2012.

Source: Plug In America http://www.pluginamerica.org/accessory-


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