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4 Atomic Structure

In Chapter 3, we have learnt that atoms and molecules are the fundamental building
blocks of matter. The existence of different kinds of matter is due to different atoms
constituting them. Now the questions arise: (i) What makes the atom of one element different
from the atom of another element? and (ii) Are atoms really in divisible, as proposed by
Dalton, or are there smaller constituents inside the atom? We shall find out the answers to
these questions in this chapter. We will learn about sub-atomic particles and the various
models that have been proposed to explain how these particles are arranged within the atom.
A major challenge before the scientists at the end of the 19th century was to reveal the
structure of the atom as well as to explain its important properties. The elucidation of the
structure of atoms is based on a series of experiments.

Fundamental particles of atom

1. Cathode ray – Discovery of electron
Around 1879, Willian Crookes observed that when an electric discharge from high
potential source is passed through a gas at 0.001 mm pressure of Hg in a discharge

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

tube, the glass wall opposite to the cathode began to glow with very faint greenish
light. This glow or fluorescent is formed due to the bombardment on the glass by
certain rays which are emitted from the cathode-surface and move towards the anode
with tremendous velocity. These rays are called cathode rays. Irrespective of the
nature of the cathode or residual gas inside the discharge tube, the following
properties of cathode rays are recorded.
i) They travel in straight lines perpendicular to the cathode surface.
ii) They are deflected from their original straight line path by the application of both
electric and magnetic fields and the direction of deflection indicates that they consist
of negatively charged particles.
iii) They cast a sharp shadow when an opaque object is placed in their path.
iv) They produce a mechanical motion on small and very light paddle wheel when it is
placed in the path of cathode rays. This confirms the presence of material particles in
cathode rays.
v) These rays affect a photographic plate
vi) Metal foils are heated to white hot when bombarded by cathode rays.
vii) They emit fluorescent radiation when they are allowed to fall on glass wall coated
with zinc sulphide or barium platinocyanide.
viii) They can penetrate very thin metal sheet and ionise air or any gas through which they
pass. The properties of cathode rays and their behaviour in electric and magnetic
fields, prove that cathode rays are made up of fast moving tiny material particles
charged with negative electricity. These particles are called electrons:
a) Charge on electron : R.A. Milliken in 1913 determined the charge on an electron
by his classical oil drop experiment and found the value to be 1.6022 × 10–19 coulomb
or 4.8 × 10–10 e.s.u.
No fundamental particle is known which contains charge less than this. This is the
minimum value of negative charge. The quantity of electricity carried by all
negatively charged ions is multiple of this value. That is why the numerical magnitude
of electronic charge represents the fundamental unit of electricity.
b) Mass of an electron is 9.109 × 10–28 g.
One gram atom of hydrogen weighs 1.008 g.

∴ mass of one hydrogen atom = = 1.673 × 10−24 g.

Mass of an electron 9.109 × 10−28 1

∴ = =
Mass of 1 atom of hydrogen 1.673 × 10−24 1837
i.e., the mass of an electron is1837 times that of one atom of hydrogen. In other
words the mass of one hydrogen atom is 1837 times greater than the mass of
one electron.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

2. Positive ray – Discovery of protons

An atom is electrically neutral and since it contains negatively charged electrons, it must also
contain equal number of positively charged particles. In other words the discovery of
electrons in atom stimulated the search for the discovery of positively charged unit in an
While carrying out experiments on the conduction of electricity through gases at low pressure
in a discharge tube, Eugene Goldstein in 1866 used a perforated metal disc as a cathode. He
observed that luminous rays were emerged from the back side of the perforations of the metal
cathode disc.
These rays were originally called canal rays as they passed through the perforations of the
i) The positive rays are attracted by negative electric field and magnetic field but repelled
by positive electric and magnetic field. These experiments prove that positive rays are
composed of stream of very small positively charged particles.
ii) The mass of a proton is much higher than that of an electron. It is found to be 1836 times
heavier than an electron. The mass of a proton in free state is 1.6725 × 10–24 gms. It
follows therefore, like electron, proton is another fundamental particle of all material
iii) Charge on a proton : Experimental studies show that the charge on a proton is the same
as that of an electron but of opposite nature. Hence, the charge on a proton is 4.8 × 10–10
e.s.u. or1.602 × 10–19 coulomb. The charge carried by a proton has been accepted as the
unit of positive electricity as no positively charged particle is known which has charge
less than that of a proton.

3. Discovery of Neutrons
J. Chadwick was successful in discovering a new fundamental particle by bombarding
beryllium with fast moving alpha particles. In 1932 he concluded that the radiation
consisted of particles of mass nearly equal to that of the proton and with no net charge.
This particle was identified as neutron, the existence of which was predicted earlier by
Rutherford. Rutherford after his α-particle scattering experiment concluded that mass of
an atom is more than the sum of protons and electrons which proves the existence of a
third particle in the atom. The bombardment of the nuclei of light metals (Be, B etc.) with
alpha particles may be expressed as follows :
4Be + 2He4 → 6C
+ 0n1

5B + 2He4 → 7N
+ 0n1
Properties of Neutron:
i) Since the neutron carries no electrical charge, its penetrating power is more than that of
electron and proton.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

ii) Except hydrogen atom, all atoms contain neutron, hence neutron is also a
fundamental particle of matter.
iii) The mass of neutron is 1.00893 a.m.u. (on the physical atomic weight scale) or 1.675
× 10–24 g.

Thomson’s Model of an Atom

Thomson proposed the model of an atom to be similar to that of a Christmas pudding. The
electrons, in a sphere of positive charge, were like currants (dry fruits) in a spherical
Christmas pudding. We can also think of a watermelon, the positive charge in the atom is
spread all over like the red edible part of the watermelon, while the electrons are studded in
the positively charged sphere, like the seeds in the watermelon

Rutherford’s a-scattering experiment

Rutherford carried out a series of experiments using α -particles. A beam of α -particles was
directed against a thin foil of gold, platinum, silver or copper. The foil was surrounded by a
circular fluorescent zinc sulphide screen. Whenever an α-particle struck the screen, it
produced a flash of light
The following observations were made:
(i) Most of the α -particles went straight without suffering any deflection.
(ii) A few of them got deflected through small angles.
(iii) A few of them (about one in 20,000) returned back towards its source.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

Following conclusions were drawn from the above observations:

(i) Since most of the particles went straight through the metal foil undeflected, it
indicates most of space of an atom is empty.
(ii) A few of the α -particles were deflected from their original paths through moderate
angles, it was concluded that whole of the positive charge is concentrated in the space
called nucleus. It is supposed to be present in the centre of the atom.
(iii) A very few of the α -particles suffered strong deflections or even rebound on their
path due to maximum repulsion and minimum Impact parameter.
Rutherford’s Nuclear Model
Based on the above classic experiment, Rutherford proposed a nuclear model of atom.
According to this model, an atom consists of two parts
i) Nucleus, (ii) Extra nuclear part.
i) Nucleus – Centre of an atom:
a) All atoms contain a minute but massive positively charged body at its centre called
b) Nucleus contains all protons of an atom hence the nucleus is always positively
c) It is to be noted that when the nuclear model of Rutherford was proposed, neutron
was not discovered. After the discovery of neutron, it was proposed that the mass
of an atom is due to the mass of proton and neutron. Neutron is also present inside
the nucleus and these two particles, protons and neutrons are called nucleons.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

ii) Extra nuclear part of an atom :

Since an atom is neutral, the total number of protons in the nucleus is equal to the total
number of electrons outside the nucleus which are present in the different orbits. So
Rutherford’s model is analogous to solar system.
In order to explain the fact that the negatively charged orbital electrons do not fall upon
the nucleus which contains positively charged protons, as a result of electrostatic
attraction, around the nucleus, the inward force of electrostatic attraction was exactly
counter-balanced by the outward centrifugal force produced by the rapid motion of the
Defects of Rutherford’s model of atom:
a) Rutherford’s atomic model is extremely unstable because the electrons will
gradually loose energy and the radius of curvature of its path will steadily
decrease, its orbit will become smaller and smaller i.e., the electron will follow a
spiral path and finally fall into the nucleus.
b) Rutherford’s model could not explain the existence of line spectra of atom which
according to the quantum theory should correspond to definite amount of energy.
Bohr’s Model of an atom
(i) The atom has a nucleus where all the protons and neutrons are present. It is present
at the centre of the atom.
(ii) Negatively charged electrons are revolving around the nucleus in a same way as the
planets are revolving around the sun. The path of the electron is circular. The force of
attraction between the nucleus and the electron is equal to centrifugal force of the
moving electron.
(iii) Out of infinite number of possible circular orbits around the nucleus, the electron can
revolve only in those orbits whose angular momentum is an integral multiple of


i.e 𝑚𝑣𝑟 = 𝑛 2𝜋

Where m = mass of electron, v = velocity of electron, r = radius of orbit and n = 1, 2, 3, ....

Number of orbit. Thus the angular momentum is quantized. The specified orbits are called
stationary orbits.
(iv) By the time, the electron remains in any one of the stationary orbits, it does not lose
energy. Such a state is called ground state.
(v) Each stationary orbit is associated with a definite amount of energy. The greater the
distance of the orbit from the nucleus, more shall be the energy associated with it. These
orbits are also called energy levels and are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, ..... or K, L, M, N,.....
From nucleus outwards.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

(vi) The emission or absorption of energy in the form of radiation can only occur when an
electron jumps from one stationary orbit to another.
∆E = Ehigh –Elow = ℎ𝜈
A Brief Introduction to Quantum numbers

The concept of quantum number was first introduced by Bohr, where it was postulated that
while an electron moves in a circular orbit, its angular momentum becomes an integral
ℎ ℎ
multiple of i.e., angular momentum mvr = n × , where n = principle quantum number
2𝜋 2𝜋
which indicates the energy state of an electron.
Normally the term quantum number is used to indicate the various energy levels or orbits of
an atom. They also denote the region of space or orbitals where the electron is likely to be
found. Each electron in an atom is confined to its own orbital.
Bohr’s model predicts only one quantum number (n), but the quantum mechanical model of
atom introduces three more quantum numbers.
1. The principal quantum number (n): This indicates the size of the atom and the
distance of the electron from the nucleus and also the energy of the electrons.
2. Azimuthal quantum number (l): This gives the shape of the orbital in which electron
is present.
3. Magnetic quantum number (m): Indicates the orientation of the electronic orbit in
space under the influence of magnetic field.
4. Spin quantum number (s): This indicates the spin of the electron while moving about
its axis either clockwise or anticlockwise.

Filling of Electrons in Different Orbitals:

1. Aufbau Principle
According to this principle, the electrons first occupy the orbitals of lowest energy.
2. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
Pauli’s exclusion principle states that, no two electrons in an atom can have the identical
values of quantum numbers.
3. Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity Rule :
This indicates the distribution of electrons in an orbital. Electron-pairing in any orbital
cannot take place until each orbital of the same sub-level contains 1 electron.
Isotopes, Isobars, and Isotones
All the atoms of a particular element have same number of protons in their nuclei,
however the number of neutrons may be different. Such atoms have same atomic number
but different mass numbers and are known as isotopes of the element. Thus, isotopes of
an element are the atoms of the element with same atomic number but different mass

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

numbers. For example, hydrogen has three isotopes, protium (H), deuterium (D) and
tritium (T). All the three isotopes have atomic number 1. However, their mass numbers
are 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The isotopes of other elements do not have special names,
they are indicated by giving mass number value on the symbol. Mass number and atomic
number of an element are generally indicated as shown below :

Thus, three isotopes of hydrogen can be represented as 11𝐻 , 21𝐻 and 31𝐻
Similarly, the three isotopes of carbon are represented as 126𝐶 , 131𝐶 and 146𝐶
It may be mentioned here that atoms of different elements may have same mass number.
The atoms of different elements which have same mass number are called isobars. For
example, 146𝐶 and 147𝑁 are isobars.
Sometimes atoms of different elements contain same number of neutrons. Such atoms
are known as isotone. Thus, isotones may be defined as the atoms of different elements
containing same number of neutrons. For example, 136𝐶 and 147𝑁. For isotones, the
difference of mass number and atomic number is same.
Isotopes are the atoms of same element whereas isobars and isotones are atoms of
different elements.
Calculation of Number of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons
From the knowledge of atomic number and mass number of an element it is possible to
calculate number of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom of the element. For
example, atomic number and mass number of aluminium are 13 and 27 respectively.
Number of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom of it can be calculated as under:
Number of protons = Atomic number = 13
Number of electrons = Atomic number = 13
Number of neutrons = Mass number – Atomic number = 27 – 13 = 14.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry


1. Fill in the following blanks in respect of an atom of an element :

Number of Number of Mass Atomic Number of Valency
protons neutrons number number electrons
11 12 …………. ………... ………… ………..
2. Fill in the blanks
(i) Magnesium has 2 valence electrons in the .......... shell.
(ii) The valency of nitrogen in N2 molecule is .......... .
(iii) Isotopes have different mass numbers because their nuclei contain different
number of ..........
(vi) Some boron atoms have mass number 10 and some have mass number 11.
These boron atoms with different mass numbers are called ...
3. State whether the following statement is true or false :
Radioactive isotope of iodine is used for making the medicine called tincture iodine.
4. What are radioactive isotopes? Give two examples of radioactive isotopes.
5. Give any two uses of radioactive isotopes.
6. An element Z contains two naturally occurring isotopes 35 33
17𝑍 , and 17𝑍 . If the average
atomic mass of this element be 35.5 u, calculate the percentage of two isotopes.
7. From the symbol 31 15𝑃 , state:
(i) mass number of phosphorus,
(ii) atomic number of phosphorus, and
(iii) electron configuration of phosphorus
8. What is the number of valence electrons in :
(a) sodium ion, Na+ (b) oxide ion, O2–
9. Three different atoms of oxygen are represented as :
16 17 18
8𝑂 , 8𝑂 ,and 8𝑂 ,
(i) What factor is responsible for the change in the superscripts 16, 17 and 18,
though the element is the same?
(ii) What is the usual name for such atoms of an element?
(iii) Give the nuclear compsition of 188𝑂

10. The number of protons, neutrons and electrons in particles A to E are given below :
Electrons Protons Neutrons Electrons
A 17 18 17
B 3 4 2
C 18 22 18
D 17 20 17
E 9 10 10
Giving reasons, find a pair of isotopes from the above particles.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

11. The atomic species A and B have different number of protons but the same number
of nucleons. On the other hand, the atomic species X and Y have the same number of
protons but different number of nucleons. Which pair is an example of isobars? Why?
12. An atom of an element X may be written as 49𝑋 .
(a) What is the number of protons in atom X?
(b) What is the number of neutrons in atom X?
(c) What is the number of electrons in atom X?
(d) How many electrons are there in the outermost shell of an atom of element X?
(f) Write the symbol of ion formed by an atom of element X.
13. Bromine occurs in nature mainly in the form of two isotopes 35 𝐵𝑟 and 81 35𝐵𝑟 If the
79 81
abundance of 35𝐵𝑟 isotope is 49.7% and that of 35𝐵𝑟 isotope is 50.3%, calculate the
average atomic mass of bromine.
14. Describe the Rutherford’s model of an atom. State one drawback of Rutherford’s
model of the atom.
15. The mass number of an element is 23 and it contains 11 electrons. What is the number
of protons and neutrons in it? What is the atomic number of the element?


1. The statement that no two electrons can have same set of four quantum numbers
is called _____________.
2. Size of the orbital is determined by _____________ quantum number.
3. The angular momentum of the electron, according to Bohr’s model, is whole
number multiple of _____________.
4. The shape of orbital is determined by _____________ quantum number.
5. Write down the values of azimuthal quantum number possible for electron present
in 3rd shell.
6. How many orbitals are present in p-subshell?
7. Write down the conclusion made from α -scattering experiment and the defects of
the Rutherford model of atom.
8. (a) Write the two limitations of Bohr’s model.
(b) Name the various sub-shells associated with (i) n = 4, l = 2, (ii) n = 3, l = 1.
(c) Arrange the sub-shells in 3rd shell in the order of increasing energy incase of
(i) Hydrogen atom and (ii) iron atom.
9. Define an orbital.


1. Rutherford’s scattering experiment is related to

(a) neutrons (b) atom (c) electron (d) nucleus
2. When alpha (𝛼)-particles are sent through a thin metal foil, most of them go straight
through the foil because

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

(a) 𝛼 -particles are much heavier than electrons

(b) 𝛼 -particles are positively charged
(c) most part of the atom is empty space
(d) 𝛼 -particles move with high velocity
3. Atomic number of an element is equal to the number of
(a) electrons (b) protons
(c) neutrons (d)electron or protons
4. The isotopes of an element differ in
(a) the number of neutrons in the nucleus
(b) the charge on the nucleus
(c) the number of extra-nuclear electrons
(d) both the nuclear charge and the number of extra-nuclear electrons
5. The mass of a neutron is
(a) same as that of a proton (b) slightly less than that of a proton
(c) slightly more than that of a proton (d) much different from that of proton
6. Which property of the elements is always a whole number?
(a) Atomic weight (b)Equivalent weight
(c) Atomic number (d) Atomic volume
35 37
7. 17𝐶𝑙 and 17𝐶𝑙 differ from each other in number of
(a) electrons (b) mesons (c) protons (d) neutrons
8. The quantum number which specifies the location as well as energy is
(a) principal quantum number (b) azimuthal quantum number
(c) spin quantum number (d) magnetic quantum number
9. The radius of nucleus is approximately _______ times smaller than the radius of
(a) 1,00,000 (b) 5,000 (c) 10,000 (d) 200
10. An element A has an atomic mass 19 and atomic number 9 its ion is represented by:
(a) M+ (b) M2+ (c) M–1 (d) M2–
11. Size of the nucleus is of the order
(a) 10–12 m (b) 10–8 m (c) 10–15 m (d) 10–10 m
12. Name of scientist associated with the discovery of Neutron is
(a) J.J. Thomson (b) James Chadwick
(c) Rutherford (d) Yukawa
13. In a given atom no two electrons can have the same values for all the four quantum
numbers. This is called
(a) Hund’s rule (b) Aufbau principle
(c) Uncertainty principle (d) Pauli’s exclusion principle
14. The possible values of magnetic quantum number for p-orbital are
(a) 0 (b) –1, 0, +1
(c) –2, +1 (d) –3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3
15. The notation of orbital with n=5, and l = 3 is
(a) 2p (b) 5s (c) 5f (d) 3d

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

16. Shape of an orbital is given by:

(a) Principal quantum number (b) Spin quantum number
(c) Azimuthal quantum number (d) Magnetic quantum number
17. Orientation of orbitals is given by
(a) Magnetic quantum number (b) Spin quantum number
(c) Azimuthal quantum number (d) Principal quantum number
18. The number of unpaired electrons in magnesium atom is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
19. The maximum number of unpaired electrons present in px orbital is:
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
20. Which of the following configuration is correct for iron?
(a) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d7 (b) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6
(c) 1s22s22p63s23p63d6 (d) 1s22s22p63s23d64s23d6
21. Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired d-electrons?
(a) N3+ (b) Fe3+ (c) Zn+ (d) Cu+
22. The principal and azimuthal quantum number of electrons in 4f orbitals are:
(a) 4, 2 (b) 4, 4 (c) 4, 3 (d) 3, 4
23. Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired electrons?
(a) Mg2+ (b) Ti2+ (c) Fe2+ (d) Mn2+
24. The four quantum numbers of valence electron of potassium are:
1 1 1 1
4,0,1,2 4,1,0,2 4,0,0,2 4,1,1,2
25. In the ground state, an element has 13 electrons in its M-shell. The element is:
(a) Manganese (b) Cobalt (c) Nickel (d) Iron


1. A radioactive element 90R232 emits one alpha (α) particle and then two beta (β)
particles. The daughter element will have
(A)Atomic no 90, Mass No. 228 (B)Atomic no. 90, Mass no. 232
(C)Atomic no. 88, Mass No. 228 (D)Atomic no. 88, Mass no. 232
2. The last electron of the element of atomic member 31will have the following
quantum numbers
n l m s
(A) 3 0 0 –1/2
(B) 3 1 1 +1/2
(C) 4 1 –1 –1/2
(D) 4 0 0 +1/2
3. In photoelectric effect, the maximum kinetic energy (EK) of photoelectrons depends
on frequency (f) of light incident on a metal surface of work function (ϕ). In an
experiment f is varied and EK is measured, To determine value for plank’s constant
(A) Plot EK against ϕ and find intercept of best fitted line.
(B) Plot EK against f and find slope of line of best fit.
(C) Plot EK against ϕ and find slope of line of best fit.

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

(D) Plot EK against f and find intercept of best fitted line.

4. Which of the following combinations of elements of given atomic numbers can lead
to a compound with a chemical formula of XY3?
(A) 2 and 6 (B) 5 and 15 (C) 3 and 18 (D) 13 and 17
5. Which conclusion was a direct result of the gold foil experiment?
(A)An atom is mostly empty space with a dense, positively charged nucleus.
(B)An atom is composed of at least three types of subatomic particles.
(C)An electron has a positive charge and is located inside the nucleus.
(D)An electron has properties of both waves and particles.
6. The ratio of the radius of the atom to the radius of the nucleus is typically.
(A) 10 (B) 102 105 108
7. On adding a neutron to the nucleus of an atom, change will be observed in its
(A) atomic number (B)mass number
(C) electronic configuration (D) chemical properties
8. K, L and M shells of an atom have 2, 8 and 5 electrons respectively. The number of
electrons in its p-orbitals is -
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9
9. Isotopes of an element have –
(A) Same Physical Properties (B)Different Chemical Properties
(C)Different No. of Neutrons (D)Different Atomic Number
10. Which of the following is correct electronic configuration of Argon –
(A) 2, 8 (B) 2, 8, 8 (C) 2, 8, 1 (D) 8, 2, 8
11. Neutron less neutral atom is
(A) H (B) He (C) Na (D) K
12. Assertion (A): Aluminium foil cannot be used in α-scattering experiment.
Reason (R): Aluminium is highly malleable metal.
(A) Both A and R are correct R is the correct reason for A.
(B) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct reason for A.
(C)A is correct and R is incorrect.
(D)A is correct and R is correct.
13. An atom of an element (X) has its K, L and M shells filled with same electron. It
reacts with sodium metal to forma compound NaX. The number of electrons in the
M shell of the atom(X)will be
(A)Eight (B)Seven (C)Two (D)One
14. Number of valence electron in Cl atom is
(A) 16 (B) 7 (C) 17 (D) 18
15. Which of the following has the maximum number of unpaired electrons?
(A)Ti3+ (B)V3+ (C) Fe2+ (D) Fe3+
16. In which of the following series of transition metal ions, all metal ions have 3d2
electronic configuration
(A) Ti+,V4+, Cr6+ Mn7+ (B) Ti3+,V2+, Cr3+, Mn4+
2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
(C) Ti ,V , Cr Mn (D) Ti4+,V3+, Cr2+ Mn3+
17. What are the values of the quantum number of 19th electron of scandium
(Z= 21)?
1 1
(A) n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, ms = +2 (B) n = 4, l = 1, m = 0, ms = +2
1 1
(C) n = 4, l = 2, m = 1, ms = +2 (D) n = 4, l = 3, m = 2, ms = +2
18. How many number of protons and electrons are present in Ca+2?

Class IX: Atomic Structure Chemistry

(A) 20 protons; 20 electrons (B) 20 protons; 22 electrons

(C) 18 protons; 18 electrons (D) 20 protons; 18 electrons
19. Which of the following is a B emitter?
(A) 20𝐶𝑎 (B) 85𝐵 (C) 208
(D) 36𝐾𝑟
+ -
20. What are the electronic configuration of Na and Cl ions?
(A) Na+ = 2, 8, 1 and Cl– = 2, 8, 7 (B) Na+ = 2, 8 and Cl– = 2, 8, 8
(C) Na+ = 2, 8, 2 and Cl– = 2, 8, 6 (D) Na+ = 2, 8 and Cl– = 2, 8, 7

1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. c
6. c 7. d 8. a 9. a 10. c
11. c 12. b 13. d 14. c 15. c
16. c 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. b
21. b 22. c 23. c 24. c 25. a


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. D
16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B


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