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Offshore South East Asia 82 Conference EXPLORATION i l l -

9 - 12 February, Singapore
:7rt- /()'1i~
Miocene Reefs, Offshore North Sumatra
by Phil A. Mundt
Mobil Oil Indonesia, Jakarta

Dwing the last two years Mobil bu conducted an aggressive program of seismic: work, wildcat
and appraisal drilling offshore North Sumatra. At times up to 3 drillWps or semi-submersables
were active.
Activity focussed on the NSB area offshore NW Sumatra where a significant gas discovery (NSB-Al)
in 357 feet of water WM known from eutier drilling. Seismic work in 1979-80, hindered by
positioning problems revealed a province of Miocene pinnade reefs. Up to 70 reefs were mapped in
an area of 1800 square kilometers on the MaJacca Shelf. Eleven new wildcats were drilled resulting
in 7 oil and gas discoveries.
Most reefs are pinnade-like with up to 1100 feet of vertical and up to 3000 aaes of areal closure.
At NSB-A gas field., a ..buiJd..out" reef complex developed., with some 10,000 acres of areal closure.
Reefs grew preferentially on pre-exisOng basement high treDds. Dominant ~ include
massive and platy co~ catcareous al~ bivalves, echinoids and larger foraminifera. Secondary
processes of solution, recrystallization, chalkific:ation and dolomitization over-rode the original
reef facies and altered reservoir properties. Limestone with good secondary porosity appears to be
restricted to regionaUy high areas which were subaeriaUy exposed. Dolomitization seems to be
erratic both in geographic distribution and in its effeds on porosity.
Commercial gas reserves in the order of 2 TCF have been establisbed in four sepu&te fields. The
gas contaimi up to 1 - 1.5 percent H 2S and CO,! content is 28 - 31%. For production purposes
otrsbore dehydration and compression facilities will be required plus a 100 km pipeline to the LNG
plant at Lbo Seumawe.
Some of the southeasterly wells tested high gravity, low pour-point crude at rates of 4000 - S600 bl d.
At present plans are being developed for a ftoating oil production system utUizing subsea
compJetiom, a test barge, SPM loading and tanker storage.
oWing the last two yean Mobil Exploration Indonesia has conducted an active exploration!
appraisal program in the Malacca St:nIiq, oft'sbore North Sumatra. At times up to 2 drilLVtips and
one semkubrnenable were active. Fig. 1 shows the location of the NSB area situated about 60 km
oft'!sbore in approximately 350 feet of water. This blodc. of acreage, some 2.5 million acres in size.,
lies on the north side of the North Sumatra basin and on the west flank of the Sunda Sheif.

Stratigraphy stone is present within the Baong Fonnation over much of the
Fig. 2 is a north--south diagrammatic section across the NSB block area and contains oil and gas in local closures.
and demonstrates generalized stratigraphic units. Economic Keutapang. Seurula and Julu Rayeu sands and shales comprise
basement in this area is slightly altered dolomites and argillites of the rest of the Stratigraphic column. These units dispiay only
Mesoioic or early Tertiary age. Altered granite was encountered monotonous regional dip to the southwest, being too far north
in the DI well. The basement ranges from a depth of 16,000 feet to be affected by tectonic activity related to the Barisan Orogeny.
at the southwest comer of the NSB block to less than 4,000 feet These three fonnations together range in total thickness from
near the Indonesia-Malaysia international boundary. 4,000 feet to 10,000 feet. Updip, where the Baong Formation is
Basement topography is generally smooth to gently undulating missing, lower shales of the Keutapang Formation serve as a seal
with north'"5outh high trends fonned by fault scarps. Sediments for the Malacca reefS". A thin sand in the middle Keutapang
directly overlying basement consist predominantly of calcarenites contains gas and condensate at the 'A' field.
and calcareous sandstones of the lower-upper Miocene Belumai Exploration History
Fonnation. These sediments show very little defonnation except
for regional dip to the southwest, and moderate drape over The NSO block. originally some 7.9 million acres in size. was
basement highs. Numerous pinnacle and biohermal reefs are awarded to Mobil in 1968. Subsequent relinquishments reduced
present within the Belumai F onnation. These reefs, developed the acreage to its present size of 3.2 million acres. A boundary
on basement or Belumai highs, are given the local name Malacca dispute with Malaysia also served to rearrange the acreage; the
Member. As seen in the stratigraphic section, the Belumai NS~ Extension blocl:. was assigned to compensate for acreage
Fonnation with its Malacca reef developments is time-transgressive lost 10 the boundary settlement. The NSO block in its final form
onto the Sunda Shelf. comprises 3 disconnected segments, of which the NSB area is one.

Ratios of Sr87 to Sr86 show the age of Malaccaj Belumai carbonates Prior to 1979 seismic control consisted of 3,970 km of line on a
to range from 7 to 23 million years. grid spacing averaging about 2 x 4 km in the NSB area of interest.
Up to that time, five wells were drilled including NSB-Al, a
The Baong Fonnation overlies the Belumai/ Malacca units in Malacca gas discovery made in 1972.
most of the area. It is a dark-colored shale and forms an effective
seal for the underlying carbonate reservoirs. Downdip, at depths In late 1979 the results of 2 wildcat wells. and some new seismic,
greater than about 8,000 feet, the Baong shale is considered to be revealed that literally dozens of pinnacle reefs were present.
, a hydrocarbon source for both oil and gas. A thin bed of sand- However, at about this same time it was found that some of the
1979 seismic lines mistied badly (40 milliseconds, 150-200 feet) In the A3 well units of coral framework are 5 - 10 feet thick
with older data. Onshore base stations used for seismic and rig interiayered with skeletal grainstone and wackestone which i~
positioning were suspect, so a satellite survey was conducted. altered to chalky material. Corals include fragile "finger" types
This work found that published coordinates for the old Dutch and massive digitate forms typical of reef flats. The corals show
base stations were reasonably good but in the case of one station various stages of fragmentation, bioerosion and recrystallization.
an error of 800 meters existed. Once the seismic base maps were Corals and other organic material are altered to spar and chalk.
corrected for this, the seismic lines tied. The framework rock is infilled with lime mud which has been
altered to friable chalk. Relict depositional textures in the skeletal
To obtain the close control required to delineate the reefs, an
facies show that original constituents included fragments of
additional 5,720 km of seismic coverage was acquired, most of it
corals, bivalves, echinoids, red algae and forams.
on a grid of 3/4 by 3/4 km. As a result, about 70 Malacca reefs
(to'ig. 3)are mapped now. They range in size from 125 to 10,000 Diagenesis and Porosity
acres and some build up venically to as much as I,lOO feet. Most
Various diagenetic processes have altered the reef rocks and hence
seem to be circular or elongate in plan view and conical, domal
the reservoir propenies. Eight types of porosity are recognized
or flat-topped in side~view. They occur preferentially on structural
and productive capacity of the wells is controlled by their porosity /
or paleotopographic highs on the basement or Belumai surface.
permeability propenies.
Drill depths range from 3,500 to 6,000 feet and water depths
from 260 - 350 feet. In the 'A' field the reef facies are not dolomitized and porosity is
mainly intergranular where original porosity is preserved. and
Eleven wildcat wells drilled in the last 2'12 years resulted in seven
moldic. vuggy-fenestrate. or chalky where secondary processes
discoveries including 3 oil, 2 gas and 2 oil & gas. Of 9 appraisal
have pil:!vaiied. Mud-tilh:t..l IlhJHuS(' ;'(\~.: art' preserved to ronn a
wells drilled, 8 were successful.
type of porosity attributable to bioturbation.
Oil accumulations seem to favour the southeast end of the reef
Volume-wise, moldic porosity is most pervasive. Fig. 8 is an
trend, although RI has a thin oil leg beneath a thick gas column.
example of moldic pores, probably developed in a post-burial
Test results in the Malacca Member at HI and Ll were especially
freshwater or subaerial diagenetic environment. Dissolution of
encouraging. HI flowed 42° API oil at rates up to 4,077 bid plus
skeletal material creates moldic pore space which may be reduced
gas at 2.3 - 3.6 M MSCF/ D. A thin, overlying Baong sandstone
later by calcite spar rims or infilling. Coral and mollusc skeletons
also tested oil and gas. HI was the tirst well to find black oil in the
are more vulnerable to dissolution whereas echinoids, [orams and
offshore Malacca Straits. The L1 wildcat has a gas column of
especially algae are resistant. Further solution of skeletal molds
50 feet and an oil column of 341 feet in the Malacca Member.
may result in vuggy or fenestrate porosity.
An open-hole test of the zone flowed 46° API oil at the rate of
5.593 bl d and gas at 3.8 M MSCF I D. At Kl both oil and gas were Secondary chalk is widespread in the 'A' field. Chalkification is
tested from the MaJacca and at NI the Baong Sandstone tested probably a fresh water - subaerial process wherein the original
46° API oil. lime mud and included skeletal materials are altered to micrite.
The intra-reef or reef-Hat areas seem most affected, perhaps
Gas reserves approximating 2 TCF have been outlined in four
because they originally had a higher percentage of lime mud. The
fields further nonh. At the 'A' field. discovered in 1972, a
scanning electron microscope photo (Fig. 9) suggests that later
productive area of some 10.000 acres has been established in the
Malacca reef member. The maximum gas column is about 680 leaching caused rounding of the chalk panicles and created a friable
feet. A thin Keutapang sand is present throughout the 'A' field chalk which may have effective permeability, especially for gas,
and has drape closure. Good flows of gas and condensate were In the Jl and J2 fields (and the A6 well), fracture and ca vernou~
tested from this sand in the A6 well. porosity are characteristic. Resulting lost circulauon (with
JI field, discovered in 1979, has 1,500 productive acres and a gas subsequent gas kicks) causes hazardous drilling conditions and
poor sample recovery is the rule. Losses of drilling tluid into the
column of 600 feet. J2 field has a different gas I water contact; the
productive area is about 3,000 acres with 670 feet of gas column. well bore amount to thousands of barrels in some wells. In the
. R' field discovered in 1981 has a gas column of about 300 feet A6 well the drill bit dropped 6 feet at one point and fluid loss was
overlying a thin oil leg; the total productive area for gas is 1.900 at the rate of 40,000 bl d. Plugs comprised of diesel oil. bentonite
and cement are used successfully but require careful control on
acres. In all these fields the Malacca Member is the main reservoir.
the part of the drillers. Another adverse affect of massive fluid
Reef Morphology and Facies losses is in electric log analysis; water saturations calculate
Fig. 4 is a 52~fold, east~west migrated seismic line across the J2 reef. anomalously high. We know of no completely satisfactory solution
It demonstrates characteristic reef buildup, drape and thinning to this problem.
in overlying beds, the loss of seismic continuity and amplitude Panial dolomitization in order 'J' wells obliterated original reef
within the reef. Due to mutual interference during growth, complete,
Fig. 5 is a north~south seismic line across two pinnacle reefs in the well-formed crystals could not form. This resulted in elimination
Jl field. The J1 discovery well was located on a I by 2 km seismic of most intercrystalline porosity which may have been present
grid and thereby missed the crest of the reef 440 feet venically and during early stages of dolomitization.
1,300 feet horizontally. The J4 well was positioned intentionally In the Rl well dolomitization tended to improve the porosity and
on the south flank of a second reef pinnacle to detennine the that well has the highest average porosity (3000) so-far logged.
gas-water contact. Both the JI and J2 reef fields are full of gas to the Fig. 10 illustrates the excellent intercrystalline porosity fonned
spill·point. in the early stages of the replacement of reefal limestone by
Fig. 6 is an east-west seismic line across the 'A' field. At the Al and dolomite. In this case, the individual dolomite rhombs do not
A6 locations the mounded shape and discontinuous internal interfere with each other and maximum pore space was formed.
reflections suggest that these wells are situated on main reef Some porosity enhancement also occurs because the dolomite
buildups (reef core). At the A3 and A5 locations the banded tends not to fill moldic pores present in the original limestone.
appearance of the seismic reflections is related to nonnal bedding All the various reef facies are underlain by a dolomite platfonn
indicative of an intra-reef or reef-flat facies. Fig. 7 is a structure and some of the reefs are panly dolorritized. The dolomite
map of the 'A' field showing interpreted reef facies. comprising pre-Tertiary (?) economic basement is dark gray and
The 'A' reef is characterized by a fossil assemblage of branching dense, comprised of a regular mosaic of subhedral crystals. This
no~ally can be distinguished from dolomite in Malacca buildups
corals with associated binding and encrusting coraJline red algae.
Other identifiable fossil constituents include bivalves, echinoids, which have coarser, irregular crystal fabrics and commonly
gastropods and forams. The coral framework is infilled with preserve ghosts of depositional textures and skeletal components.
skeletal packstones and wackestones.
Surprisingly, in the 'A' field, electric log response shows very TABLE 2
little difference in aV'.c):1ge porosity between the reef core and
intra-reef facies. and cavernous reef limestone in Jl field FI ELD
has relatively high porosity whereas partial dolomitization in the Composition
J2 field bas a negative effect. The initial stage of dolomitization {Mol %} A JI J2 R
at 4R' field created very favourable porosity, as seen in Table 1.
TABLE 1 ~ 1.104 2.533 1.254 0.307

Average C~ 31.102 28.343 29.383 18.839

Field LithoJogy Facies Porosity % ~S 1.494 1.396 1.187 0,021
A Limestone
'1 62.372 63.347 63.265 74.889

S 2.557 2.723 2.800 4.217

Jl Limestone Reef (fractured) 27.0
Partial dolomite
Reef (fractured)
S 0.679 0.810 0.897 0.879
iC 0.150 0.192 0.252 0.225
Permeability data is sparse because of poor core recoveries. nC 0.167 0.219
4 0.289 0.199
Thirty two full diameter core samples from the Malacca limestone
in the A3 well had air permeabilities ranging from a few to iC 0.070 0.104 0.150 0.105
3,500 md. Most of the cored interval averaged about 108 md. nC 0.046 0.064 0.110 0.057
however and porosity from core analysis 22.3%. S
C + 0.259 0.269 0.413 0.262
Gas Tests and Composition 6
Total non~HC 33.700 32.272 31.824 19.167
Fracture and cavernous porosity in the Jl and J2 fields strongly
influence production rates there. CAOFP in J4 is 123 MMCFGI D Water vapor 1.895 1.684 1.600 0.400
and in J5 is 60 MMCFGj D. Wells in the 'A' field have productive
potentials in the range of 16 to 28 MMCFGI D. AU wells have Future Development
normal hydrostatic bottom-hole pressure and temperature Development of the gas in the offshore fields described above
gradients are in the range of 3 - 4° per 100 feet. will provide additional gas reserves to support Indonesian LNG
The composition of gas in the Malacca reservoir will cause sales.
producing problems. H, S ranges from I - 1.5% in the' A' and 'J' Scoping studies indicate that when development comes, the 'A'
fields and CO 2 content is 28 - 31 %. Together with the water and T fields can utilize deviated production weUs for the most
vapor in the gas this will form a corrosive fluid at the surface. part. Initially three 12-slot platforms in the 'A' field and one each
Fortunately pressure-temperature conditions are slightly outside in the JI and J2 fields will sutfice. A few sea floor completions may
the range of hydrate formation. Average gas composition is shown be required. A central platform will be needed to house dehydration
in Table 2. and compression facilities. A 100 km, 42-inch pipeline will be
A thin Keutapang sand at 3,600 feet in the A6 well tested sweet required to move an estimated 400 MMCFj D onshore to the
gas at rates up to 9.4 M M CF! D plus 15 20 barrels of 643 0 API LN G plant at Lho Seuma we.
condensate per MMCF. Shows in this sand in other wells indicate Development of some of the oil fields may be possible before gas
about 15,000 acres may be productive. The gas/ condensate in production commences. A floating oil production system seems
this sand may be utilized when production commences. feasible and planning is underway. The system incorporates use of
seafloor completions, a test barge, SPM and tanker storage.


o MILES 60

Figure 1
Index Map, North Sumatra


[ SEURULA - - - ---

o MILES 20
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Figure 2
Diagrammatic Stratigraphic Section Across NSB Area
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-MOBIL/PEUSANGAN- .---~---------


o MILES 10
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Figure 3
Malacca Reef Fields Offshore North Sumatra
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LINE 80-508

Seismic Line Across Two PinnaUe Reefs In Jl Field
AS A3 ( PROJ.) (PROJ.)
~ 4 ~

LINE 73-259
t 1KM

Figure 6
Seismic Une Across 'A' Field Reef Build Ups At AI and A6 WeDs, Intra-Reef Facies A3 And AS

Ifho,C"h I REEf



Figure 7 GURE 7
Red Structure And Facies At NS8-A Field
3CM O.!5 MM
Figure 8

Vuggy And Fenestrate Porosity As Seen In Core From NSB-A3 (Left)

And Thin Section From NSB-A2 (Right)
Figure 9

Scanning Electron Microscope Photo Of Chalky Texture In The NSB-A2 Well

Figure 10
.. Thin Section Photomicrograph Of Dolomite Rhombs
In NSB-Rl Well. IntercrystalUne Porosity (Black) Averages 30%.

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