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Final Assignment Lecturer

Sociolinguistics Ashleigh Sayer, M.A



Analyzed By






Analyzed by Yulianti Erlena

Sociolinguistics Course, English Department, IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin


The purpose of this paper is to analyze an expert text with implications for

teaching, within a specific genre in order to help students ultimately become better

writers and get a better understanding of the context and the culture in the text.


The text that I chose to analyze is “five steps to a better body”. This text is

adapted from Hello English Magazine. This magazine published monthly by Widya

Niti Bhasa Foundation from Semarang to provide English Learners of any

background study (especially youth) with good reading materials. I selected this text

to analyze because this text is very interesting and very unique context. I found that

have a better body and stay healthy is an expectation for everyone, especially for


This is an explanation text about the ways to get a better body. The purpose of

this text is to explain how to get a better body and how to stay healthy throughout our

lives. First, the writer discusses about the body that is healthy and always ready for

activities. Then, the writer explains about steps to get a better body. Finally, the writer

concludes that these steps will help to get a better body without feeling hungry and

deprived providently.

Context of Culture

Hello English Magazine is published monthly by Widya Niti Bhasa

Foundation, Semarang to provide English Learners of any background study

(especially youth) with good reading materials. This text explains about the ways to
get a better body and to live a healthier life providently. I think the writer is

Indonesian because this magazine published in Indonesia. The tone is informal

because the writer explains how to get a better body with using informal spoken and

the sounds like she is talking to the readers.

The beliefs, values, and attitudes that the author has about a better body are

drink water at least 8-10 cup a day, because if the body lacks of water it can slow the

metabolism and make thirst for hunger. Another important thing is we must do one

activity to keep our body moving and eat fruit for dessert, because it can save many

calories without feeling disadvantaged of that sweet taste. Also, we must try to eat

less and challenge the daily activities that it is bad for health. As a result, if these steps

are followed, it can help to get a better body.

I think these steps are very useful for everyone because, these steps will keep

the body in good health and are cost-effective. Almost of Indonesians want to see fast

results to reward their efforts. In addition, if they do the steps above, they usually

consume pharmaceutical products. We see that many pharmaceutical products that are

promoted can help to get a better body. Although, this is damaging for the health they

still like to use it and I know this because I am one of these people. I like to consume

it because I can see the result quickly. I think if we want to get a better body, we have

to think deeply about the cause – effect before we do something drastic.

Genre Analysis

The purpose of this genre analysis is to help recognize the language features

present in explanation text. In order to figure out where the writer’s strengths and

weakness are,

• Generalized non-human participants

Generalized non-human participants are Cheese lasagna, meal, cups,

treadmill, cake, the stairs, bowl, broccoli casserole, roads, fruits, pot pie, apples,

strawberries, brownies, salad, elliptical machine, snacks, water, dessert, and

chocolate bar. For example, “you can drinks lots of water and you actually want that

salad for lunch”

• Time relationships

Time relationships are Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, and then, while,

that later, and following. For example, “how can we lose weight without torturing

ourselves that later would make us depressed and then go back to meal?”

• Cause and effect relationships

Cause and effect relationships are If, but, and, or, so, at least, instead of, in

fact, as long as, and for. For example, “Start cutting back on portion sizes now, not

denying yourself, but doing what you can and you’ll find it makes a big difference

calorie-wise in the long run”.

• Functional categories of verbs

1. Action verbs (material)

Action verbs (material) are Get out, Says, Lose, find, help, go back/go, give,

drink up/drink, build, run, dance, move, save, leap, cut down, eat, come, start, finish,

get, challenge and make. For example, “following these steps at your own pace will

help you lose weight"

2. Non action verbs (mental)

Non action verbs (mental) are Heard, keep, know, love, feel/feeling, want, and

need. For example, “You’ve heard it before”

3. Relational verbs
Relational verbs are is and are for example, “dessert is usually our favorite

part of the meal”

• There are many tenses that I found in this text:

1. Simple present tense (Is, are, verb(s/es)). For example, “there are some days

where the universe with you” (nominal) and “we all know we should probably log

more minutes on the treadmill or elliptical machine”. (Verbal)

2. Simple future tense (Will help, and will get). For example, “Following these

steps at your own pace will help you lose weight”

3. Present perfect tense (have heard and have blown). For example, “You’ve heard


4. Using modal auxiliary verbs (can, should, and may). For example, “We should

all be drinking at least 8-10 cups a day”

In this explanation text the author did not use all the genre features; because

there are no passive sentences. The writer also wrote the text with using contractions

for example, “If there’s one step that’s easy to make on the road to weight loss, it’s to

drink more water” that indicated the tone is informal form. I found many tenses in this

text but in an explanation text timeless is present tense and the functional categories

of verbs are mainly action verbs.

In this text, it seems that the writer made the explanation by steps in point

form. This can also be written in paragraph form, with the time order in front of the

paragraph. In addition, the writer has to include passive sentences, because one of the

language features in an explanation text is passive’s. The text also must be written in

formal form because this text is published in a magazine and will be read by many

people, especially English Learners that want to learn more about English.

In conclusion, this analysis suggests that this writer did a nice job with the

structure of the text. The writer gives an explanation that is easy understand because

the writer breaks the process down into a series of steps and explains each step. The

writer also knows how to get attention from the readers with makes rhetorical


This is an explanation text so the writer should have used more connectives in

order to help understand the issue better. Connectives are a functional term for words

and relate people, things, and ideas to one another, and help to show the logic of the

information. The logical relationships can be grouped thus:

Temporal First (second,etc), when, now, meanwhile, finally, next, lastly afterward, soon,

then, here, previously, before, until, till, while, whenever.

Causal As, because, for, since, so, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, yet, still,

however, though, nevertheless.

Comparative Elsewhere, rather, instead, also, alternatively, in other respects, on the other hand.
Additive And, or, nor, also, furthermore, additionally, besides, likewise, similarly,

alternatively whereas, also, while, as well as.

Coordinating And, not, for, yet, but, or, so.
Using contractions in writing a text it is indicate that the text is informal form

for example, “If there’s one step that’s easy to make on the road to weight loss, it’s to

drink more water”. Usually, we use contractions in conversation and in informal

writing such as letters to friends, but we usually do not use them in formal academic

and business writing. So the writer has to write with “If there is one step that is easy

to make on the road to weight loss, it is to drink more water”.

Finally, to make a writing text more specific when tell something we can use

articles. The function of articles is to tell us that a noun or noun group is about to

follow. In this text I found that some noun without articles like “dessert is usually our
favorite part of the meal”, I think “dessert” needs an article “the” to make it seems

more specific.


How to get a healthy body, which is ready for anything? Yes, a healthy body

which, as Bacon says “is the guest of chamber of the soul, a sick, and its prison.” How can

we lose weight without torturing ourselves that later would make us depressed and then

go back to meal – lots of them! Kathryn O’Neill, a contributing author to free To Be Thin:

Diet and Weight Loss Reviews, give a helpful suggestion. Here are her five practical

steps to a better body, following these steps at your own pace will help you lose weight,

get healthier and be ready for any activities!

Step # 1: Drink Up

You’ve heard it before: We should all be drinking at least 8-10 cups a day. But

are you doing it? Are you spacing your water out through the day? Water will keep you

filled up, energized and running efficiently. Lack of water can slow the metabolism and

make you confuse thirst for hunger. If there’s one step that’s easy to make on the road

to weight loss, it’s to drink more water.

Step # 2: Move, Move, Move

We all know we should probably log more minutes on the treadmill or elliptical

machine. But what about building more exercise into your daily life? What about taking

the stairs at work or at the mall? Or taking five minutes to dance to your favorite song?

Every little bit helps with weight loss to get out there and move!

Step # 3: Eat Dessert

We love dessert. In fact, dessert is usually our favorite part of the meal. It’s

logical and natural to want something sweet to balance off the extra cheese lasagna or

that chicken and broccoli casserole. But what about having a bowl of sweet red

strawberries instead of those brownies? What about sliced apples with cinnamon instead

of chocolate chip cookies? Look for ways to build in for dessert instead of sugary snacks

and you’ll save a load of calories without feeling disadvantaged of that sweet taste.

Step # 4: Cut Down Where You Can

Ok, so you don’t want to deny yourself the cheesecake or your favorite burger.

You have to eat that birthday cake or sample your Aunt Mathilda’s famous chicken pot

pie. But do you really need to finish it? Start cutting back on portion sizes now, not

denying yourself, but doing what you can and you’ll find it makes a big difference calorie-
wise in the long run.

Step # 5: Challenge Yourself

There are some days where the universe with you. You can go without that

chocolate bar; you can drinks lots of water and you actually want that salad for lunch.

Recognize these days for what they are a chance to leap ahead in your weight loss goals

and make up for the times you feel you’ve blown it. Run with it for as long as you can.

Challenge yourself to make the healthiest choices possible and soon you’ll be feeling so

good about these choices. You’ll want to make more.

So, there they are 5 steps Towards a Better Body. While you may not lose ten

pounds in one week following these steps (on the other hand, you might….), they’ll

definitely get you started on the road to weight loss, without feeling deprived or hungry.

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